Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
You can reproduce this build on your computer by running:
sudo dnf install copr-rpmbuild
/usr/bin/copr-rpmbuild --verbose --drop-resultdir --task-url https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/backend/get-build-task/7698775-fedora-40-aarch64 --chroot fedora-40-aarch64
Version: 0.73
PID: 8100
Logging PID: 8101
{'allow_user_ssh': False,
'appstream': False,
'background': False,
'build_id': 7698775,
'buildroot_pkgs': [],
'chroot': 'fedora-40-aarch64',
'enable_net': False,
'fedora_review': False,
'git_hash': 'e6e299b11d2579c4a23461bcea777402af452fab',
'git_repo': 'https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/barsnick/fed-newer/rapidyaml',
'isolation': 'default',
'memory_reqs': 2048,
'package_name': 'rapidyaml',
'package_version': '0.6.0-2',
'project_dirname': 'fed-newer',
'project_name': 'fed-newer',
'project_owner': 'barsnick',
'repo_priority': None,
'repos': [{'baseurl': 'https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/barsnick/fed-newer/fedora-40-aarch64/',
'id': 'copr_base',
'name': 'Copr repository',
'priority': None}],
'sandbox': 'barsnick/fed-newer--barsnick',
'source_json': {},
'source_type': None,
'ssh_public_keys': None,
'submitter': 'barsnick',
'tags': [],
'task_id': '7698775-fedora-40-aarch64',
'timeout': 18000,
'uses_devel_repo': False,
'with_opts': [],
'without_opts': []}
Running: git clone https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/barsnick/fed-newer/rapidyaml /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-x6gclttm/rapidyaml --depth 500 --no-single-branch --recursive
cmd: ['git', 'clone', 'https://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/git/barsnick/fed-newer/rapidyaml', '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-x6gclttm/rapidyaml', '--depth', '500', '--no-single-branch', '--recursive']
cwd: .
rc: 0
stderr: Cloning into '/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-x6gclttm/rapidyaml'...
Running: git checkout e6e299b11d2579c4a23461bcea777402af452fab --
cmd: ['git', 'checkout', 'e6e299b11d2579c4a23461bcea777402af452fab', '--']
cwd: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/workspace/workdir-x6gclttm/rapidyaml
rc: 0
stderr: Note: switching to 'e6e299b11d2579c4a23461bcea777402af452fab'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
git switch -c "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown "Three is always greater than two,\n
27: even for large values of two" --Author Unknown
27: date: 2007-06-01
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bb38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592520 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15925b8 KEYVAL: 'message' '
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592650 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1796000 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1796090 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1796120 KEYVAL: 'message' '
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad17961b0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs)
27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bc50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592740 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15927d8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1798080 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1798110 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17981a0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bd68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592920 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15929b8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179a050 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad179a0e0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad179a170 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159be80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592ab0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592b48 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179bf80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad179c010 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad179c0a0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bf98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592c40 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592cd8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179df50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad179dfe0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad179e070 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c0b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15923d0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179ffa0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a0030 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c1c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592e20 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a1f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a2000 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c2e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592f10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592fa8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a3f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a3ff0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a4080 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |2
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c3f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15930a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593138 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a5ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a5f30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a5fc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |+2
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c510 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593230 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15932c8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a7ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a7f30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a7fc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |-2
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c628 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15933c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593458 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a9eb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a9f40 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a9fd0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c740 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593550 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15935e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17abec0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17abf50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17abfe0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |3
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c858 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15936e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593778 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17aded0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17adf60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17adff0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c970 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593870 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593908 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17aff00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17aff90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17b0020 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |4
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ca88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593a00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593a98 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b1f30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b1fc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17b2050 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159cba0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b3f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b3f90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ccb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593c80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b5ef0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b5f80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159cdd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593e08 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b7fb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b8040 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17b80d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |9
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159cee8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596290 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1596328 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ba160 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ba1f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17ba280 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d000 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596470 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596510 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17bbe90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17bbf20 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17bbfb0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596600 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15966a0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17bdc20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17bdcb0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17bdd40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad159ada0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad159ae40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17bfa10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17bfaa0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17bfb30 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: aaa: |2
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593fa0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1594038 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c1740 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17c17d0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17c1860 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - aaa: |2
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d460 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15963d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594270 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1594308 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c3470 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17c3500 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17c3590 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad17c3620 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d578 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c51a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c6ed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d7a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c8c00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d8c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ca930 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d9d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17cc660 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159daf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ce390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159dc08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d00c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159dd20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d1df0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159de38 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d3b20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159df50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d5850 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e068 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d7580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e180 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d92b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594770 VAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17dafe0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17db070 VAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e3b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594860 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17dcd10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17dcda0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e4c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594950 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17dea40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17dead0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e5e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594a40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e0770 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17e0800 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e6f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e24a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17e2530 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594c20 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e41d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17e4260 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e928 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e5f00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ea40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e7c30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159eb58 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e9960 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ec70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594e00 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17eb690 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17eb720 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ed88 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594ef0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ed3c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ed450 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159eea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ef0f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ef180 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159efb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15950d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f0e20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17f0eb0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f0d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f2b50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f1e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f4880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f300 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f65b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f418 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15952b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f82e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17f8370 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f530 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15953a0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17fa090 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17fa120 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f648 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17fbe40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f760 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15954e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17fdbf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17fdc80 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f878 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15955d0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ff9a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ffa30 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f990 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1801750 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159faa8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1803500 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159fbc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18052b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159fcd8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1807060 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159fdf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1808e10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ff08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad180abc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0020 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad180c970 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0138 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad180e720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0250 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18104c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0368 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18122d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18140e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0598 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1815f00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a06b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1817cb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a07c8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1819a60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a08e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad181b810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a09f8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad181d5c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad181f370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0c28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1821120 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0d40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1822ed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0e58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15940e0 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1594178 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1824c80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1824d10 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1824da0 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1595d00 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1595d98 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1826a30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1826ac0 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1826b50 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: ---
27: |
27: hello
27: there
27: ---
27: |
27: hello
27: there
27: ---
27: |
27: hello
27: there
27: ---
27: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159af30 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children:
27: 0xaaaad1591560 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15915f8 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1591690 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1591728 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15917c0 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1591858 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15918f0 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1591a30 VAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1591ac8 VAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1591988 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1591b70 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1591c08 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1827340 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18273d0 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1827460 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18274f0 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad1827580 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad1827610 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad18276a0 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad1827730 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad18277c0 VAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad1827850 VAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad18278e0 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad1827970 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad1827a00 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1
27: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_literal.cpp:381:2:1: (5B):ERROR: parse error
27: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_literal.cpp:381:2:1: hello (size=5)
27: ^~~~~ (cols 1-6)
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2
27: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/parse.cpp:3881:check failed: has_none(SSCL)
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3
27: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_literal.cpp:401:2:1: (8B):ERROR: indentation decreased without any scalar
27: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_literal.cpp:401:2:1: hello (size=6)
27: ^~~~~~ (cols 1-7)
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: --- |2
27: hello
27: there
27: ---------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: --- |1----------------
27: 0xaaaad159b390 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592480 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18297a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1829830 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: --- |1+---------------
27: 0xaaaad159b4a8 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592010 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182a0b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182a140 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: --- |+---------------
27: 0xaaaad159b5c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592100 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182a9c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182aa50 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |1----------------
27: 0xaaaad159b6d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182b2d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |1+---------------
27: 0xaaaad159b7f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182bbe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+---------------
27: 0xaaaad159b908 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182c4f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ba20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15922e0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182ce00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182ce90 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: >
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: 2007-06-01
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bb38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592520 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15925b8 KEYVAL: 'message' '
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592650 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182d710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182d7a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182d830 KEYVAL: 'message' '
27: ' (3 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad182d8c0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs)
27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bc50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592740 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15927d8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182e020 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182e0b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182e140 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bd68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592920 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15929b8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182e930 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182e9c0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182ea50 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159be80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592ab0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592b48 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182f240 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182f2d0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182f360 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159bf98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592c40 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592cd8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182fb50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182fbe0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182fc70 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c0b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15923d0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1830460 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18304f0 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c1c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592e20 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1830d70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1830e00 VAL: 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c2e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1592f10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1592fa8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1831680 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1831710 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18317a0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |2
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c3f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15930a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593138 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1831f90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1832020 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18320b0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |+2
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c510 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593230 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15932c8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18328a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1832930 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18329c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |-2
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c628 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15933c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593458 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18331b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1833240 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18332d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c740 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593550 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad15935e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1833ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1833b50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1833be0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |3
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c858 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15936e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593778 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18343d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1834460 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18344f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159c970 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593870 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593908 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1834ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1834d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1834e00 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |4
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ca88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593a00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593a98 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18355f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1835680 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1835710 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159cba0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1835f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1835f90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ccb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593c80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1836810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18368a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159cdd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1593e08 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1837120 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18371b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1837240 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: example: |9
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159cee8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596290 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1596328 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1837a30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1837ac0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1837b50 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d000 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596470 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596510 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1838340 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18383d0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1838460 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1596600 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15966a0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1838c50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1838ce0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1838d70 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad159ada0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad159ae40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1839560 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18395f0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1839680 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: aaa: |2
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1593fa0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1594038 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1839e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1839f00 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1839f90 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - aaa: |2
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d460 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15963d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594270 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1594308 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183a780 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad183a810 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad183a8a0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad183a930 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d578 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183b090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183b9a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d7a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183c2b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d8c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183cbc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159d9d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183d4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159daf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183dde0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159dc08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183e6f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159dd20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183f000 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159de38 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183f910 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159df50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1840220 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e068 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1840b30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e180 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1841440 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594770 VAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1841d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1841de0 VAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e3b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594860 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1842660 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18426f0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e4c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594950 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1842f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1843000 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e5e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594a40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1843880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1843910 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e6f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1844190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1844220 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594c20 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1844aa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1844b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159e928 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18453b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ea40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1845cc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159eb58 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18465d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ec70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594e00 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1846ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1846f70 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ed88 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594ef0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18477f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1847880 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159eea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad1594fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1848100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1848190 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159efb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15950d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1848a10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1848aa0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f0d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1849320 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f1e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1849c30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f300 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184a540 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f418 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15952b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184ae50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184aee0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f530 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15953a0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184b760 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184b7f0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f648 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184c070 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: foo: |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f760 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15954e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184c980 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184ca10 KEYVAL: 'foo' '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f878 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children:
27: 0xaaaad15955d0 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184d290 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184d320 VAL: '
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd---------------
27: 0xaaaad159f990 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184dba0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159faa8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184e4b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159fbc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184edc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |+
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159fcd8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184f6d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159fdf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184ffe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad159ff08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18508f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0020 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1851200 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0138 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1851b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0250 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1852420 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0368 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1852d30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1853640 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0598 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1853f50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a06b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1854860 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a07c8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1855170 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a08e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1855a80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a09f8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1856390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1856ca0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0c28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18575b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: |
27: asd
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0d40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (0 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1857ec0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0e58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad15940e0 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1594178 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18587d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1858860 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18588f0 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ---------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: ---------------
27: 0xaaaad15a0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children:
27: 0xaaaad1595d00 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: 0xaaaad1595d98 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18590e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1859170 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1859200 VAL: '
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3
27: --------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |2
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |2
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |2
27: |2
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - ''
27: - ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: ''
27: foo: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |2
27: |2
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - ''
27: - ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: ''
27: foo: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |2
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: hello
27: there
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: --- |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: - |
27: hello
27: there
27: - |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: ---
27: foo: |
27: hello
27: there
27: bar: |
27: ciao
27: qua
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: --- ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: data: |
27: There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification
27: message: |
27: date: '2007-06-01'
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: text
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: - another val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |+
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |-
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: example: |
27: Several lines of text,
27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',
27: and also a blank line:
27: plus another line at the end.
27: another: val
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: tpl:
27: src: |
27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'
27: {{src.gencode}}
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - aaa: |
27: xxx
27: bbb: |
27: yyy
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |2
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ''
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: foo: |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: |
27: asd
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: - |+
27: - |+
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/20
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/20 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/21
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/21 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/22
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/22 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/23
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/23 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/24
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/24 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/25
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/25 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/26
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/26 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/27
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/27 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/28
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/28 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/29
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/29 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/30
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/30 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/31
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/31 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/32
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/32 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/33
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/33 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/34
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/34 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/35
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/35 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/36
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/36 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/37
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/37 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/38
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/38 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/39
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/39 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/40
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/40 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/41
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/41 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/42
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/42 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/43
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/43 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/44
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/44 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/45
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/45 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/46
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/46 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/47
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/47 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/48
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/48 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/49
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/49 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/50
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/50 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/51
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/51 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/52
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/52 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/53
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/53 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/54
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/54 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/55
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/55 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/56
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/56 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/57
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/57 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/58
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/58 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/59
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/59 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/60
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/60 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/61
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/61 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/62
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/62 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/63
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/63 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/64
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/64 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/65
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/65 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/66
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/66 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/67
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/67 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/68
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/68 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/69
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/69 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/70
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/70 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/71
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/71 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/72
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/72 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/73
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/73 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/74
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/74 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/75
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/75 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/76
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/76 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/77
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/77 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/78
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/78 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/79
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/79 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/80
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/80 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/81
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/81 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/82
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/82 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/83
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/83 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/84
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/84 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/85
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/85 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/86
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/86 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/87
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/87 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/88
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/88 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: ---\n
27: |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: ---\n
27: |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: e\n
27: ---\n
27: |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: ere\n
27: ---\n
27: |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: ---\n
27: |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: qua\n
27: ---\n
27: |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: o\n
27: qua\n
27: ---\n
27: - |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: e\n
27: - |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: a\n
27: ---\n
27: foo: |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: e\n
27: bar: |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: a\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1781490 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1781520 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17815b0 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad1781640 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad17816d0 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad1781760 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad17817f0 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad1781880 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad1781910 VAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad17819a0 VAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad1781a30 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad1781ac0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad1781b50 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: --- |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: \n
27: --- |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: \n
27: --- |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: \n
27: --- |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: \n
27: --- |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: \n
27: --- |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: \n
27: ---\n
27: - |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: \n
27: - |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: \n
27: ---\n
27: foo: |\n
27: hello\n
27: there\n
27: \n
27: bar: |\n
27: ciao\n
27: qua\n
27: \n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad185cb90 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad185cc20 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad185ccb0 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad185cd40 DOCVAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad185cdd0 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad185ce60 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad185cef0 DOCVAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (8 sibs)
27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad185cf80 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad185d010 VAL: 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad185d0a0 VAL: 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad185d130 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children:
27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad185d1c0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello
27: there
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad185d250 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao
27: qua
27: ' (2 sibs)
27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: --- |1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1788c00 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1788c90 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: --- ''\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad185dd80 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad185de10 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: --- |1+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad178a930 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad178a9c0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: --- ''\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad185e690 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad185e720 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: --- |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad178c660 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad178c6f0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: --- ''\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad185efa0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad185f030 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: |1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad178e390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: ''\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad185f8b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: |1+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17900c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: ''\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18601c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1791df0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: ''\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1860ad0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal as map entry'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: \n
27: data: |\n
27: There once was a short man from Ealing\n
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling\n
27: It said on the door\n
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"\n
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling\n
27: on the ceiling\n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1793f30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1793fc0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml:
27: data: |\n
27: There once was a short man from Ealing\n
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling\n
27: It said on the door\n
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"\n
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling\n
27: \n
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree:
27: --------------------------------------
27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18613e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children:
27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1861470 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing
27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling
27: It said on the door
27: "Please don't spit on the floor"
27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling
27: ' (1 sibs)
27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2
27: --------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms)
27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11
27: -------------------------------------------
27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars'
27: -------------------------------------------
27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml:
27: \n
27: example: >\n
27: HTML goes into YAML without modification\n
27: ication\n
27: message: |\n
27: \n
27: uthor Unknown
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad17961b0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: HTML goes into YAML without modification\n 27: \n 27: message: |\n 27:"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
\n 27:\n 27: \n 27: date: '2007-06-01'\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1861cf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1861d80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1861e10 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two,\n 27: even for large values of two"
\n 27:--Author Unknown
\n 27:
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad1861ea0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: he end.\n 27: \n 27: another: text\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1798080 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1798110 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17981a0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: text\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1862600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1862690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1862720 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179a050 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad179a0e0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad179a170 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1862f10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1862fa0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1863030 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: he end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179bf80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad179c010 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad179c0a0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1863820 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18638b0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1863940 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: - |-\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.t the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179df50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad179dfe0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad179e070 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |-\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1864130 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18641c0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1864250 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad179ffa0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a0030 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1864a40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1864ad0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: er line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a1f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a2000 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1865350 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18653e0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a3f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a3ff0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a4080 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1865c60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1865cf0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1865d80 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |2\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a5ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a5f30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a5fc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1866570 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1866600 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1866690 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/20 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |+2\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: he end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a7ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a7f30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a7fc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |+\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1866e80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1866f10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1866fa0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/20 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/21 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |-2\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.t the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17a9eb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17a9f40 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17a9fd0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |-\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1867790 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1867820 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18678b0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/21 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/22 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: ne at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17abec0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17abf50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17abfe0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18680a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1868130 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18681c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/22 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/23 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |3\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: ne at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17aded0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17adf60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17adff0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18689b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1868a40 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1868ad0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/23 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/24 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: er line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17aff00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17aff90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17b0020 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18692c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1869350 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18693e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/24 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/25 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |4\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: er line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b1f30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b1fc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17b2050 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1869bd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1869c60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1869cf0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/25 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/26 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b3f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b3f90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186a4e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186a570 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/26 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/27 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: er line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b5ef0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b5f80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186adf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186ae80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/27 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/28 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17b7fb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17b8040 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17b80d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186b700 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186b790 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186b820 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/28 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/29 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: example: |9\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ba160 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ba1f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17ba280 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186c010 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186c0a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186c130 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/29 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/30 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: gencode}}\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17bbe90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17bbf20 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17bbfb0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186c920 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186c9b0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186ca40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/30 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/31 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: gencode}}\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17bdc20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17bdcb0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17bdd40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186d230 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186d2c0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186d350 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/31 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/32 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: gencode}}\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17bfa10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17bfaa0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17bfb30 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186db40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186dbd0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186dc60 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/32 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/33 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: aaa: |2\n 27: xxx\n 27: bbb: |\n 27: yyy\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c1740 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17c17d0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17c1860 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: aaa: |\n 27: xxx\n 27: \n 27: bbb: |\n 27: yyy\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186e450 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186e4e0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186e570 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/33 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/34 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \n 27: - aaa: |2\n 27: xxx\n 27: bbb: |\n 27: yyy\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c3470 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17c3500 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad17c3590 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad17c3620 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - aaa: |\n 27: xxx\n 27: \n 27: bbb: |\n 27: yyy\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186ed60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad186edf0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad186ee80 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad186ef10 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/34 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/35 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \t \n 27: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c51a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |2\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186f670 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/35 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/36 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c6ed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad186ff80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/36 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/37 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17c8c00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1870890 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/37 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/38 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ca930 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18711a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/38 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/39 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17cc660 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1871ab0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/39 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/40 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ce390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18723c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/40 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/41 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d00c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1872cd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/41 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/42 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d1df0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18735e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/42 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/43 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d3b20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1873ef0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/43 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/44 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d5850 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1874800 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/44 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/45 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d7580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1875110 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/45 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/46 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17d92b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1875a20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/46 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/47 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17dafe0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17db070 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1876330 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18763c0 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/47 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/48 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17dcd10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17dcda0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1876c40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1876cd0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/48 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/49 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17dea40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17dead0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1877550 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18775e0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/49 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/50 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e0770 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17e0800 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1877e60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1877ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/50 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/51 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e24a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17e2530 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1878770 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1878800 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/51 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/52 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e41d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17e4260 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1879080 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1879110 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/52 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/53 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e5f00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1879990 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/53 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/54 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e7c30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187a2a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/54 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/55 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17e9960 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187abb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/55 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/56 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17eb690 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17eb720 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187b4c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad187b550 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/56 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/57 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ed3c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ed450 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187bdd0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad187be60 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/57 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/58 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ef0f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ef180 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187c6e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad187c770 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/58 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/59 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f0e20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17f0eb0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187cff0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad187d080 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/59 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/60 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f2b50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187d900 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/60 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/61 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f4880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187e210 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/61 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/62 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f65b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187eb20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/62 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/63 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17f82e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17f8370 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187f430 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad187f4c0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/63 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/64 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17fa090 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17fa120 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad187fd40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad187fdd0 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/64 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/65 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17fbe40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1880650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/65 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/66 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17fdbf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17fdc80 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1880f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1880ff0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/66 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/67 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad17ff9a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad17ffa30 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1881870 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1881900 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/67 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/68 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1801750 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1882180 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/68 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/69 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1803500 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1882a90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/69 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/70 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: d\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18052b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18833a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/70 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/71 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\n 27: asd\n 27: d\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1807060 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1883cb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/71 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/72 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: d\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1808e10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18845c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/72 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/73 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: d\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad180abc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1884ed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/73 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/74 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: d\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad180c970 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18857e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/74 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/75 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad180e720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18860f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/75 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/76 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18104c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1886a00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/76 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/77 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18122d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1887310 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/77 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/78 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: sd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18140e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1887c20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/78 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/79 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: sd\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1815f00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1888530 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/79 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/80 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: sd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1817cb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1888e40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/80 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/81 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: d\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1819a60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1889750 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/81 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/82 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: d\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad181b810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188a060 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/82 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/83 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: d\n 27: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad181d5c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188a970 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/83 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/84 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad181f370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188b280 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/84 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/85 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: d\n 27: \t \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1821120 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188bb90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/85 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/86 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: \t \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1822ed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188c4a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/86 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/87 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1824c80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1824d10 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1824da0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188cdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad188ce40 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad188ced0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/87 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/88 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1826a30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1826ac0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1826b50 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188d6f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad188d780 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad188d810 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/88 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map entry' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/20 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/20 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/21 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/21 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/22 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/22 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/23 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/23 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/24 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/24 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/25 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/25 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/26 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/26 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/27 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/27 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/28 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/28 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/29 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/29 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/30 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/30 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/31 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/31 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/32 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/32 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/33 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/33 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/34 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/34 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/35 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/35 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/36 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/36 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/37 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/37 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/38 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/38 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/39 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/39 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/40 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/40 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/41 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/41 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/42 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/42 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/43 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/43 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/44 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/44 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/45 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/45 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/46 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/46 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/47 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/47 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/48 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/48 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/49 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/49 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/50 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/50 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/51 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/51 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/52 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/52 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/53 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/53 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/54 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/54 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/55 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/55 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/56 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/56 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/57 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/57 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/58 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/58 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/59 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/59 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/60 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/60 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/61 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/61 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/62 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/62 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/63 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/63 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/64 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/64 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/65 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/65 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/66 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/66 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/67 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/67 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/68 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/68 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/69 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/69 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/70 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/70 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/71 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/71 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/72 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/72 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/73 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/73 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/74 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/74 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/75 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/75 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/76 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/76 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/77 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/77 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/78 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/78 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/79 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/79 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/80 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/80 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/81 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/81 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/82 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/82 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/83 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/83 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/84 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/84 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/85 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/85 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/86 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/86 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/87 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/87 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/88 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/88 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: ---\r\n 27: |\r\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: \r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: |\r\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: re\r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: |\r\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: here\r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: |\r\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: |\r\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \n 27: qua\r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: |\r\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: o\r\n 27: qua\r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: - |\r\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: re\r\n 27: - |\r\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: ua\r\n 27: ---\r\n 27: foo: |\r\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: re\r\n 27: bar: |\r\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: ua\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1827340 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18273d0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1827460 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18274f0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad1827580 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad1827610 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad18276a0 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad1827730 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad18277c0 VAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad1827850 VAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad18278e0 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad1827970 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad1827a00 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: --- |\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: \n 27: --- |\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: \n 27: --- |\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: \n 27: --- |\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \n 27: --- |\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \n 27: --- |\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \n 27: ---\n 27: - |\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: \n 27: - |\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \n 27: ---\n 27: foo: |\n 27: hello\n 27: there\n 27: \n 27: bar: |\n 27: ciao\n 27: qua\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188e030 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad188e0c0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad188e150 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad188e1e0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad188e270 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad188e300 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad188e390 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad188e420 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad188e4b0 VAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad188e540 VAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad188e5d0 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad188e660 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad188e6f0 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: --- |1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18297a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1829830 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: --- ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188e940 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad188e9d0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: --- |1+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182a0b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182a140 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: --- ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188f250 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad188f2e0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: --- |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182a9c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182aa50 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: --- ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad188fb60 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad188fbf0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182b2d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1890470 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |1+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182bbe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1890d80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182c4f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1891690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map entry' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: data: |\r\n 27: There once was a short man from Ealing\n 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling\n 27: It said on the door\n 27: "Please don't spit on the floor"\n 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling\n 27: pat on the ceiling\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182ce00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182ce90 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling 27: It said on the door 27: "Please don't spit on the floor" 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: data: |\n 27: There once was a short man from Ealing\n 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling\n 27: It said on the door\n 27: "Please don't spit on the floor"\n 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1891fa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1892030 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling 27: It said on the door 27: "Please don't spit on the floor" 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: >\r\n 27: HTML goes into YAML without modification\n 27: ication\r\n 27: message: |\r\n 27:"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
\n 27:\n 27: --Author Unknown\r\n 27: \r\n 27: date: 2007-06-01\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182d710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182d7a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182d830 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two,\n 27: even for large values of two"
\n 27:--Author Unknown
\n 27:
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad182d8c0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: HTML goes into YAML without modification\n 27: \n 27: message: |\n 27:"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
\n 27:\n 27: \n 27: date: '2007-06-01'\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18928b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1892940 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18929d0 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two,\n 27: even for large values of two"
\n 27:--Author Unknown
\n 27:
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad1892a60 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: text\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182e020 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182e0b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182e140 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: text\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18931c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1893250 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18932e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: - |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: e at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: - another val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182e930 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182e9c0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182ea50 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1893b70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1893c00 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1893c90 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: - |+\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: - another val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182f240 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182f2d0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182f360 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1894520 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18945b0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1894640 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: - |-\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.ne at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: - another val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad182fb50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad182fbe0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad182fc70 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |-\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: - another val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1894ed0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1894f60 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1894ff0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: - |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: e at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1830460 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18304f0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18957e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1895870 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: - |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: nother line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1830d70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1830e00 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18960f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1896180 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: e at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1831680 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1831710 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18317a0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1896b30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1896bc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1896c50 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |2\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: e at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1831f90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1832020 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18320b0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18974e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1897570 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1897600 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/20 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |+2\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18328a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1832930 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18329c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |+\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1897df0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1897e80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1897f10 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/20 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/21 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |-2\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.ne at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18331b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1833240 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18332d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |-\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18987a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1898830 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18988c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/21 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/22 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: r line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1833ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1833b50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1833be0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1899150 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18991e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1899270 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/22 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/23 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |3\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: r line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18343d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1834460 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18344f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1899b00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1899b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1899c20 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/23 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/24 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: nother line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1834ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1834d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1834e00 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189a4b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189a540 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189a5d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/24 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/25 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |4\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: nother line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18355f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1835680 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1835710 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189ae60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189aef0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189af80 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/25 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/26 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: e at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1835f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1835f90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189b810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189b8a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/26 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/27 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: nother line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1836810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18368a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189c1c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189c250 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/27 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/28 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \r\n 27: plus another line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1837120 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18371b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1837240 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189cb70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189cc00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189cc90 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/28 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/29 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: example: |9\r\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \r\n 27: plus another line at the end.\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: another: val\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1837a30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1837ac0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1837b50 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: example: |\n 27: Several lines of text,\n 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types',\n 27: and also a blank line:\n 27: \n 27: plus another line at the end.\n 27: \n 27: another: val\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189d520 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189d5b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189d640 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/29 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/30 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: tpl:\r\n 27: src: |\r\n 27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: c.gencode}}\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1838340 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18383d0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1838460 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include <{{hdr.filename}}>\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189de90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189df20 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189dfb0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/30 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/31 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: tpl:\r\n 27: src: |\r\n 27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: c.gencode}}\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1838c50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1838ce0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1838d70 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include "{{hdr.filename}}"\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189e800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189e890 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189e920 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/31 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/32 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: tpl:\r\n 27: src: |\r\n 27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: c.gencode}}\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1839560 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18395f0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1839680 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: tpl:\n 27: src: |\n 27: #include '{{hdr.filename}}'\n 27: \n 27: {{src.gencode}}\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189f170 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189f200 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189f290 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/32 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/33 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: aaa: |2\r\n 27: xxx\n 27: x\r\n 27: bbb: |\r\n 27: yyy\n 27: y\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1839e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1839f00 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1839f90 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: aaa: |\n 27: xxx\n 27: \n 27: bbb: |\n 27: yyy\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad189fa80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad189fb10 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad189fba0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/33 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/34 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: \r\n 27: - aaa: |2\r\n 27: xxx\n 27: xxx\r\n 27: bbb: |\r\n 27: yyy\n 27: yyy\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183a780 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad183a810 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad183a8a0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad183a930 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - aaa: |\n 27: xxx\n 27: \n 27: bbb: |\n 27: yyy\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a03c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18a0450 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18a04e0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18a0570 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/34 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/35 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \t \n 27: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183b090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |2\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a0d00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/35 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/36 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183b9a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a1610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/36 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/37 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183c2b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a1f20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/37 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/38 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183cbc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a2830 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/38 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/39 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183d4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a3140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/39 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/40 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183dde0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a3a50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/40 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/41 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183e6f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a4360 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/41 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/42 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183f000 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a4c70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/42 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/43 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad183f910 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a5580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/43 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/44 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1840220 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a5e90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/44 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/45 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1840b30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a67a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/45 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/46 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1841440 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a70b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/46 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/47 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1841d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1841de0 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a79c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18a7a50 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/47 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/48 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1842660 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18426f0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a82d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18a8360 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/48 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/49 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1842f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1843000 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a8be0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18a8c70 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/49 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/50 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1843880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1843910 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a94f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18a9580 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/50 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/51 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1844190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1844220 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18a9e00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18a9e90 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/51 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/52 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1844aa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1844b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18aa710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18aa7a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/52 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/53 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18453b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: ''\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ab020 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/53 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/54 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1845cc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ab930 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/54 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/55 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18465d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ac240 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/55 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/56 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1846ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1846f70 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18acb50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18acbe0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/56 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/57 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18477f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1847880 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ad460 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ad4f0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/57 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/58 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1848100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1848190 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18add70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ade00 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/58 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/59 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1848a10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1848aa0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ae680 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ae710 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/59 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/60 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1849320 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18aef90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/60 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/61 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1849c30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18af8a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/61 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/62 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184a540 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b01b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/62 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/63 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184ae50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184aee0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b0ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18b0b50 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/63 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/64 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184b760 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184b7f0 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b13d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18b1460 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/64 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/65 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184c070 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b1ce0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/65 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/66 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: foo: |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184c980 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184ca10 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: foo: |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b25f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18b2680 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/66 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/67 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184d290 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad184d320 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b2f30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18b2fc0 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/67 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/68 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184dba0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b3840 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/68 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/69 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184e4b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b4150 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/69 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/70 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184edc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b4a60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/70 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/71 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |+\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184f6d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b5370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/71 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/72 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad184ffe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b5c80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/72 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/73 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18508f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b6590 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/73 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/74 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: d\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1851200 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b6ea0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/74 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/75 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: asd\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1851b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b77b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/75 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/76 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: asd\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1852420 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b80c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/76 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/77 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: asd\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1852d30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b89d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/77 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/78 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: sd\r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1853640 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b92e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/78 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/79 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: sd\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1853f50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18b9c20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/79 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/80 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: sd\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1854860 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ba530 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/80 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/81 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: d\r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1855170 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bae40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/81 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/82 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: d\r\n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1855a80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bb750 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/82 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/83 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: d\r\n 27: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1856390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bc060 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/83 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/84 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \r\n 27: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1856ca0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bc970 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/84 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/85 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: d\r\n 27: \t \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18575b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bd280 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/85 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/86 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: |\r\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \r\n 27: \t \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad1857ec0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: |\n 27: asd\n 27: \t \n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bdb90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/86 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/87 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18587d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1858860 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18588f0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18be4a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18be530 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18be5c0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/87 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/88 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: - |+\r\n 27: \n 27: \r\n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18590e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad1859170 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad1859200 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: - |+\n 27: \n 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bede0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18bee70 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18bef00 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/88 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map entry' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/20 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/20 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/21 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/21 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/22 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/22 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/23 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/23 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/24 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/24 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/25 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/25 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/26 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/26 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/27 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/27 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/28 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/28 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/29 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/29 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/30 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/30 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/31 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/31 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/32 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/32 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/33 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/33 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/34 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/34 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/35 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/35 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/36 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/36 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/37 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/37 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/38 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/38 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/39 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/39 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/40 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/40 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/41 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/41 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/42 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/42 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/43 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/43 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/44 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/44 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/45 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/45 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/46 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/46 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/47 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/47 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/48 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/48 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/49 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/49 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/50 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/50 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/51 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/51 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/52 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/52 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/53 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/53 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/54 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/54 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/55 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/55 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/56 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/56 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/57 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/57 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/58 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/58 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/59 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/59 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/60 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/60 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/61 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/61 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/62 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/62 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/63 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/63 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/64 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/64 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/65 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/65 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/66 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/66 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/67 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/67 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/68 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/68 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/69 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/69 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/70 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/70 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/71 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/71 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/72 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/72 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/73 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/73 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/74 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/74 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/75 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/75 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/76 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/76 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/77 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/77 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/78 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/78 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/79 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/79 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/80 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/80 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/81 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/81 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/82 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/82 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/83 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/83 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/84 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/84 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/85 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/85 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/86 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/86 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/87 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/87 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/88 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/88 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159af30 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children: 27: 0xaaaad1591560 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15915f8 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591690 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591728 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15917c0 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591858 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15918f0 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1591a30 VAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591ac8 VAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591988 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1591b70 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591c08 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bf720 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18bf7b0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18bf840 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18bf8d0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad18bf960 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad18bf9f0 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad18bfa80 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad18bfb10 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad18bfba0 VAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad18bfc30 VAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad18bfcc0 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad18bfd50 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad18bfde0 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b390 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592480 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad177f960 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad177f9f0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b4a8 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592010 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bfe80 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18bff10 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b5c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592100 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18bffb0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0040 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b6d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c00e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b7f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0180 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b908 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0220 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map entry' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ba20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15922e0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling 27: It said on the door 27: "Please don't spit on the floor" 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c02c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0350 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling 27: It said on the door 27: "Please don't spit on the floor" 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bb38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592520 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15925b8 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592650 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c03f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0480 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c0510 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18c05a0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bc50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592740 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15927d8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c06d0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c0760 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bd68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592920 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15929b8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0800 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0890 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c0920 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159be80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592ab0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592b48 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c09c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0a50 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c0ae0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bf98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592c40 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592cd8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0b80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0c10 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c0ca0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c0b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15923d0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0d40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0dd0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c1c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592e20 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0e70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c0f00 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c2e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592f10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592fa8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c0fa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1030 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c10c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c3f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15930a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593138 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1160 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c11f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c1280 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/20 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c510 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593230 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15932c8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1320 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c13b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c1440 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/20 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/21 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c628 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15933c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593458 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c14e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1570 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c1600 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/21 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/22 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c740 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593550 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15935e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c16a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1730 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c17c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/22 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/23 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c858 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15936e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593778 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1860 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c18f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c1980 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/23 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/24 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c970 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593870 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593908 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1a20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1ab0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c1b40 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/24 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/25 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ca88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593a00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593a98 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1be0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1c70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c1d00 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/25 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/26 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159cba0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1da0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1e30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/26 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/27 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ccb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593c80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c1ed0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c1f60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/27 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/28 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159cdd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593e08 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2000 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c2090 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c2120 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/28 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/29 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159cee8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596290 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1596328 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c21c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c2250 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c22e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/29 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/30 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d000 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596470 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596510 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2380 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c2410 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c24a0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/30 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/31 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596600 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15966a0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2540 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c25d0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c2660 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/31 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/32 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad159ada0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad159ae40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2700 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c2790 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c2820 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/32 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/33 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593fa0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1594038 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c28c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c2950 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c29e0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/33 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/34 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d460 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15963d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594270 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1594308 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2a80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c2b10 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c2ba0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18c2c30 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/34 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/35 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d578 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2cd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/35 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/36 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2d70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/36 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/37 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d7a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2e10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/37 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/38 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d8c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2eb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/38 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/39 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d9d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2f50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/39 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/40 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159daf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c2ff0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/40 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/41 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159dc08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/41 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/42 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159dd20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3130 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/42 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/43 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159de38 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c31d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/43 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/44 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159df50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3270 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/44 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/45 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e068 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3310 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/45 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/46 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e180 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c33b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/46 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/47 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594770 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3450 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c34e0 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/47 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/48 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e3b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594860 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3580 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c3610 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/48 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/49 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e4c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594950 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c36b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c3740 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/49 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/50 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e5e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594a40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c37e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c3870 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/50 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/51 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e6f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3910 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c39a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/51 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/52 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594c20 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3a40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c3ad0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/52 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/53 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e928 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3b70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/53 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/54 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ea40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3c10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/54 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/55 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159eb58 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3cb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/55 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/56 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ec70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594e00 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c3de0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/56 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/57 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ed88 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594ef0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3e80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c3f10 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/57 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/58 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159eea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c3fb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c4040 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/58 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/59 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159efb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15950d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c40e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c4170 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/59 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/60 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f0d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4210 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/60 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/61 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f1e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c42b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/61 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/62 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f300 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4350 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/62 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/63 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f418 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15952b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c43f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c4480 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/63 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/64 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f530 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15953a0 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4520 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c45b0 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/64 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/65 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f648 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/65 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/66 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f760 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15954e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c46f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c4780 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/66 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/67 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f878 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15955d0 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4820 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c48b0 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/67 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/68 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f990 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/68 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/69 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159faa8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c49f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/69 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/70 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159fbc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4a90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/70 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/71 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159fcd8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4b30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/71 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/72 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159fdf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4bd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/72 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/73 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ff08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4c70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/73 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/74 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0020 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4d10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/74 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/75 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0138 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4db0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/75 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/76 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0250 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4e50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/76 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/77 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0368 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4ef0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/77 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/78 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c4f90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/78 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/79 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0598 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c5030 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/79 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/80 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a06b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c50d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/80 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/81 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a07c8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c5170 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/81 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/82 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a08e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c5210 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/82 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/83 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a09f8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c52b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/83 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/84 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c5350 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/84 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/85 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0c28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c53f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/85 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/86 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0d40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c5490 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/86 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/87 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0e58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15940e0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1594178 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c5530 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c55c0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c5650 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/87 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/88 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1595d00 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1595d98 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c56f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c5780 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c5810 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/88 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159af30 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children: 27: 0xaaaad1591560 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15915f8 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591690 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591728 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15917c0 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591858 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15918f0 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1591a30 VAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591ac8 VAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591988 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1591b70 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1591c08 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c58b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c5940 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c59d0 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18c5a60 DOCVAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [4] [4] 0xaaaad18c5af0 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [5] [5] 0xaaaad18c5b80 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [6] [6] 0xaaaad18c5c10 DOCVAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (8 sibs) 27: [7] [7] 0xaaaad18c5ca0 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [8] [8] 0xaaaad18c5d30 VAL: 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [9] [9] 0xaaaad18c5dc0 VAL: 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [10] [10] 0xaaaad18c5e50 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 27: [11] [11] 0xaaaad18c5ee0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello 27: there 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [12] [12] 0xaaaad18c5f70 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao 27: qua 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b390 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592480 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6010 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c60a0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b4a8 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592010 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6140 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c61d0 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b5c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592100 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6270 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6300 DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_02_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b6d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c63a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_03_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b7f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6440 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'empty, specs only 2G84_xx_1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159b908 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c64e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map entry' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ba20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15922e0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling 27: It said on the door 27: "Please don't spit on the floor" 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6580 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6610 KEYVAL: 'data' 'There once was a short man from Ealing 27: Who got on a bus to Darjeeling 27: It said on the door 27: "Please don't spit on the floor" 27: So he carefully spat on the ceiling 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal and two scalars' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bb38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592520 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15925b8 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592650 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c66b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6740 KEYVAL: 'example' 'HTML goes into YAML without modification 27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c67d0 KEYVAL: 'message' '"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown
27:27: ' (3 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18c6860 KEYVAL: 'date' '2007-06-01' (3 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal no chomp, no indentation' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bc50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592740 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15927d8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6900 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6990 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c6a20 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bd68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592920 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15929b8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6ac0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6b50 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c6be0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159be80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592ab0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592b48 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6c80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6d10 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c6da0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159bf98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592c40 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592cd8 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c6e40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c6ed0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c6f60 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c0b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15923d0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7000 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c7090 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as seq val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c1c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592e20 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7130 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c71c0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c2e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1592f10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1592fa8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7260 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c72f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7380 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c3f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15930a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593138 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7420 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c74b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7540 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/20 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c510 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593230 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15932c8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c75e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c7670 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: 27: 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7700 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/20 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/21 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c628 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15933c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593458 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c77a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c7830 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c78c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/21 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/22 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c740 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593550 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad15935e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7960 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c79f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7a80 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/22 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/23 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c858 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15936e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593778 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c7bb0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7c40 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/23 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/24 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159c970 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593870 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593908 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c7d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7e00 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/24 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/25 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ca88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593a00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593a98 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c7ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c7f30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c7fc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/25 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/26 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159cba0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8060 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c80f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/26 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/27 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val at eof, implicit indentation 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ccb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593c80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8220 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/27 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/28 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, implicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159cdd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1593e08 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c82c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8350 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c83e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/28 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/29 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal as map val, explicit indentation 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159cee8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596290 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1596328 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8480 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8510 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, 27: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 27: and also a blank line: 27: 27: plus another line at the end. 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c85a0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/29 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/30 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, without quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d000 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596470 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596510 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c86d0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c8760 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include <{{hdr.filename}}> 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/30 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/31 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with double quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1596600 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15966a0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8890 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c8920 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include "{{hdr.filename}}" 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/31 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/32 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty unindented lines, with single quotes' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad159ada0 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad159ae40 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c89c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8a50 KEYMAP: 'tpl' (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c8ae0 KEYVAL: 'src' '#include '{{hdr.filename}}' 27: 27: {{src.gencode}} 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/32 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/33 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1593fa0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1594038 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8b80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8c10 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c8ca0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/33 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/34 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with same indentation level 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d460 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15963d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594270 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1594308 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8d40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c8dd0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18c8e60 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'xxx 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [3] [3] 0xaaaad18c8ef0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'yyy 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/34 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/35 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with tab and spaces' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d578 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c8f90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/35 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/36 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9030 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/36 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/37 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d7a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c90d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/37 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/38 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d8c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9170 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/38 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/39 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159d9d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9210 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/39 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/40 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159daf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c92b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/40 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/41 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159dc08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9350 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/41 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/42 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159dd20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c93f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/42 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/43 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159de38 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9490 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/43 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/44 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159df50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9530 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/44 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/45 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e068 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c95d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/45 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/46 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e180 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9670 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/46 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/47 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594770 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9710 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c97a0 VAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/47 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/48 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e3b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594860 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9840 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c98d0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/48 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/49 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.0.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e4c8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594950 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9970 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c9a00 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/49 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/50 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e5e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594a40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9aa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c9b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/50 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/51 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e6f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594b30 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9bd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c9c60 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/51 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/52 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594c20 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9d00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18c9d90 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/52 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/53 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159e928 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9e30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/53 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/54 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ea40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9ed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/54 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/55 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 14.2.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159eb58 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18c9f70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/55 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/56 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ec70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594e00 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca010 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ca0a0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/56 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/57 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.0.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ed88 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594ef0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca140 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ca1d0 VAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/57 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/58 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159eea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad1594fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca270 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ca300 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/58 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/59 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159efb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15950d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca3a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ca430 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/59 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/60 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f0d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/60 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/61 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 15.2.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f1e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca570 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/61 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/62 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f300 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/62 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/63 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f418 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15952b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca6b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ca740 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/63 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/64 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 16.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f530 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15953a0 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca7e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18ca870 VAL: ' 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/64 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/65 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f648 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca910 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/65 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/66 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f760 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15954e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18ca9b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18caa40 KEYVAL: 'foo' ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/66 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/67 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with empty docval 17.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f878 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 27: 0xaaaad15955d0 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18caae0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18cab70 VAL: ' 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/67 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/68 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159f990 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cac10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/68 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/69 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159faa8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cacb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/69 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/70 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159fbc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cad50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/70 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/71 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 1.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159fcd8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cadf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/71 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/72 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159fdf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cae90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/72 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/73 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad159ff08 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18caf30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/73 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/74 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 4' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0020 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cafd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/74 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/75 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0138 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb070 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/75 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/76 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0250 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb110 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/76 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/77 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0368 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb1b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/77 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/78 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb250 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/78 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/79 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 6' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0598 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb2f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/79 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/80 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 7' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a06b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/80 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/81 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 8' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a07c8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb430 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/81 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/82 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 9' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a08e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/82 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/83 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 10' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a09f8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb570 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/83 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/84 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 11' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/84 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/85 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 12' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0c28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb6b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/85 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/86 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal with docval no newlines at end 13' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0d40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (0 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb750 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 27: 27: ' (1 sibs) 27: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/86 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/87 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 0' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0e58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad15940e0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1594178 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb7f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18cb880 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18cb910 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/87 (0 ms) 27: [ RUN ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/88 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: running test case 'block literal, empty block vals in seq 1' 27: ------------------------------------------- 27: REF TREE: 27: 0xaaaad15a0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 27: 0xaaaad1595d00 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: 0xaaaad1595d98 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: RECREATED TREE: 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [0][0] 0xaaaad18cb9b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 27: [1] [1] 0xaaaad18cba40 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: [2] [2] 0xaaaad18cbad0 VAL: ' 27: ' (2 sibs) 27: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 27: -------------------------------------- 27: [ OK ] BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/88 (0 ms) 27: [----------] 3204 tests from BLOCK_LITERAL/YmlTestCase (43 ms total) 27: 27: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 27: [==========] 3213 tests from 3 test suites ran. (44 ms total) 27: [ PASSED ] 3213 tests. 27/52 Test #27: ryml-test-block_literal ........... Passed 0.06 sec test 28 Start 28: ryml-test-block_folded 28: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-block_folded-0.6.0 28: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 28: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 28: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 28: [==========] Running 2366 tests from 3 test suites. 28: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 28: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 28: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 28: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 28: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 28: 28: [----------] 25 tests from block_folded 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.basic 28: [ OK ] block_folded.basic (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.empty_block 28: [ OK ] block_folded.empty_block (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.empty_block0 28: [ OK ] block_folded.empty_block0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.empty_block1 28: [ OK ] block_folded.empty_block1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.empty_block_as_container_member 28: [ OK ] block_folded.empty_block_as_container_member (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.issue152_not_indented 28: [ OK ] block_folded.issue152_not_indented (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.issue152_indented_once 28: [ OK ] block_folded.issue152_indented_once (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.issue152_indented_twice 28: [ OK ] block_folded.issue152_indented_twice (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.issue152_indented_thrice 28: [ OK ] block_folded.issue152_indented_thrice (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_4QFQ 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_4QFQ (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_4QFQ_pt2 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_4QFQ_pt2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_6VJK 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_6VJK (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_7T8X 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_7T8X (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_A6F9 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_A6F9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_B3HG 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_B3HG (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_D83L 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_D83L (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_DWX9 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_DWX9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_F6MC 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_F6MC (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_K858 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_K858 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_MJS9 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_MJS9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_P2AD 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_P2AD (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_R4YG 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_R4YG (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_T26H 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_T26H (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_T5N4 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_T5N4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] block_folded.test_suite_W4TN 28: [ OK ] block_folded.test_suite_W4TN (0 ms) 28: [----------] 25 tests from block_folded (0 ms total) 28: 28: [----------] 2340 tests from BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: --- 28: > 28: hello 28: there 28: --- 28: > 28: hello 28: there 28: --- 28: > 28: hello 28: there 28: --- 28: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: - > 28: hello 28: there 28: - > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: foo: > 28: hello 28: there 28: bar: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c087b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff100 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff198 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff230 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff2c8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff360 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff3f8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff490 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff5d0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff668 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff528 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff710 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff7a8 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d6f4a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d6f530 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d6f5c0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7d6f650 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7d6f6e0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7d6f770 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7d6f800 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7d6f890 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7d6f920 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7d6f9b0 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7d6fa40 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7d6fad0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7d6fb60 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:846:2:1: (4B):ERROR: parse error 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:846:2:1: hello (size=5) 28: ^~~~~ (cols 1-6) 28: 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - > 28: hello 28: there 28: - > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/parse.cpp:3881:check failed: has_none(SSCL) 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: foo: > 28: hello 28: there 28: bar: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:866:2:1: (7B):ERROR: indentation decreased without any scalar 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:866:2:1: hello (size=6) 28: ^~~~~~ (cols 1-7) 28: 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: --- >2 28: hello 28: there 28: --------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: foo 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08c10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d78760 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: foo 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08d28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d7a490 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08e40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d7c1c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - > 28: 28: folded 28: line 28: 28: next 28: line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last 28: line 28: 28: # Comment 28: 28: ##### this is the original scalar: 28: - > 28: 28: folded 28: line 28: 28: next 28: line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last 28: line 28: 28: # Comment 28: 28: ##### without any indentation 28: - > 28: 28: folded 28: line 28: 28: next 28: line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last 28: line 28: 28: # Comment 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08f58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffca0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffd38 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffdd0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d7e970 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d7ea00 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d7ea90 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7d7eb20 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: - > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: - another val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffec0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bfff58 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d807e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d80870 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d80900 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00050 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c000e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d827d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d82860 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d828f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >+ 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c092a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c001e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00278 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d84710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d847a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d84830 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >- 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c093b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00370 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00408 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d86700 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d86790 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d86820 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >2 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c094d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00500 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00598 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d886f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d88780 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d88810 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >+2 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: >2+ 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c095e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00728 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d8a7c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d8a850 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d8a8e0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >-2 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: >2- 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01a80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01b18 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d8c9d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d8ca60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d8caf0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09818 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01bc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01c58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d8ea90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d8eb20 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d8ebb0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >3 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09930 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c04010 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c040a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d90aa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d90b30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d90bc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09a48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00910 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c009a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d92ad0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d92b60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d92bf0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >4 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09b60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00aa0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00b38 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d94b00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d94b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d94c20 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09c78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00c30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00cc8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d96ad0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d96b60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d96bf0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >9 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09d90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00dc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00e58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d98c80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d98d10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d98da0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: data: > 28: Wrapped text 28: will be folded 28: into a single 28: paragraph 28: 28: Blank lines denote 28: paragraph breaks 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09ea8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00f00 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d9ab50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d9abe0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00ff0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01088 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d9cb20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d9cbb0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d9cc40 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a0d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d9e850 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a1f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da0580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a308 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da22b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a420 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da3fe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a538 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da5d10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da7a40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a768 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da9770 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dab4a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a998 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dad1d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0aab0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7daef00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0abc8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db0c30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ace0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db2960 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0adf8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db4690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0af10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db63c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b028 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db80f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db9e20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b258 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dbbb50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dbd880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b488 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dbf5b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b5a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc12e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b6b8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc3010 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b7d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc4d40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b8e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc6a70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ba00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc87a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bb18 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dca4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bc30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dcc260 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bd48 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dce010 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0be60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dcfdc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bf78 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd1b70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd3920 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c1a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd56d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c2c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd7480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: asd--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c3d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd9230 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c4f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ddafe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c608 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ddcd90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ddeb40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c838 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de08f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de26a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ca68 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de4450 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cb80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de6200 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - >+ 28: 28: - >+ 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cc98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c020c0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c02158 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de7fb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7de8040 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7de80d0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - >+ 28: 28: - >+ 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c02250 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c022e8 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de9d60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7de9df0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7de9e80 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: --- 28: > 28: hello 28: there 28: --- 28: > 28: hello 28: there 28: --- 28: > 28: hello 28: there 28: --- 28: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: - > 28: hello 28: there 28: - > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --- 28: foo: > 28: hello 28: there 28: bar: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c087b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff100 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff198 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff230 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff2c8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff360 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff3f8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff490 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff5d0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff668 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff528 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff710 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff7a8 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dea670 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7dea700 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7dea790 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7dea820 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7dea8b0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7dea940 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7dea9d0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7deaa60 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7deaaf0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7deab80 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7deac10 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7deaca0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7dead30 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:846:2:1: (5B):ERROR: parse error 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:846:2:1: hello (size=5) 28: ^~~~~ (cols 1-6) 28: 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - > 28: hello 28: there 28: - > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/parse.cpp:3881:check failed: has_none(SSCL) 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: foo: > 28: hello 28: there 28: bar: > 28: ciao 28: qua 28: --------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:866:2:1: (8B):ERROR: indentation decreased without any scalar 28: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_block_folded.cpp:866:2:1: hello (size=6) 28: ^~~~~~ (cols 1-7) 28: 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: --- >2 28: hello 28: there 28: --------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: foo 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08c10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7decb50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: foo 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08d28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ded460 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08e40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dedd70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - > 28: 28: folded 28: line 28: 28: next 28: line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last 28: line 28: 28: # Comment 28: 28: ##### this is the original scalar: 28: - > 28: 28: folded 28: line 28: 28: next 28: line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last 28: line 28: 28: # Comment 28: 28: ##### without any indentation 28: - > 28: 28: folded 28: line 28: 28: next 28: line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last 28: line 28: 28: # Comment 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08f58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffca0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffd38 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffdd0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dee680 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7dee710 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7dee7a0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7dee830 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: - > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: - another val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffec0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bfff58 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7deef90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7def020 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7def0b0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00050 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c000e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7def8a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7def930 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7def9c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >+ 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c092a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c001e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00278 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df01b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df0240 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df02d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >- 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c093b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00370 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00408 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df0ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df0b50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df0be0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >2 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c094d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00500 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00598 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df13d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df1460 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df14f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >+2 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: >2+ 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c095e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00728 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df1ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df1d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df1e00 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >-2 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: >2- 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01a80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01b18 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df25f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df2680 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df2710 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09818 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01bc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01c58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df2f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df2f90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df3020 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >3 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09930 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c04010 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c040a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df3810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df38a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df3930 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09a48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00910 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c009a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df4120 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df41b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df4240 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >4 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09b60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00aa0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00b38 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df4a30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df4ac0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df4b50 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09c78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00c30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00cc8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df5340 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df53d0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df5460 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: example: >9 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09d90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00dc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00e58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df5d20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df5db0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df5e40 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: 28: data: > 28: Wrapped text 28: will be folded 28: into a single 28: paragraph 28: 28: Blank lines denote 28: paragraph breaks 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09ea8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00f00 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df6630 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df66c0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: example: > 28: Several lines of text, 28: with some "quotes" of various 'types', 28: and also a blank line: 28: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00ff0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01088 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df6f40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df6fd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df7060 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a0d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df7850 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a1f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df8160 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a308 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df8a70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a420 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df9380 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a538 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df9c90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfa5a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a768 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfaeb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfb7c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a998 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfc0d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0aab0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfc9e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0abc8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfd2f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ace0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfdc00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0adf8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfe510 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0af10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfee20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b028 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dff730 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e00040 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b258 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e00950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e01260 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b488 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e01b70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b5a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e02480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b6b8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e02d90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b7d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e036a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b8e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e03fb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ba00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e048c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bb18 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e051d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bc30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e05ae0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bd48 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e063f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0be60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e06d00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: > 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bf78 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e07610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e07f20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c1a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e08830 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c2c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e09140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: asd--------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c3d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e09a50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: asd 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c4f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0a360 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: asd 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c608 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0ac70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0b580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c838 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0be90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0c7a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ca68 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0d0b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: >+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cb80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0d9c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - >+ 28: 28: - >+ 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cc98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c020c0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c02158 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0e2d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e0e360 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e0e3f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --------------- 28: - >+ 28: 28: - >+ 28: 28: --------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c02250 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c022e8 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: PARSED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0ebe0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e0ec70 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e0ed00 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |2 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: 'asd' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |2 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: 'asd' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |2 28: 28: 28: |2 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: 'asd' 28: 'asd' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |2 28: 28: 28: |2 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: 'asd' 28: 'asd' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |2 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: 'asd' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: hello there 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: - | 28: hello there 28: 28: - | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: --- 28: foo: | 28: hello there 28: 28: bar: | 28: ciao qua 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: foo 28: 28: bar 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: - | 28: 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: - another val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: example2: |+ 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: example2: |- 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: val 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: data: | 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: example: | 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: another: text 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |2 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: 'asd' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: | 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: asd 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: |+ 28: 28: 28: 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - '' 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: - |+ 28: 28: - |+ 28: 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: ---\n 28: >\n 28: hello there\n 28: ---\n 28: >\n 28: hello there\n 28: e\n 28: ---\n 28: >\n 28: hello there\n 28: ere\n 28: ---\n 28: >\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: ---\n 28: >\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: qua\n 28: ---\n 28: >\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: o\n 28: qua\n 28: ---\n 28: - >\n 28: hello there\n 28: e\n 28: - >\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: a\n 28: ---\n 28: foo: >\n 28: hello there\n 28: e\n 28: bar: >\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: a\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d6f4a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d6f530 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d6f5c0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7d6f650 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7d6f6e0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7d6f770 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7d6f800 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7d6f890 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7d6f920 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7d6f9b0 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7d6fa40 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7d6fad0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7d6fb60 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: --- |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: ---\n 28: - |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: - |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: ---\n 28: foo: |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: bar: |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e11c20 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e11cb0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e11d40 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e11dd0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7e11e60 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7e11ef0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7e11f80 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7e12010 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7e120a0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7e12130 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7e121c0 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7e12250 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7e122e0 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: foo\n 28: o\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d78760 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e12e10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: foo\n 28: o\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d7a490 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e13720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: bar\n 28: bar\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d7c1c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: bar\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e14030 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: - >\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last\n 28: line\n 28: \n 28: # Comment\n 28: \n 28: ##### this is the original scalar:\n 28: - >\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: ast\n 28: line\n 28: \n 28: # Comment\n 28: \n 28: ##### without any indentation\n 28: - >\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: ist\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last\n 28: line\n 28: \n 28: # Comment\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d7e970 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d7ea00 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d7ea90 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7d7eb20 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: - |\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: - |\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e14940 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e149d0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e14a60 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e14af0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: - >\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: - another val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d807e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d80870 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d80900 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: - another val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e15250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e152e0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e15370 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: t the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d827d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d82860 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d828f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e15b60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e15bf0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e15c80 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d84710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d847a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d84830 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e16470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e16500 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e16590 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d86700 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d86790 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d86820 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e16d80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e16e10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e16ea0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >2\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: t the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d886f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d88780 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d88810 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e17690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e17720 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e177b0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >+2\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: example2: >2+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d8a7c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d8a850 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d8a8e0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: example2: |+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e17fa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e18030 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e180c0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >-2\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: example2: >2-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d8c9d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d8ca60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d8caf0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: example2: |-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e188b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e18940 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e189d0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: ine at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d8ea90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d8eb20 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d8ebb0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e191c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e19250 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e192e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >3\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: ine at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d90aa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d90b30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d90bc0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e19ad0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e19b60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e19bf0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: her line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d92ad0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d92b60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d92bf0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1a3e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e1a470 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e1a500 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >4\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: her line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d94b00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d94b90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d94c20 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1acf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e1ad80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e1ae10 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d96ad0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d96b60 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d96bf0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1b600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e1b690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e1b720 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: example: >9\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d98c80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d98d10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d98da0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1bf10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e1bfa0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e1c030 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \n 28: data: >\n 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph\n 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks\n 28: paragraph breaks\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d9ab50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d9abe0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: data: |\n 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph\n 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1c820 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e1c8b0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: example: >\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: text\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d9cb20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d9cbb0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d9cc40 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: text\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1d130 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e1d1c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e1d250 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \t \n 28: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d9e850 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |2\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1da40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da0580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1e350 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da22b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1ec60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da3fe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1f570 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da5d10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e1fe80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da7a40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e20790 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7da9770 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e210a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dab4a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e219b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dad1d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e222c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7daef00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e22bd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db0c30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e234e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db2960 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e23df0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db4690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e24700 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: d\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db63c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e25010 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: d\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db80f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e25920 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: d\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7db9e20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e26230 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: d\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dbbb50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e26b40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dbd880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e27450 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dbf5b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e27d60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc12e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e28670 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: sd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc3010 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e28f80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: sd\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc4d40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e29890 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: sd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc6a70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2a1a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: d\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dc87a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2aab0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: d\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dca4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2b3c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: d\n 28: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dcc260 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2bcd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dce010 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2c5e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: d\n 28: \t \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dcfdc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2cef0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: \t \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd1b70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2d800 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd3920 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2e110 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd56d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2ea20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd7480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2f330 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: asdsd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dd9230 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: 'asd'\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e2fc40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: asd\n 28: d\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ddafe0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e30550 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ddcd90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e30e60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ddeb40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e31770 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de08f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e32080 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de26a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e32990 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de4450 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e332a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de6200 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e33bb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: - >+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: - >+\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de7fb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7de8040 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7de80d0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |+\n 28: \n 28: - ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e344c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e34550 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e345e0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: - >+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: - >+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7de9d60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7de9df0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7de9e80 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |+\n 28: \n 28: - |+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e34dd0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e34e60 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e34ef0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: ---\r\n 28: >\r\n 28: hello there\n 28: \r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: >\r\n 28: hello there\n 28: re\r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: >\r\n 28: hello there\n 28: here\r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: >\r\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: >\r\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: qua\r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: >\r\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: o\r\n 28: qua\r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: - >\r\n 28: hello there\n 28: re\r\n 28: - >\r\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: ua\r\n 28: ---\r\n 28: foo: >\r\n 28: hello there\n 28: re\r\n 28: bar: >\r\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: ua\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dea670 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7dea700 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7dea790 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7dea820 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7dea8b0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7dea940 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7dea9d0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7deaa60 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7deaaf0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7deab80 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7deac10 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7deaca0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7dead30 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: --- |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: --- |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: ---\n 28: - |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: - |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: ---\n 28: foo: |\n 28: hello there\n 28: \n 28: bar: |\n 28: ciao qua\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e356e0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e35770 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e35800 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e35890 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7e35920 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7e359b0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7e35a40 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7e35ad0 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7e35b60 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7e35bf0 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7e35c80 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7e35d10 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7e35da0 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: foo\n 28: o\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7decb50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e35ff0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: foo\n 28: o\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ded460 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e36900 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: bar\n 28: bar\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dedd70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: foo\n 28: \n 28: bar\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e37210 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: - >\r\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: let\r\n 28: \r\n 28: * list\r\n 28: * lines\r\n 28: \r\n 28: last\r\n 28: line\r\n 28: \r\n 28: # Comment\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ##### this is the original scalar:\r\n 28: - >\r\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: lines\r\n 28: \r\n 28: last\r\n 28: line\r\n 28: \r\n 28: # Comment\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ##### without any indentation\r\n 28: - >\r\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: * list\r\n 28: * lines\r\n 28: \r\n 28: last\r\n 28: line\r\n 28: \r\n 28: # Comment\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dee680 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7dee710 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7dee7a0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7dee830 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: - |\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: - |\n 28: \n 28: folded line\n 28: next line\n 28: * bullet\n 28: \n 28: * list\n 28: * lines\n 28: \n 28: last line\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e37b20 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e37bb0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e37c40 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e37cd0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: - >\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: - another val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7deef90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7def020 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7def0b0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: - another val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e38430 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e384c0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e38550 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: ne at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7def8a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7def930 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7def9c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e38d40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e38dd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e38e60 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >+\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df01b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df0240 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df02d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e396f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e39780 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e39810 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >-\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.ine at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df0ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df0b50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df0be0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3a0a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3a130 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3a1c0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >2\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: ne at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df13d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df1460 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df14f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3aa50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3aae0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3ab70 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >+2\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: example2: >2+\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df1ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df1d70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df1e00 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: example2: |+\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3b360 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3b3f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3b480 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >-2\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.ine at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: example2: >2-\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.ine at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df25f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df2680 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df2710 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: example2: |-\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3bc70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3bd00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3bd90 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: er line at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df2f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df2f90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df3020 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3c620 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3c6b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3c740 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >3\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: er line at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df3810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df38a0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df3930 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3cfd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3d060 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3d0f0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: another line at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df4120 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df41b0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df4240 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3d980 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3da10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3daa0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >4\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: another line at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df4a30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df4ac0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df4b50 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3e330 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3e3c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3e450 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \r\n 28: plus another line at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df5340 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df53d0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df5460 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3ece0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3ed70 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3ee00 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: example: >9\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \r\n 28: plus another line at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: val\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df5d20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df5db0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df5e40 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: val\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3f690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e3f720 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e3f7b0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: \r\n 28: data: >\r\n 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph\n 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks\n 28: ote\r\n 28: paragraph breaks\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df6630 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df66c0 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: data: |\n 28: Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph\n 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e3ffa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e40030 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: example: >\r\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: at the end.\r\n 28: \r\n 28: another: text\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df6f40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7df6fd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7df7060 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: example: |\n 28: Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line:\n 28: plus another line at the end.