#----------------------------------------------------------------------------bh- # This RPM .spec file is part of the OpenHPC project. # # It may have been modified from the default version supplied by the underlying # release package (if available) in order to apply patches, perform customized # build/install configurations, and supply additional files to support # desired integration conventions. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------eh- %include %{_sourcedir}/OHPC_macros %define pname spack Name: %{pname}%{PROJ_DELIM} Version: 0.12.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: HPC software package management Group: %{PROJ_NAME}/dev-tools License: LGPL URL: https://github.com/LLNL/spack Source0: https://github.com/LLNL/%{pname}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: rsync BuildRequires: python Requires: python >= 2.6 Requires: bash Requires: curl Requires: coreutils Requires: subversion Requires: hg Requires: patch %if 0%{?suse_version} Requires: python-mock %else Requires: python2-mock %endif %global install_path %{OHPC_ADMIN}/%{pname}/%version # Turn off the brp-python-bytecompile script %global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-python-bytecompile[[:space:]].*$!!g') %description Spack is a package management tool designed to support multiple versions and configurations of software on a wide variety of platforms and environments. It was designed for large supercomputing centers, where many users and application teams share common installations of software on clusters with exotic architectures, using libraries that do not have a standard ABI. Spack is non-destructive: installing a new version does not break existing installations, so many configurations can coexist on the same system. Most importantly, Spack is simple. It offers a simple spec syntax so that users can specify versions and configuration options concisely. Spack is also simple for package authors: package files are written in pure Python, and specs allow package authors to write a single build script for many different builds of the same package. %prep %setup -q -n %{pname}-%{version} %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{install_path} rsync -av --exclude=.gitignore {etc,bin,lib,var,share} %{buildroot}%{install_path} # OpenHPC module file %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{OHPC_ADMIN}/modulefiles/spack %{__cat} << EOF > %{buildroot}/%{OHPC_ADMIN}/modulefiles/spack/%{version} #%Module1.0##################################################################### module-whatis "Name: Spack" module-whatis "Version: %{version}" module-whatis "Category: System/Configuration" module-whatis "Description: Spack package management" module-whatis "URL: https://github.com/LLNL/spack/" set version %{version} set SPACK_ROOT %{install_path} prepend-path PATH %{install_path}/bin prepend-path MODULEPATH %{install_path}/modules EOF %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_docdir} %files %{OHPC_HOME} %doc LICENSE* README.md