#----------------------------------------------------------------------------bh- # This RPM .spec file is part of the OpenHPC project. # # It may have been modified from the default version supplied by the underlying # release package (if available) in order to apply patches, perform customized # build/install configurations, and supply additional files to support # desired integration conventions. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------eh- %{!?_rel:%{expand:%%global _rel 0.r%(test "1686" != "0000" && echo "1686" || svnversion | sed 's/[^0-9].*$//' | grep '^[0-9][0-9]*$' || git svn find-rev `git show -s --pretty=format:%h` || echo 0000)}} %include %{_sourcedir}/OHPC_macros %define pname warewulf-vnfs %define dname vnfs Summary: Warewulf VNFS Module Name: %{pname}%{PROJ_DELIM} Version: 3.8.1 Release: %{_rel}%{?dist} License: US Dept. of Energy (BSD-like) Group: %{PROJ_NAME}/provisioning URL: http://warewulf.lbl.gov/ Source0: https://github.com/warewulf/warewulf3/archive/3.8.1.tar.gz#/warewulf3-%{version}.tar.gz Source3: rhel-7.tmpl # 03/13/15 karl.w.schulz@intel.com - honor local proxy setting if defined (rhel) Patch1: warewulf-vnfs.rhel-proxy.patch # 02/23/17 reese.baird@intel.com - default to pigz for vnfs compression Patch2: warewulf-vnfs.pigz.patch # 02/23/17 reese.baird@intel.com - fixes for zypper in wwmkchroot Patch3: warewulf-vnfs.wwmkchroot.patch # 02/23/17 reese.baird@intel.com - fixes unicode in files inserted to vnfs Patch4: warewulf-vnfs.utf8.patch # 10/10/17 reese.baird@intel.com - fixes bootstrap kernel name on sles Patch5: warewulf-vnfs.bootstrap.kernel.patch # 10/13/17 karl.w.schulz@intel.com - fixes bootstrap kernel format on aarch64 on sles Patch6: warewulf-vnfs.bootstrap.aarch64.patch # 10/23/17 reese.baird@intel.com - allows bootstrap with usb netdev Patch7: warewulf-vnfs.bootstrap_usb.patch # 10/31/17 reese.baird@intel.com - allow altarch yum mirror Patch8: warewulf-vnfs.centos_aarch64.patch # 03/05/18 reese.baird@intel.com - load msr driver for SLES Patch9: warewulf-vnfs.bootstrap.msr.patch # 05/14/18 reese.baird@intel.com - create /dev/urandom in chroot for centos7 Patch10: warewulf-vnfs.urandom-chroot.patch ### merged upstream -- remove in 3.8.2 Patch11: warewulf-vnfs.nvme.patch ExclusiveOS: linux Requires: warewulf-common%{PROJ_DELIM} Requires: pigz BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: warewulf-common%{PROJ_DELIM} Conflicts: warewulf < 3 %if 0%{!?sles_version} && 0%{!?suse_version} BuildArch: noarch %endif # Previous version had an architecture in its release. This is necessary for # YUM to properly update a package of a different BuildArch... Obsoletes: warewulf-vnfs < 3.2-0 %description Warewulf >= 3 is a set of utilities designed to better enable utilization and maintenance of clusters or groups of computers. This is the VNFS module which supports the creation and management of Virtual Node FileSystem objects. %prep %setup -n warewulf3-%{version} cd %{dname} %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %if 0%{!?sles_version} && 0%{!?suse_version} %patch5 -p1 %else %ifarch aarch64 %patch6 -p1 %patch7 -p1 %patch8 -p1 %endif %endif %patch9 -p1 %patch10 -p1 %patch11 -p2 %build cd %{dname} if [ ! -f configure ]; then ./autogen.sh fi %configure %{__make} %{?mflags} %install cd %{dname} %{__make} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{?mflags_install} %{__mkdir} -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_docdir} install -m 755 %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libexecdir}/warewulf/* %files %{OHPC_PUB} %doc %{dname}/AUTHORS %{dname}/COPYING %{dname}/ChangeLog %{dname}/INSTALL %{dname}/NEWS %{dname}/README %{dname}/TODO %{dname}/LICENSE %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/warewulf/vnfs.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/warewulf/bootstrap.conf %{_libexecdir}/warewulf/* %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/*