\n 28: \n 28: another: text\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e40950 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e409e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e40a70 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \t \n 28: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df7850 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |2\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e41260 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df8160 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e41b70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df8a70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e42480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df9380 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e42d90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7df9c90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e436a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfa5a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e43fb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfaeb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e448c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfb7c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e451d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfc0d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e45ae0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfc9e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e463f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfd2f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e46d00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfdc00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e47610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfe510 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e47f20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: d\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dfee20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e48830 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: d\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7dff730 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e49140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: d\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e00040 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e49a50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: d\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e00950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4a360 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: asd\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e01260 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4ac70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: asd\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e01b70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4b580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: asd\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e02480 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4be90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: sd\r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e02d90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4c7a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: sd\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e036a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4d0e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: sd\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e03fb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4d9f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: d\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e048c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4e300 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: d\r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e051d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4ec10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: d\r\n 28: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e05ae0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4f520 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \r\n 28: \t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e063f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e4fe30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: d\r\n 28: \t \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e06d00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e50740 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \r\n 28: \t \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e07610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \t \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e51050 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e07f20 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e51960 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e08830 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e52270 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e09140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e52b80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: asdsd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e09a50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: 'asd'\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e53490 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: asd\n 28: d\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0a360 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e53da0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0ac70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: asd\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e546b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0b580 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e54fc0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0be90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e558d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0c7a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e561e0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0d0b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e56af0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0d9c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: |+\n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e57400 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: - >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: - >+\r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0e2d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e0e360 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e0e3f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |+\n 28: \n 28: - ''\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e57d10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e57da0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e57e30 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 28: - >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: - >+\r\n 28: \n 28: \r\n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e0ebe0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e0ec70 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e0ed00 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 28: - |+\n 28: \n 28: - |+\n 28: \n 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e58620 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e586b0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e58740 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c087b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff100 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff198 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff230 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff2c8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff360 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff3f8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff490 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff5d0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff668 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff528 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff710 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff7a8 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e58f60 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e58ff0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e59080 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e59110 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7e591a0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7e59230 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7e592c0 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7e59350 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7e593e0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7e59470 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7e59500 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7e59590 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7e59620 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08c10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e596c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08d28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e59760 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08e40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e59800 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08f58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffca0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffd38 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffdd0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e598a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e59930 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e599c0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e59a50 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffec0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bfff58 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d6dc20 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d6dcb0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7d6dd40 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00050 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c000e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e59af0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e59b80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e59c10 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c092a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c001e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00278 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e59cb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e59d40 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e59dd0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c093b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00370 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00408 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e59e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e59f00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e59f90 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c094d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00500 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00598 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5a030 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5a0c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5a150 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c095e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00728 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5a1f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5a280 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5a310 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01a80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01b18 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5a3b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5a440 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5a4d0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09818 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01bc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01c58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5a570 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5a600 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5a690 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09930 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c04010 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c040a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5a730 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5a7c0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5a850 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09a48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00910 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c009a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5a8f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5a980 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5aa10 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09b60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00aa0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00b38 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5aab0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ab40 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5abd0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09c78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00c30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00cc8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ac70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ad00 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5ad90 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09d90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00dc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00e58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ae30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5aec0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5af50 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09ea8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00f00 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7d6fec0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7d6ff50 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00ff0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01088 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5aff0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5b080 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5b110 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a0d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b1b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a1f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b250 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a308 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b2f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a420 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b390 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a538 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b430 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b4d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a768 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b570 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b610 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a998 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b6b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0aab0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b750 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0abc8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b7f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ace0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b890 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0adf8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b930 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0af10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5b9d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b028 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ba70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bb10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b258 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bbb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bc50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b488 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bcf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b5a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bd90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b6b8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5be30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b7d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bed0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b8e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5bf70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ba00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c010 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bb18 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c0b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bc30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c150 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bd48 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c1f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0be60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c290 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bf78 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c330 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c3d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c1a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c470 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c2c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c510 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c3d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c5b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c4f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c608 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c6f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c790 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c838 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c830 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c8d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ca68 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5c970 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cb80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ca10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cc98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c020c0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c02158 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5cab0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5cb40 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5cbd0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c02250 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c022e8 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5cc70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5cd00 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5cd90 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/64 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c087b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 8 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff100 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff198 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff230 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff2c8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff360 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff3f8 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff490 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff5d0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff668 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff528 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bff710 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bff7a8 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ce30 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 8 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5cec0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5cf50 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e5cfe0 DOCVAL: 'hello there 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7e5d070 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7e5d100 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7e5d190 DOCVAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (8 sibs) 28: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7e5d220 DOCSEQ: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7e5d2b0 VAL: 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7e5d340 VAL: 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7e5d3d0 DOCMAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 28: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7e5d460 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'hello there 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7e5d4f0 KEYVAL: 'bar' 'ciao qua 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err seq' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err map' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'indentation requirements err level' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo without space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08c10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5d590 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'foo with space after' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08d28 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5d630 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'simple with indents' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08e40 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5d6d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'foo 28: 28: bar 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case '7T8X' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c08f58 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffca0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffd38 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bffdd0 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5d770 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5d800 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5d890 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7e5d920 VAL: ' 28: folded line 28: next line 28: * bullet 28: 28: * list 28: * lines 28: 28: last line 28: ' (3 sibs) 28: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as seq val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7bffec0 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7bfff58 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5d9c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5da50 VAL: 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5dae0 VAL: 'another val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00050 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c000e8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5db80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5dc10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5dca0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c092a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c001e0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00278 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5dd40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ddd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5de60 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c093b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00370 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00408 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5df00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5df90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5e020 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c094d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00500 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00598 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5e0c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5e150 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5e1e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=keep' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c095e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00728 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5e280 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5e310 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5e3a0 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: 28: 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 2, chomp=strip' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01a80 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01b18 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5e440 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5e4d0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5e560 KEYVAL: 'example2' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end.' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09818 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c01bc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01c58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5e600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5e690 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5e720 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09930 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c04010 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c040a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5e7c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5e850 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5e8e0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09a48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00910 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c009a8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5e980 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ea10 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5eaa0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09b60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00aa0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00b38 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5eb40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ebd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5ec60 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, implicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09c78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00c30 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00cc8 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ed00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ed90 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5ee20 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/20 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map val, explicit indentation 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09d90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00dc0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c00e58 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5eec0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5ef50 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5efe0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'val' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/20 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/21 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded as map entry' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09ea8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00f00 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f080 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5f110 KEYVAL: 'data' 'Wrapped text will be folded into a single paragraph 28: Blank lines denote paragraph breaks 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/21 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/22 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, no chomp, no indentation' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c09fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c00ff0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c01088 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f1b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e5f240 KEYVAL: 'example' 'Several lines of text, with some "quotes" of various 'types', and also a blank line: 28: plus another line at the end. 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e5f2d0 KEYVAL: 'another' 'text' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/22 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/23 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with tab and spaces' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a0d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/23 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/24 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a1f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f410 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/24 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/25 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a308 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f4b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/25 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/26 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a420 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f550 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/26 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/27 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a538 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f5f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/27 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/28 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a650 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f690 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/28 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/29 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a768 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f730 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/29 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/30 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a880 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f7d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/30 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/31 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0a998 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f870 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/31 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/32 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0aab0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f910 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/32 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/33 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0abc8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5f9b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/33 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/34 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with empty docval 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ace0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fa50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/34 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/35 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0adf8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5faf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/35 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/36 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0af10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fb90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/36 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/37 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b028 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fc30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/37 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/38 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b140 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fcd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/38 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/39 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b258 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fd70 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/39 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/40 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b370 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fe10 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/40 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/41 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b488 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5feb0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/41 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/42 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b5a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5ff50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/42 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/43 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 5.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b6b8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e5fff0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/43 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/44 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 6' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b7d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/44 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/45 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 7' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0b8e8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60130 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/45 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/46 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 8' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ba00 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e601d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/46 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/47 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 9' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bb18 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60270 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/47 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/48 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 10' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bc30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60310 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/48 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/49 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 11' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bd48 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e603b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/49 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/50 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 12' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0be60 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60450 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/50 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/51 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded with docval no newlines at end 13' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0bf78 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e604f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/51 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/52 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c090 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60590 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/52 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/53 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c1a8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60630 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/53 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/54 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c2c0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e606d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/54 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/55 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c3d8 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60770 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/55 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/56 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c4f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/56 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/57 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 1.4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c608 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e608b0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: 'asd 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/57 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/58 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c720 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/58 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/59 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 2.1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c838 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e609f0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/59 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/60 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 3' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0c950 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60a90 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/60 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/61 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 4' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0ca68 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60b30 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/61 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/62 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, keep, empty docval trailing 5' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cb80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (0 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60bd0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: ' 28: 28: 28: 28: ' (1 sibs) 28: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/62 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/63 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 0' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cc98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c020c0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c02158 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e60d00 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e60d90 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/63 (0 ms) 28: [ RUN ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/64 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: running test case 'block folded, empty block vals in seq 1' 28: ------------------------------------------- 28: REF TREE: 28: 0xaaaad7c0cdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 28: 0xaaaad7c02250 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: 0xaaaad7c022e8 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: RECREATED TREE: 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [0][0] 0xaaaad7e60e30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 28: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7e60ec0 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7e60f50 VAL: ' 28: ' (2 sibs) 28: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 28: -------------------------------------- 28: [ OK ] BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/64 (0 ms) 28: [----------] 2340 tests from BLOCK_FOLDED/YmlTestCase (30 ms total) 28: 28: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 28: [==========] 2366 tests from 3 test suites ran. (31 ms total) 28: [ PASSED ] 2366 tests. 28/52 Test #28: ryml-test-block_folded ............ Passed 0.04 sec test 29 Start 29: ryml-test-tag_property 29: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-tag_property-0.6.0 29: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 29: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 29: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 29: [==========] Running 598 tests from 8 test suites. 29: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 29: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 29: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 29: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 29: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 7 tests from tag_directives 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.basic 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.basic (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.accepts_comment 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.accepts_comment (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.accepts_multiple_spaces 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.accepts_multiple_spaces (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.errors 29: 2:1: (1B):ERROR: malformed tag directive: %TAG 29: 2:1: %TAG (size=4) 29: ^~~~ (cols 1-5) 29: 29: 2:1: (1B):ERROR: malformed tag directive: %TAG !m! 29: 2:1: %TAG !m! (size=8) 29: ^~~~~~~~ (cols 1-9) 29: 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.errors (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.resolve_tags 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.resolve_tags (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.safe_with_empty_tree 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.safe_with_empty_tree (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tag_directives.decode_uri_chars 29: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/tree.cpp:1766:check failed: pos+1 < next 29: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/tree.cpp:1766:check failed: pos+1 < next 29: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/tree.cpp:1766:check failed: pos+1 < next 29: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/tree.cpp:1766:check failed: pos+1 < next 29: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/tree.cpp:1766:check failed: pos+1 < next 29: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/src/c4/yml/tree.cpp:1766:check failed: pos+1 < next 29: [ OK ] tag_directives.decode_uri_chars (0 ms) 29: [----------] 7 tests from tag_directives (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 7 tests from tags 29: [ RUN ] tags.test_suite_735Y 29: [ OK ] tags.test_suite_735Y (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tags.parsing 29: [ OK ] tags.parsing (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tags.setting 29: [ OK ] tags.setting (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tags.errors 29: [ OK ] tags.errors (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tags.setting_user_tags_do_not_require_leading_mark 29: [ OK ] tags.setting_user_tags_do_not_require_leading_mark (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tags.valid_chars 29: [ OK ] tags.valid_chars (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] tags.EHF6 29: [ OK ] tags.EHF6 (0 ms) 29: [----------] 7 tests from tags (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 4 tests from to_tag 29: [ RUN ] to_tag.user 29: [ OK ] to_tag.user (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] to_tag.double_exc_mark 29: [ OK ] to_tag.double_exc_mark (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] to_tag.with_namespace 29: [ OK ] to_tag.with_namespace (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] to_tag.with_namespace_bracket 29: [ OK ] to_tag.with_namespace_bracket (0 ms) 29: [----------] 4 tests from to_tag (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 1 test from from_tag 29: [ RUN ] from_tag.basic 29: [ OK ] from_tag.basic (0 ms) 29: [----------] 1 test from from_tag (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 1 test from normalize_tag 29: [ RUN ] normalize_tag.basic 29: [ OK ] normalize_tag.basic (0 ms) 29: [----------] 1 test from normalize_tag (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 1 test from normalize_tag_long 29: [ RUN ] normalize_tag_long.basic 29: [ OK ] normalize_tag_long.basic (0 ms) 29: [----------] 1 test from normalize_tag_long (0 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] 576 tests from TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: ! a--------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93060 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: '! a' (0 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf0de0 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 } 29: picture: !!binary >- 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn 29: Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ 29: ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 29: 1IAADs= 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91310 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b913a8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91440 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b914d8 KEYVAL***: '!!int 2' '!!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91570 KEYVAL***: '!!float 3' '!!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91608 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b916a0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b917e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91878 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91738 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf2b10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf2ba0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf2c30 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf2cc0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2bf2d50 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2bf2de0 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2bf2e70 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2bf2f00 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2bf2f90 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2bf3020 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2bf30b0 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 } 29: picture: !binary >- 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn 29: Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ 29: ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 29: 1IAADs= 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93290 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91d90 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91e28 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ec0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 2' '!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ff0 KEYVAL***: '!float 3' '!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92088 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92120 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b922f8 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b921b8 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf4c70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf4d00 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf4d90 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf4e20 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2bf4eb0 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2bf4f40 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2bf4fd0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2bf5060 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2bf50f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2bf5180 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2bf5210 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: { 29: ivar: !!int 0, 29: svar: !!str 0, 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: }--------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b933a8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b923a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92438 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b924d0 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf69a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf6a30 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf6ac0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf6b50 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: { 29: ivar: !int 0, 29: svar: !str 0, 29: !str key: !int val 29: } 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b934c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92e40 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92ed8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92f70 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf8710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf87a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf8830 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf88c0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b935d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b90f90 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91028 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bfa4c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bfa550 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bfa5e0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b936f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b919c0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91a58 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bfc1f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bfc280 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bfc310 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: [ 29: !!int 0, 29: !!str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93808 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91b50 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91be8 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bfdf20 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bfdfb0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bfe040 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: [ 29: !int 0, 29: !str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93920 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b941a0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94238 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bffc70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bffd00 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bffd90 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type [ 29: !!int 0, 29: !!str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93a38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92700 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b927a0 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92838 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c01a60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c01af0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c01b80 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c01c10 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type [ 29: !int 0, 29: !str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93b50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92930 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b929d0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92a68 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c03810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c038a0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c03930 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c039c0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: ? a 29: : b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str 29: a 29: b 29: ... 29: --- !!str a b 29: ... 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 29: a: b 29: --- !!str a: b 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- 29: !!str a 29: b 29: --- 29: !!set 29: ? a 29: ? b 29: --- !!set 29: ? a 29: ? b 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93c68 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 12 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94560 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94c90 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94d28 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b945f8 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ce0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94690 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94dd0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94e68 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94728 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b947c0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94858 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b948f0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94988 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94a20 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92d90 KEYVAL***: '!!str a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94ab8 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94b50 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94f10 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94fa8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94be8 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95050 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b950e8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c06350 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c063e0 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c06470 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c06500 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c06590 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c06620 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c066b0 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c06740 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c067d0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c06860 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c068f0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c06980 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c06a10 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c06aa0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c06b30 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c06bc0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c06c50 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c06ce0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c06d70 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c06e00 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c06e90 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c06f20 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c06fb0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93d80 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95230 KEYVAL***: '!!str a0' '!!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b952c8 KEYMAP***: '!!str fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95530 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b955c8 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95360 KEYMAP***: '!!str foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95670 KEYVAL***: '!!int 1' '!!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95708 KEYVAL***: '!!int 3' '!!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b953f8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b957b0 KEYVAL***: '10' '!!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95848 KEYVAL***: '30' '!!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95490 KEYMAP***: '!!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b958f0 KEYVAL***: '!!int 10' '!!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95988 KEYVAL***: '!!int 30' '!!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c08980 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c08a10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c08aa0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c08b30 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c08bc0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c08c50 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c08ce0 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c08d70 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c08e00 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c08e90 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c08f20 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c08fb0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c09040 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c090d0 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93e98 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95a80 KEYVAL***: '!str a0' '!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95b18 KEYMAP***: '!str fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95d80 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95e18 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95bb0 KEYMAP***: '!str foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ec0 KEYVAL***: '!int 1' '!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 3' '!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96000 KEYVAL***: '10' '!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96098 KEYVAL***: '30' '!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ce0 KEYMAP***: '!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96140 KEYVAL***: '!int 10' '!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b961d8 KEYVAL***: '!int 30' '!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c0a6b0 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c0a740 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c0a7d0 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c0a860 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c0a8f0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c0a980 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c0aa10 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c0aaa0 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c0ab30 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c0abc0 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c0ac50 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c0ace0 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c0ad70 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c0ae00 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93fb0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96db0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97150 KEYVAL***: '!!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b971e8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97280 KEYVAL***: '!!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96e48 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97320 KEYVAL***: '!!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b973b8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97450 KEYVAL***: '!!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96ee0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b974f0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97588 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97620 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96f78 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b976c0 VAL***: '!!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97758 VAL***: '!!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b977f0 VAL***: '!!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97010 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97890 VAL***: '!!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97928 VAL***: '!!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b979c0 VAL***: '!!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b970a8 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97a60 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97af8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97b90 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c0d2a0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c0d330 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c0d3c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c0d450 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c0d4e0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c0d570 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c0d600 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c0d690 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c0d720 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c0d7b0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c0d840 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c0d8d0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c0d960 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c0d9f0 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c0da80 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c0db10 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c0dba0 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c0dc30 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c0dcc0 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c0dd50 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c0dde0 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c0de70 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c0df00 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c0df90 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c0e020 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b940c8 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98020 KEYVAL***: '!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b980b8 KEYVAL***: '!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98150 KEYVAL***: '!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97d18 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b981f0 KEYVAL***: '!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98288 KEYVAL***: '!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98320 KEYVAL***: '!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97db0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b983c0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98458 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b984f0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97e48 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98590 VAL***: '!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98628 VAL***: '!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b986c0 VAL***: '!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97ee0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98760 VAL***: '!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b987f8 VAL***: '!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98890 VAL***: '!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97f78 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98930 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b989c8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98a60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c101e0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c10270 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c10300 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c10390 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c10420 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c104b0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c10540 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c105d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c10660 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c106f0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c10780 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c10810 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c108a0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c10930 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c109c0 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c10a50 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c10ae0 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c10b70 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c10c00 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c10c90 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c10d20 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c10db0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c10e40 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c10ed0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c10f60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: ! a--------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93060 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: '! a' (0 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c0f8d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 } 29: picture: !!binary >- 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn 29: Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ 29: ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 29: 1IAADs= 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91310 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b913a8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91440 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b914d8 KEYVAL***: '!!int 2' '!!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91570 KEYVAL***: '!!float 3' '!!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91608 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b916a0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b917e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91878 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91738 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c113f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c11480 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c11510 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c115a0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c11630 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c116c0 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c11750 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c117e0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c11870 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c11900 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c11990 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 } 29: picture: !binary >- 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn 29: Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ 29: ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 29: 1IAADs= 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93290 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91d90 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91e28 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ec0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 2' '!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ff0 KEYVAL***: '!float 3' '!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92088 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92120 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b922f8 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b921b8 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c11d00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c11d90 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c11e20 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c11eb0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c11f40 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c11fd0 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c12060 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c120f0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c12180 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c12210 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c122a0 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: { 29: ivar: !!int 0, 29: svar: !!str 0, 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: }--------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b933a8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b923a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92438 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b924d0 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c12610 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c126a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c12730 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c127c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: { 29: ivar: !int 0, 29: svar: !str 0, 29: !str key: !int val 29: } 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b934c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92e40 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92ed8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92f70 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c12f20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c12fb0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c13040 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c130d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b935d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b90f90 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91028 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c13830 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c138c0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c13950 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b936f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b919c0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91a58 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c14140 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c141d0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c14260 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: [ 29: !!int 0, 29: !!str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93808 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91b50 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91be8 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c14a50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c14ae0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c14b70 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: [ 29: !int 0, 29: !str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93920 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b941a0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94238 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c15360 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c153f0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c15480 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type [ 29: !!int 0, 29: !!str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93a38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92700 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b927a0 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92838 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c15c70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c15d00 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c15d90 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c15e20 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type [ 29: !int 0, 29: !str 0 29: ] 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93b50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92930 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b929d0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92a68 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c16580 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c16610 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c166a0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c16730 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: ? a 29: : b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str 29: a 29: b 29: ... 29: --- !!str a b 29: ... 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 29: a: b 29: --- !!str a: b 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- 29: !!str a 29: b 29: --- 29: !!set 29: ? a 29: ? b 29: --- !!set 29: ? a 29: ? b 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93c68 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 12 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94560 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94c90 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94d28 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b945f8 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ce0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94690 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94dd0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94e68 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94728 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b947c0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94858 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b948f0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94988 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94a20 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92d90 KEYVAL***: '!!str a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94ab8 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94b50 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94f10 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94fa8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94be8 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95050 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b950e8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c177a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c17830 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c178c0 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c17950 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c179e0 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c17a70 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c17b00 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c17b90 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c17c20 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c17cb0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c17d40 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c17dd0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c17e60 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c17ef0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c17f80 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c18010 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c180a0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c18130 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c181c0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c18250 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c182e0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c18370 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c18400 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93d80 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95230 KEYVAL***: '!!str a0' '!!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b952c8 KEYMAP***: '!!str fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95530 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b955c8 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95360 KEYMAP***: '!!str foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95670 KEYVAL***: '!!int 1' '!!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95708 KEYVAL***: '!!int 3' '!!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b953f8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b957b0 KEYVAL***: '10' '!!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95848 KEYVAL***: '30' '!!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95490 KEYMAP***: '!!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b958f0 KEYVAL***: '!!int 10' '!!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95988 KEYVAL***: '!!int 30' '!!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c16e90 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c16f20 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c16fb0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c17040 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c170d0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c17160 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c171f0 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c17280 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c17310 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c173a0 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c17430 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c174c0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c17550 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c175e0 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93e98 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95a80 KEYVAL***: '!str a0' '!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95b18 KEYMAP***: '!str fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95d80 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95e18 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95bb0 KEYMAP***: '!str foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ec0 KEYVAL***: '!int 1' '!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 3' '!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96000 KEYVAL***: '10' '!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96098 KEYVAL***: '30' '!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ce0 KEYMAP***: '!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96140 KEYVAL***: '!int 10' '!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b961d8 KEYVAL***: '!int 30' '!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c189b0 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c18a40 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c18ad0 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c18b60 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c18bf0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c18c80 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c18d10 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c18da0 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c18e30 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c18ec0 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c18f50 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c18fe0 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c19070 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c19100 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93fb0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96db0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97150 KEYVAL***: '!!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b971e8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97280 KEYVAL***: '!!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96e48 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97320 KEYVAL***: '!!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b973b8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97450 KEYVAL***: '!!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96ee0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b974f0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97588 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97620 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96f78 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b976c0 VAL***: '!!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97758 VAL***: '!!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b977f0 VAL***: '!!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97010 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97890 VAL***: '!!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97928 VAL***: '!!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b979c0 VAL***: '!!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b970a8 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97a60 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97af8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97b90 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c19bd0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c19c60 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c19cf0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c19d80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c19e10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c19ea0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c19f30 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c19fc0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c1a050 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c1a0e0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c1a170 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c1a200 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c1a290 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c1a320 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c1a3b0 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c1a440 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c1a4d0 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c1a560 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c1a5f0 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c1a680 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c1a710 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c1a7a0 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c1a830 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c1a8c0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c1a950 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: --------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b940c8 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98020 KEYVAL***: '!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b980b8 KEYVAL***: '!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98150 KEYVAL***: '!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97d18 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b981f0 KEYVAL***: '!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98288 KEYVAL***: '!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98320 KEYVAL***: '!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97db0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b983c0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98458 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b984f0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97e48 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98590 VAL***: '!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98628 VAL***: '!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b986c0 VAL***: '!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97ee0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98760 VAL***: '!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b987f8 VAL***: '!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98890 VAL***: '!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97f78 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98930 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b989c8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98a60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: PARSED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1ade0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c1ae70 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c1af00 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c1af90 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c1b020 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c1b0b0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c1b140 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c1b1d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c1b260 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c1b2f0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c1b380 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c1b410 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c1b4a0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c1b530 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c1b5c0 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c1b650 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c1b6e0 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c1b770 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c1b800 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c1b890 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c1b920 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c1b9b0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c1ba40 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c1bad0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c1bb60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ! a 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ! a 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ! a 29: ! a 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ! a 29: ! a 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ! a 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ! a 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: fvar: !!float 0.1 29: !!int 2: !!float 3 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: fvar: !float 0.1 29: !int 2: !float 3 29: !float 3: !int 3.4 29: !str key: !int val 29: myObject: !myClass 29: name: Joe 29: age: 15 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !!int 0 29: svar: !!str 0 29: !!str key: !!int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ivar: !int 0 29: svar: !str 0 29: !str key: !int val 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !!its_type 29: - !!int 0 29: - !!str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: some_seq: !its_type 29: - !int 0 29: - !str 0 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: --- !!map 29: a: 0 29: b: 1 29: --- !map 29: a: b 29: --- !!seq 29: - a 29: - b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- !!str 'a: b' 29: --- 29: !!str a: b 29: --- !!str a b 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: --- !!set 29: a: 29: b: 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!map 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0 29: !!str fooz: !!map 29: k1: !!float 1.0 29: k3: !!float 2.0 29: !!str foo: !!map 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0 29: bar: !!map 29: 10: !!str 2 29: 30: !!str 4 29: !!str baz: 29: !!int 10: !!float 20 29: !!int 30: !!float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !map 29: !str a0: !xxx b0 29: !str fooz: !map 29: k1: !float 1.0 29: k3: !float 2.0 29: !str foo: !map 29: !int 1: !float 20.0 29: !int 3: !float 40.0 29: bar: !map 29: 10: !str 2 29: 30: !str 4 29: !str baz: 29: !int 10: !float 20 29: !int 30: !float 40 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !!seq 29: - !!str k1: v1 29: !!str k2: v2 29: !!str k3: v3 29: - !!map 29: !!str k4: v4 29: !!str k5: v5 29: !!str k6: v6 29: - !!map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !!str v10 29: - !!str v20 29: - !!str v30 29: - !!seq 29: - !!str v40 29: - !!str v50 29: - !!str v60 29: - !!seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: !seq 29: - !str k1: v1 29: !str k2: v2 29: !str k3: v3 29: - !map 29: !str k4: v4 29: !str k5: v5 29: !str k6: v6 29: - !map 29: k7: v7 29: k8: v8 29: k9: v9 29: - - !str v10 29: - !str v20 29: - !str v30 29: - !seq 29: - !str v40 29: - !str v50 29: - !str v60 29: - !seq 29: - v70 29: - v80 29: - v90 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: ! a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf0de0 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ! a\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1d270 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: ivar: !!int 0\n 29: svar: !!str 0\n 29: fvar: !!float 0.1\n 29: !!int 2: !!float 3\n 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\n 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 }\n 29: picture: !!binary >-\n 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs= 1IAADs=\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf2b10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf2ba0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf2c30 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf2cc0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2bf2d50 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2bf2de0 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2bf2e70 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2bf2f00 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2bf2f90 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2bf3020 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2bf30b0 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !!int 0\n 29: svar: !!str 0\n 29: fvar: !!float 0.1\n 29: !!int 2: !!float 3\n 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\n 29: myObject: !myClass\n 29: name: Joe\n 29: age: 15\n 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs='\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1e460 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c1e4f0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c1e580 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c1e610 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c1e6a0 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c1e730 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c1e7c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c1e850 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c1e8e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c1e970 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c1ea00 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: ivar: !int 0\n 29: svar: !str 0\n 29: fvar: !float 0.1\n 29: !int 2: !float 3\n 29: !float 3: !int 3.4\n 29: !str key: !int val\n 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 }\n 29: picture: !binary >-\n 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs= 1IAADs=\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf4c70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf4d00 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf4d90 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf4e20 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2bf4eb0 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2bf4f40 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2bf4fd0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2bf5060 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2bf50f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2bf5180 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2bf5210 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !int 0\n 29: svar: !str 0\n 29: fvar: !float 0.1\n 29: !int 2: !float 3\n 29: !float 3: !int 3.4\n 29: !str key: !int val\n 29: myObject: !myClass\n 29: name: Joe\n 29: age: 15\n 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs='\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1ed70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c1ee00 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c1ee90 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c1ef20 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c1efb0 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c1f040 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c1f0d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c1f160 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c1f1f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c1f280 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c1f310 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: {\n 29: ivar: !!int 0,\n 29: svar: !!str 0,\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\n 29: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf69a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf6a30 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf6ac0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf6b50 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !!int 0\n 29: svar: !!str 0\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1f680 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c1f710 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c1f7a0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c1f830 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: {\n 29: ivar: !int 0,\n 29: svar: !str 0,\n 29: !str key: !int val\n 29: }\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bf8710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bf87a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bf8830 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2bf88c0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !int 0\n 29: svar: !str 0\n 29: !str key: !int val\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1ff90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c20020 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c200b0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c20140 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bfa4c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bfa550 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bfa5e0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c208a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c20930 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c209c0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bfc1f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bfc280 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bfc310 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c211b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c21240 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c212d0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: [\n 29: !!int 0,\n 29: !!str 0\n 29: ]\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bfdf20 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bfdfb0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bfe040 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c21ac0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c21b50 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c21be0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: [\n 29: !int 0,\n 29: !str 0\n 29: ]\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2bffc70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2bffd00 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2bffd90 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c223d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c22460 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c224f0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: some_seq: !!its_type [\n 29: !!int 0,\n 29: !!str 0\n 29: ]\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c01a60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c01af0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c01b80 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c01c10 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: some_seq: !!its_type\n 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c22ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c22d70 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c22e00 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c22e90 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: some_seq: !its_type [\n 29: !int 0,\n 29: !str 0\n 29: ]\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c03810 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c038a0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c03930 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c039c0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: some_seq: !its_type\n 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c235f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c23680 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c23710 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c237a0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: \n 29: --- !!map\n 29: a: 0\n 29: b: 1\n 29: --- !map\n 29: ? a\n 29: : b\n 29: --- !!seq\n 29: - a\n 29: - b\n 29: --- !!str\n 29: a bb\n 29: ...\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: ...\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str\n 29: a: b\n 29: --- !!str a: b\n 29: ---\n 29: !!str a: b\n 29: ---\n 29: !!str a bb\n 29: ---\n 29: !!set\n 29: ? a\n 29: ? b\n 29: --- !!set\n 29: ? a\n 29: ? b\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c06350 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c063e0 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c06470 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c06500 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c06590 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c06620 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c066b0 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c06740 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c067d0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c06860 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c068f0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c06980 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c06a10 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c06aa0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c06b30 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c06bc0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c06c50 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c06ce0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c06d70 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c06e00 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c06e90 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c06f20 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c06fb0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: --- !!map\n 29: a: 0\n 29: b: 1\n 29: --- !map\n 29: a: b\n 29: --- !!seq\n 29: - a\n 29: - b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str 'a: b'\n 29: --- !!str 'a: b'\n 29: ---\n 29: !!str a: b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!set\n 29: a: \n 29: b: \n 29: --- !!set\n 29: a: \n 29: b: \n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c24810 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c248a0 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c24930 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c249c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c24a50 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c24ae0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c24b70 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c24c00 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c24c90 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c24d20 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c24db0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c24e40 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c24ed0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c24f60 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c24ff0 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c25080 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c25110 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c251a0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c25230 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c252c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c25350 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c253e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c25470 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !!map\n 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0\n 29: !!str fooz: !!map\n 29: k1: !!float 1.0\n 29: k3: !!float 2.0\n 29: !!str foo: !!map\n 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0\n 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0\n 29: bar: !!map\n 29: 10: !!str 2\n 29: 30: !!str 4\n 29: !!str baz:\n 29: !!int 10: !!float 20\n 29: !!int 30: !!float 40\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c08980 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c08a10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c08aa0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c08b30 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c08bc0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c08c50 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c08ce0 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c08d70 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c08e00 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c08e90 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c08f20 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c08fb0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c09040 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c090d0 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !!map\n 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0\n 29: !!str fooz: !!map\n 29: k1: !!float 1.0\n 29: k3: !!float 2.0\n 29: !!str foo: !!map\n 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0\n 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0\n 29: bar: !!map\n 29: 10: !!str 2\n 29: 30: !!str 4\n 29: !!str baz:\n 29: !!int 10: !!float 20\n 29: !!int 30: !!float 40\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c23f00 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c23f90 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c24020 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c240b0 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c24140 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c241d0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c24260 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c242f0 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c24380 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c24410 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c244a0 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c24530 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c245c0 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c24650 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !map\n 29: !str a0: !xxx b0\n 29: !str fooz: !map\n 29: k1: !float 1.0\n 29: k3: !float 2.0\n 29: !str foo: !map\n 29: !int 1: !float 20.0\n 29: !int 3: !float 40.0\n 29: bar: !map\n 29: 10: !str 2\n 29: 30: !str 4\n 29: !str baz:\n 29: !int 10: !float 20\n 29: !int 30: !float 40\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c0a6b0 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c0a740 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c0a7d0 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c0a860 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c0a8f0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c0a980 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c0aa10 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c0aaa0 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c0ab30 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c0abc0 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c0ac50 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c0ace0 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c0ad70 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c0ae00 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !map\n 29: !str a0: !xxx b0\n 29: !str fooz: !map\n 29: k1: !float 1.0\n 29: k3: !float 2.0\n 29: !str foo: !map\n 29: !int 1: !float 20.0\n 29: !int 3: !float 40.0\n 29: bar: !map\n 29: 10: !str 2\n 29: 30: !str 4\n 29: !str baz:\n 29: !int 10: !float 20\n 29: !int 30: !float 40\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c25a20 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c25ab0 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c25b40 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c25bd0 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c25c60 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c25cf0 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c25d80 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c25e10 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c25ea0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c25f30 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c25fc0 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c26050 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c260e0 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c26170 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !!seq\n 29: - !!str k1: v1\n 29: !!str k2: v2\n 29: !!str k3: v3\n 29: - !!map\n 29: !!str k4: v4\n 29: !!str k5: v5\n 29: !!str k6: v6\n 29: - !!map\n 29: k7: v7\n 29: k8: v8\n 29: k9: v9\n 29: - - !!str v10\n 29: - !!str v20\n 29: - !!str v30\n 29: - !!seq\n 29: - !!str v40\n 29: - !!str v50\n 29: - !!str v60\n 29: - !!seq\n 29: - v70\n 29: - v80\n 29: - v90\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c0d2a0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c0d330 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c0d3c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c0d450 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c0d4e0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c0d570 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c0d600 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c0d690 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c0d720 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c0d7b0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c0d840 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c0d8d0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c0d960 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c0d9f0 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c0da80 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c0db10 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c0dba0 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c0dc30 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c0dcc0 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c0dd50 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c0dde0 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c0de70 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c0df00 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c0df90 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c0e020 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !!seq\n 29: - !!str k1: v1\n 29: !!str k2: v2\n 29: !!str k3: v3\n 29: - !!map\n 29: !!str k4: v4\n 29: !!str k5: v5\n 29: !!str k6: v6\n 29: - !!map\n 29: k7: v7\n 29: k8: v8\n 29: k9: v9\n 29: - - !!str v10\n 29: - !!str v20\n 29: - !!str v30\n 29: - !!seq\n 29: - !!str v40\n 29: - !!str v50\n 29: - !!str v60\n 29: - !!seq\n 29: - v70\n 29: - v80\n 29: - v90\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c26c40 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c26cd0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c26d60 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c26df0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c26e80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c26f10 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c26fa0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c27030 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c270c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c27150 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c271e0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c27270 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c27300 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c27390 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c27420 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c274b0 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c27540 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c275d0 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c27660 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c276f0 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c27780 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c27810 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c278a0 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c27930 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c279c0 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !seq\n 29: - !str k1: v1\n 29: !str k2: v2\n 29: !str k3: v3\n 29: - !map\n 29: !str k4: v4\n 29: !str k5: v5\n 29: !str k6: v6\n 29: - !map\n 29: k7: v7\n 29: k8: v8\n 29: k9: v9\n 29: - - !str v10\n 29: - !str v20\n 29: - !str v30\n 29: - !seq\n 29: - !str v40\n 29: - !str v50\n 29: - !str v60\n 29: - !seq\n 29: - v70\n 29: - v80\n 29: - v90\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c101e0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c10270 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c10300 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c10390 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c10420 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c104b0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c10540 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c105d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c10660 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c106f0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c10780 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c10810 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c108a0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c10930 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c109c0 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c10a50 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c10ae0 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c10b70 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c10c00 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c10c90 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c10d20 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c10db0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c10e40 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c10ed0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c10f60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !seq\n 29: - !str k1: v1\n 29: !str k2: v2\n 29: !str k3: v3\n 29: - !map\n 29: !str k4: v4\n 29: !str k5: v5\n 29: !str k6: v6\n 29: - !map\n 29: k7: v7\n 29: k8: v8\n 29: k9: v9\n 29: - - !str v10\n 29: - !str v20\n 29: - !str v30\n 29: - !seq\n 29: - !str v40\n 29: - !str v50\n 29: - !str v60\n 29: - !seq\n 29: - v70\n 29: - v80\n 29: - v90\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c27e50 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c27ee0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c27f70 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c28000 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c28090 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c28120 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c281b0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c28240 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c282d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c28360 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c283f0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c28480 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c28510 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c285a0 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c28630 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c286c0 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c28750 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c287e0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c28870 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c28900 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c28990 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c28a20 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c28ab0 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c28b40 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c28bd0 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: ! a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c0f8d0 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ! a\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c26330 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: ivar: !!int 0\r\n 29: svar: !!str 0\r\n 29: fvar: !!float 0.1\r\n 29: !!int 2: !!float 3\r\n 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4\r\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\r\n 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 }\r\n 29: picture: !!binary >-\r\n 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=\r\n 29: 1IAADs=\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c113f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c11480 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c11510 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c115a0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c11630 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c116c0 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c11750 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c117e0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c11870 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c11900 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c11990 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !!int 0\n 29: svar: !!str 0\n 29: fvar: !!float 0.1\n 29: !!int 2: !!float 3\n 29: !!float 3: !!int 3.4\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\n 29: myObject: !myClass\n 29: name: Joe\n 29: age: 15\n 29: picture: !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs='\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c29060 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c290f0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c29180 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c29210 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c292a0 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c29330 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c293c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c29450 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c294e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c29570 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c29600 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: ivar: !int 0\r\n 29: svar: !str 0\r\n 29: fvar: !float 0.1\r\n 29: !int 2: !float 3\r\n 29: !float 3: !int 3.4\r\n 29: !str key: !int val\r\n 29: myObject: !myClass { name: Joe, age: 15 }\r\n 29: picture: !binary >-\r\n 29: R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=\r\n 29: 1IAADs=\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c11d00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c11d90 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c11e20 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c11eb0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c11f40 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c11fd0 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c12060 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c120f0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c12180 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c12210 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c122a0 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !int 0\n 29: svar: !str 0\n 29: fvar: !float 0.1\n 29: !int 2: !float 3\n 29: !float 3: !int 3.4\n 29: !str key: !int val\n 29: myObject: !myClass\n 29: name: Joe\n 29: age: 15\n 29: picture: !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs='\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c29970 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c29a00 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c29a90 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c29b20 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c29bb0 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c29c40 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c29cd0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c29d60 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c29df0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c29e80 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c29f10 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: {\r\n 29: ivar: !!int 0,\r\n 29: svar: !!str 0,\r\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\r\n 29: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c12610 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c126a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c12730 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c127c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !!int 0\n 29: svar: !!str 0\n 29: !!str key: !!int val\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2a280 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2a310 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2a3a0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c2a430 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: {\r\n 29: ivar: !int 0,\r\n 29: svar: !str 0,\r\n 29: !str key: !int val\r\n 29: }\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c12f20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c12fb0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c13040 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c130d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: ivar: !int 0\n 29: svar: !str 0\n 29: !str key: !int val\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2ab90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2ac20 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2acb0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c2ad40 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: - !!int 0\r\n 29: - !!str 0\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c13830 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c138c0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c13950 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2b4a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2b530 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2b5c0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: - !int 0\r\n 29: - !str 0\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c14140 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c141d0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c14260 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2bdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2be40 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2bed0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: [\r\n 29: !!int 0,\r\n 29: !!str 0\r\n 29: ]\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c14a50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c14ae0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c14b70 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2c6c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2c750 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2c7e0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: [\r\n 29: !int 0,\r\n 29: !str 0\r\n 29: ]\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c15360 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c153f0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c15480 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2cfd0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2d060 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2d0f0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: some_seq: !!its_type [\r\n 29: !!int 0,\r\n 29: !!str 0\r\n 29: ]\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c15c70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c15d00 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c15d90 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c15e20 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: some_seq: !!its_type\n 29: - !!int 0\n 29: - !!str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2d8e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2d970 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2da00 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c2da90 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: some_seq: !its_type [\r\n 29: !int 0,\r\n 29: !str 0\r\n 29: ]\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c16580 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c16610 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c166a0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c16730 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: some_seq: !its_type\n 29: - !int 0\n 29: - !str 0\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2e1f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2e280 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2e310 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c2e3a0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: \r\n 29: --- !!map\r\n 29: a: 0\r\n 29: b: 1\r\n 29: --- !map\r\n 29: ? a\r\n 29: : b\r\n 29: --- !!seq\r\n 29: - a\r\n 29: - b\r\n 29: --- !!str\r\n 29: a b b\r\n 29: ...\r\n 29: --- !!str a b\r\n 29: ...\r\n 29: --- !!str a b\r\n 29: --- !!str\r\n 29: a: b\r\n 29: --- !!str a: b\r\n 29: ---\r\n 29: !!str a: b\r\n 29: ---\r\n 29: !!str a b b\r\n 29: ---\r\n 29: !!set\r\n 29: ? a\r\n 29: ? b\r\n 29: --- !!set\r\n 29: ? a\r\n 29: ? b\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c177a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c17830 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c178c0 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c17950 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c179e0 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c17a70 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c17b00 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c17b90 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c17c20 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c17cb0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c17d40 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c17dd0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c17e60 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c17ef0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c17f80 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c18010 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c180a0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c18130 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c181c0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c18250 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c182e0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c18370 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c18400 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: --- !!map\n 29: a: 0\n 29: b: 1\n 29: --- !map\n 29: a: b\n 29: --- !!seq\n 29: - a\n 29: - b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!str 'a: b'\n 29: --- !!str 'a: b'\n 29: ---\n 29: !!str a: b\n 29: --- !!str a b\n 29: --- !!set\n 29: a: \n 29: b: \n 29: --- !!set\n 29: a: \n 29: b: \n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2f410 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2f4a0 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2f530 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c2f5c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c2f650 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c2f6e0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c2f770 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c2f800 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c2f890 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c2f920 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c2f9b0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c2fa40 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c2fad0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c2fb60 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c2fbf0 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c2fc80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c2fd10 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c2fda0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c2fe30 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c2fec0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c2ff50 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c2ffe0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c30070 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !!map\r\n 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0\r\n 29: !!str fooz: !!map\r\n 29: k1: !!float 1.0\r\n 29: k3: !!float 2.0\r\n 29: !!str foo: !!map\r\n 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0\r\n 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0\r\n 29: bar: !!map\r\n 29: 10: !!str 2\r\n 29: 30: !!str 4\r\n 29: !!str baz:\r\n 29: !!int 10: !!float 20\r\n 29: !!int 30: !!float 40\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c16e90 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c16f20 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c16fb0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c17040 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c170d0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c17160 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c171f0 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c17280 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c17310 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c173a0 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c17430 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c174c0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c17550 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c175e0 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !!map\n 29: !!str a0: !!xxx b0\n 29: !!str fooz: !!map\n 29: k1: !!float 1.0\n 29: k3: !!float 2.0\n 29: !!str foo: !!map\n 29: !!int 1: !!float 20.0\n 29: !!int 3: !!float 40.0\n 29: bar: !!map\n 29: 10: !!str 2\n 29: 30: !!str 4\n 29: !!str baz:\n 29: !!int 10: !!float 20\n 29: !!int 30: !!float 40\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c2eb00 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c2eb90 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c2ec20 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c2ecb0 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c2ed40 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c2edd0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c2ee60 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c2eef0 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c2ef80 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c2f010 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c2f0a0 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c2f130 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c2f1c0 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c2f250 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !map\r\n 29: !str a0: !xxx b0\r\n 29: !str fooz: !map\r\n 29: k1: !float 1.0\r\n 29: k3: !float 2.0\r\n 29: !str foo: !map\r\n 29: !int 1: !float 20.0\r\n 29: !int 3: !float 40.0\r\n 29: bar: !map\r\n 29: 10: !str 2\r\n 29: 30: !str 4\r\n 29: !str baz:\r\n 29: !int 10: !float 20\r\n 29: !int 30: !float 40\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c189b0 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c18a40 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c18ad0 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c18b60 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c18bf0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c18c80 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c18d10 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c18da0 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c18e30 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c18ec0 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c18f50 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c18fe0 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c19070 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c19100 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !map\n 29: !str a0: !xxx b0\n 29: !str fooz: !map\n 29: k1: !float 1.0\n 29: k3: !float 2.0\n 29: !str foo: !map\n 29: !int 1: !float 20.0\n 29: !int 3: !float 40.0\n 29: bar: !map\n 29: 10: !str 2\n 29: 30: !str 4\n 29: !str baz:\n 29: !int 10: !float 20\n 29: !int 30: !float 40\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c30620 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c306b0 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c30740 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c307d0 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c30860 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c308f0 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c30980 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c30a10 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c30aa0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c30b30 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c30bc0 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c30c50 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c30ce0 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c30d70 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !!seq\r\n 29: - !!str k1: v1\r\n 29: !!str k2: v2\r\n 29: !!str k3: v3\r\n 29: - !!map\r\n 29: !!str k4: v4\r\n 29: !!str k5: v5\r\n 29: !!str k6: v6\r\n 29: - !!map\r\n 29: k7: v7\r\n 29: k8: v8\r\n 29: k9: v9\r\n 29: - - !!str v10\r\n 29: - !!str v20\r\n 29: - !!str v30\r\n 29: - !!seq\r\n 29: - !!str v40\r\n 29: - !!str v50\r\n 29: - !!str v60\r\n 29: - !!seq\r\n 29: - v70\r\n 29: - v80\r\n 29: - v90\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c19bd0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c19c60 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c19cf0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c19d80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c19e10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c19ea0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c19f30 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c19fc0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c1a050 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c1a0e0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c1a170 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c1a200 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c1a290 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c1a320 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c1a3b0 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c1a440 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c1a4d0 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c1a560 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c1a5f0 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c1a680 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c1a710 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c1a7a0 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c1a830 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c1a8c0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c1a950 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !!seq\n 29: - !!str k1: v1\n 29: !!str k2: v2\n 29: !!str k3: v3\n 29: - !!map\n 29: !!str k4: v4\n 29: !!str k5: v5\n 29: !!str k6: v6\n 29: - !!map\n 29: k7: v7\n 29: k8: v8\n 29: k9: v9\n 29: - - !!str v10\n 29: - !!str v20\n 29: - !!str v30\n 29: - !!seq\n 29: - !!str v40\n 29: - !!str v50\n 29: - !!str v60\n 29: - !!seq\n 29: - v70\n 29: - v80\n 29: - v90\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c31840 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c318d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c31960 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c319f0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c31a80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c31b10 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c31ba0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c31c30 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c31cc0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c31d50 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c31de0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c31e70 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c31f00 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c31f90 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c32020 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c320b0 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c32140 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c321d0 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c32260 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c322f0 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c32380 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c32410 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c324a0 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c32530 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c325c0 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 29: !seq\r\n 29: - !str k1: v1\r\n 29: !str k2: v2\r\n 29: !str k3: v3\r\n 29: - !map\r\n 29: !str k4: v4\r\n 29: !str k5: v5\r\n 29: !str k6: v6\r\n 29: - !map\r\n 29: k7: v7\r\n 29: k8: v8\r\n 29: k9: v9\r\n 29: - - !str v10\r\n 29: - !str v20\r\n 29: - !str v30\r\n 29: - !seq\r\n 29: - !str v40\r\n 29: - !str v50\r\n 29: - !str v60\r\n 29: - !seq\r\n 29: - v70\r\n 29: - v80\r\n 29: - v90\r\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1ade0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c1ae70 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c1af00 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c1af90 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c1b020 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c1b0b0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c1b140 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c1b1d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c1b260 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c1b2f0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c1b380 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c1b410 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c1b4a0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c1b530 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c1b5c0 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c1b650 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c1b6e0 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c1b770 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c1b800 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c1b890 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c1b920 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c1b9b0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c1ba40 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c1bad0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c1bb60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 29: !seq\n 29: - !str k1: v1\n 29: !str k2: v2\n 29: !str k3: v3\n 29: - !map\n 29: !str k4: v4\n 29: !str k5: v5\n 29: !str k6: v6\n 29: - !map\n 29: k7: v7\n 29: k8: v8\n 29: k9: v9\n 29: - - !str v10\n 29: - !str v20\n 29: - !str v30\n 29: - !seq\n 29: - !str v40\n 29: - !str v50\n 29: - !str v60\n 29: - !seq\n 29: - v70\n 29: - v80\n 29: - v90\n 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c32a50 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c32ae0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c32b70 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c32c00 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c32c90 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c32d20 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c32db0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c32e40 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c32ed0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c32f60 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c32ff0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c33080 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c33110 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c331a0 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c33230 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c332c0 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c33350 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c333e0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c33470 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c33500 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c33590 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c33620 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c336b0 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c33740 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c337d0 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93060 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: '! a' (0 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2b92b10 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91310 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b913a8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91440 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b914d8 KEYVAL***: '!!int 2' '!!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91570 KEYVAL***: '!!float 3' '!!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91608 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b916a0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b917e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91878 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91738 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c30f30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c30fc0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c31050 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c310e0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c31170 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c31200 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c31290 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c31320 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c313b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c31440 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c314d0 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93290 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91d90 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91e28 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ec0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 2' '!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ff0 KEYVAL***: '!float 3' '!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92088 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92120 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b922f8 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b921b8 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c33c60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c33cf0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c33d80 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c33e10 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c33ea0 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c33f30 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c33fc0 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c34050 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c340e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c34170 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c34200 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b933a8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b923a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92438 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b924d0 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c31570 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c31600 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c31690 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c31720 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b934c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92e40 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92ed8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92f70 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c342a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34330 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c343c0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c34450 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b935d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b90f90 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91028 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c1e080 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c1e110 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c1e1a0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b936f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b919c0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91a58 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c344f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34580 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c34610 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93808 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91b50 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91be8 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c346b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34740 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c347d0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93920 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b941a0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94238 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c34870 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34900 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c34990 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93a38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92700 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b927a0 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92838 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c34a30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34ac0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c34b50 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c34be0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93b50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92930 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b929d0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92a68 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c34c80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34d10 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c34da0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c34e30 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93c68 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 12 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94560 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94c90 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94d28 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b945f8 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ce0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94690 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94dd0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94e68 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94728 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b947c0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94858 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b948f0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94988 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94a20 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92d90 KEYVAL***: '!!str a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94ab8 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94b50 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94f10 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94fa8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94be8 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95050 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b950e8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c34ed0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c34f60 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c34ff0 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c35080 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c35110 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c351a0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c35230 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c352c0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c35350 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c353e0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c35470 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c35500 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c35590 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c35620 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c356b0 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c35740 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c357d0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c35860 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c358f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c35980 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c35a10 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c35aa0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c35b30 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93d80 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95230 KEYVAL***: '!!str a0' '!!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b952c8 KEYMAP***: '!!str fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95530 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b955c8 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95360 KEYMAP***: '!!str foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95670 KEYVAL***: '!!int 1' '!!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95708 KEYVAL***: '!!int 3' '!!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b953f8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b957b0 KEYVAL***: '10' '!!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95848 KEYVAL***: '30' '!!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95490 KEYMAP***: '!!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b958f0 KEYVAL***: '!!int 10' '!!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95988 KEYVAL***: '!!int 30' '!!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c35bd0 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c35c60 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c35cf0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c35d80 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c35e10 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c35ea0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c35f30 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c35fc0 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c36050 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c360e0 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c36170 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c36200 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c36290 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c36320 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93e98 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95a80 KEYVAL***: '!str a0' '!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95b18 KEYMAP***: '!str fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95d80 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95e18 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95bb0 KEYMAP***: '!str foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ec0 KEYVAL***: '!int 1' '!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 3' '!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96000 KEYVAL***: '10' '!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96098 KEYVAL***: '30' '!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ce0 KEYMAP***: '!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96140 KEYVAL***: '!int 10' '!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b961d8 KEYVAL***: '!int 30' '!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c363c0 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c36450 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c364e0 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c36570 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c36600 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c36690 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c36720 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c367b0 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c36840 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c368d0 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c36960 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c369f0 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c36a80 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c36b10 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93fb0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96db0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97150 KEYVAL***: '!!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b971e8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97280 KEYVAL***: '!!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96e48 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97320 KEYVAL***: '!!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b973b8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97450 KEYVAL***: '!!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96ee0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b974f0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97588 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97620 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96f78 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b976c0 VAL***: '!!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97758 VAL***: '!!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b977f0 VAL***: '!!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97010 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97890 VAL***: '!!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97928 VAL***: '!!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b979c0 VAL***: '!!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b970a8 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97a60 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97af8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97b90 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c36bb0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c36c40 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c36cd0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c36d60 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c36df0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c36e80 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c36f10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c36fa0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c37030 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c370c0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c37150 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c371e0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c37270 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c37300 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c37390 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c37420 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c374b0 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c37540 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c375d0 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c37660 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c376f0 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c37780 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c37810 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c378a0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c37930 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b940c8 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98020 KEYVAL***: '!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b980b8 KEYVAL***: '!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98150 KEYVAL***: '!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97d18 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b981f0 KEYVAL***: '!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98288 KEYVAL***: '!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98320 KEYVAL***: '!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97db0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b983c0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98458 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b984f0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97e48 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98590 VAL***: '!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98628 VAL***: '!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b986c0 VAL***: '!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97ee0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98760 VAL***: '!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b987f8 VAL***: '!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98890 VAL***: '!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97f78 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98930 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b989c8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98a60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c379d0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c37a60 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c37af0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c37b80 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c37c10 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c37ca0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c37d30 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c37dc0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c37e50 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c37ee0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c37f70 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c38000 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c38090 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c38120 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c381b0 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c38240 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c382d0 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c38360 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c383f0 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c38480 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c38510 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c385a0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c38630 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c386c0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c38750 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'user tag, empty, test suite 52DL' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93060 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: '! a' (0 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2b92cf0 [ROOT] DOCVAL***: ! 'a' (1 sibs) 29: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91310 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b913a8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91440 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b914d8 KEYVAL***: '!!int 2' '!!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91570 KEYVAL***: '!!float 3' '!!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91608 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b916a0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b917e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91878 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91738 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c387f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c38880 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c38910 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c389a0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !!float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c38a30 KEYVAL***: !!int '2' !!float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c38ac0 KEYVAL***: !!float '3' !!int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c38b50 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c38be0 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c38c70 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c38d00 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c38d90 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !!binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93290 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91d90 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91e28 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ec0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' '!float 0.1' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 2' '!float 3' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ff0 KEYVAL***: '!float 3' '!int 3.4' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92088 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (8 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92120 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b922f8 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b921b8 KEYVAL***: 'picture' '!binary R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c38e30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c38ec0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (8 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c38f50 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (8 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c38fe0 KEYVAL***: 'fvar' !float '0.1' (8 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c39070 KEYVAL***: !int '2' !float '3' (8 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c39100 KEYVAL***: !float '3' !int '3.4' (8 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c39190 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (8 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c39220 KEYMAP***: 'myObject' !myClass (8 sibs) 2 children: 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c392b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Joe' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c39340 KEYVAL: 'age' '15' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c393d0 KEYVAL***: 'picture' !binary 'R0lGODdhDQAIAIAAAAAAANn Z2SwAAAAADQAIAAACF4SDGQ ar3xxbJ9p0qa7R0YxwzaFME 1IAADs=' (8 sibs) 29: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b933a8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b923a0 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92438 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b924d0 KEYVAL***: '!!str key' '!!int val' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c39470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c39500 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !!int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c39590 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !!str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c39620 KEYVAL***: !!str 'key' !!int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b934c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92e40 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' '!int 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92ed8 KEYVAL***: 'svar' '!str 0' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92f70 KEYVAL***: '!str key' '!int val' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c396c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c39750 KEYVAL***: 'ivar' !int '0' (3 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c397e0 KEYVAL***: 'svar' !str '0' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c39870 KEYVAL***: !str 'key' !int 'val' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b935d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b90f90 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91028 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c39910 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c399a0 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c39a30 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in implicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b936f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b919c0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91a58 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c39ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c39b60 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c39bf0 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93808 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91b50 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b91be8 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c39c90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c39d20 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c39db0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tag property in explicit seq, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93920 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b941a0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94238 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c39e50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c39ee0 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c39f70 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, std tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93a38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92700 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b927a0 VAL***: '!!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92838 VAL***: '!!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3a010 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3a0a0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !!its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3a130 VAL***: !!int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3a1c0 VAL***: !!str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged explicit sequence in map, usr tags' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93b50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92930 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b929d0 VAL***: '!int 0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b92a68 VAL***: '!str 0' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3a260 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3a2f0 KEYSEQ***: 'some_seq' !its_type (1 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3a380 VAL***: !int '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3a410 VAL***: !str '0' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'tagged doc' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93c68 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 12 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94560 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94c90 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94d28 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b945f8 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b91ce0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94690 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94dd0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94e68 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94728 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b947c0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94858 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b948f0 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94988 DOCVAL***: '!!str a: b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94a20 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b92d90 KEYVAL***: '!!str a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94ab8 DOCVAL***: '!!str a b' (12 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94b50 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b94f10 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94fa8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b94be8 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95050 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b950e8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3a4b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 12 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3a540 DOCMAP***: !!map (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3a5d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '0' (2 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3a660 KEYVAL: 'b' '1' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c3a6f0 DOCMAP***: !map (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c3a780 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c3a810 DOCSEQ***: !!seq (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c3a8a0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c3a930 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c3a9c0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c3aa50 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c3aae0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c3ab70 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c3ac00 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a: b' (12 sibs) 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c3ac90 DOCMAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c3ad20 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a' 'b' (1 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c3adb0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'a b' (12 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c3ae40 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c3aed0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c3af60 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c3aff0 DOCMAP***: !!set (12 sibs) 2 children: 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c3b080 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c3b110 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=23 vs #printed=23 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93d80 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95230 KEYVAL***: '!!str a0' '!!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b952c8 KEYMAP***: '!!str fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95530 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b955c8 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95360 KEYMAP***: '!!str foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95670 KEYVAL***: '!!int 1' '!!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95708 KEYVAL***: '!!int 3' '!!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b953f8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b957b0 KEYVAL***: '10' '!!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95848 KEYVAL***: '30' '!!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95490 KEYMAP***: '!!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b958f0 KEYVAL***: '!!int 10' '!!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95988 KEYVAL***: '!!int 30' '!!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3b1b0 [ROOT] MAP***: !!map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3b240 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a0' !!xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3b2d0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'fooz' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3b360 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !!float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c3b3f0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !!float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c3b480 KEYMAP***: !!str 'foo' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c3b510 KEYVAL***: !!int '1' !!float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c3b5a0 KEYVAL***: !!int '3' !!float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c3b630 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !!map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c3b6c0 KEYVAL***: '10' !!str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c3b750 KEYVAL***: '30' !!str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c3b7e0 KEYMAP***: !!str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c3b870 KEYVAL***: !!int '10' !!float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c3b900 KEYVAL***: !!int '30' !!float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in map, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93e98 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (0 sibs) 5 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95a80 KEYVAL***: '!str a0' '!xxx b0' (5 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95b18 KEYMAP***: '!str fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95d80 KEYVAL***: 'k1' '!float 1.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95e18 KEYVAL***: 'k3' '!float 2.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95bb0 KEYMAP***: '!str foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ec0 KEYVAL***: '!int 1' '!float 20.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95f58 KEYVAL***: '!int 3' '!float 40.0' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96000 KEYVAL***: '10' '!str 2' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96098 KEYVAL***: '30' '!str 4' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b95ce0 KEYMAP***: '!str baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96140 KEYVAL***: '!int 10' '!float 20' (2 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b961d8 KEYVAL***: '!int 30' '!float 40' (2 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3b9a0 [ROOT] MAP***: !map (1 sibs) 5 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3ba30 KEYVAL***: !str 'a0' !xxx 'b0' (5 sibs) 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3bac0 KEYMAP***: !str 'fooz' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3bb50 KEYVAL***: 'k1' !float '1.0' (2 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c3bbe0 KEYVAL***: 'k3' !float '2.0' (2 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c3bc70 KEYMAP***: !str 'foo' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c3bd00 KEYVAL***: !int '1' !float '20.0' (2 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c3bd90 KEYVAL***: !int '3' !float '40.0' (2 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c3be20 KEYMAP***: 'bar' !map (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c3beb0 KEYVAL***: '10' !str '2' (2 sibs) 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c3bf40 KEYVAL***: '30' !str '4' (2 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c3bfd0 KEYMAP***: !str 'baz' (5 sibs) 2 children: 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c3c060 KEYVAL***: !int '10' !float '20' (2 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c3c0f0 KEYVAL***: !int '30' !float '40' (2 sibs) 29: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, std tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b93fb0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b96db0 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97150 KEYVAL***: '!!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b971e8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97280 KEYVAL***: '!!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96e48 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97320 KEYVAL***: '!!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b973b8 KEYVAL***: '!!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97450 KEYVAL***: '!!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96ee0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b974f0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97588 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97620 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b96f78 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b976c0 VAL***: '!!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97758 VAL***: '!!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b977f0 VAL***: '!!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97010 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97890 VAL***: '!!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97928 VAL***: '!!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b979c0 VAL***: '!!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b970a8 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97a60 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97af8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97b90 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3c190 [ROOT] SEQ***: !!seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3c220 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3c2b0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3c340 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c3c3d0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c3c460 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c3c4f0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c3c580 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c3c610 KEYVAL***: !!str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c3c6a0 MAP***: !!map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c3c730 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c3c7c0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c3c850 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c3c8e0 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c3c970 VAL***: !!str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c3ca00 VAL***: !!str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c3ca90 VAL***: !!str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c3cb20 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c3cbb0 VAL***: !!str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c3cc40 VAL***: !!str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c3ccd0 VAL***: !!str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c3cd60 SEQ***: !!seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c3cdf0 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c3ce80 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c3cf10 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 29: [ RUN ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: running test case 'ambiguous tag in seq, usr tag' 29: ------------------------------------------- 29: REF TREE: 29: 0xaaaaf2b940c8 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (0 sibs) 6 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b97c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98020 KEYVAL***: '!str k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b980b8 KEYVAL***: '!str k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98150 KEYVAL***: '!str k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97d18 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b981f0 KEYVAL***: '!str k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98288 KEYVAL***: '!str k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98320 KEYVAL***: '!str k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97db0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b983c0 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98458 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b984f0 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97e48 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98590 VAL***: '!str v10' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98628 VAL***: '!str v20' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b986c0 VAL***: '!str v30' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97ee0 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98760 VAL***: '!str v40' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b987f8 VAL***: '!str v50' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98890 VAL***: '!str v60' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b97f78 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: 0xaaaaf2b98930 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b989c8 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: 0xaaaaf2b98a60 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: RECREATED TREE: 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [0][0] 0xaaaaf2c3cfb0 [ROOT] SEQ***: !seq (1 sibs) 6 children: 29: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf2c3d040 MAP: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf2c3d0d0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 29: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf2c3d160 KEYVAL***: !str 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 29: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf2c3d1f0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 29: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf2c3d280 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf2c3d310 KEYVAL***: !str 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 29: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf2c3d3a0 KEYVAL***: !str 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 29: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf2c3d430 KEYVAL***: !str 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 29: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf2c3d4c0 MAP***: !map (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf2c3d550 KEYVAL: 'k7' 'v7' (3 sibs) 29: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf2c3d5e0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (3 sibs) 29: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf2c3d670 KEYVAL: 'k9' 'v9' (3 sibs) 29: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf2c3d700 SEQ: (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf2c3d790 VAL***: !str 'v10' (3 sibs) 29: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf2c3d820 VAL***: !str 'v20' (3 sibs) 29: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf2c3d8b0 VAL***: !str 'v30' (3 sibs) 29: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf2c3d940 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf2c3d9d0 VAL***: !str 'v40' (3 sibs) 29: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf2c3da60 VAL***: !str 'v50' (3 sibs) 29: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf2c3daf0 VAL***: !str 'v60' (3 sibs) 29: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf2c3db80 SEQ***: !seq (6 sibs) 3 children: 29: [22] [22] 0xaaaaf2c3dc10 VAL: 'v70' (3 sibs) 29: [23] [23] 0xaaaaf2c3dca0 VAL: 'v80' (3 sibs) 29: [24] [24] 0xaaaaf2c3dd30 VAL: 'v90' (3 sibs) 29: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 29: -------------------------------------- 29: [ OK ] TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 29: [----------] 576 tests from TAG_PROPERTY/YmlTestCase (8 ms total) 29: 29: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 29: [==========] 598 tests from 8 test suites ran. (9 ms total) 29: [ PASSED ] 598 tests. 29/52 Test #29: ryml-test-tag_property ............ Passed 0.02 sec test 30 Start 30: ryml-test-explicit_key 30: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-explicit_key-0.6.0 30: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 30: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 30: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 30: [==========] Running 726 tests from 3 test suites. 30: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 30: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 30: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 30: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 30: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 30: 30: [----------] 5 tests from explicit_key 30: [ RUN ] explicit_key.test_suite_5WE3 30: [ OK ] explicit_key.test_suite_5WE3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] explicit_key.test_suite_DFF7_v1 30: [ OK ] explicit_key.test_suite_DFF7_v1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] explicit_key.test_suite_DFF7_v2 30: [ OK ] explicit_key.test_suite_DFF7_v2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] explicit_key.test_suite_FRK4 30: [ OK ] explicit_key.test_suite_FRK4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] explicit_key.test_suite_M2N8 30: [ OK ] explicit_key.test_suite_M2N8 (0 ms) 30: [----------] 5 tests from explicit_key (0 ms total) 30: 30: [----------] 720 tests from EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: ? 30: --- !!set # test that we do not add any last item 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: --- !!set # test that we do add the last item 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: ? 30: ... 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ba0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01260 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01430 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba014c8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01560 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba012f8 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01600 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01698 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01390 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01740 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba017d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01870 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba72b30 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [4] 0xaaaaeba72d70 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [1] 0xaaaaeba72bc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [2] 0xaaaaeba72c50 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [3] 0xaaaaeba72ce0 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba72e00 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaeba72e90 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaeba72f20 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaeba72fb0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaeba73040 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaeba730d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaeba73160 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~: safe 30: ?foo: safe question mark 30: :foo: safe colon 30: -foo: safe dash 30: this is#not: a comment 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04cb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01c70 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01d08 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01da0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01e38 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01ed0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba74bb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba74c40 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba74cd0 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba74d60 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba74df0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba74e80 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: { 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~: safe, 30: ?foo: safe question mark, 30: :foo: safe colon, 30: -foo: safe dash, 30: this is#not: a comment, 30: }--------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba023e0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02478 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02510 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba025a8 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02640 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba76b60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba76bf0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba76c80 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba76d10 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba76da0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba76e30 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: - a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~ 30: - ?foo 30: - :foo 30: - -foo 30: - this is#not:a comment 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ee8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba026e0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02778 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02810 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba028a8 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02940 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba78970 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba78a00 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba78a90 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba78b20 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba78bb0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba78c40 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: [ 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~, 30: ?foo, 30: :foo, 30: -foo, 30: this is#not:a comment, 30: ]--------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05000 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba032b0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03348 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba033e0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03478 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03510 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba7a860 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba7a8f0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba7a980 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba7aa10 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba7aaa0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba7ab30 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? an explicit key 30: : its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01fc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba7c590 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba7c620 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: { 30: a simple key: a value, 30: ? an explicit key: another value, 30: } 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba00f50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba00fe8 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba7e3e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba7e470 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba7e500 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: { 30: ? an explicit key: another value, 30: a simple key: a value, 30: } 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02100 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02198 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba801d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba80260 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba802f0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: a simple key: a value 30: ? an explicit key: another value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05460 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02290 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02328 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba81f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba81f90 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba82020 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05578 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02a30 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ac8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba83c30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba83cc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba83d50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: map: 30: ? an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: ? an explicit key deindented: its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05690 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02d00 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02e40 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ed8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02d98 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba85c60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba85cf0 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba85d80 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba85e10 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba85ea0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: - ? an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - ? another explicit key: its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba057a8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03070 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04740 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba047d8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03108 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba031b0 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba87b50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba87be0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba87c70 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba87d00 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba87d90 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba87e20 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba058c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02f80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba89a00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba89a90 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba059d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba048d0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba8b8b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba8b940 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba049c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba8d760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba8d7f0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? > 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ab0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba8f610 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba8f6a0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? >+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba06eb0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba914c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba91550 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? >- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03600 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba93370 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba93400 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: c: 30: ? d 30: e: 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba036a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03738 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba037d0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03868 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03900 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba950a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba95130 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba951c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba95250 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba952e0 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba95370 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: a: 1 30: ? b 30: &anchor c: 3 30: ? d 30: !!str e: 4 30: ? f 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba06068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba039f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03a88 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03b20 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03bb8 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03c50 KEYVAL***: '!!str e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03ce8 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba96dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba96e60 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba96ef0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba96f80 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba97010 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba970a0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaeba97130 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: ? 30: --- !!set # test that we do not add any last item 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: --- !!set # test that we do add the last item 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: ? 30: ... 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ba0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01260 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01430 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba014c8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01560 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba012f8 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01600 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01698 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01390 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01740 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba017d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01870 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba97720 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [4] 0xaaaaeba97960 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [1] 0xaaaaeba977b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [2] 0xaaaaeba97840 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [3] 0xaaaaeba978d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba979f0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaeba97a80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaeba97b10 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaeba97ba0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaeba97c30 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaeba97cc0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaeba97d50 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~: safe 30: ?foo: safe question mark 30: :foo: safe colon 30: -foo: safe dash 30: this is#not: a comment 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04cb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01c70 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01d08 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01da0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01e38 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01ed0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba98030 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba980c0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba98150 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba981e0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba98270 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba98300 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: { 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~: safe, 30: ?foo: safe question mark, 30: :foo: safe colon, 30: -foo: safe dash, 30: this is#not: a comment, 30: }--------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba023e0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02478 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02510 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba025a8 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02640 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba98940 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba989d0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba98a60 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba98af0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba98b80 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba98c10 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: - a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~ 30: - ?foo 30: - :foo 30: - -foo 30: - this is#not:a comment 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ee8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba026e0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02778 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02810 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba028a8 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02940 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba99250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba992e0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba99370 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba99400 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba99490 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba99520 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: [ 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~, 30: ?foo, 30: :foo, 30: -foo, 30: this is#not:a comment, 30: ]--------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05000 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba032b0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03348 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba033e0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03478 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03510 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba99b60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba99bf0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba99c80 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba99d10 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba99da0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba99e30 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? an explicit key 30: : its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01fc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9a470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9a500 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: { 30: a simple key: a value, 30: ? an explicit key: another value, 30: } 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba00f50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba00fe8 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9ad80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9ae10 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9aea0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: { 30: ? an explicit key: another value, 30: a simple key: a value, 30: } 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02100 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02198 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9b690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9b720 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9b7b0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: a simple key: a value 30: ? an explicit key: another value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05460 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02290 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02328 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9bfa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9c030 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9c0c0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05578 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02a30 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ac8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9c8b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9c940 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9c9d0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: map: 30: ? an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: ? an explicit key deindented: its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05690 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02d00 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02e40 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ed8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02d98 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9d1c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9d250 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9d2e0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba9d370 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba9d400 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: - ? an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - ? another explicit key: its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba057a8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03070 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04740 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba047d8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03108 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba031b0 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9dad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9db60 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9dbf0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba9dc80 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba9dd10 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba9dda0 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba058c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02f80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9e3e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9e470 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba059d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba048d0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9ecf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9ed80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba049c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9f600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9f690 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? > 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ab0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9ff10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9ffa0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? >+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba06eb0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa0820 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa08b0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: ? >- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03600 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa1130 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa11c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: ? a 30: ? b 30: c: 30: ? d 30: e: 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba036a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03738 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba037d0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03868 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03900 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa1a40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa1ad0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa1b60 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa1bf0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa1c80 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa1d10 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --------------- 30: 30: a: 1 30: ? b 30: &anchor c: 3 30: ? d 30: !!str e: 4 30: ? f 30: --------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba06068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba039f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03a88 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03b20 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03bb8 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03c50 KEYVAL***: '!!str e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03ce8 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: PARSED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa2350 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa23e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa2470 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa2500 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa2590 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa2620 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebaa26b0 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: its value 30: an explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: its value 30: an explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: --- 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: --- !!set 30: a: 30: b: 30: : 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe 30: '?foo': safe question mark 30: ':foo': safe colon 30: '-foo': safe dash 30: 'this is#not': a comment 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' 30: - '?foo' 30: - ':foo' 30: - '-foo' 30: - 'this is#not:a comment' 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key: another value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: map: 30: an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: an explicit key deindented: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: - an explicit key: another value 30: a simple key: a value 30: - another explicit key: its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |- 30: This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? | 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ? |+ 30: This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: : and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 30: b: 30: c: 30: d: 30: e: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: a: 1 30: b: 30: &anchor c: 3 30: d: 30: !!str e: 4 30: f: 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: ? a\n 30: ? b\n 30: ?\n 30: --- !!set # test that we do not add any last item\n 30: ? a\n 30: ? b\n 30: --- !!set # test that we do add the last item\n 30: ? a\n 30: ? b\n 30: ?\n 30: ...\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba72b30 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [4] 0xaaaaeba72d70 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [1] 0xaaaaeba72bc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [2] 0xaaaaeba72c50 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [3] 0xaaaaeba72ce0 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba72e00 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaeba72e90 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaeba72f20 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaeba72fb0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaeba73040 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaeba730d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaeba73160 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ---\n 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: : \n 30: --- !!set\n 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: --- !!set\n 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: : \n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa40c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa4150 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa41e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa4270 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa4300 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa4390 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebaa4420 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaebaa44b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaebaa4540 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaebaa45d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaebaa4660 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaebaa46f0 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~: safe\n 30: ?foo: safe question mark\n 30: :foo: safe colon\n 30: -foo: safe dash\n 30: this is#not: a comment\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba74bb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba74c40 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba74cd0 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba74d60 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba74df0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba74e80 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe\n 30: '?foo': safe question mark\n 30: ':foo': safe colon\n 30: '-foo': safe dash\n 30: 'this is#not': a comment\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa52b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa5340 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa53d0 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa5460 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa54f0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa5580 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: {\n 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~: safe,\n 30: ?foo: safe question mark,\n 30: :foo: safe colon,\n 30: -foo: safe dash,\n 30: this is#not: a comment,\n 30: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba76b60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba76bf0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba76c80 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba76d10 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba76da0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba76e30 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe\n 30: '?foo': safe question mark\n 30: ':foo': safe colon\n 30: '-foo': safe dash\n 30: 'this is#not': a comment\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa5bc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa5c50 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa5ce0 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa5d70 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa5e00 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa5e90 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: - a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~\n 30: - ?foo\n 30: - :foo\n 30: - -foo\n 30: - this is#not:a comment\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba78970 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba78a00 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba78a90 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba78b20 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba78bb0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba78c40 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~'\n 30: - '?foo'\n 30: - ':foo'\n 30: - '-foo'\n 30: - 'this is#not:a comment'\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa64d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa6560 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa65f0 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa6680 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa6710 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa67a0 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: [\n 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~,\n 30: ?foo,\n 30: :foo,\n 30: -foo,\n 30: this is#not:a comment,\n 30: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba7a860 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba7a8f0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba7a980 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba7aa10 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba7aaa0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba7ab30 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~'\n 30: - '?foo'\n 30: - ':foo'\n 30: - '-foo'\n 30: - 'this is#not:a comment'\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa6de0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa6e70 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa6f00 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa6f90 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa7020 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa70b0 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: ? an explicit key\n 30: : its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba7c590 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba7c620 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: an explicit key: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa76f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa7780 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: {\n 30: a simple key: a value,\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value,\n 30: }\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba7e3e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba7e470 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba7e500 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa8000 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa8090 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa8120 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: {\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value,\n 30: a simple key: a value,\n 30: }\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba801d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba80260 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba802f0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa8910 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa89a0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa8a30 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba81f00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba81f90 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba82020 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa9220 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa92b0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa9340 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: ? an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba83c30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba83cc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba83d50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa9b30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa9bc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa9c50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: map:\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ? an explicit key deindented: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba85c60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba85cf0 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba85d80 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba85e10 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba85ea0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: map:\n 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: an explicit key deindented: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaaa440 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaaa4d0 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaaa560 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaaa5f0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaaa680 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: - ? an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: - ? another explicit key: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba87b50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba87be0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba87c70 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba87d00 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba87d90 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba87e20 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: - an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: - another explicit key: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaaad50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaaade0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaaae70 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaaaf00 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaaaf90 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaab020 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? |\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: e lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba89a00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba89a90 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaab660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaab6f0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? |+\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba8b8b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba8b940 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |+\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaabf70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaac000 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? |-\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple linesle lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba8d760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba8d7f0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |-\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaac880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaac910 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? >\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: e lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba8f610 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba8f6a0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaad190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaad220 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? >+\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba914c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba91550 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |+\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaadaa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaadb30 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? >-\n 30: This is a key that has multiple linesle lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba93370 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba93400 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaae3b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaae440 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: ? a\n 30: ? b\n 30: c:\n 30: ? d\n 30: e:\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba950a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba95130 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba951c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba95250 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba952e0 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba95370 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: c: \n 30: d: \n 30: e: \n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaaecc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaaed50 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaaede0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaaee70 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaaef00 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaaef90 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \n 30: a: 1\n 30: ? b\n 30: &anchor c: 3\n 30: ? d\n 30: !!str e: 4\n 30: ? f\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba96dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba96e60 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba96ef0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba96f80 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba97010 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba970a0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaeba97130 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a: 1\n 30: b: \n 30: &anchor c: 3\n 30: d: \n 30: !!str e: 4\n 30: f: \n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaaf5d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaaf660 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaaf6f0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaaf780 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaaf810 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaaf8a0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebaaf930 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: ? a\r\n 30: ? b\r\n 30: ?\r\n 30: --- !!set # test that we do not add any last item\r\n 30: ? a\r\n 30: ? b\r\n 30: --- !!set # test that we do add the last item\r\n 30: ? a\r\n 30: ? b\r\n 30: ?\r\n 30: ...\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba97720 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [4] 0xaaaaeba97960 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [1] 0xaaaaeba977b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [2] 0xaaaaeba97840 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [3] 0xaaaaeba978d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba979f0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaeba97a80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaeba97b10 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaeba97ba0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaeba97c30 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaeba97cc0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaeba97d50 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ---\n 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: : \n 30: --- !!set\n 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: --- !!set\n 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: : \n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaafee0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaaff70 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab0000 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab0090 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab0120 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebab01b0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebab0240 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaebab02d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaebab0360 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaebab03f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaebab0480 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaebab0510 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~: safe\r\n 30: ?foo: safe question mark\r\n 30: :foo: safe colon\r\n 30: -foo: safe dash\r\n 30: this is#not: a comment\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba98030 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba980c0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba98150 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba981e0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba98270 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba98300 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~': safe\n 30: '?foo': safe question mark\n 30: ':foo': safe colon\n 30: '-foo': safe dash\n 30: 'this is#not': a comment\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab07f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab0880 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab0910 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab09a0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab0a30 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebab0ac0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: {\r\n 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~: safe,\r\n 30: ?foo: safe question mark,\r\n 30: :foo: safe colon,\r\n 30: -foo: safe dash,\r\n 30: this is#not: a comment,\r\n 30: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba98940 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba989d0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba98a60 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba98af0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba98b80 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba98c10 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~': safe\n 30: '?foo': safe question mark\n 30: ':foo': safe colon\n 30: '-foo': safe dash\n 30: 'this is#not': a comment\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab1100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab1190 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab1220 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab12b0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab1340 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebab13d0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: - a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~\r\n 30: - ?foo\r\n 30: - :foo\r\n 30: - -foo\r\n 30: - this is#not:a comment\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba99250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba992e0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba99370 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba99400 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba99490 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba99520 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~'\n 30: - '?foo'\n 30: - ':foo'\n 30: - '-foo'\n 30: - 'this is#not:a comment'\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab1a10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab1aa0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab1b30 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab1bc0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab1c50 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebab1ce0 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: [\r\n 30: a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~,\r\n 30: ?foo,\r\n 30: :foo,\r\n 30: -foo,\r\n 30: this is#not:a comment,\r\n 30: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba99b60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba99bf0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba99c80 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba99d10 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba99da0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba99e30 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: - 'a!"#$%&''()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~'\n 30: - '?foo'\n 30: - ':foo'\n 30: - '-foo'\n 30: - 'this is#not:a comment'\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab2320 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab23b0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab2440 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab24d0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab2560 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebab25f0 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: ? an explicit key\r\n 30: : its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9a470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9a500 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: an explicit key: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab2c30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab2cc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: {\r\n 30: a simple key: a value,\r\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value,\r\n 30: }\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9ad80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9ae10 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9aea0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab3540 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab35d0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab3660 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: {\r\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value,\r\n 30: a simple key: a value,\r\n 30: }\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9b690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9b720 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9b7b0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab3e50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab3ee0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab3f70 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: a simple key: a value\r\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9bfa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9c030 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9c0c0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab4760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab47f0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab4880 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value\r\n 30: a simple key: a value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9c8b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9c940 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9c9d0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab5070 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab5100 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab5190 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: map:\r\n 30: ? an explicit key: another value\r\n 30: a simple key: a value\r\n 30: ? an explicit key deindented: its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9d1c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9d250 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9d2e0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba9d370 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba9d400 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: map:\n 30: an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: an explicit key deindented: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab5980 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab5a10 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab5aa0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab5b30 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab5bc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: - ? an explicit key: another value\r\n 30: a simple key: a value\r\n 30: - ? another explicit key: its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9dad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9db60 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaeba9dbf0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaeba9dc80 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaeba9dd10 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaeba9dda0 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: - an explicit key: another value\n 30: a simple key: a value\n 30: - another explicit key: its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab6290 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab6320 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebab63b0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebab6440 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebab64d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebab6560 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? |\r\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: le lines\r\n 30: \r\n 30: : and this is its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9e3e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9e470 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab6ba0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab6c30 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? |+\r\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: e lines\r\n 30: \r\n 30: : and this is its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9ecf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9ed80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |+\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab74b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab7540 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? |-\r\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple linesple lines\r\n 30: \r\n 30: : and this is its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9f600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9f690 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |-\n 30: This is a key\n 30: that has multiple lines\n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab7dc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab7e50 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? >\r\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: le lines\r\n 30: \r\n 30: : and this is its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaeba9ff10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaeba9ffa0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab86d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab8760 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? >+\r\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: e lines\r\n 30: \r\n 30: : and this is its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa0820 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa08b0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: ? |+\n 30: This is a key that has multiple lines\n 30: \n 30: : and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab8fe0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab9070 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: ? >-\r\n 30: This is a key that has multiple linesple lines\r\n 30: \r\n 30: : and this is its value\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa1130 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa11c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: 'This is a key that has multiple lines': and this is its value\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebab98f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebab9980 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: ? a\r\n 30: ? b\r\n 30: c:\r\n 30: ? d\r\n 30: e:\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa1a40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa1ad0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa1b60 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa1bf0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa1c80 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa1d10 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a: \n 30: b: \n 30: c: \n 30: d: \n 30: e: \n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaba200 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaba290 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaba320 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaba3b0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaba440 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaba4d0 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 30: \r\n 30: a: 1\r\n 30: ? b\r\n 30: &anchor c: 3\r\n 30: ? d\r\n 30: !!str e: 4\r\n 30: ? f\r\n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebaa2350 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebaa23e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebaa2470 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebaa2500 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebaa2590 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebaa2620 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebaa26b0 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 30: a: 1\n 30: b: \n 30: &anchor c: 3\n 30: d: \n 30: !!str e: 4\n 30: f: \n 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabab10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebababa0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabac30 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabacc0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabad50 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabade0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebabae70 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ba0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01260 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01430 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba014c8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01560 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba012f8 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01600 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01698 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01390 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01740 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba017d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01870 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabb420 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabb4b0 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabb540 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabb5d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabb660 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabb6f0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebabb780 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaebabb810 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaebabb8a0 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaebabb930 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaebabb9c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaebabba50 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04cb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01c70 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01d08 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01da0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01e38 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01ed0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabbaf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabbb80 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabbc10 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabbca0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabbd30 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabbdc0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba023e0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02478 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02510 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba025a8 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02640 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabbe60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabbef0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabbf80 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabc010 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabc0a0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabc130 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ee8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba026e0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02778 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02810 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba028a8 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02940 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabc1d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabc260 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabc2f0 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabc380 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabc410 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabc4a0 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05000 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba032b0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03348 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba033e0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03478 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03510 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabc540 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabc5d0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabc660 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabc6f0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabc780 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabc810 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01fc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabc8b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabc940 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba00f50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba00fe8 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabc9e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabca70 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabcb00 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02100 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02198 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabcba0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabcc30 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabccc0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05460 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02290 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02328 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabcd60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabcdf0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabce80 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05578 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02a30 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ac8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabcf20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabcfb0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabd040 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05690 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02d00 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02e40 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ed8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02d98 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabd0e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabd170 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabd200 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabd290 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabd320 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba057a8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03070 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04740 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba047d8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03108 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba031b0 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabd3c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabd450 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabd4e0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabd570 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabd600 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabd690 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba058c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02f80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabd730 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabd7c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba059d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba048d0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabd860 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabd8f0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba049c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabd990 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabda20 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ab0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabdac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabdb50 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba06eb0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabdbf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabdc80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03600 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabdd20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabddb0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba036a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03738 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba037d0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03868 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03900 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabde50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabdee0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabdf70 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabe000 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabe090 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabe120 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba06068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba039f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03a88 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03b20 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03bb8 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03c50 KEYVAL***: '!!str e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03ce8 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabe1c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabe250 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabe2e0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabe370 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabe400 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabe490 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebabe520 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, last value missing' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ba0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01260 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01430 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba014c8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01560 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba012f8 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01600 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01698 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01390 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01740 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba017d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01870 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabe5c0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 3 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabe650 DOCMAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabe6e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabe770 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabe800 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabe890 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 2 children: 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebabe920 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 30: [7] [7] 0xaaaaebabe9b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 30: [8] [8] 0xaaaaebabea40 DOCMAP***: !!set (3 sibs) 3 children: 30: [9] [9] 0xaaaaebabead0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (3 sibs) 30: [10] [10] 0xaaaaebabeb60 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 30: [11] [11] 0xaaaaebabebf0 KEYVAL: '' '' (3 sibs) 30: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04cb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01c70 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01d08 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01da0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01e38 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba01ed0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabec90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabed20 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabedb0 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabee40 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabeed0 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabef60 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba023e0 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02478 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02510 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba025a8 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02640 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabf000 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabf090 KEYVAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|~' 'safe' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabf120 KEYVAL: '?foo' 'safe question mark' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabf1b0 KEYVAL: ':foo' 'safe colon' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabf240 KEYVAL: '-foo' 'safe dash' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabf2d0 KEYVAL: 'this is#not' 'a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, impl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ee8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba026e0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02778 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02810 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba028a8 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02940 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabf370 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabf400 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+,-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\]^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabf490 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabf520 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabf5b0 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabf640 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, ambiguity 2EBW, expl seq' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05000 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba032b0 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03348 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba033e0 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03478 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03510 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabf6e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabf770 VAL: 'a!"#$%&'()*+-./09:;<=>?@AZ[\^_`az{|}~' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabf800 VAL: '?foo' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebabf890 VAL: ':foo' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebabf920 VAL: '-foo' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebabf9b0 VAL: 'this is#not:a comment' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key with line break in between' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05118 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba01fc0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabfa50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabfae0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05230 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba00f50 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba00fe8 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabfb80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabfc10 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabfca0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st, inside explicit map' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05348 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02100 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02198 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabfd40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabfdd0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebabfe60 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 2nd' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05460 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02290 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02328 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebabff00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebabff90 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebac0020 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05578 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02a30 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ac8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac00c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0150 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebac01e0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a map, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05690 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02d00 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02e40 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02ed8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba02d98 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0280 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0310 KEYMAP: 'map' (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebac03a0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebac0430 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebac04c0 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key deindented' 'its value' (2 sibs) 30: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key nested in a seq, 1st' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba057a8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03070 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04740 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba047d8 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03108 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba031b0 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0560 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac05f0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebac0680 KEYVAL: 'an explicit key' 'another value' (2 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebac0710 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (2 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebac07a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebac0830 KEYVAL: 'another explicit key' 'its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba058c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba02f80 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac08d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0960 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba059d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba048d0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0a00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0a90 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, literal, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba049c0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0b30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0bc0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key 30: that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, clip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba04ab0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0c60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0cf0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, keep' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba06eb0 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0d90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0e20 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines 30: 30: ' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit block key, folded, strip' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba03600 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0ec0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac0f50 KEYVAL: 'This is a key that has multiple lines' 'and this is its value' (1 sibs) 30: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val 7W2P' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba05f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba036a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03738 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba037d0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03868 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03900 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac0ff0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac1080 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (5 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebac1110 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (5 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebac11a0 KEYVAL: 'c' '' (5 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebac1230 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (5 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebac12c0 KEYVAL: 'e' '' (5 sibs) 30: #nodes=6 vs #printed=6 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 30: [ RUN ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: running test case 'explicit key, missing val ZWK4' 30: ------------------------------------------- 30: REF TREE: 30: 0xaaaaeba06068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 30: 0xaaaaeba039f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03a88 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03b20 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03bb8 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03c50 KEYVAL***: '!!str e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: 0xaaaaeba03ce8 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: RECREATED TREE: 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [0][0] 0xaaaaebac1360 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 30: [1] [1] 0xaaaaebac13f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (6 sibs) 30: [2] [2] 0xaaaaebac1480 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (6 sibs) 30: [3] [3] 0xaaaaebac1510 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (6 sibs) 30: [4] [4] 0xaaaaebac15a0 KEYVAL: 'd' '' (6 sibs) 30: [5] [5] 0xaaaaebac1630 KEYVAL***: !!str 'e' '4' (6 sibs) 30: [6] [6] 0xaaaaebac16c0 KEYVAL: 'f' '' (6 sibs) 30: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 30: -------------------------------------- 30: [ OK ] EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 30: [----------] 720 tests from EXPLICIT_KEY/YmlTestCase (7 ms total) 30: 30: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 30: [==========] 726 tests from 3 test suites ran. (8 ms total) 30: [ PASSED ] 726 tests. 30/52 Test #30: ryml-test-explicit_key ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 31 Start 31: ryml-test-nested_mapx2 31: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-nested_mapx2-0.6.0 31: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 31: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 31: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 31: [==========] Running 145 tests from 2 test suites. 31: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 31: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 31: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 31: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 31: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 31: 31: [----------] 144 tests from NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: {foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02}, bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12}, baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22}}--------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cb70 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855ba60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bcc8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bd60 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855baf8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855be00 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855be98 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bf30 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bb90 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bfd0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c068 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85749d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8574a60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8574af0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8574b80 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8574c10 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8574ca0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8574d30 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8574dc0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8574e50 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8574ee0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8574f70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8575000 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8575090 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: { 31: foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02}, 31: bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12}, 31: baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22} 31: }--------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cc88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c3e0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c5b0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c648 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c6e0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c478 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c780 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c818 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c8b0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c510 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c950 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c9e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855ca80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8576a50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8576ae0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8576b70 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8576c00 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8576c90 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8576d20 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8576db0 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8576e40 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8576ed0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8576f60 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8576ff0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8577080 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8577110 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: --------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cda0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855cf90 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d160 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d1f8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d290 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d028 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d330 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d3c8 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d460 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d0c0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d500 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d598 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d630 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85789a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8578a30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8578ac0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8578b50 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8578be0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8578c70 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8578d00 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8578d90 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8578e20 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8578eb0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8578f40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8578fd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8579060 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: 31: send_to: 31: #host: 31: #port: 7000 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: #host: 31: #port: 7002 31: --------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855ceb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d810 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d8b0 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d948 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857a8f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857a980 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857aa10 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857aaa0 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: {foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02}, bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12}, baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22}}--------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cb70 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855ba60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bcc8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bd60 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855baf8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855be00 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855be98 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bf30 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bb90 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bfd0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c068 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857b200 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857b290 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857b320 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857b3b0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857b440 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857b4d0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857b560 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857b5f0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857b680 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857b710 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857b7a0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857b830 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857b8c0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: { 31: foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02}, 31: bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12}, 31: baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22} 31: }--------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cc88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c3e0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c5b0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c648 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c6e0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c478 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c780 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c818 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c8b0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c510 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c950 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c9e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855ca80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857bb10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857bba0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857bcc0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857bd50 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857bde0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857be70 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857bf00 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857bf90 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857c020 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857c0b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857c140 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857c1d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: --------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cda0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855cf90 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d160 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d1f8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d290 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d028 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d330 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d3c8 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d460 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d0c0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d500 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d598 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d630 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857c420 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857c4b0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857c540 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857c5d0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857c660 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857c6f0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857c780 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857c810 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857c8a0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857c930 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857c9c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857ca50 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857cae0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: --------------- 31: 31: send_to: 31: #host: 31: #port: 7000 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: #host: 31: #port: 7002 31: --------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855ceb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d810 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d8b0 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d948 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: PARSED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857cd30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857cdc0 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857ce50 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857cee0 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: foo: 31: foo0: 00 31: bar0: 01 31: baz0: 02 31: bar: 31: foo1: 10 31: bar1: 11 31: baz1: 12 31: baz: 31: foo2: 20 31: bar2: 21 31: baz2: 22 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: send_to: 31: host: 31: port: 7001 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: {foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02}, bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12}, baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22}}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85749d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8574a60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8574af0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8574b80 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8574c10 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8574ca0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8574d30 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8574dc0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8574e50 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8574ee0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8574f70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8575000 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8575090 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857ddb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857de40 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857ded0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857df60 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857dff0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857e080 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857e110 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857e1a0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857e230 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857e2c0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857e350 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857e3e0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857e470 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: {\n 31: foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02},\n 31: bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12},\n 31: baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22}\n 31: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8576a50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8576ae0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8576b70 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8576c00 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8576c90 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8576d20 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8576db0 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8576e40 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8576ed0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8576f60 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8576ff0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8577080 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8577110 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857efa0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857f030 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857f0c0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857f150 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857f1e0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857f270 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857f300 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857f390 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857f420 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857f4b0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857f540 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857f5d0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857f660 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: \n 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85789a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8578a30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8578ac0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8578b50 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8578be0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8578c70 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8578d00 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8578d90 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8578e20 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8578eb0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8578f40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8578fd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8579060 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857f8b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857f940 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857f9d0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857fa60 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857faf0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857fb80 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857fc10 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857fca0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857fd30 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857fdc0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857fe50 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857fee0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857ff70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: \n 31: send_to:\n 31: #host:\n 31: #port: 7000\n 31: host:\n 31: port: 7001\n 31: #host:\n 31: #port: 7002\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857a8f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857a980 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857aa10 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857aaa0 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: send_to:\n 31: host:\n 31: port: 7001\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85801c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8580250 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae85802e0 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8580370 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: {foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02}, bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12}, baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22}}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857b200 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857b290 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857b320 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857b3b0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857b440 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857b4d0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857b560 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857b5f0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857b680 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857b710 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857b7a0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857b830 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857b8c0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8580ad0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8580b60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8580bf0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8580c80 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8580d10 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8580da0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8580e30 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8580ec0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8580f50 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8580fe0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8581070 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8581100 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8581190 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: {\r\n 31: foo: {foo0: 00, bar0: 01, baz0: 02},\r\n 31: bar: {foo1: 10, bar1: 11, baz1: 12},\r\n 31: baz: {foo2: 20, bar2: 21, baz2: 22}\r\n 31: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857bb10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857bba0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857bcc0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857bd50 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857bde0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857be70 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857bf00 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857bf90 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857c020 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857c0b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857c140 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857c1d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85813e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8581470 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8581500 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8581590 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8581620 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae85816b0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8581740 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae85817d0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8581860 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae85818f0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8581980 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8581a10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8581aa0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: \r\n 31: foo:\r\n 31: foo0: 00\r\n 31: bar0: 01\r\n 31: baz0: 02\r\n 31: bar:\r\n 31: foo1: 10\r\n 31: bar1: 11\r\n 31: baz1: 12\r\n 31: baz:\r\n 31: foo2: 20\r\n 31: bar2: 21\r\n 31: baz2: 22\r\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857c420 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857c4b0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857c540 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857c5d0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae857c660 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae857c6f0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae857c780 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae857c810 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae857c8a0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae857c930 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae857c9c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae857ca50 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae857cae0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: foo:\n 31: foo0: 00\n 31: bar0: 01\n 31: baz0: 02\n 31: bar:\n 31: foo1: 10\n 31: bar1: 11\n 31: baz1: 12\n 31: baz:\n 31: foo2: 20\n 31: bar2: 21\n 31: baz2: 22\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8581cf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8581d80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8581e10 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8581ea0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8581f30 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8581fc0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8582050 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae85820e0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8582170 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8582200 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8582290 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8582320 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae85823b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 31: \r\n 31: send_to:\r\n 31: #host:\r\n 31: #port: 7000\r\n 31: host:\r\n 31: port: 7001\r\n 31: #host:\r\n 31: #port: 7002\r\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857cd30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857cdc0 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857ce50 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857cee0 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 31: send_to:\n 31: host:\n 31: port: 7001\n 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8582600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8582690 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8582720 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae85827b0 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cb70 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855ba60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bcc8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bd60 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855baf8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855be00 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855be98 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bf30 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bb90 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bfd0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c068 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8582f10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8582fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8583030 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae85830c0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8583150 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae85831e0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8583270 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8583300 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8583390 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8583420 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae85834b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8583540 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae85835d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cc88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c3e0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c5b0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c648 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c6e0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c478 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c780 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c818 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c8b0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c510 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c950 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c9e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855ca80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8583670 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8583700 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8583790 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8583820 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae85838b0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8583940 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae85839d0 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8583a60 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8583af0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8583b80 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8583c10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8583ca0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8583d30 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cda0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855cf90 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d160 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d1f8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d290 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d028 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d330 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d3c8 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d460 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d0c0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d500 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d598 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d630 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8583dd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8583e60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8583ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8583f80 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8584010 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae85840a0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8584130 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae85841c0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8584250 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae85842e0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8584370 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8584400 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8584490 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855ceb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d810 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d8b0 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d948 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85730e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8573170 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8573200 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8573290 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit, same line' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cb70 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855ba60 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bcc8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bd60 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855baf8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855be00 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855be98 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bf30 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855bb90 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855bfd0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c068 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8584530 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae85845c0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8584650 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae85846e0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8584770 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8584800 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8584890 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8584920 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae85849b0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8584a40 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8584ad0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8584b60 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8584bf0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, explicit' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cc88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c3e0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c5b0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c648 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c6e0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c478 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c780 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c818 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c8b0 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c510 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855c950 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855c9e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855ca80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae8584c90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8584d20 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8584db0 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae8584e40 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8584ed0 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae8584f60 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8584ff0 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae8585080 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8585110 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae85851a0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8585230 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae85852c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8585350 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855cda0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855cf90 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d160 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d1f8 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d290 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d028 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d330 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d3c8 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d460 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d0c0 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d500 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d598 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d630 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae85853f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae8585480 KEYMAP: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae8585510 KEYVAL: 'foo0' '00' (3 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae85855a0 KEYVAL: 'bar0' '01' (3 sibs) 31: [4] [4] 0xaaaae8585630 KEYVAL: 'baz0' '02' (3 sibs) 31: [5] [5] 0xaaaae85856c0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [6] [6] 0xaaaae8585750 KEYVAL: 'foo1' '10' (3 sibs) 31: [7] [7] 0xaaaae85857e0 KEYVAL: 'bar1' '11' (3 sibs) 31: [8] [8] 0xaaaae8585870 KEYVAL: 'baz1' '12' (3 sibs) 31: [9] [9] 0xaaaae8585900 KEYMAP: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 31: [10] [10] 0xaaaae8585990 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '20' (3 sibs) 31: [11] [11] 0xaaaae8585a20 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '21' (3 sibs) 31: [12] [12] 0xaaaae8585ab0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '22' (3 sibs) 31: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 31: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: running test case 'nested map x2, commented' 31: ------------------------------------------- 31: REF TREE: 31: 0xaaaae855ceb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d810 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: 0xaaaae855d8b0 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: 0xaaaae855d948 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: RECREATED TREE: 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [0][0] 0xaaaae857e7c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 31: [1] [1] 0xaaaae857e850 KEYMAP: 'send_to' (1 sibs) 2 children: 31: [2] [2] 0xaaaae857e8e0 KEYVAL: 'host' '' (2 sibs) 31: [3] [3] 0xaaaae857e970 KEYVAL: 'port' '7001' (2 sibs) 31: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 31: -------------------------------------- 31: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 31: [----------] 144 tests from NESTED_MAPX2/YmlTestCase (1 ms total) 31: 31: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 31: [==========] 145 tests from 2 test suites ran. (1 ms total) 31: [ PASSED ] 145 tests. 