Name: luminance-hdr Version: Release: %autorelease Summary: GUI that provides a complete workflow for HDR imaging # The entire source is GPL-2.0-or-later, except: # # GPL-2.0-only: # src/HelpBrowser/schelptreemodel.{cpp,h} (before patching) # src/HelpBrowser/treeitem.{cpp,h} (before patching) # src/HelpBrowser/treemodel.{cpp,h} (before patching) # # These files are patched with changes from upstream PR#250, after which they # are BSD-3-Clause instead of GPL-2.0-only. This resolves the license # incompatibility with GPLv3+ # ( Without the # patches, we would need to remove these files in %%prep and patch out the # help browser. # # GPL-3.0-or-later: # src/StopWatch.h # src/gauss.h # src/mytime.h # src/noncopyable.h # src/opthelper.h # src/Libpfs/rt_algo.{cpp,h} # src/MainCli/ezETAProgressBar.hpp # # LGPL-2.1-or-later: # src/HdrCreation/fusionoperator.{cpp,h} # src/HdrCreation/weights.h # src/Libpfs/array2d.{hxx,h} # src/Libpfs/channel.{cpp,h} # src/Libpfs/fixedstrideiterator.h # src/Libpfs/frame.{cpp,h} # src/Libpfs/pfs.h # src/Libpfs/strideiterator.h # src/Libpfs/tag.{cpp,h} # src/Libpfs/colorspace/colorspace.{cpp,h} # src/Libpfs/exif/exifdata.{cpp,hpp} # src/Libpfs/manip/shift.{cpp,hxx,h} # src/Libpfs/utils/dotproduct.{hxx,h} # src/Libpfs/utils/minmax.{hxx,h} # src/Libpfs/utils/numeric.{hxx,h} # # BSD-3-Clause: # src/HelpBrowser/schelptreemodel.{cpp,h} (after patching) # src/HelpBrowser/treeitem.{cpp,h} (after patching) # src/HelpBrowser/treemodel.{cpp,h} (after patching) # src/UI/FlowLayout.cpp # # MIT: # src/contrib/qtwaitingspinner/QtWaitingSpinner.{cpp,h} # # BSL-1.0: (see # src/helpersse2.h # src/sleef.c # src/sleefsseavx.c # # CC0-1.0: # net.sourceforge.qtpfsgui.LuminanceHDR.appdata.xml # # Note that CC0-1.0 is allowed only for content, such as this AppData XML file. License: %{shrink: GPL-2.0-only AND GPL-3.0-or-later AND LGPL-2.1-or-later AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND BSL-1.0 AND CC0-1.0 } # Additionally, the following are only build system files and do not contribute # to the License field: # # BSL-1.0: # build_files/Modules/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake{,.in} URL: %global forgeurl Source0: %{forgeurl}/archive/v.%{version}/luminance-hdr-%{version}.tar.gz # Source1: luminance-hdr.1 Source2: luminance-hdr-cli.1 # ExcludeArch: %{ix86} # Patch: luminance-hdr- # Patch: luminance-hdr- # This patch series is a backport of upstream PR#250 # ( It resolves the # following issue, allowing us to avoid removing the help browser: # # License incompatibility # Patch: 0001-Update-help-tree-files-from-Scribus-SVN-24770.patch Patch: 0002-Fix-an-include-path-in-schelptreemodel.h.patch Patch: 0003-Comment-out-Q_OBJECT-in-ScHelpTreeModel-and-TreeMode.patch # In, wrong include in src/Common/init_fftw.h # # Fix include for std::mutex in init_fftw.h # Patch: %{forgeurl}/pull/253.patch # Fix deprecated top-level developer_name in AppData XML # Patch: %{forgeurl}/pull/277.patch # Fix build with >=exiv2-0.28.0, raise minimum to 0.27.0 Patch: 0001-Fix-build-with-exiv2-0.28.0-raise-minimum-to-0.27.0.patch BuildRequires: cmake # We choose to use the ninja backend instead of the make backend. Either works. BuildRequires: ninja-build BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils # Still required by guidelines for now # ( BuildRequires: libappstream-glib # Matches what gnome-software and others use: BuildRequires: appstream # # To compile Luminance HDR your system will need a set of tools and code # libraries called "dependencies". The following is a list of dependencies # needed to compile the latest version of Luminance HDR: # - [Qt5](, the widget toolkit used by the graphical user # interface (GUI). BuildRequires: qt5-qtbase-devel BuildRequires: qt5-qtdeclarative-devel %ifarch %{qt5_qtwebengine_arches} BuildRequires: qt5-qtwebengine-devel %else BuildRequires: qt5-qtwebkit-devel %endif BuildRequires: qt5-qttools-devel BuildRequires: qt5-qtsvg-devel # - [Exiv2](, used to read and write image metadata # (Exif, IPTC, XMP). BuildRequires: exiv2-devel # - [Little CMS](, LCMS2 is used for color # management. BuildRequires: lcms2-devel # - [libjpeg-turbo]( (or libjpeg), used to read and # write JPEG files. BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel # - [LibTIFF](, used to read and write TIFF files. BuildRequires: libtiff-devel # - [libpng](, used to read and write # PNG files. BuildRequires: libpng-devel # - [LibRaw](, used to read raw files. BuildRequires: LibRaw-devel # - [OpenEXR](, used to read and write high dynamic # range EXR files. Some distributions refer to the package as `ilmbase`. # # Upstream does not support OpenEXR 3.x, and a nontrivial patch may be # required. See and # For now, we must # use the OpenEXR 2.x compatibility package. (In the long term, this package # will risk retirement if upstream does not resume active development.) BuildRequires: openexr2-devel # - [CFITSIO](, an optional library for # reading and writing FITS files, commonly used by the astrophotographer # community. BuildRequires: cfitsio-devel # - [FFTW](, used for computing discrete Fourier transforms. # Luminance HDR requires the single-precision "float" version of FFTW3, # usually called `fftw3f` or `fftw-3-single` on MacPorts. BuildRequires: fftw-devel # - [Boost](, a set of C++ support libraries. BuildRequires: boost-devel # - [GNU Scientific Library](, GSL is used by # the Mantiuk08 tone mapping operator. BuildRequires: gsl-devel # - [Eigen3](, a C++ template library required by # by the Lischinski tone mapping operator. BuildRequires: eigen3-devel BuildRequires: librtprocess-devel BuildRequires: gtest-devel Obsoletes: qtpfsgui < 2.2.0 Provides: qtpfsgui = %{version}-%{release} # # Original version is unclear Provides: bundled(pfstools) # Version based on searching commit messages for “pfstmo”; could be out of # date. Provides: bundled(pfstmo) = 2.0.5 # A few routines from sleef are included; cannot build with upstream/system # sleef as there are downstream modifications. It is not clear which version of # sleef was used as the basis for the fork. Provides: bundled(sleef) Requires: luminance-hdr-data = %{version}-%{release} %global app_id net.sourceforge.qtpfsgui.LuminanceHDR %description Luminance HDR is a graphical user interface (based on the Qt5 toolkit) that provides a complete workflow for HDR imaging. Supported HDR formats: • OpenEXR (extension: exr) • Radiance RGBE (extension: hdr) • Tiff formats: 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff) • Raw image formats (extension: various) • PFS native format (extension: pfs) Supported LDR formats: • JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM, TIFF, FITS Supported features: • Create an HDR file from a set of images (JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure settings • Save and load HDR files • Rotate and resize HDR files • Tonemap HDR images • Projective Transformations • Copy EXIF data between sets of images • Supports internationalization Raw image formats are supported - and treated as HDR - thanks to LibRAW. The code is in part based on the existing open source packages: • “pfstools”, “pfstmo” and “pfscalibration” by Grzegorz Krawczyk and Rafal Mantiuk • “qpfstmo”, by Nicholas Phillips. Without their contribution all of this would have not been possible. %package data Summary: Architecture-independent data files for luminance-hdr License: GPL-2.0-or-later BuildArch: noarch # For icon directory: Requires: hicolor-icon-theme # For unbundled hdrhtml: Requires: pfstools %description data Architecture-independent data files for luminance-hdr, such as HTML help and translations. %prep %autosetup -n LuminanceHDR-v.%{version} -p1 # Just in case the bundled librtprocess shows up in the tarball: rm -rf librtprocess # sed -r -i \ -e 's/(TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES\(TestPoissonSolver\b.