Name: retis Version: 1.5.2 Release: 0%{?dist} Summary: Tracing packets in the Linux networking stack, using eBPF and interfacing with control and data paths such as OvS or Netfilter. License: GPLv2 URL: Source:{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: mtls-dialect.diff %if 0%{?fedora} >= 34 BuildRequires: rust-packaging %else BuildRequires: rust-toolset BuildRequires: rustfmt %endif # Following dependencies only when not stictly using rust-packaging. BuildRequires: clang BuildRequires: curl BuildRequires: elfutils-libelf-devel BuildRequires: jq BuildRequires: libpcap-devel BuildRequires: llvm BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: zlib-devel %description Tracing packets in the Linux networking stack, using eBPF and interfacing with control and data paths such as OpenVSwitch. %prep %autosetup -n %{name}-%{version} -p1 %{__mkdir} -p .cargo cat > .cargo/config << EOF [build] rustc = "$HOME/.cargo/bin/rustc" rustdoc = "$HOME/.cargo/bin/rustdoc" [profile.release] opt-level = 3 debug = 2 strip = "none" [env] CFLAGS = "%{build_cflags}" CXXFLAGS = "%{build_cxxflags}" LDFLAGS = "%{build_ldflags}" [install] root = "%{buildroot}%{_prefix}" [term] verbose = true EOF RUSTUP_INIT_SKIP_PATH_CHECK=y curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -qy %build %if 0%{?rhel} == 8 /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo CARGO_CMD_OPTS="--no-default-features" make %{?_smp_mflags} release %else /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo make %{?_smp_mflags} release %endif %install %if 0%{?rhel} == 8 /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo CARGO_INSTALL_OPTS="--no-track --no-default-features" CARGO_CMD_OPTS="--no-default-features" make %{?_smp_mflags} install %else /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo CARGO_INSTALL_OPTS="--no-track" make %{?_smp_mflags} install %endif install -m 0755 -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/retis/profiles install -m 0644 retis/profiles/* %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/retis/profiles %check # Build of the test binary fails for some reason on copr [E0786]. # Disable the testing part for now, should be reverted later. # Not a huge deal since we already test in our CI; but not perfect either. %if 0 /usr/bin/env CARGO_HOME=.cargo make %{?_smp_mflags} test %endif %files %license retis/LICENSE %doc %{_bindir}/retis %{_sysconfdir}/retis/profiles %changelog * Fri Mar 21 2025 Antoine Tenart - 1.5.2-0 - Bump to 1.5.2. - Fix conntrack zone id being truncated. - Fix 2 BPF verifier issues. * Mon Jan 27 2025 Antoine Tenart - 1.5.1-0 - Bump to 1.5.1. - Fixing segfaults when using UDST probes. * Wed Dec 18 2024 Antoine Tenart - 1.5.0-0 - Bump to 1.5.0. - Python bindings. - Improved meta-filtering. - ifdump profile. - Many other improvements. * Wed Apr 24 2024 Antoine Tenart - 1.4.0-0 - Bump to 1.4.0. - Auto-completion. - Bitfield support in meta-filtering. - New inspect command. - Probe-stack mode. - Many other improvements. * Mon Mar 04 2024 Antoine Tenart - 1.3.2-0 - Bump to 1.3.1. - Wait for all probes to be installed before starting the collection. - Update btf-rs to 1.1. * Fri Jan 19 2024 Antoine Tenart - 1.3.1-0 - Bump to 1.3.1. - Improved symbols validation. - Fixed packet size computation in BPF for some cases. - Improved meta filtering input validation. - Better fixed a BPF verifier issue on older kernels. - Fixed a BPF verifier issue on newer kernels. * Wed Dec 20 2023 Antoine Tenart - 1.3.0-0 - Bump to 1.3.0. - Pcap post-processing command. - Meta filtering support. - L3 filtering support. - Wildcard support for all probe types (was kprobe-only). - Pager support in post-processing commands. - Non-core drop reasons support. - Improved logging. - Mulitple improvements & fixes. * Fri Nov 24 2023 Antoine Tenart - 1.2.1-0 - Bump to 1.2.0. - Multiple OvS related bug fixes. * Thu Sep 28 2023 Antoine Tenart - 1.2.0-0 - Bump to 1.2.0. - Performances improvements. - Conntrack support. - ARP support in the skb collector. - New actions in the OvS collector. - Bug fixes. * Tue Jul 25 2023 Antoine Tenart - 1.1.0-0 - Bump to 1.1.0: better CoreOS & container environments support. * Thu Jun 15 2023 Antoine Tenart - 1.0.0-0 - Initial release.