31/52 Test #31: ryml-test-nested_mapx2 ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 32 Start 32: ryml-test-nested_seqx2 32: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-nested_seqx2-0.6.0 32: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 32: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 32: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 32: [==========] Running 289 tests from 2 test suites. 32: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 32: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 32: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 32: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 32: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 32: 32: [----------] 288 tests from NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [[], [], []]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea58f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea34f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3588 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ed47c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ed4850 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ed48e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ed4970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [[00, 01, 02], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22]]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5a08 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3e70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4040 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea40d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4170 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3f08 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4210 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea42a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4340 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea43e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4478 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4510 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ed6680 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ed6710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ed67a0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ed6830 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ed68c0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ed6950 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ed69e0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ed6a70 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ed6b00 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ed6b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ed6c20 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ed6cb0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ed6d40 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [[00,01,02],[10,11,12],[20,21,22]]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5b20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4c88 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4d20 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ab8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4dc0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4e58 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ef0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4f90 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5028 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea50c0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ed83f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ed8480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ed8510 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ed85a0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ed8630 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ed86c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ed8750 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ed87e0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ed8870 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ed8900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ed8990 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ed8a20 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ed8ab0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [ 32: [00, 01, 02], 32: [10, 11, 12], 32: [20, 21, 22], 32: ]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5c38 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5330 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea53c8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5460 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea51f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5500 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5598 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5630 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea56d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5768 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5800 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eda1e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eda270 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eda300 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eda390 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eda420 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eda4b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eda540 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eda5d0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eda660 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eda6f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eda780 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eda810 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eda8a0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6340 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea63d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6470 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6510 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea65a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6640 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea62a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea66e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6778 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6810 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7edbfb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7edc040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7edc0d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7edc160 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7edc1f0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7edc280 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7edc310 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7edc3a0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7edc430 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7edc4c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7edc550 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7edc5e0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7edc670 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - 32: - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - 32: - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - 32: - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5e68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea47d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4868 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4900 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4698 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea68b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6948 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea69e0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6a80 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6b18 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6bb0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eddda0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7edde30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eddec0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eddf50 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eddfe0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ede070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ede100 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ede190 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ede220 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ede2b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ede340 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ede3d0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ede460 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - 32: - 32: 00 32: - 32: 01 32: - 32: 02 32: - 32: - 32: 10 32: - 32: 11 32: - 32: 12 32: - 32: - 32: 20 32: - 32: 21 32: - 32: 22 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5f80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6c50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6e20 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6eb8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6f50 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ce8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ff0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7088 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7120 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6d80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea71c0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7258 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea72f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7edfce0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7edfd70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7edfe00 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7edfe90 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7edff20 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7edffb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee0040 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee00d0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee0160 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee01f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee0280 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee0310 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee03a0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - [00, 01, 02] 32: - [10, 11, 12] 32: - [20, 21, 22] 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6098 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea73e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea75b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7648 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea76e0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7478 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7780 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7818 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea78b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7950 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea79e8 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7a80 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee1ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee1b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee1bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee1c80 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee1d10 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee1da0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee1e30 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee1ec0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee1f50 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee1fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee2070 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee2100 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee2190 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [[], [], []]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea58f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea34f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3588 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee2420 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee24b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee2540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee25d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [[00, 01, 02], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22]]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5a08 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3e70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4040 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea40d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4170 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3f08 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4210 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea42a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4340 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea43e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4478 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4510 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee2d30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee2dc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee2e50 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee2ee0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee2f70 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee3000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee3090 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee3120 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee31b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee3240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee32d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee3360 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee33f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [[00,01,02],[10,11,12],[20,21,22]]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5b20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4c88 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4d20 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ab8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4dc0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4e58 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ef0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4f90 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5028 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea50c0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee3640 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee36d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee3760 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee37f0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee3880 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee3910 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee39a0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee3a30 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee3ac0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee3b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee3be0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee3c70 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee3d00 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: [ 32: [00, 01, 02], 32: [10, 11, 12], 32: [20, 21, 22], 32: ]--------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5c38 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5330 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea53c8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5460 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea51f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5500 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5598 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5630 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea56d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5768 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5800 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee3f50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee3fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee4070 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee4100 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee4190 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee4220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee42b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee4340 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee43d0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee4460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee44f0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee4580 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee4610 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6340 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea63d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6470 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6510 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea65a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6640 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea62a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea66e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6778 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6810 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee4860 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee48f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee4980 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee4a10 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee4aa0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee4b30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee4bc0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee4c50 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee4ce0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee4d70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee4e00 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee4e90 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee4f20 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - 32: - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - 32: - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - 32: - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5e68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea47d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4868 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4900 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4698 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea68b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6948 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea69e0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6a80 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6b18 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6bb0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee5170 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee5200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee5290 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee5320 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee53b0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee5440 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee54d0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee5560 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee55f0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee5680 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee5710 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee57a0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee5830 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - 32: - 32: 00 32: - 32: 01 32: - 32: 02 32: - 32: - 32: 10 32: - 32: 11 32: - 32: 12 32: - 32: - 32: 20 32: - 32: 21 32: - 32: 22 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5f80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6c50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6e20 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6eb8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6f50 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ce8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ff0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7088 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7120 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6d80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea71c0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7258 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea72f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee5a80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee5b10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee5ba0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee5c30 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee5cc0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee5d50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee5de0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee5e70 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee5f00 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee5f90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee6020 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee60b0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee6140 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: --------------- 32: 32: - [00, 01, 02] 32: - [10, 11, 12] 32: - [20, 21, 22] 32: --------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6098 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea73e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea75b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7648 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea76e0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7478 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7780 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7818 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea78b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7950 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea79e8 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7a80 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: PARSED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee6390 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee6420 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee64b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee6540 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee65d0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee6660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee66f0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee6780 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee6810 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee68a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee6930 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee69c0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee6a50 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: - [] 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: - - 00 32: - 01 32: - 02 32: - - 10 32: - 11 32: - 12 32: - - 20 32: - 21 32: - 22 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [[], [], []]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ed47c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ed4850 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ed48e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ed4970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - []\n 32: - []\n 32: - []\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee73a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee7430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee74c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee7550 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [[00, 01, 02], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22]]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ed6680 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ed6710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ed67a0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ed6830 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ed68c0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ed6950 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ed69e0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ed6a70 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ed6b00 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ed6b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ed6c20 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ed6cb0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ed6d40 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee8590 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee8620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee86b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee8740 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee87d0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee8860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee88f0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee8980 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee8a10 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee8aa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee8b30 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee8bc0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee8c50 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [[00,01,02],[10,11,12],[20,21,22]]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ed83f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ed8480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ed8510 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ed85a0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ed8630 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ed86c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ed8750 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ed87e0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ed8870 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ed8900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ed8990 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ed8a20 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ed8ab0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee8ea0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee8f30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee8fc0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee9050 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee90e0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee9170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee9200 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee9290 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee9320 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee93b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee9440 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee94d0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee9560 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [\n 32: [00, 01, 02],\n 32: [10, 11, 12],\n 32: [20, 21, 22],\n 32: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eda1e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eda270 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eda300 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eda390 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eda420 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eda4b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eda540 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eda5d0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eda660 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eda6f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eda780 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eda810 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eda8a0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee97b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee9840 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee98d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee9960 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee99f0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee9a80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee9b10 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee9ba0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee9c30 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee9cc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee9d50 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee9de0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee9e70 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \n 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7edbfb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7edc040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7edc0d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7edc160 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7edc1f0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7edc280 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7edc310 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7edc3a0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7edc430 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7edc4c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7edc550 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7edc5e0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7edc670 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eea0c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eea150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eea1e0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eea270 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eea300 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eea390 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eea420 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eea4b0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eea540 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eea5d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eea660 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eea6f0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eea780 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \n 32: -\n 32: - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: -\n 32: - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: -\n 32: - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eddda0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7edde30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eddec0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eddf50 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eddfe0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ede070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ede100 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ede190 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ede220 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ede2b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ede340 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ede3d0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ede460 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eea9d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eeaa60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eeaaf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eeab80 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eeac10 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eeaca0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eead30 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eeadc0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eeae50 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eeaee0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eeaf70 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eeb000 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eeb090 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \n 32: -\n 32: -\n 32: 00\n 32: -\n 32: 01\n 32: -\n 32: 02\n 32: -\n 32: -\n 32: 10\n 32: -\n 32: 11\n 32: -\n 32: 12\n 32: -\n 32: -\n 32: 20\n 32: -\n 32: 21\n 32: -\n 32: 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7edfce0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7edfd70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7edfe00 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7edfe90 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7edff20 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7edffb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee0040 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee00d0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee0160 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee01f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee0280 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee0310 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee03a0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eeb2e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eeb370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eeb400 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eeb490 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eeb520 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eeb5b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eeb640 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eeb6d0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eeb760 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eeb7f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eeb880 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eeb910 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eeb9a0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \n 32: - [00, 01, 02]\n 32: - [10, 11, 12]\n 32: - [20, 21, 22]\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee1ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee1b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee1bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee1c80 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee1d10 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee1da0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee1e30 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee1ec0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee1f50 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee1fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee2070 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee2100 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee2190 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eebbf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eebc80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eebd10 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eebda0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eebe30 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eebec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eebf50 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eebfe0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eec070 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eec100 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eec190 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eec220 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eec2b0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [[], [], []]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee2420 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee24b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee2540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee25d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - []\n 32: - []\n 32: - []\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eec500 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eec590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eec620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eec6b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [[00, 01, 02], [10, 11, 12], [20, 21, 22]]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee2d30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee2dc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee2e50 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee2ee0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee2f70 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee3000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee3090 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee3120 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee31b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee3240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee32d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee3360 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee33f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eece10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eecea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eecf30 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eecfc0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eed050 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eed0e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eed170 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eed200 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eed290 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eed320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eed3b0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eed440 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eed4d0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [[00,01,02],[10,11,12],[20,21,22]]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee3640 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee36d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee3760 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee37f0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee3880 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee3910 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee39a0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee3a30 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee3ac0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee3b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee3be0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee3c70 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee3d00 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eed720 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eed7b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eed840 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eed8d0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eed960 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eed9f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eeda80 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eedb10 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eedba0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eedc30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eedcc0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eedd50 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eedde0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: [\r\n 32: [00, 01, 02],\r\n 32: [10, 11, 12],\r\n 32: [20, 21, 22],\r\n 32: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee3f50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee3fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee4070 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee4100 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee4190 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee4220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee42b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee4340 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee43d0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee4460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee44f0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee4580 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee4610 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eee030 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eee0c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eee150 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eee1e0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eee270 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eee300 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eee390 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eee420 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eee4b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eee540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eee5d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eee660 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eee6f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \r\n 32: - - 00\r\n 32: - 01\r\n 32: - 02\r\n 32: - - 10\r\n 32: - 11\r\n 32: - 12\r\n 32: - - 20\r\n 32: - 21\r\n 32: - 22\r\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee4860 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee48f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee4980 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee4a10 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee4aa0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee4b30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee4bc0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee4c50 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee4ce0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee4d70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee4e00 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee4e90 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee4f20 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eee940 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eee9d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eeea60 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eeeaf0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eeeb80 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eeec10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eeeca0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eeed30 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eeedc0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eeee50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eeeee0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eeef70 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eef000 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \r\n 32: -\r\n 32: - 00\r\n 32: - 01\r\n 32: - 02\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: - 10\r\n 32: - 11\r\n 32: - 12\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: - 20\r\n 32: - 21\r\n 32: - 22\r\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee5170 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee5200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee5290 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee5320 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee53b0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee5440 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee54d0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee5560 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee55f0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee5680 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee5710 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee57a0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee5830 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eef250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eef2e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eef370 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eef400 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eef490 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eef520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eef5b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eef640 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eef6d0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7eef760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7eef7f0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7eef880 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7eef910 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \r\n 32: -\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 00\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 01\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 02\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 10\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 11\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 12\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 20\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 21\r\n 32: -\r\n 32: 22\r\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee5a80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee5b10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee5ba0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee5c30 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee5cc0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee5d50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee5de0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee5e70 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee5f00 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee5f90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee6020 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee60b0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee6140 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7eefb60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7eefbf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7eefc80 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7eefd10 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7eefda0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7eefe30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7eefec0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7eeff50 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7eeffe0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef0070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef0100 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef0190 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef0220 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 32: \r\n 32: - [00, 01, 02]\r\n 32: - [10, 11, 12]\r\n 32: - [20, 21, 22]\r\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee6390 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee6420 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee64b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee6540 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ee65d0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ee6660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ee66f0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ee6780 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ee6810 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ee68a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ee6930 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ee69c0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ee6a50 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 32: - - 00\n 32: - 01\n 32: - 02\n 32: - - 10\n 32: - 11\n 32: - 12\n 32: - - 20\n 32: - 21\n 32: - 22\n 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef0470 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef0500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef0590 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef0620 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef06b0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef0740 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef07d0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef0860 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef08f0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef0980 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef0a10 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef0aa0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef0b30 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea58f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea34f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3588 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ee7fd0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ee8060 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ee80f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ee8180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5a08 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3e70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4040 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea40d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4170 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3f08 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4210 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea42a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4340 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea43e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4478 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4510 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef0d80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef0e10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef0ea0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef0f30 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef0fc0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef1050 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef10e0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef1170 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef1200 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef1290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef1320 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef13b0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef1440 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5b20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4c88 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4d20 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ab8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4dc0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4e58 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ef0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4f90 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5028 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea50c0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef14e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef1570 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef1600 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef1690 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef1720 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef17b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef1840 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef18d0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef1960 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef19f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef1a80 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef1b10 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef1ba0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5c38 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5330 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea53c8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5460 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea51f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5500 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5598 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5630 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea56d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5768 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5800 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef1c40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef1cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef1d60 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef1df0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef1e80 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef1f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef1fa0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef2030 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef20c0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef2150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef21e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef2270 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef2300 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6340 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea63d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6470 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6510 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea65a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6640 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea62a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea66e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6778 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6810 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef23a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef2430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef24c0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef2550 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef25e0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef2670 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef2700 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef2790 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef2820 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef28b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef2940 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef29d0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef2a60 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5e68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea47d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4868 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4900 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4698 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea68b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6948 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea69e0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6a80 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6b18 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6bb0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef2b00 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef2b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef2c20 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef2cb0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef2d40 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef2dd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef2e60 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef2ef0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef2f80 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef3010 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef30a0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef3130 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef31c0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5f80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6c50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6e20 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6eb8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6f50 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ce8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ff0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7088 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7120 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6d80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea71c0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7258 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea72f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef3260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef32f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef3380 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef3410 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef34a0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef3530 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef35c0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef3650 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef36e0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef3770 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef3800 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef3890 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef3920 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6098 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea73e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea75b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7648 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea76e0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7478 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7780 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7818 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea78b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7950 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea79e8 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7a80 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef39c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef3a50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef3ae0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef3b70 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef3c00 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef3c90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef3d20 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef3db0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef3e40 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef3ed0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef3f60 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef3ff0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef4080 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, empty, oneline' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea58f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea34f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3588 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef4120 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef41b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef4240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef42d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 0 children: 32: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit, same line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5a08 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea3e70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4040 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea40d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4170 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3f08 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4210 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea42a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4340 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea3fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea43e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4478 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4510 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef4370 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef4400 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef4490 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef4520 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef45b0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef4640 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef46d0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef4760 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef47f0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef4880 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef4910 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef49a0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef4a30 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit first+last level, same line, no spaces' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5b20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4c88 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4d20 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ab8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4dc0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4e58 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4ef0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4f90 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5028 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea50c0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef4ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef4b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef4bf0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef4c80 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef4d10 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef4da0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef4e30 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef4ec0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef4f50 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef4fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef5070 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef5100 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef5190 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, explicit' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5c38 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5330 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea53c8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5460 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea51f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5500 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5598 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5630 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea56d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5768 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea5800 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef5230 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef52c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef5350 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef53e0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef5470 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef5500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef5590 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef5620 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef56b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef5740 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef57d0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef5860 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef58f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6340 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea63d8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6470 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6510 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea65a8 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6640 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea62a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea66e0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6778 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6810 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef5990 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef5a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef5ab0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef5b40 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef5bd0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef5c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef5cf0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef5d80 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef5e10 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef5ea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef5f30 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef5fc0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef6050 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5e68 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea4600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea47d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4868 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4900 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4698 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea68b0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6948 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea69e0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea4730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6a80 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6b18 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6bb0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef60f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef6180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef6210 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef62a0 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef6330 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef63c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef6450 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef64e0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef6570 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef6600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef6690 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef6720 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef67b0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, all next line' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea5f80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6c50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6e20 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6eb8 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6f50 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ce8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6ff0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7088 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7120 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea6d80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea71c0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7258 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea72f0 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef6850 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef68e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef6970 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef6a00 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef6a90 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef6b20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef6bb0 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef6c40 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef6cd0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef6d60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef6df0 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef6e80 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef6f10 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 32: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: running test case 'nested seq x2, implicit first, explicit last level' 32: ------------------------------------------- 32: REF TREE: 32: 0xaaaae7ea6098 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea73e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea75b0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7648 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea76e0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7478 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7780 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7818 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea78b0 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: 0xaaaae7ea7950 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea79e8 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: 0xaaaae7ea7a80 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: RECREATED TREE: 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [0][0] 0xaaaae7ef6fb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 32: [1] [1] 0xaaaae7ef7040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [2] [2] 0xaaaae7ef70d0 VAL: '00' (3 sibs) 32: [3] [3] 0xaaaae7ef7160 VAL: '01' (3 sibs) 32: [4] [4] 0xaaaae7ef71f0 VAL: '02' (3 sibs) 32: [5] [5] 0xaaaae7ef7280 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [6] [6] 0xaaaae7ef7310 VAL: '10' (3 sibs) 32: [7] [7] 0xaaaae7ef73a0 VAL: '11' (3 sibs) 32: [8] [8] 0xaaaae7ef7430 VAL: '12' (3 sibs) 32: [9] [9] 0xaaaae7ef74c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 32: [10] [10] 0xaaaae7ef7550 VAL: '20' (3 sibs) 32: [11] [11] 0xaaaae7ef75e0 VAL: '21' (3 sibs) 32: [12] [12] 0xaaaae7ef7670 VAL: '22' (3 sibs) 32: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 32: -------------------------------------- 32: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 32: [----------] 288 tests from NESTED_SEQX2/YmlTestCase (3 ms total) 32: 32: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 32: [==========] 289 tests from 2 test suites ran. (3 ms total) 32: [ PASSED ] 289 tests. 32/52 Test #32: ryml-test-nested_seqx2 ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 33 Start 33: ryml-test-nested_mapx3 33: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-nested_mapx3-0.6.0 33: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 33: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 33: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 33: [==========] Running 73 tests from 2 test suites. 33: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 33: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 33: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 33: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 33: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 33: 33: [----------] 72 tests from NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: --------------- 33: { 33: foo0: { 33: foo1: {foo2: 000, bar2: 001, baz2: 002}, 33: bar1: {foo2: 010, bar2: 011, baz2: 012}, 33: baz1: {foo2: 020, bar2: 021, baz2: 022} 33: }, 33: bar0: { 33: foo1: {foo2: 100, bar2: 101, baz2: 102}, 33: bar1: {foo2: 110, bar2: 111, baz2: 112}, 33: baz1: {foo2: 120, bar2: 121, baz2: 122} 33: }, 33: baz0: { 33: foo1: {foo2: 200, bar2: 201, baz2: 202}, 33: bar1: {foo2: 210, bar2: 211, baz2: 212}, 33: baz1: {foo2: 220, bar2: 221, baz2: 222} 33: } 33: }--------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68802e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eb00 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687ecd0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eea0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ef38 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687efd0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ed68 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f070 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f108 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ee00 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f240 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f2d8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f370 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687eb98 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f410 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f5e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f678 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f710 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f4a8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f7b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f848 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f8e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f540 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f980 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fa18 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fab0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ec30 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fb50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fd20 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fdb8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fe50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fbe8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fef0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ff88 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880020 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fc80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68800c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880158 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68801f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: PARSED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae688e9b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae688ea40 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae688ead0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae688eb60 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae688ebf0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae688ec80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae688ed10 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae688eda0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae688ee30 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae688eec0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae688ef50 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae688efe0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae688f070 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae688f100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae688f190 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae688f220 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae688f2b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae688f340 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae688f3d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae688f460 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae688f4f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae688f580 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae688f610 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae688f6a0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae688f730 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae688f7c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae688f850 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae688f8e0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae688f970 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae688fa00 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae688fa90 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae688fb20 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae688fbb0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae688fc40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae688fcd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae688fd60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae688fdf0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae688fe80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae688ff10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae688ffa0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: --------------- 33: 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: --------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68803f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68804d0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68806a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880870 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880908 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68809a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880738 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880a40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ad8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880b70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68807d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880c10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ca8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880d40 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880568 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880de0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880fb0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881048 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68810e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880e78 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881180 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881218 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68812b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880f10 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881350 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68813e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881480 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880600 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881520 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68816f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881788 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881820 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68815b8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68818c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881958 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68819f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881650 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881a90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881b28 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881bc0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: PARSED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68928e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae6892970 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae6892a00 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae6892a90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae6892b20 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae6892bb0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae6892c40 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae6892cd0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae6892d60 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae6892df0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae6892e80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae6892f10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae6892fa0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae6893030 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68930c0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae6893150 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68931e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae6893270 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae6893300 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae6893390 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae6893420 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68934b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae6893540 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68935d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae6893660 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68936f0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae6893780 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae6893810 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68938a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae6893930 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68939c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae6893a50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae6893ae0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae6893b70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae6893c00 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae6893c90 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae6893d20 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae6893db0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae6893e40 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae6893ed0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: --------------- 33: { 33: foo0: { 33: foo1: {foo2: 000, bar2: 001, baz2: 002}, 33: bar1: {foo2: 010, bar2: 011, baz2: 012}, 33: baz1: {foo2: 020, bar2: 021, baz2: 022} 33: }, 33: bar0: { 33: foo1: {foo2: 100, bar2: 101, baz2: 102}, 33: bar1: {foo2: 110, bar2: 111, baz2: 112}, 33: baz1: {foo2: 120, bar2: 121, baz2: 122} 33: }, 33: baz0: { 33: foo1: {foo2: 200, bar2: 201, baz2: 202}, 33: bar1: {foo2: 210, bar2: 211, baz2: 212}, 33: baz1: {foo2: 220, bar2: 221, baz2: 222} 33: } 33: }--------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68802e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eb00 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687ecd0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eea0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ef38 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687efd0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ed68 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f070 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f108 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ee00 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f240 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f2d8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f370 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687eb98 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f410 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f5e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f678 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f710 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f4a8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f7b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f848 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f8e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f540 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f980 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fa18 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fab0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ec30 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fb50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fd20 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fdb8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fe50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fbe8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fef0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ff88 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880020 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fc80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68800c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880158 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68801f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: PARSED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae6894cf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae6894d80 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae6894e10 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae6894ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae6894f30 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae6894fc0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae6895050 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68950e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae6895170 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae6895200 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae6895290 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae6895320 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68953b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae6895440 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68954d0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae6895560 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68955f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae6895680 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae6895710 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68957a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae6895830 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68958c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae6895950 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68959e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae6895a70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae6895b00 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae6895b90 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae6895c20 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae6895cb0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae6895d40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae6895dd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae6895e60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae6895ef0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae6895f80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae6896010 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68960a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae6896130 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68961c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae6896250 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68962e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: --------------- 33: 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: --------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68803f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68804d0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68806a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880870 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880908 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68809a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880738 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880a40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ad8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880b70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68807d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880c10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ca8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880d40 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880568 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880de0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880fb0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881048 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68810e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880e78 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881180 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881218 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68812b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880f10 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881350 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68813e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881480 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880600 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881520 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68816f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881788 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881820 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68815b8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68818c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881958 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68819f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881650 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881a90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881b28 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881bc0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: PARSED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae6897100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae6897190 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae6897220 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68972b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae6897340 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68973d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae6897460 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68974f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae6897580 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae6897610 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68976a0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae6897730 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68977c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae6897850 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68978e0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae6897970 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae6897a00 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae6897a90 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae6897b20 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae6897bb0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae6897c40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae6897cd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae6897d60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae6897df0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae6897e80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae6897f10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae6897fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae6898030 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68980c0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae6898150 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68981e0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae6898270 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae6898300 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae6898390 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae6898420 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68984b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae6898540 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68985d0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae6898660 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68986f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: foo0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 000 33: bar2: 001 33: baz2: 002 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 010 33: bar2: 011 33: baz2: 012 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 020 33: bar2: 021 33: baz2: 022 33: bar0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 100 33: bar2: 101 33: baz2: 102 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 110 33: bar2: 111 33: baz2: 112 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 120 33: bar2: 121 33: baz2: 122 33: baz0: 33: foo1: 33: foo2: 200 33: bar2: 201 33: baz2: 202 33: bar1: 33: foo2: 210 33: bar2: 211 33: baz2: 212 33: baz1: 33: foo2: 220 33: bar2: 221 33: baz2: 222 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 33: {\n 33: foo0: {\n 33: foo1: {foo2: 000, bar2: 001, baz2: 002},\n 33: bar1: {foo2: 010, bar2: 011, baz2: 012},\n 33: baz1: {foo2: 020, bar2: 021, baz2: 022}\n 33: },\n 33: bar0: {\n 33: foo1: {foo2: 100, bar2: 101, baz2: 102},\n 33: bar1: {foo2: 110, bar2: 111, baz2: 112},\n 33: baz1: {foo2: 120, bar2: 121, baz2: 122}\n 33: },\n 33: baz0: {\n 33: foo1: {foo2: 200, bar2: 201, baz2: 202},\n 33: bar1: {foo2: 210, bar2: 211, baz2: 212},\n 33: baz1: {foo2: 220, bar2: 221, baz2: 222}\n 33: }\n 33: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae688e9b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae688ea40 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae688ead0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae688eb60 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae688ebf0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae688ec80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae688ed10 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae688eda0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae688ee30 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae688eec0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae688ef50 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae688efe0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae688f070 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae688f100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae688f190 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae688f220 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae688f2b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae688f340 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae688f3d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae688f460 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae688f4f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae688f580 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae688f610 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae688f6a0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae688f730 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae688f7c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae688f850 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae688f8e0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae688f970 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae688fa00 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae688fa90 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae688fb20 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae688fbb0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae688fc40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae688fcd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae688fd60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae688fdf0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae688fe80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae688ff10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae688ffa0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 33: foo0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 000\n 33: bar2: 001\n 33: baz2: 002\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 010\n 33: bar2: 011\n 33: baz2: 012\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 020\n 33: bar2: 021\n 33: baz2: 022\n 33: bar0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 100\n 33: bar2: 101\n 33: baz2: 102\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 110\n 33: bar2: 111\n 33: baz2: 112\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 120\n 33: bar2: 121\n 33: baz2: 122\n 33: baz0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 200\n 33: bar2: 201\n 33: baz2: 202\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 210\n 33: bar2: 211\n 33: baz2: 212\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 220\n 33: bar2: 221\n 33: baz2: 222\n 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae689a720 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae689a7b0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae689a840 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae689a8d0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae689a960 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae689a9f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae689aa80 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae689ab10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae689aba0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae689ac30 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae689acc0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae689ad50 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae689ade0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae689ae70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae689af00 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae689af90 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae689b020 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae689b0b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae689b140 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae689b1d0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae689b260 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae689b2f0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae689b380 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae689b410 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae689b4a0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae689b530 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae689b5c0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae689b650 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae689b6e0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae689b770 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae689b800 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae689b890 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae689b920 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae689b9b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae689ba40 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae689bad0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae689bb60 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae689bbf0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae689bc80 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae689bd10 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 33: \n 33: foo0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 000\n 33: bar2: 001\n 33: baz2: 002\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 010\n 33: bar2: 011\n 33: baz2: 012\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 020\n 33: bar2: 021\n 33: baz2: 022\n 33: bar0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 100\n 33: bar2: 101\n 33: baz2: 102\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 110\n 33: bar2: 111\n 33: baz2: 112\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 120\n 33: bar2: 121\n 33: baz2: 122\n 33: baz0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 200\n 33: bar2: 201\n 33: baz2: 202\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 210\n 33: bar2: 211\n 33: baz2: 212\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 220\n 33: bar2: 221\n 33: baz2: 222\n 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68928e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae6892970 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae6892a00 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae6892a90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae6892b20 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae6892bb0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae6892c40 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae6892cd0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae6892d60 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae6892df0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae6892e80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae6892f10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae6892fa0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae6893030 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68930c0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae6893150 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68931e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae6893270 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae6893300 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae6893390 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae6893420 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68934b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae6893540 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68935d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae6893660 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68936f0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae6893780 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae6893810 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68938a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae6893930 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68939c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae6893a50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae6893ae0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae6893b70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae6893c00 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae6893c90 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae6893d20 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae6893db0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae6893e40 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae6893ed0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 33: foo0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 000\n 33: bar2: 001\n 33: baz2: 002\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 010\n 33: bar2: 011\n 33: baz2: 012\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 020\n 33: bar2: 021\n 33: baz2: 022\n 33: bar0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 100\n 33: bar2: 101\n 33: baz2: 102\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 110\n 33: bar2: 111\n 33: baz2: 112\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 120\n 33: bar2: 121\n 33: baz2: 122\n 33: baz0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 200\n 33: bar2: 201\n 33: baz2: 202\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 210\n 33: bar2: 211\n 33: baz2: 212\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 220\n 33: bar2: 221\n 33: baz2: 222\n 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae689cb30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae689cbc0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae689cc50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae689cce0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae689cd70 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae689ce00 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae689ce90 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae689cf20 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae689cfb0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae689d040 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae689d0d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae689d160 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae689d1f0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae689d280 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae689d310 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae689d3a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae689d430 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae689d4c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae689d550 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae689d5e0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae689d670 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae689d700 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae689d790 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae689d820 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae689d8b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae689d940 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae689d9d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae689da60 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae689daf0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae689db80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae689dc10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae689dca0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae689dd30 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae689ddc0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae689de50 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae689dee0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae689df70 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae689e000 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae689e090 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae689e120 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 33: {\r\n 33: foo0: {\r\n 33: foo1: {foo2: 000, bar2: 001, baz2: 002},\r\n 33: bar1: {foo2: 010, bar2: 011, baz2: 012},\r\n 33: baz1: {foo2: 020, bar2: 021, baz2: 022}\r\n 33: },\r\n 33: bar0: {\r\n 33: foo1: {foo2: 100, bar2: 101, baz2: 102},\r\n 33: bar1: {foo2: 110, bar2: 111, baz2: 112},\r\n 33: baz1: {foo2: 120, bar2: 121, baz2: 122}\r\n 33: },\r\n 33: baz0: {\r\n 33: foo1: {foo2: 200, bar2: 201, baz2: 202},\r\n 33: bar1: {foo2: 210, bar2: 211, baz2: 212},\r\n 33: baz1: {foo2: 220, bar2: 221, baz2: 222}\r\n 33: }\r\n 33: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae6894cf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae6894d80 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae6894e10 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae6894ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae6894f30 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae6894fc0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae6895050 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68950e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae6895170 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae6895200 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae6895290 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae6895320 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68953b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae6895440 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68954d0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae6895560 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68955f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae6895680 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae6895710 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68957a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae6895830 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68958c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae6895950 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68959e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae6895a70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae6895b00 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae6895b90 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae6895c20 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae6895cb0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae6895d40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae6895dd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae6895e60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae6895ef0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae6895f80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae6896010 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68960a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae6896130 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68961c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae6896250 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68962e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 33: foo0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 000\n 33: bar2: 001\n 33: baz2: 002\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 010\n 33: bar2: 011\n 33: baz2: 012\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 020\n 33: bar2: 021\n 33: baz2: 022\n 33: bar0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 100\n 33: bar2: 101\n 33: baz2: 102\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 110\n 33: bar2: 111\n 33: baz2: 112\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 120\n 33: bar2: 121\n 33: baz2: 122\n 33: baz0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 200\n 33: bar2: 201\n 33: baz2: 202\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 210\n 33: bar2: 211\n 33: baz2: 212\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 220\n 33: bar2: 221\n 33: baz2: 222\n 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae689ef40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae689efd0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae689f060 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae689f0f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae689f180 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae689f210 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae689f2a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae689f330 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae689f3c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae689f450 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae689f4e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae689f570 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae689f600 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae689f690 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae689f720 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae689f7b0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae689f840 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae689f8d0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae689f960 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae689f9f0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae689fa80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae689fb10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae689fba0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae689fc30 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae689fcc0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae689fd50 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae689fde0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae689fe70 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae689ff00 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae689ff90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68a0020 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae68a00b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae68a0140 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae68a01d0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae68a0260 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68a02f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae68a0380 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68a0410 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae68a04a0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68a0530 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 33: \r\n 33: foo0:\r\n 33: foo1:\r\n 33: foo2: 000\r\n 33: bar2: 001\r\n 33: baz2: 002\r\n 33: bar1:\r\n 33: foo2: 010\r\n 33: bar2: 011\r\n 33: baz2: 012\r\n 33: baz1:\r\n 33: foo2: 020\r\n 33: bar2: 021\r\n 33: baz2: 022\r\n 33: bar0:\r\n 33: foo1:\r\n 33: foo2: 100\r\n 33: bar2: 101\r\n 33: baz2: 102\r\n 33: bar1:\r\n 33: foo2: 110\r\n 33: bar2: 111\r\n 33: baz2: 112\r\n 33: baz1:\r\n 33: foo2: 120\r\n 33: bar2: 121\r\n 33: baz2: 122\r\n 33: baz0:\r\n 33: foo1:\r\n 33: foo2: 200\r\n 33: bar2: 201\r\n 33: baz2: 202\r\n 33: bar1:\r\n 33: foo2: 210\r\n 33: bar2: 211\r\n 33: baz2: 212\r\n 33: baz1:\r\n 33: foo2: 220\r\n 33: bar2: 221\r\n 33: baz2: 222\r\n 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae6897100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae6897190 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae6897220 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68972b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae6897340 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68973d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae6897460 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68974f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae6897580 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae6897610 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68976a0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae6897730 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68977c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae6897850 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68978e0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae6897970 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae6897a00 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae6897a90 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae6897b20 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae6897bb0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae6897c40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae6897cd0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae6897d60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae6897df0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae6897e80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae6897f10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae6897fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae6898030 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68980c0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae6898150 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68981e0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae6898270 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae6898300 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae6898390 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae6898420 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68984b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae6898540 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68985d0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae6898660 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68986f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 33: foo0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 000\n 33: bar2: 001\n 33: baz2: 002\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 010\n 33: bar2: 011\n 33: baz2: 012\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 020\n 33: bar2: 021\n 33: baz2: 022\n 33: bar0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 100\n 33: bar2: 101\n 33: baz2: 102\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 110\n 33: bar2: 111\n 33: baz2: 112\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 120\n 33: bar2: 121\n 33: baz2: 122\n 33: baz0:\n 33: foo1:\n 33: foo2: 200\n 33: bar2: 201\n 33: baz2: 202\n 33: bar1:\n 33: foo2: 210\n 33: bar2: 211\n 33: baz2: 212\n 33: baz1:\n 33: foo2: 220\n 33: bar2: 221\n 33: baz2: 222\n 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68a1350 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae68a13e0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae68a1470 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68a1500 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae68a1590 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68a1620 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae68a16b0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68a1740 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae68a17d0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae68a1860 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68a18f0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae68a1980 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68a1a10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae68a1aa0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68a1b30 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae68a1bc0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68a1c50 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae68a1ce0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae68a1d70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68a1e00 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae68a1e90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68a1f20 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae68a1fb0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68a2040 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae68a20d0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68a2160 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae68a21f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae68a2280 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68a2310 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae68a23a0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68a2430 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae68a24c0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae68a2550 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae68a25e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae68a2670 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68a2700 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae68a2790 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68a2820 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae68a28b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68a2940 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68802e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eb00 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687ecd0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eea0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ef38 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687efd0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ed68 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f070 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f108 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ee00 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f240 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f2d8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f370 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687eb98 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f410 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f5e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f678 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f710 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f4a8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f7b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f848 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f8e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f540 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f980 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fa18 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fab0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ec30 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fb50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fd20 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fdb8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fe50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fbe8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fef0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ff88 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880020 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fc80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68800c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880158 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68801f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: RECREATED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68a3760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae68a37f0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae68a3880 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68a3910 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae68a39a0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68a3a30 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae68a3ac0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68a3b50 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae68a3be0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae68a3c70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68a3d00 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae68a3d90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68a3e20 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae68a3eb0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68a3f40 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae68a3fd0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68a4060 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae68a40f0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae68a4180 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68a4210 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae68a42a0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68a4330 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae68a43c0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68a4450 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae68a44e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68a4570 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae68a4600 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae68a4690 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68a4720 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae68a47b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68a4840 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae68a48d0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae68a4960 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae68a49f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae68a4a80 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68a4b10 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae68a4ba0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68a4c30 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae68a4cc0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68a4d50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68803f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68804d0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68806a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880870 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880908 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68809a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880738 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880a40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ad8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880b70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68807d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880c10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ca8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880d40 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880568 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880de0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880fb0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881048 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68810e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880e78 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881180 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881218 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68812b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880f10 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881350 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68813e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881480 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880600 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881520 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68816f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881788 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881820 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68815b8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68818c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881958 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68819f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881650 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881a90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881b28 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881bc0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: RECREATED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68a4df0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae68a4e80 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae68a4f10 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68a4fa0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae68a5030 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68a50c0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae68a5150 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68a51e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae68a5270 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae68a5300 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68a5390 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae68a5420 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68a54b0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae68a5540 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68a55d0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae68a5660 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68a56f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae68a5780 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae68a5810 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68a58a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae68a5930 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68a59c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae68a5a50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68a5ae0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae68a5b70 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68a5c00 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae68a5c90 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae68a5d20 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68a5db0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae68a5e40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68a5ed0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae68a5f60 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae68a5ff0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae68a6080 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae68a6110 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68a61a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae68a6230 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68a62c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae68a6350 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68a63e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3, explicit' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68802e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eb00 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687ecd0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687eea0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ef38 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687efd0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ed68 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f070 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f108 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ee00 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f240 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f2d8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f370 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687eb98 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f410 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f5e0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f678 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f710 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f4a8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f7b0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f848 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f8e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687f540 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687f980 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fa18 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fab0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ec30 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fb50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fd20 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fdb8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fe50 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fbe8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae687fef0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687ff88 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880020 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae687fc80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68800c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880158 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68801f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: RECREATED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68a6480 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae68a6510 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae68a65a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68a6630 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae68a66c0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68a6750 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae68a67e0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68a6870 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae68a6900 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae68a6990 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68a6a20 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae68a6ab0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68a6b40 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae68a6bd0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68a6c60 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae68a6cf0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68a6d80 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae68a6e10 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae68a6ea0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68a6f30 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae68a6fc0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68a7050 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae68a70e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68a7170 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae68a7200 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68a7290 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae68a7320 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae68a73b0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68a7440 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae68a74d0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68a7560 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae68a75f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae68a7680 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae68a7710 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae68a77a0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68a7830 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae68a78c0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68a7950 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae68a79e0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68a7a70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 33: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: running test case 'nested map x3' 33: ------------------------------------------- 33: REF TREE: 33: 0xaaaae68803f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68804d0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68806a0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880870 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880908 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68809a0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880738 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880a40 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ad8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880b70 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68807d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880c10 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880ca8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880d40 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880568 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880de0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6880fb0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881048 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68810e0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880e78 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881180 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881218 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68812b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880f10 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881350 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68813e8 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881480 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6880600 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881520 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68816f0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881788 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881820 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68815b8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae68818c0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881958 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae68819f0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881650 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: 0xaaaae6881a90 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881b28 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: 0xaaaae6881bc0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: RECREATED TREE: 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [0][0] 0xaaaae68a7b10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 33: [1] [1] 0xaaaae68a7ba0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [2] [2] 0xaaaae68a7c30 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [3] [3] 0xaaaae68a7cc0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '000' (3 sibs) 33: [4] [4] 0xaaaae68a7d50 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '001' (3 sibs) 33: [5] [5] 0xaaaae68a7de0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '002' (3 sibs) 33: [6] [6] 0xaaaae68a7e70 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [7] [7] 0xaaaae68a7f00 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '010' (3 sibs) 33: [8] [8] 0xaaaae68a7f90 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '011' (3 sibs) 33: [9] [9] 0xaaaae68a8020 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '012' (3 sibs) 33: [10] [10] 0xaaaae68a80b0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [11] [11] 0xaaaae68a8140 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '020' (3 sibs) 33: [12] [12] 0xaaaae68a81d0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '021' (3 sibs) 33: [13] [13] 0xaaaae68a8260 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '022' (3 sibs) 33: [14] [14] 0xaaaae68a82f0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [15] [15] 0xaaaae68a8380 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [16] [16] 0xaaaae68a8410 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '100' (3 sibs) 33: [17] [17] 0xaaaae68a84a0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '101' (3 sibs) 33: [18] [18] 0xaaaae68a8530 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '102' (3 sibs) 33: [19] [19] 0xaaaae68a85c0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [20] [20] 0xaaaae68a8650 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '110' (3 sibs) 33: [21] [21] 0xaaaae68a86e0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '111' (3 sibs) 33: [22] [22] 0xaaaae68a8770 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '112' (3 sibs) 33: [23] [23] 0xaaaae68a8800 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [24] [24] 0xaaaae68a8890 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '120' (3 sibs) 33: [25] [25] 0xaaaae68a8920 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '121' (3 sibs) 33: [26] [26] 0xaaaae68a89b0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '122' (3 sibs) 33: [27] [27] 0xaaaae68a8a40 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [28] [28] 0xaaaae68a8ad0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [29] [29] 0xaaaae68a8b60 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '200' (3 sibs) 33: [30] [30] 0xaaaae68a8bf0 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '201' (3 sibs) 33: [31] [31] 0xaaaae68a8c80 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '202' (3 sibs) 33: [32] [32] 0xaaaae68a8d10 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [33] [33] 0xaaaae68a8da0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '210' (3 sibs) 33: [34] [34] 0xaaaae68a8e30 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '211' (3 sibs) 33: [35] [35] 0xaaaae68a8ec0 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '212' (3 sibs) 33: [36] [36] 0xaaaae68a8f50 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 33: [37] [37] 0xaaaae68a8fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo2' '220' (3 sibs) 33: [38] [38] 0xaaaae68a9070 KEYVAL: 'bar2' '221' (3 sibs) 33: [39] [39] 0xaaaae68a9100 KEYVAL: 'baz2' '222' (3 sibs) 33: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 33: -------------------------------------- 33: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 33: [----------] 72 tests from NESTED_MAPX3/YmlTestCase (2 ms total) 33: 33: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 33: [==========] 73 tests from 2 test suites ran. (2 ms total) 33: [ PASSED ] 73 tests. 33/52 Test #33: ryml-test-nested_mapx3 ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 34 Start 34: ryml-test-nested_seqx3 34: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-nested_seqx3-0.6.0 34: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 34: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 34: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 34: [==========] Running 145 tests from 2 test suites. 34: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 34: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 34: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 34: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 34: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 34: 34: [----------] 144 tests from NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: [ 34: [[000, 001, 002], [010, 011, 012], [020, 021, 022]], 34: [[100, 101, 102], [110, 111, 112], [120, 121, 122]], 34: [[200, 201, 202], [210, 211, 212], [220, 221, 222]], 34: ]--------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7cb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4b00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4ea0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4f38 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4fd0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4d68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5070 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5108 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac51a0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4e00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5240 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac52d8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5370 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4b98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac55e0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5678 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5710 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac54a8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac57b0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5848 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac58e0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5980 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5a18 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5ab0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5d20 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5db8 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5e50 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5be8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5ef0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5f88 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6020 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5c80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac60c0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6158 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac61f0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefae25d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefae2660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefae26f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefae2780 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefae2810 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefae28a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefae2930 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefae29c0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefae2a50 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefae2ae0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefae2b70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefae2c00 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefae2c90 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefae2d20 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefae2db0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefae2e40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefae2ed0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefae2f60 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefae2ff0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefae3080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefae3110 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefae31a0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefae3230 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefae32c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefae3350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefae33e0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefae3470 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefae3500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefae3590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefae3620 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefae36b0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefae3740 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefae37d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefae3860 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefae38f0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefae3980 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefae3a10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefae3aa0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefae3b30 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefae3bc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: --------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7dc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac64d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac66a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6870 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6908 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac69a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6738 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6a40 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ad8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6b70 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac67d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6c10 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ca8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6d40 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6568 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6de0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6fb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7048 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac70e0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6e78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7180 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7218 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac72b0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac73e8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7480 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac76f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7788 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7820 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac75b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac78c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7958 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac79f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7a90 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7b28 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7bc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefae6500 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefae6590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefae6620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefae66b0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefae6740 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefae67d0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefae6860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefae68f0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefae6980 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefae6a10 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefae6aa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefae6b30 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefae6bc0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefae6c50 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefae6ce0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefae6d70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefae6e00 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefae6e90 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefae6f20 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefae6fb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefae7040 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefae70d0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefae7160 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefae71f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefae7280 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefae7310 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefae73a0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefae7430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefae74c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefae7550 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefae75e0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefae7670 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefae7700 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefae7790 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefae7820 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefae78b0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefae7940 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefae79d0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefae7a60 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefae7af0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: 34: - 34: - 34: - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - 34: - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - 34: - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - 34: - 34: - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - 34: - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - 34: - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - 34: - 34: - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - 34: - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - 34: - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: --------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac80d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac82a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8470 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8508 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac85a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8338 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8640 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac86d8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8770 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac83d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8810 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac88a8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8940 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8168 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac89e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8bb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8c48 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8ce0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8a78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8d80 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8e18 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8eb0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8b10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8f50 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8fe8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9080 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac92f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9388 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9420 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac91b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac94c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9558 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac95f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9690 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9728 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac97c0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaea5a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaea630 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaea6c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaea750 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaea7e0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaea870 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaea900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaea990 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaeaa20 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaeaab0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaeab40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaeabd0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaeac60 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaeacf0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaead80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaeae10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaeaea0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaeaf30 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaeafc0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaeb050 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaeb0e0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaeb170 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaeb200 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaeb290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaeb320 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaeb3b0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaeb440 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaeb4d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaeb560 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaeb5f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaeb680 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaeb710 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaeb7a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaeb830 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaeb8c0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaeb950 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaeb9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaeba70 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaebb00 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaebb90 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: 34: - 34: - 34: - 34: 000 34: - 34: 001 34: - 34: 002 34: - 34: - 34: 010 34: - 34: 011 34: - 34: 012 34: - 34: - 34: 020 34: - 34: 021 34: - 34: 022 34: - 34: - 34: - 34: 100 34: - 34: 101 34: - 34: 102 34: - 34: - 34: 110 34: - 34: 111 34: - 34: 112 34: - 34: - 34: 120 34: - 34: 121 34: - 34: 122 34: - 34: - 34: - 34: 200 34: - 34: 201 34: - 34: 202 34: - 34: - 34: 210 34: - 34: 211 34: - 34: 212 34: - 34: - 34: 220 34: - 34: 221 34: - 34: 222 34: --------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ff8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9c00 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9c98 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9d30 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9ac8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9dd0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9e68 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9f00 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9fa0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca038 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca0d0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac98f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca340 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca3d8 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca470 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca510 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca5a8 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca640 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca2a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca6e0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca778 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca810 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca8b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacaa80 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacab18 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacabb0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacac50 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacace8 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacad80 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacae20 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaeb8 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaf50 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaeeb60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaeebf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaeec80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaeed10 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaeeda0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaeee30 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaeeec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaeef50 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaeefe0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaef070 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaef100 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaef190 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaef220 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaef2b0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaef340 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaef3d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaef460 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaef4f0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaef580 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaef610 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaef6a0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaef730 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaef7c0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaef850 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaef8e0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaef970 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaefa00 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaefa90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaefb20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaefbb0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaefc40 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaefcd0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaefd60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaefdf0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaefe80 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaeff10 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaeffa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf0030 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf00c0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf0150 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: [ 34: [[000, 001, 002], [010, 011, 012], [020, 021, 022]], 34: [[100, 101, 102], [110, 111, 112], [120, 121, 122]], 34: [[200, 201, 202], [210, 211, 212], [220, 221, 222]], 34: ]--------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7cb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4b00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4ea0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4f38 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4fd0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4d68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5070 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5108 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac51a0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4e00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5240 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac52d8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5370 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4b98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac55e0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5678 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5710 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac54a8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac57b0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5848 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac58e0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5980 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5a18 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5ab0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5d20 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5db8 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5e50 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5be8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5ef0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5f88 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6020 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5c80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac60c0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6158 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac61f0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf1000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf1090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf1120 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf11b0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf1240 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf12d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf1360 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf13f0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf1480 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf1510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf15a0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf1630 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf16c0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf1750 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf17e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf1870 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf1900 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf1990 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf1a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf1ab0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf1b40 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf1bd0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf1c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf1cf0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf1d80 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf1e10 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf1ea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf1f30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf1fc0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf2050 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf20e0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf2170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf2200 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf2290 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf2320 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf23b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf2440 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf24d0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf2560 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: --------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7dc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac64d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac66a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6870 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6908 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac69a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6738 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6a40 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ad8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6b70 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac67d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6c10 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ca8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6d40 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6568 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6de0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6fb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7048 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac70e0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6e78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7180 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7218 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac72b0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac73e8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7480 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac76f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7788 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7820 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac75b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac78c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7958 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac79f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7a90 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7b28 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7bc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf3380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf3410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf34a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf3530 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf35c0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf3650 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf36e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf3770 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf3800 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf3890 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf3920 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf39b0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf3a40 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf3ad0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf3b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf3bf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf3c80 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf3d10 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf3da0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf3e30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf3ec0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf3f50 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf3fe0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf4070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf4100 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf4190 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf4220 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf42b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf4340 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf43d0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf4460 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf44f0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf4580 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf4610 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf46a0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf4730 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf47c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf4850 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf48e0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf4970 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: 34: - 34: - 34: - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - 34: - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - 34: - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - 34: - 34: - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - 34: - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - 34: - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - 34: - 34: - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - 34: - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - 34: - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: --------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac80d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac82a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8470 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8508 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac85a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8338 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8640 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac86d8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8770 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac83d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8810 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac88a8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8940 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8168 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac89e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8bb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8c48 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8ce0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8a78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8d80 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8e18 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8eb0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8b10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8f50 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8fe8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9080 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac92f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9388 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9420 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac91b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac94c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9558 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac95f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9690 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9728 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac97c0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf5790 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf5820 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf58b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf5940 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf59d0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf5a60 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf5af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf5b80 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf5c10 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf5ca0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf5d30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf5dc0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf5e50 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf5ee0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf5f70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf6000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf6090 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf6120 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf61b0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf6240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf62d0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf6360 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf63f0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf6480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf6510 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf65a0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf6630 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf66c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf6750 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf67e0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf6870 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf6900 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf6990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf6a20 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf6ab0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf6b40 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf6bd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf6c60 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf6cf0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf6d80 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: --------------- 34: 34: - 34: - 34: - 34: 000 34: - 34: 001 34: - 34: 002 34: - 34: - 34: 010 34: - 34: 011 34: - 34: 012 34: - 34: - 34: 020 34: - 34: 021 34: - 34: 022 34: - 34: - 34: - 34: 100 34: - 34: 101 34: - 34: 102 34: - 34: - 34: 110 34: - 34: 111 34: - 34: 112 34: - 34: - 34: 120 34: - 34: 121 34: - 34: 122 34: - 34: - 34: - 34: 200 34: - 34: 201 34: - 34: 202 34: - 34: - 34: 210 34: - 34: 211 34: - 34: 212 34: - 34: - 34: 220 34: - 34: 221 34: - 34: 222 34: --------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ff8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9c00 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9c98 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9d30 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9ac8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9dd0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9e68 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9f00 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9fa0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca038 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca0d0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac98f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca340 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca3d8 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca470 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca510 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca5a8 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca640 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca2a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca6e0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca778 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca810 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca8b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacaa80 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacab18 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacabb0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacac50 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacace8 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacad80 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacae20 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaeb8 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaf50 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: PARSED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf7ba0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf7c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf7cc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf7d50 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf7de0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf7e70 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf7f00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf7f90 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf8020 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf80b0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf8140 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf81d0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf8260 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf82f0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf8380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf8410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf84a0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf8530 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf85c0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf8650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf86e0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf8770 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf8800 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf8890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf8920 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf89b0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf8a40 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf8ad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf8b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf8bf0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf8c80 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf8d10 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf8da0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf8e30 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf8ec0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf8f50 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf8fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf9070 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf9100 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf9190 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: - - - 000 34: - 001 34: - 002 34: - - 010 34: - 011 34: - 012 34: - - 020 34: - 021 34: - 022 34: - - - 100 34: - 101 34: - 102 34: - - 110 34: - 111 34: - 112 34: - - 120 34: - 121 34: - 122 34: - - - 200 34: - 201 34: - 202 34: - - 210 34: - 211 34: - 212 34: - - 220 34: - 221 34: - 222 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: [\n 34: [[000, 001, 002], [010, 011, 012], [020, 021, 022]],\n 34: [[100, 101, 102], [110, 111, 112], [120, 121, 122]],\n 34: [[200, 201, 202], [210, 211, 212], [220, 221, 222]],\n 34: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefae25d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefae2660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefae26f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefae2780 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefae2810 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefae28a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefae2930 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefae29c0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefae2a50 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefae2ae0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefae2b70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefae2c00 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefae2c90 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefae2d20 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefae2db0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefae2e40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefae2ed0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefae2f60 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefae2ff0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefae3080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefae3110 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefae31a0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefae3230 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefae32c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefae3350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefae33e0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefae3470 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefae3500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefae3590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefae3620 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefae36b0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefae3740 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefae37d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefae3860 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefae38f0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefae3980 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefae3a10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefae3aa0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefae3b30 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefae3bc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefafb1c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefafb250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefafb2e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefafb370 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefafb400 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefafb490 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefafb520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefafb5b0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefafb640 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefafb6d0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefafb760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefafb7f0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefafb880 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefafb910 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefafb9a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefafba30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefafbac0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefafbb50 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefafbbe0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefafbc70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefafbd00 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefafbd90 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefafbe20 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefafbeb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefafbf40 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefafbfd0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefafc060 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefafc0f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefafc180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefafc210 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefafc2a0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefafc330 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefafc3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefafc450 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefafc4e0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefafc570 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefafc600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefafc690 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefafc720 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefafc7b0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: \n 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefae6500 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefae6590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefae6620 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefae66b0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefae6740 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefae67d0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefae6860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefae68f0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefae6980 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefae6a10 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefae6aa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefae6b30 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefae6bc0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefae6c50 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefae6ce0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefae6d70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefae6e00 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefae6e90 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefae6f20 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefae6fb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefae7040 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefae70d0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefae7160 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefae71f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefae7280 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefae7310 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefae73a0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefae7430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefae74c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefae7550 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefae75e0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefae7670 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefae7700 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefae7790 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefae7820 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefae78b0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefae7940 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefae79d0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefae7a60 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefae7af0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefafd5d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefafd660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefafd6f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefafd780 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefafd810 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefafd8a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefafd930 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefafd9c0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefafda50 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefafdae0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefafdb70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefafdc00 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefafdc90 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefafdd20 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefafddb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefafde40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefafded0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefafdf60 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefafdff0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefafe080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefafe110 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefafe1a0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefafe230 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefafe2c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefafe350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefafe3e0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefafe470 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefafe500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefafe590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefafe620 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefafe6b0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefafe740 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefafe7d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefafe860 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefafe8f0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefafe980 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefafea10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefafeaa0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefafeb30 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefafebc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: \n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: -\n 34: - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: -\n 34: - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: -\n 34: - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: -\n 34: - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: -\n 34: - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: -\n 34: - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaea5a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaea630 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaea6c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaea750 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaea7e0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaea870 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaea900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaea990 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaeaa20 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaeaab0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaeab40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaeabd0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaeac60 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaeacf0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaead80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaeae10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaeaea0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaeaf30 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaeafc0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaeb050 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaeb0e0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaeb170 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaeb200 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaeb290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaeb320 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaeb3b0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaeb440 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaeb4d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaeb560 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaeb5f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaeb680 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaeb710 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaeb7a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaeb830 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaeb8c0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaeb950 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaeb9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaeba70 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaebb00 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaebb90 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaff9e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaffa70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaffb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaffb90 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaffc20 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaffcb0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaffd40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaffdd0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaffe60 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaffef0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefafff80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb00010 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb000a0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb00130 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb001c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb00250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb002e0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb00370 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb00400 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb00490 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb00520 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb005b0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb00640 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb006d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb00760 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb007f0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb00880 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb00910 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb009a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb00a30 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb00ac0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb00b50 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb00be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb00c70 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb00d00 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb00d90 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb00e20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb00eb0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb00f40 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb00fd0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: \n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 000\n 34: -\n 34: 001\n 34: -\n 34: 002\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 010\n 34: -\n 34: 011\n 34: -\n 34: 012\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 020\n 34: -\n 34: 021\n 34: -\n 34: 022\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 100\n 34: -\n 34: 101\n 34: -\n 34: 102\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 110\n 34: -\n 34: 111\n 34: -\n 34: 112\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 120\n 34: -\n 34: 121\n 34: -\n 34: 122\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 200\n 34: -\n 34: 201\n 34: -\n 34: 202\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 210\n 34: -\n 34: 211\n 34: -\n 34: 212\n 34: -\n 34: -\n 34: 220\n 34: -\n 34: 221\n 34: -\n 34: 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaeeb60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaeebf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaeec80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaeed10 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaeeda0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaeee30 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaeeec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaeef50 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaeefe0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaef070 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaef100 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaef190 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaef220 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaef2b0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaef340 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaef3d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaef460 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaef4f0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaef580 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaef610 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaef6a0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaef730 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaef7c0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaef850 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaef8e0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaef970 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaefa00 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaefa90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaefb20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaefbb0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaefc40 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaefcd0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaefd60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaefdf0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaefe80 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaeff10 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaeffa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf0030 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf00c0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf0150 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb01df0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb01e80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb01f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb01fa0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb02030 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb020c0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb02150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb021e0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb02270 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb02300 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb02390 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb02420 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb024b0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb02540 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb025d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb02660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb026f0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb02780 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb02810 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb028a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb02930 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb029c0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb02a50 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb02ae0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb02b70 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb02c00 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb02c90 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb02d20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb02db0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb02e40 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb02ed0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb02f60 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb02ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb03080 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb03110 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb031a0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb03230 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb032c0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb03350 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb033e0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: [\r\n 34: [[000, 001, 002], [010, 011, 012], [020, 021, 022]],\r\n 34: [[100, 101, 102], [110, 111, 112], [120, 121, 122]],\r\n 34: [[200, 201, 202], [210, 211, 212], [220, 221, 222]],\r\n 34: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf1000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf1090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf1120 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf11b0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf1240 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf12d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf1360 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf13f0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf1480 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf1510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf15a0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf1630 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf16c0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf1750 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf17e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf1870 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf1900 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf1990 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf1a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf1ab0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf1b40 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf1bd0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf1c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf1cf0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf1d80 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf1e10 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf1ea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf1f30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf1fc0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf2050 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf20e0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf2170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf2200 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf2290 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf2320 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf23b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf2440 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf24d0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf2560 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb04200 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb04290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb04320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb043b0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb04440 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb044d0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb04560 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb045f0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb04680 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb04710 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb047a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb04830 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb048c0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb04950 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb049e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb04a70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb04b00 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb04b90 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb04c20 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb04cb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb04d40 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb04dd0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb04e60 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb04ef0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb04f80 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb05010 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb050a0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb05130 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb051c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb05250 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb052e0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb05370 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb05400 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb05490 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb05520 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb055b0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb05640 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb056d0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb05760 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb057f0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: \r\n 34: - - - 000\r\n 34: - 001\r\n 34: - 002\r\n 34: - - 010\r\n 34: - 011\r\n 34: - 012\r\n 34: - - 020\r\n 34: - 021\r\n 34: - 022\r\n 34: - - - 100\r\n 34: - 101\r\n 34: - 102\r\n 34: - - 110\r\n 34: - 111\r\n 34: - 112\r\n 34: - - 120\r\n 34: - 121\r\n 34: - 122\r\n 34: - - - 200\r\n 34: - 201\r\n 34: - 202\r\n 34: - - 210\r\n 34: - 211\r\n 34: - 212\r\n 34: - - 220\r\n 34: - 221\r\n 34: - 222\r\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf3380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf3410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf34a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf3530 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf35c0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf3650 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf36e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf3770 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf3800 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf3890 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf3920 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf39b0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf3a40 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf3ad0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf3b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf3bf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf3c80 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf3d10 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf3da0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf3e30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf3ec0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf3f50 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf3fe0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf4070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf4100 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf4190 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf4220 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf42b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf4340 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf43d0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf4460 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf44f0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf4580 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf4610 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf46a0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf4730 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf47c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf4850 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf48e0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf4970 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb06610 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb066a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb06730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb067c0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb06850 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb068e0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb06970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb06a00 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb06a90 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb06b20 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb06bb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb06c40 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb06cd0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb06d60 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb06df0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb06e80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb06f10 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb06fa0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb07030 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb070c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb07150 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb071e0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb07270 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb07300 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb07390 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb07420 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb074b0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb07540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb075d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb07660 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb076f0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb07780 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb07810 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb078a0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb07930 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb079c0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb07a50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb07ae0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb07b70 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb07c00 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: \r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 000\r\n 34: - 001\r\n 34: - 002\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 010\r\n 34: - 011\r\n 34: - 012\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 020\r\n 34: - 021\r\n 34: - 022\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 100\r\n 34: - 101\r\n 34: - 102\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 110\r\n 34: - 111\r\n 34: - 112\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 120\r\n 34: - 121\r\n 34: - 122\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 200\r\n 34: - 201\r\n 34: - 202\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 210\r\n 34: - 211\r\n 34: - 212\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: - 220\r\n 34: - 221\r\n 34: - 222\r\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf5790 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf5820 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf58b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf5940 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf59d0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf5a60 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf5af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf5b80 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf5c10 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf5ca0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf5d30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf5dc0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf5e50 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf5ee0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf5f70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf6000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf6090 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf6120 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf61b0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf6240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf62d0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf6360 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf63f0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf6480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf6510 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf65a0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf6630 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf66c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf6750 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf67e0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf6870 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf6900 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf6990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf6a20 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf6ab0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf6b40 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf6bd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf6c60 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf6cf0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf6d80 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb09c30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb09cc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb09d50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb09de0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb09e70 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb09f00 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb09f90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb0a020 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb0a0b0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb0a140 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb0a1d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb0a260 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb0a2f0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb0a380 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb0a410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb0a4a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb0a530 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb0a5c0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb0a650 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb0a6e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb0a770 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb0a800 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb0a890 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb0a920 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb0a9b0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb0aa40 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb0aad0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb0ab60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb0abf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb0ac80 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb0ad10 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb0ada0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb0ae30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb0aec0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb0af50 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb0afe0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb0b070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb0b100 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb0b190 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb0b220 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 34: \r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 000\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 001\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 002\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 010\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 011\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 012\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 020\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 021\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 022\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 100\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 101\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 102\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 110\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 111\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 112\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 120\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 121\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 122\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 200\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 201\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 202\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 210\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 211\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 212\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 220\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 221\r\n 34: -\r\n 34: 222\r\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefaf7ba0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefaf7c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefaf7cc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefaf7d50 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefaf7de0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefaf7e70 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefaf7f00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefaf7f90 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefaf8020 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefaf80b0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefaf8140 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefaf81d0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefaf8260 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefaf82f0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefaf8380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefaf8410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefaf84a0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefaf8530 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefaf85c0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefaf8650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefaf86e0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefaf8770 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefaf8800 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefaf8890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefaf8920 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefaf89b0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefaf8a40 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefaf8ad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefaf8b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefaf8bf0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefaf8c80 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefaf8d10 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefaf8da0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefaf8e30 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefaf8ec0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefaf8f50 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefaf8fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefaf9070 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefaf9100 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefaf9190 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 34: - - - 000\n 34: - 001\n 34: - 002\n 34: - - 010\n 34: - 011\n 34: - 012\n 34: - - 020\n 34: - 021\n 34: - 022\n 34: - - - 100\n 34: - 101\n 34: - 102\n 34: - - 110\n 34: - 111\n 34: - 112\n 34: - - 120\n 34: - 121\n 34: - 122\n 34: - - - 200\n 34: - 201\n 34: - 202\n 34: - - 210\n 34: - 211\n 34: - 212\n 34: - - 220\n 34: - 221\n 34: - 222\n 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb0c040 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb0c0d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb0c160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb0c1f0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb0c280 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb0c310 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb0c3a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb0c430 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb0c4c0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb0c550 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb0c5e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb0c670 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb0c700 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb0c790 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb0c820 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb0c8b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb0c940 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb0c9d0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb0ca60 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb0caf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb0cb80 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb0cc10 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb0cca0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb0cd30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb0cdc0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb0ce50 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb0cee0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb0cf70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb0d000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb0d090 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb0d120 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb0d1b0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb0d240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb0d2d0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb0d360 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb0d3f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb0d480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb0d510 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb0d5a0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb0d630 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7cb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4b00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4ea0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4f38 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4fd0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4d68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5070 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5108 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac51a0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4e00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5240 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac52d8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5370 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4b98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac55e0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5678 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5710 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac54a8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac57b0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5848 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac58e0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5980 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5a18 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5ab0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5d20 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5db8 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5e50 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5be8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5ef0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5f88 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6020 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5c80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac60c0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6158 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac61f0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb0e450 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb0e4e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb0e570 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb0e600 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb0e690 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb0e720 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb0e7b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb0e840 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb0e8d0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb0e960 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb0e9f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb0ea80 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb0eb10 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb0eba0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb0ec30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb0ecc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb0ed50 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb0ede0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb0ee70 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb0ef00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb0ef90 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb0f020 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb0f0b0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb0f140 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb0f1d0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb0f260 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb0f2f0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb0f380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb0f410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb0f4a0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb0f530 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb0f5c0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb0f650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb0f6e0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb0f770 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb0f800 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb0f890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb0f920 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb0f9b0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb0fa40 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7dc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac64d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac66a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6870 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6908 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac69a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6738 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6a40 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ad8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6b70 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac67d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6c10 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ca8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6d40 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6568 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6de0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6fb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7048 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac70e0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6e78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7180 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7218 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac72b0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac73e8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7480 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac76f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7788 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7820 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac75b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac78c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7958 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac79f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7a90 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7b28 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7bc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb0fae0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb0fb70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb0fc00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb0fc90 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb0fd20 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb0fdb0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb0fe40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb0fed0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb0ff60 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb0fff0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb10080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb10110 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb101a0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb10230 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb102c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb10350 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb103e0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb10470 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb10500 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb10590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb10620 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb106b0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb10740 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb107d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb10860 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb108f0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb10980 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb10a10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb10aa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb10b30 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb10bc0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb10c50 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb10ce0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb10d70 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb10e00 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb10e90 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb10f20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb10fb0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb11040 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb110d0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac80d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac82a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8470 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8508 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac85a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8338 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8640 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac86d8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8770 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac83d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8810 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac88a8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8940 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8168 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac89e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8bb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8c48 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8ce0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8a78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8d80 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8e18 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8eb0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8b10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8f50 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8fe8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9080 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac92f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9388 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9420 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac91b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac94c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9558 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac95f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9690 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9728 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac97c0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb11170 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb11200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb11290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb11320 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb113b0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb11440 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb114d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb11560 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb115f0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb11680 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb11710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb117a0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb11830 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb118c0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb11950 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb119e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb11a70 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb11b00 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb11b90 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb11c20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb11cb0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb11d40 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb11dd0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb11e60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb11ef0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb11f80 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb12010 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb120a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb12130 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb121c0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb12250 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb122e0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb12370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb12400 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb12490 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb12520 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb125b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb12640 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb126d0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb12760 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ff8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9c00 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9c98 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9d30 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9ac8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9dd0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9e68 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9f00 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9fa0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca038 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca0d0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac98f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca340 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca3d8 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca470 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca510 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca5a8 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca640 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca2a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca6e0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca778 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca810 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca8b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacaa80 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacab18 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacabb0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacac50 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacace8 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacad80 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacae20 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaeb8 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaf50 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb12800 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb12890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb12920 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb129b0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb12a40 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb12ad0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb12b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb12bf0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb12c80 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb12d10 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb12da0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb12e30 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb12ec0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb12f50 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb12fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb13070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb13100 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb13190 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb13220 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb132b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb13340 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb133d0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb13460 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb134f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb13580 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb13610 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb136a0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb13730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb137c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb13850 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb138e0 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb13970 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb13a00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb13a90 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb13b20 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb13bb0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb13c40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb13cd0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb13d60 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb13df0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, explicit' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7cb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4b00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac4ea0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4f38 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4fd0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4d68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5070 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5108 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac51a0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4e00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5240 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac52d8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5370 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4b98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac55e0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5678 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5710 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac54a8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac57b0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5848 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac58e0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5980 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5a18 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5ab0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac4c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5d20 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5db8 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5e50 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5be8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac5ef0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5f88 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6020 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac5c80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac60c0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6158 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac61f0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb13e90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb13f20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb13fb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb14040 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb140d0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb14160 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb141f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb14280 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb14310 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb143a0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb14430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb144c0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb14550 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb145e0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb14670 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb14700 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb14790 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb14820 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb148b0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb14940 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb149d0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb14a60 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb14af0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb14b80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb14c10 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb14ca0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb14d30 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb14dc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb14e50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb14ee0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb14f70 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb15000 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb15090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb15120 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb151b0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb15240 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb152d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb15360 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb153f0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb15480 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7dc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac64d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac66a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6870 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6908 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac69a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6738 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6a40 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ad8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6b70 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac67d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6c10 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6ca8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6d40 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6568 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6de0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac6fb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7048 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac70e0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6e78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7180 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7218 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac72b0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7350 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac73e8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7480 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac6600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac76f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7788 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7820 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac75b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac78c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7958 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac79f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac7a90 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7b28 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac7bc0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb15520 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb155b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb15640 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb156d0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb15760 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb157f0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb15880 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb15910 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb159a0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb15a30 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb15ac0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb15b50 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb15be0 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb15c70 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb15d00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb15d90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb15e20 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb15eb0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb15f40 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb15fd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb16060 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb160f0 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb16180 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb16210 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb162a0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb16330 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb163c0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb16450 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb164e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb16570 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb16600 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb16690 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb16720 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb167b0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb16840 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb168d0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb16960 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb169f0 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb16a80 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb16b10 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac80d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac82a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8470 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8508 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac85a0 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8338 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8640 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac86d8 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8770 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac83d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8810 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac88a8 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8940 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8168 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac89e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8bb0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8c48 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8ce0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8a78 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8d80 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8e18 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8eb0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8b10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac8f50 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8fe8 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9080 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac8200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac92f0 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9388 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9420 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac91b8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac94c0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9558 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac95f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9690 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9728 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac97c0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb16bb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb16c40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb16cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb16d60 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb16df0 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb16e80 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb16f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb16fa0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb17030 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb170c0 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb17150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb171e0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb17270 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb17300 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb17390 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb17420 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb174b0 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb17540 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb175d0 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb17660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb176f0 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb17780 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb17810 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb178a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb17930 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb179c0 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb17a50 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb17ae0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb17b70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb17c00 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb17c90 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb17d20 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb17db0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb17e40 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb17ed0 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb17f60 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb17ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb18080 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb18110 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb181a0 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 34: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: running test case 'nested seq x3, all continued on next line' 34: ------------------------------------------- 34: REF TREE: 34: 0xaaaaefac7ff8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9c00 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9c98 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9d30 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9ac8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9dd0 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9e68 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9f00 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9b60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefac9fa0 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca038 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca0d0 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac98f8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca340 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca3d8 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca470 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca510 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca5a8 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca640 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca2a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca6e0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca778 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca810 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefac9990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefaca8b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacaa80 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacab18 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacabb0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacac50 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacace8 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacad80 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefaca9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: 0xaaaaefacae20 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaeb8 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: 0xaaaaefacaf50 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: RECREATED TREE: 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [0][0] 0xaaaaefb18240 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 34: [1] [1] 0xaaaaefb182d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [2] [2] 0xaaaaefb18360 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [3] [3] 0xaaaaefb183f0 VAL: '000' (3 sibs) 34: [4] [4] 0xaaaaefb18480 VAL: '001' (3 sibs) 34: [5] [5] 0xaaaaefb18510 VAL: '002' (3 sibs) 34: [6] [6] 0xaaaaefb185a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [7] [7] 0xaaaaefb18630 VAL: '010' (3 sibs) 34: [8] [8] 0xaaaaefb186c0 VAL: '011' (3 sibs) 34: [9] [9] 0xaaaaefb18750 VAL: '012' (3 sibs) 34: [10] [10] 0xaaaaefb187e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [11] [11] 0xaaaaefb18870 VAL: '020' (3 sibs) 34: [12] [12] 0xaaaaefb18900 VAL: '021' (3 sibs) 34: [13] [13] 0xaaaaefb18990 VAL: '022' (3 sibs) 34: [14] [14] 0xaaaaefb18a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [15] [15] 0xaaaaefb18ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [16] [16] 0xaaaaefb18b40 VAL: '100' (3 sibs) 34: [17] [17] 0xaaaaefb18bd0 VAL: '101' (3 sibs) 34: [18] [18] 0xaaaaefb18c60 VAL: '102' (3 sibs) 34: [19] [19] 0xaaaaefb18cf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [20] [20] 0xaaaaefb18d80 VAL: '110' (3 sibs) 34: [21] [21] 0xaaaaefb18e10 VAL: '111' (3 sibs) 34: [22] [22] 0xaaaaefb18ea0 VAL: '112' (3 sibs) 34: [23] [23] 0xaaaaefb18f30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [24] [24] 0xaaaaefb18fc0 VAL: '120' (3 sibs) 34: [25] [25] 0xaaaaefb19050 VAL: '121' (3 sibs) 34: [26] [26] 0xaaaaefb190e0 VAL: '122' (3 sibs) 34: [27] [27] 0xaaaaefb19170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [28] [28] 0xaaaaefb19200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [29] [29] 0xaaaaefb19290 VAL: '200' (3 sibs) 34: [30] [30] 0xaaaaefb19320 VAL: '201' (3 sibs) 34: [31] [31] 0xaaaaefb193b0 VAL: '202' (3 sibs) 34: [32] [32] 0xaaaaefb19440 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [33] [33] 0xaaaaefb194d0 VAL: '210' (3 sibs) 34: [34] [34] 0xaaaaefb19560 VAL: '211' (3 sibs) 34: [35] [35] 0xaaaaefb195f0 VAL: '212' (3 sibs) 34: [36] [36] 0xaaaaefb19680 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 34: [37] [37] 0xaaaaefb19710 VAL: '220' (3 sibs) 34: [38] [38] 0xaaaaefb197a0 VAL: '221' (3 sibs) 34: [39] [39] 0xaaaaefb19830 VAL: '222' (3 sibs) 34: #nodes=40 vs #printed=40 34: -------------------------------------- 34: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 34: [----------] 144 tests from NESTED_SEQX3/YmlTestCase (3 ms total) 34: 34: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 34: [==========] 145 tests from 2 test suites ran. (5 ms total) 34: [ PASSED ] 145 tests. 34/52 Test #34: ryml-test-nested_seqx3 ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 35 Start 35: ryml-test-nested_mapx4 35: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-nested_mapx4-0.6.0 35: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 35: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 35: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 35: [==========] Running 73 tests from 2 test suites. 