*pfstmo)'\ '[[:blank:]]*$/\1 common/' \ test/CMakeLists.txt # sed -r -i \ -e 's/(TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES\(pfstmo[[:blank:]]+)(Qt5::)/\1pfs \2/' \ src/TonemappingOperators/CMakeLists.txt # # sed -r -i \ -e 's/(TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES\(pfs[[:blank:]]+)(Qt5::)/\1rtprocess \2/' \ src/Libpfs/CMakeLists.txt # Remove bundled copy of hdrhtml from pfstools package; let the build system # install an empty directory, then replace it with a symbolic link to the # pfstools copy. rm -rf hdrhtml/* %build %cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DENABLE_UNIT_TEST:BOOL=ON -GNinja %cmake_build %install %cmake_install # Upstream installs AUTHORS, Changelog, LICENSE, and We install # documentation and license files with the %%doc and %%license macros instead, # putting them in the usual locations favored by Fedora. rm -rvf '%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/doc' # Install mimeinfo file install -t '%{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/mime/packages' -D -p -m 0644 \ luminance-hdr.xml desktop-file-install --dir=%{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications \ %{app_id}.desktop # We need to move the AppData file to the correct location. We also choose to # rename the file from upstream using the legacy .appdata.xml name to the # current .metainfo.xml used for AppData. See # install -d '%{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}' mv -v '%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/appdata/%{app_id}.appdata.xml' \ '%{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}/%{app_id}.metainfo.xml' # Still required by guidelines for now # ( appstream-util validate-relax --nonet \ '%{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}/%{app_id}.metainfo.xml' # Matches what gnome-software and others use: appstreamcli validate --no-net --explain \ '%{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}/%{app_id}.metainfo.xml' install -t '%{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1' -D -p -m 0644 \ '%{SOURCE1}' '%{SOURCE2}' %find_lang lang --with-qt rm -rvf '%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/hdrhtml' ln -s ../pfstools '%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/hdrhtml' %check # x='Mantiuk06Pyramid' %ifarch %{ix86} # TestPoissonSolver sometimes hangs on this arch only. It exists only for # multilib on x86_64 anyway, so there is very little reason to try to find a # solution. x="${x}|PoissonSolver" %endif %ctest --exclude-regex "^Test(${x})\$" %files %doc AUTHORS %doc BUGS %doc Changelog %doc README.i18n %doc %doc TODO %{_bindir}/luminance-hdr %{_bindir}/luminance-hdr-cli # While the following are technically arch-independent data files, they have # configuration-like functionality and should not be installed without the # actual application, so they belong here instead of in -data. # Shared directory ownership with shared-mime-info %dir %{_datadir}/mime/packages %{_datadir}/mime/packages/luminance-hdr.xml %{_metainfodir}/%{app_id}.metainfo.xml %{_datadir}/applications/%{app_id}.desktop %files data -f lang.lang %license LICENSE LICENSE.txt %dir %{_datadir}/luminance-hdr # Relative symbolic link to %%{_datadir}/pfstools %{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/hdrhtml # A backed-up bundled hdrhtml directory from a previous upgrade may be present: %ghost %{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/hdrhtml.rpmmoved %{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/help/ # Contents of this directory are listed by %%find_lang %dir %{_datadir}/luminance-hdr/i18n %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/luminance-hdr.png %{_mandir}/man1/luminance-hdr.1* %{_mandir}/man1/luminance-hdr-cli.1* %changelog %autochangelog