%define major 0 %define libname Herwig %define libnamedev Herwig-devel %define develnamestatic Herwig-static-devel %undefine __brp_mangle_shebangs %define _configure_libtool_hardening_hack 0 Name: Herwig Version: 7.3.0 Release: 1003%{?dist} Summary: Herwig is a multi-purpose particle physics event generator. License: GPLv3 Source0: https://www.hepforge.org/archive/herwig/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: patch-Herwig-0.txt Url: https://herwig.hepforge.org/ BuildRequires: MG5_aMC lhapdf-sets-Herwig zlib zlib-devel fastjet-devel BuildRequires: openloops njet gsl-devel gosam autoconf automake libtool gengetopt Requires: MG5_aMC lhapdf-sets-Herwig zlib fastjet gosam gsl njet openloops Requires: ThePEG == 2.3.0 Requires: ThePEG-devel == 2.3.0 BuildRequires: ThePEG == 2.3.0 BuildRequires: ThePEG-devel == 2.3.0 %if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: lhapdf-devel pythia8-devel boost boost-devel Requires: boost lhapdf pythia8 %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: LHAPDF-devel pythia-devel pythia-doc libLHAPDF libpythia8 Requires: libLHAPDF libpythia8 pythia-doc BuildRequires: libboost_filesystem-devel BuildRequires: libboost_headers-devel BuildRequires: libboost_system-devel BuildRequires: libboost_test-devel PHOTOS PHOTOS-devel TAUOLA TAUOLA-devel %endif Requires: EvtGen >= 2.0.0 Requires: EvtGen-devel >= 2.0.0 BuildRequires: EvtGen >= 2.0.0 BuildRequires: EvtGen-devel >= 2.0.0 Requires: VBFNLO BuildRequires: VBFNLO %if %{?rhel}%{!?rhel:0} >= 8 BuildRequires: python3 platform-python-devel %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: python3 %endif %if %{?fedora}%{!?fedora:0} BuildRequires: python3 python3-devel %endif %if %{?fedora}%{!?fedora:0} >= 39 BuildRequires: python3-rpm-macros %endif %if %{?fedora}%{!?fedora:0} || %{?rhel}%{!?rhel:0} >= 8 BuildRequires: gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: gcc-c++ gcc-fortran %endif Prefix: %{_prefix} %description It is built based on the experience gained with both the HERWIG 6 and Herwig++ 2 event generators. Continuing the Herwig++ 2 development, Herwig 7.0 (Herwig++ 3.0) replaces any prior HERWIG or Herwig++ versions. Herwig provides significantly improved and extended physics capabilities when compared to both its predecessors, HERWIG 6 and Herwig++ 2, while keeping the key model motivations such as coherent parton showers (including angular-ordered and dipole-based evolution), the cluster hadronization model, an eikonal multiple-interaction model, highly flexible BSM capabilities and improved perturbative input using next-to-leading order QCD. %package devel Summary: Libraries and headers for %{name} Requires: %{libname} = %{version} Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} Prefix: %{_prefix} %description devel %{libnamedev} contains the libraries and header files needed to develop programs which make use of %{name}. The library documentation is available on header files. #Yes, suse is stupid %if 0%{?suse_version} %debug_package %endif %prep %setup -q %patch -P 0 -p 1 %build %if %{?fedora}%{!?fedora:0} || %{?rhel}%{!?rhel:0} >= 8 %if %{?fedora}%{!?fedora:0} >= 39 %py3_shebang_fix ./ %py3_shebang_fix MatrixElement/Matchbox/External/MadGraph %else pathfix.py -i /usr/bin/python3 -p -n ./ pathfix.py -pn -i %{__python3} MatrixElement/Matchbox/External/MadGraph %endif autoreconf --force --install --verbose . automake -a --force export LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,lazy' %if %{?fedora}%{!?fedora:0} FCFLAGS="-fallow-argument-mismatch" FFLAGS="-fallow-argument-mismatch" %endif %configure --disable-rpath --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-evtgen=%_prefix --with-madgraph=%_prefix --with-openloops=%_prefix/%_lib/openloops --with-pythia=%_prefix --with-evtgen=%_prefix --with-thepeg=%_prefix --with-gosam=%_prefix --with-gosam-contrib=%_libdir --with-njet=%_prefix --libdir=/usr/%_lib --with-vbfnlo=/usr make %{?_smp_mflags} %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} #pathfix.py -i /usr/bin/python3 -p -n ./ autoreconf --force --install --verbose . automake -a --force export LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,lazy' FCFLAGS="-fallow-argument-mismatch" FFLAGS="-fallow-argument-mismatch" %configure --disable-rpath --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-evtgen=%_prefix --with-madgraph=%_prefix --with-openloops=%_prefix/%_lib/openloops --with-pythia=%_prefix --with-evtgen=%_prefix --with-thepeg=%_prefix --with-gosam=%_prefix --with-gosam-contrib=%_libdir --with-njet=%_prefix --libdir=/usr/%_lib --with-vbfnlo=/usr make %{?_smp_mflags} %endif %install %make_install sed -i "s|${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}||g" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/share/Herwig/defaults/PDF.in # contains Rivet /usr/share/Herwig/snippets/DipoleMerging.in export QA_RPATHS=3 %files -n %{libname} %_bindir/* %_datadir/Herwig %_libdir/Herwig %files -n %{libnamedev} %_bindir/herwig-config %_includedir/Herwig %changelog * Tue Jul 12 2022 Andrii Verbytskyi andrii.verbytskyi@mpp.mpg.de - 7.2.3 * Fri Sep 17 2021 Andrii Verbytskyi 7.2.2 - Try to make it work with newer madgraph * Sun Aug 01 2021 Andrii Verbytskyi andrii.verbytskyi@mpp.mpg.de - RPATH * Thu Feb 18 2021 Andrii Verbytskyi 7.2.2 + Spec for 7.2.2 * Sat Jan 09 2021 Andrii Verbytskyi 7.2.1 + Spec for 7.2.1 on EL8 * Thu Jan 17 2019 Andrii Verbytskyi 7.1.4 + Spec for 7.1.4 * Fri Dec 22 2017 Andrii Verbytskyi 7.1.2 + Spec for 7.1.2 * Thu May 26 2016 Andrii Verbytskyi 7.0.2 + Initial spec file