35: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 35: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 35: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 35: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 35: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 35: 35: [----------] 72 tests from NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: --------------- 35: { 35: foo0: { 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 0000, bar3: 0001, baz3: 0002}, bar2: {foo3: 0010, bar3: 0011, baz3: 0012}, baz2: {foo3: 0020, bar3: 0021, baz3: 0022} }, 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 0100, bar3: 0101, baz3: 0102}, bar2: {foo3: 0110, bar3: 0111, baz3: 0112}, baz2: {foo3: 0120, bar3: 0121, baz3: 0122} }, 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 0200, bar3: 0201, baz3: 0202}, bar2: {foo3: 0210, bar3: 0211, baz3: 0212}, baz2: {foo3: 0220, bar3: 0221, baz3: 0222} }, 35: }, 35: bar0: { 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 1000, bar3: 1001, baz3: 1002}, bar2: {foo3: 1010, bar3: 1011, baz3: 1012}, baz2: {foo3: 1020, bar3: 1021, baz3: 1022} }, 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 1100, bar3: 1101, baz3: 1102}, bar2: {foo3: 1110, bar3: 1111, baz3: 1112}, baz2: {foo3: 1120, bar3: 1121, baz3: 1122} }, 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 1200, bar3: 1201, baz3: 1202}, bar2: {foo3: 1210, bar3: 1211, baz3: 1212}, baz2: {foo3: 1220, bar3: 1221, baz3: 1222} }, 35: }, 35: baz0: { 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 2000, bar3: 2001, baz3: 2002}, bar2: {foo3: 2010, bar3: 2011, baz3: 2012}, baz2: {foo3: 2020, bar3: 2021, baz3: 2022} }, 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 2100, bar3: 2101, baz3: 2102}, bar2: {foo3: 2110, bar3: 2111, baz3: 2112}, baz2: {foo3: 2120, bar3: 2121, baz3: 2122} }, 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 2200, bar3: 2201, baz3: 2202}, bar2: {foo3: 2210, bar3: 2211, baz3: 2212}, baz2: {foo3: 2220, bar3: 2221, baz3: 2222} }, 35: }, 35: }--------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba756a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70dd0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71170 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71340 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba713d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71470 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71208 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71510 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba715a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71640 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba712a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba716e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71778 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71810 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71038 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba718b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71a80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71b18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71bb0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71948 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71c50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71ce8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71d80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba719e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71e20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71eb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71f50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba710d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71ff0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba721c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72258 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba722f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72088 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72428 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba724c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72120 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72560 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba725f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72690 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70e68 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72730 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72900 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ad0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72b68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72c00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72998 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ca0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72d38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72dd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72a30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72e70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72f08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba727c8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73040 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73210 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba732a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73340 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba730d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba733e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73478 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73510 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73170 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba735b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73648 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba736e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72860 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73780 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73950 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba739e8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73a80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73818 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73b20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73bb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73c50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba738b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73cf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73d88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70f00 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73ec0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74090 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74260 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba742f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74390 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74128 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba744c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba741c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74600 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74698 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74730 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73f58 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba747d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba749a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74a38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ad0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74868 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74b70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74c08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74900 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74d40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74dd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74e70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73ff0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74f10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba750e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75178 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75210 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74fa8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba752b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75348 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba753e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75040 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75518 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba755b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: PARSED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba81660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba816f0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba81780 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba81810 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba818a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba81930 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba819c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba81a50 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba81ae0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba81b70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba81c00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba81c90 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba81d20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba81db0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba81e40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba81ed0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba81f60 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba81ff0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba82080 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba82110 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba821a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba82230 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba822c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba82350 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba823e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba82470 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba82500 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba82590 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba82620 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba826b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba82740 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba827d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba82860 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba828f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba82980 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba82a10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba82aa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba82b30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba82bc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba82c50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba82ce0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba82d70 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba82e00 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba82e90 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba82f20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba82fb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba83040 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba830d0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba83160 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba831f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba83280 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba83310 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba833a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba83430 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba834c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba83550 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba835e0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba83670 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba83700 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba83790 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba83820 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba838b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba83940 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba839d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba83a60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba83af0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba83b80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba83c10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba83ca0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba83d30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba83dc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba83e50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba83ee0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba83f70 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba84000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba84090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba84120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba841b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba84240 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba842d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba84360 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba843f0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba84480 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba84510 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba845a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba84630 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba846c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba84750 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba847e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba84870 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba84900 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba84990 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba84a20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba84ab0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba84b40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba84bd0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba84c60 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba84cf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba84d80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba84e10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba84ea0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba84f30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba84fc0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba85050 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba850e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba85170 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba85200 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba85290 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba85320 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba853b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba85440 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba854d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba85560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba855f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba85680 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba85710 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba857a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba85830 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba858c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba85950 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba859e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: --------------- 35: 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: --------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba757b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75890 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75a60 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75c30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75e00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75e98 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75f30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75cc8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75fd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76068 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76100 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75d60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba761a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76238 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba762d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75af8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76370 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76540 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba765d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76670 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76408 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76710 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba767a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76840 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba764a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba768e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76978 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76a10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75b90 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76ab0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76c80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76d18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76db0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76b48 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76e50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76ee8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76f80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76be0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77020 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba770b8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77150 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75928 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba771f0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba773c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77590 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77628 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba776c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77458 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77760 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba777f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77890 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba774f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77930 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba779c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77a60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77288 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77b00 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77cd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77d68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77e00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77b98 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77f38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77fd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77c30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78108 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba781a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77320 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78240 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78410 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba784a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78540 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba782d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba785e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78678 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78710 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78370 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba787b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78848 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba788e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba759c0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78980 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78b50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78d20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78db8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78e50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78be8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78f88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79020 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78c80 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba790c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79158 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba791f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78a18 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79290 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79460 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba794f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79590 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79328 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79630 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba796c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79760 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba793c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79800 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79898 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79930 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78ab0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba799d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79ba0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79c38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79cd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79a68 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79d70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79e08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79ea0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79b00 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79fd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba7a070 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: PARSED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba89da0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba89e30 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba89ec0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba89f50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba89fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba8a070 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba8a100 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba8a190 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba8a220 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba8a2b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba8a340 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba8a3d0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba8a460 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba8a4f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba8a580 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba8a610 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba8a6a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba8a730 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba8a7c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba8a850 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba8a8e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba8a970 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba8aa00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba8aa90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba8ab20 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba8abb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba8ac40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba8acd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba8ad60 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba8adf0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba8ae80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba8af10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba8afa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba8b030 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba8b0c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba8b150 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba8b1e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba8b270 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba8b300 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba8b390 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba8b420 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba8b4b0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba8b540 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba8b5d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba8b660 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba8b6f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba8b780 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba8b810 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba8b8a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba8b930 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba8b9c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba8ba50 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba8bae0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba8bb70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba8bc00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba8bc90 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba8bd20 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba8bdb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba8be40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba8bed0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba8bf60 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba8bff0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba8c080 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba8c110 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba8c1a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba8c230 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba8c2c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba8c350 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba8c3e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba8c470 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba8c500 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba8c590 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba8c620 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba8c6b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba8c740 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba8c7d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba8c860 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba8c8f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba8c980 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba8ca10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba8caa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba8cb30 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba8cbc0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba8cc50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba8cce0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba8cd70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba8ce00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba8ce90 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba8cf20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba8cfb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba8d040 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba8d0d0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba8d160 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba8d1f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba8d280 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba8d310 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba8d3a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba8d430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba8d4c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba8d550 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba8d5e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba8d670 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba8d700 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba8d790 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba8d820 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba8d8b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba8d940 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba8d9d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba8da60 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba8daf0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba8db80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba8dc10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba8dca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba8dd30 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba8ddc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba8de50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba8dee0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba8df70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba8e000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba8e090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba8e120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: --------------- 35: { 35: foo0: { 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 0000, bar3: 0001, baz3: 0002}, bar2: {foo3: 0010, bar3: 0011, baz3: 0012}, baz2: {foo3: 0020, bar3: 0021, baz3: 0022} }, 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 0100, bar3: 0101, baz3: 0102}, bar2: {foo3: 0110, bar3: 0111, baz3: 0112}, baz2: {foo3: 0120, bar3: 0121, baz3: 0122} }, 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 0200, bar3: 0201, baz3: 0202}, bar2: {foo3: 0210, bar3: 0211, baz3: 0212}, baz2: {foo3: 0220, bar3: 0221, baz3: 0222} }, 35: }, 35: bar0: { 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 1000, bar3: 1001, baz3: 1002}, bar2: {foo3: 1010, bar3: 1011, baz3: 1012}, baz2: {foo3: 1020, bar3: 1021, baz3: 1022} }, 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 1100, bar3: 1101, baz3: 1102}, bar2: {foo3: 1110, bar3: 1111, baz3: 1112}, baz2: {foo3: 1120, bar3: 1121, baz3: 1122} }, 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 1200, bar3: 1201, baz3: 1202}, bar2: {foo3: 1210, bar3: 1211, baz3: 1212}, baz2: {foo3: 1220, bar3: 1221, baz3: 1222} }, 35: }, 35: baz0: { 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 2000, bar3: 2001, baz3: 2002}, bar2: {foo3: 2010, bar3: 2011, baz3: 2012}, baz2: {foo3: 2020, bar3: 2021, baz3: 2022} }, 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 2100, bar3: 2101, baz3: 2102}, bar2: {foo3: 2110, bar3: 2111, baz3: 2112}, baz2: {foo3: 2120, bar3: 2121, baz3: 2122} }, 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 2200, bar3: 2201, baz3: 2202}, bar2: {foo3: 2210, bar3: 2211, baz3: 2212}, baz2: {foo3: 2220, bar3: 2221, baz3: 2222} }, 35: }, 35: }--------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba756a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70dd0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71170 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71340 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba713d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71470 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71208 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71510 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba715a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71640 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba712a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba716e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71778 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71810 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71038 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba718b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71a80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71b18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71bb0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71948 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71c50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71ce8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71d80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba719e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71e20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71eb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71f50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba710d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71ff0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba721c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72258 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba722f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72088 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72428 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba724c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72120 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72560 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba725f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72690 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70e68 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72730 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72900 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ad0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72b68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72c00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72998 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ca0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72d38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72dd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72a30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72e70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72f08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba727c8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73040 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73210 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba732a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73340 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba730d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba733e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73478 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73510 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73170 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba735b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73648 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba736e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72860 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73780 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73950 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba739e8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73a80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73818 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73b20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73bb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73c50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba738b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73cf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73d88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70f00 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73ec0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74090 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74260 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba742f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74390 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74128 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba744c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba741c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74600 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74698 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74730 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73f58 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba747d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba749a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74a38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ad0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74868 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74b70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74c08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74900 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74d40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74dd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74e70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73ff0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74f10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba750e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75178 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75210 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74fa8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba752b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75348 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba753e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75040 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75518 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba755b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: PARSED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba8e5b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba8e640 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba8e6d0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba8e760 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba8e7f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba8e880 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba8e910 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba8e9a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba8ea30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba8eac0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba8eb50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba8ebe0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba8ec70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba8ed00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba8ed90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba8ee20 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba8eeb0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba8ef40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba8efd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba8f060 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba8f0f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba8f180 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba8f210 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba8f2a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba8f330 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba8f3c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba8f450 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba8f4e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba8f570 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba8f600 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba8f690 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba8f720 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba8f7b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba8f840 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba8f8d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba8f960 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba8f9f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba8fa80 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba8fb10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba8fba0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba8fc30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba8fcc0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba8fd50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba8fde0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba8fe70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba8ff00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba8ff90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba90020 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba900b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba90140 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba901d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba90260 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba902f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba90380 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba90410 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba904a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba90530 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba905c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba90650 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba906e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba90770 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba90800 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba90890 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba90920 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba909b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba90a40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba90ad0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba90b60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba90bf0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba90c80 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba90d10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba90da0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba90e30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba90ec0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba90f50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba90fe0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba91070 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba91100 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba91190 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba91220 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba912b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba91340 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba913d0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba91460 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba914f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba91580 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba91610 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba916a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba91730 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba917c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba91850 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba918e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba91970 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba91a00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba91a90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba91b20 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba91bb0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba91c40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba91cd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba91d60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba91df0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba91e80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba91f10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba91fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba92030 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba920c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba92150 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba921e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba92270 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba92300 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba92390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba92420 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba924b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba92540 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba925d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba92660 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba926f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba92780 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba92810 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba928a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba92930 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: --------------- 35: 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: --------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba757b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75890 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75a60 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75c30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75e00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75e98 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75f30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75cc8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75fd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76068 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76100 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75d60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba761a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76238 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba762d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75af8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76370 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76540 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba765d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76670 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76408 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76710 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba767a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76840 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba764a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba768e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76978 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76a10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75b90 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76ab0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76c80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76d18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76db0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76b48 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76e50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76ee8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76f80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76be0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77020 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba770b8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77150 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75928 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba771f0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba773c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77590 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77628 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba776c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77458 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77760 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba777f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77890 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba774f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77930 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba779c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77a60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77288 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77b00 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77cd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77d68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77e00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77b98 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77f38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77fd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77c30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78108 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba781a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77320 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78240 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78410 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba784a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78540 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba782d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba785e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78678 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78710 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78370 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba787b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78848 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba788e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba759c0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78980 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78b50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78d20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78db8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78e50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78be8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78f88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79020 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78c80 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba790c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79158 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba791f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78a18 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79290 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79460 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba794f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79590 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79328 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79630 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba796c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79760 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba793c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79800 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79898 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79930 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78ab0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba799d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79ba0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79c38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79cd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79a68 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79d70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79e08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79ea0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79b00 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79fd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba7a070 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: PARSED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba92dc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba92e50 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba92ee0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba92f70 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba93000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba93090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba93120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba931b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba93240 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba932d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba93360 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba933f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba93480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba93510 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba935a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba93630 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba936c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba93750 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba937e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba93870 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba93900 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba93990 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba93a20 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba93ab0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba93b40 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba93bd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba93c60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba93cf0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba93d80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba93e10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba93ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba93f30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba93fc0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba94050 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba940e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba94170 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba94200 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba94290 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba94320 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba943b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba94440 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba944d0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba94560 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba945f0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba94680 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba94710 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba947a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba94830 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba948c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba94950 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba949e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba94a70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba94b00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba94b90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba94c20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba94cb0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba94d40 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba94dd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba94e60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba94ef0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba94f80 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba95010 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba950a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba95130 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba951c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba95250 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba952e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba95370 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba95400 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba95490 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba95520 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba955b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba95640 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba956d0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba95760 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba957f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba95880 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba95910 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba959a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba95a30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba95ac0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba95b50 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba95be0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba95c70 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba95d00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba95d90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba95e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba95eb0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba95f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba95fd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba96060 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba960f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba96180 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba96210 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba962a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba96330 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba963c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba96450 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba964e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba96570 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba96600 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba96690 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba96720 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba967b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba96840 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba968d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba96960 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba969f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba96a80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba96b10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba96ba0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba96c30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba96cc0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba96d50 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba96de0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba96e70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba96f00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba96f90 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba97020 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba970b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba97140 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: foo0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0000 35: bar3: 0001 35: baz3: 0002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0010 35: bar3: 0011 35: baz3: 0012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0020 35: bar3: 0021 35: baz3: 0022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0100 35: bar3: 0101 35: baz3: 0102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0110 35: bar3: 0111 35: baz3: 0112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0120 35: bar3: 0121 35: baz3: 0122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 0200 35: bar3: 0201 35: baz3: 0202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 0210 35: bar3: 0211 35: baz3: 0212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 0220 35: bar3: 0221 35: baz3: 0222 35: bar0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1000 35: bar3: 1001 35: baz3: 1002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1010 35: bar3: 1011 35: baz3: 1012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1020 35: bar3: 1021 35: baz3: 1022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1100 35: bar3: 1101 35: baz3: 1102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1110 35: bar3: 1111 35: baz3: 1112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1120 35: bar3: 1121 35: baz3: 1122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 1200 35: bar3: 1201 35: baz3: 1202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 1210 35: bar3: 1211 35: baz3: 1212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 1220 35: bar3: 1221 35: baz3: 1222 35: baz0: 35: foo1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2000 35: bar3: 2001 35: baz3: 2002 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2010 35: bar3: 2011 35: baz3: 2012 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2020 35: bar3: 2021 35: baz3: 2022 35: bar1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2100 35: bar3: 2101 35: baz3: 2102 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2110 35: bar3: 2111 35: baz3: 2112 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2120 35: bar3: 2121 35: baz3: 2122 35: baz1: 35: foo2: 35: foo3: 2200 35: bar3: 2201 35: baz3: 2202 35: bar2: 35: foo3: 2210 35: bar3: 2211 35: baz3: 2212 35: baz2: 35: foo3: 2220 35: bar3: 2221 35: baz3: 2222 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 35: {\n 35: foo0: {\n 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 0000, bar3: 0001, baz3: 0002}, bar2: {foo3: 0010, bar3: 0011, baz3: 0012}, baz2: {foo3: 0020, bar3: 0021, baz3: 0022} },\n 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 0100, bar3: 0101, baz3: 0102}, bar2: {foo3: 0110, bar3: 0111, baz3: 0112}, baz2: {foo3: 0120, bar3: 0121, baz3: 0122} },\n 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 0200, bar3: 0201, baz3: 0202}, bar2: {foo3: 0210, bar3: 0211, baz3: 0212}, baz2: {foo3: 0220, bar3: 0221, baz3: 0222} },\n 35: },\n 35: bar0: {\n 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 1000, bar3: 1001, baz3: 1002}, bar2: {foo3: 1010, bar3: 1011, baz3: 1012}, baz2: {foo3: 1020, bar3: 1021, baz3: 1022} },\n 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 1100, bar3: 1101, baz3: 1102}, bar2: {foo3: 1110, bar3: 1111, baz3: 1112}, baz2: {foo3: 1120, bar3: 1121, baz3: 1122} },\n 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 1200, bar3: 1201, baz3: 1202}, bar2: {foo3: 1210, bar3: 1211, baz3: 1212}, baz2: {foo3: 1220, bar3: 1221, baz3: 1222} },\n 35: },\n 35: baz0: {\n 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 2000, bar3: 2001, baz3: 2002}, bar2: {foo3: 2010, bar3: 2011, baz3: 2012}, baz2: {foo3: 2020, bar3: 2021, baz3: 2022} },\n 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 2100, bar3: 2101, baz3: 2102}, bar2: {foo3: 2110, bar3: 2111, baz3: 2112}, baz2: {foo3: 2120, bar3: 2121, baz3: 2122} },\n 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 2200, bar3: 2201, baz3: 2202}, bar2: {foo3: 2210, bar3: 2211, baz3: 2212}, baz2: {foo3: 2220, bar3: 2221, baz3: 2222} },\n 35: },\n 35: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba81660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba816f0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba81780 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba81810 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba818a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba81930 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba819c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba81a50 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba81ae0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba81b70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba81c00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba81c90 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba81d20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba81db0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba81e40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba81ed0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba81f60 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba81ff0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba82080 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba82110 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba821a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba82230 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba822c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba82350 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba823e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba82470 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba82500 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba82590 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba82620 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba826b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba82740 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba827d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba82860 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba828f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba82980 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba82a10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba82aa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba82b30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba82bc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba82c50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba82ce0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba82d70 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba82e00 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba82e90 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba82f20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba82fb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba83040 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba830d0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba83160 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba831f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba83280 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba83310 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba833a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba83430 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba834c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba83550 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba835e0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba83670 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba83700 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba83790 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba83820 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba838b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba83940 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba839d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba83a60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba83af0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba83b80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba83c10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba83ca0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba83d30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba83dc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba83e50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba83ee0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba83f70 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba84000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba84090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba84120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba841b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba84240 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba842d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba84360 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba843f0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba84480 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba84510 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba845a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba84630 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba846c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba84750 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba847e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba84870 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba84900 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba84990 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba84a20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba84ab0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba84b40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba84bd0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba84c60 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba84cf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba84d80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba84e10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba84ea0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba84f30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba84fc0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba85050 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba850e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba85170 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba85200 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba85290 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba85320 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba853b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba85440 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba854d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba85560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba855f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba85680 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba85710 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba857a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba85830 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba858c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba85950 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba859e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 35: foo0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0000\n 35: bar3: 0001\n 35: baz3: 0002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0010\n 35: bar3: 0011\n 35: baz3: 0012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0020\n 35: bar3: 0021\n 35: baz3: 0022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0100\n 35: bar3: 0101\n 35: baz3: 0102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0110\n 35: bar3: 0111\n 35: baz3: 0112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0120\n 35: bar3: 0121\n 35: baz3: 0122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0200\n 35: bar3: 0201\n 35: baz3: 0202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0210\n 35: bar3: 0211\n 35: baz3: 0212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0220\n 35: bar3: 0221\n 35: baz3: 0222\n 35: bar0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1000\n 35: bar3: 1001\n 35: baz3: 1002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1010\n 35: bar3: 1011\n 35: baz3: 1012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1020\n 35: bar3: 1021\n 35: baz3: 1022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1100\n 35: bar3: 1101\n 35: baz3: 1102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1110\n 35: bar3: 1111\n 35: baz3: 1112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1120\n 35: bar3: 1121\n 35: baz3: 1122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1200\n 35: bar3: 1201\n 35: baz3: 1202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1210\n 35: bar3: 1211\n 35: baz3: 1212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1220\n 35: bar3: 1221\n 35: baz3: 1222\n 35: baz0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2000\n 35: bar3: 2001\n 35: baz3: 2002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2010\n 35: bar3: 2011\n 35: baz3: 2012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2020\n 35: bar3: 2021\n 35: baz3: 2022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2100\n 35: bar3: 2101\n 35: baz3: 2102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2110\n 35: bar3: 2111\n 35: baz3: 2112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2120\n 35: bar3: 2121\n 35: baz3: 2122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2200\n 35: bar3: 2201\n 35: baz3: 2202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2210\n 35: bar3: 2211\n 35: baz3: 2212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2220\n 35: bar3: 2221\n 35: baz3: 2222\n 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba999e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba99a70 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba99b00 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba99b90 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba99c20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba99cb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba99d40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba99dd0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba99e60 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba99ef0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba99f80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba9a010 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba9a0a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba9a130 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba9a1c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba9a250 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba9a2e0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba9a370 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba9a400 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba9a490 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba9a520 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba9a5b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba9a640 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba9a6d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba9a760 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba9a7f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba9a880 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba9a910 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba9a9a0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba9aa30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba9aac0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba9ab50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba9abe0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba9ac70 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba9ad00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba9ad90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba9ae20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba9aeb0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba9af40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba9afd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba9b060 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba9b0f0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba9b180 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba9b210 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba9b2a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba9b330 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba9b3c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba9b450 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba9b4e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba9b570 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba9b600 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba9b690 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba9b720 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba9b7b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba9b840 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba9b8d0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba9b960 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba9b9f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba9ba80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba9bb10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba9bba0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba9bc30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba9bcc0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba9bd50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba9bde0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba9be70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba9bf00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba9bf90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba9c020 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba9c0b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba9c140 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba9c1d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba9c260 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba9c2f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba9c380 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba9c410 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba9c4a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba9c530 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba9c5c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba9c650 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba9c6e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba9c770 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba9c800 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba9c890 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba9c920 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba9c9b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba9ca40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba9cad0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba9cb60 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba9cbf0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba9cc80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba9cd10 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba9cda0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba9ce30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba9cec0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba9cf50 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba9cfe0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba9d070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba9d100 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba9d190 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba9d220 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba9d2b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba9d340 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba9d3d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba9d460 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba9d4f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba9d580 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba9d610 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba9d6a0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba9d730 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba9d7c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba9d850 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba9d8e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba9d970 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba9da00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba9da90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba9db20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba9dbb0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba9dc40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba9dcd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba9dd60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 35: \n 35: foo0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0000\n 35: bar3: 0001\n 35: baz3: 0002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0010\n 35: bar3: 0011\n 35: baz3: 0012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0020\n 35: bar3: 0021\n 35: baz3: 0022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0100\n 35: bar3: 0101\n 35: baz3: 0102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0110\n 35: bar3: 0111\n 35: baz3: 0112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0120\n 35: bar3: 0121\n 35: baz3: 0122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0200\n 35: bar3: 0201\n 35: baz3: 0202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0210\n 35: bar3: 0211\n 35: baz3: 0212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0220\n 35: bar3: 0221\n 35: baz3: 0222\n 35: bar0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1000\n 35: bar3: 1001\n 35: baz3: 1002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1010\n 35: bar3: 1011\n 35: baz3: 1012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1020\n 35: bar3: 1021\n 35: baz3: 1022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1100\n 35: bar3: 1101\n 35: baz3: 1102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1110\n 35: bar3: 1111\n 35: baz3: 1112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1120\n 35: bar3: 1121\n 35: baz3: 1122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1200\n 35: bar3: 1201\n 35: baz3: 1202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1210\n 35: bar3: 1211\n 35: baz3: 1212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1220\n 35: bar3: 1221\n 35: baz3: 1222\n 35: baz0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2000\n 35: bar3: 2001\n 35: baz3: 2002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2010\n 35: bar3: 2011\n 35: baz3: 2012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2020\n 35: bar3: 2021\n 35: baz3: 2022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2100\n 35: bar3: 2101\n 35: baz3: 2102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2110\n 35: bar3: 2111\n 35: baz3: 2112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2120\n 35: bar3: 2121\n 35: baz3: 2122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2200\n 35: bar3: 2201\n 35: baz3: 2202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2210\n 35: bar3: 2211\n 35: baz3: 2212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2220\n 35: bar3: 2221\n 35: baz3: 2222\n 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba89da0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba89e30 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba89ec0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba89f50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba89fe0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba8a070 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba8a100 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba8a190 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba8a220 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba8a2b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba8a340 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba8a3d0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba8a460 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba8a4f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba8a580 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba8a610 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba8a6a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba8a730 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba8a7c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba8a850 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba8a8e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba8a970 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba8aa00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba8aa90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba8ab20 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba8abb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba8ac40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba8acd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba8ad60 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba8adf0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba8ae80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba8af10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba8afa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba8b030 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba8b0c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba8b150 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba8b1e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba8b270 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba8b300 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba8b390 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba8b420 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba8b4b0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba8b540 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba8b5d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba8b660 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba8b6f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba8b780 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba8b810 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba8b8a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba8b930 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba8b9c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba8ba50 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba8bae0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba8bb70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba8bc00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba8bc90 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba8bd20 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba8bdb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba8be40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba8bed0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba8bf60 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba8bff0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba8c080 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba8c110 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba8c1a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba8c230 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba8c2c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba8c350 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba8c3e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba8c470 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba8c500 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba8c590 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba8c620 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba8c6b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba8c740 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba8c7d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba8c860 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba8c8f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba8c980 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba8ca10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba8caa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba8cb30 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba8cbc0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba8cc50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba8cce0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba8cd70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba8ce00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba8ce90 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba8cf20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba8cfb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba8d040 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba8d0d0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba8d160 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba8d1f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba8d280 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba8d310 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba8d3a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba8d430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba8d4c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba8d550 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba8d5e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba8d670 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba8d700 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba8d790 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba8d820 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba8d8b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba8d940 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba8d9d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba8da60 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba8daf0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba8db80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba8dc10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba8dca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba8dd30 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba8ddc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba8de50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba8dee0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba8df70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba8e000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba8e090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba8e120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 35: foo0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0000\n 35: bar3: 0001\n 35: baz3: 0002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0010\n 35: bar3: 0011\n 35: baz3: 0012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0020\n 35: bar3: 0021\n 35: baz3: 0022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0100\n 35: bar3: 0101\n 35: baz3: 0102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0110\n 35: bar3: 0111\n 35: baz3: 0112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0120\n 35: bar3: 0121\n 35: baz3: 0122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0200\n 35: bar3: 0201\n 35: baz3: 0202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0210\n 35: bar3: 0211\n 35: baz3: 0212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0220\n 35: bar3: 0221\n 35: baz3: 0222\n 35: bar0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1000\n 35: bar3: 1001\n 35: baz3: 1002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1010\n 35: bar3: 1011\n 35: baz3: 1012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1020\n 35: bar3: 1021\n 35: baz3: 1022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1100\n 35: bar3: 1101\n 35: baz3: 1102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1110\n 35: bar3: 1111\n 35: baz3: 1112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1120\n 35: bar3: 1121\n 35: baz3: 1122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1200\n 35: bar3: 1201\n 35: baz3: 1202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1210\n 35: bar3: 1211\n 35: baz3: 1212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1220\n 35: bar3: 1221\n 35: baz3: 1222\n 35: baz0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2000\n 35: bar3: 2001\n 35: baz3: 2002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2010\n 35: bar3: 2011\n 35: baz3: 2012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2020\n 35: bar3: 2021\n 35: baz3: 2022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2100\n 35: bar3: 2101\n 35: baz3: 2102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2110\n 35: bar3: 2111\n 35: baz3: 2112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2120\n 35: bar3: 2121\n 35: baz3: 2122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2200\n 35: bar3: 2201\n 35: baz3: 2202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2210\n 35: bar3: 2211\n 35: baz3: 2212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2220\n 35: bar3: 2221\n 35: baz3: 2222\n 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba9e1f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba9e280 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba9e310 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba9e3a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba9e430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba9e4c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba9e550 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba9e5e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba9e670 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba9e700 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba9e790 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba9e820 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba9e8b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba9e940 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba9e9d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba9ea60 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba9eaf0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba9eb80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba9ec10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba9eca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba9ed30 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba9edc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba9ee50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba9eee0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba9ef70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba9f000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba9f090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba9f120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba9f1b0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba9f240 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba9f2d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba9f360 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba9f3f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba9f480 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba9f510 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba9f5a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba9f630 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba9f6c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba9f750 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba9f7e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba9f870 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba9f900 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba9f990 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba9fa20 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba9fab0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba9fb40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba9fbd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba9fc60 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba9fcf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba9fd80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba9fe10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba9fea0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba9ff30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba9ffc0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbaa0050 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbaa00e0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbaa0170 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbaa0200 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbaa0290 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbaa0320 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbaa03b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbaa0440 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbaa04d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbaa0560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbaa05f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbaa0680 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbaa0710 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbaa07a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbaa0830 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbaa08c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbaa0950 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbaa09e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbaa0a70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbaa0b00 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbaa0b90 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbaa0c20 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbaa0cb0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbaa0d40 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbaa0dd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbaa0e60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbaa0ef0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbaa0f80 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbaa1010 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbaa10a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbaa1130 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbaa11c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbaa1250 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbaa12e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbaa1370 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbaa1400 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbaa1490 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbaa1520 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbaa15b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbaa1640 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbaa16d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbaa1760 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbaa17f0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbaa1880 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbaa1910 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbaa19a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbaa1a30 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbaa1ac0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbaa1b50 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbaa1be0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbaa1c70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbaa1d00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbaa1d90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbaa1e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbaa1eb0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbaa1f40 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbaa1fd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbaa2060 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbaa20f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbaa2180 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbaa2210 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbaa22a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbaa2330 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbaa23c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbaa2450 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbaa24e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbaa2570 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 35: {\r\n 35: foo0: {\r\n 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 0000, bar3: 0001, baz3: 0002}, bar2: {foo3: 0010, bar3: 0011, baz3: 0012}, baz2: {foo3: 0020, bar3: 0021, baz3: 0022} },\r\n 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 0100, bar3: 0101, baz3: 0102}, bar2: {foo3: 0110, bar3: 0111, baz3: 0112}, baz2: {foo3: 0120, bar3: 0121, baz3: 0122} },\r\n 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 0200, bar3: 0201, baz3: 0202}, bar2: {foo3: 0210, bar3: 0211, baz3: 0212}, baz2: {foo3: 0220, bar3: 0221, baz3: 0222} },\r\n 35: },\r\n 35: bar0: {\r\n 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 1000, bar3: 1001, baz3: 1002}, bar2: {foo3: 1010, bar3: 1011, baz3: 1012}, baz2: {foo3: 1020, bar3: 1021, baz3: 1022} },\r\n 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 1100, bar3: 1101, baz3: 1102}, bar2: {foo3: 1110, bar3: 1111, baz3: 1112}, baz2: {foo3: 1120, bar3: 1121, baz3: 1122} },\r\n 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 1200, bar3: 1201, baz3: 1202}, bar2: {foo3: 1210, bar3: 1211, baz3: 1212}, baz2: {foo3: 1220, bar3: 1221, baz3: 1222} },\r\n 35: },\r\n 35: baz0: {\r\n 35: foo1: { foo2: {foo3: 2000, bar3: 2001, baz3: 2002}, bar2: {foo3: 2010, bar3: 2011, baz3: 2012}, baz2: {foo3: 2020, bar3: 2021, baz3: 2022} },\r\n 35: bar1: { foo2: {foo3: 2100, bar3: 2101, baz3: 2102}, bar2: {foo3: 2110, bar3: 2111, baz3: 2112}, baz2: {foo3: 2120, bar3: 2121, baz3: 2122} },\r\n 35: baz1: { foo2: {foo3: 2200, bar3: 2201, baz3: 2202}, bar2: {foo3: 2210, bar3: 2211, baz3: 2212}, baz2: {foo3: 2220, bar3: 2221, baz3: 2222} },\r\n 35: },\r\n 35: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba8e5b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba8e640 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba8e6d0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba8e760 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba8e7f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba8e880 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba8e910 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba8e9a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba8ea30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba8eac0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba8eb50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba8ebe0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba8ec70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba8ed00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba8ed90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba8ee20 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba8eeb0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba8ef40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba8efd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba8f060 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba8f0f0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba8f180 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba8f210 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba8f2a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba8f330 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba8f3c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba8f450 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba8f4e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba8f570 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba8f600 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba8f690 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba8f720 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba8f7b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba8f840 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba8f8d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba8f960 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba8f9f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba8fa80 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba8fb10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba8fba0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba8fc30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba8fcc0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba8fd50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba8fde0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba8fe70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba8ff00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba8ff90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba90020 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba900b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba90140 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba901d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba90260 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba902f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba90380 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba90410 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba904a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba90530 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba905c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba90650 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba906e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba90770 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba90800 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba90890 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba90920 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba909b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba90a40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba90ad0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba90b60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba90bf0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba90c80 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba90d10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba90da0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba90e30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba90ec0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba90f50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba90fe0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba91070 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba91100 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba91190 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba91220 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba912b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba91340 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba913d0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba91460 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba914f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba91580 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba91610 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba916a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba91730 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba917c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba91850 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba918e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba91970 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba91a00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba91a90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba91b20 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba91bb0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba91c40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba91cd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba91d60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba91df0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba91e80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba91f10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba91fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba92030 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba920c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba92150 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba921e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba92270 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba92300 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba92390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba92420 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba924b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba92540 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba925d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba92660 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba926f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba92780 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba92810 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba928a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba92930 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 35: foo0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0000\n 35: bar3: 0001\n 35: baz3: 0002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0010\n 35: bar3: 0011\n 35: baz3: 0012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0020\n 35: bar3: 0021\n 35: baz3: 0022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0100\n 35: bar3: 0101\n 35: baz3: 0102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0110\n 35: bar3: 0111\n 35: baz3: 0112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0120\n 35: bar3: 0121\n 35: baz3: 0122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0200\n 35: bar3: 0201\n 35: baz3: 0202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0210\n 35: bar3: 0211\n 35: baz3: 0212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0220\n 35: bar3: 0221\n 35: baz3: 0222\n 35: bar0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1000\n 35: bar3: 1001\n 35: baz3: 1002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1010\n 35: bar3: 1011\n 35: baz3: 1012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1020\n 35: bar3: 1021\n 35: baz3: 1022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1100\n 35: bar3: 1101\n 35: baz3: 1102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1110\n 35: bar3: 1111\n 35: baz3: 1112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1120\n 35: bar3: 1121\n 35: baz3: 1122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1200\n 35: bar3: 1201\n 35: baz3: 1202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1210\n 35: bar3: 1211\n 35: baz3: 1212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1220\n 35: bar3: 1221\n 35: baz3: 1222\n 35: baz0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2000\n 35: bar3: 2001\n 35: baz3: 2002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2010\n 35: bar3: 2011\n 35: baz3: 2012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2020\n 35: bar3: 2021\n 35: baz3: 2022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2100\n 35: bar3: 2101\n 35: baz3: 2102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2110\n 35: bar3: 2111\n 35: baz3: 2112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2120\n 35: bar3: 2121\n 35: baz3: 2122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2200\n 35: bar3: 2201\n 35: baz3: 2202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2210\n 35: bar3: 2211\n 35: baz3: 2212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2220\n 35: bar3: 2221\n 35: baz3: 2222\n 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadbaa4e10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadbaa4ea0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadbaa4f30 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadbaa4fc0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadbaa5050 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadbaa50e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadbaa5170 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadbaa5200 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadbaa5290 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadbaa5320 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadbaa53b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadbaa5440 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadbaa54d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadbaa5560 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadbaa55f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadbaa5680 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadbaa5710 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadbaa57a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadbaa5830 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadbaa58c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadbaa5950 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadbaa59e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadbaa5a70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadbaa5b00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadbaa5b90 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadbaa5c20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadbaa5cb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadbaa5d40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadbaa5dd0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadbaa5e60 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadbaa5ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadbaa5f80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadbaa6010 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadbaa60a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadbaa6130 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadbaa61c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadbaa6250 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadbaa62e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadbaa6370 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadbaa6400 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadbaa6490 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadbaa6520 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadbaa65b0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadbaa6640 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadbaa66d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadbaa6760 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadbaa67f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadbaa6880 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadbaa6910 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadbaa69a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadbaa6a30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadbaa6ac0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadbaa6b50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadbaa6be0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbaa6c70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbaa6d00 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbaa6d90 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbaa6e20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbaa6eb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbaa6f40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbaa6fd0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbaa7060 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbaa70f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbaa7180 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbaa7210 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbaa72a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbaa7330 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbaa73c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbaa7450 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbaa74e0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbaa7570 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbaa7600 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbaa7690 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbaa7720 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbaa77b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbaa7840 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbaa78d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbaa7960 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbaa79f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbaa7a80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbaa7b10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbaa7ba0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbaa7c30 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbaa7cc0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbaa7d50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbaa7de0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbaa7e70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbaa7f00 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbaa7f90 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbaa8020 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbaa80b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbaa8140 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbaa81d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbaa8260 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbaa82f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbaa8380 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbaa8410 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbaa84a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbaa8530 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbaa85c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbaa8650 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbaa86e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbaa8770 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbaa8800 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbaa8890 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbaa8920 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbaa89b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbaa8a40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbaa8ad0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbaa8b60 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbaa8bf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbaa8c80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbaa8d10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbaa8da0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbaa8e30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbaa8ec0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbaa8f50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbaa8fe0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbaa9070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbaa9100 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbaa9190 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 35: \r\n 35: foo0:\r\n 35: foo1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0000\r\n 35: bar3: 0001\r\n 35: baz3: 0002\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0010\r\n 35: bar3: 0011\r\n 35: baz3: 0012\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0020\r\n 35: bar3: 0021\r\n 35: baz3: 0022\r\n 35: bar1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0100\r\n 35: bar3: 0101\r\n 35: baz3: 0102\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0110\r\n 35: bar3: 0111\r\n 35: baz3: 0112\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0120\r\n 35: bar3: 0121\r\n 35: baz3: 0122\r\n 35: baz1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0200\r\n 35: bar3: 0201\r\n 35: baz3: 0202\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0210\r\n 35: bar3: 0211\r\n 35: baz3: 0212\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 0220\r\n 35: bar3: 0221\r\n 35: baz3: 0222\r\n 35: bar0:\r\n 35: foo1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1000\r\n 35: bar3: 1001\r\n 35: baz3: 1002\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1010\r\n 35: bar3: 1011\r\n 35: baz3: 1012\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1020\r\n 35: bar3: 1021\r\n 35: baz3: 1022\r\n 35: bar1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1100\r\n 35: bar3: 1101\r\n 35: baz3: 1102\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1110\r\n 35: bar3: 1111\r\n 35: baz3: 1112\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1120\r\n 35: bar3: 1121\r\n 35: baz3: 1122\r\n 35: baz1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1200\r\n 35: bar3: 1201\r\n 35: baz3: 1202\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1210\r\n 35: bar3: 1211\r\n 35: baz3: 1212\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 1220\r\n 35: bar3: 1221\r\n 35: baz3: 1222\r\n 35: baz0:\r\n 35: foo1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2000\r\n 35: bar3: 2001\r\n 35: baz3: 2002\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2010\r\n 35: bar3: 2011\r\n 35: baz3: 2012\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2020\r\n 35: bar3: 2021\r\n 35: baz3: 2022\r\n 35: bar1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2100\r\n 35: bar3: 2101\r\n 35: baz3: 2102\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2110\r\n 35: bar3: 2111\r\n 35: baz3: 2112\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2120\r\n 35: bar3: 2121\r\n 35: baz3: 2122\r\n 35: baz1:\r\n 35: foo2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2200\r\n 35: bar3: 2201\r\n 35: baz3: 2202\r\n 35: bar2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2210\r\n 35: bar3: 2211\r\n 35: baz3: 2212\r\n 35: baz2:\r\n 35: foo3: 2220\r\n 35: bar3: 2221\r\n 35: baz3: 2222\r\n 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadba92dc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadba92e50 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadba92ee0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadba92f70 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadba93000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadba93090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadba93120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadba931b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadba93240 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadba932d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadba93360 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadba933f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadba93480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadba93510 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadba935a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadba93630 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadba936c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadba93750 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadba937e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadba93870 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadba93900 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadba93990 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadba93a20 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadba93ab0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadba93b40 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadba93bd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadba93c60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadba93cf0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadba93d80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadba93e10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadba93ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadba93f30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadba93fc0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadba94050 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadba940e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadba94170 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadba94200 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadba94290 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadba94320 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadba943b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadba94440 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadba944d0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadba94560 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadba945f0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadba94680 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadba94710 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadba947a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadba94830 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadba948c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadba94950 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadba949e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadba94a70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadba94b00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadba94b90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadba94c20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadba94cb0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadba94d40 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadba94dd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadba94e60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadba94ef0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadba94f80 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadba95010 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadba950a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadba95130 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadba951c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadba95250 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadba952e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadba95370 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadba95400 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadba95490 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadba95520 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadba955b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadba95640 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadba956d0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadba95760 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadba957f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadba95880 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadba95910 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadba959a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadba95a30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadba95ac0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadba95b50 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadba95be0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadba95c70 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadba95d00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadba95d90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadba95e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadba95eb0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadba95f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadba95fd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadba96060 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadba960f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadba96180 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadba96210 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadba962a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadba96330 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadba963c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadba96450 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadba964e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadba96570 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadba96600 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadba96690 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadba96720 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadba967b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadba96840 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadba968d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadba96960 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadba969f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadba96a80 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadba96b10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadba96ba0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadba96c30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadba96cc0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadba96d50 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadba96de0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadba96e70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadba96f00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadba96f90 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadba97020 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadba970b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadba97140 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 35: foo0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0000\n 35: bar3: 0001\n 35: baz3: 0002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0010\n 35: bar3: 0011\n 35: baz3: 0012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0020\n 35: bar3: 0021\n 35: baz3: 0022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0100\n 35: bar3: 0101\n 35: baz3: 0102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0110\n 35: bar3: 0111\n 35: baz3: 0112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0120\n 35: bar3: 0121\n 35: baz3: 0122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 0200\n 35: bar3: 0201\n 35: baz3: 0202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 0210\n 35: bar3: 0211\n 35: baz3: 0212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 0220\n 35: bar3: 0221\n 35: baz3: 0222\n 35: bar0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1000\n 35: bar3: 1001\n 35: baz3: 1002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1010\n 35: bar3: 1011\n 35: baz3: 1012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1020\n 35: bar3: 1021\n 35: baz3: 1022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1100\n 35: bar3: 1101\n 35: baz3: 1102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1110\n 35: bar3: 1111\n 35: baz3: 1112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1120\n 35: bar3: 1121\n 35: baz3: 1122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 1200\n 35: bar3: 1201\n 35: baz3: 1202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 1210\n 35: bar3: 1211\n 35: baz3: 1212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 1220\n 35: bar3: 1221\n 35: baz3: 1222\n 35: baz0:\n 35: foo1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2000\n 35: bar3: 2001\n 35: baz3: 2002\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2010\n 35: bar3: 2011\n 35: baz3: 2012\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2020\n 35: bar3: 2021\n 35: baz3: 2022\n 35: bar1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2100\n 35: bar3: 2101\n 35: baz3: 2102\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2110\n 35: bar3: 2111\n 35: baz3: 2112\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2120\n 35: bar3: 2121\n 35: baz3: 2122\n 35: baz1:\n 35: foo2:\n 35: foo3: 2200\n 35: bar3: 2201\n 35: baz3: 2202\n 35: bar2:\n 35: foo3: 2210\n 35: bar3: 2211\n 35: baz3: 2212\n 35: baz2:\n 35: foo3: 2220\n 35: bar3: 2221\n 35: baz3: 2222\n 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadbaa9620 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadbaa96b0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadbaa9740 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadbaa97d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadbaa9860 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadbaa98f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadbaa9980 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadbaa9a10 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadbaa9aa0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadbaa9b30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadbaa9bc0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadbaa9c50 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadbaa9ce0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadbaa9d70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadbaa9e00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadbaa9e90 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadbaa9f20 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadbaa9fb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadbaaa040 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadbaaa0d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadbaaa160 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadbaaa1f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadbaaa280 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadbaaa310 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadbaaa3a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadbaaa430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadbaaa4c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadbaaa550 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadbaaa5e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadbaaa670 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadbaaa700 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadbaaa790 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadbaaa820 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadbaaa8b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadbaaa940 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadbaaa9d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadbaaaa60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadbaaaaf0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadbaaab80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadbaaac10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadbaaaca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadbaaad30 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadbaaadc0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadbaaae50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadbaaaee0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadbaaaf70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadbaab000 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadbaab090 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadbaab120 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadbaab1b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadbaab240 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadbaab2d0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadbaab360 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadbaab3f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbaab480 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbaab510 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbaab5a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbaab630 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbaab6c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbaab750 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbaab7e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbaab870 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbaab900 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbaab990 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbaaba20 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbaabab0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbaabb40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbaabbd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbaabc60 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbaabcf0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbaabd80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbaabe10 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbaabea0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbaabf30 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbaabfc0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbaac050 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbaac0e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbaac170 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbaac200 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbaac290 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbaac320 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbaac3b0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbaac440 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbaac4d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbaac560 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbaac5f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbaac680 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbaac710 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbaac7a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbaac830 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbaac8c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbaac950 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbaac9e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbaaca70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbaacb00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbaacb90 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbaacc20 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbaaccb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbaacd40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbaacdd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbaace60 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbaacef0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbaacf80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbaad010 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbaad0a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbaad130 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbaad1c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbaad250 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbaad2e0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbaad370 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbaad400 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbaad490 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbaad520 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbaad5b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbaad640 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbaad6d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbaad760 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbaad7f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbaad880 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbaad910 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbaad9a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba756a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70dd0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71170 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71340 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba713d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71470 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71208 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71510 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba715a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71640 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba712a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba716e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71778 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71810 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71038 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba718b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71a80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71b18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71bb0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71948 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71c50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71ce8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71d80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba719e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71e20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71eb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71f50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba710d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71ff0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba721c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72258 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba722f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72088 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72428 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba724c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72120 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72560 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba725f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72690 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70e68 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72730 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72900 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ad0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72b68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72c00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72998 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ca0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72d38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72dd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72a30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72e70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72f08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba727c8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73040 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73210 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba732a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73340 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba730d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba733e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73478 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73510 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73170 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba735b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73648 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba736e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72860 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73780 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73950 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba739e8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73a80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73818 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73b20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73bb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73c50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba738b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73cf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73d88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70f00 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73ec0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74090 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74260 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba742f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74390 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74128 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba744c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba741c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74600 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74698 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74730 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73f58 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba747d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba749a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74a38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ad0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74868 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74b70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74c08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74900 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74d40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74dd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74e70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73ff0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74f10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba750e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75178 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75210 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74fa8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba752b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75348 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba753e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75040 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75518 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba755b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: RECREATED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadbaade30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadbaadec0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadbaadf50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadbaadfe0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadbaae070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadbaae100 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadbaae190 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadbaae220 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadbaae2b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadbaae340 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadbaae3d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadbaae460 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadbaae4f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadbaae580 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadbaae610 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadbaae6a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadbaae730 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadbaae7c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadbaae850 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadbaae8e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadbaae970 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadbaaea00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadbaaea90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadbaaeb20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadbaaebb0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadbaaec40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadbaaecd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadbaaed60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadbaaedf0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadbaaee80 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadbaaef10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadbaaefa0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadbaaf030 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadbaaf0c0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadbaaf150 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadbaaf1e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadbaaf270 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadbaaf300 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadbaaf390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadbaaf420 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadbaaf4b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadbaaf540 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadbaaf5d0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadbaaf660 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadbaaf6f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadbaaf780 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadbaaf810 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadbaaf8a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadbaaf930 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadbaaf9c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadbaafa50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadbaafae0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadbaafb70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadbaafc00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbaafc90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbaafd20 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbaafdb0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbaafe40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbaafed0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbaaff60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbaafff0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbab0080 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbab0110 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbab01a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbab0230 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbab02c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbab0350 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbab03e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbab0470 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbab0500 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbab0590 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbab0620 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbab06b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbab0740 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbab07d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbab0860 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbab08f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbab0980 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbab0a10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbab0aa0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbab0b30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbab0bc0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbab0c50 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbab0ce0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbab0d70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbab0e00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbab0e90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbab0f20 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbab0fb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbab1040 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbab10d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbab1160 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbab11f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbab1280 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbab1310 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbab13a0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbab1430 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbab14c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbab1550 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbab15e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbab1670 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbab1700 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbab1790 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbab1820 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbab18b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbab1940 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbab19d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbab1a60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbab1af0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbab1b80 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbab1c10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbab1ca0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbab1d30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbab1dc0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbab1e50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbab1ee0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbab1f70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbab2000 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbab2090 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbab2120 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbab21b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba757b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75890 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75a60 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75c30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75e00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75e98 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75f30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75cc8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75fd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76068 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76100 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75d60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba761a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76238 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba762d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75af8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76370 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76540 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba765d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76670 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76408 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76710 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba767a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76840 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba764a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba768e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76978 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76a10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75b90 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76ab0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76c80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76d18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76db0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76b48 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76e50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76ee8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76f80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76be0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77020 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba770b8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77150 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75928 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba771f0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba773c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77590 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77628 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba776c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77458 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77760 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba777f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77890 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba774f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77930 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba779c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77a60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77288 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77b00 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77cd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77d68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77e00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77b98 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77f38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77fd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77c30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78108 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba781a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77320 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78240 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78410 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba784a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78540 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba782d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba785e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78678 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78710 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78370 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba787b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78848 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba788e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba759c0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78980 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78b50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78d20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78db8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78e50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78be8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78f88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79020 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78c80 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba790c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79158 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba791f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78a18 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79290 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79460 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba794f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79590 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79328 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79630 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba796c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79760 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba793c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79800 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79898 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79930 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78ab0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba799d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79ba0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79c38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79cd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79a68 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79d70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79e08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79ea0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79b00 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79fd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba7a070 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: RECREATED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadbab2250 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadbab22e0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadbab2370 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadbab2400 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadbab2490 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadbab2520 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadbab25b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadbab2640 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadbab26d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadbab2760 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadbab27f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadbab2880 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadbab2910 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadbab29a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadbab2a30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadbab2ac0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadbab2b50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadbab2be0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadbab2c70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadbab2d00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadbab2d90 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadbab2e20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadbab2eb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadbab2f40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadbab2fd0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadbab3060 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadbab30f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadbab3180 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadbab3210 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadbab32a0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadbab3330 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadbab33c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadbab3450 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadbab34e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadbab3570 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadbab3600 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadbab3690 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadbab3720 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadbab37b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadbab3840 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadbab38d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadbab3960 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadbab39f0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadbab3a80 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadbab3b10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadbab3ba0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadbab3c30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadbab3cc0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadbab3d50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadbab3de0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadbab3e70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadbab3f00 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadbab3f90 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadbab4020 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbab40b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbab4140 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbab41d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbab4260 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbab42f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbab4380 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbab4410 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbab44a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbab4530 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbab45c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbab4650 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbab46e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbab4770 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbab4800 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbab4890 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbab4920 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbab49b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbab4a40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbab4ad0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbab4b60 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbab4bf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbab4c80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbab4d10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbab4da0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbab4e30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbab4ec0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbab4f50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbab4fe0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbab5070 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbab5100 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbab5190 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbab5220 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbab52b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbab5340 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbab53d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbab5460 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbab54f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbab5580 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbab5610 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbab56a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbab5730 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbab57c0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbab5850 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbab58e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbab5970 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbab5a00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbab5a90 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbab5b20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbab5bb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbab5c40 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbab5cd0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbab5d60 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbab5df0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbab5e80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbab5f10 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbab5fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbab6030 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbab60c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbab6150 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbab61e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbab6270 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbab6300 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbab6390 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbab6420 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbab64b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbab6540 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbab65d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (1 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4, explicit' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba756a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70dd0 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba70fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71170 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71340 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba713d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71470 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71208 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71510 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba715a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71640 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba712a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba716e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71778 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71810 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71038 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba718b0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71a80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71b18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71bb0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71948 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71c50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71ce8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71d80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba719e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71e20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71eb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba71f50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba710d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba71ff0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba721c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72258 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba722f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72088 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72390 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72428 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba724c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72120 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72560 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba725f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72690 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70e68 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72730 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72900 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ad0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72b68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72c00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72998 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72ca0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72d38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72dd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72a30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba72e70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72f08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72fa0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba727c8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73040 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73210 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba732a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73340 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba730d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba733e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73478 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73510 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73170 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba735b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73648 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba736e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba72860 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73780 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73950 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba739e8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73a80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73818 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73b20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73bb8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73c50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba738b0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73cf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73d88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba70f00 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba73ec0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74090 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74260 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba742f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74390 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74128 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba744c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74560 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba741c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74600 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74698 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74730 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73f58 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba747d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba749a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74a38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ad0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74868 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74b70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74c08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74ca0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74900 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74d40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74dd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74e70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba73ff0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba74f10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba750e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75178 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75210 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba74fa8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba752b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75348 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba753e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75040 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75518 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba755b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: RECREATED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadbab6670 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadbab6700 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadbab6790 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadbab6820 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadbab68b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadbab6940 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadbab69d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadbab6a60 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadbab6af0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadbab6b80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadbab6c10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadbab6ca0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadbab6d30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadbab6dc0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadbab6e50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadbab6ee0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadbab6f70 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadbab7000 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadbab7090 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadbab7120 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadbab71b0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadbab7240 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadbab72d0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadbab7360 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadbab73f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadbab7480 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadbab7510 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadbab75a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadbab7630 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadbab76c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadbab7750 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadbab77e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadbab7870 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadbab7900 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadbab7990 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadbab7a20 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadbab7ab0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadbab7b40 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadbab7bd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadbab7c60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadbab7cf0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadbab7d80 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadbab7e10 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadbab7ea0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadbab7f30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadbab7fc0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadbab8050 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadbab80e0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadbab8170 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadbab8200 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadbab8290 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadbab8320 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadbab83b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadbab8440 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbab84d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbab8560 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbab85f0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbab8680 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbab8710 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbab87a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbab8830 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbab88c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbab8950 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbab89e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbab8a70 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbab8b00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbab8b90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbab8c20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbab8cb0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbab8d40 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbab8dd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbab8e60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbab8ef0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbab8f80 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbab9010 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbab90a0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbab9130 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbab91c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbab9250 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbab92e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbab9370 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbab9400 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbab9490 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbab9520 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbab95b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbab9640 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbab96d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbab9760 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbab97f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbab9880 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbab9910 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbab99a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbab9a30 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbab9ac0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbab9b50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbab9be0 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbab9c70 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbab9d00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbab9d90 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbab9e20 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbab9eb0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbab9f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbab9fd0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbaba060 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbaba0f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbaba180 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbaba210 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbaba2a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbaba330 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbaba3c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbaba450 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbaba4e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbaba570 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbaba600 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbaba690 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbaba720 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbaba7b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbaba840 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbaba8d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbaba960 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbaba9f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 35: [ RUN ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: running test case 'nested map x4' 35: ------------------------------------------- 35: REF TREE: 35: 0xaaaadba757b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75890 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75a60 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75c30 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75e00 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75e98 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75f30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75cc8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba75fd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76068 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76100 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75d60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba761a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76238 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba762d0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75af8 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76370 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76540 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba765d8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76670 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76408 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76710 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba767a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76840 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba764a0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba768e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76978 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76a10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75b90 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76ab0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76c80 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76d18 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76db0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76b48 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba76e50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76ee8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76f80 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba76be0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77020 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba770b8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77150 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba75928 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba771f0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba773c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77590 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77628 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba776c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77458 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77760 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba777f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77890 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba774f0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77930 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba779c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77a60 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77288 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77b00 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77cd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77d68 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77e00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77b98 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba77ea0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77f38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77fd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77c30 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78070 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78108 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba781a0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba77320 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78240 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78410 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba784a8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78540 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba782d8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba785e0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78678 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78710 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78370 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba787b0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78848 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba788e0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba759c0 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78980 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78b50 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78d20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78db8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78e50 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78be8 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba78ef0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78f88 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79020 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78c80 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba790c0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79158 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba791f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78a18 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79290 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79460 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba794f8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79590 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79328 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79630 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba796c8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79760 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba793c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79800 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79898 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79930 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba78ab0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba799d0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79ba0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79c38 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79cd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79a68 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79d70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79e08 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79ea0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79b00 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: 0xaaaadba79f40 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba79fd8 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: 0xaaaadba7a070 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: RECREATED TREE: 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [0][0] 0xaaaadbabaa90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 35: [1] [1] 0xaaaadbabab20 KEYMAP: 'foo0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [2] [2] 0xaaaadbababb0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [3] [3] 0xaaaadbabac40 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [4] [4] 0xaaaadbabacd0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0000' (3 sibs) 35: [5] [5] 0xaaaadbabad60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0001' (3 sibs) 35: [6] [6] 0xaaaadbabadf0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0002' (3 sibs) 35: [7] [7] 0xaaaadbabae80 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [8] [8] 0xaaaadbabaf10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0010' (3 sibs) 35: [9] [9] 0xaaaadbabafa0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0011' (3 sibs) 35: [10] [10] 0xaaaadbabb030 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0012' (3 sibs) 35: [11] [11] 0xaaaadbabb0c0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [12] [12] 0xaaaadbabb150 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0020' (3 sibs) 35: [13] [13] 0xaaaadbabb1e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0021' (3 sibs) 35: [14] [14] 0xaaaadbabb270 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0022' (3 sibs) 35: [15] [15] 0xaaaadbabb300 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [16] [16] 0xaaaadbabb390 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [17] [17] 0xaaaadbabb420 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0100' (3 sibs) 35: [18] [18] 0xaaaadbabb4b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0101' (3 sibs) 35: [19] [19] 0xaaaadbabb540 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0102' (3 sibs) 35: [20] [20] 0xaaaadbabb5d0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [21] [21] 0xaaaadbabb660 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0110' (3 sibs) 35: [22] [22] 0xaaaadbabb6f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0111' (3 sibs) 35: [23] [23] 0xaaaadbabb780 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0112' (3 sibs) 35: [24] [24] 0xaaaadbabb810 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [25] [25] 0xaaaadbabb8a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0120' (3 sibs) 35: [26] [26] 0xaaaadbabb930 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0121' (3 sibs) 35: [27] [27] 0xaaaadbabb9c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0122' (3 sibs) 35: [28] [28] 0xaaaadbabba50 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [29] [29] 0xaaaadbabbae0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [30] [30] 0xaaaadbabbb70 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0200' (3 sibs) 35: [31] [31] 0xaaaadbabbc00 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0201' (3 sibs) 35: [32] [32] 0xaaaadbabbc90 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0202' (3 sibs) 35: [33] [33] 0xaaaadbabbd20 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [34] [34] 0xaaaadbabbdb0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0210' (3 sibs) 35: [35] [35] 0xaaaadbabbe40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0211' (3 sibs) 35: [36] [36] 0xaaaadbabbed0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0212' (3 sibs) 35: [37] [37] 0xaaaadbabbf60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [38] [38] 0xaaaadbabbff0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '0220' (3 sibs) 35: [39] [39] 0xaaaadbabc080 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '0221' (3 sibs) 35: [40] [40] 0xaaaadbabc110 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '0222' (3 sibs) 35: [41] [41] 0xaaaadbabc1a0 KEYMAP: 'bar0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [42] [42] 0xaaaadbabc230 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [43] [43] 0xaaaadbabc2c0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [44] [44] 0xaaaadbabc350 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1000' (3 sibs) 35: [45] [45] 0xaaaadbabc3e0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1001' (3 sibs) 35: [46] [46] 0xaaaadbabc470 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1002' (3 sibs) 35: [47] [47] 0xaaaadbabc500 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [48] [48] 0xaaaadbabc590 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1010' (3 sibs) 35: [49] [49] 0xaaaadbabc620 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1011' (3 sibs) 35: [50] [50] 0xaaaadbabc6b0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1012' (3 sibs) 35: [51] [51] 0xaaaadbabc740 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [52] [52] 0xaaaadbabc7d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1020' (3 sibs) 35: [53] [53] 0xaaaadbabc860 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1021' (3 sibs) 35: [54] [54] 0xaaaadbabc8f0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1022' (3 sibs) 35: [55] [55] 0xaaaadbabc980 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [56] [56] 0xaaaadbabca10 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [57] [57] 0xaaaadbabcaa0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1100' (3 sibs) 35: [58] [58] 0xaaaadbabcb30 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1101' (3 sibs) 35: [59] [59] 0xaaaadbabcbc0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1102' (3 sibs) 35: [60] [60] 0xaaaadbabcc50 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [61] [61] 0xaaaadbabcce0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1110' (3 sibs) 35: [62] [62] 0xaaaadbabcd70 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1111' (3 sibs) 35: [63] [63] 0xaaaadbabce00 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1112' (3 sibs) 35: [64] [64] 0xaaaadbabce90 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [65] [65] 0xaaaadbabcf20 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1120' (3 sibs) 35: [66] [66] 0xaaaadbabcfb0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1121' (3 sibs) 35: [67] [67] 0xaaaadbabd040 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1122' (3 sibs) 35: [68] [68] 0xaaaadbabd0d0 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [69] [69] 0xaaaadbabd160 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [70] [70] 0xaaaadbabd1f0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1200' (3 sibs) 35: [71] [71] 0xaaaadbabd280 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1201' (3 sibs) 35: [72] [72] 0xaaaadbabd310 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1202' (3 sibs) 35: [73] [73] 0xaaaadbabd3a0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [74] [74] 0xaaaadbabd430 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1210' (3 sibs) 35: [75] [75] 0xaaaadbabd4c0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1211' (3 sibs) 35: [76] [76] 0xaaaadbabd550 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1212' (3 sibs) 35: [77] [77] 0xaaaadbabd5e0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [78] [78] 0xaaaadbabd670 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '1220' (3 sibs) 35: [79] [79] 0xaaaadbabd700 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '1221' (3 sibs) 35: [80] [80] 0xaaaadbabd790 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '1222' (3 sibs) 35: [81] [81] 0xaaaadbabd820 KEYMAP: 'baz0' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [82] [82] 0xaaaadbabd8b0 KEYMAP: 'foo1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [83] [83] 0xaaaadbabd940 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [84] [84] 0xaaaadbabd9d0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2000' (3 sibs) 35: [85] [85] 0xaaaadbabda60 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2001' (3 sibs) 35: [86] [86] 0xaaaadbabdaf0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2002' (3 sibs) 35: [87] [87] 0xaaaadbabdb80 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [88] [88] 0xaaaadbabdc10 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2010' (3 sibs) 35: [89] [89] 0xaaaadbabdca0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2011' (3 sibs) 35: [90] [90] 0xaaaadbabdd30 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2012' (3 sibs) 35: [91] [91] 0xaaaadbabddc0 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [92] [92] 0xaaaadbabde50 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2020' (3 sibs) 35: [93] [93] 0xaaaadbabdee0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2021' (3 sibs) 35: [94] [94] 0xaaaadbabdf70 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2022' (3 sibs) 35: [95] [95] 0xaaaadbabe000 KEYMAP: 'bar1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [96] [96] 0xaaaadbabe090 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [97] [97] 0xaaaadbabe120 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2100' (3 sibs) 35: [98] [98] 0xaaaadbabe1b0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2101' (3 sibs) 35: [99] [99] 0xaaaadbabe240 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2102' (3 sibs) 35: [100] [100] 0xaaaadbabe2d0 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [101] [101] 0xaaaadbabe360 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2110' (3 sibs) 35: [102] [102] 0xaaaadbabe3f0 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2111' (3 sibs) 35: [103] [103] 0xaaaadbabe480 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2112' (3 sibs) 35: [104] [104] 0xaaaadbabe510 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [105] [105] 0xaaaadbabe5a0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2120' (3 sibs) 35: [106] [106] 0xaaaadbabe630 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2121' (3 sibs) 35: [107] [107] 0xaaaadbabe6c0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2122' (3 sibs) 35: [108] [108] 0xaaaadbabe750 KEYMAP: 'baz1' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [109] [109] 0xaaaadbabe7e0 KEYMAP: 'foo2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [110] [110] 0xaaaadbabe870 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2200' (3 sibs) 35: [111] [111] 0xaaaadbabe900 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2201' (3 sibs) 35: [112] [112] 0xaaaadbabe990 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2202' (3 sibs) 35: [113] [113] 0xaaaadbabea20 KEYMAP: 'bar2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [114] [114] 0xaaaadbabeab0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2210' (3 sibs) 35: [115] [115] 0xaaaadbabeb40 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2211' (3 sibs) 35: [116] [116] 0xaaaadbabebd0 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2212' (3 sibs) 35: [117] [117] 0xaaaadbabec60 KEYMAP: 'baz2' (3 sibs) 3 children: 35: [118] [118] 0xaaaadbabecf0 KEYVAL: 'foo3' '2220' (3 sibs) 35: [119] [119] 0xaaaadbabed80 KEYVAL: 'bar3' '2221' (3 sibs) 35: [120] [120] 0xaaaadbabee10 KEYVAL: 'baz3' '2222' (3 sibs) 35: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 35: -------------------------------------- 35: [ OK ] NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 35: [----------] 72 tests from NESTED_MAPX4/YmlTestCase (6 ms total) 35: 35: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 35: [==========] 73 tests from 2 test suites ran. (6 ms total) 35: [ PASSED ] 73 tests. 35/52 Test #35: ryml-test-nested_mapx4 ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 36 Start 36: ryml-test-nested_seqx4 36: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-nested_seqx4-0.6.0 36: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 36: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 36: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 36: [==========] Running 73 tests from 2 test suites. 36: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 36: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 36: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 36: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 36: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 36: 36: [----------] 72 tests from NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: --------------- 36: [ 36: [[[0000, 0001, 0002], [0010, 0011, 0012], [0020, 0021, 0022]], 36: [[0100, 0101, 0102], [0110, 0111, 0112], [0120, 0121, 0122]], 36: [[0200, 0201, 0202], [0210, 0211, 0212], [0220, 0221, 0222]]], 36: 36: [[[1000, 1001, 1002], [1010, 1011, 1012], [1020, 1021, 1022]], 36: [[1100, 1101, 1102], [1110, 1111, 1112], [1120, 1121, 1122]], 36: [[1200, 1201, 1202], [1210, 1211, 1212], [1220, 1221, 1222]]], 36: 36: [[[2000, 2001, 2002], [2010, 2011, 2012], [2020, 2021, 2022]], 36: [[2100, 2101, 2102], [2110, 2111, 2112], [2120, 2121, 2122]], 36: [[2200, 2201, 2202], [2210, 2211, 2212], [2220, 2221, 2222]]], 36: ]--------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a386a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33dd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34340 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a343d8 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34470 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34510 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a345a8 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34640 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a342a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a346e0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34778 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34810 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34038 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a348b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34a80 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34b18 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34bb0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34c50 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34ce8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34d80 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a349e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34e20 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34eb8 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34f50 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a340d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a351c0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35258 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a352f0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35088 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35390 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35428 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a354c0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35560 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a355f8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35690 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33e68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ad0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35b68 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35c00 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35998 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ca0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35d38 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35dd0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35e70 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35f08 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35fa0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a357c8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36210 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a362a8 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36340 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a360d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a363e0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36478 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36510 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a365b0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36648 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a366e0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36780 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36950 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a369e8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36a80 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36818 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36b20 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36bb8 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36c50 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a368b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36cf0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36d88 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36e20 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33f00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36ec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37260 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a372f8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37390 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37128 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37430 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a374c8 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37560 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a371c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37600 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37698 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37730 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36f58 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a377d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a379a0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37a38 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ad0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37868 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37b70 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37c08 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ca0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37d40 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37dd8 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37e70 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a380e0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38178 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38210 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37fa8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a382b0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38348 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a383e0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38480 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38518 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a385b0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: PARSED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a433a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a43430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a434c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a43550 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a435e0 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a43670 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a43700 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a43790 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a43820 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a438b0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a43940 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a439d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a43a60 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a43af0 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a43b80 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a43c10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a43ca0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a43d30 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a43dc0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a43e50 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a43ee0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a43f70 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a44000 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a44090 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a44120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a441b0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a44240 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a442d0 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a44360 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a443f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a44480 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a44510 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a445a0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a44630 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a446c0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a44750 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a447e0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a44870 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a44900 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a44990 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a44a20 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a44ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a44b40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a44bd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a44c60 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a44cf0 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a44d80 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a44e10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a44ea0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a44f30 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a44fc0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a45050 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a450e0 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a45170 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a45200 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a45290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a45320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a453b0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a45440 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a454d0 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a45560 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a455f0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a45680 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a45710 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a457a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a45830 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a458c0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a45950 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a459e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a45a70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a45b00 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a45b90 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a45c20 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a45cb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a45d40 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a45dd0 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a45e60 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a45ef0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a45f80 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a46010 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a460a0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a46130 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a461c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a46250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a462e0 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a46370 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a46400 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a46490 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a46520 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a465b0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a46640 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a466d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a46760 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a467f0 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a46880 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a46910 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a469a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a46a30 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a46ac0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a46b50 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a46be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a46c70 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a46d00 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a46d90 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a46e20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a46eb0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a46f40 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a46fd0 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a47060 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a470f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a47180 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a47210 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a472a0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a47330 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a473c0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a47450 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a474e0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a47570 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a47600 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a47690 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a47720 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: --------------- 36: 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: --------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a387b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38e00 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38e98 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38f30 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38cc8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38fd0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39068 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39100 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38d60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a391a0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39238 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a392d0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38af8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39540 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a395d8 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39670 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39408 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39710 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a397a8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39840 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a394a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a398e0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39978 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39a10 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39c80 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39d18 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39db0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39b48 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39e50 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39ee8 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39f80 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a020 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a0b8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a150 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38928 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a1f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a590 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a628 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a6c0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a458 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a760 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a7f8 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a890 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a4f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a930 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a9c8 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3aa60 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a288 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3acd0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ad68 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ae00 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3aea0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3af38 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3afd0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ac30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b070 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b108 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b1a0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b410 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b4a8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b540 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b2d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b5e0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b678 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b710 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b7b0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b848 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b8e0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a389c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b980 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bb50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bd20 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bdb8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3be50 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bbe8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bef0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bf88 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c020 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bc80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c0c0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c158 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c1f0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ba18 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c460 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c4f8 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c590 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c328 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c630 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c6c8 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c760 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c800 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c898 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c930 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c9d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cba0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cc38 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ccd0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ca68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cd70 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ce08 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cea0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cf40 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cfd8 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3d070 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: PARSED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a4b1d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a4b260 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a4b2f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a4b380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a4b410 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a4b4a0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a4b530 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a4b5c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a4b650 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a4b6e0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a4b770 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a4b800 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a4b890 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a4b920 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a4b9b0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a4ba40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a4bad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a4bb60 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a4bbf0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a4bc80 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a4bd10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a4bda0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a4be30 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a4bec0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a4bf50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a4bfe0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a4c070 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a4c100 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a4c190 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a4c220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a4c2b0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a4c340 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a4c3d0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a4c460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a4c4f0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a4c580 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a4c610 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a4c6a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a4c730 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a4c7c0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a4c850 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a4c8e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a4c970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a4ca00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a4ca90 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a4cb20 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a4cbb0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a4cc40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a4ccd0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a4cd60 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a4cdf0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a4ce80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a4cf10 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a4cfa0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a4d030 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a4d0c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a4d150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a4d1e0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a4d270 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a4d300 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a4d390 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a4d420 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a4d4b0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a4d540 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a4d5d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a4d660 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a4d6f0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a4d780 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a4d810 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a4d8a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a4d930 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a4d9c0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a4da50 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a4dae0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a4db70 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a4dc00 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a4dc90 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a4dd20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a4ddb0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a4de40 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a4ded0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a4df60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a4dff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a4e080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a4e110 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a4e1a0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a4e230 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a4e2c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a4e350 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a4e3e0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a4e470 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a4e500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a4e590 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a4e620 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a4e6b0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a4e740 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a4e7d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a4e860 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a4e8f0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a4e980 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a4ea10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a4eaa0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a4eb30 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a4ebc0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a4ec50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a4ece0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a4ed70 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a4ee00 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a4ee90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a4ef20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a4efb0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a4f040 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a4f0d0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a4f160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a4f1f0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a4f280 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a4f310 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a4f3a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a4f430 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a4f4c0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a4f550 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: --------------- 36: [ 36: [[[0000, 0001, 0002], [0010, 0011, 0012], [0020, 0021, 0022]], 36: [[0100, 0101, 0102], [0110, 0111, 0112], [0120, 0121, 0122]], 36: [[0200, 0201, 0202], [0210, 0211, 0212], [0220, 0221, 0222]]], 36: 36: [[[1000, 1001, 1002], [1010, 1011, 1012], [1020, 1021, 1022]], 36: [[1100, 1101, 1102], [1110, 1111, 1112], [1120, 1121, 1122]], 36: [[1200, 1201, 1202], [1210, 1211, 1212], [1220, 1221, 1222]]], 36: 36: [[[2000, 2001, 2002], [2010, 2011, 2012], [2020, 2021, 2022]], 36: [[2100, 2101, 2102], [2110, 2111, 2112], [2120, 2121, 2122]], 36: [[2200, 2201, 2202], [2210, 2211, 2212], [2220, 2221, 2222]]], 36: ]--------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a386a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33dd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34340 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a343d8 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34470 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34510 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a345a8 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34640 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a342a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a346e0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34778 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34810 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34038 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a348b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34a80 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34b18 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34bb0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34c50 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34ce8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34d80 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a349e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34e20 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34eb8 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34f50 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a340d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a351c0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35258 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a352f0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35088 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35390 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35428 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a354c0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35560 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a355f8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35690 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33e68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ad0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35b68 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35c00 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35998 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ca0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35d38 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35dd0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35e70 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35f08 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35fa0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a357c8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36210 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a362a8 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36340 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a360d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a363e0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36478 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36510 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a365b0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36648 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a366e0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36780 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36950 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a369e8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36a80 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36818 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36b20 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36bb8 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36c50 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a368b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36cf0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36d88 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36e20 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33f00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36ec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37260 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a372f8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37390 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37128 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37430 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a374c8 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37560 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a371c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37600 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37698 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37730 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36f58 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a377d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a379a0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37a38 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ad0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37868 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37b70 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37c08 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ca0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37d40 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37dd8 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37e70 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a380e0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38178 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38210 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37fa8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a382b0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38348 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a383e0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38480 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38518 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a385b0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: PARSED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a4f9e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a4fa70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a4fb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a4fb90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a4fc20 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a4fcb0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a4fd40 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a4fdd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a4fe60 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a4fef0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a4ff80 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a50010 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a500a0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a50130 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a501c0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a50250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a502e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a50370 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a50400 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a50490 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a50520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a505b0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a50640 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a506d0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a50760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a507f0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a50880 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a50910 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a509a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a50a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a50ac0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a50b50 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a50be0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a50c70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a50d00 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a50d90 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a50e20 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a50eb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a50f40 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a50fd0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a51060 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a510f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a51180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a51210 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a512a0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a51330 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a513c0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a51450 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a514e0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a51570 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a51600 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a51690 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a51720 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a517b0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a51840 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a518d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a51960 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a519f0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a51a80 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a51b10 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a51ba0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a51c30 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a51cc0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a51d50 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a51de0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a51e70 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a51f00 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a51f90 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a52020 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a520b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a52140 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a521d0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a52260 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a522f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a52380 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a52410 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a524a0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a52530 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a525c0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a52650 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a526e0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a52770 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a52800 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a52890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a52920 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a529b0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a52a40 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a52ad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a52b60 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a52bf0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a52c80 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a52d10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a52da0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a52e30 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a52ec0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a52f50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a52fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a53070 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a53100 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a53190 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a53220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a532b0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a53340 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a533d0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a53460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a534f0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a53580 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a53610 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a536a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a53730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a537c0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a53850 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a538e0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a53970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a53a00 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a53a90 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a53b20 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a53bb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a53c40 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a53cd0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a53d60 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: --------------- 36: 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: --------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a387b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38e00 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38e98 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38f30 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38cc8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38fd0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39068 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39100 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38d60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a391a0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39238 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a392d0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38af8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39540 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a395d8 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39670 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39408 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39710 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a397a8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39840 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a394a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a398e0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39978 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39a10 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39c80 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39d18 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39db0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39b48 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39e50 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39ee8 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39f80 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a020 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a0b8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a150 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38928 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a1f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a590 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a628 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a6c0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a458 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a760 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a7f8 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a890 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a4f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a930 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a9c8 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3aa60 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a288 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3acd0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ad68 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ae00 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3aea0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3af38 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3afd0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ac30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b070 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b108 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b1a0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b410 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b4a8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b540 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b2d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b5e0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b678 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b710 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b7b0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b848 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b8e0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a389c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b980 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bb50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bd20 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bdb8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3be50 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bbe8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bef0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bf88 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c020 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bc80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c0c0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c158 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c1f0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ba18 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c460 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c4f8 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c590 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c328 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c630 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c6c8 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c760 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c800 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c898 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c930 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c9d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cba0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cc38 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ccd0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ca68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cd70 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ce08 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cea0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cf40 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cfd8 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3d070 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: PARSED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a541f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a54280 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a54310 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a543a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a54430 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a544c0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a54550 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a545e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a54670 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a54700 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a54790 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a54820 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a548b0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a54940 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a549d0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a54a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a54af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a54b80 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a54c10 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a54ca0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a54d30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a54dc0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a54e50 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a54ee0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a54f70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a55000 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a55090 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a55120 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a551b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a55240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a552d0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a55360 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a553f0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a55480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a55510 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a555a0 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a55630 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a556c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a55750 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a557e0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a55870 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a55900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a55990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a55a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a55ab0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a55b40 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a55bd0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a55c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a55cf0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a55d80 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a55e10 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a55ea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a55f30 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a55fc0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a56050 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a560e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a56170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a56200 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a56290 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a56320 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a563b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a56440 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a564d0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a56560 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a565f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a56680 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a56710 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a567a0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a56830 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a568c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a56950 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a569e0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a56a70 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a56b00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a56b90 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a56c20 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a56cb0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a56d40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a56dd0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a56e60 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a56ef0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a56f80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a57010 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a570a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a57130 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a571c0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a57250 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a572e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a57370 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a57400 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a57490 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a57520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a575b0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a57640 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a576d0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a57760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a577f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a57880 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a57910 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a579a0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a57a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a57ac0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a57b50 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a57be0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a57c70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a57d00 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a57d90 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a57e20 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a57eb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a57f40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a57fd0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a58060 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a580f0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a58180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a58210 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a582a0 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a58330 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a583c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a58450 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a584e0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a58570 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: - - - - 0000 36: - 0001 36: - 0002 36: - - 0010 36: - 0011 36: - 0012 36: - - 0020 36: - 0021 36: - 0022 36: - - - 0100 36: - 0101 36: - 0102 36: - - 0110 36: - 0111 36: - 0112 36: - - 0120 36: - 0121 36: - 0122 36: - - - 0200 36: - 0201 36: - 0202 36: - - 0210 36: - 0211 36: - 0212 36: - - 0220 36: - 0221 36: - 0222 36: - - - - 1000 36: - 1001 36: - 1002 36: - - 1010 36: - 1011 36: - 1012 36: - - 1020 36: - 1021 36: - 1022 36: - - - 1100 36: - 1101 36: - 1102 36: - - 1110 36: - 1111 36: - 1112 36: - - 1120 36: - 1121 36: - 1122 36: - - - 1200 36: - 1201 36: - 1202 36: - - 1210 36: - 1211 36: - 1212 36: - - 1220 36: - 1221 36: - 1222 36: - - - - 2000 36: - 2001 36: - 2002 36: - - 2010 36: - 2011 36: - 2012 36: - - 2020 36: - 2021 36: - 2022 36: - - - 2100 36: - 2101 36: - 2102 36: - - 2110 36: - 2111 36: - 2112 36: - - 2120 36: - 2121 36: - 2122 36: - - - 2200 36: - 2201 36: - 2202 36: - - 2210 36: - 2211 36: - 2212 36: - - 2220 36: - 2221 36: - 2222 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 36: [\n 36: [[[0000, 0001, 0002], [0010, 0011, 0012], [0020, 0021, 0022]],\n 36: [[0100, 0101, 0102], [0110, 0111, 0112], [0120, 0121, 0122]],\n 36: [[0200, 0201, 0202], [0210, 0211, 0212], [0220, 0221, 0222]]],\n 36: \n 36: [[[1000, 1001, 1002], [1010, 1011, 1012], [1020, 1021, 1022]],\n 36: [[1100, 1101, 1102], [1110, 1111, 1112], [1120, 1121, 1122]],\n 36: [[1200, 1201, 1202], [1210, 1211, 1212], [1220, 1221, 1222]]],\n 36: \n 36: [[[2000, 2001, 2002], [2010, 2011, 2012], [2020, 2021, 2022]],\n 36: [[2100, 2101, 2102], [2110, 2111, 2112], [2120, 2121, 2122]],\n 36: [[2200, 2201, 2202], [2210, 2211, 2212], [2220, 2221, 2222]]],\n 36: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a433a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a43430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a434c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a43550 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a435e0 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a43670 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a43700 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a43790 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a43820 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a438b0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a43940 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a439d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a43a60 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a43af0 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a43b80 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a43c10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a43ca0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a43d30 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a43dc0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a43e50 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a43ee0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a43f70 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a44000 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a44090 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a44120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a441b0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a44240 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a442d0 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a44360 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a443f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a44480 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a44510 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a445a0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a44630 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a446c0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a44750 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a447e0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a44870 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a44900 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a44990 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a44a20 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a44ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a44b40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a44bd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a44c60 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a44cf0 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a44d80 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a44e10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a44ea0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a44f30 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a44fc0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a45050 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a450e0 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a45170 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a45200 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a45290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a45320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a453b0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a45440 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a454d0 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a45560 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a455f0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a45680 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a45710 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a457a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a45830 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a458c0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a45950 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a459e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a45a70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a45b00 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a45b90 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a45c20 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a45cb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a45d40 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a45dd0 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a45e60 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a45ef0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a45f80 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a46010 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a460a0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a46130 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a461c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a46250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a462e0 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a46370 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a46400 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a46490 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a46520 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a465b0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a46640 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a466d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a46760 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a467f0 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a46880 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a46910 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a469a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a46a30 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a46ac0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a46b50 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a46be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a46c70 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a46d00 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a46d90 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a46e20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a46eb0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a46f40 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a46fd0 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a47060 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a470f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a47180 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a47210 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a472a0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a47330 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a473c0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a47450 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a474e0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a47570 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a47600 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a47690 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a47720 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 36: - - - - 0000\n 36: - 0001\n 36: - 0002\n 36: - - 0010\n 36: - 0011\n 36: - 0012\n 36: - - 0020\n 36: - 0021\n 36: - 0022\n 36: - - - 0100\n 36: - 0101\n 36: - 0102\n 36: - - 0110\n 36: - 0111\n 36: - 0112\n 36: - - 0120\n 36: - 0121\n 36: - 0122\n 36: - - - 0200\n 36: - 0201\n 36: - 0202\n 36: - - 0210\n 36: - 0211\n 36: - 0212\n 36: - - 0220\n 36: - 0221\n 36: - 0222\n 36: - - - - 1000\n 36: - 1001\n 36: - 1002\n 36: - - 1010\n 36: - 1011\n 36: - 1012\n 36: - - 1020\n 36: - 1021\n 36: - 1022\n 36: - - - 1100\n 36: - 1101\n 36: - 1102\n 36: - - 1110\n 36: - 1111\n 36: - 1112\n 36: - - 1120\n 36: - 1121\n 36: - 1122\n 36: - - - 1200\n 36: - 1201\n 36: - 1202\n 36: - - 1210\n 36: - 1211\n 36: - 1212\n 36: - - 1220\n 36: - 1221\n 36: - 1222\n 36: - - - - 2000\n 36: - 2001\n 36: - 2002\n 36: - - 2010\n 36: - 2011\n 36: - 2012\n 36: - - 2020\n 36: - 2021\n 36: - 2022\n 36: - - - 2100\n 36: - 2101\n 36: - 2102\n 36: - - 2110\n 36: - 2111\n 36: - 2112\n 36: - - 2120\n 36: - 2121\n 36: - 2122\n 36: - - - 2200\n 36: - 2201\n 36: - 2202\n 36: - - 2210\n 36: - 2211\n 36: - 2212\n 36: - - 2220\n 36: - 2221\n 36: - 2222\n 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a5ae10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a5aea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a5af30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a5afc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a5b050 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a5b0e0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a5b170 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a5b200 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a5b290 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a5b320 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a5b3b0 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a5b440 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a5b4d0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a5b560 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a5b5f0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a5b680 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a5b710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a5b7a0 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a5b830 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a5b8c0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a5b950 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a5b9e0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a5ba70 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a5bb00 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a5bb90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a5bc20 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a5bcb0 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a5bd40 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a5bdd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a5be60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a5bef0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a5bf80 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a5c010 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a5c0a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a5c130 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a5c1c0 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a5c250 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a5c2e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a5c370 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a5c400 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a5c490 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a5c520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a5c5b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a5c640 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a5c6d0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a5c760 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a5c7f0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a5c880 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a5c910 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a5c9a0 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a5ca30 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a5cac0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a5cb50 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a5cbe0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a5cc70 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a5cd00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a5cd90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a5ce20 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a5ceb0 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a5cf40 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a5cfd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a5d060 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a5d0f0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a5d180 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a5d210 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a5d2a0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a5d330 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a5d3c0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a5d450 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a5d4e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a5d570 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a5d600 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a5d690 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a5d720 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a5d7b0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a5d840 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a5d8d0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a5d960 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a5d9f0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a5da80 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a5db10 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a5dba0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a5dc30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a5dcc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a5dd50 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a5dde0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a5de70 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a5df00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a5df90 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a5e020 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a5e0b0 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a5e140 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a5e1d0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a5e260 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a5e2f0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a5e380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a5e410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a5e4a0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a5e530 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a5e5c0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a5e650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a5e6e0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a5e770 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a5e800 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a5e890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a5e920 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a5e9b0 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a5ea40 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a5ead0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a5eb60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a5ebf0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a5ec80 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a5ed10 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a5eda0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a5ee30 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a5eec0 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a5ef50 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a5efe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a5f070 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a5f100 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a5f190 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 36: \n 36: - - - - 0000\n 36: - 0001\n 36: - 0002\n 36: - - 0010\n 36: - 0011\n 36: - 0012\n 36: - - 0020\n 36: - 0021\n 36: - 0022\n 36: - - - 0100\n 36: - 0101\n 36: - 0102\n 36: - - 0110\n 36: - 0111\n 36: - 0112\n 36: - - 0120\n 36: - 0121\n 36: - 0122\n 36: - - - 0200\n 36: - 0201\n 36: - 0202\n 36: - - 0210\n 36: - 0211\n 36: - 0212\n 36: - - 0220\n 36: - 0221\n 36: - 0222\n 36: - - - - 1000\n 36: - 1001\n 36: - 1002\n 36: - - 1010\n 36: - 1011\n 36: - 1012\n 36: - - 1020\n 36: - 1021\n 36: - 1022\n 36: - - - 1100\n 36: - 1101\n 36: - 1102\n 36: - - 1110\n 36: - 1111\n 36: - 1112\n 36: - - 1120\n 36: - 1121\n 36: - 1122\n 36: - - - 1200\n 36: - 1201\n 36: - 1202\n 36: - - 1210\n 36: - 1211\n 36: - 1212\n 36: - - 1220\n 36: - 1221\n 36: - 1222\n 36: - - - - 2000\n 36: - 2001\n 36: - 2002\n 36: - - 2010\n 36: - 2011\n 36: - 2012\n 36: - - 2020\n 36: - 2021\n 36: - 2022\n 36: - - - 2100\n 36: - 2101\n 36: - 2102\n 36: - - 2110\n 36: - 2111\n 36: - 2112\n 36: - - 2120\n 36: - 2121\n 36: - 2122\n 36: - - - 2200\n 36: - 2201\n 36: - 2202\n 36: - - 2210\n 36: - 2211\n 36: - 2212\n 36: - - 2220\n 36: - 2221\n 36: - 2222\n 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a4b1d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a4b260 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a4b2f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a4b380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a4b410 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a4b4a0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a4b530 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a4b5c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a4b650 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a4b6e0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a4b770 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a4b800 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a4b890 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a4b920 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a4b9b0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a4ba40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a4bad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a4bb60 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a4bbf0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a4bc80 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a4bd10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a4bda0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a4be30 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a4bec0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a4bf50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a4bfe0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a4c070 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a4c100 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a4c190 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a4c220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a4c2b0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a4c340 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a4c3d0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a4c460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a4c4f0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a4c580 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a4c610 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a4c6a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a4c730 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a4c7c0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a4c850 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a4c8e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a4c970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a4ca00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a4ca90 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a4cb20 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a4cbb0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a4cc40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a4ccd0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a4cd60 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a4cdf0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a4ce80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a4cf10 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a4cfa0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a4d030 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a4d0c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a4d150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a4d1e0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a4d270 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a4d300 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a4d390 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a4d420 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a4d4b0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a4d540 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a4d5d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a4d660 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a4d6f0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a4d780 