package main import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) /* Window on-leave-notify event hides the window with glib Timeout 1000 ms. We might have left the window by accident, so let's clear the timeout if window re-entered. Furthermore - hovering a widget triggers window on-leave-notify event, and the timeout needs to be cleared as well. */ func cancelClose() { if src > 0 { glib.SourceRemove(src) src = 0 } } func createPixbuf(icon string, size int) (*gdk.Pixbuf, error) { iconTheme, err := gtk.IconThemeGetDefault() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Couldn't get default theme: ", err) } if strings.Contains(icon, "/") { pixbuf, err := gdk.PixbufNewFromFileAtSize(icon, size, size) if err != nil { println(err) return nil, err } return pixbuf, nil } else if strings.HasSuffix(icon, ".svg") || strings.HasSuffix(icon, ".png") || strings.HasSuffix(icon, ".xpm") { // for enties like "Icon=netflix-desktop.svg" icon = strings.Split(icon, ".")[0] } pixbuf, err := iconTheme.LoadIcon(icon, size, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE) if err != nil { if strings.HasPrefix(icon, "/") { pixbuf, err := gdk.PixbufNewFromFileAtSize(icon, size, size) if err != nil { return nil, err } return pixbuf, nil } pixbuf, err := iconTheme.LoadIcon(icon, size, gtk.ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE) if err != nil { return nil, err } return pixbuf, nil } return pixbuf, nil } func mapXdgUserDirs() map[string]string { result := make(map[string]string) home := os.Getenv("HOME") result["home"] = home result["documents"] = filepath.Join(home, "Documents") result["downloads"] = filepath.Join(home, "Downloads") result["music"] = filepath.Join(home, "Music") result["pictures"] = filepath.Join(home, "Pictures") result["videos"] = filepath.Join(home, "Videos") userDirsFile := filepath.Join(home, ".config/user-dirs.dirs") if pathExists(userDirsFile) { println(fmt.Sprintf("Using XDG user dirs from %s", userDirsFile)) lines, _ := loadTextFile(userDirsFile) for _, l := range lines { if strings.HasPrefix(l, "XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR") { result["documents"] = getUserDir(home, l) continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR") { result["downloads"] = getUserDir(home, l) continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "XDG_MUSIC_DIR") { result["music"] = getUserDir(home, l) continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "XDG_PICTURES_DIR") { result["pictures"] = getUserDir(home, l) continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "XDG_VIDEOS_DIR") { result["videos"] = getUserDir(home, l) } } } else { println(fmt.Sprintf("%s file not found, using defaults", userDirsFile)) } return result } func getUserDir(home, line string) string { // line is supposed to look like XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR="$HOME/Dokumenty" result := strings.Split(line, "=")[1] result = strings.Replace(result, "$HOME", home, 1) // trim "" return result[1 : len(result)-1] } func cacheDir() string { if os.Getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME") != "" { return os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") } if os.Getenv("HOME") != "" && pathExists(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".cache")) { p := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), ".cache") return p } return "" } func tempDir() string { if os.Getenv("TMPDIR") != "" { return os.Getenv("TMPDIR") } else if os.Getenv("TEMP") != "" { return os.Getenv("TEMP") } else if os.Getenv("TMP") != "" { return os.Getenv("TMP") } return "/tmp" } func readTextFile(path string) (string, error) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return "", err } return string(bytes), nil } func configDir() string { if os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") != "" { dir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/nwg-panel", os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) createDir(dir) return (fmt.Sprintf("%s/nwg-panel", os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))) } dir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.config/nwg-panel", os.Getenv("HOME")) createDir(dir) return dir } func createDir(dir string) { if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) { err := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm) if err == nil { fmt.Println("Creating dir:", dir) } } } func copyFile(src, dst string) error { fmt.Println("Copying file:", dst) var err error var srcfd *os.File var dstfd *os.File var srcinfo os.FileInfo if srcfd, err = os.Open(src); err != nil { return err } defer srcfd.Close() if dstfd, err = os.Create(dst); err != nil { return err } defer dstfd.Close() if _, err = io.Copy(dstfd, srcfd); err != nil { return err } if srcinfo, err = os.Stat(src); err != nil { return err } return os.Chmod(dst, srcinfo.Mode()) } func getAppDirs() []string { var dirs []string xdgDataDirs := "" home := os.Getenv("HOME") xdgDataHome := os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") if os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS") != "" { xdgDataDirs = os.Getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS") } else { xdgDataDirs = "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/" } if xdgDataHome != "" { dirs = append(dirs, filepath.Join(xdgDataHome, "applications")) } else if home != "" { dirs = append(dirs, filepath.Join(home, ".local/share/applications")) } for _, d := range strings.Split(xdgDataDirs, ":") { dirs = append(dirs, filepath.Join(d, "applications")) } flatpakDirs := []string{filepath.Join(home, ".local/share/flatpak/exports/share/applications"), "/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/applications"} for _, d := range flatpakDirs { if !isIn(dirs, d) { dirs = append(dirs, d) } } return dirs } func listFiles(dir string) ([]fs.FileInfo, error) { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir) if err == nil { return files, nil } return nil, err } func listDesktopFiles() []string { var paths []string for _, dir := range appDirs { dirs, err := listFiles(dir) if err == nil { for _, file := range dirs { parts := strings.Split(file.Name(), ".") if parts[len(parts)-1] == "desktop" { paths = append(paths, filepath.Join(dir, file.Name())) } } } } return paths } func setUpCategories() { path := "/usr/share/nwg-menu/desktop-directories" var other category for _, cName := range categoryNames { fileName := fmt.Sprintf("", cName) lines, err := loadTextFile(filepath.Join(path, fileName)) if err == nil { var cat category cat.Name = cName name := "" nameLoc := "" icon := "" for _, l := range lines { if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Name=") { name = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, fmt.Sprintf("Name[%s]=", strings.Split(*lang, "_")[0])) { nameLoc = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Icon=") { icon = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } } if nameLoc == "" { for _, l := range lines { if strings.HasPrefix(l, fmt.Sprintf("Name[%s]=", *lang)) { nameLoc = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] break } } } if nameLoc != "" { cat.DisplayName = nameLoc } else { cat.DisplayName = name } cat.Icon = icon // We want "other" to be the last one. Let's append it when already sorted if fileName != "" { categories = append(categories, cat) } else { other = cat } } } sort.Slice(categories, func(i, j int) bool { return categories[i].DisplayName < categories[j].DisplayName }) categories = append(categories, other) } func parseDesktopFiles(desktopFiles []string) { id2entry = make(map[string]desktopEntry) var added []string skipped := 0 hidden := 0 for _, file := range desktopFiles { lines, err := loadTextFile(file) if err == nil { parts := strings.Split(file, "/") desktopID := parts[len(parts)-1] name := "" nameLoc := "" comment := "" commentLoc := "" icon := "" exec := "" terminal := false noDisplay := false categories := "" for _, l := range lines { if strings.HasPrefix(l, "[") && l != "[Desktop Entry]" { break } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Name=") { name = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, fmt.Sprintf("Name[%s]=", strings.Split(*lang, "_")[0])) { nameLoc = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Comment=") { comment = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, fmt.Sprintf("Comment[%s]=", strings.Split(*lang, "_")[0])) { commentLoc = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Icon=") { icon = strings.Split(l, "=")[1] continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Exec=") { exec = strings.Split(l, "Exec=")[1] disallowed := [2]string{"\"", "'"} for _, char := range disallowed { exec = strings.Replace(exec, char, "", -1) } continue } if strings.HasPrefix(l, "Categories=") { categories = strings.Split(l, "Categories=")[1] continue } if l == "Terminal=true" { terminal = true continue } if l == "NoDisplay=true" { noDisplay = true hidden++ continue } } // if name[ln] not found, let's try to find name[ln_LN] if nameLoc == "" { nameLoc = name } if commentLoc == "" { commentLoc = comment } if !isIn(added, desktopID) { added = append(added, desktopID) var entry desktopEntry entry.DesktopID = desktopID entry.Name = name entry.NameLoc = nameLoc entry.Comment = comment entry.CommentLoc = commentLoc entry.Icon = icon entry.Exec = exec entry.Terminal = terminal entry.NoDisplay = noDisplay desktopEntries = append(desktopEntries, entry) id2entry[entry.DesktopID] = entry assignToLists(entry.DesktopID, categories) } else { skipped++ } } } println(fmt.Sprintf("Skipped %v duplicates; %v .desktop entries hidden by \"NoDisplay=true\"", skipped, hidden)) } // freedesktop Main Categories list consists of 13 entries. Let's contract it to 8+1 ("Other"). func assignToLists(desktopID, categories string) { cats := strings.Split(categories, ";") assigned := false for _, cat := range cats { if cat == "Utility" && !isIn(listUtility, desktopID) { listUtility = append(listUtility, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if cat == "Development" && !isIn(listDevelopment, desktopID) { listDevelopment = append(listDevelopment, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if cat == "Game" && !isIn(listGame, desktopID) { listGame = append(listGame, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if cat == "Graphics" && !isIn(listGraphics, desktopID) { listGraphics = append(listGraphics, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if cat == "Network" && !isIn(listInternetAndNetwork, desktopID) { listInternetAndNetwork = append(listInternetAndNetwork, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if isIn([]string{"Office", "Science", "Education"}, cat) && !isIn(listOffice, desktopID) { listOffice = append(listOffice, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if isIn([]string{"AudioVideo", "Audio", "Video"}, cat) && !isIn(listAudioVideo, desktopID) { listAudioVideo = append(listAudioVideo, desktopID) assigned = true continue } if isIn([]string{"Settings", "System", "DesktopSettings", "PackageManager"}, cat) && !isIn(listSystemTools, desktopID) { listSystemTools = append(listSystemTools, desktopID) assigned = true continue } } if categories != "" && !assigned && !isIn(listOther, desktopID) { listOther = append(listOther, desktopID) } } func isIn(slice []string, val string) bool { for _, item := range slice { if item == val { return true } } return false } func pathExists(name string) bool { if _, err := os.Stat(name); err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { return false } } return true } func loadTextFile(path string) ([]string, error) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } lines := strings.Split(string(bytes), "\n") var output []string for _, line := range lines { line = strings.TrimSpace(line) if line != "" { output = append(output, line) } } return output, nil } func pinItem(itemID string) { for _, item := range pinned { if item == itemID { println(item, "already pinned") return } } pinned = append(pinned, itemID) savePinned() println(itemID, "pinned") row := setUpPinnedListBoxRow(itemID) pinnedListBox.Add(row) pinnedListBox.ShowAll() } func unpinItem(itemID string) { if isIn(pinned, itemID) { pinned = remove(pinned, itemID) savePinned() println(itemID, "unpinned") } } func remove(s []string, r string) []string { for i, v := range s { if v == r { return append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...) } } return s } func savePinned() { f, err := os.OpenFile(pinnedFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0755) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() for _, line := range pinned { if line != "" { _, err := f.WriteString(line + "\n") if err != nil { println("Error saving pinned", err) } } } } func launch(command string, terminal bool) { // trim % and everything afterwards if strings.Contains(command, "%") { cutAt := strings.Index(command, "%") if cutAt != -1 { command = command[:cutAt-1] } } elements := strings.Split(command, " ") // find prepended env variables, if any envVarsNum := strings.Count(command, "=") var envVars []string cmdIdx := 0 lastEnvVarIdx := 0 if envVarsNum > 0 { for idx, item := range elements { if strings.Contains(item, "=") { lastEnvVarIdx = idx envVars = append(envVars, item) } } cmdIdx = lastEnvVarIdx + 1 } cmd := exec.Command(elements[cmdIdx], elements[1+cmdIdx:]...) if terminal { args := []string{"-e", elements[cmdIdx]} cmd = exec.Command(*term, args...) } // set env variables if len(envVars) > 0 { cmd.Env = os.Environ() cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, envVars...) } msg := fmt.Sprintf("env vars: %s; command: '%s'; args: %s\n", envVars, elements[cmdIdx], elements[1+cmdIdx:]) println(msg) go cmd.Run() glib.TimeoutAdd(uint(150), func() bool { gtk.MainQuit() return false }) } func open(filePath string) { cmd := exec.Command(*fileManager, filePath) go cmd.Run() glib.TimeoutAdd(uint(150), func() bool { gtk.MainQuit() return false }) } // Returns map output name -> gdk.Monitor func mapOutputs() (map[string]*gdk.Monitor, error) { result := make(map[string]*gdk.Monitor) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond) defer cancel() client, err := sway.New(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } outputs, err := client.GetOutputs(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } display, err := gdk.DisplayGetDefault() if err != nil { return nil, err } num := display.GetNMonitors() for i := 0; i < num; i++ { monitor, _ := display.GetMonitor(i) geometry := monitor.GetGeometry() // assign output to monitor on the basis of the same x, y coordinates for _, output := range outputs { if int(output.Rect.X) == geometry.GetX() && int(output.Rect.Y) == geometry.GetY() { result[output.Name] = monitor } } } return result, nil }