Version: 3.003 Release: 1%{dist} URL: %global foundry source-foundry %global fontlicense MIT AND Bitstream-Vera %global fontlicenses %global fontdocs %global fontdocsex %{fontlicenses} %global fontfamily Hack %global fontsummary A typeface designed for source code %global fonts *.ttf %global fontconfs 45-Hack.conf %global fontdescription %{expand: Hack is designed to be a workhorse typeface for source code. It has deep roots in the free, open source typeface community and expands upon the contributions of the Bitstream Vera & DejaVu projects. The large x-height + wide aperture + low contrast design make it legible at commonly used source code text sizes with a sweet spot that runs in the 8 - 14 range. Hack is a derivative of upstream Bitstream Vera Sans Mono and DejaVu Sans Mono source. The Hack changes are licensed under the MIT license. Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is licensed under the Bitstream Vera license and maintains reserved font names "Bitstream" and "Vera". The DejaVu changes to the Bitstream Vera source were committed to the public domain. } Source0:{version}/Hack-v%{version}-ttf.tar.xz Source1:{version}/ Source2:{version}/ # # Use systemId urn:fontconfig:fonts.dtd to reference the fonts.dtd type defintion #644 Patch0: Source10:{version}/config/fontconfig/45-Hack.conf BuildRequires: fontconfig %fontpkg %prep %setup -c cp %{SOURCE1} . cp %{SOURCE2} . cp %{SOURCE10} . %patch0 -p3 %build %fontbuild %install %fontinstall %check %fontcheck %fontfiles %changelog * Wed Nov 30 2022 Jonny Heggheim - 3.003-1 - Initial package