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a4d810 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a4d8a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a4d930 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a4d9c0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a4da50 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a4dae0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a4db70 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a4dc00 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a4dc90 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a4dd20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a4ddb0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a4de40 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a4ded0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a4df60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a4dff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a4e080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a4e110 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a4e1a0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a4e230 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a4e2c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a4e350 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a4e3e0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a4e470 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a4e500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a4e590 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a4e620 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a4e6b0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a4e740 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a4e7d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a4e860 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a4e8f0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a4e980 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a4ea10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a4eaa0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a4eb30 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a4ebc0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a4ec50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a4ece0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a4ed70 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a4ee00 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a4ee90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a4ef20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a4efb0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a4f040 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a4f0d0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a4f160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a4f1f0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a4f280 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a4f310 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a4f3a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a4f430 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a4f4c0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a4f550 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 36: - - - - 0000\n 36: - 0001\n 36: - 0002\n 36: - - 0010\n 36: - 0011\n 36: - 0012\n 36: - - 0020\n 36: - 0021\n 36: - 0022\n 36: - - - 0100\n 36: - 0101\n 36: - 0102\n 36: - - 0110\n 36: - 0111\n 36: - 0112\n 36: - - 0120\n 36: - 0121\n 36: - 0122\n 36: - - - 0200\n 36: - 0201\n 36: - 0202\n 36: - - 0210\n 36: - 0211\n 36: - 0212\n 36: - - 0220\n 36: - 0221\n 36: - 0222\n 36: - - - - 1000\n 36: - 1001\n 36: - 1002\n 36: - - 1010\n 36: - 1011\n 36: - 1012\n 36: - - 1020\n 36: - 1021\n 36: - 1022\n 36: - - - 1100\n 36: - 1101\n 36: - 1102\n 36: - - 1110\n 36: - 1111\n 36: - 1112\n 36: - - 1120\n 36: - 1121\n 36: - 1122\n 36: - - - 1200\n 36: - 1201\n 36: - 1202\n 36: - - 1210\n 36: - 1211\n 36: - 1212\n 36: - - 1220\n 36: - 1221\n 36: - 1222\n 36: - - - - 2000\n 36: - 2001\n 36: - 2002\n 36: - - 2010\n 36: - 2011\n 36: - 2012\n 36: - - 2020\n 36: - 2021\n 36: - 2022\n 36: - - - 2100\n 36: - 2101\n 36: - 2102\n 36: - - 2110\n 36: - 2111\n 36: - 2112\n 36: - - 2120\n 36: - 2121\n 36: - 2122\n 36: - - - 2200\n 36: - 2201\n 36: - 2202\n 36: - - 2210\n 36: - 2211\n 36: - 2212\n 36: - - 2220\n 36: - 2221\n 36: - 2222\n 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a5f620 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a5f6b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a5f740 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a5f7d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a5f860 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a5f8f0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a5f980 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a5fa10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a5faa0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a5fb30 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a5fbc0 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a5fc50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a5fce0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a5fd70 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a5fe00 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a5fe90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a5ff20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a5ffb0 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a60040 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a600d0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a60160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a601f0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a60280 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a60310 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a603a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a60430 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a604c0 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a60550 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a605e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a60670 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a60700 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a60790 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a60820 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a608b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a60940 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a609d0 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a60a60 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a60af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a60b80 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a60c10 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a60ca0 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a60d30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a60dc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a60e50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a60ee0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a60f70 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a61000 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a61090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a61120 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a611b0 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a61240 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a612d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a61360 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a613f0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a61480 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a61510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a615a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a61630 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a616c0 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a61750 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a617e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a61870 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a61900 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a61990 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a61a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a61ab0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a61b40 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a61bd0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a61c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a61cf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a61d80 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a61e10 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a61ea0 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a61f30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a61fc0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a62050 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a620e0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a62170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a62200 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a62290 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a62320 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a623b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a62440 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a624d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a62560 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a625f0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a62680 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a62710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a627a0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a62830 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a628c0 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a62950 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a629e0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a62a70 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a62b00 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a62b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a62c20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a62cb0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a62d40 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a62dd0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a62e60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a62ef0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a62f80 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a63010 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a630a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a63130 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a631c0 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a63250 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a632e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a63370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a63400 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a63490 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a63520 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a635b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a63640 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a636d0 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a63760 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a637f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a63880 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a63910 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a639a0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 36: [\r\n 36: [[[0000, 0001, 0002], [0010, 0011, 0012], [0020, 0021, 0022]],\r\n 36: [[0100, 0101, 0102], [0110, 0111, 0112], [0120, 0121, 0122]],\r\n 36: [[0200, 0201, 0202], [0210, 0211, 0212], [0220, 0221, 0222]]],\r\n 36: \r\n 36: [[[1000, 1001, 1002], [1010, 1011, 1012], [1020, 1021, 1022]],\r\n 36: [[1100, 1101, 1102], [1110, 1111, 1112], [1120, 1121, 1122]],\r\n 36: [[1200, 1201, 1202], [1210, 1211, 1212], [1220, 1221, 1222]]],\r\n 36: \r\n 36: [[[2000, 2001, 2002], [2010, 2011, 2012], [2020, 2021, 2022]],\r\n 36: [[2100, 2101, 2102], [2110, 2111, 2112], [2120, 2121, 2122]],\r\n 36: [[2200, 2201, 2202], [2210, 2211, 2212], [2220, 2221, 2222]]],\r\n 36: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a4f9e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a4fa70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a4fb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a4fb90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a4fc20 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a4fcb0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a4fd40 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a4fdd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a4fe60 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a4fef0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a4ff80 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a50010 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a500a0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a50130 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a501c0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a50250 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a502e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a50370 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a50400 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a50490 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a50520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a505b0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a50640 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a506d0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a50760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a507f0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a50880 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a50910 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a509a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a50a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a50ac0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a50b50 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a50be0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a50c70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a50d00 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a50d90 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a50e20 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a50eb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a50f40 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a50fd0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a51060 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a510f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a51180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a51210 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a512a0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a51330 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a513c0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a51450 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a514e0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a51570 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a51600 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a51690 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a51720 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a517b0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a51840 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a518d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a51960 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a519f0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a51a80 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a51b10 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a51ba0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a51c30 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a51cc0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a51d50 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a51de0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a51e70 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a51f00 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a51f90 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a52020 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a520b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a52140 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a521d0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a52260 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a522f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a52380 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a52410 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a524a0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a52530 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a525c0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a52650 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a526e0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a52770 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a52800 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a52890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a52920 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a529b0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a52a40 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a52ad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a52b60 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a52bf0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a52c80 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a52d10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a52da0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a52e30 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a52ec0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a52f50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a52fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a53070 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a53100 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a53190 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a53220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a532b0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a53340 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a533d0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a53460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a534f0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a53580 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a53610 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a536a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a53730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a537c0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a53850 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a538e0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a53970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a53a00 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a53a90 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a53b20 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a53bb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a53c40 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a53cd0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a53d60 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 36: - - - - 0000\n 36: - 0001\n 36: - 0002\n 36: - - 0010\n 36: - 0011\n 36: - 0012\n 36: - - 0020\n 36: - 0021\n 36: - 0022\n 36: - - - 0100\n 36: - 0101\n 36: - 0102\n 36: - - 0110\n 36: - 0111\n 36: - 0112\n 36: - - 0120\n 36: - 0121\n 36: - 0122\n 36: - - - 0200\n 36: - 0201\n 36: - 0202\n 36: - - 0210\n 36: - 0211\n 36: - 0212\n 36: - - 0220\n 36: - 0221\n 36: - 0222\n 36: - - - - 1000\n 36: - 1001\n 36: - 1002\n 36: - - 1010\n 36: - 1011\n 36: - 1012\n 36: - - 1020\n 36: - 1021\n 36: - 1022\n 36: - - - 1100\n 36: - 1101\n 36: - 1102\n 36: - - 1110\n 36: - 1111\n 36: - 1112\n 36: - - 1120\n 36: - 1121\n 36: - 1122\n 36: - - - 1200\n 36: - 1201\n 36: - 1202\n 36: - - 1210\n 36: - 1211\n 36: - 1212\n 36: - - 1220\n 36: - 1221\n 36: - 1222\n 36: - - - - 2000\n 36: - 2001\n 36: - 2002\n 36: - - 2010\n 36: - 2011\n 36: - 2012\n 36: - - 2020\n 36: - 2021\n 36: - 2022\n 36: - - - 2100\n 36: - 2101\n 36: - 2102\n 36: - - 2110\n 36: - 2111\n 36: - 2112\n 36: - - 2120\n 36: - 2121\n 36: - 2122\n 36: - - - 2200\n 36: - 2201\n 36: - 2202\n 36: - - 2210\n 36: - 2211\n 36: - 2212\n 36: - - 2220\n 36: - 2221\n 36: - 2222\n 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a63e30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a63ec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a63f50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a63fe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a64070 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a64100 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a64190 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a64220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a642b0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a64340 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a643d0 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a64460 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a644f0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a64580 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a64610 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a646a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a64730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a647c0 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a64850 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a648e0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a64970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a64a00 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a64a90 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a64b20 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a64bb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a64c40 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a64cd0 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a64d60 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a64df0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a64e80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a64f10 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a64fa0 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a65030 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a650c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a65150 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a651e0 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a65270 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a65300 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a65390 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a65420 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a654b0 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a65540 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a655d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a65660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a656f0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a65780 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a65810 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a658a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a65930 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a659c0 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a65a50 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a65ae0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a65b70 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a65c00 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a65c90 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a65d20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a65db0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a65e40 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a65ed0 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a65f60 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a65ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a66080 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a66110 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a661a0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a66230 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a662c0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a66350 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a663e0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a66470 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a66500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a66590 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a66620 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a666b0 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a66740 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a667d0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a66860 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a668f0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a66980 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a66a10 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a66aa0 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a66b30 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a66bc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a66c50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a66ce0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a66d70 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a66e00 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a66e90 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a66f20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a66fb0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a67040 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a670d0 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a67160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a671f0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a67280 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a67310 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a673a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a67430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a674c0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a67550 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a675e0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a67670 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a67700 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a67790 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a67820 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a678b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a67940 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a679d0 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a67a60 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a67af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a67b80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a67c10 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a67ca0 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a67d30 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a67dc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a67e50 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a67ee0 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a67f70 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a68000 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a68090 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a68120 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a681b0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 36: \r\n 36: - - - - 0000\r\n 36: - 0001\r\n 36: - 0002\r\n 36: - - 0010\r\n 36: - 0011\r\n 36: - 0012\r\n 36: - - 0020\r\n 36: - 0021\r\n 36: - 0022\r\n 36: - - - 0100\r\n 36: - 0101\r\n 36: - 0102\r\n 36: - - 0110\r\n 36: - 0111\r\n 36: - 0112\r\n 36: - - 0120\r\n 36: - 0121\r\n 36: - 0122\r\n 36: - - - 0200\r\n 36: - 0201\r\n 36: - 0202\r\n 36: - - 0210\r\n 36: - 0211\r\n 36: - 0212\r\n 36: - - 0220\r\n 36: - 0221\r\n 36: - 0222\r\n 36: - - - - 1000\r\n 36: - 1001\r\n 36: - 1002\r\n 36: - - 1010\r\n 36: - 1011\r\n 36: - 1012\r\n 36: - - 1020\r\n 36: - 1021\r\n 36: - 1022\r\n 36: - - - 1100\r\n 36: - 1101\r\n 36: - 1102\r\n 36: - - 1110\r\n 36: - 1111\r\n 36: - 1112\r\n 36: - - 1120\r\n 36: - 1121\r\n 36: - 1122\r\n 36: - - - 1200\r\n 36: - 1201\r\n 36: - 1202\r\n 36: - - 1210\r\n 36: - 1211\r\n 36: - 1212\r\n 36: - - 1220\r\n 36: - 1221\r\n 36: - 1222\r\n 36: - - - - 2000\r\n 36: - 2001\r\n 36: - 2002\r\n 36: - - 2010\r\n 36: - 2011\r\n 36: - 2012\r\n 36: - - 2020\r\n 36: - 2021\r\n 36: - 2022\r\n 36: - - - 2100\r\n 36: - 2101\r\n 36: - 2102\r\n 36: - - 2110\r\n 36: - 2111\r\n 36: - 2112\r\n 36: - - 2120\r\n 36: - 2121\r\n 36: - 2122\r\n 36: - - - 2200\r\n 36: - 2201\r\n 36: - 2202\r\n 36: - - 2210\r\n 36: - 2211\r\n 36: - 2212\r\n 36: - - 2220\r\n 36: - 2221\r\n 36: - 2222\r\n 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a541f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a54280 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a54310 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a543a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a54430 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a544c0 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a54550 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a545e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a54670 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a54700 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a54790 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a54820 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a548b0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a54940 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a549d0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a54a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a54af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a54b80 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a54c10 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a54ca0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a54d30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a54dc0 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a54e50 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a54ee0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a54f70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a55000 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a55090 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a55120 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a551b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a55240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a552d0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a55360 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a553f0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a55480 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a55510 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a555a0 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a55630 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a556c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a55750 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a557e0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a55870 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a55900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a55990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a55a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a55ab0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a55b40 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a55bd0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a55c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a55cf0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a55d80 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a55e10 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a55ea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a55f30 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a55fc0 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a56050 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a560e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a56170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a56200 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a56290 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a56320 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a563b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a56440 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a564d0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a56560 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a565f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a56680 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a56710 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a567a0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a56830 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a568c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a56950 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a569e0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a56a70 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a56b00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a56b90 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a56c20 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a56cb0 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a56d40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a56dd0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a56e60 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a56ef0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a56f80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a57010 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a570a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a57130 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a571c0 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a57250 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a572e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a57370 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a57400 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a57490 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a57520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a575b0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a57640 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a576d0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a57760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a577f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a57880 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a57910 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a579a0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a57a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a57ac0 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a57b50 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a57be0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a57c70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a57d00 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a57d90 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a57e20 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a57eb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a57f40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a57fd0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a58060 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a580f0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a58180 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a58210 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a582a0 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a58330 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a583c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a58450 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a584e0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a58570 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 36: - - - - 0000\n 36: - 0001\n 36: - 0002\n 36: - - 0010\n 36: - 0011\n 36: - 0012\n 36: - - 0020\n 36: - 0021\n 36: - 0022\n 36: - - - 0100\n 36: - 0101\n 36: - 0102\n 36: - - 0110\n 36: - 0111\n 36: - 0112\n 36: - - 0120\n 36: - 0121\n 36: - 0122\n 36: - - - 0200\n 36: - 0201\n 36: - 0202\n 36: - - 0210\n 36: - 0211\n 36: - 0212\n 36: - - 0220\n 36: - 0221\n 36: - 0222\n 36: - - - - 1000\n 36: - 1001\n 36: - 1002\n 36: - - 1010\n 36: - 1011\n 36: - 1012\n 36: - - 1020\n 36: - 1021\n 36: - 1022\n 36: - - - 1100\n 36: - 1101\n 36: - 1102\n 36: - - 1110\n 36: - 1111\n 36: - 1112\n 36: - - 1120\n 36: - 1121\n 36: - 1122\n 36: - - - 1200\n 36: - 1201\n 36: - 1202\n 36: - - 1210\n 36: - 1211\n 36: - 1212\n 36: - - 1220\n 36: - 1221\n 36: - 1222\n 36: - - - - 2000\n 36: - 2001\n 36: - 2002\n 36: - - 2010\n 36: - 2011\n 36: - 2012\n 36: - - 2020\n 36: - 2021\n 36: - 2022\n 36: - - - 2100\n 36: - 2101\n 36: - 2102\n 36: - - 2110\n 36: - 2111\n 36: - 2112\n 36: - - 2120\n 36: - 2121\n 36: - 2122\n 36: - - - 2200\n 36: - 2201\n 36: - 2202\n 36: - - 2210\n 36: - 2211\n 36: - 2212\n 36: - - 2220\n 36: - 2221\n 36: - 2222\n 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a6aa50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a6aae0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a6ab70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a6ac00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a6ac90 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a6ad20 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a6adb0 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a6ae40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a6aed0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a6af60 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a6aff0 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a6b080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a6b110 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a6b1a0 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a6b230 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a6b2c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a6b350 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a6b3e0 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a6b470 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a6b500 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a6b590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a6b620 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a6b6b0 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a6b740 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a6b7d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a6b860 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a6b8f0 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a6b980 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a6ba10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a6baa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a6bb30 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a6bbc0 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a6bc50 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a6bce0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a6bd70 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a6be00 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a6be90 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a6bf20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a6bfb0 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a6c040 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a6c0d0 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a6c160 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a6c1f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a6c280 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a6c310 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a6c3a0 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a6c430 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a6c4c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a6c550 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a6c5e0 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a6c670 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a6c700 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a6c790 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a6c820 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a6c8b0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a6c940 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a6c9d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a6ca60 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a6caf0 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a6cb80 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a6cc10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a6cca0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a6cd30 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a6cdc0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a6ce50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a6cee0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a6cf70 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a6d000 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a6d090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a6d120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a6d1b0 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a6d240 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a6d2d0 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a6d360 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a6d3f0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a6d480 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a6d510 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a6d5a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a6d630 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a6d6c0 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a6d750 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a6d7e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a6d870 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a6d900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a6d990 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a6da20 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a6dab0 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a6db40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a6dbd0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a6dc60 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a6dcf0 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a6dd80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a6de10 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a6dea0 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a6df30 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a6dfc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a6e050 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a6e0e0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a6e170 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a6e200 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a6e290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a6e320 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a6e3b0 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a6e440 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a6e4d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a6e560 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a6e5f0 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a6e680 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a6e710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a6e7a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a6e830 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a6e8c0 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a6e950 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a6e9e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a6ea70 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a6eb00 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a6eb90 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a6ec20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a6ecb0 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a6ed40 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a6edd0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a386a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33dd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34340 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a343d8 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34470 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34510 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a345a8 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34640 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a342a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a346e0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34778 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34810 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34038 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a348b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34a80 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34b18 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34bb0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34c50 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34ce8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34d80 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a349e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34e20 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34eb8 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34f50 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a340d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a351c0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35258 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a352f0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35088 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35390 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35428 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a354c0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35560 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a355f8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35690 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33e68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ad0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35b68 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35c00 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35998 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ca0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35d38 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35dd0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35e70 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35f08 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35fa0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a357c8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36210 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a362a8 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36340 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a360d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a363e0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36478 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36510 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a365b0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36648 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a366e0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36780 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36950 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a369e8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36a80 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36818 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36b20 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36bb8 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36c50 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a368b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36cf0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36d88 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36e20 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33f00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36ec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37260 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a372f8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37390 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37128 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37430 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a374c8 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37560 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a371c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37600 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37698 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37730 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36f58 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a377d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a379a0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37a38 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ad0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37868 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37b70 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37c08 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ca0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37d40 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37dd8 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37e70 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a380e0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38178 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38210 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37fa8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a382b0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38348 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a383e0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38480 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38518 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a385b0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: RECREATED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a6f260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a6f2f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a6f380 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a6f410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a6f4a0 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a6f530 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a6f5c0 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a6f650 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a6f6e0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a6f770 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a6f800 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a6f890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a6f920 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a6f9b0 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a6fa40 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a6fad0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a6fb60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a6fbf0 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a6fc80 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a6fd10 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a6fda0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a6fe30 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a6fec0 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a6ff50 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a6ffe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a70070 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a70100 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a70190 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a70220 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a702b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a70340 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a703d0 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a70460 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a704f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a70580 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a70610 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a706a0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a70730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a707c0 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a70850 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a708e0 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a70970 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a70a00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a70a90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a70b20 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a70bb0 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a70c40 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a70cd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a70d60 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a70df0 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a70e80 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a70f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a70fa0 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a71030 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a710c0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a71150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a711e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a71270 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a71300 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a71390 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a71420 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a714b0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a71540 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a715d0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a71660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a716f0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a71780 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a71810 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a718a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a71930 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a719c0 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a71a50 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a71ae0 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a71b70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a71c00 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a71c90 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a71d20 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a71db0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a71e40 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a71ed0 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a71f60 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a71ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a72080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a72110 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a721a0 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a72230 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a722c0 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a72350 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a723e0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a72470 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a72500 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a72590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a72620 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a726b0 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a72740 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a727d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a72860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a728f0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a72980 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a72a10 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a72aa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a72b30 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a72bc0 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a72c50 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a72ce0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a72d70 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a72e00 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a72e90 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a72f20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a72fb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a73040 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a730d0 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a73160 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a731f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a73280 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a73310 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a733a0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a73430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a734c0 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a73550 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a735e0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a387b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38e00 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38e98 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38f30 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38cc8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38fd0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39068 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39100 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38d60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a391a0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39238 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a392d0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38af8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39540 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a395d8 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39670 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39408 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39710 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a397a8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39840 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a394a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a398e0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39978 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39a10 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39c80 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39d18 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39db0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39b48 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39e50 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39ee8 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39f80 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a020 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a0b8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a150 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38928 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a1f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a590 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a628 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a6c0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a458 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a760 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a7f8 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a890 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a4f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a930 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a9c8 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3aa60 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a288 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3acd0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ad68 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ae00 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3aea0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3af38 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3afd0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ac30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b070 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b108 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b1a0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b410 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b4a8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b540 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b2d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b5e0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b678 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b710 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b7b0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b848 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b8e0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a389c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b980 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bb50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bd20 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bdb8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3be50 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bbe8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bef0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bf88 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c020 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bc80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c0c0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c158 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c1f0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ba18 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c460 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c4f8 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c590 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c328 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c630 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c6c8 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c760 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c800 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c898 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c930 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c9d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cba0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cc38 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ccd0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ca68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cd70 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ce08 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cea0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cf40 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cfd8 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3d070 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: RECREATED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a73680 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a73710 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a737a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a73830 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a738c0 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a73950 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a739e0 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a73a70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a73b00 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a73b90 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a73c20 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a73cb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a73d40 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a73dd0 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a73e60 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a73ef0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a73f80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a74010 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a740a0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a74130 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a741c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a74250 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a742e0 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a74370 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a74400 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a74490 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a74520 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a745b0 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a74640 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a746d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a74760 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a747f0 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a74880 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a74910 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a749a0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a74a30 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a74ac0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a74b50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a74be0 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a74c70 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a74d00 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a74d90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a74e20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a74eb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a74f40 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a74fd0 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a75060 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a750f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a75180 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a75210 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a752a0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a75330 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a753c0 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a75450 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a754e0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a75570 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a75600 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a75690 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a75720 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a757b0 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a75840 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a758d0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a75960 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a759f0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a75a80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a75b10 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a75ba0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a75c30 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a75cc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a75d50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a75de0 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a75e70 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a75f00 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a75f90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a76020 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a760b0 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a76140 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a761d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a76260 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a762f0 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a76380 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a76410 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a764a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a76530 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a765c0 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a76650 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a766e0 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a76770 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a76800 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a76890 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a76920 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a769b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a76a40 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a76ad0 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a76b60 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a76bf0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a76c80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a76d10 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a76da0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a76e30 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a76ec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a76f50 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a76fe0 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a77070 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a77100 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a77190 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a77220 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a772b0 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a77340 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a773d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a77460 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a774f0 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a77580 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a77610 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a776a0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a77730 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a777c0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a77850 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a778e0 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a77970 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a77a00 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4, explicit' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a386a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33dd0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a33fa0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34340 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a343d8 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34470 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34208 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34510 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a345a8 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34640 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a342a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a346e0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34778 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34810 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34038 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a348b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34a80 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34b18 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34bb0 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34948 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34c50 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34ce8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34d80 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a349e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34e20 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34eb8 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a34f50 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a340d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a34ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a351c0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35258 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a352f0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35088 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35390 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35428 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a354c0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35120 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35560 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a355f8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35690 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33e68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ad0 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35b68 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35c00 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35998 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35ca0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35d38 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35dd0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35a30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a35e70 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35f08 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35fa0 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a357c8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36210 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a362a8 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36340 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a360d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a363e0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36478 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36510 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a365b0 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36648 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a366e0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a35860 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36780 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36950 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a369e8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36a80 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36818 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36b20 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36bb8 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36c50 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a368b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36cf0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36d88 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36e20 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a33f00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a36ec0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37260 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a372f8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37390 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37128 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37430 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a374c8 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37560 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a371c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37600 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37698 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37730 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36f58 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a377d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a379a0 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37a38 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ad0 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37868 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37b70 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37c08 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37ca0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37900 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37d40 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37dd8 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37e70 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a36ff0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a37f10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a380e0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38178 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38210 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a37fa8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a382b0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38348 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a383e0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38040 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38480 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38518 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a385b0 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: RECREATED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a77aa0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a77b30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a77bc0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a77c50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a77ce0 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a77d70 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a77e00 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a77e90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a77f20 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a77fb0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a78040 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a780d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a78160 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a781f0 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a78280 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a78310 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a783a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a78430 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a784c0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a78550 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a785e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a78670 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a78700 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a78790 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a78820 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a788b0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a78940 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a789d0 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a78a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a78af0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a78b80 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a78c10 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a78ca0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a78d30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a78dc0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a78e50 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a78ee0 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a78f70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a79000 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a79090 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a79120 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a791b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a79240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a792d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a79360 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a793f0 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a79480 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a79510 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a795a0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a79630 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a796c0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a79750 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a797e0 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a79870 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a79900 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a79990 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a79a20 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a79ab0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a79b40 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a79bd0 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a79c60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a79cf0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a79d80 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a79e10 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a79ea0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a79f30 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a79fc0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a7a050 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a7a0e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a7a170 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a7a200 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a7a290 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a7a320 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a7a3b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a7a440 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a7a4d0 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a7a560 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a7a5f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a7a680 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a7a710 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a7a7a0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a7a830 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a7a8c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a7a950 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a7a9e0 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a7aa70 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a7ab00 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a7ab90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a7ac20 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a7acb0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a7ad40 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a7add0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a7ae60 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a7aef0 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a7af80 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a7b010 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a7b0a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a7b130 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a7b1c0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a7b250 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a7b2e0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a7b370 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a7b400 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a7b490 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a7b520 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a7b5b0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a7b640 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a7b6d0 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a7b760 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a7b7f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a7b880 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a7b910 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a7b9a0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a7ba30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a7bac0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a7bb50 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a7bbe0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a7bc70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a7bd00 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a7bd90 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a7be20 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 36: [ RUN ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: running test case 'nested seq x4' 36: ------------------------------------------- 36: REF TREE: 36: 0xaaaad8a387b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38890 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38a60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38c30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38e00 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38e98 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38f30 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38cc8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a38fd0 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39068 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39100 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38d60 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a391a0 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39238 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a392d0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38af8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39540 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a395d8 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39670 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39408 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39710 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a397a8 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39840 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a394a0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a398e0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39978 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39a10 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38b90 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39ab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39c80 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39d18 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39db0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39b48 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a39e50 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39ee8 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39f80 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a39be0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a020 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a0b8 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a150 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a38928 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a1f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a590 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a628 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a6c0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a458 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a760 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a7f8 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a890 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a4f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3a930 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a9c8 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3aa60 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a288 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3acd0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ad68 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ae00 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ab98 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3aea0 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3af38 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3afd0 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ac30 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b070 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b108 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b1a0 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3a320 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b240 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b410 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b4a8 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b540 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b2d8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b5e0 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b678 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b710 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b370 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b7b0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b848 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3b8e0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a389c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3b980 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bb50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bd20 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bdb8 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3be50 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bbe8 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3bef0 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bf88 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c020 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bc80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c0c0 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c158 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c1f0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ba18 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c290 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c460 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c4f8 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c590 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c328 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c630 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c6c8 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c760 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c3c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c800 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c898 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3c930 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3bab0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3c9d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cba0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cc38 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ccd0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ca68 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cd70 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3ce08 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cea0 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cb00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: 0xaaaad8a3cf40 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3cfd8 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: 0xaaaad8a3d070 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: RECREATED TREE: 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [0][0] 0xaaaad8a7bec0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 36: [1] [1] 0xaaaad8a7bf50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [2] [2] 0xaaaad8a7bfe0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [3] [3] 0xaaaad8a7c070 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [4] [4] 0xaaaad8a7c100 VAL: '0000' (3 sibs) 36: [5] [5] 0xaaaad8a7c190 VAL: '0001' (3 sibs) 36: [6] [6] 0xaaaad8a7c220 VAL: '0002' (3 sibs) 36: [7] [7] 0xaaaad8a7c2b0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [8] [8] 0xaaaad8a7c340 VAL: '0010' (3 sibs) 36: [9] [9] 0xaaaad8a7c3d0 VAL: '0011' (3 sibs) 36: [10] [10] 0xaaaad8a7c460 VAL: '0012' (3 sibs) 36: [11] [11] 0xaaaad8a7c4f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [12] [12] 0xaaaad8a7c580 VAL: '0020' (3 sibs) 36: [13] [13] 0xaaaad8a7c610 VAL: '0021' (3 sibs) 36: [14] [14] 0xaaaad8a7c6a0 VAL: '0022' (3 sibs) 36: [15] [15] 0xaaaad8a7c730 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [16] [16] 0xaaaad8a7c7c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [17] [17] 0xaaaad8a7c850 VAL: '0100' (3 sibs) 36: [18] [18] 0xaaaad8a7c8e0 VAL: '0101' (3 sibs) 36: [19] [19] 0xaaaad8a7c970 VAL: '0102' (3 sibs) 36: [20] [20] 0xaaaad8a7ca00 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [21] [21] 0xaaaad8a7ca90 VAL: '0110' (3 sibs) 36: [22] [22] 0xaaaad8a7cb20 VAL: '0111' (3 sibs) 36: [23] [23] 0xaaaad8a7cbb0 VAL: '0112' (3 sibs) 36: [24] [24] 0xaaaad8a7cc40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [25] [25] 0xaaaad8a7ccd0 VAL: '0120' (3 sibs) 36: [26] [26] 0xaaaad8a7cd60 VAL: '0121' (3 sibs) 36: [27] [27] 0xaaaad8a7cdf0 VAL: '0122' (3 sibs) 36: [28] [28] 0xaaaad8a7ce80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [29] [29] 0xaaaad8a7cf10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [30] [30] 0xaaaad8a7cfa0 VAL: '0200' (3 sibs) 36: [31] [31] 0xaaaad8a7d030 VAL: '0201' (3 sibs) 36: [32] [32] 0xaaaad8a7d0c0 VAL: '0202' (3 sibs) 36: [33] [33] 0xaaaad8a7d150 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [34] [34] 0xaaaad8a7d1e0 VAL: '0210' (3 sibs) 36: [35] [35] 0xaaaad8a7d270 VAL: '0211' (3 sibs) 36: [36] [36] 0xaaaad8a7d300 VAL: '0212' (3 sibs) 36: [37] [37] 0xaaaad8a7d390 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [38] [38] 0xaaaad8a7d420 VAL: '0220' (3 sibs) 36: [39] [39] 0xaaaad8a7d4b0 VAL: '0221' (3 sibs) 36: [40] [40] 0xaaaad8a7d540 VAL: '0222' (3 sibs) 36: [41] [41] 0xaaaad8a7d5d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [42] [42] 0xaaaad8a7d660 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [43] [43] 0xaaaad8a7d6f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [44] [44] 0xaaaad8a7d780 VAL: '1000' (3 sibs) 36: [45] [45] 0xaaaad8a7d810 VAL: '1001' (3 sibs) 36: [46] [46] 0xaaaad8a7d8a0 VAL: '1002' (3 sibs) 36: [47] [47] 0xaaaad8a7d930 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [48] [48] 0xaaaad8a7d9c0 VAL: '1010' (3 sibs) 36: [49] [49] 0xaaaad8a7da50 VAL: '1011' (3 sibs) 36: [50] [50] 0xaaaad8a7dae0 VAL: '1012' (3 sibs) 36: [51] [51] 0xaaaad8a7db70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [52] [52] 0xaaaad8a7dc00 VAL: '1020' (3 sibs) 36: [53] [53] 0xaaaad8a7dc90 VAL: '1021' (3 sibs) 36: [54] [54] 0xaaaad8a7dd20 VAL: '1022' (3 sibs) 36: [55] [55] 0xaaaad8a7ddb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [56] [56] 0xaaaad8a7de40 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [57] [57] 0xaaaad8a7ded0 VAL: '1100' (3 sibs) 36: [58] [58] 0xaaaad8a7df60 VAL: '1101' (3 sibs) 36: [59] [59] 0xaaaad8a7dff0 VAL: '1102' (3 sibs) 36: [60] [60] 0xaaaad8a7e080 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [61] [61] 0xaaaad8a7e110 VAL: '1110' (3 sibs) 36: [62] [62] 0xaaaad8a7e1a0 VAL: '1111' (3 sibs) 36: [63] [63] 0xaaaad8a7e230 VAL: '1112' (3 sibs) 36: [64] [64] 0xaaaad8a7e2c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [65] [65] 0xaaaad8a7e350 VAL: '1120' (3 sibs) 36: [66] [66] 0xaaaad8a7e3e0 VAL: '1121' (3 sibs) 36: [67] [67] 0xaaaad8a7e470 VAL: '1122' (3 sibs) 36: [68] [68] 0xaaaad8a7e500 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [69] [69] 0xaaaad8a7e590 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [70] [70] 0xaaaad8a7e620 VAL: '1200' (3 sibs) 36: [71] [71] 0xaaaad8a7e6b0 VAL: '1201' (3 sibs) 36: [72] [72] 0xaaaad8a7e740 VAL: '1202' (3 sibs) 36: [73] [73] 0xaaaad8a7e7d0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [74] [74] 0xaaaad8a7e860 VAL: '1210' (3 sibs) 36: [75] [75] 0xaaaad8a7e8f0 VAL: '1211' (3 sibs) 36: [76] [76] 0xaaaad8a7e980 VAL: '1212' (3 sibs) 36: [77] [77] 0xaaaad8a7ea10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [78] [78] 0xaaaad8a7eaa0 VAL: '1220' (3 sibs) 36: [79] [79] 0xaaaad8a7eb30 VAL: '1221' (3 sibs) 36: [80] [80] 0xaaaad8a7ebc0 VAL: '1222' (3 sibs) 36: [81] [81] 0xaaaad8a7ec50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [82] [82] 0xaaaad8a7ece0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [83] [83] 0xaaaad8a7ed70 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [84] [84] 0xaaaad8a7ee00 VAL: '2000' (3 sibs) 36: [85] [85] 0xaaaad8a7ee90 VAL: '2001' (3 sibs) 36: [86] [86] 0xaaaad8a7ef20 VAL: '2002' (3 sibs) 36: [87] [87] 0xaaaad8a7efb0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [88] [88] 0xaaaad8a7f040 VAL: '2010' (3 sibs) 36: [89] [89] 0xaaaad8a7f0d0 VAL: '2011' (3 sibs) 36: [90] [90] 0xaaaad8a7f160 VAL: '2012' (3 sibs) 36: [91] [91] 0xaaaad8a7f1f0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [92] [92] 0xaaaad8a7f280 VAL: '2020' (3 sibs) 36: [93] [93] 0xaaaad8a7f310 VAL: '2021' (3 sibs) 36: [94] [94] 0xaaaad8a7f3a0 VAL: '2022' (3 sibs) 36: [95] [95] 0xaaaad8a7f430 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [96] [96] 0xaaaad8a7f4c0 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [97] [97] 0xaaaad8a7f550 VAL: '2100' (3 sibs) 36: [98] [98] 0xaaaad8a7f5e0 VAL: '2101' (3 sibs) 36: [99] [99] 0xaaaad8a7f670 VAL: '2102' (3 sibs) 36: [100] [100] 0xaaaad8a7f700 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [101] [101] 0xaaaad8a7f790 VAL: '2110' (3 sibs) 36: [102] [102] 0xaaaad8a7f820 VAL: '2111' (3 sibs) 36: [103] [103] 0xaaaad8a7f8b0 VAL: '2112' (3 sibs) 36: [104] [104] 0xaaaad8a7f940 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [105] [105] 0xaaaad8a7f9d0 VAL: '2120' (3 sibs) 36: [106] [106] 0xaaaad8a7fa60 VAL: '2121' (3 sibs) 36: [107] [107] 0xaaaad8a7faf0 VAL: '2122' (3 sibs) 36: [108] [108] 0xaaaad8a7fb80 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [109] [109] 0xaaaad8a7fc10 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [110] [110] 0xaaaad8a7fca0 VAL: '2200' (3 sibs) 36: [111] [111] 0xaaaad8a7fd30 VAL: '2201' (3 sibs) 36: [112] [112] 0xaaaad8a7fdc0 VAL: '2202' (3 sibs) 36: [113] [113] 0xaaaad8a7fe50 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [114] [114] 0xaaaad8a7fee0 VAL: '2210' (3 sibs) 36: [115] [115] 0xaaaad8a7ff70 VAL: '2211' (3 sibs) 36: [116] [116] 0xaaaad8a80000 VAL: '2212' (3 sibs) 36: [117] [117] 0xaaaad8a80090 SEQ: (3 sibs) 3 children: 36: [118] [118] 0xaaaad8a80120 VAL: '2220' (3 sibs) 36: [119] [119] 0xaaaad8a801b0 VAL: '2221' (3 sibs) 36: [120] [120] 0xaaaad8a80240 VAL: '2222' (3 sibs) 36: #nodes=121 vs #printed=121 36: -------------------------------------- 36: [ OK ] NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 36: [----------] 72 tests from NESTED_SEQX4/YmlTestCase (5 ms total) 36: 36: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 36: [==========] 73 tests from 2 test suites ran. (6 ms total) 36: [ PASSED ] 73 tests. 36/52 Test #36: ryml-test-nested_seqx4 ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 37 Start 37: ryml-test-map_of_seq 37: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-map_of_seq-0.6.0 37: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 37: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 37: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 37: [==========] Running 289 tests from 2 test suites. 37: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 37: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 37: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 37: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 37: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 37: 37: [----------] 288 tests from MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: {foo: [], bar: [], baz: []}--------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac389d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac334f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33588 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33620 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac64920 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac649b0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac64a40 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac64ad0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: {men: [John Smith, Bill Jones], women: [Mary Smith, Susan Williams]}--------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38ae8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33cc0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33d58 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33e00 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33e98 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac667c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac66850 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac668e0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac66970 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac66a00 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac66a90 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac66b20 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38c00 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac343b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac344f0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34588 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34448 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34630 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac346c8 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac685b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac68640 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac686d0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac68760 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac687f0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac68880 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac68910 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38d18 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34770 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac348b0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34948 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34808 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac349f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34a88 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac6a3a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac6a430 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac6a4c0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac6a550 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac6a5e0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac6a670 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac6a700 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: tax: 1234.5 # we must jump two levels 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: # a comment here, will it ruin parsing? 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: # what about here? 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38e30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39250 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39720 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac397c0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac398f0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39988 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac392e8 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39380 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39a30 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39c00 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39ca0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39d38 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39dd0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39e68 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39ac8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39f10 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39fb0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a048 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a0e0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a178 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39b60 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39418 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac394b0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a220 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a3f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a490 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a528 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a5c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a658 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a2b8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a700 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a7a0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a838 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a8d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a968 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a350 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39548 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac395e0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aa10 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3abe0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3ac80 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ad18 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3adb0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ae48 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3aaa8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aef0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3af90 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b028 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b0c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b158 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ab40 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39678 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac6fa80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac6fb10 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac6fba0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac6fc30 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac6fcc0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac6fd50 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac6fde0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac6fe70 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac6ff00 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac6ff90 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac70020 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac700b0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac70140 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac701d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac70260 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac702f0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac70380 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac70410 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac704a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac70530 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac705c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac70650 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac706e0 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac70770 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac70800 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac70890 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac70920 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac709b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac70a40 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac70ad0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac70b60 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac70bf0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac70c80 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac70d10 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac70da0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac70e30 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac70ec0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac70f50 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac70fe0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac71070 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac71100 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac71190 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac71220 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac712b0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac71340 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac713d0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac71460 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac714f0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac71580 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac71610 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac716a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac71730 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac717c0 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - 37: John Smith 37: - 37: Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - 37: Mary Smith 37: - 37: Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38f48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33f40 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33fd8 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34080 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34118 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac71e90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac71f20 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac71fb0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac72040 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac720d0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac72160 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac721f0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - 37: John Smith 37: - 37: Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - 37: Mary Smith 37: - 37: Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39060 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34210 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac363a0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36438 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac342a8 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac364e0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36578 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac73bc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac73c50 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac73ce0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac73d70 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac73e00 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac73e90 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac73f20 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac36090 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac35d80 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: 0xaaaafac350b0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35148 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac351e0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35278 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35310 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac758f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac75980 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac75a10 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac75aa0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac75b30 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac75bc0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac75c50 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac75ce0 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: {foo: [], bar: [], baz: []}--------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac389d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac334f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33588 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33620 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac76200 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac76290 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac76320 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac763b0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: {men: [John Smith, Bill Jones], women: [Mary Smith, Susan Williams]}--------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38ae8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33cc0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33d58 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33e00 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33e98 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac76b10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac76ba0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac76c30 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac76cc0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac76d50 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac76de0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac76e70 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38c00 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac343b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac344f0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34588 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34448 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34630 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac346c8 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac77420 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac774b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac77540 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac775d0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac77660 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac776f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac77780 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38d18 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34770 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac348b0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34948 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34808 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac349f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34a88 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac77d30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac77dc0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac77e50 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac77ee0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac77f70 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac78000 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac78090 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: tax: 1234.5 # we must jump two levels 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: # a comment here, will it ruin parsing? 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong. 37: # what about here? 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38e30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39250 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39720 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac397c0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac398f0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39988 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac392e8 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39380 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39a30 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39c00 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39ca0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39d38 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39dd0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39e68 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39ac8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39f10 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39fb0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a048 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a0e0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a178 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39b60 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39418 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac394b0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a220 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a3f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a490 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a528 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a5c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a658 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a2b8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a700 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a7a0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a838 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a8d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a968 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a350 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39548 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac395e0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aa10 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3abe0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3ac80 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ad18 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3adb0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ae48 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3aaa8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aef0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3af90 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b028 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b0c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b158 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ab40 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39678 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7a160 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7a1f0 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7a280 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7a310 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7a3a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7a430 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7a4c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac7a550 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac7a5e0 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac7a670 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac7a700 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac7a790 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac7a820 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac7a8b0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac7a940 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac7a9d0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac7aa60 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac7aaf0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac7ab80 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac7ac10 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac7aca0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac7ad30 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac7adc0 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac7ae50 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac7aee0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac7af70 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac7b000 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac7b090 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac7b120 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac7b1b0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac7b240 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac7b2d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac7b360 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac7b3f0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac7b480 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac7b510 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac7b5a0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac7b630 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac7b6c0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac7b750 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac7b7e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac7b870 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac7b900 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac7b990 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac7ba20 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac7bab0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac7bb40 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac7bbd0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac7bc60 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac7bcf0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac7bd80 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac7be10 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac7bea0 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - 37: John Smith 37: - 37: Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - 37: Mary Smith 37: - 37: Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38f48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33f40 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33fd8 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34080 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34118 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac78640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac786d0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac78760 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac787f0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac78880 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac78910 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac789a0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: men: 37: - 37: John Smith 37: - 37: Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - 37: Mary Smith 37: - 37: Susan Williams 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39060 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34210 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac363a0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36438 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac342a8 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac364e0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36578 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac78f50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac78fe0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac79070 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac79100 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac79190 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac79220 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac792b0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: --------------- 37: 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: --------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac36090 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac35d80 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: 0xaaaafac350b0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35148 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac351e0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35278 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35310 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: PARSED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7c570 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7c600 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7c690 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7c720 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7c7b0 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7c840 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7c8d0 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac7c960 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: foo: [] 37: bar: [] 37: baz: [] 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: product: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax: 1234.5 37: product2: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax3: 1234.5 37: product3: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax4: 1234.5 37: product4: 37: subproduct1: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: subproduct2: 37: - sku: BL4438H 37: quantity: 1 37: description: Super Hoop 37: price: 2392.00 37: tax2: 789.10 37: tax5: 1234.5 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: men: 37: - John Smith 37: - Bill Jones 37: women: 37: - Mary Smith 37: - Susan Williams 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: skip_commits: 37: files: 37: - a 37: - b 37: - c 37: - d 37: - e 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: {foo: [], bar: [], baz: []}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac64920 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac649b0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac64a40 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac64ad0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: foo: []\n 37: bar: []\n 37: baz: []\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7d520 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7d5b0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7d640 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7d6d0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: {men: [John Smith, Bill Jones], women: [Mary Smith, Susan Williams]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac667c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac66850 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac668e0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac66970 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac66a00 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac66a90 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac66b20 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7e710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7e7a0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7e830 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7e8c0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7e950 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7e9e0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7ea70 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \n 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac685b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac68640 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac686d0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac68760 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac687f0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac68880 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac68910 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7f020 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7f0b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7f140 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7f1d0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7f260 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7f2f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7f380 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \n 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac6a3a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac6a430 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac6a4c0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac6a550 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac6a5e0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac6a670 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac6a700 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7f930 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7f9c0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7fa50 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7fae0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7fb70 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7fc00 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7fc90 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \n 37: product:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: tax: 1234.5 # we must jump two levels\n 37: product2:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels\n 37: tax3: 1234.5\n 37: product3:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: # a comment here, will it ruin parsing?\n 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels\n 37: tax4: 1234.5\n 37: product4:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\n 37: # what about here?\n 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels\n 37: tax5: 1234.5\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac6fa80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac6fb10 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac6fba0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac6fc30 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac6fcc0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac6fd50 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac6fde0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac6fe70 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac6ff00 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac6ff90 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac70020 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac700b0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac70140 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac701d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac70260 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac702f0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac70380 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac70410 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac704a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac70530 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac705c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac70650 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac706e0 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac70770 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac70800 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac70890 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac70920 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac709b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac70a40 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac70ad0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac70b60 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac70bf0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac70c80 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac70d10 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac70da0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac70e30 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac70ec0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac70f50 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac70fe0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac71070 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac71100 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac71190 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac71220 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac712b0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac71340 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac713d0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac71460 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac714f0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac71580 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac71610 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac716a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac71730 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac717c0 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: product:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax: 1234.5\n 37: product2:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax2: 789.10\n 37: tax3: 1234.5\n 37: product3:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax2: 789.10\n 37: tax4: 1234.5\n 37: product4:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax2: 789.10\n 37: tax5: 1234.5\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac81d60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac81df0 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac81e80 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac81f10 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac81fa0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac82030 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac820c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac82150 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac821e0 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac82270 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac82300 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac82390 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac82420 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac824b0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac82540 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac825d0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac82660 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac826f0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac82780 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac82810 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac828a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac82930 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac829c0 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac82a50 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac82ae0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac82b70 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac82c00 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac82c90 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac82d20 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac82db0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac82e40 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac82ed0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac82f60 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac82ff0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac83080 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac83110 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac831a0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac83230 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac832c0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac83350 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac833e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac83470 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac83500 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac83590 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac83620 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac836b0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac83740 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac837d0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac83860 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac838f0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac83980 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac83a10 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac83aa0 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \n 37: men:\n 37: - \n 37: John Smith\n 37: - \n 37: Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - \n 37: Mary Smith\n 37: - \n 37: Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac71e90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac71f20 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac71fb0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac72040 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac720d0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac72160 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac721f0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac80240 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac802d0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac80360 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac803f0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac80480 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac80510 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac805a0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \n 37: men:\n 37: -\n 37: John Smith\n 37: -\n 37: Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: -\n 37: Mary Smith\n 37: -\n 37: Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac73bc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac73c50 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac73ce0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac73d70 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac73e00 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac73e90 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac73f20 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac80b50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac80be0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac80c70 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac80d00 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac80d90 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac80e20 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac80eb0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \n 37: skip_commits:\n 37: files:\n 37: - a\n 37: - b\n 37: - c\n 37: - d\n 37: - e\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac758f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac75980 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac75a10 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac75aa0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac75b30 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac75bc0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac75c50 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac75ce0 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: skip_commits:\n 37: files:\n 37: - a\n 37: - b\n 37: - c\n 37: - d\n 37: - e\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac84170 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac84200 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac84290 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac84320 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac843b0 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac84440 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac844d0 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac84560 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: {foo: [], bar: [], baz: []}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac76200 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac76290 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac76320 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac763b0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: foo: []\n 37: bar: []\n 37: baz: []\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac84a80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac84b10 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac84ba0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac84c30 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: {men: [John Smith, Bill Jones], women: [Mary Smith, Susan Williams]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac76b10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac76ba0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac76c30 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac76cc0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac76d50 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac76de0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac76e70 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac85390 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac85420 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac854b0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac85540 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac855d0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac85660 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac856f0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \r\n 37: men:\r\n 37: - John Smith\r\n 37: - Bill Jones\r\n 37: women:\r\n 37: - Mary Smith\r\n 37: - Susan Williams\r\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac77420 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac774b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac77540 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac775d0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac77660 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac776f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac77780 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac85ca0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac85d30 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac85dc0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac85e50 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac85ee0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac85f70 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac86000 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \r\n 37: men:\r\n 37: - John Smith\r\n 37: - Bill Jones\r\n 37: women:\r\n 37: - Mary Smith\r\n 37: - Susan Williams\r\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac77d30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac77dc0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac77e50 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac77ee0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac77f70 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac78000 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac78090 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac865b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac86640 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac866d0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac86760 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac867f0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac86880 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac86910 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \r\n 37: product:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: tax: 1234.5 # we must jump two levels\r\n 37: product2:\r\n 37: subproduct1:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: subproduct2:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels\r\n 37: tax3: 1234.5\r\n 37: product3:\r\n 37: subproduct1:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: subproduct2:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: # a comment here, will it ruin parsing?\r\n 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels\r\n 37: tax4: 1234.5\r\n 37: product4:\r\n 37: subproduct1:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: subproduct2:\r\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\r\n 37: quantity: 1\r\n 37: description: Super Hoop\r\n 37: price: 2392.00 # jumping one level here would be wrong.\r\n 37: # what about here?\r\n 37: tax2: 789.10 # we must jump two levels\r\n 37: tax5: 1234.5\r\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7a160 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7a1f0 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7a280 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7a310 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7a3a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7a430 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7a4c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac7a550 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac7a5e0 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac7a670 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac7a700 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac7a790 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac7a820 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac7a8b0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac7a940 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac7a9d0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac7aa60 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac7aaf0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac7ab80 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac7ac10 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac7aca0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac7ad30 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac7adc0 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac7ae50 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac7aee0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac7af70 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac7b000 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac7b090 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac7b120 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac7b1b0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac7b240 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac7b2d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac7b360 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac7b3f0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac7b480 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac7b510 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac7b5a0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac7b630 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac7b6c0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac7b750 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac7b7e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac7b870 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac7b900 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac7b990 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac7ba20 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac7bab0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac7bb40 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac7bbd0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac7bc60 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac7bcf0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac7bd80 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac7be10 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac7bea0 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: product:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax: 1234.5\n 37: product2:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax2: 789.10\n 37: tax3: 1234.5\n 37: product3:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax2: 789.10\n 37: tax4: 1234.5\n 37: product4:\n 37: subproduct1:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: subproduct2:\n 37: - sku: BL4438H\n 37: quantity: 1\n 37: description: Super Hoop\n 37: price: 2392.00\n 37: tax2: 789.10\n 37: tax5: 1234.5\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac889e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac88a70 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac88b00 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac88b90 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac88c20 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac88cb0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac88d40 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac88dd0 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac88e60 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac88ef0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac88f80 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac89010 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac890a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac89130 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac891c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac89250 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac892e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac89370 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac89400 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac89490 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac89520 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac895b0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac89640 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac896d0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac89760 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac897f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac89880 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac89910 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac899a0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac89a30 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac89ac0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac89b50 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac89be0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac89c70 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac89d00 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac89d90 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac89e20 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac89eb0 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac89f40 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac89fd0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac8a060 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac8a0f0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac8a180 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac8a210 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac8a2a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac8a330 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac8a3c0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac8a450 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac8a4e0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac8a570 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac8a600 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac8a690 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac8a720 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \r\n 37: men:\r\n 37: - \r\n 37: John Smith\r\n 37: - \r\n 37: Bill Jones\r\n 37: women:\r\n 37: - \r\n 37: Mary Smith\r\n 37: - \r\n 37: Susan Williams\r\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac78640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac786d0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac78760 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac787f0 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac78880 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac78910 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac789a0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac86ec0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac86f50 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac86fe0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac87070 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac87100 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac87190 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac87220 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \r\n 37: men:\r\n 37: -\r\n 37: John Smith\r\n 37: -\r\n 37: Bill Jones\r\n 37: women:\r\n 37: -\r\n 37: Mary Smith\r\n 37: -\r\n 37: Susan Williams\r\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac78f50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac78fe0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac79070 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac79100 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac79190 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac79220 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac792b0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: men:\n 37: - John Smith\n 37: - Bill Jones\n 37: women:\n 37: - Mary Smith\n 37: - Susan Williams\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac877d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac87860 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac878f0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac87980 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac87a10 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac87aa0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac87b30 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 37: \r\n 37: skip_commits:\r\n 37: files:\r\n 37: - a\r\n 37: - b\r\n 37: - c\r\n 37: - d\r\n 37: - e\r\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7c570 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7c600 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7c690 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7c720 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac7c7b0 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac7c840 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac7c8d0 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac7c960 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 37: skip_commits:\n 37: files:\n 37: - a\n 37: - b\n 37: - c\n 37: - d\n 37: - e\n 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8adf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8ae80 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8af10 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8afa0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8b030 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8b0c0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8b150 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac8b1e0 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac389d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac334f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33588 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33620 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac7e0d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac7e160 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac7e1f0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac7e280 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38ae8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33cc0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33d58 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33e00 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33e98 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac880e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac88170 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac88200 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac88290 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac88320 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac883b0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac88440 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38c00 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac343b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac344f0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34588 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34448 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34630 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac346c8 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac884e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac88570 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac88600 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac88690 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac88720 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac887b0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac88840 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38d18 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34770 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac348b0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34948 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34808 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac349f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34a88 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac81460 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac814f0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac81580 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac81610 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac816a0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac81730 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac817c0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38e30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39250 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39720 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac397c0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac398f0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39988 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac392e8 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39380 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39a30 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39c00 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39ca0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39d38 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39dd0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39e68 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39ac8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39f10 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39fb0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a048 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a0e0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a178 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39b60 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39418 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac394b0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a220 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a3f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a490 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a528 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a5c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a658 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a2b8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a700 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a7a0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a838 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a8d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a968 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a350 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39548 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac395e0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aa10 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3abe0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3ac80 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ad18 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3adb0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ae48 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3aaa8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aef0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3af90 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b028 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b0c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b158 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ab40 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39678 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8b700 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8b790 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8b820 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8b8b0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8b940 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8b9d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8ba60 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac8baf0 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac8bb80 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac8bc10 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac8bca0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac8bd30 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac8bdc0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac8be50 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac8bee0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac8bf70 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac8c000 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac8c090 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac8c120 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac8c1b0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac8c240 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac8c2d0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac8c360 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac8c3f0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac8c480 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac8c510 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac8c5a0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac8c630 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac8c6c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac8c750 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac8c7e0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac8c870 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac8c900 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac8c990 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac8ca20 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac8cab0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac8cb40 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac8cbd0 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac8cc60 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac8ccf0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac8cd80 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac8ce10 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac8cea0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac8cf30 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac8cfc0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac8d050 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac8d0e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac8d170 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac8d200 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac8d290 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac8d320 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac8d3b0 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac8d440 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38f48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33f40 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33fd8 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34080 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34118 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac81860 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac818f0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac81980 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac81a10 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac81aa0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac81b30 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac81bc0 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39060 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34210 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac363a0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36438 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac342a8 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac364e0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36578 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8d4e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8d570 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8d600 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8d690 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8d720 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8d7b0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8d840 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac36090 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac35d80 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: 0xaaaafac350b0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35148 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac351e0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35278 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35310 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8d8e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8d970 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8da00 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8da90 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8db20 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8dbb0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8dc40 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac8dcd0 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of empty seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac389d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac334f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33588 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33620 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8dd70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8de00 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8de90 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8df20 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 0 children: 37: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, one line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38ae8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33cc0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33d58 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33e00 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33e98 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8dfc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8e050 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8e0e0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8e170 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8e200 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8e290 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8e320 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38c00 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac343b0 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac344f0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34588 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34448 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34630 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac346c8 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8e3c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8e450 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8e4e0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8e570 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8e600 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8e690 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8e720 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38d18 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34770 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac348b0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34948 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34808 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac349f0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34a88 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8e7c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8e850 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8e8e0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8e970 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8ea00 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8ea90 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8eb20 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, not indented, more' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38e30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39250 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39720 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac397c0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac398f0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39988 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac392e8 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39380 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39a30 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39c00 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39ca0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39d38 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39dd0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39e68 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39ac8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39f10 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac39fb0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a048 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a0e0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a178 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39b60 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39418 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac394b0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a220 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a3f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a490 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a528 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a5c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a658 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a2b8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a700 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3a7a0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a838 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a8d0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a968 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3a350 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39548 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac395e0 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aa10 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3abe0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3ac80 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ad18 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3adb0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ae48 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3aaa8 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3aef0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: 0xaaaafac3af90 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b028 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b0c0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3b158 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac3ab40 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac39678 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac8ebc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac8ec50 KEYSEQ: 'product' (8 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac8ece0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac8ed70 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac8ee00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac8ee90 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac8ef20 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac8efb0 KEYVAL: 'tax' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [8] [8] 0xaaaafac8f040 KEYMAP: 'product2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [9] [9] 0xaaaafac8f0d0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [10] [10] 0xaaaafac8f160 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [11] [11] 0xaaaafac8f1f0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [12] [12] 0xaaaafac8f280 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [13] [13] 0xaaaafac8f310 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [14] [14] 0xaaaafac8f3a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [15] [15] 0xaaaafac8f430 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [16] [16] 0xaaaafac8f4c0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [17] [17] 0xaaaafac8f550 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [18] [18] 0xaaaafac8f5e0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [19] [19] 0xaaaafac8f670 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [20] [20] 0xaaaafac8f700 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [21] [21] 0xaaaafac8f790 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [22] [22] 0xaaaafac8f820 KEYVAL: 'tax3' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [23] [23] 0xaaaafac8f8b0 KEYMAP: 'product3' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [24] [24] 0xaaaafac8f940 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [25] [25] 0xaaaafac8f9d0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [26] [26] 0xaaaafac8fa60 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [27] [27] 0xaaaafac8faf0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [28] [28] 0xaaaafac8fb80 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [29] [29] 0xaaaafac8fc10 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [30] [30] 0xaaaafac8fca0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [31] [31] 0xaaaafac8fd30 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [32] [32] 0xaaaafac8fdc0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [33] [33] 0xaaaafac8fe50 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [34] [34] 0xaaaafac8fee0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [35] [35] 0xaaaafac8ff70 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [36] [36] 0xaaaafac90000 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [37] [37] 0xaaaafac90090 KEYVAL: 'tax4' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: [38] [38] 0xaaaafac90120 KEYMAP: 'product4' (8 sibs) 3 children: 37: [39] [39] 0xaaaafac901b0 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct1' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [40] [40] 0xaaaafac90240 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [41] [41] 0xaaaafac902d0 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [42] [42] 0xaaaafac90360 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [43] [43] 0xaaaafac903f0 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [44] [44] 0xaaaafac90480 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [45] [45] 0xaaaafac90510 KEYSEQ: 'subproduct2' (3 sibs) 1 children: 37: [46] [46] 0xaaaafac905a0 MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 37: [47] [47] 0xaaaafac90630 KEYVAL: 'sku' 'BL4438H' (4 sibs) 37: [48] [48] 0xaaaafac906c0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (4 sibs) 37: [49] [49] 0xaaaafac90750 KEYVAL: 'description' 'Super Hoop' (4 sibs) 37: [50] [50] 0xaaaafac907e0 KEYVAL: 'price' '2392.00' (4 sibs) 37: [51] [51] 0xaaaafac90870 KEYVAL: 'tax2' '789.10' (3 sibs) 37: [52] [52] 0xaaaafac90900 KEYVAL: 'tax5' '1234.5' (8 sibs) 37: #nodes=53 vs #printed=53 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac38f48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34b80 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac33f40 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac33fd8 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34c18 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34080 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac34118 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac909a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac90a30 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac90ac0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac90b50 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac90be0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac90c70 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac90d00 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, next line without space' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39060 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac34210 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac363a0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36438 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac342a8 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: 0xaaaafac364e0 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac36578 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac90da0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac90e30 KEYSEQ: 'men' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac90ec0 VAL: 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac90f50 VAL: 'Bill Jones' (2 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac90fe0 KEYSEQ: 'women' (2 sibs) 2 children: 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac91070 VAL: 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac91100 VAL: 'Susan Williams' (2 sibs) 37: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 37: [ RUN ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: running test case 'map of seqs, deal with unk' 37: ------------------------------------------- 37: REF TREE: 37: 0xaaaafac39178 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac36090 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: 0xaaaafac35d80 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: 0xaaaafac350b0 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35148 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac351e0 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35278 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: 0xaaaafac35310 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: RECREATED TREE: 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [0][0] 0xaaaafac911a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [1] [1] 0xaaaafac91230 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 37: [2] [2] 0xaaaafac912c0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 5 children: 37: [3] [3] 0xaaaafac91350 VAL: 'a' (5 sibs) 37: [4] [4] 0xaaaafac913e0 VAL: 'b' (5 sibs) 37: [5] [5] 0xaaaafac91470 VAL: 'c' (5 sibs) 37: [6] [6] 0xaaaafac91500 VAL: 'd' (5 sibs) 37: [7] [7] 0xaaaafac91590 VAL: 'e' (5 sibs) 37: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 37: -------------------------------------- 37: [ OK ] MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 37: [----------] 288 tests from MAP_OF_SEQ/YmlTestCase (4 ms total) 37: 37: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 37: [==========] 289 tests from 2 test suites ran. (4 ms total) 37: [ PASSED ] 289 tests. 37/52 Test #37: ryml-test-map_of_seq .............. Passed 0.01 sec test 38 Start 38: ryml-test-seq_of_map 38: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-seq_of_map-0.6.0 38: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 38: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 38: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 38: [==========] Running 474 tests from 3 test suites. 38: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 38: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 38: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 38: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 38: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 38: 38: [----------] 5 tests from seq_of_map 38: [ RUN ] seq_of_map.with_anchors 38: [ OK ] seq_of_map.with_anchors (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] seq_of_map.with_tags 38: [ OK ] seq_of_map.with_tags (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] seq_of_map.missing_scalars_v1 38: [ OK ] seq_of_map.missing_scalars_v1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] seq_of_map.missing_scalars_v2 38: [ OK ] seq_of_map.missing_scalars_v2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] seq_of_map.missing_scalars_v3 38: [ OK ] seq_of_map.missing_scalars_v3 (0 ms) 38: [----------] 5 tests from seq_of_map (0 ms total) 38: 38: [----------] 468 tests from SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: [{}, {}, {}]--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125ae0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab216d7b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab216d840 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab216d8d0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab216d960 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: [{name: John Smith, age: 33}, {name: Mary Smith, age: 27}]--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125bf8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122550 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122690 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122728 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21225e8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21227d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122868 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab216f4e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab216f570 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab216f600 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab216f690 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab216f720 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab216f7b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab216f840 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - {name: John Smith, age: 33} 38: - {name: Mary Smith, age: 27} 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125d10 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122d80 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122ec0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122f58 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122e18 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123000 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123098 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2171210 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21712a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2171330 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21713c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2171450 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21714e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2171570 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125e28 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123140 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123280 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123318 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21231d8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21233c0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123458 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2172f40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2172fd0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2173060 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21730f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2173180 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2173210 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21732a0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - 38: name: 38: John Smith 38: age: 38: 33 38: - 38: name: 38: Mary Smith 38: age: 38: 27 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125f40 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123dd0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123fa8 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123e68 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124050 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21240e8 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2174c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2174d00 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2174d90 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2174e20 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2174eb0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2174f40 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2174fd0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126058 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122960 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21221d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122268 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21769a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2176a30 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2176ac0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2176b50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - {'a': 1, b: 2} 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126170 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab21242d0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124540 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21245d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124368 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124680 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124718 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124400 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21247c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124858 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21248f0 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124498 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124990 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124a28 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21786d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2178760 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21787f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2178880 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2178910 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21789a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2178a30 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2178ac0 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2178b50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2178be0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2178c70 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2178d00 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2178d90 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab2178e20 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126288 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124b20 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124bb8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124c50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124ce8 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217a400 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217a490 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217a520 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab217a5b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab217a640 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 'implicit block key' : [ 38: 'implicit flow key 1' : value1, 38: 'implicit flow key 2' : value2, 38: 'implicit flow key 3' : value3, 38: 'implicit flow key m' : {key1: val1, key2: val2}, 38: 'implicit flow key s' : [val1, val2], 38: ]--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21263a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126c70 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126d10 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127010 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126da8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21270b0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126e40 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127150 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126ed8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21271f0 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127290 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127328 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126f70 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21273d0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127470 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127508 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217c220 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217c2b0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217c340 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab217c3d0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab217c460 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab217c4f0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab217c580 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab217c610 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab217c6a0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab217c730 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab217c7c0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab217c850 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab217c8e0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab217c970 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab217ca00 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab217ca90 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: {a : [ 38: : foo 38: ], 38: b : [ 38: : 38: foo 38: ], 38: c : [ 38: : 38: , 38: : 38: ]}--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21264b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122b40 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123550 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21235f0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122bd8 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123690 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123730 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122c70 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124190 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21237d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124228 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123870 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217dff0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217e080 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217e110 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab217e1a0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab217e230 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab217e2c0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab217e350 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab217e3e0 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab217e470 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab217e500 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab217e590 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab217e620 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21265d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122090 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21275b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127648 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21276e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122128 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127780 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127818 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21278b0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217fec0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217ff50 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217ffe0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2180070 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2180100 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2180190 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2180220 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21802b0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2180340 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21266e8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122a00 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127950 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21279e8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127a80 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122a98 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127b20 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127bb8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127c50 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2181d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2181de0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2181e70 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2181f00 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2181f90 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2182020 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21820b0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2182140 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21821d0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: resolved tree!!! 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2181d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2181de0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2181e70 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2181f00 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2181f90 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2182020 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21820b0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2182140 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21821d0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: reordered tree!!! 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2181d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2181de0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2181e70 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2181f00 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2181f90 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2182020 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21820b0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2182140 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21821d0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126800 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128090 KEYVAL***: '!!str a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128128 KEYVAL***: '!!str a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21281c0 KEYVAL***: '!!str a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128260 KEYVAL***: 'a1' '!!str w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21282f8 KEYVAL***: 'a2' '!!str w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128390 KEYVAL***: 'a3' '!!str w3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128430 KEYVAL***: '!foo a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21284c8 KEYVAL***: '!foo a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128560 KEYVAL***: '!foo a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2183bf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2183c80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2183d10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2183da0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2183e30 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2183ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2183f50 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2183fe0 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2184070 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2184100 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2184190 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2184220 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab21842b0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: [{}, {}, {}]--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125ae0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2184500 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2184590 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2184620 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21846b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: [{name: John Smith, age: 33}, {name: Mary Smith, age: 27}]--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125bf8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122550 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122690 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122728 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21225e8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21227d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122868 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2184e10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2184ea0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2184f30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2184fc0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2185050 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21850e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2185170 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - {name: John Smith, age: 33} 38: - {name: Mary Smith, age: 27} 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125d10 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122d80 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122ec0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122f58 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122e18 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123000 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123098 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2185720 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21857b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2185840 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21858d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2185960 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21859f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2185a80 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125e28 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123140 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123280 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123318 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21231d8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21233c0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123458 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2186030 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21860c0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2186150 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21861e0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2186270 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2186300 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2186390 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - 38: name: 38: John Smith 38: age: 38: 33 38: - 38: name: 38: Mary Smith 38: age: 38: 27 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125f40 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123dd0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123fa8 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123e68 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124050 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21240e8 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2186940 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21869d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2186a60 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2186af0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2186b80 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2186c10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2186ca0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126058 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122960 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21221d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122268 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2187250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21872e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2187370 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2187400 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - {'a': 1, b: 2} 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126170 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab21242d0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124540 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21245d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124368 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124680 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124718 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124400 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21247c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124858 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21248f0 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124498 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124990 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124a28 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2187b60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2187bf0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2187c80 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2187d10 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2187da0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2187e30 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2187ec0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2187f50 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2187fe0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2188070 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2188100 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2188190 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2188220 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21882b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126288 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124b20 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124bb8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124c50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124ce8 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2188470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2188500 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2188590 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2188620 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21886b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 'implicit block key' : [ 38: 'implicit flow key 1' : value1, 38: 'implicit flow key 2' : value2, 38: 'implicit flow key 3' : value3, 38: 'implicit flow key m' : {key1: val1, key2: val2}, 38: 'implicit flow key s' : [val1, val2], 38: ]--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21263a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126c70 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126d10 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127010 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126da8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21270b0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126e40 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127150 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126ed8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21271f0 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127290 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127328 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126f70 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21273d0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127470 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127508 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2188d80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2188e10 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2188ea0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2188f30 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2188fc0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2189050 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21890e0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2189170 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2189200 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2189290 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2189320 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21893b0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2189440 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21894d0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab2189560 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab21895f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: {a : [ 38: : foo 38: ], 38: b : [ 38: : 38: foo 38: ], 38: c : [ 38: : 38: , 38: : 38: ]}--------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21264b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122b40 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123550 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21235f0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122bd8 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123690 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123730 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122c70 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124190 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21237d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124228 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123870 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2189690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2189720 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21897b0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2189840 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21898d0 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2189960 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21899f0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2189a80 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2189b10 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2189ba0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2189c30 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2189cc0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21265d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122090 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21275b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127648 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21276e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122128 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127780 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127818 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21278b0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2189fa0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218a030 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218a0c0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218a150 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218a1e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218a270 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218a300 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218a390 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218a420 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21266e8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122a00 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127950 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21279e8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127a80 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122a98 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127b20 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127bb8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127c50 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218a8b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218a940 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218a9d0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218aa60 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218aaf0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218ab80 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218ac10 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218aca0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218ad30 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: resolved tree!!! 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218a8b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218a940 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218a9d0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218aa60 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218aaf0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218ab80 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218ac10 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218aca0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218ad30 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: reordered tree!!! 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218a8b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218a940 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218a9d0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218aa60 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218aaf0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218ab80 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218ac10 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218aca0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218ad30 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: --------------- 38: 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: --------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126800 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128090 KEYVAL***: '!!str a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128128 KEYVAL***: '!!str a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21281c0 KEYVAL***: '!!str a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128260 KEYVAL***: 'a1' '!!str w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21282f8 KEYVAL***: 'a2' '!!str w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128390 KEYVAL***: 'a3' '!!str w3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128430 KEYVAL***: '!foo a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21284c8 KEYVAL***: '!foo a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128560 KEYVAL***: '!foo a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: PARSED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218b1c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218b250 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218b2e0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218b370 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218b400 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218b490 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218b520 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218b5b0 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218b640 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab218b6d0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab218b760 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab218b7f0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab218b880 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: - {} 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - name: John Smith 38: age: 33 38: - name: Mary Smith 38: age: 27 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a: 1 38: b: 2 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: - b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: c: 3 38: - 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'a': 1 38: b: 2 38: b: 2 38: 'a': 1 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: 'implicit block key': 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3 38: - 'implicit flow key m': 38: key1: val1 38: key2: val2 38: - 'implicit flow key s': 38: - val1 38: - val2 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: a: 38: - : foo 38: b: 38: - : foo 38: c: 38: - : 38: - : 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - &a1 a1: v1 38: &a2 a2: v2 38: &a3 a3: v3 38: - *a1: w1 38: *a2: w2 38: *a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - a1: v1 38: a2: v2 38: a3: v3 38: - a1: w1 38: a2: w2 38: a3: w3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: - !!str a1: v1 38: !!str a2: v2 38: !!str a3: v3 38: - a1: !!str w1 38: a2: !!str w2 38: a3: !!str w3 38: - !foo a1: v1 38: !foo a2: v2 38: !foo a3: v3 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: [{}, {}, {}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab216d7b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab216d840 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab216d8d0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab216d960 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - {}\n 38: - {}\n 38: - {}\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218cc60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218ccf0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218cd80 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218ce10 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: [{name: John Smith, age: 33}, {name: Mary Smith, age: 27}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab216f4e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab216f570 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab216f600 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab216f690 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab216f720 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab216f7b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab216f840 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218de50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218dee0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218df70 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218e000 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218e090 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218e120 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218e1b0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - {name: John Smith, age: 33}\n 38: - {name: Mary Smith, age: 27}\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2171210 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21712a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2171330 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21713c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2171450 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21714e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2171570 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218e760 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218e7f0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218e880 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218e910 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218e9a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218ea30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218eac0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2172f40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2172fd0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2173060 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21730f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2173180 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2173210 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21732a0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218f070 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218f100 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218f190 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218f220 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218f2b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218f340 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218f3d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - \n 38: name:\n 38: John Smith\n 38: age:\n 38: 33\n 38: - \n 38: name: \n 38: Mary Smith\n 38: age:\n 38: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2174c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2174d00 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2174d90 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2174e20 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2174eb0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2174f40 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2174fd0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218f980 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218fa10 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218faa0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218fb30 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218fbc0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218fc50 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218fce0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21769a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2176a30 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2176ac0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2176b50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2190290 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2190320 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21903b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2190440 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - a: 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: - b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: - b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: c: 3\n 38: - {'a': 1, b: 2}\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21786d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2178760 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21787f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2178880 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2178910 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21789a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2178a30 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2178ac0 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2178b50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2178be0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2178c70 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2178d00 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2178d90 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab2178e20 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - a: 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: - b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: - b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: c: 3\n 38: - 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2190ba0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2190c30 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2190cc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2190d50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2190de0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2190e70 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2190f00 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2190f90 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2191020 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21910b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2191140 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21911d0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2191260 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21912f0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217a400 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217a490 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217a520 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab217a5b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab217a640 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21914b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2191540 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21915d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2191660 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21916f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: 'implicit block key' : [\n 38: 'implicit flow key 1' : value1,\n 38: 'implicit flow key 2' : value2,\n 38: 'implicit flow key 3' : value3,\n 38: 'implicit flow key m' : {key1: val1, key2: val2},\n 38: 'implicit flow key s' : [val1, val2],\n 38: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217c220 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217c2b0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217c340 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab217c3d0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab217c460 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab217c4f0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab217c580 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab217c610 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab217c6a0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab217c730 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab217c7c0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab217c850 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab217c8e0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab217c970 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab217ca00 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab217ca90 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: 'implicit block key':\n 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1\n 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2\n 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3\n 38: - 'implicit flow key m':\n 38: key1: val1\n 38: key2: val2\n 38: - 'implicit flow key s':\n 38: - val1\n 38: - val2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2191dc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2191e50 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2191ee0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2191f70 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2192000 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2192090 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2192120 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21921b0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2192240 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21922d0 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2192360 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21923f0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2192480 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab2192510 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab21925a0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab2192630 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: {a : [\n 38: : foo\n 38: ],\n 38: b : [\n 38: :\n 38: foo\n 38: ],\n 38: c : [\n 38: :\n 38: ,\n 38: :\n 38: ]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217dff0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217e080 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217e110 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab217e1a0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab217e230 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab217e2c0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab217e350 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab217e3e0 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab217e470 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab217e500 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab217e590 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab217e620 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: a:\n 38: - : foo\n 38: b:\n 38: - : foo\n 38: c:\n 38: - : \n 38: - : \n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21926d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2192760 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21927f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2192880 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2192910 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21929a0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2192a30 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2192ac0 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2192b50 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2192be0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2192c70 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2192d00 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - &a1 a1: v1\n 38: &a2 a2: v2\n 38: &a3 a3: v3\n 38: - *a1: w1\n 38: *a2: w2\n 38: *a3: w3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab217fec0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab217ff50 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab217ffe0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2180070 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2180100 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2180190 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2180220 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21802b0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2180340 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - &a1 a1: v1\n 38: &a2 a2: v2\n 38: &a3 a3: v3\n 38: - *a1: w1\n 38: *a2: w2\n 38: *a3: w3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2192fe0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2193070 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2193100 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2193190 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2193220 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21932b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2193340 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21933d0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2193460 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - &a1 a1: v1\n 38: &a2 a2: v2\n 38: &a3 a3: v3\n 38: - *a1: w1\n 38: *a2: w2\n 38: *a3: w3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2181d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2181de0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2181e70 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2181f00 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2181f90 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2182020 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21820b0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2182140 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21821d0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - a1: v1\n 38: a2: v2\n 38: a3: v3\n 38: - a1: w1\n 38: a2: w2\n 38: a3: w3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21938f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2193980 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2193a10 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2193aa0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2193b30 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2193bc0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2193c50 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2193ce0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2193d70 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \n 38: - !!str a1: v1\n 38: !!str a2: v2\n 38: !!str a3: v3\n 38: - a1: !!str w1\n 38: a2: !!str w2\n 38: a3: !!str w3\n 38: - !foo a1: v1\n 38: !foo a2: v2\n 38: !foo a3: v3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2183bf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2183c80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2183d10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2183da0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2183e30 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2183ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2183f50 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2183fe0 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2184070 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2184100 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2184190 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2184220 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab21842b0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - !!str a1: v1\n 38: !!str a2: v2\n 38: !!str a3: v3\n 38: - a1: !!str w1\n 38: a2: !!str w2\n 38: a3: !!str w3\n 38: - !foo a1: v1\n 38: !foo a2: v2\n 38: !foo a3: v3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2194200 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2194290 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2194320 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21943b0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2194440 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21944d0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2194560 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21945f0 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2194680 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2194710 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab21947a0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2194830 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab21948c0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: [{}, {}, {}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2184500 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2184590 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2184620 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21846b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - {}\n 38: - {}\n 38: - {}\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2194b10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2194ba0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2194c30 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2194cc0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: [{name: John Smith, age: 33}, {name: Mary Smith, age: 27}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2184e10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2184ea0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2184f30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2184fc0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2185050 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21850e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2185170 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2195420 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21954b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2195540 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21955d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2195660 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21956f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2195780 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - {name: John Smith, age: 33}\r\n 38: - {name: Mary Smith, age: 27}\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2185720 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21857b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2185840 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21858d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2185960 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21859f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2185a80 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2195d30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2195dc0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2195e50 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2195ee0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2195f70 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2196000 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2196090 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - name: John Smith\r\n 38: age: 33\r\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\r\n 38: age: 27\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2186030 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21860c0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2186150 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21861e0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2186270 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2186300 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2186390 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2196640 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21966d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2196760 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21967f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2196880 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2196910 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21969a0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - \r\n 38: name:\r\n 38: John Smith\r\n 38: age:\r\n 38: 33\r\n 38: - \r\n 38: name: \r\n 38: Mary Smith\r\n 38: age:\r\n 38: 27\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2186940 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21869d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2186a60 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2186af0 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2186b80 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2186c10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2186ca0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - name: John Smith\n 38: age: 33\n 38: - name: Mary Smith\n 38: age: 27\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2196f50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2196fe0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2197070 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2197100 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2197190 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2197220 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21972b0 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - 'a': 1\r\n 38: b: 2\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2187250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21872e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2187370 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2187400 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2197860 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21978f0 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2197980 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2197a10 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - a: 1\r\n 38: b: 2\r\n 38: - b: 2\r\n 38: 'a': 1\r\n 38: - b: 2\r\n 38: 'a': 1\r\n 38: c: 3\r\n 38: - {'a': 1, b: 2}\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2187b60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2187bf0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2187c80 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2187d10 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2187da0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2187e30 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab2187ec0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2187f50 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2187fe0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2188070 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2188100 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2188190 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2188220 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21882b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - a: 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: - b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: - b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: c: 3\n 38: - 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2198170 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2198200 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2198290 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2198320 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21983b0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2198440 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21984d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2198560 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21985f0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2198680 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2198710 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21987a0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2198830 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21988c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: 'a': 1\r\n 38: b: 2\r\n 38: b: 2\r\n 38: 'a': 1\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2188470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2188500 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2188590 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2188620 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21886b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: 'a': 1\n 38: b: 2\n 38: b: 2\n 38: 'a': 1\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2198a80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2198b10 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2198ba0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2198c30 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2198cc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: 'implicit block key' : [\r\n 38: 'implicit flow key 1' : value1,\r\n 38: 'implicit flow key 2' : value2,\r\n 38: 'implicit flow key 3' : value3,\r\n 38: 'implicit flow key m' : {key1: val1, key2: val2},\r\n 38: 'implicit flow key s' : [val1, val2],\r\n 38: ]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2188d80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2188e10 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2188ea0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2188f30 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2188fc0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2189050 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21890e0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2189170 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2189200 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2189290 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2189320 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21893b0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2189440 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21894d0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab2189560 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab21895f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: 'implicit block key':\n 38: - 'implicit flow key 1': value1\n 38: - 'implicit flow key 2': value2\n 38: - 'implicit flow key 3': value3\n 38: - 'implicit flow key m':\n 38: key1: val1\n 38: key2: val2\n 38: - 'implicit flow key s':\n 38: - val1\n 38: - val2\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2199390 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2199420 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21994b0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2199540 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21995d0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2199660 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21996f0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2199780 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2199810 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21998a0 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2199930 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21999c0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab2199a50 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab2199ae0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab2199b70 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab2199c00 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: {a : [\r\n 38: : foo\r\n 38: ],\r\n 38: b : [\r\n 38: :\r\n 38: foo\r\n 38: ],\r\n 38: c : [\r\n 38: :\r\n 38: ,\r\n 38: :\r\n 38: ]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2189690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2189720 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21897b0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2189840 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21898d0 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2189960 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21899f0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab2189a80 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab2189b10 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab2189ba0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab2189c30 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab2189cc0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: a:\n 38: - : foo\n 38: b:\n 38: - : foo\n 38: c:\n 38: - : \n 38: - : \n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2199ca0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab2199d30 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab2199dc0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab2199e50 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab2199ee0 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab2199f70 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219a000 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219a090 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219a120 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab219a1b0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab219a240 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab219a2d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - &a1 a1: v1\r\n 38: &a2 a2: v2\r\n 38: &a3 a3: v3\r\n 38: - *a1: w1\r\n 38: *a2: w2\r\n 38: *a3: w3\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab2189fa0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218a030 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218a0c0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218a150 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218a1e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218a270 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218a300 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218a390 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218a420 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - &a1 a1: v1\n 38: &a2 a2: v2\n 38: &a3 a3: v3\n 38: - *a1: w1\n 38: *a2: w2\n 38: *a3: w3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219a5b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219a640 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219a6d0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219a760 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219a7f0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219a880 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219a910 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219a9a0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219aa30 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - &a1 a1: v1\r\n 38: &a2 a2: v2\r\n 38: &a3 a3: v3\r\n 38: - *a1: w1\r\n 38: *a2: w2\r\n 38: *a3: w3\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218a8b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218a940 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218a9d0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218aa60 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218aaf0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218ab80 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218ac10 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218aca0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218ad30 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - a1: v1\n 38: a2: v2\n 38: a3: v3\n 38: - a1: w1\n 38: a2: w2\n 38: a3: w3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219aec0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219af50 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219afe0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219b070 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219b100 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219b190 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219b220 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219b2b0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219b340 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 38: \r\n 38: - !!str a1: v1\r\n 38: !!str a2: v2\r\n 38: !!str a3: v3\r\n 38: - a1: !!str w1\r\n 38: a2: !!str w2\r\n 38: a3: !!str w3\r\n 38: - !foo a1: v1\r\n 38: !foo a2: v2\r\n 38: !foo a3: v3\r\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218b1c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218b250 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218b2e0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218b370 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab218b400 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab218b490 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab218b520 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab218b5b0 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab218b640 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab218b6d0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab218b760 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab218b7f0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab218b880 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 38: - !!str a1: v1\n 38: !!str a2: v2\n 38: !!str a3: v3\n 38: - a1: !!str w1\n 38: a2: !!str w2\n 38: a3: !!str w3\n 38: - !foo a1: v1\n 38: !foo a2: v2\n 38: !foo a3: v3\n 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219b7d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219b860 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219b8f0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219b980 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219ba10 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219baa0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219bb30 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219bbc0 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219bc50 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab219bce0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab219bd70 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab219be00 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab219be90 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125ae0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab218d930 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab218d9c0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab218da50 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab218dae0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125bf8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122550 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122690 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122728 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21225e8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21227d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122868 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219c0e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219c170 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219c200 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219c290 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219c320 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219c3b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219c440 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125d10 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122d80 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122ec0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122f58 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122e18 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123000 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123098 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219c4e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219c570 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219c600 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219c690 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219c720 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219c7b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219c840 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125e28 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123140 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123280 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123318 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21231d8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21233c0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123458 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219c8e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219c970 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219ca00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219ca90 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219cb20 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219cbb0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219cc40 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125f40 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123dd0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123fa8 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123e68 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124050 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21240e8 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219cce0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219cd70 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219ce00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219ce90 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219cf20 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219cfb0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219d040 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126058 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122960 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21221d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122268 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219d0e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219d170 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219d200 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219d290 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126170 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab21242d0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124540 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21245d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124368 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124680 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124718 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124400 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21247c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124858 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21248f0 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124498 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124990 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124a28 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219d330 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219d3c0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219d450 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219d4e0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219d570 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219d600 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219d690 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219d720 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219d7b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab219d840 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab219d8d0 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab219d960 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab219d9f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab219da80 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126288 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124b20 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124bb8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124c50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124ce8 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219db20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219dbb0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219dc40 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219dcd0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219dd60 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21263a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126c70 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126d10 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127010 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126da8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21270b0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126e40 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127150 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126ed8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21271f0 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127290 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127328 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126f70 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21273d0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127470 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127508 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219de00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219de90 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219df20 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219dfb0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219e040 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219e0d0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219e160 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219e1f0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219e280 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab219e310 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab219e3a0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab219e430 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab219e4c0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab219e550 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab219e5e0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab219e670 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21264b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122b40 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123550 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21235f0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122bd8 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123690 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123730 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122c70 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124190 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21237d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124228 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123870 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219e710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219e7a0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219e830 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219e8c0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219e950 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219e9e0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219ea70 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219eb00 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219eb90 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab219ec20 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab219ecb0 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab219ed40 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21265d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122090 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21275b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127648 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21276e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122128 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127780 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127818 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21278b0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219ede0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219ee70 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219ef00 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219ef90 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219f020 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219f0b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219f140 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219f1d0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219f260 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21266e8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122a00 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127950 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21279e8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127a80 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122a98 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127b20 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127bb8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127c50 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219f300 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219f390 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219f420 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219f4b0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219f540 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219f5d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219f660 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219f6f0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219f780 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126800 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128090 KEYVAL***: '!!str a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128128 KEYVAL***: '!!str a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21281c0 KEYVAL***: '!!str a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128260 KEYVAL***: 'a1' '!!str w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21282f8 KEYVAL***: 'a2' '!!str w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128390 KEYVAL***: 'a3' '!!str w3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128430 KEYVAL***: '!foo a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21284c8 KEYVAL***: '!foo a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128560 KEYVAL***: '!foo a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219f820 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab219f8b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab219f940 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab219f9d0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab219fa60 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab219faf0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab219fb80 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab219fc10 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab219fca0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab219fd30 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab219fdc0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab219fe50 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab219fee0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of empty maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125ae0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: 0xaaaab2121ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab219ff80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a0010 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a00a0 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a0130 MAP: (3 sibs) 0 children: 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, one line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125bf8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122550 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122690 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122728 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21225e8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21227d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122868 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a01d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a0260 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a02f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a0380 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a0410 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a04a0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a0530 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit seq, explicit maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125d10 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122d80 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122ec0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122f58 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122e18 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123000 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123098 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a05d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a0660 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a06f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a0780 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a0810 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a08a0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a0930 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125e28 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123140 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123280 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123318 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21231d8 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21233c0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123458 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a09d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a0a60 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a0af0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a0b80 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a0c10 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a0ca0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a0d30 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, next line' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2125f40 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123dd0 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123fa8 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2123e68 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124050 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21240e8 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a0dd0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a0e60 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a0ef0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'John Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a0f80 KEYVAL: 'age' '33' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a1010 MAP: (2 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a10a0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Mary Smith' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a1130 KEYVAL: 'age' '27' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex1' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126058 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122960 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab21221d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122268 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a11d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a1260 MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a12f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a1380 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex2' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126170 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab21242d0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124540 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21245d8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124368 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124680 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124718 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124400 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21247c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124858 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21248f0 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124498 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124990 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124a28 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a1420 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a14b0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a1540 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a15d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a1660 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a16f0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a1780 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21a1810 MAP: (4 sibs) 3 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21a18a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21a1930 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab21a19c0 KEYVAL: 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21a1a50 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab21a1ae0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (2 sibs) 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21a1b70 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, bug #32 ex3' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126288 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124b20 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124bb8 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124c50 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124ce8 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a1c10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a1ca0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a1d30 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a1dc0 KEYVAL: 'b' '2' (4 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a1e50 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (4 sibs) 38: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21263a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126c70 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: 0xaaaab2126d10 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127010 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126da8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21270b0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126e40 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127150 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126ed8 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21271f0 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127290 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127328 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2126f70 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21273d0 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127470 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127508 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a1ef0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a1f80 KEYSEQ: 'implicit block key' (1 sibs) 5 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a2010 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a20a0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 1' 'value1' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a2130 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a21c0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 2' 'value2' (1 sibs) 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a2250 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21a22e0 KEYVAL: 'implicit flow key 3' 'value3' (1 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21a2370 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21a2400 KEYMAP: 'implicit flow key m' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab21a2490 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21a2520 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab21a25b0 MAP: (5 sibs) 1 children: 38: [13] [13] 0xaaaab21a2640 KEYSEQ: 'implicit flow key s' (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [14] [14] 0xaaaab21a26d0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 38: [15] [15] 0xaaaab21a2760 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 38: #nodes=16 vs #printed=16 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit map in seq, missing scalar' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21264b8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122b40 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123550 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21235f0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122bd8 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123690 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123730 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122c70 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2124190 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab21237d0 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2124228 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: 0xaaaab2123870 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a2800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a2890 KEYSEQ: 'a' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a2920 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a29b0 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a2a40 KEYSEQ: 'b' (3 sibs) 1 children: 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a2ad0 MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a2b60 KEYVAL: '' 'foo' (1 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21a2bf0 KEYSEQ: 'c' (3 sibs) 2 children: 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21a2c80 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21a2d10 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab21a2da0 MAP: (2 sibs) 1 children: 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21a2e30 KEYVAL: '' '' (1 sibs) 38: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, unresolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21265d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122090 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab21275b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127648 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21276e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122128 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127780 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127818 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21278b0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a2ed0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a2f60 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a2ff0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a3080 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a3110 KEYVAL***: &a3 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a31a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a3230 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21a32c0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21a3350 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with anchors, resolved' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab21266e8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 2 children: 38: 0xaaaab2122a00 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127950 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21279e8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127a80 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2122a98 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127b20 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127bb8 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127c50 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a33f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 2 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a3480 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a3510 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a35a0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a3630 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a36c0 MAP: (2 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a3750 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21a37e0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21a3870 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 38: [ RUN ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: running test case 'seq of maps, implicit with tags' 38: ------------------------------------------- 38: REF TREE: 38: 0xaaaab2126800 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2127ec0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128090 KEYVAL***: '!!str a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128128 KEYVAL***: '!!str a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21281c0 KEYVAL***: '!!str a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127f58 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128260 KEYVAL***: 'a1' '!!str w1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21282f8 KEYVAL***: 'a2' '!!str w2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128390 KEYVAL***: 'a3' '!!str w3' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2127ff0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: 0xaaaab2128430 KEYVAL***: '!foo a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab21284c8 KEYVAL***: '!foo a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: 0xaaaab2128560 KEYVAL***: '!foo a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: RECREATED TREE: 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [0][0] 0xaaaab21a3910 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 38: [1] [1] 0xaaaab21a39a0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [2] [2] 0xaaaab21a3a30 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [3] [3] 0xaaaab21a3ac0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [4] [4] 0xaaaab21a3b50 KEYVAL***: !!str 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: [5] [5] 0xaaaab21a3be0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [6] [6] 0xaaaab21a3c70 KEYVAL***: 'a1' !!str 'w1' (3 sibs) 38: [7] [7] 0xaaaab21a3d00 KEYVAL***: 'a2' !!str 'w2' (3 sibs) 38: [8] [8] 0xaaaab21a3d90 KEYVAL***: 'a3' !!str 'w3' (3 sibs) 38: [9] [9] 0xaaaab21a3e20 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 38: [10] [10] 0xaaaab21a3eb0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 38: [11] [11] 0xaaaab21a3f40 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 38: [12] [12] 0xaaaab21a3fd0 KEYVAL***: !foo 'a3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 38: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 38: -------------------------------------- 38: [ OK ] SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 38: [----------] 468 tests from SEQ_OF_MAP/YmlTestCase (5 ms total) 38: 38: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 38: [==========] 474 tests from 3 test suites ran. (5 ms total) 38: [ PASSED ] 474 tests. 38/52 Test #38: ryml-test-seq_of_map .............. Passed 0.01 sec test 39 Start 39: ryml-test-generic_map 39: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-generic_map-0.6.0 39: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 39: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 39: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 39: [==========] Running 109 tests from 2 test suites. 39: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 39: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 39: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 39: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 39: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 39: 39: [----------] 108 tests from GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: --------------- 39: 39: a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here. 39: ? a complex key 39: : another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: --------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bfe0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a770 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a808 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a8a0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a9e0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6aa78 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a938 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ab20 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6abb8 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: PARSED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c7d7d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c7d860 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c7d8f0 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c7d980 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c7da10 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c7daa0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c7db30 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c7dbc0 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c7dc50 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: --------------- 39: 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: --------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c0f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6b980 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a510 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ba20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bab8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bb50 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bbe8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a5a8 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bc90 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bd28 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bdc0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6be58 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bef0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: PARSED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c7fb70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c7fc00 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c7fc90 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c7fd20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c7fdb0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c7fe40 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c7fed0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c7ff60 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c7fff0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c80080 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c80110 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c801a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c80230 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: --------------- 39: 39: items: 39: - 39: part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - 39: part_no: E1628 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: --------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c210 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c400 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c4a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c5e0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c678 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c710 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c7a8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c538 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c850 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c8e8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c980 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ca18 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6cab0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: PARSED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c81e20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c81eb0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c81f40 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c81fd0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c82060 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c820f0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c82180 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c82210 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c822a0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c82330 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c823c0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c82450 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c824e0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: --------------- 39: 39: a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here. 39: ? a complex key 39: : another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: --------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bfe0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a770 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a808 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a8a0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a9e0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6aa78 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a938 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ab20 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6abb8 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: PARSED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c82730 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c827c0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c82850 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c828e0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c82970 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c82a00 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c82a90 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c82b20 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c82bb0 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: --------------- 39: 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: --------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c0f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6b980 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a510 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ba20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bab8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bb50 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bbe8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a5a8 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bc90 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bd28 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bdc0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6be58 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bef0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: PARSED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c83040 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c830d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c83160 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c831f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c83280 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c83310 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c833a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c83430 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c834c0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c83550 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c835e0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c83670 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c83700 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: --------------- 39: 39: items: 39: - 39: part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - 39: part_no: E1628 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: --------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c210 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c400 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c4a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c5e0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c678 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c710 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c7a8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c538 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c850 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c8e8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c980 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ca18 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6cab0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: PARSED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c83950 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c839e0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c83a70 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c83b00 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c83b90 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c83c20 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c83cb0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c83d40 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c83dd0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c83e60 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c83ef0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c83f80 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c84010 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: a simple key: a value 39: a complex key: another value 39: a mapping: 39: key 1: value 1 39: key 2: value 2 39: a sequence: 39: - item 1 39: - item 2 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: items: 39: - part_no: A4786 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 39: price: 1.47 39: quantity: 4 39: - part_no: E1628 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 39: size: 8 39: price: 133.7 39: quantity: 1 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 39: \n 39: a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here.\n 39: ? a complex key\n 39: : another value\n 39: a mapping:\n 39: key 1: value 1\n 39: key 2: value 2\n 39: a sequence:\n 39: - item 1\n 39: - item 2\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c7d7d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c7d860 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c7d8f0 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c7d980 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c7da10 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c7daa0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c7db30 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c7dbc0 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c7dc50 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 39: a simple key: a value\n 39: a complex key: another value\n 39: a mapping:\n 39: key 1: value 1\n 39: key 2: value 2\n 39: a sequence:\n 39: - item 1\n 39: - item 2\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c84e20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c84eb0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c84f40 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c84fd0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c85060 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c850f0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c85180 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c85210 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c852a0 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 39: \n 39: items:\n 39: - part_no: A4786\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 39: price: 1.47\n 39: quantity: 4\n 39: - part_no: E1628\n 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\n 39: size: 8\n 39: price: 133.7\n 39: quantity: 1\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c7fb70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c7fc00 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c7fc90 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c7fd20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c7fdb0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c7fe40 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c7fed0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c7ff60 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c7fff0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c80080 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c80110 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c801a0 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c80230 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 39: items:\n 39: - part_no: A4786\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 39: price: 1.47\n 39: quantity: 4\n 39: - part_no: E1628\n 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 39: size: 8\n 39: price: 133.7\n 39: quantity: 1\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c86010 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c860a0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c86130 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c861c0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c86250 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c862e0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c86370 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c86400 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c86490 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c86520 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c865b0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c86640 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c866d0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 39: \n 39: items:\n 39: -\n 39: part_no: A4786\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 39: price: 1.47\n 39: quantity: 4\n 39: -\n 39: part_no: E1628\n 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\n 39: size: 8\n 39: price: 133.7\n 39: quantity: 1\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c81e20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c81eb0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c81f40 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c81fd0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c82060 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c820f0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c82180 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c82210 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c822a0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c82330 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c823c0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c82450 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c824e0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 39: items:\n 39: - part_no: A4786\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 39: price: 1.47\n 39: quantity: 4\n 39: - part_no: E1628\n 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 39: size: 8\n 39: price: 133.7\n 39: quantity: 1\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c86920 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c869b0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c86a40 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c86ad0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c86b60 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c86bf0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c86c80 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c86d10 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c86da0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c86e30 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c86ec0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c86f50 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c86fe0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 39: \r\n 39: a simple key: a value # The KEY token is produced here.\r\n 39: ? a complex key\r\n 39: : another value\r\n 39: a mapping:\r\n 39: key 1: value 1\r\n 39: key 2: value 2\r\n 39: a sequence:\r\n 39: - item 1\r\n 39: - item 2\r\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c82730 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c827c0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c82850 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c828e0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c82970 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c82a00 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c82a90 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c82b20 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c82bb0 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 39: a simple key: a value\n 39: a complex key: another value\n 39: a mapping:\n 39: key 1: value 1\n 39: key 2: value 2\n 39: a sequence:\n 39: - item 1\n 39: - item 2\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c87230 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c872c0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c87350 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c873e0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c87470 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c87500 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c87590 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c87620 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c876b0 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 39: \r\n 39: items:\r\n 39: - part_no: A4786\r\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\r\n 39: price: 1.47\r\n 39: quantity: 4\r\n 39: - part_no: E1628\r\n 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\r\n 39: size: 8\r\n 39: price: 133.7\r\n 39: quantity: 1\r\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c83040 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c830d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c83160 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c831f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c83280 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c83310 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c833a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c83430 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c834c0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c83550 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c835e0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c83670 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c83700 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 39: items:\n 39: - part_no: A4786\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 39: price: 1.47\n 39: quantity: 4\n 39: - part_no: E1628\n 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 39: size: 8\n 39: price: 133.7\n 39: quantity: 1\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c87b40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c87bd0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c87c60 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c87cf0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c87d80 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c87e10 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c87ea0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c87f30 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c87fc0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c88050 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c880e0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c88170 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c88200 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 39: \r\n 39: items:\r\n 39: -\r\n 39: part_no: A4786\r\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\r\n 39: price: 1.47\r\n 39: quantity: 4\r\n 39: -\r\n 39: part_no: E1628\r\n 39: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\r\n 39: size: 8\r\n 39: price: 133.7\r\n 39: quantity: 1\r\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c83950 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c839e0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c83a70 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c83b00 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c83b90 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c83c20 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c83cb0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c83d40 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c83dd0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c83e60 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c83ef0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c83f80 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c84010 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 39: items:\n 39: - part_no: A4786\n 39: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 39: price: 1.47\n 39: quantity: 4\n 39: - part_no: E1628\n 39: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 39: size: 8\n 39: price: 133.7\n 39: quantity: 1\n 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c88450 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c884e0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c88570 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c88600 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c88690 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c88720 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c887b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c88840 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c888d0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c88960 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c889f0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c88a80 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c88b10 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bfe0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a770 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a808 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a8a0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a9e0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6aa78 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a938 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ab20 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6abb8 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: RECREATED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c858f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c85980 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c85a10 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c85aa0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c85b30 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c85bc0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c85c50 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c85ce0 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c85d70 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c0f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6b980 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a510 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ba20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bab8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bb50 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bbe8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a5a8 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bc90 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bd28 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bdc0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6be58 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bef0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: RECREATED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c88d60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c88df0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c88e80 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c88f10 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c88fa0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c89030 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c890c0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c89150 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c891e0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c89270 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c89300 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c89390 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c89420 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c210 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c400 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c4a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c5e0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c678 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c710 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c7a8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c538 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c850 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c8e8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c980 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ca18 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6cab0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: RECREATED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c894c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c89550 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c895e0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c89670 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c89700 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c89790 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c89820 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c898b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c89940 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c899d0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c89a60 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c89af0 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c89b80 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'generic map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bfe0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a770 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a808 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a8a0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a9e0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6aa78 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a938 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ab20 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6abb8 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: RECREATED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c89c20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c89cb0 KEYVAL: 'a simple key' 'a value' (4 sibs) 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c89d40 KEYVAL: 'a complex key' 'another value' (4 sibs) 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c89dd0 KEYMAP: 'a mapping' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c89e60 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c89ef0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c89f80 KEYSEQ: 'a sequence' (4 sibs) 2 children: 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c8a010 VAL: 'item 1' (2 sibs) 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c8a0a0 VAL: 'item 2' (2 sibs) 39: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c0f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6b980 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a510 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ba20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bab8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bb50 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bbe8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6a5a8 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bc90 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bd28 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bdc0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6be58 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6bef0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: RECREATED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c8a140 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c8a1d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c8a260 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c8a2f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c8a380 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c8a410 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c8a4a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c8a530 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c8a5c0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c8a650 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c8a6e0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c8a770 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c8a800 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 39: [ RUN ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: running test case 'seq nested in map, v2' 39: ------------------------------------------- 39: REF TREE: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c210 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c400 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c4a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c5e0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c678 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c710 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c7a8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c538 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c850 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c8e8 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6c980 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6ca18 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: 0xaaaaf7c6cab0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: RECREATED TREE: 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [0][0] 0xaaaaf7c8a8a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 39: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf7c8a930 KEYSEQ: 'items' (1 sibs) 2 children: 39: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf7c8a9c0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 39: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf7c8aa50 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 39: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf7c8aae0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 39: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf7c8ab70 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 39: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf7c8ac00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 39: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf7c8ac90 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 39: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf7c8ad20 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 39: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf7c8adb0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 39: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf7c8ae40 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 39: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf7c8aed0 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 39: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf7c8af60 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 39: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 39: -------------------------------------- 39: [ OK ] GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 39: [----------] 108 tests from GENERIC_MAP/YmlTestCase (1 ms total) 39: 39: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 39: [==========] 109 tests from 2 test suites ran. (1 ms total) 39: [ PASSED ] 109 tests. 39/52 Test #39: ryml-test-generic_map ............. Passed 0.01 sec test 40 Start 40: ryml-test-generic_seq 40: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-generic_seq-0.6.0 40: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 40: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 40: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 40: [==========] Running 73 tests from 2 test suites. 40: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 40: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 40: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 40: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 40: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 40: 40: [----------] 72 tests from GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: --------------- 40: 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: --------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab808 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab8a0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab9e0 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92aba78 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab938 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abb20 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abbb8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: PARSED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92b76e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92b7770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92b7800 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92b7890 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92b7920 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92b79b0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92b7a40 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92b7ad0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92b7b60 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: --------------- 40: 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - 40: - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - 40: key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: --------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abea0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abf38 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abfd0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac110 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac1a8 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac068 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac250 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac2e8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: PARSED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92b9700 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92b9790 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92b9820 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92b98b0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92b9940 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92b99d0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92b9a60 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92b9af0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92b9b80 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: --------------- 40: 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: --------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab808 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab8a0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab9e0 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92aba78 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab938 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abb20 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abbb8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: PARSED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92ba010 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92ba0a0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92ba130 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92ba1c0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92ba250 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92ba2e0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92ba370 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92ba400 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92ba490 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: --------------- 40: 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - 40: - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - 40: key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: --------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abea0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abf38 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abfd0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac110 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac1a8 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac068 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac250 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac2e8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: PARSED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92ba920 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92ba9b0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92baa40 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92baad0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bab60 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92babf0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bac80 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bad10 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bada0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: - item 1 40: - item 2 40: - - item 3.1 40: - item 3.2 40: - key 1: value 1 40: key 2: value 2 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 40: \n 40: - item 1\n 40: - item 2\n 40: - - item 3.1\n 40: - item 3.2\n 40: - key 1: value 1\n 40: key 2: value 2\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92b76e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92b7770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92b7800 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92b7890 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92b7920 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92b79b0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92b7a40 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92b7ad0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92b7b60 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 40: - item 1\n 40: - item 2\n 40: - - item 3.1\n 40: - item 3.2\n 40: - key 1: value 1\n 40: key 2: value 2\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92bb6e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92bb770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bb800 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92bb890 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bb920 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bb9b0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bba40 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bbad0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bbb60 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 40: \n 40: - item 1\n 40: - item 2\n 40: -\n 40: - item 3.1\n 40: - item 3.2\n 40: -\n 40: key 1: value 1\n 40: key 2: value 2\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92b9700 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92b9790 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92b9820 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92b98b0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92b9940 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92b99d0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92b9a60 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92b9af0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92b9b80 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 40: - item 1\n 40: - item 2\n 40: - - item 3.1\n 40: - item 3.2\n 40: - key 1: value 1\n 40: key 2: value 2\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92bc8d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92bc960 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bc9f0 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92bca80 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bcb10 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bcba0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bcc30 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bccc0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bcd50 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 40: \r\n 40: - item 1\r\n 40: - item 2\r\n 40: - - item 3.1\r\n 40: - item 3.2\r\n 40: - key 1: value 1\r\n 40: key 2: value 2\r\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92ba010 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92ba0a0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92ba130 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92ba1c0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92ba250 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92ba2e0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92ba370 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92ba400 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92ba490 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 40: - item 1\n 40: - item 2\n 40: - - item 3.1\n 40: - item 3.2\n 40: - key 1: value 1\n 40: key 2: value 2\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92bd1e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92bd270 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bd300 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92bd390 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bd420 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bd4b0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bd540 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bd5d0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bd660 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 40: \r\n 40: - item 1\r\n 40: - item 2\r\n 40: -\r\n 40: - item 3.1\r\n 40: - item 3.2\r\n 40: -\r\n 40: key 1: value 1\r\n 40: key 2: value 2\r\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92ba920 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92ba9b0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92baa40 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92baad0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bab60 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92babf0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bac80 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bad10 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bada0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 40: - item 1\n 40: - item 2\n 40: - - item 3.1\n 40: - item 3.2\n 40: - key 1: value 1\n 40: key 2: value 2\n 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92bdaf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92bdb80 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bdc10 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92bdca0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bdd30 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bddc0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bde50 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bdee0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bdf70 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab808 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab8a0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab9e0 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92aba78 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab938 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abb20 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abbb8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: RECREATED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92bbff0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92bc080 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bc110 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92bc1a0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bc230 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bc2c0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bc350 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bc3e0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bc470 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abea0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abf38 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abfd0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac110 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac1a8 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac068 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac250 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac2e8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: RECREATED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92be400 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92be490 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92be520 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92be5b0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92be640 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92be6d0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92be760 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92be7f0 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92be880 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v0' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab770 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab808 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab8a0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ab9e0 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92aba78 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ab938 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abb20 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abbb8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: RECREATED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92be920 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92be9b0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bea40 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92bead0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92beb60 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bebf0 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bec80 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bed10 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92beda0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 40: [ RUN ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: running test case 'generic seq v1' 40: ------------------------------------------- 40: REF TREE: 40: 0xaaaaf92abdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 4 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92abea0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abf38 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92abfd0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac110 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac1a8 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac068 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: 0xaaaaf92ac250 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: 0xaaaaf92ac2e8 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: RECREATED TREE: 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [0][0] 0xaaaaf92bee40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 4 children: 40: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf92beed0 VAL: 'item 1' (4 sibs) 40: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf92bef60 VAL: 'item 2' (4 sibs) 40: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf92beff0 SEQ: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf92bf080 VAL: 'item 3.1' (2 sibs) 40: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf92bf110 VAL: 'item 3.2' (2 sibs) 40: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf92bf1a0 MAP: (4 sibs) 2 children: 40: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf92bf230 KEYVAL: 'key 1' 'value 1' (2 sibs) 40: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf92bf2c0 KEYVAL: 'key 2' 'value 2' (2 sibs) 40: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 40: -------------------------------------- 40: [ OK ] GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 40: [----------] 72 tests from GENERIC_SEQ/YmlTestCase (0 ms total) 40: 40: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 40: [==========] 73 tests from 2 test suites ran. (1 ms total) 40: [ PASSED ] 73 tests. 40/52 Test #40: ryml-test-generic_seq ............. Passed 0.00 sec test 41 Start 41: ryml-test-scalar_names 41: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-scalar_names-0.6.0 41: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 41: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 41: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 41: [==========] Running 145 tests from 2 test suites. 41: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 41: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 41: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 41: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 41: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 41: 41: [----------] 144 tests from SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: 41: - a 41: - b:b 41: - c{c 41: - cc{ 41: - c}c 41: - cc} 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - -a 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - :c 41: - $g 41: - "*" 41: - '*' 41: - >- 41: * 41: - "*a" 41: - '*a' 41: - >- 41: *a 41: --------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 21 children: 41: 0xaaaaf003f4f0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f588 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f620 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f6b8 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f750 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f7e8 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f880 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f918 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f9b0 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fa48 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fae0 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fb78 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fc10 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fca8 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fd40 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fdd8 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fe70 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ff08 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ffa0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040038 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00400d0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0059750 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf00597e0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0059870 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0059900 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0059990 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0059a20 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0059ab0 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0059b40 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0059bd0 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0059c60 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0059cf0 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0059d80 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0059e10 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0059ea0 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf0059f30 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0059fc0 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf005a050 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf005a0e0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf005a170 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf005a200 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf005a290 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf005a320 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: [a, b, c, .foo, ., -a, +b, /b, :c, $g]--------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040b18 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 41: 0xaaaaf00403b0 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040448 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00404e0 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040578 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040610 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00406a8 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040740 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00407d8 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040870 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040908 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf005bd80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf005be10 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf005bea0 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf005bf30 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf005bfc0 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf005c050 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf005c0e0 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf005c170 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf005c200 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf005c290 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf005c320 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: -a: -a 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: :c: :c 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: --------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040c30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0040e20 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040eb8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040f50 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040fe8 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041080 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041118 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00411b0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041248 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00412e0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041378 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041410 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00414a8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf005dab0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf005db40 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf005dbd0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf005dc60 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf005dcf0 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf005dd80 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf005de10 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf005dea0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf005df30 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf005dfc0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf005e050 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf005e0e0 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf005e170 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: {a: a, b: b, c: c, .foo: .foo, .: ., -a: -a, +b: +b, /b: /b, :c: :c, $g: $g, 41: '*': '*', '*a':'*a'}--------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040d48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0041550 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00415e8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041680 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041718 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00417b0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041848 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00418e0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041978 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041a10 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041aa8 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041b40 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041bd8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf005f7e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf005f870 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf005f900 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf005f990 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf005fa20 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf005fab0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf005fb40 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf005fbd0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf005fc60 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf005fcf0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf005fd80 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf005fe10 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf005fea0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: 41: - a 41: - b:b 41: - c{c 41: - cc{ 41: - c}c 41: - cc} 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - -a 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - :c 41: - $g 41: - "*" 41: - '*' 41: - >- 41: * 41: - "*a" 41: - '*a' 41: - >- 41: *a 41: --------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 21 children: 41: 0xaaaaf003f4f0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f588 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f620 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f6b8 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f750 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f7e8 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f880 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f918 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f9b0 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fa48 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fae0 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fb78 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fc10 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fca8 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fd40 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fdd8 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fe70 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ff08 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ffa0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040038 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00400d0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0060a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0060a90 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0060b20 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0060bb0 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0060c40 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0060cd0 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0060d60 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0060df0 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0060e80 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0060f10 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0060fa0 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0061030 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf00610c0 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0061150 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf00611e0 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0061270 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf0061300 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf0061390 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf0061420 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf00614b0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf0061540 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf00615d0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: [a, b, c, .foo, ., -a, +b, /b, :c, $g]--------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040b18 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 41: 0xaaaaf00403b0 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040448 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00404e0 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040578 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040610 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00406a8 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040740 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00407d8 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040870 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040908 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00600f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0060180 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0060210 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf00602a0 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0060330 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00603c0 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0060450 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00604e0 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0060570 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0060600 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0060690 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: -a: -a 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: :c: :c 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: --------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040c30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0040e20 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040eb8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040f50 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040fe8 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041080 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041118 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00411b0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041248 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00412e0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041378 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041410 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00414a8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0061c10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0061ca0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0061d30 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0061dc0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0061e50 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0061ee0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0061f70 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0062000 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0062090 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0062120 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf00621b0 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0062240 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf00622d0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: --------------- 41: {a: a, b: b, c: c, .foo: .foo, .: ., -a: -a, +b: +b, /b: /b, :c: :c, $g: $g, 41: '*': '*', '*a':'*a'}--------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040d48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0041550 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00415e8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041680 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041718 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00417b0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041848 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00418e0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041978 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041a10 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041aa8 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041b40 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041bd8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: PARSED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0062520 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf00625b0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0062640 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf00626d0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0062760 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00627f0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0062880 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0062910 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf00629a0 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0062a30 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0062ac0 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0062b50 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0062be0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - 'b:b' 41: - 'c{c' 41: - 'cc{' 41: - 'c}c' 41: - 'cc}' 41: - c!c 41: - cc! 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: - '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: - a 41: - b 41: - c 41: - .foo 41: - . 41: - '-a' 41: - +b 41: - /b 41: - ':c' 41: - $g 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: a: a 41: b: b 41: c: c 41: .foo: .foo 41: .: . 41: '-a': '-a' 41: +b: +b 41: /b: /b 41: ':c': ':c' 41: $g: $g 41: '*': '*' 41: '*a': '*a' 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: \n 41: - a\n 41: - b:b\n 41: - c{c\n 41: - cc{\n 41: - c}c\n 41: - cc}\n 41: - c!c\n 41: - cc!\n 41: - .foo\n 41: - .\n 41: - -a\n 41: - +b\n 41: - /b\n 41: - :c\n 41: - $g\n 41: - "*"\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - >-\n 41: * *\n 41: - "*a"\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: - >-\n 41: *a*a\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0059750 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf00597e0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0059870 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0059900 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0059990 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0059a20 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0059ab0 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0059b40 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0059bd0 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0059c60 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0059cf0 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0059d80 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0059e10 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0059ea0 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf0059f30 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0059fc0 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf005a050 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf005a0e0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf005a170 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf005a200 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf005a290 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf005a320 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: - a\n 41: - 'b:b'\n 41: - 'c{c'\n 41: - 'cc{'\n 41: - 'c}c'\n 41: - 'cc}'\n 41: - c!c\n 41: - cc!\n 41: - .foo\n 41: - .\n 41: - '-a'\n 41: - +b\n 41: - /b\n 41: - ':c'\n 41: - $g\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00644a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0064530 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf00645c0 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0064650 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf00646e0 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0064770 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0064800 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0064890 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0064920 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf00649b0 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0064a40 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0064ad0 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0064b60 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0064bf0 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf0064c80 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0064d10 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf0064da0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf0064e30 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf0064ec0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf0064f50 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf0064fe0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf0065070 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: [a, b, c, .foo, ., -a, +b, /b, :c, $g]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf005bd80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf005be10 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf005bea0 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf005bf30 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf005bfc0 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf005c050 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf005c0e0 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf005c170 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf005c200 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf005c290 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf005c320 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: - a\n 41: - b\n 41: - c\n 41: - .foo\n 41: - .\n 41: - '-a'\n 41: - +b\n 41: - /b\n 41: - ':c'\n 41: - $g\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00632b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0063340 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf00633d0 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0063460 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf00634f0 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0063580 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0063610 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00636a0 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0063730 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf00637c0 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0063850 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: \n 41: a: a\n 41: b: b\n 41: c: c\n 41: .foo: .foo\n 41: .: .\n 41: -a: -a\n 41: +b: +b\n 41: /b: /b\n 41: :c: :c\n 41: $g: $g\n 41: '*': '*'\n 41: '*a': '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf005dab0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf005db40 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf005dbd0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf005dc60 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf005dcf0 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf005dd80 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf005de10 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf005dea0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf005df30 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf005dfc0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf005e050 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf005e0e0 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf005e170 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: a: a\n 41: b: b\n 41: c: c\n 41: .foo: .foo\n 41: .: .\n 41: '-a': '-a'\n 41: +b: +b\n 41: /b: /b\n 41: ':c': ':c'\n 41: $g: $g\n 41: '*': '*'\n 41: '*a': '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00656b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0065740 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf00657d0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0065860 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf00658f0 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0065980 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0065a10 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0065aa0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0065b30 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0065bc0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0065c50 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0065ce0 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0065d70 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: {a: a, b: b, c: c, .foo: .foo, .: ., -a: -a, +b: +b, /b: /b, :c: :c, $g: $g,\n 41: '*': '*', '*a':'*a'}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf005f7e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf005f870 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf005f900 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf005f990 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf005fa20 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf005fab0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf005fb40 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf005fbd0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf005fc60 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf005fcf0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf005fd80 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf005fe10 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf005fea0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: a: a\n 41: b: b\n 41: c: c\n 41: .foo: .foo\n 41: .: .\n 41: '-a': '-a'\n 41: +b: +b\n 41: /b: /b\n 41: ':c': ':c'\n 41: $g: $g\n 41: '*': '*'\n 41: '*a': '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0065fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0066050 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf00660e0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0066170 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0066200 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0066290 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0066320 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00663b0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0066440 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf00664d0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0066560 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf00665f0 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0066680 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: \r\n 41: - a\r\n 41: - b:b\r\n 41: - c{c\r\n 41: - cc{\r\n 41: - c}c\r\n 41: - cc}\r\n 41: - c!c\r\n 41: - cc!\r\n 41: - .foo\r\n 41: - .\r\n 41: - -a\r\n 41: - +b\r\n 41: - /b\r\n 41: - :c\r\n 41: - $g\r\n 41: - "*"\r\n 41: - '*'\r\n 41: - >-\r\n 41: * *\r\n 41: - "*a"\r\n 41: - '*a'\r\n 41: - >-\r\n 41: *a*a\r\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0060a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0060a90 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0060b20 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0060bb0 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0060c40 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0060cd0 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0060d60 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0060df0 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0060e80 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0060f10 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0060fa0 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0061030 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf00610c0 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0061150 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf00611e0 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0061270 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf0061300 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf0061390 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf0061420 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf00614b0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf0061540 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf00615d0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: - a\n 41: - 'b:b'\n 41: - 'c{c'\n 41: - 'cc{'\n 41: - 'c}c'\n 41: - 'cc}'\n 41: - c!c\n 41: - cc!\n 41: - .foo\n 41: - .\n 41: - '-a'\n 41: - +b\n 41: - /b\n 41: - ':c'\n 41: - $g\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - '*'\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: - '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00671e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0067270 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0067300 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0067390 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0067420 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00674b0 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0067540 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00675d0 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0067660 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf00676f0 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0067780 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0067810 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf00678a0 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0067930 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf00679c0 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0067a50 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf0067ae0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf0067b70 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf0067c00 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf0067c90 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf0067d20 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf0067db0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: [a, b, c, .foo, ., -a, +b, /b, :c, $g]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00600f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0060180 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0060210 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf00602a0 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0060330 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00603c0 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0060450 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00604e0 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0060570 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0060600 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0060690 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: - a\n 41: - b\n 41: - c\n 41: - .foo\n 41: - .\n 41: - '-a'\n 41: - +b\n 41: - /b\n 41: - ':c'\n 41: - $g\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00668d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0066960 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf00669f0 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0066a80 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0066b10 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0066ba0 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0066c30 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0066cc0 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0066d50 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0066de0 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0066e70 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: \r\n 41: a: a\r\n 41: b: b\r\n 41: c: c\r\n 41: .foo: .foo\r\n 41: .: .\r\n 41: -a: -a\r\n 41: +b: +b\r\n 41: /b: /b\r\n 41: :c: :c\r\n 41: $g: $g\r\n 41: '*': '*'\r\n 41: '*a': '*a'\r\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0061c10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0061ca0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0061d30 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0061dc0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0061e50 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0061ee0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0061f70 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0062000 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0062090 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0062120 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf00621b0 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0062240 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf00622d0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: a: a\n 41: b: b\n 41: c: c\n 41: .foo: .foo\n 41: .: .\n 41: '-a': '-a'\n 41: +b: +b\n 41: /b: /b\n 41: ':c': ':c'\n 41: $g: $g\n 41: '*': '*'\n 41: '*a': '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf00683f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0068480 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0068510 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf00685a0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0068630 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00686c0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0068750 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00687e0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0068870 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0068900 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0068990 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0068a20 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0068ab0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 41: {a: a, b: b, c: c, .foo: .foo, .: ., -a: -a, +b: +b, /b: /b, :c: :c, $g: $g,\r\n 41: '*': '*', '*a':'*a'}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0062520 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf00625b0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0062640 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf00626d0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0062760 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00627f0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0062880 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0062910 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf00629a0 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0062a30 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0062ac0 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0062b50 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0062be0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 41: a: a\n 41: b: b\n 41: c: c\n 41: .foo: .foo\n 41: .: .\n 41: '-a': '-a'\n 41: +b: +b\n 41: /b: /b\n 41: ':c': ':c'\n 41: $g: $g\n 41: '*': '*'\n 41: '*a': '*a'\n 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0068d00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0068d90 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0068e20 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0068eb0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0068f40 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0068fd0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0069060 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf00690f0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0069180 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0069210 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf00692a0 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0069330 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf00693c0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 21 children: 41: 0xaaaaf003f4f0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f588 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f620 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f6b8 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f750 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f7e8 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f880 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f918 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f9b0 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fa48 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fae0 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fb78 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fc10 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fca8 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fd40 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fdd8 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fe70 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ff08 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ffa0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040038 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00400d0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0069610 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf00696a0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0069730 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf00697c0 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0069850 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf00698e0 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0069970 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0069a00 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0069a90 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf0069b20 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0069bb0 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf0069c40 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf0069cd0 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf0069d60 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf0069df0 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf0069e80 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf0069f10 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf0069fa0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf006a030 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf006a0c0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf006a150 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf006a1e0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040b18 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 41: 0xaaaaf00403b0 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040448 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00404e0 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040578 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040610 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00406a8 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040740 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00407d8 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040870 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040908 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf0063bc0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf0063c50 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf0063ce0 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf0063d70 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf0063e00 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf0063e90 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf0063f20 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf0063fb0 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf0064040 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf00640d0 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf0064160 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040c30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0040e20 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040eb8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040f50 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040fe8 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041080 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041118 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00411b0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041248 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00412e0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041378 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041410 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00414a8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf006a280 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf006a310 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf006a3a0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf006a430 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf006a4c0 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf006a550 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf006a5e0 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf006a670 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf006a700 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf006a790 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf006a820 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf006a8b0 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf006a940 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040d48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0041550 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00415e8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041680 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041718 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00417b0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041848 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00418e0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041978 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041a10 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041aa8 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041b40 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041bd8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf006a9e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf006aa70 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf006ab00 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf006ab90 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf006ac20 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf006acb0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf006ad40 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf006add0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf006ae60 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf006aef0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf006af80 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf006b010 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf006b0a0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 21 children: 41: 0xaaaaf003f4f0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f588 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f620 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f6b8 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f750 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f7e8 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f880 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f918 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003f9b0 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fa48 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fae0 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fb78 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fc10 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fca8 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fd40 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fdd8 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003fe70 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ff08 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf003ffa0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040038 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00400d0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf006b140 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 21 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf006b1d0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf006b260 VAL: 'b:b' (21 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf006b2f0 VAL: 'c{c' (21 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf006b380 VAL: 'cc{' (21 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf006b410 VAL: 'c}c' (21 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf006b4a0 VAL: 'cc}' (21 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf006b530 VAL: 'c!c' (21 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf006b5c0 VAL: 'cc!' (21 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf006b650 VAL: '.foo' (21 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf006b6e0 VAL: '.' (21 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf006b770 VAL: '-a' (21 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf006b800 VAL: '+b' (21 sibs) 41: [13] [13] 0xaaaaf006b890 VAL: '/b' (21 sibs) 41: [14] [14] 0xaaaaf006b920 VAL: ':c' (21 sibs) 41: [15] [15] 0xaaaaf006b9b0 VAL: '$g' (21 sibs) 41: [16] [16] 0xaaaaf006ba40 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [17] [17] 0xaaaaf006bad0 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [18] [18] 0xaaaaf006bb60 VAL: '*' (21 sibs) 41: [19] [19] 0xaaaaf006bbf0 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [20] [20] 0xaaaaf006bc80 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: [21] [21] 0xaaaaf006bd10 VAL: '*a' (21 sibs) 41: #nodes=22 vs #printed=22 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, seq expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040b18 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 41: 0xaaaaf00403b0 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040448 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00404e0 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040578 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040610 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00406a8 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040740 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00407d8 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040870 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040908 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf006bdb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf006be40 VAL: 'a' (10 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf006bed0 VAL: 'b' (10 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf006bf60 VAL: 'c' (10 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf006bff0 VAL: '.foo' (10 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf006c080 VAL: '.' (10 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf006c110 VAL: '-a' (10 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf006c1a0 VAL: '+b' (10 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf006c230 VAL: '/b' (10 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf006c2c0 VAL: ':c' (10 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf006c350 VAL: '$g' (10 sibs) 41: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040c30 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0040e20 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040eb8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040f50 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0040fe8 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041080 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041118 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00411b0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041248 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00412e0 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041378 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041410 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00414a8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf006c3f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf006c480 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf006c510 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf006c5a0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf006c630 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf006c6c0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf006c750 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf006c7e0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf006c870 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf006c900 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf006c990 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf006ca20 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf006cab0 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 41: [ RUN ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: running test case 'funny names, map expl' 41: ------------------------------------------- 41: REF TREE: 41: 0xaaaaf0040d48 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 12 children: 41: 0xaaaaf0041550 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00415e8 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041680 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041718 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00417b0 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041848 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf00418e0 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041978 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041a10 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041aa8 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041b40 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: 0xaaaaf0041bd8 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: RECREATED TREE: 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [0][0] 0xaaaaf006cb50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 12 children: 41: [1] [1] 0xaaaaf006cbe0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'a' (12 sibs) 41: [2] [2] 0xaaaaf006cc70 KEYVAL: 'b' 'b' (12 sibs) 41: [3] [3] 0xaaaaf006cd00 KEYVAL: 'c' 'c' (12 sibs) 41: [4] [4] 0xaaaaf006cd90 KEYVAL: '.foo' '.foo' (12 sibs) 41: [5] [5] 0xaaaaf006ce20 KEYVAL: '.' '.' (12 sibs) 41: [6] [6] 0xaaaaf006ceb0 KEYVAL: '-a' '-a' (12 sibs) 41: [7] [7] 0xaaaaf006cf40 KEYVAL: '+b' '+b' (12 sibs) 41: [8] [8] 0xaaaaf006cfd0 KEYVAL: '/b' '/b' (12 sibs) 41: [9] [9] 0xaaaaf006d060 KEYVAL: ':c' ':c' (12 sibs) 41: [10] [10] 0xaaaaf006d0f0 KEYVAL: '$g' '$g' (12 sibs) 41: [11] [11] 0xaaaaf006d180 KEYVAL: '*' '*' (12 sibs) 41: [12] [12] 0xaaaaf006d210 KEYVAL: '*a' '*a' (12 sibs) 41: #nodes=13 vs #printed=13 41: -------------------------------------- 41: [ OK ] SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 41: [----------] 144 tests from SCALAR_NAMES/YmlTestCase (2 ms total) 41: 41: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 41: [==========] 145 tests from 2 test suites ran. (2 ms total) 41: [ PASSED ] 145 tests. 41/52 Test #41: ryml-test-scalar_names ............ Passed 0.01 sec test 42 Start 42: ryml-test-simple_anchor 42: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-simple_anchor-0.6.0 42: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 42: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 42: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 42: [==========] Running 815 tests from 5 test suites. 42: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 42: [----------] 2 tests from CaseNode 42: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 42: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] CaseNode.anchors 42: [ OK ] CaseNode.anchors (0 ms) 42: [----------] 2 tests from CaseNode (0 ms total) 42: 42: [----------] 16 tests from anchors 42: [ RUN ] anchors.circular 42: [ OK ] anchors.circular (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.node_scalar_set_ref_when_empty 42: [ OK ] anchors.node_scalar_set_ref_when_empty (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.node_scalar_set_ref_when_non_empty 42: [ OK ] anchors.node_scalar_set_ref_when_non_empty (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.no_ambiguity_when_key_scalars_begin_with_star 42: [ OK ] anchors.no_ambiguity_when_key_scalars_begin_with_star (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.no_ambiguity_when_val_scalars_begin_with_star 42: [ OK ] anchors.no_ambiguity_when_val_scalars_begin_with_star (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.no_ambiguity_with_inheritance 42: [ OK ] anchors.no_ambiguity_with_inheritance (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.programatic_key_ref 42: [ OK ] anchors.programatic_key_ref (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.programatic_val_ref 42: [ OK ] anchors.programatic_val_ref (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.programatic_inheritance 42: [ OK ] anchors.programatic_inheritance (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.programatic_multiple_inheritance 42: [ OK ] anchors.programatic_multiple_inheritance (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.set_anchor_leading_ampersand_is_optional 42: [ OK ] anchors.set_anchor_leading_ampersand_is_optional (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.set_ref_leading_star_is_optional 42: [ OK ] anchors.set_ref_leading_star_is_optional (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.set_key_ref_also_sets_the_key_when_none_exists 42: [ OK ] anchors.set_key_ref_also_sets_the_key_when_none_exists (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.set_val_ref_also_sets_the_val_when_none_exists 42: [ OK ] anchors.set_val_ref_also_sets_the_val_when_none_exists (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.set_key_ref_replaces_existing_key 42: [ OK ] anchors.set_key_ref_replaces_existing_key (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] anchors.set_val_ref_replaces_existing_key 42: [ OK ] anchors.set_val_ref_replaces_existing_key (0 ms) 42: [----------] 16 tests from anchors (0 ms total) 42: 42: [----------] 1 test from weird_anchor_cases_from_suite 42: [ RUN ] weird_anchor_cases_from_suite.2SXE 42: [ OK ] weird_anchor_cases_from_suite.2SXE (0 ms) 42: [----------] 1 test from weird_anchor_cases_from_suite (0 ms total) 42: 42: [----------] 4 tests from simple_anchor 42: [ RUN ] simple_anchor.resolve_works_on_an_empty_tree 42: [ OK ] simple_anchor.resolve_works_on_an_empty_tree (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] simple_anchor.resolve_works_on_a_tree_without_refs 42: [ OK ] simple_anchor.resolve_works_on_a_tree_without_refs (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] simple_anchor.resolve_works_on_keyrefvalref 42: [ OK ] simple_anchor.resolve_works_on_keyrefvalref (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] simple_anchor.anchors_of_first_child_key_implicit 42: [ OK ] simple_anchor.anchors_of_first_child_key_implicit (0 ms) 42: [----------] 4 tests from simple_anchor (0 ms total) 42: 42: [----------] 792 tests from SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 } 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 } 42: - &BIG { r: 10 } 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 } 42: 42: # All the following maps are equal: 42: 42: - # Explicit keys 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge one map 42: << : *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge multiple maps 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ] 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Override 42: << : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ] 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d18c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4130 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4600 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4698 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c41c8 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4740 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c47d8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4260 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4880 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c42f8 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4920 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4390 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c49c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4a58 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4af0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4b88 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4428 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4c30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4cc8 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4d60 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c44c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e00 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4f40 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4fd8 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e98 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4558 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5080 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5250 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c52e8 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5380 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5118 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c51b0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd54d110 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd54d1a0 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd54d230 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd54d2c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd54d350 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd54d3e0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd54d470 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd54d500 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd54d590 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd54d620 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd54d6b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd54d740 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd54d7d0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd54d860 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd54d8f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd54d980 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd54da10 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd54daa0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd54db30 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd54dbc0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd54dc50 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd54dce0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd54dd70 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd54de00 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd54de90 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd54df20 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd54dfb0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd54e040 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd54e0d0 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd54e160 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd54e1f0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd54e280 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 } 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 } 42: - &BIG { r: 10 } 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 } 42: 42: # All the following maps are equal: 42: 42: - # Explicit keys 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge one map 42: << : *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge multiple maps 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ] 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Override 42: << : [ *SMALL, *LEFT, *BIG ] 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d19d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3020 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c30b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3820 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c38b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6280 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6320 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6010 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c63c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6458 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c64f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6588 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c60a8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6630 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c66c8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6760 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c67f8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6140 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c68a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6938 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c69d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6a68 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c61d8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6b10 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6ba8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6c40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6cd8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd550050 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5500e0 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd550170 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd550200 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd550290 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd550320 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5503b0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd550440 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5504d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd550560 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5505f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd550680 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd550710 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5507a0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd550830 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5508c0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd550950 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5509e0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd550a70 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd550b00 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd550b90 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd550c20 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd550cb0 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd550d40 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd550dd0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd550e60 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd550ef0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd550f80 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd551010 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5510a0 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd551130 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5511c0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd551260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5512f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd551380 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd551410 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5514a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd551530 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5515c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd551650 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5516e0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd551770 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd551800 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd551890 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd551920 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5519b0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd551a40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd551ad0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd551b60 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [32] 0xaaaabd552460 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [33] 0xaaaabd5524f0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [18] 0xaaaabd551c80 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [19] 0xaaaabd551d10 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [20] 0xaaaabd551da0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [17] 0xaaaabd551bf0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [34] 0xaaaabd552580 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [22] 0xaaaabd551ec0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [24] 0xaaaabd551fe0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [25] 0xaaaabd552070 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [30] 0xaaaabd552340 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [27] 0xaaaabd552190 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [23] 0xaaaabd551f50 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [31] 0xaaaabd5523d0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd551260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5512f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd551380 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd551410 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5514a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd551530 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5515c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd551650 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5516e0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd551770 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd551800 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd551890 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd551920 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5519b0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd551a40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd551ad0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd551b60 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd551bf0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd551c80 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd551d10 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd551da0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd551e30 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd551ec0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd551f50 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd551fe0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd552070 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd552100 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd552190 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd552220 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5522b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd552340 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c71f0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7288 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7320 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7590 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7628 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c73b8 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3200 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7450 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c76d0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7768 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c74e8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7810 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c78a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd553670 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd553700 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd553790 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd553820 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5538b0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd553940 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5539d0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd553a60 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd553af0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd553b80 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd553c10 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd553ca0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd553d30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd553dc0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: { 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys., 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name, 42: anchors_in_seqs: [ 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence, 42: *anchor_in_seq 42: ], 42: base: &base { 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: }, 42: foo: &foo { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 10 42: }, 42: bar: &bar { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 20 42: } 42: }--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7950 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c79e8 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7a80 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7cf0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7d88 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7b18 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7e30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7bb0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7ed0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7f68 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8010 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c80a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5559b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd555a40 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd555ad0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd555b60 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd555bf0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd555c80 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd555d10 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd555da0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd555e30 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd555ec0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd555f50 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd555fe0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd556070 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd556100 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8a20 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8ab8 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8b50 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8dc0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8e58 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8be8 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8f00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8c80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8fa0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9038 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8d18 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c90e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9178 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd557b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd557bb0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd557c40 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd557cd0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd557d60 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd557df0 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd557e80 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd557f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd557fa0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd558030 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5580c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd558150 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5581e0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd558270 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd557b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd557bb0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd557c40 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd557cd0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd557d60 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd557df0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd557e80 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd557f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd557fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [14] 0xaaaabd558300 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5580c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd558150 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [9] 0xaaaabd558030 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd558270 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd557b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd557bb0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd557c40 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd557cd0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd557d60 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd557df0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd557e80 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd557f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd557fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd558030 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5580c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd558150 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5581e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd558270 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: { 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys., 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name, 42: anchors_in_seqs: [ 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence, 42: *anchor_in_seq 42: ], 42: base: &base { 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: }, 42: foo: &foo { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 10 42: }, 42: bar: &bar { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 20 42: } 42: }--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6dd0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6e68 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f00 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9220 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c92b8 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f98 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9360 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7030 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9400 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9498 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c70c8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9540 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c95d8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd559e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd559f00 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd559f90 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd55a020 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd55a0b0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd55a140 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd55a1d0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd55a260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd55a2f0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd55a380 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd55a410 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd55a4a0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd55a530 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd55a5c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd559e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd559f00 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd559f90 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd55a020 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd55a0b0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd55a140 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd55a1d0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd55a260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd55a2f0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [14] 0xaaaabd55a650 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd55a410 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd55a4a0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [9] 0xaaaabd55a380 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd55a5c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd559e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd559f00 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd559f90 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd55a020 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd55a0b0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd55a140 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd55a1d0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd55a260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd55a2f0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd55a380 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd55a410 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd55a4a0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd55a530 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd55a5c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice 42: date: 2012-08-06 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: bill-to: &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: ship-to: *id001 42: specialDelivery: > 42: Follow the Yellow Brick 42: Road to the Emerald City. 42: Pay no attention to the 42: man behind the curtain. 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9c80 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9d18 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9db0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3960 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c39f8 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9e48 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca0b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5690 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5728 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c57c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca148 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca1f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca288 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca320 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca3b8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca450 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9ee0 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3510 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c35a8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3640 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9f78 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca010 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd55d470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd55d500 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd55d590 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd55d620 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd55d6b0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd55d740 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd55d7d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd55d860 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd55d8f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd55d980 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd55da10 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd55daa0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd55db30 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd55dbc0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd55dc50 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd55dce0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd55dd70 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd55de00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd55de90 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd55df20 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd55dfb0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd55e040 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd55e0d0 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd55e160 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice 42: date: 2012-08-06 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: bill-to: &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: ship-to: *id001 42: specialDelivery: > 42: Follow the Yellow Brick 42: Road to the Emerald City. 42: Pay no attention to the 42: man behind the curtain. 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca540 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca5d8 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca670 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca970 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caa08 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca708 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caab0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5900 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5998 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5a30 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ac8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cab48 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cabf0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cac88 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cad20 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cadb8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cae50 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca7a0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3e40 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3ed8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3f70 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca838 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caef0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caf88 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb020 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca8d0 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd560660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5606f0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd560780 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd560810 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5608a0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd560930 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5609c0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd560a50 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd560ae0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd560b70 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd560c00 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd560c90 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd560d20 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd560db0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd560e40 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd560ed0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd560f60 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd560ff0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd561080 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd561110 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5611a0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd561230 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5612c0 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd561350 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd560660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5606f0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd560780 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd560810 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5608a0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd560930 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5609c0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd560a50 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd560ae0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd560b70 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd560c00 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd560c90 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd560d20 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd560db0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd560e40 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd560ed0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd560f60 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd560ff0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd561080 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd561110 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5611a0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd561230 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5612c0 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [24] 0xaaaabd5613e0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [25] 0xaaaabd561470 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [26] 0xaaaabd561500 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [23] 0xaaaabd561350 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd560660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5606f0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd560780 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd560810 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5608a0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd560930 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5609c0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd560a50 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd560ae0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd560b70 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd560c00 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd560c90 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd560d20 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd560db0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd560e40 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd560ed0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd560f60 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd560ff0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd561080 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd561110 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5611a0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd561230 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5612c0 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd561350 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5613e0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd561470 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd561500 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001) 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001 42: - step: *id002 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccbc0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccf60 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccc58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd300 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd3a0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd438 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd4d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd568 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cccf0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd6a0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccd88 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd740 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cce20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd7e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd880 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd918 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cceb8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd9c0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd563820 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5638b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd563940 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5639d0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd563a60 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd563af0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd563b80 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd563c10 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd563ca0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd563d30 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd563dc0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd563e50 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd563ee0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd563f70 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd564000 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd564090 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd564120 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5641b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd564240 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5642d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd564360 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5643f0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd564480 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd564510 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5645a0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001) 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001 42: - step: *id002 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cec60 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c87a0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cecf8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8840 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf300 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf398 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf430 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf4c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf560 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ced90 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c88e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf600 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf698 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf730 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf7c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf860 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cee28 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8980 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf900 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf998 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfa30 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfac8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfb60 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ceec0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfc00 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfca0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfd38 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfdd0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfe68 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cff00 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cef58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cffa0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0040 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d00d8 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0170 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0208 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d02a0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5669e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd566a70 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd566b00 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd566b90 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd566c20 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd566cb0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd566d40 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd566dd0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd566e60 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd566ef0 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd566f80 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd567010 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5670a0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd567130 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5671c0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd567250 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5672e0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd567370 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd567400 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd567490 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd567520 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5675b0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd567640 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5676d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd567760 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd567bf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd567c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd567d10 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd567da0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd567e30 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd567ec0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd567f50 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd567fe0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd568070 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd568100 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd568190 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd568220 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5682b0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd568340 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5683d0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd568460 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5684f0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [25] 0xaaaabd568a00 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [26] 0xaaaabd568a90 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [27] 0xaaaabd568b20 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [28] 0xaaaabd568bb0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [29] 0xaaaabd568c40 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [17] 0xaaaabd568580 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [18] 0xaaaabd568610 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [30] 0xaaaabd568cd0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [31] 0xaaaabd568d60 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [32] 0xaaaabd568df0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [33] 0xaaaabd568e80 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [34] 0xaaaabd568f10 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [19] 0xaaaabd5686a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [20] 0xaaaabd568730 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [35] 0xaaaabd568fa0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [36] 0xaaaabd569030 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [37] 0xaaaabd5690c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [38] 0xaaaabd569150 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [22] 0xaaaabd568850 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [23] 0xaaaabd5688e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [24] 0xaaaabd568970 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [21] 0xaaaabd5687c0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5691e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd569270 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd569300 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd569390 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd567bf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd567c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd567d10 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd567da0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd567e30 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd567ec0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd567f50 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd567fe0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd568070 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd568100 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd568190 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd568220 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5682b0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd568340 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5683d0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd568460 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5684f0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd568580 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd568610 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5686a0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd568730 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5687c0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd568850 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5688e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd568970 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd568a00 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd568a90 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd568b20 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd568bb0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd568c40 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd568cd0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd568d60 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd568df0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd568e80 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd568f10 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd568fa0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd569030 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd5690c0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd569150 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5691e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd569270 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd569300 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd569390 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: --- 42: &a1 42: !!str 42: scalar1 42: --- &a1 !!str scalar1 42: --- 42: !!str 42: &a1 42: scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- 42: !!str 42: &a2 42: scalar2 42: --- &a2 !!str scalar2 42: --- 42: &a3 42: !!str scalar3 42: --- &a3 !!str scalar3 42: --- 42: &a4 !!map 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4 42: --- &a4 !!map 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- 42: !!map 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7 42: --- 42: !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: &a10 !!str key10: value9 42: --- 42: !!str &a11 42: value11 42: --- &a11 !!str value11 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d23b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 17 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0340 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d03d8 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0470 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0508 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d05a0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0638 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d06d0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0768 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0800 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce060 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0898 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce100 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0930 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c2ee0 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c2f78 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d09c8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce1a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0a60 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce240 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0af8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cda60 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0b90 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cdb00 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0c28 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0cc0 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56af10 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56afa0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56b030 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56b0c0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56b150 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56b1e0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56b270 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56b300 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd56b390 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd56b420 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd56b4b0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd56b540 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd56b5d0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd56b660 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd56b6f0 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd56b780 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd56b810 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd56b8a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd56b930 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd56b9c0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd56ba50 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd56bae0 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd56bb70 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd56bc00 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd56bc90 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd56bd20 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d24c8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce660 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce6f8 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce790 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce828 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce8c0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8150 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c81e8 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56a600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56a690 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56a720 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56a7b0 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56a840 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56a8d0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56a960 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56a9f0 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d25e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb0c0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb158 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb1f0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb288 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb320 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c82e0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8378 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56e960 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56e9f0 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56ea80 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56eb10 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56eba0 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56ec30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56ecc0 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56ed50 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56e960 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56e9f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56ea80 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56eb10 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56eba0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56ec30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56ecc0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56ed50 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56e960 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56e9f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56ea80 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56eb10 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56eba0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56ec30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56ecc0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56ed50 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d26f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c36e0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3778 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd570690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd570720 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5707b0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9680 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9718 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5723c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd572450 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5724e0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5723c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd572450 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5724e0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5723c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd572450 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5724e0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: 42: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: 42: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2928 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0ea0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0f38 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0fd0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1370 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1408 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1068 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3c70 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3d08 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3da0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1100 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d14b0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1548 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1198 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1230 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d15f0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1688 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d12c8 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1730 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d17c8 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd574f50 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd574fe0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd575070 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd575100 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd575190 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd575220 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5752b0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd575340 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5753d0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd575460 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5754f0 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd575580 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd575610 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5756a0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd575730 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5757c0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd575850 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5758e0 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd575970 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd575a00 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: 42: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: 42: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2a40 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d3b80 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3c18 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3cb0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4050 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d40e8 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3d48 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4190 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4228 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d42c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3de0 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4360 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d43f8 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3e78 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3f10 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d44a0 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4538 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3fa8 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d45e0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4678 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd577e90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd577f20 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd577fb0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd578040 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5780d0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd578160 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5781f0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd578280 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd578310 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5783a0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd578430 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5784c0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd578550 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5785e0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd578670 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd578700 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd578790 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd578820 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5788b0 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd578940 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd577e90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd577f20 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd577fb0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd578040 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5780d0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd578160 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5781f0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd578280 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd578310 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5783a0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd578430 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5784c0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd578550 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5785e0 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd578670 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd578700 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd578790 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd578820 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5788b0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd578940 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd577e90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd577f20 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd577fb0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd578040 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5780d0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd578160 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5781f0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd578280 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd578310 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5783a0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd578430 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5784c0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd578550 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5785e0 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd578670 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd578700 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd578790 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd578820 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5788b0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd578940 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2b58 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cbfe0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc4b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc548 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc5e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc078 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc680 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc718 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc7b0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc110 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb760 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc1a8 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb800 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc240 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4720 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d47b8 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4850 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d48e8 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4980 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4a18 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ab0 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc2d8 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc370 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc408 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57add0 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57ae60 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57aef0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57af80 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd57b010 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd57b0a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd57b130 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd57b1c0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd57b250 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd57b2e0 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd57b370 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd57b400 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd57b490 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd57b520 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd57b5b0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd57b640 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd57b6d0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd57b760 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd57b7f0 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd57b880 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd57b910 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd57b9a0 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd57ba30 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd57bac0 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4b50 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5020 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d50b8 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5150 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4be8 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d51f0 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5288 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5320 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4c80 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9bd0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4d18 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cca70 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d53c0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5458 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d54f0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5588 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5620 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d56b8 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5750 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d57f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5888 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5920 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d59c0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5a60 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57d400 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57d490 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57d520 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57d5b0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd57d640 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd57d6d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd57d760 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd57d7f0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd57d880 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd57d910 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd57d9a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd57da30 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd57dac0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd57db50 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd57dbe0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd57dc70 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd57dd00 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd57dd90 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd57de20 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd57deb0 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd57df40 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd57dfd0 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd57e060 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd57e0f0 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57d400 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57d490 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57d520 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57d5b0 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd57d640 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd57d6d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd57d760 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd57d7f0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd57d880 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd57d910 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd57d9a0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd57da30 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd57dac0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd57db50 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd57dbe0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd57dc70 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd57dd00 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd57dd90 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd57de20 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd57deb0 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd57df40 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd57dfd0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [24] 0xaaaabd57e180 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [25] 0xaaaabd57e210 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [26] 0xaaaabd57e2a0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [22] 0xaaaabd57e060 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [27] 0xaaaabd57e330 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [23] 0xaaaabd57e0f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd57e3c0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57d400 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57d490 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57d520 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57d5b0 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd57d640 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd57d6d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd57d760 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd57d7f0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd57d880 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd57d910 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd57d9a0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd57da30 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd57dac0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd57db50 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd57dbe0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd57dc70 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd57dd00 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd57dd90 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd57de20 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd57deb0 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd57df40 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd57dfd0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd57e060 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd57e0f0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd57e180 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd57e210 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd57e2a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd57e330 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd57e3c0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: a: 1 42: ? b 42: &anchor c: 3 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2d88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3aa0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3b38 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3bd0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57fa30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57fac0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57fb50 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57fbe0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: !!str &a1 "foo": 42: !!str bar 42: &a2 baz : *a1 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c97c0 KEYVAL***: &a1 '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9858 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd581760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5817f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd581880 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: !!str &a1 "foo": 42: !!str bar 42: &a2 baz : *a1 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2fb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9900 KEYVAL***: '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9998 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd583490 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd583520 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5835b0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd583490 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd583520 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5835b0 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd583490 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd583520 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5835b0 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 } 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 } 42: - &BIG { r: 10 } 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 } 42: 42: # All the following maps are equal: 42: 42: - # Explicit keys 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge one map 42: << : *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge multiple maps 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ] 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Override 42: << : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ] 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d18c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4130 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4600 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4698 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c41c8 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4740 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c47d8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4260 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4880 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c42f8 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4920 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4390 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c49c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4a58 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4af0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4b88 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4428 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4c30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4cc8 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4d60 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c44c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e00 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4f40 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4fd8 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e98 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4558 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5080 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5250 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c52e8 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5380 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5118 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c51b0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5846b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd584740 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5847d0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd584860 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5848f0 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd584980 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd584a10 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd584aa0 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd584b30 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd584bc0 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd584c50 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd584ce0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd584d70 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd584e00 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd584e90 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd584f20 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd584fb0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd585040 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5850d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd585160 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5851f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd585280 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd585310 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5853a0 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd585430 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5854c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd585550 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5855e0 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd585670 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd585700 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd585790 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd585820 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 } 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 } 42: - &BIG { r: 10 } 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 } 42: 42: # All the following maps are equal: 42: 42: - # Explicit keys 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge one map 42: << : *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Merge multiple maps 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ] 42: label: center/big 42: 42: - # Override 42: << : [ *SMALL, *LEFT, *BIG ] 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d19d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3020 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c30b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3820 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c38b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6280 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6320 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6010 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c63c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6458 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c64f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6588 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c60a8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6630 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c66c8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6760 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c67f8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6140 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c68a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6938 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c69d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6a68 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c61d8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6b10 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6ba8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6c40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6cd8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5858c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd585950 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5859e0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd585a70 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd585b00 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd585b90 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd585c20 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd585cb0 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd585d40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd585dd0 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd585e60 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd585ef0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd585f80 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd586010 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5860a0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd586130 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5861c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd586250 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5862e0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd586370 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd586400 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd586490 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd586520 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5865b0 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd586640 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5866d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd586760 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5867f0 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd586880 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd586910 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5869a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd586a30 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd586ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd586b60 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd586bf0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd586c80 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd586d10 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd586da0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd586e30 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd586ec0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd586f50 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd586fe0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd587070 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd587100 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd587190 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd587220 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5872b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd587340 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5873d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [32] 0xaaaabd587cd0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [33] 0xaaaabd587d60 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [18] 0xaaaabd5874f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [19] 0xaaaabd587580 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [20] 0xaaaabd587610 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [17] 0xaaaabd587460 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [34] 0xaaaabd587df0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [22] 0xaaaabd587730 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [24] 0xaaaabd587850 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [25] 0xaaaabd5878e0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [30] 0xaaaabd587bb0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [27] 0xaaaabd587a00 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [23] 0xaaaabd5877c0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [31] 0xaaaabd587c40 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd586ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd586b60 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd586bf0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd586c80 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd586d10 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd586da0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd586e30 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd586ec0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd586f50 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd586fe0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd587070 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd587100 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd587190 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd587220 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5872b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd587340 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5873d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd587460 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5874f0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd587580 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd587610 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5876a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd587730 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5877c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd587850 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5878e0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd587970 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd587a00 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd587a90 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd587b20 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd587bb0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c71f0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7288 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7320 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7590 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7628 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c73b8 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3200 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7450 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c76d0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7768 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c74e8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7810 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c78a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd583da0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd583e30 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd583ec0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd583f50 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd583fe0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd584070 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd584100 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd584190 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd584220 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5842b0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd584340 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5843d0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd584460 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5844f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: { 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys., 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name, 42: anchors_in_seqs: [ 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence, 42: *anchor_in_seq 42: ], 42: base: &base { 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: }, 42: foo: &foo { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 10 42: }, 42: bar: &bar { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 20 42: } 42: }--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7950 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c79e8 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7a80 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7cf0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7d88 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7b18 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7e30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7bb0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7ed0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7f68 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8010 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c80a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5858c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd585950 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5859e0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd585a70 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd585b00 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd585b90 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd585c20 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd585cb0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd585d40 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd585dd0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd585e60 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd585ef0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd585f80 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd586010 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8a20 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8ab8 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8b50 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8dc0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8e58 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8be8 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8f00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8c80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8fa0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9038 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8d18 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c90e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9178 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd588ee0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd588f70 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589000 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd589090 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589120 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5891b0 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589240 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5892d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589360 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5893f0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589480 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589510 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5895a0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589630 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd588ee0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd588f70 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589000 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd589090 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589120 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5891b0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589240 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5892d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589360 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [14] 0xaaaabd5896c0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589480 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589510 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [9] 0xaaaabd5893f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589630 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd588ee0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd588f70 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589000 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd589090 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589120 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5891b0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589240 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5892d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589360 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5893f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589480 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589510 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5895a0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589630 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: { 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys., 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name, 42: anchors_in_seqs: [ 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence, 42: *anchor_in_seq 42: ], 42: base: &base { 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: }, 42: foo: &foo { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 10 42: }, 42: bar: &bar { 42: <<: *base, 42: age: 20 42: } 42: }--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6dd0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6e68 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f00 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9220 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c92b8 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f98 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9360 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7030 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9400 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9498 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c70c8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9540 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c95d8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5897f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd589880 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589910 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5899a0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589a30 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd589ac0 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589b50 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd589be0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589c70 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd589d00 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589d90 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589e20 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd589eb0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589f40 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5897f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd589880 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589910 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5899a0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589a30 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd589ac0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589b50 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd589be0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589c70 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [14] 0xaaaabd589fd0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589d90 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589e20 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [9] 0xaaaabd589d00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589f40 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5897f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd589880 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589910 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5899a0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589a30 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd589ac0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589b50 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd589be0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589c70 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd589d00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589d90 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589e20 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd589eb0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589f40 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice 42: date: 2012-08-06 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: bill-to: &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: ship-to: *id001 42: specialDelivery: > 42: Follow the Yellow Brick 42: Road to the Emerald City. 42: Pay no attention to the 42: man behind the curtain. 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9c80 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9d18 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9db0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3960 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c39f8 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9e48 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca0b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5690 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5728 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c57c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca148 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca1f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca288 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca320 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca3b8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca450 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9ee0 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3510 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c35a8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3640 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9f78 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca010 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58aa10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58aaa0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58ab30 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58abc0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58ac50 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58ace0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58ad70 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58ae00 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58ae90 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58af20 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58afb0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58b040 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58b0d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58b160 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58b1f0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58b280 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58b310 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58b3a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58b430 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58b4c0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58b550 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58b5e0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58b670 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58b700 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice 42: date: 2012-08-06 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: bill-to: &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: ship-to: *id001 42: specialDelivery: > 42: Follow the Yellow Brick 42: Road to the Emerald City. 42: Pay no attention to the 42: man behind the curtain. 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca540 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca5d8 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca670 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca970 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caa08 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca708 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caab0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5900 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5998 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5a30 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ac8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cab48 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cabf0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cac88 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cad20 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cadb8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cae50 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca7a0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3e40 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3ed8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3f70 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca838 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caef0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caf88 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb020 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca8d0 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58bc20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58bcb0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58bd40 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58bdd0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58be60 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58bef0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58bf80 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58c010 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58c0a0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58c130 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58c1c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58c250 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58c2e0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58c370 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58c400 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58c490 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58c520 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58c5b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58c640 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58c6d0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58c760 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58c7f0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58c880 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58c910 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58bc20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58bcb0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58bd40 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58bdd0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58be60 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58bef0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58bf80 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58c010 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58c0a0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58c130 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58c1c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58c250 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58c2e0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58c370 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58c400 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58c490 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58c520 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58c5b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58c640 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58c6d0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58c760 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58c7f0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58c880 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [24] 0xaaaabd58c9a0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [25] 0xaaaabd58ca30 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [26] 0xaaaabd58cac0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [23] 0xaaaabd58c910 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58bc20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58bcb0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58bd40 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58bdd0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58be60 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58bef0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58bf80 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58c010 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58c0a0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58c130 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58c1c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58c250 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58c2e0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58c370 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58c400 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58c490 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58c520 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58c5b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58c640 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58c6d0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58c760 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58c7f0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58c880 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58c910 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58c9a0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd58ca30 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd58cac0 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001) 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001 42: - step: *id002 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccbc0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccf60 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccc58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd300 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd3a0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd438 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd4d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd568 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cccf0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd6a0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccd88 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd740 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cce20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd7e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd880 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd918 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cceb8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd9c0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58ce30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58cec0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58cf50 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58cfe0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58d070 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58d100 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58d190 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58d220 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58d2b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58d340 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58d3d0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58d460 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58d4f0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58d580 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58d610 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58d6a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58d730 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58d7c0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58d850 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58d8e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58d970 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58da00 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58da90 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58db20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58dbb0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001) 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001 42: - step: *id002 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cec60 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c87a0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cecf8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8840 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf300 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf398 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf430 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf4c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf560 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ced90 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c88e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf600 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf698 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf730 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf7c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf860 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cee28 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8980 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf900 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf998 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfa30 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfac8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfb60 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ceec0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfc00 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfca0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfd38 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfdd0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfe68 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cff00 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cef58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cffa0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0040 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d00d8 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0170 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0208 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d02a0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58e040 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58e0d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58e160 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58e1f0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58e280 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58e310 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58e3a0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58e430 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58e4c0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58e550 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58e5e0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58e670 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58e700 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58e790 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58e820 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58e8b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58e940 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58e9d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58ea60 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58eaf0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58eb80 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58ec10 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58eca0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58ed30 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58edc0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58f250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58f2e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58f370 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58f400 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58f490 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58f520 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58f5b0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58f640 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58f6d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58f760 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58f7f0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58f880 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58f910 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58f9a0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58fa30 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58fac0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58fb50 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [25] 0xaaaabd590060 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [26] 0xaaaabd5900f0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [27] 0xaaaabd590180 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [28] 0xaaaabd590210 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [29] 0xaaaabd5902a0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [17] 0xaaaabd58fbe0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [18] 0xaaaabd58fc70 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [30] 0xaaaabd590330 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [31] 0xaaaabd5903c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [32] 0xaaaabd590450 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [33] 0xaaaabd5904e0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [34] 0xaaaabd590570 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [19] 0xaaaabd58fd00 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [20] 0xaaaabd58fd90 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [35] 0xaaaabd590600 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [36] 0xaaaabd590690 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [37] 0xaaaabd590720 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [38] 0xaaaabd5907b0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [22] 0xaaaabd58feb0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [23] 0xaaaabd58ff40 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [24] 0xaaaabd58ffd0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [21] 0xaaaabd58fe20 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd590840 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5908d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd590960 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5909f0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58f250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58f2e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58f370 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58f400 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58f490 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58f520 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58f5b0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58f640 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58f6d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58f760 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58f7f0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58f880 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58f910 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58f9a0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58fa30 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58fac0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58fb50 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58fbe0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58fc70 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58fd00 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58fd90 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58fe20 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58feb0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58ff40 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58ffd0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd590060 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5900f0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd590180 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd590210 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5902a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd590330 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5903c0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd590450 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd5904e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd590570 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd590600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd590690 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd590720 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd5907b0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd590840 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5908d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd590960 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5909f0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: --- 42: &a1 42: !!str 42: scalar1 42: --- &a1 !!str scalar1 42: --- 42: !!str 42: &a1 42: scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- 42: !!str 42: &a2 42: scalar2 42: --- &a2 !!str scalar2 42: --- 42: &a3 42: !!str scalar3 42: --- &a3 !!str scalar3 42: --- 42: &a4 !!map 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4 42: --- &a4 !!map 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- 42: !!map 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7 42: --- 42: !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: &a10 !!str key10: value9 42: --- 42: !!str &a11 42: value11 42: --- &a11 !!str value11 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d23b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 17 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0340 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d03d8 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0470 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0508 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d05a0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0638 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d06d0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0768 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0800 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce060 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0898 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce100 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0930 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c2ee0 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c2f78 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d09c8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce1a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0a60 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce240 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0af8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cda60 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0b90 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cdb00 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0c28 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0cc0 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58e040 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58e0d0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58e160 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58e1f0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58e280 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58e310 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58e3a0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58e430 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58e4c0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58e550 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58e5e0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58e670 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58e700 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58e790 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58e820 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58e8b0 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58e940 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58e9d0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58ea60 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58eaf0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58eb80 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58ec10 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58eca0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58ed30 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58edc0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd58ee50 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d24c8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce660 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce6f8 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce790 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce828 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce8c0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8150 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c81e8 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58a100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58a190 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58a220 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58a2b0 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58a340 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58a3d0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58a460 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58a4f0 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d25e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb0c0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb158 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb1f0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb288 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb320 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c82e0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8378 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd591660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5916f0 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd591780 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd591810 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5918a0 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd591930 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5919c0 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd591a50 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd591660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5916f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd591780 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd591810 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5918a0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd591930 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5919c0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd591a50 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd591660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5916f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd591780 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd591810 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5918a0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd591930 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5919c0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd591a50 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d26f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c36e0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3778 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd591f70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd592000 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd592090 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}--------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9680 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9718 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd592880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd592910 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5929a0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd592880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd592910 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5929a0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd592880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd592910 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5929a0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: 42: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: 42: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2928 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0ea0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0f38 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0fd0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1370 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1408 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1068 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3c70 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3d08 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3da0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1100 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d14b0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1548 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1198 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1230 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d15f0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1688 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d12c8 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1730 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d17c8 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd593aa0 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd593b30 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd593bc0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd593c50 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd593ce0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd593d70 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd593e00 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd593e90 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd593f20 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd593fb0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd594040 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5940d0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd594160 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5941f0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd594280 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd594310 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5943a0 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd594430 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5944c0 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd594550 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: 42: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: 42: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2a40 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d3b80 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3c18 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3cb0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4050 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d40e8 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3d48 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4190 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4228 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d42c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3de0 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4360 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d43f8 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3e78 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3f10 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d44a0 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4538 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3fa8 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d45e0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4678 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd594cb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd594d40 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd594dd0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd594e60 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd594ef0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd594f80 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd595010 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5950a0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd595130 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5951c0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd595250 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5952e0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd595370 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd595400 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd595490 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd595520 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5955b0 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd595640 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5956d0 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd595760 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd594cb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd594d40 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd594dd0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd594e60 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd594ef0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd594f80 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd595010 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5950a0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd595130 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5951c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd595250 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5952e0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd595370 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd595400 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd595490 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd595520 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5955b0 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd595640 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5956d0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd595760 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd594cb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd594d40 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd594dd0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd594e60 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd594ef0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd594f80 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd595010 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5950a0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd595130 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5951c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd595250 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5952e0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd595370 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd595400 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd595490 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd595520 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5955b0 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd595640 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5956d0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd595760 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2b58 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cbfe0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc4b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc548 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc5e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc078 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc680 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc718 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc7b0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc110 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb760 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc1a8 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb800 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc240 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4720 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d47b8 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4850 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d48e8 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4980 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4a18 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ab0 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc2d8 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc370 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc408 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd595ec0 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd595f50 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd595fe0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd596070 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd596100 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd596190 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd596220 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5962b0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd596340 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5963d0 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd596460 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5964f0 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd596580 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd596610 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5966a0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd596730 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5967c0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd596850 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5968e0 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd596970 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd596a00 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd596a90 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd596b20 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd596bb0 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4b50 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5020 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d50b8 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5150 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4be8 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d51f0 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5288 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5320 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4c80 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9bd0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4d18 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cca70 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d53c0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5458 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d54f0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5588 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5620 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d56b8 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5750 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d57f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5888 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5920 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d59c0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5a60 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5970d0 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd597160 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5971f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd597280 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd597310 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5973a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd597430 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5974c0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd597550 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5975e0 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd597670 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd597700 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd597790 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd597820 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5978b0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd597940 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5979d0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd597a60 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd597af0 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd597b80 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd597c10 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd597ca0 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd597d30 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd597dc0 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5970d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd597160 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5971f0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd597280 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd597310 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5973a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd597430 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5974c0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd597550 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5975e0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd597670 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd597700 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd597790 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd597820 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5978b0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd597940 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5979d0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd597a60 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd597af0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd597b80 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd597c10 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd597ca0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [24] 0xaaaabd597e50 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [25] 0xaaaabd597ee0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [26] 0xaaaabd597f70 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [22] 0xaaaabd597d30 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [27] 0xaaaabd598000 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [23] 0xaaaabd597dc0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd598090 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5970d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd597160 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5971f0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd597280 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd597310 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5973a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd597430 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5974c0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd597550 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5975e0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd597670 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd597700 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd597790 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd597820 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5978b0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd597940 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5979d0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd597a60 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd597af0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd597b80 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd597c10 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd597ca0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd597d30 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd597dc0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd597e50 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd597ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd597f70 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd598000 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd598090 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: a: 1 42: ? b 42: &anchor c: 3 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2d88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3aa0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3b38 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3bd0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd593190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd593220 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5932b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd593340 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: !!str &a1 "foo": 42: !!str bar 42: &a2 baz : *a1 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c97c0 KEYVAL***: &a1 '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9858 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5982e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd598370 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd598400 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --------------- 42: 42: !!str &a1 "foo": 42: !!str bar 42: &a2 baz : *a1 42: --------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2fb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9900 KEYVAL***: '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9998 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: PARSED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd598bf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd598c80 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd598d10 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: resolved tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd598bf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd598c80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd598d10 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: reordered tree!!! 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd598bf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd598c80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd598d10 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - &CENTER 42: x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - &LEFT 42: x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - &BIG 42: r: 10 42: - &SMALL 42: r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: *CENTER 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *CENTER 42: - *BIG 42: label: center/big 42: - <<: 42: - *BIG 42: - *LEFT 42: - *SMALL 42: x: 1 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: - x: 0 42: y: 2 42: - r: 10 42: - r: 1 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: - x: 1 42: y: 2 42: r: 10 42: label: center/big 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - *anchor_in_seq 42: base: &base 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: &foo 42: <<: *base 42: age: 10 42: bar: &bar 42: <<: *base 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys. 42: anchors_in_seqs: 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence 42: base: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: foo: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 10 42: bar: 42: name: Everyone has same name 42: age: 20 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': &id001 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': *id001 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' 42: date: '2012-08-06' 42: customer: 42: first_name: Dorothy 42: family_name: Gale 42: items: 42: - part_no: A4786 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled) 42: price: 1.47 42: quantity: 4 42: - part_no: E1628 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' 42: size: 8 42: price: 133.7 42: quantity: 1 42: 'bill-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: 'ship-to': 42: street: | 42: 123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: 42: city: East Centerville 42: state: KS 42: specialDelivery: | 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: &id001 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: &id002 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id001 42: - step: *id002 42: - step: 42: <<: *id001 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: *id002 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 1mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4 42: pulseDuration: 12 42: repetition: 1000 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: - step: 42: instrument: Lasik 2000 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0 42: pulseDuration: 10 42: repetition: 500 42: spotSize: 2mm 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- !!map &a4 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4 42: --- 42: a6: 1 42: &anchor6 b6: 2 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!map 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: --- !!str &a11 value11 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: &vref b 42: *vref: c 42: &kref aa: bb 42: aaa: &kvref bbb 42: foo: 42: *kref: cc 42: *kvref: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: b 42: b: c 42: aa: bb 42: aaa: bbb 42: foo: 42: aa: cc 42: bbb: cc 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &rootanchor 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0 42: *b0: *a0 42: map1: 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 42: *b1: *a1 42: map2: 42: *b0: *a0 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2 42: *b2: *a2 42: map3: &a3 42: a3: &b3 b3 42: *b3: *b0 42: map4: *a0 42: map5: &map5 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5 42: *b5: *a5 42: map6: &map6 42: a6: &b6 b6 42: *b6: *b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a0: b0 42: b0: a0 42: map1: 42: a1: b1 42: b1: a1 42: map2: 42: b0: a0 42: a2: b2 42: b2: a2 42: map3: 42: a3: b3 42: b3: b0 42: map4: a0 42: map5: 42: a5: b5 42: b5: a5 42: map6: 42: a6: b6 42: b6: b6 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: &seq 42: - &a0 42: &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a4 k4: v4 42: &a5 k5: v5 42: &a6 k6: v6 42: - &a7 42: &a8 k8: v8 42: - &a9 42: k10: v10 42: - *a1: w1 42: *a2: w2 42: *a3: w3 42: *a4: w4 42: *a5: w5 42: *a6: w6 42: *a8: w8 42: - *a0 42: - *a7 42: - *a9 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: - k1: v1 42: k2: v2 42: k3: v3 42: - k4: v4 42: k5: v5 42: k6: v6 42: - k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: - k1: w1 42: k2: w2 42: k3: w3 42: k4: w4 42: k5: w5 42: k6: w6 42: k8: w8 42: - &a1 k1: v1 42: &a2 k2: v2 42: &a3 k3: v3 42: - &a8 k8: v8 42: - k10: v10 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: a: 1 42: b: 42: &anchor c: 3 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar 42: &a2 baz: *a1 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar 42: baz: foo 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html\n 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 }\n 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 }\n 42: - &BIG { r: 10 }\n 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 }\n 42: \n 42: # All the following maps are equal:\n 42: \n 42: - # Explicit keys\n 42: x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: \n 42: - # Merge one map\n 42: << : *CENTER\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: \n 42: - # Merge multiple maps\n 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: \n 42: - # Override\n 42: << : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ]\n 42: x: 1\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd54d110 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd54d1a0 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd54d230 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd54d2c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd54d350 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd54d3e0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd54d470 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd54d500 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd54d590 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd54d620 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd54d6b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd54d740 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd54d7d0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd54d860 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd54d8f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd54d980 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd54da10 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd54daa0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd54db30 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd54dbc0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd54dc50 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd54dce0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd54dd70 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd54de00 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd54de90 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd54df20 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd54dfb0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd54e040 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd54e0d0 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd54e160 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd54e1f0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd54e280 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - &CENTER\n 42: x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - &LEFT\n 42: x: 0\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - &BIG\n 42: r: 10\n 42: - &SMALL\n 42: r: 1\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - <<: *CENTER\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - <<:\n 42: - *CENTER\n 42: - *BIG\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - <<:\n 42: - *BIG\n 42: - *LEFT\n 42: - *SMALL\n 42: x: 1\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd59f910 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd59f9a0 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd59fa30 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd59fac0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd59fb50 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd59fbe0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd59fc70 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd59fd00 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd59fd90 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd59fe20 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd59feb0 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd59ff40 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd59ffd0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a0060 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a00f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a0180 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a0210 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a02a0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a0330 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a03c0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a0450 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a04e0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a0570 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a0600 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5a0690 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5a0720 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5a07b0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5a0840 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5a08d0 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5a0960 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5a09f0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5a0a80 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html\n 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 }\n 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 }\n 42: - &BIG { r: 10 }\n 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 }\n 42: \n 42: # All the following maps are equal:\n 42: \n 42: - # Explicit keys\n 42: x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: \n 42: - # Merge one map\n 42: << : *CENTER\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: \n 42: - # Merge multiple maps\n 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: \n 42: - # Override\n 42: << : [ *SMALL, *LEFT, *BIG ]\n 42: x: 1\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd551260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5512f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd551380 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd551410 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5514a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd551530 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5515c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd551650 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5516e0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd551770 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd551800 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd551890 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd551920 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5519b0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd551a40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd551ad0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd551b60 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd551bf0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd551c80 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd551d10 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd551da0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd551e30 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd551ec0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd551f50 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd551fe0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd552070 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd552100 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd552190 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd552220 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5522b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd552340 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - x: 0\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - r: 10\n 42: - r: 1\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a0b20 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a0bb0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a0c40 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a0cd0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a0d60 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a0df0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a0e80 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a0f10 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a0fa0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a1030 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a10c0 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a1150 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a11e0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a1270 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a1300 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a1390 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a1420 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a14b0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a1540 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a15d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a1660 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a16f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a1780 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a1810 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5a18a0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5a1930 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5a19c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5a1a50 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5a1ae0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5a1b70 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5a1c00 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\n 42: base: &base\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo: &foo\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar: &bar\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd553670 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd553700 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd553790 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd553820 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5538b0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd553940 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5539d0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd553a60 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd553af0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd553b80 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd553c10 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd553ca0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd553d30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd553dc0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\n 42: base: &base\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo: &foo\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar: &bar\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd59f000 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd59f090 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd59f120 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd59f1b0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd59f240 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd59f2d0 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd59f360 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd59f3f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd59f480 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd59f510 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd59f5a0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd59f630 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd59f6c0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd59f750 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {\n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.,\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name,\n 42: anchors_in_seqs: [\n 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence,\n 42: *anchor_in_seq\n 42: ],\n 42: base: &base {\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: },\n 42: foo: &foo {\n 42: <<: *base,\n 42: age: 10\n 42: },\n 42: bar: &bar {\n 42: <<: *base,\n 42: age: 20\n 42: }\n 42: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5559b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd555a40 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd555ad0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd555b60 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd555bf0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd555c80 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd555d10 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd555da0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd555e30 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd555ec0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd555f50 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd555fe0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd556070 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd556100 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\n 42: base: &base\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo: &foo\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar: &bar\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a1d30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a1dc0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a1e50 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a1ee0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a1f70 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a2000 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a2090 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a2120 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a21b0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a2240 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a22d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a2360 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a23f0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a2480 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\n 42: base: &base\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo: &foo\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar: &bar\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd557b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd557bb0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd557c40 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd557cd0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd557d60 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd557df0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd557e80 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd557f10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd557fa0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd558030 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5580c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd558150 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5581e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd558270 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: base:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a2640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a26d0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a2760 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a27f0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a2880 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a2910 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a29a0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a2a30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a2ac0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a2b50 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a2be0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a2c70 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a2d00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a2d90 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {\n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.,\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name,\n 42: anchors_in_seqs: [\n 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence,\n 42: *anchor_in_seq\n 42: ],\n 42: base: &base {\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: },\n 42: foo: &foo {\n 42: <<: *base,\n 42: age: 10\n 42: },\n 42: bar: &bar {\n 42: <<: *base,\n 42: age: 20\n 42: }\n 42: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd559e70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd559f00 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd559f90 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd55a020 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd55a0b0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd55a140 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd55a1d0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd55a260 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd55a2f0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd55a380 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd55a410 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd55a4a0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd55a530 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd55a5c0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: base:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a2f50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a2fe0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a3070 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a3100 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a3190 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a3220 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a32b0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a3340 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a33d0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a3460 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a34f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a3580 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a3610 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a36a0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice\n 42: date: 2012-08-06\n 42: customer:\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\n 42: family_name: Gale\n 42: items:\n 42: - part_no: A4786\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 42: price: 1.47\n 42: quantity: 4\n 42: - part_no: E1628\n 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\n 42: size: 8\n 42: price: 133.7\n 42: quantity: 1\n 42: bill-to: &id001\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: ey\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: ship-to: *id001\n 42: specialDelivery: >\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: nd the curtain.\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd55d470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd55d500 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd55d590 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd55d620 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd55d6b0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd55d740 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd55d7d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd55d860 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd55d8f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd55d980 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd55da10 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd55daa0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd55db30 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd55dbc0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd55dc50 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd55dce0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd55dd70 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd55de00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd55de90 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd55df20 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd55dfb0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd55e040 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd55e0d0 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd55e160 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice'\n 42: date: '2012-08-06'\n 42: customer:\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\n 42: family_name: Gale\n 42: items:\n 42: - part_no: A4786\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 42: price: 1.47\n 42: quantity: 4\n 42: - part_no: E1628\n 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 42: size: 8\n 42: price: 133.7\n 42: quantity: 1\n 42: 'bill-to': &id001\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: \n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: 'ship-to': *id001\n 42: specialDelivery: |\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: \n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a4170 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a4200 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a4290 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a4320 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a43b0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a4440 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a44d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a4560 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a45f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a4680 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a4710 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a47a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a4830 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a48c0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a4950 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a49e0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a4a70 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a4b00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a4b90 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a4c20 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a4cb0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a4d40 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a4dd0 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a4e60 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice\n 42: date: 2012-08-06\n 42: customer:\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\n 42: family_name: Gale\n 42: items:\n 42: - part_no: A4786\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 42: price: 1.47\n 42: quantity: 4\n 42: - part_no: E1628\n 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\n 42: size: 8\n 42: price: 133.7\n 42: quantity: 1\n 42: bill-to: &id001\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: ey\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: ship-to: *id001\n 42: specialDelivery: >\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: nd the curtain.\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd560660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5606f0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd560780 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd560810 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5608a0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd560930 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5609c0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd560a50 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd560ae0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd560b70 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd560c00 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd560c90 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd560d20 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd560db0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd560e40 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd560ed0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd560f60 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd560ff0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd561080 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd561110 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5611a0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd561230 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5612c0 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd561350 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5613e0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd561470 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd561500 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice'\n 42: date: '2012-08-06'\n 42: customer:\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\n 42: family_name: Gale\n 42: items:\n 42: - part_no: A4786\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 42: price: 1.47\n 42: quantity: 4\n 42: - part_no: E1628\n 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 42: size: 8\n 42: price: 133.7\n 42: quantity: 1\n 42: 'bill-to':\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: \n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: 'ship-to':\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: \n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: specialDelivery: |\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: \n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a5380 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a5410 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a54a0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a5530 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a55c0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a5650 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a56e0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a5770 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a5800 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a5890 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a5920 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a59b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a5a40 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a5ad0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a5b60 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a5bf0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a5c80 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a5d10 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a5da0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a5e30 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a5ec0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a5f50 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a5fe0 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a6070 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5a6100 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5a6190 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5a6220 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step: &id002\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001)\n 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step\n 42: - step:\n 42: <<: *id001\n 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001\n 42: - step: *id002\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd563820 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5638b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd563940 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5639d0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd563a60 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd563af0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd563b80 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd563c10 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd563ca0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd563d30 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd563dc0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd563e50 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd563ee0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd563f70 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd564000 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd564090 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd564120 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5641b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd564240 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5642d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd564360 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5643f0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd564480 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd564510 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5645a0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - step: &id001\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step: &id002\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step: *id001\n 42: - step: *id002\n 42: - step:\n 42: <<: *id001\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step: *id002\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a6590 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a6620 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a66b0 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a6740 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a67d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a6860 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a68f0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a6980 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a6a10 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a6aa0 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a6b30 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a6bc0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a6c50 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a6ce0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a6d70 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a6e00 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a6e90 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a6f20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a6fb0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a7040 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a70d0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a7160 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a71f0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a7280 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5a7310 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step: &id002\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001)\n 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step\n 42: - step:\n 42: <<: *id001\n 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001\n 42: - step: *id002\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd567bf0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd567c80 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd567d10 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd567da0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd567e30 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd567ec0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd567f50 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd567fe0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd568070 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd568100 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd568190 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd568220 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5682b0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd568340 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5683d0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd568460 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5684f0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd568580 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd568610 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5686a0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd568730 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5687c0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd568850 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5688e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd568970 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd568a00 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd568a90 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd568b20 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd568bb0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd568c40 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd568cd0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd568d60 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd568df0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd568e80 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd568f10 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd568fa0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd569030 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd5690c0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd569150 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5691e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd569270 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd569300 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd569390 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a89b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a8a40 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a8ad0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a8b60 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a8bf0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a8c80 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a8d10 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a8da0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a8e30 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a8ec0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a8f50 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a8fe0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a9070 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a9100 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a9190 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a9220 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a92b0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a9340 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a93d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a9460 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a94f0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a9580 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a9610 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a96a0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5a9730 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5a97c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5a9850 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5a98e0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5a9970 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5a9a00 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5a9a90 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5a9b20 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd5a9bb0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd5a9c40 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd5a9cd0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd5a9d60 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd5a9df0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd5a9e80 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd5a9f10 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5a9fa0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5aa030 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd5aa0c0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5aa150 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: ---\n 42: &a1\n 42: !!str\n 42: scalar1\n 42: --- &a1 !!str scalar1\n 42: ---\n 42: !!str\n 42: &a1\n 42: scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: ---\n 42: !!str\n 42: &a2\n 42: scalar2\n 42: --- &a2 !!str scalar2\n 42: ---\n 42: &a3\n 42: !!str scalar3\n 42: --- &a3 !!str scalar3\n 42: ---\n 42: &a4 !!map\n 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4\n 42: --- &a4 !!map\n 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4\n 42: ---\n 42: a6: 1\n 42: &anchor6 b6: 2\n 42: ---\n 42: !!map\n 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7\n 42: ---\n 42: !!map\n 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: &a10 !!str key10: value9\n 42: ---\n 42: !!str &a11\n 42: value11\n 42: --- &a11 !!str value11\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56af10 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56afa0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56b030 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56b0c0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56b150 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56b1e0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56b270 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56b300 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd56b390 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd56b420 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd56b4b0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd56b540 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd56b5d0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd56b660 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd56b6f0 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd56b780 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd56b810 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd56b8a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd56b930 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd56b9c0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd56ba50 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd56bae0 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd56bb70 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd56bc00 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd56bc90 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd56bd20 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2\n 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2\n 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3\n 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3\n 42: --- !!map &a4\n 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4\n 42: --- !!map &a4\n 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4\n 42: ---\n 42: a6: 1\n 42: &anchor6 b6: 2\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9\n 42: --- !!str &a11 value11\n 42: --- !!str &a11 value11\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a77a0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a7830 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a78c0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a7950 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a79e0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a7a70 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a7b00 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a7b90 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5a7c20 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5a7cb0 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5a7d40 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5a7dd0 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5a7e60 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5a7ef0 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5a7f80 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5a8010 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5a80a0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5a8130 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5a81c0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5a8250 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5a82e0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5a8370 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5a8400 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5a8490 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5a8520 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5a85b0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: a: &vref b\n 42: *vref: c\n 42: &kref aa: bb\n 42: aaa: &kvref bbb\n 42: foo:\n 42: *kref: cc\n 42: *kvref: cc\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56a600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56a690 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56a720 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56a7b0 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56a840 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56a8d0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56a960 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56a9f0 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a: &vref b\n 42: *vref: c\n 42: &kref aa: bb\n 42: aaa: &kvref bbb\n 42: foo:\n 42: *kref: cc\n 42: *kvref: cc\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5a3860 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5a38f0 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5a3980 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5a3a10 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5a3aa0 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5a3b30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5a3bc0 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5a3c50 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: a: &vref b\n 42: *vref: c\n 42: &kref aa: bb\n 42: aaa: &kvref bbb\n 42: foo:\n 42: *kref: cc\n 42: *kvref: cc\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd56e960 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd56e9f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd56ea80 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd56eb10 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd56eba0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd56ec30 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd56ecc0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd56ed50 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a: b\n 42: b: c\n 42: aa: bb\n 42: aaa: bbb\n 42: foo:\n 42: aa: cc\n 42: bbb: cc\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5aadc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5aae50 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5aaee0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5aaf70 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ab000 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ab090 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ab120 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5ab1b0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd570690 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd570720 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5707b0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ab6d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ab760 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ab7f0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5723c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd572450 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5724e0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a0: b0\n 42: b0: a0\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5abfe0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ac070 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ac100 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: &rootanchor\n 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: map1:\n 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1\n 42: *b1: *a1\n 42: map2:\n 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation\n 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2\n 42: *b2: *a2\n 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3\n 42: a3: &b3 b3\n 42: *b3: *b0\n 42: map4: *a0\n 42: map5:\n 42: &map5\n 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5\n 42: *b5: *a5\n 42: map6:\n 42: &map6\n 42: a6: &b6 b6\n 42: *b6: *b6\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd574f50 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd574fe0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd575070 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd575100 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd575190 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd575220 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5752b0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd575340 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5753d0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd575460 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5754f0 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd575580 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd575610 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5756a0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd575730 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5757c0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd575850 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5758e0 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd575970 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd575a00 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: &rootanchor\n 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: map1:\n 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1\n 42: *b1: *a1\n 42: map2:\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2\n 42: *b2: *a2\n 42: map3: &a3\n 42: a3: &b3 b3\n 42: *b3: *b0\n 42: map4: *a0\n 42: map5: &map5\n 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5\n 42: *b5: *a5\n 42: map6: &map6\n 42: a6: &b6 b6\n 42: *b6: *b6\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ad200 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ad290 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ad320 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5ad3b0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ad440 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ad4d0 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ad560 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5ad5f0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5ad680 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5ad710 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5ad7a0 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5ad830 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5ad8c0 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5ad950 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5ad9e0 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5ada70 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5adb00 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5adb90 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5adc20 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5adcb0 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: map1:\n 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1\n 42: *b1: *a1\n 42: map2:\n 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation\n 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2\n 42: *b2: *a2\n 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3\n 42: a3: &b3 b3\n 42: *b3: *b0\n 42: map4: *a0\n 42: map5:\n 42: &map5\n 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5\n 42: *b5: *a5\n 42: map6:\n 42: &map6\n 42: a6: &b6 b6\n 42: *b6: *b6\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd577e90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd577f20 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd577fb0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd578040 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5780d0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd578160 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5781f0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd578280 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd578310 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5783a0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd578430 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5784c0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd578550 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5785e0 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd578670 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd578700 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd578790 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd578820 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5788b0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd578940 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a0: b0\n 42: b0: a0\n 42: map1:\n 42: a1: b1\n 42: b1: a1\n 42: map2:\n 42: b0: a0\n 42: a2: b2\n 42: b2: a2\n 42: map3:\n 42: a3: b3\n 42: b3: b0\n 42: map4: a0\n 42: map5:\n 42: a5: b5\n 42: b5: a5\n 42: map6:\n 42: a6: b6\n 42: b6: b6\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ae410 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ae4a0 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ae530 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5ae5c0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ae650 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ae6e0 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ae770 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5ae800 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5ae890 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5ae920 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5ae9b0 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5aea40 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5aead0 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5aeb60 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5aebf0 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5aec80 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5aed10 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5aeda0 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5aee30 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5aeec0 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: &seq\n 42: - &a0\n 42: &a1 k1: v1\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\n 42: - &a4 k4: v4\n 42: &a5 k5: v5\n 42: &a6 k6: v6\n 42: - &a7\n 42: &a8 k8: v8\n 42: - &a9\n 42: k10: v10\n 42: - *a1: w1\n 42: *a2: w2\n 42: *a3: w3\n 42: *a4: w4\n 42: *a5: w5\n 42: *a6: w6\n 42: *a8: w8\n 42: - *a0\n 42: - *a7\n 42: - *a9\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57add0 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57ae60 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57aef0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57af80 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd57b010 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd57b0a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd57b130 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd57b1c0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd57b250 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd57b2e0 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd57b370 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd57b400 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd57b490 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd57b520 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd57b5b0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd57b640 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd57b6d0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd57b760 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd57b7f0 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd57b880 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd57b910 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd57b9a0 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd57ba30 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd57bac0 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: &seq\n 42: - &a0\n 42: &a1 k1: v1\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\n 42: - &a4 k4: v4\n 42: &a5 k5: v5\n 42: &a6 k6: v6\n 42: - &a7\n 42: &a8 k8: v8\n 42: - &a9\n 42: k10: v10\n 42: - *a1: w1\n 42: *a2: w2\n 42: *a3: w3\n 42: *a4: w4\n 42: *a5: w5\n 42: *a6: w6\n 42: *a8: w8\n 42: - *a0\n 42: - *a7\n 42: - *a9\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5af620 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5af6b0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5af740 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5af7d0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5af860 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5af8f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5af980 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5afa10 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5afaa0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5afb30 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5afbc0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5afc50 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5afce0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5afd70 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5afe00 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5afe90 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5aff20 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5affb0 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5b0040 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5b00d0 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5b0160 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5b01f0 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5b0280 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5b0310 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: &seq\n 42: - &a0\n 42: &a1 k1: v1\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\n 42: - &a4 k4: v4\n 42: &a5 k5: v5\n 42: &a6 k6: v6\n 42: - &a7\n 42: &a8 k8: v8\n 42: - &a9\n 42: k10: v10\n 42: - *a1: w1\n 42: *a2: w2\n 42: *a3: w3\n 42: *a4: w4\n 42: *a5: w5\n 42: *a6: w6\n 42: *a8: w8\n 42: - *a0\n 42: - *a7\n 42: - *a9\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57d400 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57d490 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57d520 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57d5b0 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd57d640 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd57d6d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd57d760 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd57d7f0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd57d880 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd57d910 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd57d9a0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd57da30 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd57dac0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd57db50 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd57dbe0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd57dc70 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd57dd00 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd57dd90 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd57de20 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd57deb0 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd57df40 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd57dfd0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd57e060 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd57e0f0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd57e180 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd57e210 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd57e2a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd57e330 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd57e3c0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - k1: v1\n 42: k2: v2\n 42: k3: v3\n 42: - k4: v4\n 42: k5: v5\n 42: k6: v6\n 42: - k8: v8\n 42: - k10: v10\n 42: - k1: w1\n 42: k2: w2\n 42: k3: w3\n 42: k4: w4\n 42: k5: w5\n 42: k6: w6\n 42: k8: w8\n 42: - &a1 k1: v1\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\n 42: - &a8 k8: v8\n 42: - k10: v10\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b0830 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b08c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b0950 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b09e0 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b0a70 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b0b00 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b0b90 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b0c20 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b0cb0 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b0d40 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b0dd0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b0e60 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b0ef0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b0f80 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5b1010 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5b10a0 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5b1130 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5b11c0 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5b1250 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5b12e0 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5b1370 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5b1400 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5b1490 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5b1520 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5b15b0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5b1640 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5b16d0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5b1760 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5b17f0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: a: 1\n 42: ? b\n 42: &anchor c: 3\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd57fa30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd57fac0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd57fb50 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd57fbe0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a: 1\n 42: b: \n 42: &anchor c: 3\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ac8f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ac980 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5aca10 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5acaa0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: !!str &a1 "foo":\n 42: !!str bar\n 42: &a2 baz : *a1\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd581760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5817f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd581880 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar\n 42: &a2 baz: *a1\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b1a40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b1ad0 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b1b60 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \n 42: !!str &a1 "foo":\n 42: !!str bar\n 42: &a2 baz : *a1\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd583490 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd583520 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5835b0 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar\n 42: baz: foo\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b2350 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b23e0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b2470 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html\r\n 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 }\r\n 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 }\r\n 42: - &BIG { r: 10 }\r\n 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 }\r\n 42: \r\n 42: # All the following maps are equal:\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Explicit keys\r\n 42: x: 1\r\n 42: y: 2\r\n 42: r: 10\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Merge one map\r\n 42: << : *CENTER\r\n 42: r: 10\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Merge multiple maps\r\n 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Override\r\n 42: << : [ *BIG, *LEFT, *SMALL ]\r\n 42: x: 1\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5846b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd584740 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5847d0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd584860 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5848f0 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd584980 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd584a10 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd584aa0 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd584b30 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd584bc0 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd584c50 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd584ce0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd584d70 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd584e00 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd584e90 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd584f20 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd584fb0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd585040 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5850d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd585160 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5851f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd585280 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd585310 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5853a0 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd585430 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5854c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd585550 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5855e0 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd585670 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd585700 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd585790 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd585820 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - &CENTER\n 42: x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - &LEFT\n 42: x: 0\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - &BIG\n 42: r: 10\n 42: - &SMALL\n 42: r: 1\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - <<: *CENTER\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - <<:\n 42: - *CENTER\n 42: - *BIG\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - <<:\n 42: - *BIG\n 42: - *LEFT\n 42: - *SMALL\n 42: x: 1\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b3570 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b3600 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b3690 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b3720 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b37b0 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b3840 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b38d0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b3960 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b39f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b3a80 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b3b10 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b3ba0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b3c30 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b3cc0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5b3d50 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5b3de0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5b3e70 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5b3f00 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5b3f90 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5b4020 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5b40b0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5b4140 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5b41d0 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5b4260 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5b42f0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5b4380 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5b4410 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5b44a0 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5b4530 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5b45c0 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5b4650 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5b46e0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: # https://yaml.org/type/merge.html\r\n 42: - &CENTER { x: 1, y: 2 }\r\n 42: - &LEFT { x: 0, y: 2 }\r\n 42: - &BIG { r: 10 }\r\n 42: - &SMALL { r: 1 }\r\n 42: \r\n 42: # All the following maps are equal:\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Explicit keys\r\n 42: x: 1\r\n 42: y: 2\r\n 42: r: 10\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Merge one map\r\n 42: << : *CENTER\r\n 42: r: 10\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Merge multiple maps\r\n 42: << : [ *CENTER, *BIG ]\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: \r\n 42: - # Override\r\n 42: << : [ *SMALL, *LEFT, *BIG ]\r\n 42: x: 1\r\n 42: label: center/big\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd586ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd586b60 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd586bf0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd586c80 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd586d10 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd586da0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd586e30 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd586ec0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd586f50 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd586fe0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd587070 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd587100 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd587190 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd587220 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5872b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd587340 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5873d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd587460 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5874f0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd587580 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd587610 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5876a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd587730 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5877c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd587850 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5878e0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd587970 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd587a00 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd587a90 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd587b20 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd587bb0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - x: 0\n 42: y: 2\n 42: - r: 10\n 42: - r: 1\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: - x: 1\n 42: y: 2\n 42: r: 10\n 42: label: center/big\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b4780 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b4810 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b48a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b4930 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b49c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b4a50 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b4ae0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b4b70 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b4c00 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b4c90 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b4d20 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b4db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b4e40 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b4ed0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5b4f60 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5b4ff0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5b5080 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5b5110 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5b51a0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5b5230 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5b52c0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5b5350 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5b53e0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5b5470 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5b5500 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5b5590 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5b5620 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5b56b0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5b5740 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5b57d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5b5860 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\r\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\r\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\r\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\r\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\r\n 42: base: &base\r\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\r\n 42: foo: &foo\r\n 42: <<: *base\r\n 42: age: 10\r\n 42: bar: &bar\r\n 42: <<: *base\r\n 42: age: 20\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd583da0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd583e30 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd583ec0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd583f50 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd583fe0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd584070 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd584100 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd584190 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd584220 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5842b0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd584340 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5843d0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd584460 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5844f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\n 42: base: &base\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo: &foo\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar: &bar\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b2c60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b2cf0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b2d80 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b2e10 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b2ea0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b2f30 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b2fc0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b3050 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b30e0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b3170 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b3200 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b3290 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b3320 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b33b0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {\r\n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.,\r\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name,\r\n 42: anchors_in_seqs: [\r\n 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence,\r\n 42: *anchor_in_seq\r\n 42: ],\r\n 42: base: &base {\r\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\r\n 42: },\r\n 42: foo: &foo {\r\n 42: <<: *base,\r\n 42: age: 10\r\n 42: },\r\n 42: bar: &bar {\r\n 42: <<: *base,\r\n 42: age: 20\r\n 42: }\r\n 42: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5858c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd585950 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5859e0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd585a70 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd585b00 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd585b90 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd585c20 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd585cb0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd585d40 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd585dd0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd585e60 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd585ef0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd585f80 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd586010 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\n 42: base: &base\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo: &foo\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar: &bar\n 42: <<: *base\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b5990 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b5a20 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b5ab0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b5b40 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b5bd0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b5c60 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b5cf0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b5d80 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b5e10 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b5ea0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b5f30 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b5fc0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b6050 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b60e0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.\r\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name\r\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\r\n 42: - &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence\r\n 42: - *anchor_in_seq\r\n 42: base: &base\r\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\r\n 42: foo: &foo\r\n 42: <<: *base\r\n 42: age: 10\r\n 42: bar: &bar\r\n 42: <<: *base\r\n 42: age: 20\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd588ee0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd588f70 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589000 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd589090 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589120 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5891b0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589240 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5892d0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589360 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5893f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589480 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589510 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5895a0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589630 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: base:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b62a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b6330 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b63c0 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b6450 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b64e0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b6570 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b6600 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b6690 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b6720 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b67b0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b6840 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b68d0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b6960 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b69f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {\r\n 42: anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.,\r\n 42: other_anchor: *anchor_name,\r\n 42: anchors_in_seqs: [\r\n 42: &anchor_in_seq this value appears in both elements of the sequence,\r\n 42: *anchor_in_seq\r\n 42: ],\r\n 42: base: &base {\r\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\r\n 42: },\r\n 42: foo: &foo {\r\n 42: <<: *base,\r\n 42: age: 10\r\n 42: },\r\n 42: bar: &bar {\r\n 42: <<: *base,\r\n 42: age: 20\r\n 42: }\r\n 42: }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5897f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd589880 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd589910 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5899a0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd589a30 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd589ac0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd589b50 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd589be0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd589c70 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd589d00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd589d90 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd589e20 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd589eb0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd589f40 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: anchored_content: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: other_anchor: This string will appear as the value of two keys.\n 42: anchors_in_seqs:\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: - this value appears in both elements of the sequence\n 42: base:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: foo:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 10\n 42: bar:\n 42: name: Everyone has same name\n 42: age: 20\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b6bb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b6c40 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b6cd0 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b6d60 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b6df0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b6e80 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b6f10 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b6fa0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b7030 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b70c0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b7150 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b71e0 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b7270 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b7300 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice\r\n 42: date: 2012-08-06\r\n 42: customer:\r\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\r\n 42: family_name: Gale\r\n 42: items:\r\n 42: - part_no: A4786\r\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\r\n 42: price: 1.47\r\n 42: quantity: 4\r\n 42: - part_no: E1628\r\n 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\r\n 42: size: 8\r\n 42: price: 133.7\r\n 42: quantity: 1\r\n 42: bill-to: &id001\r\n 42: street: |\r\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: ey\r\n 42: Suite 16\r\n 42: city: East Centerville\r\n 42: state: KS\r\n 42: ship-to: *id001\r\n 42: specialDelivery: >\r\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: ehind the curtain.\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58aa10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58aaa0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58ab30 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58abc0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58ac50 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58ace0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58ad70 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58ae00 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58ae90 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58af20 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58afb0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58b040 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58b0d0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58b160 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58b1f0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58b280 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58b310 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58b3a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58b430 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58b4c0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58b550 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58b5e0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58b670 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58b700 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice'\n 42: date: '2012-08-06'\n 42: customer:\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\n 42: family_name: Gale\n 42: items:\n 42: - part_no: A4786\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 42: price: 1.47\n 42: quantity: 4\n 42: - part_no: E1628\n 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 42: size: 8\n 42: price: 133.7\n 42: quantity: 1\n 42: 'bill-to': &id001\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: \n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: 'ship-to': *id001\n 42: specialDelivery: |\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: \n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b7f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b7ff0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b8080 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b8110 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b81a0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b8230 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b82c0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b8350 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b83e0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b8470 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b8500 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b8590 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b8620 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b86b0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5b8740 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5b87d0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5b8860 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5b88f0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5b8980 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5b8a10 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5b8aa0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5b8b30 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5b8bc0 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5b8c50 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: receipt: Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice\r\n 42: date: 2012-08-06\r\n 42: customer:\r\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\r\n 42: family_name: Gale\r\n 42: items:\r\n 42: - part_no: A4786\r\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\r\n 42: price: 1.47\r\n 42: quantity: 4\r\n 42: - part_no: E1628\r\n 42: descrip: High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers\r\n 42: size: 8\r\n 42: price: 133.7\r\n 42: quantity: 1\r\n 42: bill-to: &id001\r\n 42: street: |\r\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: ey\r\n 42: Suite 16\r\n 42: city: East Centerville\r\n 42: state: KS\r\n 42: ship-to: *id001\r\n 42: specialDelivery: >\r\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: ehind the curtain.\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58bc20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58bcb0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58bd40 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58bdd0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58be60 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58bef0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58bf80 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58c010 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58c0a0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58c130 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58c1c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58c250 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58c2e0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58c370 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58c400 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58c490 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58c520 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58c5b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58c640 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58c6d0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58c760 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58c7f0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58c880 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58c910 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58c9a0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd58ca30 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd58cac0 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: receipt: 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice'\n 42: date: '2012-08-06'\n 42: customer:\n 42: first_name: Dorothy\n 42: family_name: Gale\n 42: items:\n 42: - part_no: A4786\n 42: descrip: Water Bucket (Filled)\n 42: price: 1.47\n 42: quantity: 4\n 42: - part_no: E1628\n 42: descrip: 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers'\n 42: size: 8\n 42: price: 133.7\n 42: quantity: 1\n 42: 'bill-to':\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: \n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: 'ship-to':\n 42: street: |\n 42: 123 Tornado Alley\n 42: Suite 16\n 42: \n 42: city: East Centerville\n 42: state: KS\n 42: specialDelivery: |\n 42: Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.\n 42: \n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b9170 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b9200 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b9290 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b9320 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b93b0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b9440 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b94d0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b9560 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5b95f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5b9680 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5b9710 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5b97a0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5b9830 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5b98c0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5b9950 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5b99e0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5b9a70 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5b9b00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5b9b90 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5b9c20 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5b9cb0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5b9d40 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5b9dd0 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5b9e60 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5b9ef0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5b9f80 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5ba010 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001\r\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\r\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\r\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\r\n 42: repetition: 1000\r\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\r\n 42: - step: &id002\r\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\r\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\r\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\r\n 42: repetition: 500\r\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\r\n 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001)\r\n 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step\r\n 42: - step:\r\n 42: <<: *id001\r\n 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001\r\n 42: - step: *id002\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58ce30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58cec0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58cf50 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58cfe0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58d070 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58d100 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58d190 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58d220 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58d2b0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58d340 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58d3d0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58d460 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58d4f0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58d580 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58d610 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58d6a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58d730 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58d7c0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58d850 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58d8e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58d970 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58da00 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58da90 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58db20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58dbb0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - step: &id001\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step: &id002\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step: *id001\n 42: - step: *id002\n 42: - step:\n 42: <<: *id001\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step: *id002\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ba380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ba410 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ba4a0 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5ba530 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ba5c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ba650 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ba6e0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5ba770 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5ba800 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5ba890 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5ba920 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5ba9b0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5baa40 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5baad0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5bab60 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5babf0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5bac80 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5bad10 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5bada0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5bae30 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5baec0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5baf50 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5bafe0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5bb070 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5bb100 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: - step: &id001 # defines anchor label &id001\r\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\r\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\r\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\r\n 42: repetition: 1000\r\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\r\n 42: - step: &id002\r\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\r\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\r\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\r\n 42: repetition: 500\r\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\r\n 42: - step: *id001 # refers to the first step (with anchor &id001)\r\n 42: - step: *id002 # refers to the second step\r\n 42: - step:\r\n 42: <<: *id001\r\n 42: spotSize: 2mm # redefines just this key, refers rest from &id001\r\n 42: - step: *id002\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58f250 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58f2e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58f370 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58f400 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58f490 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58f520 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58f5b0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58f640 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58f6d0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58f760 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58f7f0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58f880 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58f910 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58f9a0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58fa30 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58fac0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58fb50 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58fbe0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58fc70 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58fd00 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58fd90 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58fe20 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58feb0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58ff40 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58ffd0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd590060 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5900f0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd590180 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd590210 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5902a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd590330 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5903c0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd590450 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd5904e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd590570 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd590600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd590690 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd590720 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd5907b0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd590840 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5908d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd590960 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5909f0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 1mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.4\n 42: pulseDuration: 12\n 42: repetition: 1000\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: - step:\n 42: instrument: Lasik 2000\n 42: pulseEnergy: 5.0\n 42: pulseDuration: 10\n 42: repetition: 500\n 42: spotSize: 2mm\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5bc7a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5bc830 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5bc8c0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5bc950 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5bc9e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5bca70 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5bcb00 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5bcb90 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5bcc20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5bccb0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5bcd40 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5bcdd0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5bce60 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5bcef0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5bcf80 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5bd010 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5bd0a0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5bd130 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5bd1c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5bd250 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5bd2e0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5bd370 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5bd400 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5bd490 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5bd520 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5bd5b0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5bd640 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5bd6d0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5bd760 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5bd7f0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5bd880 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5bd910 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd5bd9a0 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd5bda30 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd5bdac0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd5bdb50 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd5bdbe0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd5bdc70 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd5bdd00 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5bdd90 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5bde20 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd5bdeb0 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5bdf40 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: &a1\r\n 42: !!str\r\n 42: scalar1\r\n 42: --- &a1 !!str scalar1\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: !!str\r\n 42: &a1\r\n 42: scalar1\r\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: !!str\r\n 42: &a2\r\n 42: scalar2\r\n 42: --- &a2 !!str scalar2\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: &a3\r\n 42: !!str scalar3\r\n 42: --- &a3 !!str scalar3\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: &a4 !!map\r\n 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4\r\n 42: --- &a4 !!map\r\n 42: &a5 !!str key5: value4\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: a6: 1\r\n 42: &anchor6 b6: 2\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: !!map\r\n 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7\r\n 42: --- !!map\r\n 42: &a8 !!str key8: value7\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: !!map\r\n 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9\r\n 42: --- !!map\r\n 42: &a10 !!str key10: value9\r\n 42: ---\r\n 42: !!str &a11\r\n 42: value11\r\n 42: --- &a11 !!str value11\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58e040 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58e0d0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58e160 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58e1f0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58e280 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58e310 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58e3a0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58e430 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd58e4c0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd58e550 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd58e5e0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd58e670 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd58e700 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd58e790 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd58e820 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd58e8b0 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd58e940 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd58e9d0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd58ea60 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd58eaf0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd58eb80 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd58ec10 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd58eca0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd58ed30 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd58edc0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd58ee50 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a1 scalar1\n 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2\n 42: --- !!str &a2 scalar2\n 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3\n 42: --- !!str &a3 scalar3\n 42: --- !!map &a4\n 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4\n 42: --- !!map &a4\n 42: !!str &a5 key5: value4\n 42: ---\n 42: a6: 1\n 42: &anchor6 b6: 2\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a8 key8: value7\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9\n 42: --- !!map\n 42: !!str &a10 key10: value9\n 42: --- !!str &a11 value11\n 42: --- !!str &a11 value11\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5bb590 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5bb620 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5bb6b0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5bb740 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5bb7d0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5bb860 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5bb8f0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5bb980 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5bba10 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5bbaa0 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5bbb30 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5bbbc0 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5bbc50 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5bbce0 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5bbd70 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5bbe00 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5bbe90 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5bbf20 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5bbfb0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5bc040 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5bc0d0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5bc160 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5bc1f0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5bc280 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5bc310 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5bc3a0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: a: &vref b\r\n 42: *vref: c\r\n 42: &kref aa: bb\r\n 42: aaa: &kvref bbb\r\n 42: foo:\r\n 42: *kref: cc\r\n 42: *kvref: cc\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd58a100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd58a190 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd58a220 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd58a2b0 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd58a340 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd58a3d0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd58a460 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd58a4f0 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a: &vref b\n 42: *vref: c\n 42: &kref aa: bb\n 42: aaa: &kvref bbb\n 42: foo:\n 42: *kref: cc\n 42: *kvref: cc\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5b7650 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5b76e0 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5b7770 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5b7800 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5b7890 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5b7920 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5b79b0 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5b7a40 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: a: &vref b\r\n 42: *vref: c\r\n 42: &kref aa: bb\r\n 42: aaa: &kvref bbb\r\n 42: foo:\r\n 42: *kref: cc\r\n 42: *kvref: cc\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd591660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5916f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd591780 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd591810 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5918a0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd591930 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5919c0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd591a50 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a: b\n 42: b: c\n 42: aa: bb\n 42: aaa: bbb\n 42: foo:\n 42: aa: cc\n 42: bbb: cc\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5bebb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5bec40 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5becd0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5bed60 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5bedf0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5bee80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5bef10 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5befa0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd591f70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd592000 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd592090 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5bf500 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5bf590 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5bf620 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: {&a0 a0: &b0 b0, *b0: *a0}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd592880 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd592910 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5929a0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a0: b0\n 42: b0: a0\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5bfe40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5bfed0 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5bff60 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: &rootanchor\r\n 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\r\n 42: *b0: *a0\r\n 42: map1:\r\n 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1\r\n 42: *b1: *a1\r\n 42: map2:\r\n 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation\r\n 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2\r\n 42: *b2: *a2\r\n 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3\r\n 42: a3: &b3 b3\r\n 42: *b3: *b0\r\n 42: map4: *a0\r\n 42: map5:\r\n 42: &map5\r\n 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5\r\n 42: *b5: *a5\r\n 42: map6:\r\n 42: &map6\r\n 42: a6: &b6 b6\r\n 42: *b6: *b6\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd593aa0 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd593b30 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd593bc0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd593c50 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd593ce0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd593d70 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd593e00 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd593e90 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd593f20 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd593fb0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd594040 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5940d0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd594160 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5941f0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd594280 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd594310 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5943a0 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd594430 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5944c0 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd594550 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: &rootanchor\n 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: map1:\n 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1\n 42: *b1: *a1\n 42: map2:\n 42: *b0: *a0\n 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2\n 42: *b2: *a2\n 42: map3: &a3\n 42: a3: &b3 b3\n 42: *b3: *b0\n 42: map4: *a0\n 42: map5: &map5\n 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5\n 42: *b5: *a5\n 42: map6: &map6\n 42: a6: &b6 b6\n 42: *b6: *b6\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c1060 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c10f0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c1180 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c1210 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c12a0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c1330 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c13c0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c1450 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c14e0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c1570 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c1600 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c1690 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c1720 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c17b0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5c1840 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5c18d0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5c1960 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5c19f0 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5c1a80 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5c1b10 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: &a0 a0: &b0 b0\r\n 42: *b0: *a0\r\n 42: map1:\r\n 42: &a1 a1: &b1 b1 # &a1 must be a KEY anchor on a1, not a VAL anchor on map1\r\n 42: *b1: *a1\r\n 42: map2:\r\n 42: *b0: *a0 # ensure the anchor is enough to establish the indentation\r\n 42: &a2 a2: &b2 b2\r\n 42: *b2: *a2\r\n 42: map3: &a3 # &a3 must be a VAL anchor on map3, not a KEY anchor on a3\r\n 42: a3: &b3 b3\r\n 42: *b3: *b0\r\n 42: map4: *a0\r\n 42: map5:\r\n 42: &map5\r\n 42: &a5 a5: &b5 b5\r\n 42: *b5: *a5\r\n 42: map6:\r\n 42: &map6\r\n 42: a6: &b6 b6\r\n 42: *b6: *b6\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd594cb0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd594d40 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd594dd0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd594e60 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd594ef0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd594f80 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd595010 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5950a0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd595130 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5951c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd595250 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5952e0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd595370 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd595400 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd595490 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd595520 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5955b0 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd595640 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5956d0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd595760 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a0: b0\n 42: b0: a0\n 42: map1:\n 42: a1: b1\n 42: b1: a1\n 42: map2:\n 42: b0: a0\n 42: a2: b2\n 42: b2: a2\n 42: map3:\n 42: a3: b3\n 42: b3: b0\n 42: map4: a0\n 42: map5:\n 42: a5: b5\n 42: b5: a5\n 42: map6:\n 42: a6: b6\n 42: b6: b6\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c2270 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c2300 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c2390 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c2420 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c24b0 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c2540 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c25d0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c2660 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c26f0 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c2780 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c2810 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c28a0 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c2930 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c29c0 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5c2a50 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5c2ae0 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5c2b70 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5c2c00 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5c2c90 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5c2d20 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: &seq\r\n 42: - &a0\r\n 42: &a1 k1: v1\r\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\r\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\r\n 42: - &a4 k4: v4\r\n 42: &a5 k5: v5\r\n 42: &a6 k6: v6\r\n 42: - &a7\r\n 42: &a8 k8: v8\r\n 42: - &a9\r\n 42: k10: v10\r\n 42: - *a1: w1\r\n 42: *a2: w2\r\n 42: *a3: w3\r\n 42: *a4: w4\r\n 42: *a5: w5\r\n 42: *a6: w6\r\n 42: *a8: w8\r\n 42: - *a0\r\n 42: - *a7\r\n 42: - *a9\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd595ec0 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd595f50 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd595fe0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd596070 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd596100 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd596190 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd596220 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5962b0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd596340 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5963d0 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd596460 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5964f0 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd596580 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd596610 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5966a0 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd596730 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5967c0 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd596850 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5968e0 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd596970 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd596a00 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd596a90 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd596b20 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd596bb0 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: &seq\n 42: - &a0\n 42: &a1 k1: v1\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\n 42: - &a4 k4: v4\n 42: &a5 k5: v5\n 42: &a6 k6: v6\n 42: - &a7\n 42: &a8 k8: v8\n 42: - &a9\n 42: k10: v10\n 42: - *a1: w1\n 42: *a2: w2\n 42: *a3: w3\n 42: *a4: w4\n 42: *a5: w5\n 42: *a6: w6\n 42: *a8: w8\n 42: - *a0\n 42: - *a7\n 42: - *a9\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c3d90 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c3e20 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c3eb0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c3f40 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c3fd0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c4060 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c40f0 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c4180 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c4210 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c42a0 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c4330 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c43c0 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c4450 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c44e0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5c4570 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5c4600 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5c4690 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5c4720 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5c47b0 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5c4840 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5c48d0 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5c4960 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5c49f0 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5c4a80 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: &seq\r\n 42: - &a0\r\n 42: &a1 k1: v1\r\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\r\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\r\n 42: - &a4 k4: v4\r\n 42: &a5 k5: v5\r\n 42: &a6 k6: v6\r\n 42: - &a7\r\n 42: &a8 k8: v8\r\n 42: - &a9\r\n 42: k10: v10\r\n 42: - *a1: w1\r\n 42: *a2: w2\r\n 42: *a3: w3\r\n 42: *a4: w4\r\n 42: *a5: w5\r\n 42: *a6: w6\r\n 42: *a8: w8\r\n 42: - *a0\r\n 42: - *a7\r\n 42: - *a9\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5970d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd597160 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5971f0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd597280 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd597310 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5973a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd597430 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5974c0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd597550 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5975e0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd597670 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd597700 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd597790 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd597820 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5978b0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd597940 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5979d0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd597a60 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd597af0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd597b80 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd597c10 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd597ca0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd597d30 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd597dc0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd597e50 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd597ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd597f70 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd598000 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd598090 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: - k1: v1\n 42: k2: v2\n 42: k3: v3\n 42: - k4: v4\n 42: k5: v5\n 42: k6: v6\n 42: - k8: v8\n 42: - k10: v10\n 42: - k1: w1\n 42: k2: w2\n 42: k3: w3\n 42: k4: w4\n 42: k5: w5\n 42: k6: w6\n 42: k8: w8\n 42: - &a1 k1: v1\n 42: &a2 k2: v2\n 42: &a3 k3: v3\n 42: - &a8 k8: v8\n 42: - k10: v10\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c4fa0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c5030 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c50c0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c5150 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c51e0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c5270 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c5300 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c5390 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c5420 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c54b0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c5540 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c55d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c5660 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c56f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5c5780 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5c5810 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5c58a0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5c5930 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5c59c0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5c5a50 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5c5ae0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5c5b70 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5c5c00 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5c5c90 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5c5d20 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5c5db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5c5e40 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5c5ed0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5c5f60 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: a: 1\r\n 42: ? b\r\n 42: &anchor c: 3\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd593190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd593220 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5932b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd593340 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: a: 1\n 42: b: \n 42: &anchor c: 3\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c3480 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c3510 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c35a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c3630 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: !!str &a1 "foo":\r\n 42: !!str bar\r\n 42: &a2 baz : *a1\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5982e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd598370 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd598400 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: !!str &a1 'foo': !!str bar\n 42: &a2 baz: *a1\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c61b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c6240 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c62d0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 42: \r\n 42: !!str &a1 "foo":\r\n 42: !!str bar\r\n 42: &a2 baz : *a1\r\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd598bf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd598c80 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd598d10 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 42: !!str 'foo': !!str bar\n 42: baz: foo\n 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c6ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c6b50 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c6be0 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d18c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4130 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4600 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4698 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c41c8 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4740 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c47d8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4260 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4880 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c42f8 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4920 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4390 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c49c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4a58 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4af0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4b88 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4428 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4c30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4cc8 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4d60 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c44c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e00 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4f40 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4fd8 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e98 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4558 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5080 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5250 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c52e8 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5380 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5118 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c51b0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c73d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c7460 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c74f0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c7580 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c7610 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c76a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c7730 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c77c0 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c7850 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c78e0 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c7970 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c7a00 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c7a90 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c7b20 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5c7bb0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5c7c40 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5c7cd0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5c7d60 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5c7df0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5c7e80 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5c7f10 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5c7fa0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5c8030 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5c80c0 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5c8150 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5c81e0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5c8270 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5c8300 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5c8390 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5c8420 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5c84b0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5c8540 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d19d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3020 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c30b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3820 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c38b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6280 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6320 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6010 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c63c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6458 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c64f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6588 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c60a8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6630 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c66c8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6760 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c67f8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6140 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c68a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6938 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c69d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6a68 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c61d8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6b10 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6ba8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6c40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6cd8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c85e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c8670 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c8700 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c8790 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c8820 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c88b0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c8940 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c89d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c8a60 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c8af0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c8b80 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c8c10 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c8ca0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c8d30 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5c8dc0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5c8e50 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5c8ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5c8f70 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5c9000 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5c9090 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5c9120 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5c91b0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5c9240 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5c92d0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5c9360 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5c93f0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5c9480 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5c9510 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5c95a0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5c9630 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5c96c0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c71f0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7288 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7320 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7590 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7628 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c73b8 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3200 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7450 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c76d0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7768 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c74e8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7810 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c78a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c9760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c97f0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c9880 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c9910 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c99a0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c9a30 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c9ac0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c9b50 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5c9be0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5c9c70 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5c9d00 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5c9d90 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5c9e20 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5c9eb0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7950 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c79e8 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7a80 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7cf0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7d88 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7b18 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7e30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7bb0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7ed0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7f68 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8010 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c80a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c9f50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c9fe0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ca070 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5ca100 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ca190 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ca220 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ca2b0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5ca340 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5ca3d0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5ca460 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5ca4f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5ca580 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5ca610 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5ca6a0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8a20 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8ab8 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8b50 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8dc0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8e58 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8be8 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8f00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8c80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8fa0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9038 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8d18 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c90e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9178 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ca740 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ca7d0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ca860 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5ca8f0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ca980 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5caa10 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5caaa0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5cab30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5cabc0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5cac50 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5cace0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5cad70 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5cae00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5cae90 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6dd0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6e68 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f00 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9220 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c92b8 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f98 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9360 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7030 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9400 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9498 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c70c8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9540 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c95d8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5caf30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5cafc0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5cb050 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5cb0e0 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5cb170 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5cb200 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5cb290 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5cb320 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5cb3b0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5cb440 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5cb4d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5cb560 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5cb5f0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5cb680 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9c80 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9d18 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9db0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3960 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c39f8 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9e48 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca0b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5690 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5728 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c57c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca148 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca1f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca288 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca320 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca3b8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca450 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9ee0 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3510 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c35a8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3640 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9f78 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca010 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5cb720 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5cb7b0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5cb840 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5cb8d0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5cb960 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5cb9f0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5cba80 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5cbb10 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5cbba0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5cbc30 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5cbcc0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5cbd50 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5cbde0 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5cbe70 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5cbf00 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5cbf90 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5cc020 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5cc0b0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5cc140 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5cc1d0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5cc260 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5cc2f0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5cc380 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5cc410 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca540 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca5d8 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca670 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca970 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caa08 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca708 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caab0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5900 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5998 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5a30 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ac8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cab48 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cabf0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cac88 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cad20 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cadb8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cae50 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca7a0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3e40 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3ed8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3f70 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca838 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caef0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caf88 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb020 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca8d0 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5cc4b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5cc540 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5cc5d0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5cc660 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5cc6f0 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5cc780 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5cc810 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5cc8a0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5cc930 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5cc9c0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5cca50 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5ccae0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5ccb70 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5ccc00 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5ccc90 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5ccd20 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5ccdb0 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5cce40 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5cced0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5ccf60 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5ccff0 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5cd080 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5cd110 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5cd1a0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5cd230 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5cd2c0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5cd350 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccbc0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccf60 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccc58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd300 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd3a0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd438 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd4d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd568 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cccf0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd6a0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccd88 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd740 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cce20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd7e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd880 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd918 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cceb8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd9c0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5cd3f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5cd480 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5cd510 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5cd5a0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5cd630 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5cd6c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5cd750 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5cd7e0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5cd870 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5cd900 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5cd990 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5cda20 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5cdab0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5cdb40 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5cdbd0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5cdc60 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5cdcf0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5cdd80 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5cde10 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5cdea0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5cdf30 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5cdfc0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5ce050 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5ce0e0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5ce170 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cec60 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c87a0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cecf8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8840 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf300 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf398 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf430 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf4c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf560 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ced90 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c88e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf600 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf698 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf730 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf7c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf860 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cee28 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8980 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf900 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf998 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfa30 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfac8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfb60 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ceec0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfc00 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfca0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfd38 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfdd0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfe68 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cff00 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cef58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cffa0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0040 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d00d8 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0170 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0208 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d02a0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ce210 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5ce2a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5ce330 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5ce3c0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ce450 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ce4e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ce570 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5ce600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5ce690 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5ce720 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5ce7b0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5ce840 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5ce8d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5ce960 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5ce9f0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5cea80 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5ceb10 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5ceba0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5cec30 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5cecc0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5ced50 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5cede0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5cee70 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5cef00 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5cef90 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5cf020 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5cf0b0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5cf140 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5cf1d0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5cf260 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5cf2f0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5cf380 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd5cf410 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd5cf4a0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd5cf530 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd5cf5c0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd5cf650 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd5cf6e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd5cf770 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5cf800 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5cf890 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd5cf920 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5cf9b0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d23b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 17 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0340 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d03d8 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0470 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0508 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d05a0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0638 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d06d0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0768 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0800 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce060 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0898 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce100 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0930 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c2ee0 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c2f78 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d09c8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce1a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0a60 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce240 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0af8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cda60 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0b90 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cdb00 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0c28 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0cc0 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5cfa50 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5cfae0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5cfb70 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5cfc00 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5cfc90 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5cfd20 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5cfdb0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5cfe40 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5cfed0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5cff60 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5cfff0 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d0080 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d0110 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d01a0 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d0230 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d02c0 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d0350 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d03e0 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d0470 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d0500 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5d0590 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5d0620 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5d06b0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5d0740 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5d07d0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5d0860 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d24c8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce660 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce6f8 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce790 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce828 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce8c0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8150 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c81e8 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c09b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c0a40 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c0ad0 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5c0b60 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5c0bf0 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5c0c80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5c0d10 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5c0da0 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d25e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb0c0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb158 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb1f0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb288 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb320 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c82e0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8378 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d0900 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d0990 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d0a20 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d0ab0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d0b40 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d0bd0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d0c60 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d0cf0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d26f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c36e0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3778 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5749a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd574a30 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd574ac0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9680 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9718 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5c0e40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5c0ed0 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5c0f60 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2928 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0ea0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0f38 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0fd0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1370 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1408 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1068 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3c70 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3d08 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3da0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1100 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d14b0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1548 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1198 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1230 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d15f0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1688 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d12c8 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1730 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d17c8 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d0d90 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d0e20 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d0eb0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d0f40 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d0fd0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d1060 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d10f0 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d1180 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d1210 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d12a0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d1330 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d13c0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d1450 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d14e0 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d1570 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d1600 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d1690 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d1720 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d17b0 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d1840 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2a40 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d3b80 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3c18 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3cb0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4050 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d40e8 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3d48 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4190 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4228 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d42c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3de0 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4360 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d43f8 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3e78 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3f10 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d44a0 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4538 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3fa8 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d45e0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4678 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d18e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d1970 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d1a00 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d1a90 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d1b20 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d1bb0 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d1c40 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d1cd0 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d1d60 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d1df0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d1e80 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d1f10 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d1fa0 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d2030 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d20c0 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d2150 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d21e0 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d2270 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d2300 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d2390 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2b58 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cbfe0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc4b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc548 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc5e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc078 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc680 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc718 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc7b0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc110 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb760 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc1a8 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb800 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc240 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4720 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d47b8 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4850 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d48e8 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4980 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4a18 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ab0 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc2d8 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc370 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc408 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d2430 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d24c0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d2550 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d25e0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d2670 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d2700 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d2790 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d2820 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d28b0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d2940 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d29d0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d2a60 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d2af0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d2b80 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d2c10 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d2ca0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d2d30 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d2dc0 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d2e50 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d2ee0 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5d2f70 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5d3000 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5d3090 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5d3120 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4b50 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5020 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d50b8 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5150 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4be8 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d51f0 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5288 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5320 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4c80 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9bd0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4d18 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cca70 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d53c0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5458 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d54f0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5588 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5620 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d56b8 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5750 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d57f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5888 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5920 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d59c0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5a60 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d31c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d3250 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d32e0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d3370 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d3400 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d3490 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d3520 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d35b0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d3640 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d36d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d3760 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d37f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d3880 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d3910 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d39a0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d3a30 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d3ac0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d3b50 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d3be0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d3c70 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5d3d00 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5d3d90 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5d3e20 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5d3eb0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5d3f40 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5d3fd0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5d4060 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5d40f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5d4180 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2d88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3aa0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3b38 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3bd0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d4220 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d42b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d4340 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d43d0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c97c0 KEYVAL***: &a1 '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9858 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d4470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d4500 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d4590 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2fb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9900 KEYVAL***: '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9998 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d4630 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d46c0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d4750 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/21 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d18c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4130 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4600 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4698 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c41c8 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4740 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c47d8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4260 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4880 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c42f8 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4920 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4390 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c49c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4a58 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4af0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4b88 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4428 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4c30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4cc8 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4d60 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c44c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e00 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c4f40 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4fd8 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4e98 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c4558 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5080 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5250 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c52e8 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5380 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5118 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c51b0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d47f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d4880 MAP***: valanchor='&CENTER' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d4910 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d49a0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d4a30 MAP***: valanchor='&LEFT' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d4ac0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d4b50 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d4be0 MAP***: valanchor='&BIG' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d4c70 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d4d00 MAP***: valanchor='&SMALL' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d4d90 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d4e20 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d4eb0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d4f40 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d4fd0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d5060 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d50f0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d5180 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*CENTER' (3 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d5210 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (3 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d52a0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5d5330 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5d53c0 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (2 sibs) 2 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5d5450 VAL***: '*CENTER' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5d54e0 VAL***: '*BIG' (2 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5d5570 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (2 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5d5600 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5d5690 KEYSEQ***: '<<' (3 sibs) 3 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5d5720 VAL***: '*BIG' (3 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5d57b0 VAL***: '*LEFT' (3 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5d5840 VAL***: '*SMALL' (3 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5d58d0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5d5960 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=32 vs #printed=32 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'merge example, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d19d8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3020 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c30b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3820 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c38b8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6280 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6320 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6010 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c63c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6458 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c64f0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6588 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c60a8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6630 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c66c8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6760 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c67f8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6140 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c68a0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6938 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c69d0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6a68 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c61d8 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6b10 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6ba8 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6c40 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6cd8 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d5a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d5a90 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d5b20 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d5bb0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d5c40 MAP: (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d5cd0 KEYVAL: 'x' '0' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d5d60 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d5df0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d5e80 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (1 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d5f10 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d5fa0 KEYVAL: 'r' '1' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d6030 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d60c0 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d6150 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d61e0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d6270 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d6300 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d6390 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d6420 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d64b0 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5d6540 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5d65d0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5d6660 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5d66f0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5d6780 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5d6810 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5d68a0 MAP: (8 sibs) 4 children: 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5d6930 KEYVAL: 'x' '1' (4 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5d69c0 KEYVAL: 'y' '2' (4 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5d6a50 KEYVAL: 'r' '10' (4 sibs) 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5d6ae0 KEYVAL: 'label' 'center/big' (4 sibs) 42: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1af0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c71f0 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7288 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7320 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7590 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7628 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c73b8 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3200 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7450 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c76d0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7768 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c74e8 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7810 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c78a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d6b80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d6c10 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d6ca0 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d6d30 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d6dc0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d6e50 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d6ee0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d6f70 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d7000 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d7090 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d7120 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d71b0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d7240 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d72d0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1c08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7950 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c79e8 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7a80 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7cf0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7d88 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7b18 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7e30 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7bb0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c7ed0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7f68 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7c48 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8010 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c80a8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d7370 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d7400 KEYVAL***: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' valanchor='&anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d7490 KEYVAL***: 'other_anchor' '*anchor_name' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d7520 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d75b0 VAL***: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' valanchor='&anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d7640 VAL***: '*anchor_in_seq' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d76d0 KEYMAP***: 'base' valanchor='&base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d7760 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d77f0 KEYMAP***: 'foo' valanchor='&foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d7880 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d7910 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d79a0 KEYMAP***: 'bar' valanchor='&bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d7a30 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*base' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d7ac0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, implicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1d20 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8a20 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8ab8 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8b50 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8dc0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8e58 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8be8 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8f00 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8c80 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8fa0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9038 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8d18 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c90e0 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9178 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d7b60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d7bf0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d7c80 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d7d10 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d7da0 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d7e30 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d7ec0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d7f50 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d7fe0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d8070 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d8100 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d8190 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d8220 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d82b0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'simple anchor 1, explicit, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1e38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c6dd0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6e68 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f00 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9220 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c92b8 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c6f98 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9360 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c7030 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9400 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9498 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c70c8 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9540 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c95d8 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d8350 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d83e0 KEYVAL: 'anchored_content' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d8470 KEYVAL: 'other_anchor' 'This string will appear as the value of two keys.' (6 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d8500 KEYSEQ: 'anchors_in_seqs' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d8590 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d8620 VAL: 'this value appears in both elements of the sequence' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d86b0 KEYMAP: 'base' (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d8740 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (1 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d87d0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d8860 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d88f0 KEYVAL: 'age' '10' (2 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d8980 KEYMAP: 'bar' (6 sibs) 2 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d8a10 KEYVAL: 'name' 'Everyone has same name' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d8aa0 KEYVAL: 'age' '20' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=14 vs #printed=14 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1f50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9c80 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9d18 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9db0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3960 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c39f8 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9e48 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca0b0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5690 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5728 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c57c0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5858 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca148 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca1f0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca288 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca320 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca3b8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca450 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9ee0 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3510 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c35a8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3640 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9f78 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca010 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d8b40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d8bd0 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d8c60 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d8cf0 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d8d80 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d8e10 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d8ea0 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d8f30 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d8fc0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d9050 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d90e0 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d9170 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d9200 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5d9290 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5d9320 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5d93b0 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5d9440 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5d94d0 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5d9560 KEYMAP***: 'bill-to' valanchor='&id001' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5d95f0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5d9680 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5d9710 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5d97a0 KEYVAL***: 'ship-to' '*id001' (7 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5d9830 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 2, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2068 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca540 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca5d8 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca670 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ca970 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caa08 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca708 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caab0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c5900 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5998 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5a30 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c5ac8 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cab48 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cabf0 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cac88 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cad20 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cadb8 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cae50 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca7a0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3e40 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3ed8 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3f70 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca838 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4caef0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4caf88 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb020 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ca8d0 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5d98d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 7 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5d9960 KEYVAL: 'receipt' 'Oz-Ware Purchase Invoice' (7 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5d99f0 KEYVAL: 'date' '2012-08-06' (7 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5d9a80 KEYMAP: 'customer' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5d9b10 KEYVAL: 'first_name' 'Dorothy' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5d9ba0 KEYVAL: 'family_name' 'Gale' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5d9c30 KEYSEQ: 'items' (7 sibs) 2 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5d9cc0 MAP: (2 sibs) 4 children: 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5d9d50 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'A4786' (4 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5d9de0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'Water Bucket (Filled)' (4 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5d9e70 KEYVAL: 'price' '1.47' (4 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5d9f00 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '4' (4 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5d9f90 MAP: (2 sibs) 5 children: 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5da020 KEYVAL: 'part_no' 'E1628' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5da0b0 KEYVAL: 'descrip' 'High Heeled "Ruby" Slippers' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5da140 KEYVAL: 'size' '8' (5 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5da1d0 KEYVAL: 'price' '133.7' (5 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5da260 KEYVAL: 'quantity' '1' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5da2f0 KEYMAP: 'bill-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5da380 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5da410 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5da4a0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5da530 KEYMAP: 'ship-to' (7 sibs) 3 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5da5c0 KEYVAL: 'street' '123 Tornado Alley 42: Suite 16 42: ' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5da650 KEYVAL: 'city' 'East Centerville' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5da6e0 KEYVAL: 'state' 'KS' (3 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5da770 KEYVAL: 'specialDelivery' 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road to the Emerald City. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. 42: ' (7 sibs) 42: #nodes=27 vs #printed=27 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccbc0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ccf60 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccc58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd300 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd3a0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd438 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd4d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd568 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd600 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cccf0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd6a0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ccd88 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd740 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cce20 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd7e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd880 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cd918 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cceb8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cd9c0 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5da810 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5da8a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5da930 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id001' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5da9c0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5daa50 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5daae0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5dab70 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5dac00 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5dac90 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5dad20 KEYMAP***: 'step' valanchor='&id002' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5dadb0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5dae40 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5daed0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5daf60 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5daff0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5db080 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5db110 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id001' (1 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5db1a0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5db230 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5db2c0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5db350 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5db3e0 KEYVAL***: '<<' '*id001' (2 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5db470 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (2 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5db500 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5db590 KEYVAL***: 'step' '*id002' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor example 3, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2298 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 6 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cec60 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c87a0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf000 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf098 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf130 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf1c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf260 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cecf8 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8840 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf300 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf398 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf430 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf4c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf560 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ced90 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c88e0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf600 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf698 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf730 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf7c8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf860 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cee28 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8980 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cf900 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cf998 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfa30 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfac8 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfb60 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ceec0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfc00 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cfca0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfd38 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfdd0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cfe68 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cff00 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cef58 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cffa0 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0040 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d00d8 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0170 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0208 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d02a0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5db630 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 6 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5db6c0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5db750 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5db7e0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5db870 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5db900 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5db990 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5dba20 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5dbab0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5dbb40 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5dbbd0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5dbc60 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5dbcf0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5dbd80 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5dbe10 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5dbea0 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5dbf30 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5dbfc0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5dc050 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5dc0e0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5dc170 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5dc200 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '1mm' (5 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5dc290 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5dc320 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5dc3b0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5dc440 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5dc4d0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5dc560 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5dc5f0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [29] [29] 0xaaaabd5dc680 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [30] [30] 0xaaaabd5dc710 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [31] [31] 0xaaaabd5dc7a0 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [32] [32] 0xaaaabd5dc830 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.4' (5 sibs) 42: [33] [33] 0xaaaabd5dc8c0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '12' (5 sibs) 42: [34] [34] 0xaaaabd5dc950 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '1000' (5 sibs) 42: [35] [35] 0xaaaabd5dc9e0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: [36] [36] 0xaaaabd5dca70 MAP: (6 sibs) 1 children: 42: [37] [37] 0xaaaabd5dcb00 KEYMAP: 'step' (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [38] [38] 0xaaaabd5dcb90 KEYVAL: 'instrument' 'Lasik 2000' (5 sibs) 42: [39] [39] 0xaaaabd5dcc20 KEYVAL: 'pulseEnergy' '5.0' (5 sibs) 42: [40] [40] 0xaaaabd5dccb0 KEYVAL: 'pulseDuration' '10' (5 sibs) 42: [41] [41] 0xaaaabd5dcd40 KEYVAL: 'repetition' '500' (5 sibs) 42: [42] [42] 0xaaaabd5dcdd0 KEYVAL: 'spotSize' '2mm' (5 sibs) 42: #nodes=43 vs #printed=43 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'tagged doc with anchors 9KAX' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d23b0 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 17 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0340 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d03d8 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0470 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0508 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d05a0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0638 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d06d0 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0768 DOCVAL***: '!!str scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0800 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce060 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0898 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce100 KEYVAL***: &a5 '!!str key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0930 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c2ee0 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c2f78 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d09c8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce1a0 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0a60 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce240 KEYVAL***: &a8 '!!str key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0af8 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cda60 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0b90 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cdb00 KEYVAL***: &a10 '!!str key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0c28 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0cc0 DOCVAL***: '!!str value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5dce70 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 17 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5dcf00 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5dcf90 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5dd020 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5dd0b0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar1' valanchor='&a1' (17 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5dd140 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5dd1d0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar2' valanchor='&a2' (17 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5dd260 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5dd2f0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'scalar3' valanchor='&a3' (17 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5dd380 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5dd410 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5dd4a0 DOCMAP***: !!map valanchor='&a4' (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5dd530 KEYVAL***: &a5 !!str 'key5' 'value4' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5dd5c0 DOCMAP: (17 sibs) 2 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5dd650 KEYVAL: 'a6' '1' (2 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5dd6e0 KEYVAL***: &anchor6 'b6' '2' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5dd770 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5dd800 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5dd890 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5dd920 KEYVAL***: &a8 !!str 'key8' 'value7' (1 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5dd9b0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5dda40 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5ddad0 DOCMAP***: !!map (17 sibs) 1 children: 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5ddb60 KEYVAL***: &a10 !!str 'key10' 'value9' (1 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5ddbf0 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5ddc80 DOCVAL***: !!str 'value11' valanchor='&a11' (17 sibs) 42: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d24c8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4ce660 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce6f8 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce790 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce828 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4ce8c0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c8150 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c81e8 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5ddd20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5dddb0 KEYVAL***: 'a' 'b' valanchor='&vref' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5dde40 KEYVAL***: '*vref' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5dded0 KEYVAL***: &kref 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5ddf60 KEYVAL***: 'aaa' 'bbb' valanchor='&kvref' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5ddff0 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5de080 KEYVAL***: '*kref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5de110 KEYVAL***: '*kvref' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'github131 1, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d25e0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 5 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb0c0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb158 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb1f0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb288 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cb320 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c82e0 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c8378 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5de1b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 5 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5de240 KEYVAL: 'a' 'b' (5 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5de2d0 KEYVAL: 'b' 'c' (5 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5de360 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'bb' (5 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5de3f0 KEYVAL: 'aaa' 'bbb' (5 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5de480 KEYMAP: 'foo' (5 sibs) 2 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5de510 KEYVAL: 'aa' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5de5a0 KEYVAL: 'bbb' 'cc' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d26f8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c36e0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3778 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5de640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5de6d0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5de760 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchors+refs on key+val, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2810 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9680 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9718 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5de800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5de890 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5de920 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2928 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d0ea0 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0f38 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d0fd0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1370 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1408 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1068 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3c70 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3d08 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3da0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1100 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d14b0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1548 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1198 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1230 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d15f0 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d1688 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d12c8 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d1730 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d17c8 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5de9c0 [ROOT] MAP***: valanchor='&rootanchor' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5dea50 KEYVAL***: &a0 'a0' 'b0' valanchor='&b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5deae0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5deb70 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5dec00 KEYVAL***: &a1 'a1' 'b1' valanchor='&b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5dec90 KEYVAL***: '*b1' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5ded20 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5dedb0 KEYVAL***: '*b0' '*a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5dee40 KEYVAL***: &a2 'a2' 'b2' valanchor='&b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5deed0 KEYVAL***: '*b2' '*a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5def60 KEYMAP***: 'map3' valanchor='&a3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5deff0 KEYVAL***: 'a3' 'b3' valanchor='&b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5df080 KEYVAL***: '*b3' '*b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5df110 KEYVAL***: 'map4' '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5df1a0 KEYMAP***: 'map5' valanchor='&map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5df230 KEYVAL***: &a5 'a5' 'b5' valanchor='&b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5df2c0 KEYVAL***: '*b5' '*a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5df350 KEYMAP***: 'map6' valanchor='&map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5df3e0 KEYVAL***: 'a6' 'b6' valanchor='&b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5df470 KEYVAL***: '*b6' '*b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2a40 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d3b80 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3c18 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3cb0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4050 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d40e8 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3d48 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4190 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4228 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d42c0 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3de0 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4360 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d43f8 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3e78 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3f10 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d44a0 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4538 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d3fa8 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d45e0 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4678 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5df510 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5df5a0 KEYVAL: 'a0' 'b0' (8 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5df630 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5df6c0 KEYMAP: 'map1' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5df750 KEYVAL: 'a1' 'b1' (2 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5df7e0 KEYVAL: 'b1' 'a1' (2 sibs) 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5df870 KEYMAP: 'map2' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5df900 KEYVAL: 'b0' 'a0' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5df990 KEYVAL: 'a2' 'b2' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5dfa20 KEYVAL: 'b2' 'a2' (3 sibs) 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5dfab0 KEYMAP: 'map3' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5dfb40 KEYVAL: 'a3' 'b3' (2 sibs) 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5dfbd0 KEYVAL: 'b3' 'b0' (2 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5dfc60 KEYVAL: 'map4' 'a0' (8 sibs) 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5dfcf0 KEYMAP: 'map5' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5dfd80 KEYVAL: 'a5' 'b5' (2 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5dfe10 KEYVAL: 'b5' 'a5' (2 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5dfea0 KEYMAP: 'map6' (8 sibs) 2 children: 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5dff30 KEYVAL: 'a6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5dffc0 KEYVAL: 'b6' 'b6' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/16 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2b58 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cbfe0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc4b0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc548 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc5e0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc078 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cc680 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc718 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc7b0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc110 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb760 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc1a8 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cb800 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc240 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4720 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d47b8 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4850 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d48e8 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4980 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4a18 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ab0 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc2d8 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc370 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4cc408 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5e0060 [ROOT] SEQ***: valanchor='&seq' (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5e00f0 MAP***: valanchor='&a0' (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5e0180 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5e0210 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5e02a0 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5e0330 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5e03c0 KEYVAL***: &a4 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5e0450 KEYVAL***: &a5 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5e04e0 KEYVAL***: &a6 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5e0570 MAP***: valanchor='&a7' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5e0600 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5e0690 MAP***: valanchor='&a9' (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5e0720 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5e07b0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5e0840 KEYVAL***: '*a1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5e08d0 KEYVAL***: '*a2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5e0960 KEYVAL***: '*a3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5e09f0 KEYVAL***: '*a4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5e0a80 KEYVAL***: '*a5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5e0b10 KEYVAL***: '*a6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5e0ba0 KEYVAL***: '*a8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5e0c30 VAL***: '*a0' (8 sibs) 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5e0cc0 VAL***: '*a7' (8 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5e0d50 VAL***: '*a9' (8 sibs) 42: #nodes=24 vs #printed=24 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/17 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'ambiguous anchor in seq, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2c70 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d4b50 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5020 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d50b8 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5150 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4be8 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d51f0 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5288 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5320 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4c80 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9bd0 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4d18 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4cca70 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4db0 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d53c0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5458 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d54f0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5588 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5620 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d56b8 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5750 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4e48 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d57f0 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5888 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d5920 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4ee0 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d59c0 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4d4f78 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4d5a60 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5e0df0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5e0e80 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5e0f10 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5e0fa0 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [4] [4] 0xaaaabd5e1030 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [5] [5] 0xaaaabd5e10c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [6] [6] 0xaaaabd5e1150 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'v4' (3 sibs) 42: [7] [7] 0xaaaabd5e11e0 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'v5' (3 sibs) 42: [8] [8] 0xaaaabd5e1270 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'v6' (3 sibs) 42: [9] [9] 0xaaaabd5e1300 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [10] [10] 0xaaaabd5e1390 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [11] [11] 0xaaaabd5e1420 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [12] [12] 0xaaaabd5e14b0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: [13] [13] 0xaaaabd5e1540 MAP: (8 sibs) 7 children: 42: [14] [14] 0xaaaabd5e15d0 KEYVAL: 'k1' 'w1' (7 sibs) 42: [15] [15] 0xaaaabd5e1660 KEYVAL: 'k2' 'w2' (7 sibs) 42: [16] [16] 0xaaaabd5e16f0 KEYVAL: 'k3' 'w3' (7 sibs) 42: [17] [17] 0xaaaabd5e1780 KEYVAL: 'k4' 'w4' (7 sibs) 42: [18] [18] 0xaaaabd5e1810 KEYVAL: 'k5' 'w5' (7 sibs) 42: [19] [19] 0xaaaabd5e18a0 KEYVAL: 'k6' 'w6' (7 sibs) 42: [20] [20] 0xaaaabd5e1930 KEYVAL: 'k8' 'w8' (7 sibs) 42: [21] [21] 0xaaaabd5e19c0 MAP: (8 sibs) 3 children: 42: [22] [22] 0xaaaabd5e1a50 KEYVAL***: &a1 'k1' 'v1' (3 sibs) 42: [23] [23] 0xaaaabd5e1ae0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'k2' 'v2' (3 sibs) 42: [24] [24] 0xaaaabd5e1b70 KEYVAL***: &a3 'k3' 'v3' (3 sibs) 42: [25] [25] 0xaaaabd5e1c00 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [26] [26] 0xaaaabd5e1c90 KEYVAL***: &a8 'k8' 'v8' (1 sibs) 42: [27] [27] 0xaaaabd5e1d20 MAP: (8 sibs) 1 children: 42: [28] [28] 0xaaaabd5e1db0 KEYVAL: 'k10' 'v10' (1 sibs) 42: #nodes=29 vs #printed=29 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/18 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor after complex key without value ZWK4' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2d88 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c3aa0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3b38 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c3bd0 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5e1e50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5e1ee0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1' (3 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5e1f70 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (3 sibs) 42: [3] [3] 0xaaaabd5e2000 KEYVAL***: &anchor 'c' '3' (3 sibs) 42: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/19 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/20 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, unresolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2ea0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c97c0 KEYVAL***: &a1 '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9858 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5e20a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5e2130 KEYVAL***: &a1 !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5e21c0 KEYVAL***: &a2 'baz' '*a1' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/20 (0 ms) 42: [ RUN ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/21 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: running test case 'anchor mixed with tag HMQ5, resolved' 42: ------------------------------------------- 42: REF TREE: 42: 0xaaaabd4d2fb8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 42: 0xaaaabd4c9900 KEYVAL***: '!!str foo' '!!str bar' (2 sibs) 42: 0xaaaabd4c9998 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: RECREATED TREE: 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [0][0] 0xaaaabd5e2260 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 42: [1] [1] 0xaaaabd5e22f0 KEYVAL***: !!str 'foo' !!str 'bar' (2 sibs) 42: [2] [2] 0xaaaabd5e2380 KEYVAL: 'baz' 'foo' (2 sibs) 42: #nodes=3 vs #printed=3 42: -------------------------------------- 42: [ OK ] SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/21 (0 ms) 42: [----------] 792 tests from SIMPLE_ANCHOR/YmlTestCase (20 ms total) 42: 42: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 42: [==========] 815 tests from 5 test suites ran. (20 ms total) 42: [ PASSED ] 815 tests. 42/52 Test #42: ryml-test-simple_anchor ........... Passed 0.03 sec test 43 Start 43: ryml-test-indentation 43: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-indentation-0.6.0 43: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 43: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 43: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 43: [==========] Running 397 tests from 2 test suites. 43: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 43: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 43: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 43: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 43: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 43: 43: [----------] 396 tests from INDENTATION/YmlTestCase 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: # this is an indented doc 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a520 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a735a0 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73640 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a736d8 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73770 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ab4530 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ab45c0 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ab4650 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ab46e0 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ab4770 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a638 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a742f0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74388 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74430 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74600 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74698 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a744c8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74740 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a747d8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74560 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74880 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74918 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ab6620 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ab66b0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ab6740 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ab67d0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ab6860 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ab68f0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ab6980 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ab6a10 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ab6aa0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ab6b30 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ab6bc0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ab6c50 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a750 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74e30 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74ec8 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74f70 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75140 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a751d8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75008 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75280 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75318 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a750a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a753c0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75458 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ab8610 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ab86a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ab8730 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ab87c0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ab8850 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ab88e0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ab8970 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ab8a00 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ab8a90 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ab8b20 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ab8bb0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ab8c40 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a868 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75500 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75598 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75640 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75810 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a758a8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a756d8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75950 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a759e8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75770 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75a90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75b28 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aba600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aba690 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aba720 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aba7b0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aba840 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aba8d0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aba960 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aba9f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7abaa80 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7abab10 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ababa0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7abac30 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a980 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a764a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76538 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a765e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a767b0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76848 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76678 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a768f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76988 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76710 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a76a30 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76ac8 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7abc5f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7abc680 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7abc710 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7abc7a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7abc830 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7abc8c0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7abc950 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7abc9e0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7abca70 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7abcb00 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7abcb90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7abcc20 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: matrix: 43: 43: include: # next line is blank 43: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 # next line has one space 43: 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 # next line has two spaces 43: 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 # next line has three spaces 43: 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 # next line has four spaces 43: 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 # next line has five spaces 43: 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 # next line has six spaces 43: 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 # next line has five spaces 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aa98 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74ab0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74b50 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78cd0 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78d68 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e00 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e98 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78f30 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78fc8 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79060 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a790f8 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79190 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79228 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a792c0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79358 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a793f0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79488 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79520 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a795b8 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79650 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a796e8 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79780 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79818 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a798b0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79948 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a799e0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79a78 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79b10 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79ba8 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79c40 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79cd8 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7abf8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7abf950 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7abf9e0 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7abfa70 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7abfb00 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7abfb90 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7abfc20 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7abfcb0 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7abfd40 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7abfdd0 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7abfe60 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7abfef0 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7abff80 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ac0010 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ac00a0 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ac0130 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ac01c0 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ac0250 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ac02e0 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ac0370 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ac0400 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ac0490 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ac0520 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ac05b0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ac0640 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ac06d0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7ac0760 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7ac07f0 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7ac0880 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7ac0910 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7ac09a0 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7abb0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77b80 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77cc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77e90 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77f28 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77fc0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78058 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a780f0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78188 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77d58 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78230 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a782c8 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77df0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78370 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78408 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77c18 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a784b0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a785f0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78688 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78720 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a787b8 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78850 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a788e8 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78548 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78990 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78a28 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac2800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac2890 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac2920 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac29b0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac2a40 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac2ad0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac2b60 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ac2bf0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ac2c80 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ac2d10 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ac2da0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ac2e30 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ac2ec0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ac2f50 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ac2fe0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ac3070 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ac3100 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ac3190 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ac3220 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ac32b0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ac3340 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ac33d0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ac3460 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ac34f0 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ac3580 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ac3610 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a # next line has 22 spaces (aligns with -) 43: 43: - b # next line has 23 spaces (aligns with #) 43: 43: - c # next line has 3 spaces 43: 43: - d 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7acc8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78b20 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78bc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a260 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a2f8 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a390 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a428 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac4e30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac4ec0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac4f50 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac4fe0 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac5070 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac5100 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac5190 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7ade0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73e30 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73cf0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73d88 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73ec8 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73bb0 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73c48 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac6b60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac6bf0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac6c80 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac6d10 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac6da0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac6e30 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac6ec0 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: # 43: - b1 43: # 43: - b2 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b3 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b4 43: # 43: # - c 43: #- d 43: - b5 43: #- d2 43: #- d3 43: #- d4 43: - b6 43: #- d41 43: # 43: - b61 43: # 43: # 43: - b62 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b63 43: # 43: - b64 43: # 43: - b65 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b66 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: #- d41 43: #- d5 43: #- d6 43: #- d7 43: - b7 43: #- d8 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b8 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b9 43: # 43: # 43: - b10 43: # 43: # 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aef8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a749c0 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73a70 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73b08 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7cf60 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7cff8 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d090 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d128 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d1c0 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d258 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d2f0 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d388 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d420 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d4b8 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d550 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d5e8 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d680 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d718 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d7b0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d848 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d8e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d978 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7da10 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7daa8 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7db40 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aca2d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aca360 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aca3f0 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aca480 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aca510 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aca5a0 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aca630 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aca6c0 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aca750 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aca7e0 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aca870 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aca900 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7aca990 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7acaa20 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7acaab0 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7acab40 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7acabd0 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7acac60 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7acacf0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7acad80 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7acae10 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7acaea0 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7acaf30 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7acafc0 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7acb050 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: 43: c: d 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7b010 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a79d80 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75bd0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79e18 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79eb0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75c70 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79f48 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac99c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac9a50 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac9ae0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac9b70 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac9c00 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac9c90 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac9d20 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: # this is an indented doc 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a520 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a735a0 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73640 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a736d8 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73770 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acc900 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acc990 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acca20 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7accab0 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7accb40 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a638 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a742f0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74388 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74430 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74600 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74698 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a744c8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74740 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a747d8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74560 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74880 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74918 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acd210 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acd2a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acd330 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7acd3c0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acd450 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acd4e0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acd570 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7acd600 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7acd690 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7acd720 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7acd7b0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7acd840 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a750 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74e30 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74ec8 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74f70 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75140 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a751d8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75008 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75280 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75318 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a750a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a753c0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75458 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acdb20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acdbb0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acdc40 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7acdcd0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acdd60 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acddf0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acde80 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7acdf10 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7acdfa0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ace030 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ace0c0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ace150 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a868 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75500 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75598 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75640 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75810 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a758a8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a756d8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75950 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a759e8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75770 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75a90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75b28 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ace430 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ace4c0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ace550 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ace5e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ace670 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ace700 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ace790 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ace820 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ace8b0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ace940 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ace9d0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7acea60 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: key: 43: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a980 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a764a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76538 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a765e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a767b0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76848 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76678 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a768f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76988 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76710 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a76a30 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76ac8 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aced40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acedd0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acee60 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aceef0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acef80 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acf010 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acf0a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7acf130 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7acf1c0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7acf250 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7acf2e0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7acf370 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: matrix: 43: 43: include: # next line is blank 43: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 # next line has one space 43: 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 # next line has two spaces 43: 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 # next line has three spaces 43: 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 # next line has four spaces 43: 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 # next line has five spaces 43: 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 # next line has six spaces 43: 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 # next line has five spaces 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aa98 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74ab0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74b50 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78cd0 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78d68 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e00 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e98 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78f30 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78fc8 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79060 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a790f8 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79190 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79228 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a792c0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79358 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a793f0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79488 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79520 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a795b8 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79650 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a796e8 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79780 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79818 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a798b0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79948 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a799e0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79a78 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79b10 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79ba8 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79c40 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79cd8 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acff60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acfff0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad0080 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad0110 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad01a0 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad0230 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad02c0 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad0350 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad03e0 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad0470 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad0500 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad0590 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ad0620 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ad06b0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ad0740 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ad07d0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ad0860 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ad08f0 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ad0980 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ad0a10 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ad0aa0 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ad0b30 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ad0bc0 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ad0c50 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ad0ce0 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ad0d70 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7ad0e00 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7ad0e90 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7ad0f20 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7ad0fb0 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7ad1040 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7abb0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77b80 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77cc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77e90 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77f28 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77fc0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78058 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a780f0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78188 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77d58 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78230 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a782c8 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77df0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78370 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78408 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77c18 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a784b0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a785f0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78688 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78720 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a787b8 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78850 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a788e8 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78548 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78990 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78a28 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad1170 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad1200 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad1290 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad1320 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad13b0 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad1440 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad14d0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad1560 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad15f0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad1680 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad1710 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad17a0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ad1830 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ad18c0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ad1950 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ad19e0 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ad1a70 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ad1b00 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ad1b90 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ad1c20 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ad1cb0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ad1d40 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ad1dd0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ad1e60 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ad1ef0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ad1f80 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a # next line has 22 spaces (aligns with -) 43: 43: - b # next line has 23 spaces (aligns with #) 43: 43: - c # next line has 3 spaces 43: 43: - d 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7acc8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78b20 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78bc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a260 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a2f8 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a390 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a428 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acf650 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acf6e0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acf770 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7acf800 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acf890 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acf920 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acf9b0 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7ade0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73e30 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73cf0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73d88 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73ec8 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73bb0 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73c48 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad2380 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad2410 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad24a0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad2530 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad25c0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad2650 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad26e0 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: # 43: - b1 43: # 43: - b2 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b3 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b4 43: # 43: # - c 43: #- d 43: - b5 43: #- d2 43: #- d3 43: #- d4 43: - b6 43: #- d41 43: # 43: - b61 43: # 43: # 43: - b62 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b63 43: # 43: - b64 43: # 43: - b65 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b66 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: #- d41 43: #- d5 43: #- d6 43: #- d7 43: - b7 43: #- d8 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b8 43: # 43: # 43: # 43: - b9 43: # 43: # 43: - b10 43: # 43: # 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aef8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a749c0 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73a70 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73b08 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7cf60 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7cff8 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d090 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d128 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d1c0 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d258 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d2f0 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d388 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d420 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d4b8 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d550 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d5e8 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d680 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d718 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d7b0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d848 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d8e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d978 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7da10 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7daa8 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7db40 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad35a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad3630 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad36c0 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad3750 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad37e0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad3870 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad3900 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad3990 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad3a20 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad3ab0 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad3b40 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad3bd0 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ad3c60 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ad3cf0 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ad3d80 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ad3e10 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ad3ea0 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ad3f30 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ad3fc0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ad4050 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ad40e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ad4170 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ad4200 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ad4290 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ad4320 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --------------- 43: 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: 43: c: d 43: --------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7b010 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a79d80 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75bd0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79e18 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79eb0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75c70 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79f48 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: PARSED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad2c90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad2d20 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad2db0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad2e40 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad2ed0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad2f60 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad2ff0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: --- 43: - foo 43: - bar 43: - baz 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: key: value 43: another_key: 43: sub_key0: 43: - val0 43: - val1 43: sub_key1: 43: - val2 43: - val3 43: sub_key2: 43: - val4 43: - val5 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: matrix: 43: include: 43: - env01 43: - env02 43: - env03 43: - env04 43: - env11 43: - env12 43: - env13 43: - env14 43: - env21 43: - env22 43: - env23 43: - env24 43: - env31 43: - env32 43: - env33 43: - env34 43: - env41 43: - env42 43: - env43 43: - env44 43: - env51 43: - env52 43: - env53 43: - env54 43: - env61 43: - env62 43: - env63 43: - env64 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: even_more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: more_skip: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: - e 43: - f 43: more_files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: skip_commits: 43: files: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: foo: 43: - a 43: - b 43: bar: 43: - c 43: - d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: stand2sit: 43: map: mirror 43: dat: 43: - a 43: - b 43: - b1 43: - b2 43: - b3 43: - b4 43: - b5 43: - b6 43: - b61 43: - b62 43: - b63 43: - b64 43: - b65 43: - b66 43: - b7 43: - b8 43: - b9 43: - b10 43: - e 43: - f 43: - g 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: e: 43: - f 43: g: h 43: a: 43: - b 43: c: d 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: # this is an indented doc\n 43: ---\n 43: - foo\n 43: - bar\n 43: - baz\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ab4530 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ab45c0 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ab4650 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ab46e0 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ab4770 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: ---\n 43: - foo\n 43: - bar\n 43: - baz\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad5ef0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad5f80 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad6010 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad60a0 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad6130 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: key:\n 43: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ab6620 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ab66b0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ab6740 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ab67d0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ab6860 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ab68f0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ab6980 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ab6a10 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ab6aa0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ab6b30 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ab6bc0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ab6c50 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad70e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad7170 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad7200 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad7290 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad7320 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad73b0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad7440 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad74d0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad7560 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad75f0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad7680 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad7710 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: key:\n 43: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ab8610 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ab86a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ab8730 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ab87c0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ab8850 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ab88e0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ab8970 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ab8a00 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ab8a90 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ab8b20 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ab8bb0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ab8c40 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad79f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad7a80 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad7b10 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad7ba0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad7c30 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad7cc0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad7d50 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad7de0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad7e70 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad7f00 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad7f90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad8020 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: key:\n 43: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aba600 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aba690 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aba720 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aba7b0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aba840 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aba8d0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aba960 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aba9f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7abaa80 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7abab10 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ababa0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7abac30 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad8300 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad8390 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad8420 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad84b0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad8540 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad85d0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad8660 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad86f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad8780 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad8810 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad88a0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad8930 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: key:\n 43: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7abc5f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7abc680 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7abc710 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7abc7a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7abc830 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7abc8c0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7abc950 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7abc9e0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7abca70 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7abcb00 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7abcb90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7abcc20 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad8c10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad8ca0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad8d30 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad8dc0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad8e50 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad8ee0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad8f70 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad9000 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad9090 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad9120 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad91b0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad9240 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: matrix:\n 43: \n 43: include: # next line is blank\n 43: \n 43: - env01\n 43: - env02\n 43: - env03\n 43: - env04 # next line has one space\n 43: \n 43: - env11\n 43: - env12\n 43: - env13\n 43: - env14 # next line has two spaces\n 43: \n 43: - env21\n 43: - env22\n 43: - env23\n 43: - env24 # next line has three spaces\n 43: \n 43: - env31\n 43: - env32\n 43: - env33\n 43: - env34 # next line has four spaces\n 43: \n 43: - env41\n 43: - env42\n 43: - env43\n 43: - env44 # next line has five spaces\n 43: \n 43: - env51\n 43: - env52\n 43: - env53\n 43: - env54 # next line has six spaces\n 43: \n 43: - env61\n 43: - env62\n 43: - env63\n 43: - env64 # next line has five spaces\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7abf8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7abf950 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7abf9e0 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7abfa70 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7abfb00 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7abfb90 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7abfc20 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7abfcb0 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7abfd40 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7abfdd0 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7abfe60 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7abfef0 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7abff80 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ac0010 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ac00a0 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ac0130 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ac01c0 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ac0250 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ac02e0 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ac0370 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ac0400 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ac0490 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ac0520 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ac05b0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ac0640 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ac06d0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7ac0760 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7ac07f0 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7ac0880 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7ac0910 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7ac09a0 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: matrix:\n 43: include:\n 43: - env01\n 43: - env02\n 43: - env03\n 43: - env04\n 43: - env11\n 43: - env12\n 43: - env13\n 43: - env14\n 43: - env21\n 43: - env22\n 43: - env23\n 43: - env24\n 43: - env31\n 43: - env32\n 43: - env33\n 43: - env34\n 43: - env41\n 43: - env42\n 43: - env43\n 43: - env44\n 43: - env51\n 43: - env52\n 43: - env53\n 43: - env54\n 43: - env61\n 43: - env62\n 43: - env63\n 43: - env64\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad9e30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad9ec0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad9f50 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad9fe0 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ada070 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ada100 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ada190 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ada220 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ada2b0 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ada340 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ada3d0 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ada460 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ada4f0 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ada580 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ada610 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ada6a0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ada730 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ada7c0 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ada850 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ada8e0 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ada970 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7adaa00 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7adaa90 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7adab20 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7adabb0 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7adac40 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7adacd0 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7adad60 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7adadf0 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7adae80 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7adaf10 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: skip_commits:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: even_more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: more_skip:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac2800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac2890 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac2920 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac29b0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac2a40 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac2ad0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac2b60 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ac2bf0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ac2c80 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ac2d10 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ac2da0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ac2e30 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ac2ec0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ac2f50 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ac2fe0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ac3070 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ac3100 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ac3190 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ac3220 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ac32b0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ac3340 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ac33d0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ac3460 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ac34f0 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ac3580 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ac3610 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: skip_commits:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: even_more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: more_skip:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7adb040 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7adb0d0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7adb160 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7adb1f0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7adb280 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7adb310 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7adb3a0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7adb430 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7adb4c0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7adb550 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7adb5e0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7adb670 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7adb700 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7adb790 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7adb820 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7adb8b0 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7adb940 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7adb9d0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7adba60 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7adbaf0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7adbb80 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7adbc10 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7adbca0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7adbd30 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7adbdc0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7adbe50 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: skip_commits:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a # next line has 22 spaces (aligns with -)\n 43: \n 43: - b # next line has 23 spaces (aligns with #)\n 43: \n 43: - c # next line has 3 spaces\n 43: \n 43: - d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac4e30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac4ec0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac4f50 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac4fe0 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac5070 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac5100 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac5190 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: skip_commits:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad9520 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad95b0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad9640 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad96d0 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad9760 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad97f0 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad9880 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: foo:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: bar:\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac6b60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac6bf0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac6c80 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac6d10 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac6da0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac6e30 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac6ec0 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: foo:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: bar:\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7adc250 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7adc2e0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7adc370 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7adc400 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7adc490 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7adc520 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7adc5b0 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: stand2sit:\n 43: map: mirror\n 43: dat:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: #\n 43: - b1\n 43: #\n 43: - b2\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b3\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b4\n 43: #\n 43: # - c\n 43: #- d\n 43: - b5\n 43: #- d2\n 43: #- d3\n 43: #- d4\n 43: - b6\n 43: #- d41\n 43: #\n 43: - b61\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b62\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b63\n 43: #\n 43: - b64\n 43: #\n 43: - b65\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b66\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #- d41\n 43: #- d5\n 43: #- d6\n 43: #- d7\n 43: - b7\n 43: #- d8\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b8\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b9\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - b10\n 43: #\n 43: #\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: - g\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aca2d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aca360 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aca3f0 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aca480 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aca510 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aca5a0 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aca630 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aca6c0 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aca750 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aca7e0 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aca870 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aca900 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7aca990 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7acaa20 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7acaab0 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7acab40 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7acabd0 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7acac60 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7acacf0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7acad80 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7acae10 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7acaea0 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7acaf30 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7acafc0 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7acb050 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: stand2sit:\n 43: map: mirror\n 43: dat:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - b1\n 43: - b2\n 43: - b3\n 43: - b4\n 43: - b5\n 43: - b6\n 43: - b61\n 43: - b62\n 43: - b63\n 43: - b64\n 43: - b65\n 43: - b66\n 43: - b7\n 43: - b8\n 43: - b9\n 43: - b10\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: - g\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7add470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7add500 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7add590 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7add620 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7add6b0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7add740 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7add7d0 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7add860 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7add8f0 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7add980 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7adda10 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7addaa0 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7addb30 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7addbc0 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7addc50 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7addce0 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7addd70 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7adde00 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7adde90 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7addf20 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7addfb0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ade040 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ade0d0 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ade160 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ade1f0 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \n 43: e:\n 43: - f\n 43: g: h\n 43: a:\n 43: - b\n 43: \n 43: c: d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ac99c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ac9a50 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ac9ae0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ac9b70 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ac9c00 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ac9c90 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ac9d20 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: e:\n 43: - f\n 43: g: h\n 43: a:\n 43: - b\n 43: c: d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7adcb60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7adcbf0 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7adcc80 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7adcd10 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7adcda0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7adce30 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7adcec0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: # this is an indented doc\r\n 43: ---\r\n 43: - foo\r\n 43: - bar\r\n 43: - baz\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acc900 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acc990 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acca20 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7accab0 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7accb40 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: ---\n 43: - foo\n 43: - bar\n 43: - baz\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ade680 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ade710 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ade7a0 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ade830 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ade8c0 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: key:\r\n 43: value\r\n 43: another_key:\r\n 43: sub_key0:\r\n 43: - val0\r\n 43: - val1\r\n 43: sub_key1:\r\n 43: - val2\r\n 43: - val3\r\n 43: sub_key2:\r\n 43: - val4\r\n 43: - val5\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acd210 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acd2a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acd330 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7acd3c0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acd450 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acd4e0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acd570 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7acd600 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7acd690 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7acd720 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7acd7b0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7acd840 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7adef90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7adf020 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7adf0b0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7adf140 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7adf1d0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7adf260 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7adf2f0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7adf380 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7adf410 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7adf4a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7adf530 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7adf5c0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: key:\r\n 43: value\r\n 43: another_key:\r\n 43: sub_key0:\r\n 43: - val0\r\n 43: - val1\r\n 43: sub_key1:\r\n 43: - val2\r\n 43: - val3\r\n 43: sub_key2:\r\n 43: - val4\r\n 43: - val5\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acdb20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acdbb0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acdc40 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7acdcd0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acdd60 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acddf0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acde80 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7acdf10 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7acdfa0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ace030 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ace0c0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ace150 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7adf8a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7adf930 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7adf9c0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7adfa50 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7adfae0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7adfb70 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7adfc00 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7adfc90 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7adfd20 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7adfdb0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7adfe40 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7adfed0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: key:\r\n 43: value\r\n 43: another_key:\r\n 43: sub_key0:\r\n 43: - val0\r\n 43: - val1\r\n 43: sub_key1:\r\n 43: - val2\r\n 43: - val3\r\n 43: sub_key2:\r\n 43: - val4\r\n 43: - val5\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ace430 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ace4c0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ace550 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ace5e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ace670 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ace700 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ace790 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ace820 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ace8b0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ace940 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ace9d0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7acea60 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae01b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae0240 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae02d0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae0360 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae03f0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae0480 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae0510 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae05a0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae0630 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae06c0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae0750 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae07e0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: key:\r\n 43: value\r\n 43: another_key:\r\n 43: sub_key0:\r\n 43: - val0\r\n 43: - val1\r\n 43: sub_key1:\r\n 43: - val2\r\n 43: - val3\r\n 43: sub_key2:\r\n 43: - val4\r\n 43: - val5\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aced40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acedd0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acee60 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aceef0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acef80 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acf010 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acf0a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7acf130 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7acf1c0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7acf250 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7acf2e0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7acf370 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: key: value\n 43: another_key:\n 43: sub_key0:\n 43: - val0\n 43: - val1\n 43: sub_key1:\n 43: - val2\n 43: - val3\n 43: sub_key2:\n 43: - val4\n 43: - val5\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae0ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae0b50 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae0be0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae0c70 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae0d00 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae0d90 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae0e20 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae0eb0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae0f40 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae0fd0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae1060 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae10f0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: matrix:\r\n 43: \r\n 43: include: # next line is blank\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env01\r\n 43: - env02\r\n 43: - env03\r\n 43: - env04 # next line has one space\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env11\r\n 43: - env12\r\n 43: - env13\r\n 43: - env14 # next line has two spaces\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env21\r\n 43: - env22\r\n 43: - env23\r\n 43: - env24 # next line has three spaces\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env31\r\n 43: - env32\r\n 43: - env33\r\n 43: - env34 # next line has four spaces\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env41\r\n 43: - env42\r\n 43: - env43\r\n 43: - env44 # next line has five spaces\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env51\r\n 43: - env52\r\n 43: - env53\r\n 43: - env54 # next line has six spaces\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - env61\r\n 43: - env62\r\n 43: - env63\r\n 43: - env64 # next line has five spaces\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acff60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acfff0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad0080 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad0110 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad01a0 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad0230 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad02c0 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad0350 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad03e0 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad0470 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad0500 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad0590 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ad0620 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ad06b0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ad0740 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ad07d0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ad0860 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ad08f0 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ad0980 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ad0a10 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ad0aa0 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ad0b30 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ad0bc0 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ad0c50 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ad0ce0 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ad0d70 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7ad0e00 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7ad0e90 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7ad0f20 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7ad0fb0 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7ad1040 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: matrix:\n 43: include:\n 43: - env01\n 43: - env02\n 43: - env03\n 43: - env04\n 43: - env11\n 43: - env12\n 43: - env13\n 43: - env14\n 43: - env21\n 43: - env22\n 43: - env23\n 43: - env24\n 43: - env31\n 43: - env32\n 43: - env33\n 43: - env34\n 43: - env41\n 43: - env42\n 43: - env43\n 43: - env44\n 43: - env51\n 43: - env52\n 43: - env53\n 43: - env54\n 43: - env61\n 43: - env62\n 43: - env63\n 43: - env64\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae1ce0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae1d70 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae1e00 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae1e90 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae1f20 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae1fb0 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae2040 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae20d0 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae2160 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae21f0 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae2280 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae2310 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ae23a0 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ae2430 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ae24c0 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ae2550 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ae25e0 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ae2670 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ae2700 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ae2790 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ae2820 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ae28b0 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ae2940 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ae29d0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ae2a60 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ae2af0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7ae2b80 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7ae2c10 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7ae2ca0 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7ae2d30 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7ae2dc0 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: skip_commits:\r\n 43: files:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: - c\r\n 43: - d\r\n 43: - e\r\n 43: - f\r\n 43: more_files:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: even_more_files:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: more_skip:\r\n 43: files:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: - c\r\n 43: - d\r\n 43: - e\r\n 43: - f\r\n 43: more_files:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad1170 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad1200 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad1290 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad1320 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad13b0 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad1440 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad14d0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad1560 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad15f0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad1680 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad1710 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad17a0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ad1830 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ad18c0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ad1950 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ad19e0 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ad1a70 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ad1b00 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ad1b90 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ad1c20 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ad1cb0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ad1d40 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ad1dd0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ad1e60 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ad1ef0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ad1f80 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: skip_commits:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: even_more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: more_skip:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: more_files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae2ef0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae2f80 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae3010 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae30a0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae3130 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae31c0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae3250 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae32e0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae3370 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae3400 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae3490 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae3520 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ae35b0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ae3640 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ae36d0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ae3760 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ae37f0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ae3880 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ae3910 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ae39a0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ae3a30 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ae3ac0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ae3b50 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ae3be0 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ae3c70 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ae3d00 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: skip_commits:\r\n 43: files:\r\n 43: - a # next line has 22 spaces (aligns with -)\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - b # next line has 23 spaces (aligns with #)\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - c # next line has 3 spaces\r\n 43: \r\n 43: - d\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7acf650 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7acf6e0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7acf770 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7acf800 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7acf890 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7acf920 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7acf9b0 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: skip_commits:\n 43: files:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae13d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae1460 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae14f0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae1580 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae1610 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae16a0 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae1730 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: foo:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: bar:\r\n 43: - c\r\n 43: - d\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad2380 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad2410 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad24a0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad2530 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad25c0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad2650 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad26e0 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: foo:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: bar:\n 43: - c\n 43: - d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae4100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae4190 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae4220 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae42b0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae4340 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae43d0 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae4460 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: stand2sit:\r\n 43: map: mirror\r\n 43: dat:\r\n 43: - a\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b1\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b2\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b3\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b4\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: # - c\r\n 43: #- d\r\n 43: - b5\r\n 43: #- d2\r\n 43: #- d3\r\n 43: #- d4\r\n 43: - b6\r\n 43: #- d41\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b61\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b62\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b63\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b64\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b65\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b66\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #- d41\r\n 43: #- d5\r\n 43: #- d6\r\n 43: #- d7\r\n 43: - b7\r\n 43: #- d8\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b8\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b9\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - b10\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: #\r\n 43: - e\r\n 43: - f\r\n 43: - g\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad35a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad3630 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad36c0 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad3750 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad37e0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad3870 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad3900 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ad3990 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ad3a20 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ad3ab0 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ad3b40 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ad3bd0 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ad3c60 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ad3cf0 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ad3d80 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ad3e10 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ad3ea0 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ad3f30 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ad3fc0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ad4050 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ad40e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ad4170 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ad4200 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ad4290 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ad4320 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: stand2sit:\n 43: map: mirror\n 43: dat:\n 43: - a\n 43: - b\n 43: - b1\n 43: - b2\n 43: - b3\n 43: - b4\n 43: - b5\n 43: - b6\n 43: - b61\n 43: - b62\n 43: - b63\n 43: - b64\n 43: - b65\n 43: - b66\n 43: - b7\n 43: - b8\n 43: - b9\n 43: - b10\n 43: - e\n 43: - f\n 43: - g\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae5320 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae53b0 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae5440 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae54d0 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae5560 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae55f0 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae5680 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae5710 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae57a0 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae5830 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae58c0 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae5950 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ae59e0 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ae5a70 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ae5b00 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ae5b90 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ae5c20 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ae5cb0 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ae5d40 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ae5dd0 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ae5e60 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ae5ef0 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ae5f80 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ae6010 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ae60a0 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 43: \r\n 43: e:\r\n 43: - f\r\n 43: g: h\r\n 43: a:\r\n 43: - b\r\n 43: \r\n 43: c: d\r\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad2c90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad2d20 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad2db0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad2e40 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad2ed0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ad2f60 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ad2ff0 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 43: e:\n 43: - f\n 43: g: h\n 43: a:\n 43: - b\n 43: c: d\n 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae4a10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae4aa0 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae4b30 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae4bc0 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae4c50 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae4ce0 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae4d70 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a520 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a735a0 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73640 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a736d8 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73770 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ad6b00 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ad6b90 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ad6c20 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ad6cb0 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ad6d40 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a638 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a742f0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74388 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74430 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74600 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74698 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a744c8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74740 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a747d8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74560 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74880 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74918 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae6530 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae65c0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae6650 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae66e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae6770 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae6800 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae6890 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae6920 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae69b0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae6a40 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae6ad0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae6b60 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a750 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74e30 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74ec8 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74f70 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75140 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a751d8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75008 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75280 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75318 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a750a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a753c0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75458 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae6c00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae6c90 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae6d20 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae6db0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae6e40 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae6ed0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae6f60 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae6ff0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae7080 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae7110 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae71a0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae7230 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a868 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75500 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75598 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75640 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75810 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a758a8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a756d8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75950 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a759e8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75770 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75a90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75b28 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae72d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae7360 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae73f0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae7480 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae7510 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae75a0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae7630 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae76c0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae7750 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae77e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae7870 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae7900 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a980 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a764a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76538 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a765e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a767b0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76848 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76678 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a768f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76988 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76710 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a76a30 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76ac8 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae79a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae7a30 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae7ac0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae7b50 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae7be0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae7c70 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae7d00 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae7d90 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae7e20 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae7eb0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae7f40 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae7fd0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aa98 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74ab0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74b50 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78cd0 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78d68 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e00 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e98 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78f30 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78fc8 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79060 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a790f8 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79190 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79228 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a792c0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79358 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a793f0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79488 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79520 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a795b8 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79650 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a796e8 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79780 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79818 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a798b0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79948 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a799e0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79a78 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79b10 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79ba8 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79c40 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79cd8 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae8070 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae8100 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae8190 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae8220 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae82b0 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae8340 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae83d0 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae8460 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae84f0 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae8580 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae8610 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae86a0 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ae8730 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ae87c0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ae8850 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ae88e0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ae8970 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ae8a00 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ae8a90 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ae8b20 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ae8bb0 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ae8c40 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ae8cd0 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ae8d60 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ae8df0 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7ae8e80 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7ae8f10 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7ae8fa0 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7ae9030 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7ae90c0 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7ae9150 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7abb0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77b80 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77cc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77e90 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77f28 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77fc0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78058 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a780f0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78188 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77d58 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78230 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a782c8 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77df0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78370 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78408 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77c18 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a784b0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a785f0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78688 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78720 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a787b8 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78850 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a788e8 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78548 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78990 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78a28 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7ae91f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7ae9280 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7ae9310 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7ae93a0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7ae9430 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7ae94c0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7ae9550 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7ae95e0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7ae9670 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7ae9700 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7ae9790 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7ae9820 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7ae98b0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7ae9940 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7ae99d0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7ae9a60 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7ae9af0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7ae9b80 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7ae9c10 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7ae9ca0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7ae9d30 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7ae9dc0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7ae9e50 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7ae9ee0 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7ae9f70 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7aea000 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7acc8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78b20 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78bc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a260 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a2f8 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a390 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a428 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aea0a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aea130 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aea1c0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aea250 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aea2e0 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aea370 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aea400 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7ade0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73e30 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73cf0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73d88 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73ec8 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73bb0 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73c48 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aea4a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aea530 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aea5c0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aea650 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aea6e0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aea770 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aea800 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aef8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a749c0 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73a70 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73b08 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7cf60 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7cff8 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d090 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d128 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d1c0 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d258 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d2f0 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d388 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d420 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d4b8 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d550 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d5e8 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d680 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d718 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d7b0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d848 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d8e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d978 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7da10 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7daa8 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7db40 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aea8a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aea930 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aea9c0 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aeaa50 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aeaae0 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aeab70 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aeac00 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aeac90 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aead20 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aeadb0 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aeae40 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aeaed0 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7aeaf60 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7aeaff0 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7aeb080 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7aeb110 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7aeb1a0 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7aeb230 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7aeb2c0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7aeb350 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7aeb3e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7aeb470 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7aeb500 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7aeb590 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7aeb620 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7b010 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a79d80 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75bd0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79e18 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79eb0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75c70 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79f48 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aeb6c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aeb750 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aeb7e0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aeb870 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aeb900 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aeb990 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aeba20 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indented doc' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a520 [ROOT] STREAM: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a735a0 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73640 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a736d8 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73770 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aebac0 [ROOT] STREAM: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aebb50 DOCSEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aebbe0 VAL: 'foo' (3 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aebc70 VAL: 'bar' (3 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aebd00 VAL: 'baz' (3 sibs) 43: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '4 chars' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a638 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a742f0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74388 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74430 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74600 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74698 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a744c8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74740 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a747d8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74560 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74880 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74918 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aebda0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aebe30 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aebec0 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aebf50 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aebfe0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aec070 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aec100 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aec190 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aec220 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aec2b0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aec340 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aec3d0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex0' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a750 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74e30 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a74ec8 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74f70 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75140 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a751d8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75008 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75280 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75318 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a750a0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a753c0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75458 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aec470 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aec500 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aec590 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aec620 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aec6b0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aec740 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aec7d0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aec860 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aec8f0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aec980 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aeca10 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aecaa0 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex1' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a868 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75500 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75598 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75640 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75810 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a758a8 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a756d8 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75950 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a759e8 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75770 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75a90 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a75b28 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aecb40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aecbd0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aecc60 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aeccf0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aecd80 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aece10 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aecea0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aecf30 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aecfc0 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aed050 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aed0e0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aed170 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case '2 chars + 4 chars, ex2' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a980 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a764a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76538 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a765e0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a767b0 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76848 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76678 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a768f0 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76988 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76710 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a76a30 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a76ac8 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aed210 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aed2a0 KEYVAL: 'key' 'value' (2 sibs) 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aed330 KEYMAP: 'another_key' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aed3c0 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key0' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aed450 VAL: 'val0' (2 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aed4e0 VAL: 'val1' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aed570 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key1' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aed600 VAL: 'val2' (2 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aed690 VAL: 'val3' (2 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aed720 KEYSEQ: 'sub_key2' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aed7b0 VAL: 'val4' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aed840 VAL: 'val5' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=12 vs #printed=12 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'non-indented blank lines' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aa98 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74ab0 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a74b50 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78cd0 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78d68 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e00 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78e98 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78f30 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78fc8 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79060 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a790f8 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79190 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79228 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a792c0 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79358 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a793f0 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79488 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79520 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a795b8 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79650 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a796e8 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79780 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79818 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a798b0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79948 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a799e0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79a78 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79b10 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79ba8 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79c40 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79cd8 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aed8e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aed970 KEYMAP: 'matrix' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aeda00 KEYSEQ: 'include' (1 sibs) 28 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aeda90 VAL: 'env01' (28 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aedb20 VAL: 'env02' (28 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aedbb0 VAL: 'env03' (28 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aedc40 VAL: 'env04' (28 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aedcd0 VAL: 'env11' (28 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aedd60 VAL: 'env12' (28 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aeddf0 VAL: 'env13' (28 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aede80 VAL: 'env14' (28 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aedf10 VAL: 'env21' (28 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7aedfa0 VAL: 'env22' (28 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7aee030 VAL: 'env23' (28 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7aee0c0 VAL: 'env24' (28 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7aee150 VAL: 'env31' (28 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7aee1e0 VAL: 'env32' (28 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7aee270 VAL: 'env33' (28 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7aee300 VAL: 'env34' (28 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7aee390 VAL: 'env41' (28 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7aee420 VAL: 'env42' (28 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7aee4b0 VAL: 'env43' (28 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7aee540 VAL: 'env44' (28 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7aee5d0 VAL: 'env51' (28 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7aee660 VAL: 'env52' (28 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7aee6f0 VAL: 'env53' (28 sibs) 43: [26] [26] 0xaaaad7aee780 VAL: 'env54' (28 sibs) 43: [27] [27] 0xaaaad7aee810 VAL: 'env61' (28 sibs) 43: [28] [28] 0xaaaad7aee8a0 VAL: 'env62' (28 sibs) 43: [29] [29] 0xaaaad7aee930 VAL: 'env63' (28 sibs) 43: [30] [30] 0xaaaad7aee9c0 VAL: 'env64' (28 sibs) 43: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unnecessary indentation' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7abb0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77b80 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77cc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a77e90 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77f28 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77fc0 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78058 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a780f0 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78188 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77d58 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78230 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a782c8 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77df0 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78370 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78408 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a77c18 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a784b0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a785f0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78688 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78720 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a787b8 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78850 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a788e8 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78548 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78990 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a78a28 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aeea60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aeeaf0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (2 sibs) 3 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aeeb80 KEYSEQ: 'files' (3 sibs) 6 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aeec10 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aeeca0 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aeed30 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aeedc0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7aeee50 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7aeeee0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7aeef70 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7aef000 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7aef090 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7aef120 KEYSEQ: 'even_more_files' (3 sibs) 2 children: 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7aef1b0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7aef240 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7aef2d0 KEYMAP: 'more_skip' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7aef360 KEYSEQ: 'files' (2 sibs) 6 children: 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7aef3f0 VAL: 'a' (6 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7aef480 VAL: 'b' (6 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7aef510 VAL: 'c' (6 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7aef5a0 VAL: 'd' (6 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7aef630 VAL: 'e' (6 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7aef6c0 VAL: 'f' (6 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7aef750 KEYSEQ: 'more_files' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7aef7e0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [25] [25] 0xaaaad7aef870 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=26 vs #printed=26 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'blank lines indented, 1 - at same scope' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7acc8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78b20 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a78bc0 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7a260 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a2f8 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a390 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7a428 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aef910 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aef9a0 KEYMAP: 'skip_commits' (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aefa30 KEYSEQ: 'files' (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aefac0 VAL: 'a' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aefb50 VAL: 'b' (4 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aefbe0 VAL: 'c' (4 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7aefc70 VAL: 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'indentation at start' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7ade0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73e30 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73cf0 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73d88 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73ec8 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73bb0 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73c48 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7aefd10 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7aefda0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7aefe30 VAL: 'a' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7aefec0 VAL: 'b' (2 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7aeff50 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (2 sibs) 2 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7aeffe0 VAL: 'c' (2 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7af0070 VAL: 'd' (2 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'unaligned comments' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7aef8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a749c0 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a73a70 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a73b08 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a7cf60 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7cff8 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d090 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d128 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d1c0 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d258 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d2f0 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d388 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d420 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d4b8 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d550 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d5e8 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d680 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d718 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d7b0 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d848 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d8e0 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7d978 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7da10 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7daa8 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a7db40 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7af0110 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7af01a0 KEYMAP: 'stand2sit' (1 sibs) 2 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7af0230 KEYVAL: 'map' 'mirror' (2 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7af02c0 KEYSEQ: 'dat' (2 sibs) 21 children: 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7af0350 VAL: 'a' (21 sibs) 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7af03e0 VAL: 'b' (21 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7af0470 VAL: 'b1' (21 sibs) 43: [7] [7] 0xaaaad7af0500 VAL: 'b2' (21 sibs) 43: [8] [8] 0xaaaad7af0590 VAL: 'b3' (21 sibs) 43: [9] [9] 0xaaaad7af0620 VAL: 'b4' (21 sibs) 43: [10] [10] 0xaaaad7af06b0 VAL: 'b5' (21 sibs) 43: [11] [11] 0xaaaad7af0740 VAL: 'b6' (21 sibs) 43: [12] [12] 0xaaaad7af07d0 VAL: 'b61' (21 sibs) 43: [13] [13] 0xaaaad7af0860 VAL: 'b62' (21 sibs) 43: [14] [14] 0xaaaad7af08f0 VAL: 'b63' (21 sibs) 43: [15] [15] 0xaaaad7af0980 VAL: 'b64' (21 sibs) 43: [16] [16] 0xaaaad7af0a10 VAL: 'b65' (21 sibs) 43: [17] [17] 0xaaaad7af0aa0 VAL: 'b66' (21 sibs) 43: [18] [18] 0xaaaad7af0b30 VAL: 'b7' (21 sibs) 43: [19] [19] 0xaaaad7af0bc0 VAL: 'b8' (21 sibs) 43: [20] [20] 0xaaaad7af0c50 VAL: 'b9' (21 sibs) 43: [21] [21] 0xaaaad7af0ce0 VAL: 'b10' (21 sibs) 43: [22] [22] 0xaaaad7af0d70 VAL: 'e' (21 sibs) 43: [23] [23] 0xaaaad7af0e00 VAL: 'f' (21 sibs) 43: [24] [24] 0xaaaad7af0e90 VAL: 'g' (21 sibs) 43: #nodes=25 vs #printed=25 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 43: [ RUN ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: running test case 'issue83' 43: ------------------------------------------- 43: REF TREE: 43: 0xaaaad7a7b010 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 4 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a79d80 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75bd0 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79e18 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79eb0 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: 0xaaaad7a75c70 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: 0xaaaad7a79f48 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: RECREATED TREE: 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [0][0] 0xaaaad7af0f30 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 4 children: 43: [1] [1] 0xaaaad7af0fc0 KEYSEQ: 'e' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [2] [2] 0xaaaad7af1050 VAL: 'f' (1 sibs) 43: [3] [3] 0xaaaad7af10e0 KEYVAL: 'g' 'h' (4 sibs) 43: [4] [4] 0xaaaad7af1170 KEYSEQ: 'a' (4 sibs) 1 children: 43: [5] [5] 0xaaaad7af1200 VAL: 'b' (1 sibs) 43: [6] [6] 0xaaaad7af1290 KEYVAL: 'c' 'd' (4 sibs) 43: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 43: -------------------------------------- 43: [ OK ] INDENTATION/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 43: [----------] 396 tests from INDENTATION/YmlTestCase (7 ms total) 43: 43: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 43: [==========] 397 tests from 2 test suites ran. (7 ms total) 43: [ PASSED ] 397 tests. 43/52 Test #43: ryml-test-indentation ............. Passed 0.01 sec test 44 Start 44: ryml-test-number 44: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-number-0.6.0 44: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 44: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 44: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 44: [==========] Running 218 tests from 3 test suites. 44: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 44: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 44: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 44: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 44: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 44: 44: [----------] 1 test from number 44: [ RUN ] number.idec 44: [ OK ] number.idec (0 ms) 44: [----------] 1 test from number (0 ms total) 44: 44: [----------] 216 tests from NUMBER/YmlTestCase 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: translation: [-2, -2, 5, 0xa, -0xb, 0XA, -0XA, 0b10, -0b10, 0B10, -0B10, 0o17, -0o17, 0O17, -0O17]--------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b850 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a060 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a100 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a198 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a230 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a2c8 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a360 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a3f8 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a490 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a528 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a5c0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a658 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a6f0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a788 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a820 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a8b8 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a950 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e8ff00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e8ff90 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e90020 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e900b0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e90140 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e901d0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e90260 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e902f0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e90380 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10e90410 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10e904a0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10e90530 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10e905c0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10e90650 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10e906e0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10e90770 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10e90800 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b968 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69a60 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69b00 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69b98 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69c30 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e92530 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e925c0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e92650 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e926e0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e92770 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: [-2.0, -2.1, 0.1, .1, -.2, -2.e+6, -3e-6, 1.12345e+011]--------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6ba80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6ae60 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6aef8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6af90 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b028 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b0c0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b158 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b1f0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b288 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e94260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e942f0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e94380 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e94410 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e944a0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e94530 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e945c0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e94650 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e946e0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bb98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6b330 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b3c8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b460 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b4f8 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b590 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b628 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b6c0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b758 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e95f90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e96020 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e960b0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e96140 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e961d0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e96260 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e962f0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e96380 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e96410 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6c0d0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c168 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c200 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c298 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c330 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c3c8 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c460 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c4f8 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e97cc0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e97d50 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e97de0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e97e70 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e97f00 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e97f90 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e98020 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e980b0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e98140 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - [1.2.3, 4.5.6] 44: - [,] 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - {a: 1.2.3} 44: - {a:} 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - {a: 1.2.3, b: 4.5.6} 44: - {a:, b:} 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6cbe0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cc78 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cd10 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d440 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d4d8 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cda8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d580 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d618 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ce40 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d6c0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d758 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ced8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d800 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d898 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cf70 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d940 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d008 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d9e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d0a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6da80 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d138 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6db20 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d1d0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dbc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dc58 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d268 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dd00 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dd98 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d300 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6de40 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ded8 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d398 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6df80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6e018 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9b510 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9b5a0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9b630 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9b6c0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9b750 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9b7e0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9b870 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9b900 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9b990 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10e9ba20 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10e9bab0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10e9bb40 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10e9bbd0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10e9bc60 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10e9bcf0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10e9bd80 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10e9be10 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10e9bea0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10e9bf30 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10e9bfc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10e9c050 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10e9c0e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10e9c170 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10e9c200 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10e9c290 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10e9c320 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10e9c3b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10e9c440 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10e9c4d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10e9c560 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10e9c5f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10e9c680 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10e9c710 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10e9c7a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10e9c830 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: translation: [-2, -2, 5, 0xa, -0xb, 0XA, -0XA, 0b10, -0b10, 0B10, -0B10, 0o17, -0o17, 0O17, -0O17]--------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b850 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a060 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a100 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a198 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a230 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a2c8 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a360 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a3f8 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a490 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a528 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a5c0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a658 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a6f0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a788 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a820 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a8b8 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a950 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9a300 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9a390 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9a420 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9a4b0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9a540 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9a5d0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9a660 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9a6f0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9a780 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10e9a810 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10e9a8a0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10e9a930 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10e9a9c0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10e9aa50 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10e9aae0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10e9ab70 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10e9ac00 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b968 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69a60 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69b00 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69b98 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69c30 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e999f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e99a80 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e99b10 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e99ba0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e99c30 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: [-2.0, -2.1, 0.1, .1, -.2, -2.e+6, -3e-6, 1.12345e+011]--------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6ba80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6ae60 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6aef8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6af90 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b028 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b0c0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b158 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b1f0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b288 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9d920 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9d9b0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9da40 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9dad0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9db60 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9dbf0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9dc80 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9dd10 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9dda0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bb98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6b330 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b3c8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b460 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b4f8 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b590 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b628 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b6c0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b758 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9e230 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9e2c0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9e350 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9e3e0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9e470 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9e500 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9e590 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9e620 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9e6b0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6c0d0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c168 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c200 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c298 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c330 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c3c8 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c460 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c4f8 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9eb40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9ebd0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9ec60 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9ecf0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9ed80 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9ee10 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9eea0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9ef30 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9efc0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: --------------- 44: 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - [1.2.3, 4.5.6] 44: - [,] 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - {a: 1.2.3} 44: - {a:} 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - {a: 1.2.3, b: 4.5.6} 44: - {a:, b:} 44: --------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6cbe0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cc78 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cd10 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d440 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d4d8 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cda8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d580 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d618 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ce40 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d6c0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d758 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ced8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d800 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d898 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cf70 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d940 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d008 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d9e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d0a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6da80 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d138 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6db20 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d1d0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dbc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dc58 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d268 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dd00 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dd98 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d300 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6de40 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ded8 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d398 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6df80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6e018 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: PARSED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea1000 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea1090 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea1120 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea11b0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea1240 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea12d0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea1360 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea13f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ea1480 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ea1510 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ea15a0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ea1630 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ea16c0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ea1750 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ea17e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ea1870 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ea1900 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ea1990 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ea1a20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ea1ab0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ea1b40 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ea1bd0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ea1c60 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ea1cf0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ea1d80 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ea1e10 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ea1ea0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ea1f30 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ea1fc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ea2050 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ea20e0 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ea2170 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ea2200 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ea2290 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}{"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}{"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}]["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}{"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}{"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}]["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - 5 44: - 0xa 44: - -0xb 44: - 0XA 44: - -0XA 44: - 0b10 44: - -0b10 44: - 0B10 44: - -0B10 44: - 0o17 44: - -0o17 44: - 0O17 44: - -0O17 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: translation: 44: - -2 44: - -2 44: - -5 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - -2.0 44: - -2.1 44: - 0.1 44: - .1 44: - -.2 44: - -2.e+6 44: - -3e-6 44: - 1.12345e+011 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: - 1.2.3 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - - 1.2.3 44: - 4.5.6 44: - - 44: - 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: - a: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: - a: 1.2.3 44: b: 4.5.6 44: - a: 44: b: 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}[ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}][ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation: [-2, -2, 5, 0xa, -0xb, 0XA, -0XA, 0b10, -0b10, 0B10, -0B10, 0o17, -0o17, 0O17, -0O17]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e8ff00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e8ff90 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e90020 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e900b0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e90140 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e901d0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e90260 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e902f0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e90380 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10e90410 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10e904a0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10e90530 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10e905c0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10e90650 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10e906e0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10e90770 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10e90800 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: translation:\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -2\n 44: - 5\n 44: - 0xa\n 44: - -0xb\n 44: - 0XA\n 44: - -0XA\n 44: - 0b10\n 44: - -0b10\n 44: - 0B10\n 44: - -0B10\n 44: - 0o17\n 44: - -0o17\n 44: - 0O17\n 44: - -0O17\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eafa90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eafb20 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eafbb0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eafc40 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eafcd0 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eafd60 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eafdf0 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eafe80 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eaff10 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10eaffa0 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10eb0030 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10eb00c0 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10eb0150 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10eb01e0 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10eb0270 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10eb0300 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10eb0390 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation:\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -5\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e92530 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e925c0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e92650 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e926e0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e92770 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: translation:\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -5\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eaf180 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eaf210 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eaf2a0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eaf330 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eaf3c0 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: [-2.0, -2.1, 0.1, .1, -.2, -2.e+6, -3e-6, 1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e94260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e942f0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e94380 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e94410 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e944a0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e94530 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e945c0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e94650 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e946e0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb0ca0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb0d30 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb0dc0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb0e50 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb0ee0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb0f70 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb1000 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb1090 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb1120 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \n 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e95f90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e96020 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e960b0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e96140 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e961d0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e96260 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e962f0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e96380 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e96410 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb15b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb1640 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb16d0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb1760 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb17f0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb1880 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb1910 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb19a0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb1a30 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \n 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e97cc0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e97d50 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e97de0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e97e70 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e97f00 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e97f90 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e98020 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e980b0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e98140 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb1ec0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb1f50 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb1fe0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb2070 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb2100 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb2190 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb2220 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb22b0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb2340 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \n 44: - 1.2.3\n 44: -\n 44: - [1.2.3, 4.5.6]\n 44: - [,]\n 44: - - 1.2.3\n 44: - 4.5.6\n 44: - -\n 44: -\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: - a:\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3}\n 44: - {a:}\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: b: 4.5.6\n 44: - a:\n 44: b:\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3, b: 4.5.6}\n 44: - {a:, b:}\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9b510 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9b5a0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9b630 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9b6c0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9b750 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9b7e0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9b870 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9b900 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9b990 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10e9ba20 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10e9bab0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10e9bb40 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10e9bbd0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10e9bc60 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10e9bcf0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10e9bd80 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10e9be10 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10e9bea0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10e9bf30 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10e9bfc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10e9c050 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10e9c0e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10e9c170 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10e9c200 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10e9c290 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10e9c320 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10e9c3b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10e9c440 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10e9c4d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10e9c560 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10e9c5f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10e9c680 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10e9c710 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10e9c7a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10e9c830 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - 1.2.3\n 44: -\n 44: - - 1.2.3\n 44: - 4.5.6\n 44: - -\n 44: -\n 44: - - 1.2.3\n 44: - 4.5.6\n 44: - -\n 44: -\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: - a:\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: - a:\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: b: 4.5.6\n 44: - a:\n 44: b:\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: b: 4.5.6\n 44: - a:\n 44: b:\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb42f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb4380 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb4410 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb44a0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb4530 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb45c0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb4650 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb46e0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb4770 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10eb4800 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10eb4890 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10eb4920 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10eb49b0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10eb4a40 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10eb4ad0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10eb4b60 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10eb4bf0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10eb4c80 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10eb4d10 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10eb4da0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10eb4e30 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10eb4ec0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10eb4f50 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10eb4fe0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10eb5070 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10eb5100 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10eb5190 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10eb5220 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10eb52b0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10eb5340 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10eb53d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10eb5460 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10eb54f0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10eb5580 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10eb5610 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation: [-2, -2, 5, 0xa, -0xb, 0XA, -0XA, 0b10, -0b10, 0B10, -0B10, 0o17, -0o17, 0O17, -0O17]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9fd60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9fdf0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9fe80 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9ff10 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9ffa0 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea0030 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea00c0 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea0150 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea01e0 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ea0270 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ea0300 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ea0390 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ea0420 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ea04b0 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ea0540 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ea05d0 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ea0660 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb30e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb3170 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb3200 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb3290 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb3320 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb33b0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb3440 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb34d0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb3560 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10eb35f0 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10eb3680 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10eb3710 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10eb37a0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10eb3830 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10eb38c0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10eb3950 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10eb39e0 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation:\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -5\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9f450 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9f4e0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9f570 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9f600 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9f690 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb27d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb2860 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb28f0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb2980 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb2a10 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: [-2.0, -2.1, 0.1, .1, -.2, -2.e+6, -3e-6, 1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea3380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea3410 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea34a0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea3530 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea35c0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea3650 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea36e0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea3770 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea3800 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb6700 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb6790 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb6820 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb68b0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb6940 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb69d0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb6a60 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb6af0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb6b80 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \n 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea3c90 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea3d20 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea3db0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea3e40 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea3ed0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea3f60 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea3ff0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea4080 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea4110 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb7010 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb70a0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb7130 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb71c0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb7250 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb72e0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb7370 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb7400 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb7490 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \n 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea45a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea4630 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea46c0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea4750 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea47e0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea4870 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea4900 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea4990 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea4a20 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb7920 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb79b0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb7a40 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb7ad0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb7b60 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb7bf0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb7c80 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb7d10 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb7da0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \n 44: - 1.2.3\n 44: -\n 44: - [1.2.3, 4.5.6]\n 44: - [,]\n 44: - - 1.2.3\n 44: - 4.5.6\n 44: - -\n 44: -\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: - a:\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3}\n 44: - {a:}\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: b: 4.5.6\n 44: - a:\n 44: b:\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3, b: 4.5.6}\n 44: - {a:, b:}\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea6a10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea6aa0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea6b30 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea6bc0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea6c50 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea6ce0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea6d70 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea6e00 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea6e90 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ea6f20 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ea6fb0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ea7040 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ea70d0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ea7160 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ea71f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ea7280 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ea7310 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ea73a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ea7430 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ea74c0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ea7550 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ea75e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ea7670 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ea7700 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ea7790 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ea7820 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ea78b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ea7940 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ea79d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ea7a60 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ea7af0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ea7b80 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ea7c10 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ea7ca0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ea7d30 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb9d50 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb9de0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb9e70 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb9f00 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb9f90 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eba020 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eba0b0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eba140 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eba1d0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10eba260 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10eba2f0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10eba380 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10eba410 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10eba4a0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10eba530 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10eba5c0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10eba650 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10eba6e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10eba770 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10eba800 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10eba890 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10eba920 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10eba9b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ebaa40 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ebaad0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ebab60 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ebabf0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ebac80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ebad10 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ebada0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ebae30 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ebaec0 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ebaf50 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ebafe0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ebb070 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation: [-2, -2, 5, 0xa, -0xb, 0XA, -0XA, 0b10, -0b10, 0B10, -0B10, 0o17, -0o17, 0O17, -0O17]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9a300 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9a390 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9a420 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9a4b0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9a540 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9a5d0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9a660 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9a6f0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9a780 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10e9a810 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10e9a8a0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10e9a930 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10e9a9c0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10e9aa50 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10e9aae0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10e9ab70 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10e9ac00 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: translation:\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -2\n 44: - 5\n 44: - 0xa\n 44: - -0xb\n 44: - 0XA\n 44: - -0XA\n 44: - 0b10\n 44: - -0b10\n 44: - 0B10\n 44: - -0B10\n 44: - 0o17\n 44: - -0o17\n 44: - 0O17\n 44: - -0O17\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb8b40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb8bd0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb8c60 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb8cf0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb8d80 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eb8e10 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eb8ea0 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eb8f30 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eb8fc0 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10eb9050 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10eb90e0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10eb9170 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10eb9200 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10eb9290 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10eb9320 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10eb93b0 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10eb9440 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation:\r\n 44: - -2\r\n 44: - -2\r\n 44: - -5\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e999f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e99a80 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e99b10 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e99ba0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e99c30 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: translation:\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -2\n 44: - -5\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eb8230 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eb82c0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eb8350 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eb83e0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eb8470 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: [-2.0, -2.1, 0.1, .1, -.2, -2.e+6, -3e-6, 1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9d920 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9d9b0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9da40 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9dad0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9db60 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9dbf0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9dc80 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9dd10 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9dda0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ebc160 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ebc1f0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ebc280 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ebc310 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ebc3a0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ebc430 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ebc4c0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ebc550 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ebc5e0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \r\n 44: - -2.0\r\n 44: - -2.1\r\n 44: - 0.1\r\n 44: - .1\r\n 44: - -.2\r\n 44: - -2.e+6\r\n 44: - -3e-6\r\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9e230 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9e2c0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9e350 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9e3e0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9e470 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9e500 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9e590 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9e620 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9e6b0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ebca70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ebcb00 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ebcb90 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ebcc20 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ebccb0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ebcd40 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ebcdd0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ebce60 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ebcef0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \r\n 44: - -2.0\r\n 44: - -2.1\r\n 44: - 0.1\r\n 44: - .1\r\n 44: - -.2\r\n 44: - -2.e+6\r\n 44: - -3e-6\r\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10e9eb40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10e9ebd0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10e9ec60 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10e9ecf0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10e9ed80 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10e9ee10 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10e9eea0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10e9ef30 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10e9efc0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - -2.0\n 44: - -2.1\n 44: - 0.1\n 44: - .1\n 44: - -.2\n 44: - -2.e+6\n 44: - -3e-6\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ebd380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ebd410 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ebd4a0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ebd530 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ebd5c0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ebd650 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ebd6e0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ebd770 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ebd800 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \r\n 44: - 1.2.3\r\n 44: -\r\n 44: - [1.2.3, 4.5.6]\r\n 44: - [,]\r\n 44: - - 1.2.3\r\n 44: - 4.5.6\r\n 44: - -\r\n 44: -\r\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\r\n 44: - a:\r\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3}\r\n 44: - {a:}\r\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\r\n 44: b: 4.5.6\r\n 44: - a:\r\n 44: b:\r\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3, b: 4.5.6}\r\n 44: - {a:, b:}\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea0f70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea1000 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea1090 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea1120 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea11b0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea1240 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea12d0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea1360 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea13f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ea1480 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ea1510 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ea15a0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ea1630 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ea16c0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ea1750 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ea17e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ea1870 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ea1900 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ea1990 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ea1a20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ea1ab0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ea1b40 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ea1bd0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ea1c60 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ea1cf0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ea1d80 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ea1e10 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ea1ea0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ea1f30 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ea1fc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ea2050 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ea20e0 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ea2170 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ea2200 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ea2290 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 44: - 1.2.3\n 44: -\n 44: - - 1.2.3\n 44: - 4.5.6\n 44: - -\n 44: -\n 44: - - 1.2.3\n 44: - 4.5.6\n 44: - -\n 44: -\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: - a:\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: - a:\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: b: 4.5.6\n 44: - a:\n 44: b:\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\n 44: b: 4.5.6\n 44: - a:\n 44: b:\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ebf7b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ebf840 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ebf8d0 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ebf960 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ebf9f0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ebfa80 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ebfb10 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ebfba0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ebfc30 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ebfcc0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ebfd50 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ebfde0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ebfe70 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ebff00 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ebff90 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ec0020 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ec00b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ec0140 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ec01d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ec0260 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ec02f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ec0380 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ec0410 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ec04a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ec0530 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ec05c0 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ec0650 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ec06e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ec0770 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ec0800 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ec0890 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ec0920 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ec09b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ec0a40 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ec0ad0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation: [-2, -2, 5, 0xa, -0xb, 0XA, -0XA, 0b10, -0b10, 0B10, -0B10, 0o17, -0o17, 0O17, -0O17]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea8e20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea8eb0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea8f40 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea8fd0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea9060 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea90f0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea9180 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea9210 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea92a0 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ea9330 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ea93c0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ea9450 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ea94e0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ea9570 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ea9600 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ea9690 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ea9720 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,5,"0xa",-0xb,"0XA",-0XA,"0b10",-0b10,"0B10",-0B10,"0o17",-0o17,"0O17",-0O17]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ebe5a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ebe630 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ebe6c0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ebe750 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ebe7e0 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ebe870 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ebe900 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ebe990 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ebea20 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ebeab0 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ebeb40 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ebebd0 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ebec60 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ebecf0 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ebed80 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ebee10 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ebeea0 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: translation:\r\n 44: - -2\r\n 44: - -2\r\n 44: - -5\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea5190 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea5220 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea52b0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea5340 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea53d0 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: {"translation": [-2,-2,-5]}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ebdc90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ebdd20 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ebddb0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ebde40 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ebded0 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: [-2.0, -2.1, 0.1, .1, -.2, -2.e+6, -3e-6, 1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ea5ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ea5b60 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ea5bf0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ea5c80 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ea5d10 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ea5da0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ea5e30 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ea5ec0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ea5f50 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec1bc0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec1c50 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec1ce0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec1d70 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec1e00 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec1e90 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec1f20 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec1fb0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec2040 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \r\n 44: - -2.0\r\n 44: - -2.1\r\n 44: - 0.1\r\n 44: - .1\r\n 44: - -.2\r\n 44: - -2.e+6\r\n 44: - -3e-6\r\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eaa030 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eaa0c0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eaa150 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eaa1e0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eaa270 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eaa300 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eaa390 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eaa420 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eaa4b0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec24d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec2560 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec25f0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec2680 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec2710 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec27a0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec2830 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec28c0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec2950 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \r\n 44: - -2.0\r\n 44: - -2.1\r\n 44: - 0.1\r\n 44: - .1\r\n 44: - -.2\r\n 44: - -2.e+6\r\n 44: - -3e-6\r\n 44: - 1.12345e+011\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eaa940 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eaa9d0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eaaa60 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eaaaf0 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eaab80 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eaac10 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eaaca0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eaad30 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eaadc0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: [-2.0,-2.1,0.1,.1,-.2,-2.e+6,-3e-6,1.12345e+011]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec2de0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec2e70 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec2f00 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec2f90 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec3020 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec30b0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec3140 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec31d0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec3260 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 44: \r\n 44: - 1.2.3\r\n 44: -\r\n 44: - [1.2.3, 4.5.6]\r\n 44: - [,]\r\n 44: - - 1.2.3\r\n 44: - 4.5.6\r\n 44: - -\r\n 44: -\r\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\r\n 44: - a:\r\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3}\r\n 44: - {a:}\r\n 44: - a: 1.2.3\r\n 44: b: 4.5.6\r\n 44: - a:\r\n 44: b:\r\n 44: - {a: 1.2.3, b: 4.5.6}\r\n 44: - {a:, b:}\r\n 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eacd70 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eace00 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eace90 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eacf20 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eacfb0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ead040 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ead0d0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ead160 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ead1f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ead280 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ead310 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ead3a0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ead430 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ead4c0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ead550 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ead5e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ead670 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ead700 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ead790 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ead820 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ead8b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ead940 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ead9d0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10eada60 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10eadaf0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10eadb80 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10eadc10 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10eadca0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10eadd30 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10eaddc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10eade50 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10eadee0 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10eadf70 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10eae000 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10eae090 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json: 44: ["1.2.3","",["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],["1.2.3","4.5.6"],["",""],{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3"},{"a": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""},{"a": "1.2.3","b": "4.5.6"},{"a": "","b": ""}]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted json tree: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec5210 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec52a0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec5330 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec53c0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec5450 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec54e0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec5570 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec5600 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec5690 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ec5720 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ec57b0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ec5840 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ec58d0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ec5960 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ec59f0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ec5a80 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ec5b10 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ec5ba0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ec5c30 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ec5cc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ec5d50 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ec5de0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ec5e70 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ec5f00 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ec5f90 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ec6020 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ec60b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ec6140 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ec61d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ec6260 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ec62f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ec6380 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ec6410 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ec64a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ec6530 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b850 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a060 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a100 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a198 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a230 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a2c8 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a360 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a3f8 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a490 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a528 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a5c0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a658 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a6f0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a788 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a820 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a8b8 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a950 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec36f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec3780 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec3810 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec38a0 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec3930 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec39c0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec3a50 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec3ae0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec3b70 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ec3c00 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ec3c90 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ec3d20 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ec3db0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ec3e40 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ec3ed0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ec3f60 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ec3ff0 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b968 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69a60 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69b00 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69b98 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69c30 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eac8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eac950 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eac9e0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eaca70 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eacb00 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6ba80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6ae60 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6aef8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6af90 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b028 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b0c0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b158 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b1f0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b288 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec4090 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec4120 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec41b0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec4240 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec42d0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec4360 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec43f0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec4480 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec4510 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bb98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6b330 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b3c8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b460 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b4f8 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b590 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b628 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b6c0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b758 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec45b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec4640 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec46d0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec4760 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec47f0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec4880 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec4910 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec49a0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec4a30 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6c0d0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c168 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c200 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c298 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c330 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c3c8 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c460 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c4f8 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec4ad0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec4b60 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec4bf0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec4c80 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec4d10 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec4da0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec4e30 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec4ec0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec4f50 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6cbe0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cc78 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cd10 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d440 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d4d8 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cda8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d580 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d618 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ce40 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d6c0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d758 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ced8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d800 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d898 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cf70 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d940 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d008 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d9e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d0a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6da80 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d138 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6db20 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d1d0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dbc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dc58 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d268 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dd00 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dd98 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d300 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6de40 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ded8 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d398 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6df80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6e018 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec7620 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec76b0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec7740 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec77d0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec7860 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec78f0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec7980 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec7a10 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec7aa0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ec7b30 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ec7bc0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ec7c50 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ec7ce0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ec7d70 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ec7e00 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ec7e90 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ec7f20 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ec7fb0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ec8040 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ec80d0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ec8160 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ec81f0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ec8280 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ec8310 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ec83a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ec8430 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ec84c0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ec8550 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ec85e0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ec8670 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ec8700 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ec8790 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ec8820 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ec88b0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ec8940 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b850 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a060 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6a100 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a198 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a230 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a2c8 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a360 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a3f8 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a490 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a528 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a5c0 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a658 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a6f0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a788 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a820 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a8b8 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6a950 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec89e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec8a70 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 15 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec8b00 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec8b90 VAL: '-2' (15 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec8c20 VAL: '5' (15 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec8cb0 VAL: '0xa' (15 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec8d40 VAL: '-0xb' (15 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec8dd0 VAL: '0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec8e60 VAL: '-0XA' (15 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ec8ef0 VAL: '0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ec8f80 VAL: '-0b10' (15 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ec9010 VAL: '0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ec90a0 VAL: '-0B10' (15 sibs) 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ec9130 VAL: '0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ec91c0 VAL: '-0o17' (15 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ec9250 VAL: '0O17' (15 sibs) 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ec92e0 VAL: '-0O17' (15 sibs) 44: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'integer numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6b968 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69a60 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: 0xaaab10e69b00 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69b98 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e69c30 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec9380 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec9410 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec94a0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec9530 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec95c0 VAL: '-5' (3 sibs) 44: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, flow' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6ba80 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6ae60 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6aef8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6af90 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b028 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b0c0 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b158 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b1f0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b288 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec9660 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec96f0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec9780 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec9810 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec98a0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec9930 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec99c0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec9a50 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ec9ae0 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bb98 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6b330 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b3c8 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b460 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b4f8 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b590 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b628 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b6c0 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6b758 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10ec9b80 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10ec9c10 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10ec9ca0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10ec9d30 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10ec9dc0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10ec9e50 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10ec9ee0 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10ec9f70 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eca000 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'hex floating point numbers, block' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bcb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 8 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6c0d0 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c168 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c200 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c298 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c330 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c3c8 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c460 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6c4f8 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eca0a0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 8 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eca130 VAL: '-2.0' (8 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eca1c0 VAL: '-2.1' (8 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eca250 VAL: '0.1' (8 sibs) 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eca2e0 VAL: '.1' (8 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eca370 VAL: '-.2' (8 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eca400 VAL: '-2.e+6' (8 sibs) 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eca490 VAL: '-3e-6' (8 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10eca520 VAL: '1.12345e+011' (8 sibs) 44: #nodes=9 vs #printed=9 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 44: [ RUN ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: running test case 'version numbers' 44: ------------------------------------------- 44: REF TREE: 44: 0xaaab10e6bdc8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6cbe0 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cc78 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cd10 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d440 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d4d8 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cda8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d580 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d618 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ce40 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d6c0 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d758 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ced8 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d800 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d898 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6cf70 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d940 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d008 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6d9e0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d0a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6da80 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d138 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6db20 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d1d0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dbc0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dc58 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d268 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6dd00 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6dd98 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d300 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6de40 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6ded8 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6d398 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: 0xaaab10e6df80 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: 0xaaab10e6e018 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: RECREATED TREE: 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [0][0] 0xaaab10eca5c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 44: [1] [1] 0xaaab10eca650 VAL: '1.2.3' (14 sibs) 44: [2] [2] 0xaaab10eca6e0 VAL: '' (14 sibs) 44: [3] [3] 0xaaab10eca770 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [4] [4] 0xaaab10eca800 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [5] [5] 0xaaab10eca890 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [6] [6] 0xaaab10eca920 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [7] [7] 0xaaab10eca9b0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [8] [8] 0xaaab10ecaa40 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [9] [9] 0xaaab10ecaad0 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [10] [10] 0xaaab10ecab60 VAL: '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [11] [11] 0xaaab10ecabf0 VAL: '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [12] [12] 0xaaab10ecac80 SEQ: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [13] [13] 0xaaab10ecad10 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [14] [14] 0xaaab10ecada0 VAL: '' (2 sibs) 44: [15] [15] 0xaaab10ecae30 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [16] [16] 0xaaab10ecaec0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [17] [17] 0xaaab10ecaf50 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [18] [18] 0xaaab10ecafe0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [19] [19] 0xaaab10ecb070 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [20] [20] 0xaaab10ecb100 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (1 sibs) 44: [21] [21] 0xaaab10ecb190 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 44: [22] [22] 0xaaab10ecb220 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (1 sibs) 44: [23] [23] 0xaaab10ecb2b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [24] [24] 0xaaab10ecb340 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [25] [25] 0xaaab10ecb3d0 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [26] [26] 0xaaab10ecb460 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [27] [27] 0xaaab10ecb4f0 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [28] [28] 0xaaab10ecb580 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: [29] [29] 0xaaab10ecb610 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [30] [30] 0xaaab10ecb6a0 KEYVAL: 'a' '1.2.3' (2 sibs) 44: [31] [31] 0xaaab10ecb730 KEYVAL: 'b' '4.5.6' (2 sibs) 44: [32] [32] 0xaaab10ecb7c0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 44: [33] [33] 0xaaab10ecb850 KEYVAL: 'a' '' (2 sibs) 44: [34] [34] 0xaaab10ecb8e0 KEYVAL: 'b' '' (2 sibs) 44: #nodes=35 vs #printed=35 44: -------------------------------------- 44: [ OK ] NUMBER/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 44: [----------] 216 tests from NUMBER/YmlTestCase (5 ms total) 44: 44: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 44: [==========] 218 tests from 3 test suites ran. (5 ms total) 44: [ PASSED ] 218 tests. 44/52 Test #44: ryml-test-number .................. Passed 0.01 sec test 45 Start 45: ryml-test-null_val 45: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-null_val-0.6.0 45: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 45: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 45: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 45: [==========] Running 475 tests from 3 test suites. 45: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 45: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 45: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 45: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 45: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 45: 45: [----------] 6 tests from null_val 45: [ RUN ] null_val.simple 45: [ OK ] null_val.simple (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] null_val.block_seq 45: [ OK ] null_val.block_seq (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] null_val.block_map 45: [ OK ] null_val.block_map (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] null_val.issue103 45: [ OK ] null_val.issue103 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] null_val.null_key 45: [ OK ] null_val.null_key (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] null_val.readme_example 45: [ OK ] null_val.readme_example (0 ms) 45: [----------] 6 tests from null_val (0 ms total) 45: 45: [----------] 468 tests from NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - 45: - # with space 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 12 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da340 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da3d8 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da470 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da508 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da5a0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da638 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da6d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43daa70 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da768 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dab10 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da800 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dabb0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da898 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dac50 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da930 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dacf0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da9c8 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dad90 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44232e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4423370 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4423400 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4423490 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4423520 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44235b0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4423640 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae44236d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4423760 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae44237f0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4423880 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4423910 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae44239a0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4423a30 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4423ac0 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4423b50 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4423be0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae4423c70 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae4423d00 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: {foo: , bar: , baz: } 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db070 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db108 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4425910 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44259a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4425a30 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4425ac0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd2a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db6b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db748 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db7e0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4427640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44276d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4427760 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44277f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd3b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db880 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db918 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db9b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4429370 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4429400 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4429490 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4429520 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd4d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc4f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc6c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc758 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc7f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc588 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc620 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae442b0a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae442b130 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae442b1c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae442b250 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae442b2e0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae442b370 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae442b400 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd5e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db290 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db328 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db460 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db4f8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db590 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db3c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae442cdd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae442ce60 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae442cef0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae442cf80 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae442d010 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae442d0a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae442d130 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc890 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc928 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc9c0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dca60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcaf8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcb90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae442eb00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae442eb90 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae442ec20 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae442ecb0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae442ed40 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae442edd0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae442ee60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd818 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dcc80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dce50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcee8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcf80 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcd18 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcdb0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4430830 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44308c0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4430950 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44309e0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4430a70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4430b00 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4430b90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd930 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de200 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de298 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de3d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de468 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de500 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de330 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4432560 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44325f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4432680 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4432710 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44327a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4432830 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44328c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dda48 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbc70 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbd08 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbda0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbe40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbed8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbf70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4434290 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4434320 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44343b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4434440 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44344d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4434560 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44345f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddb60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dba50 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc2e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc378 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbae8 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de5a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de638 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbb80 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4435fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4436050 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44360e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4436170 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4436200 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4436290 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4436320 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae44363b0 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: {SameGroupActorName: '', IsGetItemSelf: false} 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddc78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df910 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df9a8 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfa40 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43d9f00 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfae0 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfc20 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfcb8 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfb78 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfd60 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfdf8 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfe90 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dff28 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dffc0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0058 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e00f0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0188 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4438b70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4438c00 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4438c90 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4438d20 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4438db0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4438e40 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4438ed0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4438f60 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4438ff0 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4439080 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4439110 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae44391a0 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4439230 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae44392c0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4439350 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae44393e0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4439470 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddd90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de900 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de998 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dea30 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc150 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da040 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df440 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df4d8 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df570 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc1e8 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4438260 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44382f0 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4438380 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4438410 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44384a0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4438530 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44385c0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4438650 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44386e0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4438770 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - 45: - # with space 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 12 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da340 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da3d8 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da470 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da508 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da5a0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da638 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da6d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43daa70 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da768 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dab10 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da800 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dabb0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da898 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dac50 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da930 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dacf0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da9c8 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dad90 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443bab0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443bb40 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443bbd0 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443bc60 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443bcf0 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443bd80 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443be10 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae443bea0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae443bf30 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae443bfc0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae443c050 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae443c0e0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae443c170 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae443c200 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae443c290 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae443c320 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae443c3b0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae443c440 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae443c4d0 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: {foo: , bar: , baz: } 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db070 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db108 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443b1a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443b230 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443b2c0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443b350 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd2a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db6b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db748 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db7e0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443ccc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443cd50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443cde0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443ce70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd3b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db880 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db918 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db9b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443d5d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443d660 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443d6f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443d780 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd4d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc4f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc6c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc758 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc7f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc588 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc620 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443dee0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443df70 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443e000 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443e090 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443e120 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443e1b0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443e240 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd5e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db290 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db328 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db460 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db4f8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db590 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db3c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443e7f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443e880 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443e910 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443e9a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443ea30 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443eac0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443eb50 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc890 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc928 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc9c0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dca60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcaf8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcb90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443f100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443f190 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443f220 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443f2b0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443f340 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443f3d0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443f460 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd818 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dcc80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dce50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcee8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcf80 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcd18 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcdb0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443fa10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443faa0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443fb30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443fbc0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443fc50 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443fce0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443fd70 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd930 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de200 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de298 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de3d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de468 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de500 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de330 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4440320 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44403b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4440440 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44404d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4440560 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44405f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4440680 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dda48 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbc70 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbd08 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbda0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbe40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbed8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbf70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4440c30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4440cc0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4440d50 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4440de0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4440e70 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4440f00 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4440f90 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddb60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dba50 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc2e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc378 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbae8 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de5a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de638 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbb80 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4441540 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44415d0 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4441660 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44416f0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4441780 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4441810 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44418a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4441930 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: {SameGroupActorName: '', IsGetItemSelf: false} 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddc78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df910 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df9a8 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfa40 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43d9f00 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfae0 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfc20 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfcb8 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfb78 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfd60 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfdf8 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfe90 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dff28 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dffc0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0058 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e00f0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0188 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4442760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44427f0 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4442880 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4442910 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44429a0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4442a30 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4442ac0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4442b50 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4442be0 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4442c70 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4442d00 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4442d90 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4442e20 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4442eb0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4442f40 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4442fd0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4443060 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: --------------- 45: 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: --------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddd90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de900 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de998 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dea30 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc150 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da040 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df440 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df4d8 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df570 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc1e8 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: PARSED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4441e50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4441ee0 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4441f70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4442000 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4442090 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4442120 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44421b0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4442240 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44422d0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4442360 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - null 45: - Null 45: - NULL 45: - ~ 45: - null: null 45: - Null: Null 45: - NULL: NULL 45: - ~: ~ 45: - ~: null 45: - null: ~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: - 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: - 45: - 45: - foo: 45: bar: 45: baz: 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: fixed case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: 45: your case: 45: foo: a 45: bar: '' 45: whatever: baz 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 0 45: type: xml 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: System: 45: SameGroupActorName: '' 45: IsGetItemSelf: false 45: General: 45: Speed: 1.0 45: Life: 100 45: IsLifeInfinite: false 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false 45: BurnOutBornName: 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false 45: ChangeDropTableName: '' 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: version: 10 45: type: test 45: param_root: 45: objects: 45: TestContent: 45: Str64_empty: '' 45: Str64_empty2: 45: Str64_empty3: '' 45: lists: {} 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: -\n 45: - # with space\n 45: - null\n 45: - Null\n 45: - NULL\n 45: - ~\n 45: - null: null\n 45: - Null: Null\n 45: - NULL: NULL\n 45: - ~: ~\n 45: - ~: null\n 45: - null: ~\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44232e0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4423370 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4423400 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4423490 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4423520 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44235b0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4423640 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae44236d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4423760 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae44237f0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4423880 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4423910 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae44239a0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4423a30 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4423ac0 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4423b50 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4423be0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae4423c70 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae4423d00 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - null\n 45: - Null\n 45: - NULL\n 45: - ~\n 45: - null: null\n 45: - Null: Null\n 45: - NULL: NULL\n 45: - ~: ~\n 45: - ~: null\n 45: - null: ~\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4445ee0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4445f70 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4446000 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4446090 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4446120 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44461b0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4446240 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae44462d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4446360 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae44463f0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4446480 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4446510 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae44465a0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4446630 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae44466c0 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4446750 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae44467e0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae4446870 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae4446900 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: {foo: , bar: , baz: }\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4425910 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44259a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4425a30 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4425ac0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4444cf0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4444d80 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4444e10 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4444ea0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4427640 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44276d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4427760 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44277f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44470f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4447180 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4447210 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44472a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4429370 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4429400 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4429490 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4429520 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4447a00 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4447a90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4447b20 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4447bb0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: foo:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae442b0a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae442b130 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae442b1c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae442b250 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae442b2e0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae442b370 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae442b400 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4448310 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44483a0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4448430 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44484c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4448550 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44485e0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4448670 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: foo:\n 45: bar: \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae442cdd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae442ce60 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae442cef0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae442cf80 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae442d010 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae442d0a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae442d130 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4448c20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4448cb0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4448d40 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4448dd0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4448e60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4448ef0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4448f80 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: foo:\n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae442eb00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae442eb90 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae442ec20 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae442ecb0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae442ed40 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae442edd0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae442ee60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4449530 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44495c0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4449650 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44496e0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4449770 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4449800 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4449890 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: - foo:\n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4430830 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44308c0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4430950 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44309e0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4430a70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4430b00 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4430b90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4449e40 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4449ed0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4449f60 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4449ff0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444a080 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444a110 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444a1a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: - \n 45: - foo:\n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4432560 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44325f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4432680 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4432710 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44327a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4432830 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44328c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444a750 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444a7e0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444a870 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444a900 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444a990 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444aa20 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444aab0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - foo:\n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4434290 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4434320 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44343b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4434440 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44344d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4434560 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44345f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444b060 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444b0f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444b180 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444b210 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444b2a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444b330 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444b3c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: fixed case:\n 45: foo: a\n 45: bar: \n 45: your case:\n 45: foo: a\n 45: bar: ''\n 45: whatever: baz\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4435fc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4436050 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44360e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4436170 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4436200 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4436290 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4436320 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae44363b0 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: fixed case:\n 45: foo: a\n 45: bar: \n 45: your case:\n 45: foo: a\n 45: bar: ''\n 45: whatever: baz\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444b970 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444ba00 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444ba90 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444bb20 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444bbb0 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444bc40 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444bcd0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae444bd60 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: version: 0\n 45: type: xml\n 45: param_root:\n 45: objects:\n 45: System: {SameGroupActorName: '', IsGetItemSelf: false}\n 45: General:\n 45: Speed: 1.0\n 45: Life: 100\n 45: IsLifeInfinite: false\n 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0\n 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false\n 45: BurnOutBornName: \n 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false\n 45: ChangeDropTableName: ''\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4438b70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4438c00 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4438c90 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4438d20 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4438db0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4438e40 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4438ed0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4438f60 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4438ff0 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4439080 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4439110 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae44391a0 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4439230 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae44392c0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4439350 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae44393e0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4439470 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: version: 0\n 45: type: xml\n 45: param_root:\n 45: objects:\n 45: System:\n 45: SameGroupActorName: ''\n 45: IsGetItemSelf: false\n 45: General:\n 45: Speed: 1.0\n 45: Life: 100\n 45: IsLifeInfinite: false\n 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0\n 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false\n 45: BurnOutBornName: \n 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false\n 45: ChangeDropTableName: ''\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444cb90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444cc20 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444ccb0 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444cd40 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444cdd0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444ce60 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444cef0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae444cf80 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae444d010 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae444d0a0 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae444d130 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae444d1c0 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae444d250 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae444d2e0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae444d370 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae444d400 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae444d490 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \n 45: version: 10\n 45: type: test\n 45: param_root:\n 45: objects:\n 45: TestContent:\n 45: Str64_empty: ''\n 45: Str64_empty2:\n 45: Str64_empty3: ''\n 45: lists: {}\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4438260 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44382f0 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4438380 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4438410 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44384a0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4438530 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44385c0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4438650 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44386e0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4438770 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: version: 10\n 45: type: test\n 45: param_root:\n 45: objects:\n 45: TestContent:\n 45: Str64_empty: ''\n 45: Str64_empty2: \n 45: Str64_empty3: ''\n 45: lists: {}\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444c280 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444c310 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444c3a0 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444c430 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444c4c0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444c550 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444c5e0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae444c670 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae444c700 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae444c790 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: -\r\n 45: - # with space\r\n 45: - null\r\n 45: - Null\r\n 45: - NULL\r\n 45: - ~\r\n 45: - null: null\r\n 45: - Null: Null\r\n 45: - NULL: NULL\r\n 45: - ~: ~\r\n 45: - ~: null\r\n 45: - null: ~\r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443bab0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443bb40 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443bbd0 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443bc60 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443bcf0 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443bd80 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443be10 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae443bea0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae443bf30 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae443bfc0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae443c050 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae443c0e0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae443c170 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae443c200 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae443c290 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae443c320 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae443c3b0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae443c440 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae443c4d0 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - null\n 45: - Null\n 45: - NULL\n 45: - ~\n 45: - null: null\n 45: - Null: Null\n 45: - NULL: NULL\n 45: - ~: ~\n 45: - ~: null\n 45: - null: ~\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444e6b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444e740 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444e7d0 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444e860 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae444e8f0 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae444e980 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae444ea10 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae444eaa0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae444eb30 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae444ebc0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae444ec50 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae444ece0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae444ed70 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae444ee00 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae444ee90 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae444ef20 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae444efb0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae444f040 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae444f0d0 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: {foo: , bar: , baz: }\r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443b1a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443b230 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443b2c0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443b350 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444dda0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444de30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444dec0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444df50 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: foo: \r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443ccc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443cd50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443cde0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443ce70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae444f8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae444f950 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae444f9e0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae444fa70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443d5d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443d660 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443d6f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443d780 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44501d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4450260 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44502f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4450380 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: foo:\r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443dee0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443df70 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443e000 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443e090 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443e120 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443e1b0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443e240 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4450ae0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4450b70 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4450c00 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4450c90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4450d20 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4450db0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4450e40 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: foo:\r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443e7f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443e880 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443e910 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443e9a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443ea30 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443eac0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443eb50 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44513f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4451480 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4451510 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44515a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4451630 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44516c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4451750 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: foo:\r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443f100 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443f190 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443f220 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443f2b0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443f340 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443f3d0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443f460 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz:\n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4451d00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4451d90 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4451e20 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4451eb0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4451f40 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4451fd0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4452060 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: - foo:\r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae443fa10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae443faa0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae443fb30 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae443fbc0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae443fc50 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae443fce0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae443fd70 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4452610 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44526a0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4452730 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44527c0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4452850 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44528e0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4452970 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - foo:\r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4440320 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44403b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4440440 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44404d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4440560 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44405f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4440680 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: - \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4452f20 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4452fb0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4453040 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44530d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4453160 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44531f0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4453280 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - \r\n 45: - foo:\r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: baz: \r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4440c30 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4440cc0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4440d50 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4440de0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4440e70 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4440f00 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4440f90 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: - \n 45: - \n 45: - foo: \n 45: bar: \n 45: baz: \n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4453830 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44538c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4453950 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44539e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4453a70 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4453b00 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4453b90 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: fixed case:\r\n 45: foo: a\r\n 45: bar: \r\n 45: your case:\r\n 45: foo: a\r\n 45: bar: ''\r\n 45: whatever: baz\r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4441540 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44415d0 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4441660 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44416f0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4441780 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4441810 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44418a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4441930 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: fixed case:\n 45: foo: a\n 45: bar: \n 45: your case:\n 45: foo: a\n 45: bar: ''\n 45: whatever: baz\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4454140 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44541d0 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4454260 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44542f0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4454380 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4454410 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44544a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4454530 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: version: 0\r\n 45: type: xml\r\n 45: param_root:\r\n 45: objects:\r\n 45: System: {SameGroupActorName: '', IsGetItemSelf: false}\r\n 45: General:\r\n 45: Speed: 1.0\r\n 45: Life: 100\r\n 45: IsLifeInfinite: false\r\n 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0\r\n 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false\r\n 45: BurnOutBornName: \r\n 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false\r\n 45: ChangeDropTableName: ''\r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4442760 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44427f0 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4442880 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4442910 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44429a0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4442a30 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4442ac0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4442b50 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4442be0 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4442c70 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4442d00 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4442d90 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4442e20 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4442eb0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4442f40 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4442fd0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4443060 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: version: 0\n 45: type: xml\n 45: param_root:\n 45: objects:\n 45: System:\n 45: SameGroupActorName: ''\n 45: IsGetItemSelf: false\n 45: General:\n 45: Speed: 1.0\n 45: Life: 100\n 45: IsLifeInfinite: false\n 45: ElectricalDischarge: 1.0\n 45: IsBurnOutBorn: false\n 45: BurnOutBornName: \n 45: IsBurnOutBornIdent: false\n 45: ChangeDropTableName: ''\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4455360 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44553f0 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4455480 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4455510 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44555a0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4455630 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44556c0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4455750 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44557e0 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4455870 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4455900 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4455990 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4455a20 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4455ab0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4455b40 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4455bd0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4455c60 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 45: \r\n 45: version: 10\r\n 45: type: test\r\n 45: param_root:\r\n 45: objects:\r\n 45: TestContent:\r\n 45: Str64_empty: ''\r\n 45: Str64_empty2:\r\n 45: Str64_empty3: ''\r\n 45: lists: {}\r\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4441e50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4441ee0 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4441f70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4442000 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4442090 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4442120 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44421b0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4442240 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44422d0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4442360 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 45: version: 10\n 45: type: test\n 45: param_root:\n 45: objects:\n 45: TestContent:\n 45: Str64_empty: ''\n 45: Str64_empty2: \n 45: Str64_empty3: ''\n 45: lists: {}\n 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4454a50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4454ae0 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4454b70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4454c00 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4454c90 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4454d20 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4454db0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4454e40 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4454ed0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4454f60 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 12 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da340 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da3d8 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da470 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da508 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da5a0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da638 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da6d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43daa70 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da768 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dab10 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da800 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dabb0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da898 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dac50 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da930 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dacf0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da9c8 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dad90 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4456570 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4456600 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4456690 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4456720 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44567b0 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4456840 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44568d0 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4456960 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44569f0 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4456a80 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4456b10 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4456ba0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4456c30 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae4456cc0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4456d50 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae4456de0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4456e70 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae4456f00 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae4456f90 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db070 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db108 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44458a0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4445930 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44459c0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4445a50 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd2a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db6b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db748 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db7e0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4457030 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44570c0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4457150 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae44571e0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd3b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db880 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db918 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db9b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4457280 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4457310 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44573a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4457430 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd4d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc4f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc6c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc758 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc7f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc588 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc620 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44574d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4457560 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44575f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4457680 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4457710 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44577a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4457830 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd5e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db290 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db328 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db460 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db4f8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db590 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db3c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44578d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4457960 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44579f0 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4457a80 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4457b10 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4457ba0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4457c30 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc890 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc928 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc9c0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dca60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcaf8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcb90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4457cd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4457d60 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4457df0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4457e80 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4457f10 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4457fa0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4458030 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd818 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dcc80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dce50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcee8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcf80 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcd18 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcdb0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44580d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4458160 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44581f0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4458280 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4458310 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44583a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4458430 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd930 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de200 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de298 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de3d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de468 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de500 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de330 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44584d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4458560 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44585f0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4458680 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4458710 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae44587a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4458830 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dda48 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbc70 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbd08 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbda0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbe40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbed8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbf70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae44588d0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4458960 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae44589f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4458a80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4458b10 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4458ba0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4458c30 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddb60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dba50 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc2e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc378 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbae8 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de5a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de638 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbb80 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4458cd0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4458d60 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4458df0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4458e80 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4458f10 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4458fa0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4459030 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae44590c0 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddc78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df910 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df9a8 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfa40 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43d9f00 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfae0 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfc20 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfcb8 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfb78 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfd60 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfdf8 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfe90 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dff28 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dffc0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0058 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e00f0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0188 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4459160 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae44591f0 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4459280 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4459310 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae44593a0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4459430 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae44594c0 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4459550 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae44595e0 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae4459670 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae4459700 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae4459790 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae4459820 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae44598b0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae4459940 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae44599d0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae4459a60 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddd90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de900 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de998 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dea30 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc150 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da040 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df440 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df4d8 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df570 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc1e8 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae4459b00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae4459b90 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae4459c20 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae4459cb0 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae4459d40 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae4459dd0 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae4459e60 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae4459ef0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae4459f80 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae445a010 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'all null' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd070 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 12 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da340 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da3d8 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da470 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da508 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da5a0 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da638 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da6d0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43daa70 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da768 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dab10 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da800 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dabb0 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da898 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dac50 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da930 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dacf0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43da9c8 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dad90 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445a0b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 12 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445a140 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445a1d0 VAL: '' (12 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445a260 VAL: 'null' (12 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445a2f0 VAL: 'Null' (12 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445a380 VAL: 'NULL' (12 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445a410 VAL: '~' (12 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae445a4a0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae445a530 KEYVAL: 'null' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae445a5c0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae445a650 KEYVAL: 'Null' 'Null' (1 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae445a6e0 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae445a770 KEYVAL: 'NULL' 'NULL' (1 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae445a800 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae445a890 KEYVAL: '~' '~' (1 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae445a920 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae445a9b0 KEYVAL: '~' 'null' (1 sibs) 45: [17] [17] 0xaaaae445aa40 MAP: (12 sibs) 1 children: 45: [18] [18] 0xaaaae445aad0 KEYVAL: 'null' '~' (1 sibs) 45: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, expl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd188 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db070 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db108 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db1a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445ab70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445ac00 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445ac90 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445ad20 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd2a0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db6b0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db748 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db7e0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445adc0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445ae50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445aee0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445af70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals, impl' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd3b8 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db880 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db918 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db9b0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445b010 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445b0a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445b130 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445b1c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd4d0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc4f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc6c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc758 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc7f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc588 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc620 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445b260 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445b2f0 KEYSEQ: 'foo' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445b380 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445b410 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445b4a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445b530 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445b5c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd5e8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db290 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db328 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43db460 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db4f8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db590 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43db3c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445b660 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445b6f0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445b780 KEYSEQ: 'bar' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445b810 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445b8a0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445b930 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445b9c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null seq vals in map, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd700 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc890 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc928 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc9c0 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dca60 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcaf8 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcb90 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445ba60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445baf0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445bb80 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445bc10 KEYSEQ: 'baz' (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445bca0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445bd30 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445bdc0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd818 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dcc80 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dce50 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcee8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcf80 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcd18 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dcdb0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445be60 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445bef0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445bf80 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445c010 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445c0a0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445c130 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445c1c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dd930 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de200 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de298 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de3d0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de468 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de500 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de330 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445c260 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445c2f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445c380 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445c410 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445c4a0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445c530 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445c5c0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'null map vals in seq, impl, mixed 3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43dda48 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbc70 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbd08 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbda0 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dbe40 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbed8 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbf70 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445c660 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445c6f0 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445c780 VAL: '' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445c810 MAP: (3 sibs) 3 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445c8a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' '' (3 sibs) 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445c930 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (3 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445c9c0 KEYVAL: 'baz' '' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=7 vs #printed=7 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.1' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddb60 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dba50 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc2e0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc378 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbae8 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de5a0 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de638 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dbb80 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445ca60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445caf0 KEYMAP: 'fixed case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445cb80 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445cc10 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445cca0 KEYMAP: 'your case' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445cd30 KEYVAL: 'foo' 'a' (2 sibs) 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445cdc0 KEYVAL: 'bar' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae445ce50 KEYVAL: 'whatever' 'baz' (3 sibs) 45: #nodes=8 vs #printed=8 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.2' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddc78 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df910 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df9a8 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfa40 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43d9f00 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfae0 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfc20 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfcb8 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfb78 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dfd60 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfdf8 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dfe90 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dff28 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dffc0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0058 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e00f0 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43e0188 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445cef0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445cf80 KEYVAL: 'version' '0' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445d010 KEYVAL: 'type' 'xml' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445d0a0 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 1 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445d130 KEYMAP: 'objects' (1 sibs) 2 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445d1c0 KEYMAP: 'System' (2 sibs) 2 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445d250 KEYVAL: 'SameGroupActorName' '' (2 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae445d2e0 KEYVAL: 'IsGetItemSelf' 'false' (2 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae445d370 KEYMAP: 'General' (2 sibs) 8 children: 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae445d400 KEYVAL: 'Speed' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [10] [10] 0xaaaae445d490 KEYVAL: 'Life' '100' (8 sibs) 45: [11] [11] 0xaaaae445d520 KEYVAL: 'IsLifeInfinite' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [12] [12] 0xaaaae445d5b0 KEYVAL: 'ElectricalDischarge' '1.0' (8 sibs) 45: [13] [13] 0xaaaae445d640 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBorn' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [14] [14] 0xaaaae445d6d0 KEYVAL: 'BurnOutBornName' '' (8 sibs) 45: [15] [15] 0xaaaae445d760 KEYVAL: 'IsBurnOutBornIdent' 'false' (8 sibs) 45: [16] [16] 0xaaaae445d7f0 KEYVAL: 'ChangeDropTableName' '' (8 sibs) 45: #nodes=17 vs #printed=17 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 45: [ RUN ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: running test case 'issue84.3' 45: ------------------------------------------- 45: REF TREE: 45: 0xaaaae43ddd90 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43de900 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43de998 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dea30 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: 0xaaaae43dc150 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: 0xaaaae43da040 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: 0xaaaae43df440 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df4d8 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43df570 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: 0xaaaae43dc1e8 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: RECREATED TREE: 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [0][0] 0xaaaae445d890 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [1] [1] 0xaaaae445d920 KEYVAL: 'version' '10' (3 sibs) 45: [2] [2] 0xaaaae445d9b0 KEYVAL: 'type' 'test' (3 sibs) 45: [3] [3] 0xaaaae445da40 KEYMAP: 'param_root' (3 sibs) 2 children: 45: [4] [4] 0xaaaae445dad0 KEYMAP: 'objects' (2 sibs) 1 children: 45: [5] [5] 0xaaaae445db60 KEYMAP: 'TestContent' (1 sibs) 3 children: 45: [6] [6] 0xaaaae445dbf0 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty' '' (3 sibs) 45: [7] [7] 0xaaaae445dc80 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty2' '' (3 sibs) 45: [8] [8] 0xaaaae445dd10 KEYVAL: 'Str64_empty3' '' (3 sibs) 45: [9] [9] 0xaaaae445dda0 KEYMAP: 'lists' (2 sibs) 0 children: 45: #nodes=10 vs #printed=10 45: -------------------------------------- 45: [ OK ] NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 45: [----------] 468 tests from NULL_VAL/YmlTestCase (5 ms total) 45: 45: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 45: [==========] 475 tests from 3 test suites ran. (5 ms total) 45: [ PASSED ] 475 tests. 45/52 Test #45: ryml-test-null_val ................ Passed 0.01 sec test 46 Start 46: ryml-test-github_issues 46: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/ryml-test-github_issues-0.6.0 46: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 46: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 46: Running main() from /builddir/build/BUILD/googletest-1.14.0/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc 46: [==========] Running 582 tests from 3 test suites. 46: [----------] Global test environment set-up. 46: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode 46: [ RUN ] CaseNode.setting_up 46: [ OK ] CaseNode.setting_up (0 ms) 46: [----------] 1 test from CaseNode (0 ms total) 46: 46: [----------] 5 tests from github 46: [ RUN ] github.268 46: [ OK ] github.268 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] github.277 46: [ OK ] github.277 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] github.78 46: [ OK ] github.78 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] github.60 46: [ OK ] github.60 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] github.31 46: [ OK ] github.31 (0 ms) 46: [----------] 5 tests from github (0 ms total) 46: 46: [----------] 576 tests from GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: translation: [-2, -2, 5]--------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8030 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde80d0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8168 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8200 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece44ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece44b50 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece44be0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece44c70 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece44d00 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: audio resource: 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded9d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde84e0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece423d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece42460 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedaf0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8a90 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8b28 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8bd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece48240 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece482d0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece48360 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece483f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} # this was working 46: data: 46: {} # but this was not working 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedc08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8580 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8c70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8d08 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8da0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece49f70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece4a000 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece4a090 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece4a120 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece4a1b0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedd20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde7d40 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea790 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea830 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea8c8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea960 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea9f8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7dd8 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeaaa0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeab40 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeabd8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeac70 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdead08 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7e70 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeadb0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeae50 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaee8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaf80 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb018 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece4c5b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece4c640 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece4c6d0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece4c760 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece4c7f0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece4c880 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece4c910 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece4c9a0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece4ca30 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece4cac0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece4cb50 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece4cbe0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece4cc70 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece4cd00 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece4cd90 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece4ce20 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece4ceb0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece4cf40 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece4cfd0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdede38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb810 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb8b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeba80 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebb20 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebbb8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebc50 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebce8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb948 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebd90 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebe30 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebec8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebf60 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebff8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb9e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec0a0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec140 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec1d8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec270 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec308 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece4f4f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece4f580 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece4f610 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece4f6a0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece4f730 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece4f7c0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece4f850 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece4f8e0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece4f970 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece4fa00 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece4fa90 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece4fb20 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece4fbb0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece4fc40 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece4fcd0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece4fd60 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece4fdf0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece4fe80 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece4ff10 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece4ffa0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # correct: 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedf50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec3b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec448 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec578 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec610 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec6a8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec740 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec7d8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec870 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec908 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece51b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece51bb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece51c40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece51cd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece51d60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece51df0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece51e80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece51f10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece51fa0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece52030 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece520c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # correct: 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee068 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec9b0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8f30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeca48 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecae0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdecfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecb78 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded050 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecc10 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded0f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecca8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded190 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecd40 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded230 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecdd8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded2d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdece70 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded370 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecf08 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded410 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece54550 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece545e0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece54670 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece54700 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece54790 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece54820 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece548b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece54940 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece549d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece54a60 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece54af0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece54b80 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece54c10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece54ca0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece54d30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece54dc0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece54e50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece54ee0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece54f70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece55000 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece55090 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: 46: # incorrect: for some reason the ' is included in the string 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: 46: # incorrect: same issue 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: 46: # incorrect: still has the trailing quote 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: 46: # the string is parsed correctly in this case 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeea00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef260 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeea98 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef300 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeb30 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef3a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeebc8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef440 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeec60 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeecf8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef580 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeed90 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef620 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeee28 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef6c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeec0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef760 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeef58 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef800 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeff0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef8a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef088 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef940 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef120 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef9e0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefa78 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef1b8 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdefb20 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefbb8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece58370 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece58400 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece58490 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece58520 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece585b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece58640 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece586d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece58760 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece587f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece58880 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece58910 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece589a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece58a30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece58ac0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece58b50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece58be0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece58c70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece58d00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece58d90 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece58e20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece58eb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece58f40 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece58fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece59060 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece590f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece59180 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece59210 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece592a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece59330 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece593c0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece59450 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:520:4:1: (44B):ERROR: parse error: incorrect indentation? 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:520:4:1: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (size=49) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 1-50) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:529:4:1: (44B):ERROR: parse error: incorrect indentation? 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:529:4:1: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " (size=49) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 1-50) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:538:4:15: (58B):ERROR: ': ' is not a valid token in plain flow (unquoted) scalars 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:538:4:15: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (size=52) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 15-53) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:547:4:15: (58B):ERROR: ': ' is not a valid token in plain flow (unquoted) scalars 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:547:4:15: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " (size=52) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 15-53) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 46: anchor does not exist: 'invalid' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: a: *invalid--------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: *--------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (0 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece638a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: resolved tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece638a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: reordered tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece638a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: ref: &ref ref_val 46: a: *ref # resolve the reference 46: b: '*ref' # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: c: "*ref" # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: d: > # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: e: >- # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: f: >+ # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: g: | # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: h: |- # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: i: |+ # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee928 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde9ec0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9f58 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9ff0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea088 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea120 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea1b8 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea250 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea2e8 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea380 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea418 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece65f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece65ff0 KEYVAL***: 'ref' 'ref_val' valanchor='&ref' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece66080 KEYVAL***: 'a' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece66110 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece661a0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece66230 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece662c0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece66350 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece663e0 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece66470 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece66500 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: resolved tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece65f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece65ff0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece66080 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece66110 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece661a0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece66230 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece662c0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece66350 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece663e0 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece66470 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece66500 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: reordered tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece65f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece65ff0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece66080 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece66110 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece661a0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece66230 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece662c0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece66350 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece663e0 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece66470 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece66500 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_unix/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: translation: [-2, -2, 5]--------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8030 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde80d0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8168 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8200 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece66900 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece66990 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece66a20 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece66ab0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece66b40 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: audio resource: 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded9d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde84e0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece67210 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece672a0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedaf0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8a90 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8b28 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8bd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece67b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece67bb0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece67c40 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece67cd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} # this was working 46: data: 46: {} # but this was not working 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedc08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8580 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8c70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8d08 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8da0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece68430 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece684c0 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece68550 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece685e0 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece68670 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedd20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde7d40 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea790 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea830 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea8c8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea960 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea9f8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7dd8 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeaaa0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeab40 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeabd8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeac70 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdead08 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7e70 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeadb0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeae50 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaee8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaf80 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb018 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece69650 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece696e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece69770 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece69800 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece69890 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece69920 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece699b0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece69a40 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece69ad0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece69b60 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece69bf0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece69c80 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece69d10 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece69da0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece69e30 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece69ec0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece69f50 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece69fe0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6a070 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdede38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb810 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb8b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeba80 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebb20 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebbb8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebc50 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebce8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb948 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebd90 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebe30 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebec8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebf60 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebff8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb9e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec0a0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec140 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec1d8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec270 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec308 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece6a860 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece6a8f0 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece6a980 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece6aa10 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece6aaa0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece6ab30 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece6abc0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece6ac50 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece6ace0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece6ad70 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece6ae00 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece6ae90 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece6af20 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece6afb0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece6b040 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece6b0d0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece6b160 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece6b1f0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6b280 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece6b310 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # correct: 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedf50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec3b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec448 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec578 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec610 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec6a8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec740 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec7d8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec870 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec908 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece68d40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece68dd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece68e60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece68ef0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece68f80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece69010 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece690a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece69130 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece691c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece69250 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece692e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # correct: 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee068 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec9b0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8f30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeca48 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecae0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdecfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecb78 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded050 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecc10 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded0f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecca8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded190 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecd40 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded230 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecdd8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded2d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdece70 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded370 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecf08 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded410 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece6c380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece6c410 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece6c4a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece6c530 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece6c5c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece6c650 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece6c6e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece6c770 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece6c800 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece6c890 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece6c920 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece6c9b0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece6ca40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece6cad0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece6cb60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece6cbf0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece6cc80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece6cd10 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6cda0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece6ce30 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece6cec0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory? 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: 46: # incorrect: for some reason the ' is included in the string 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: 46: # incorrect: same issue 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie " 46: 46: # incorrect: still has the trailing quote 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie" 46: 46: # the string is parsed correctly in this case 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeea00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef260 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeea98 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef300 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeb30 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef3a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeebc8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef440 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeec60 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeecf8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef580 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeed90 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef620 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeee28 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef6c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeec0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef760 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeef58 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef800 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeff0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef8a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef088 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef940 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef120 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef9e0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefa78 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef1b8 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdefb20 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefbb8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece6d590 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece6d620 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece6d6b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece6d740 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece6d7d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece6d860 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece6d8f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece6d980 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece6da10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece6daa0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece6db30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece6dbc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece6dc50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece6dce0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece6dd70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece6de00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece6de90 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece6df20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6dfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece6e040 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece6e0d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece6e160 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece6e1f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece6e280 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece6e310 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece6e3a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece6e430 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece6e4c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece6e550 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece6e5e0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece6e670 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:520:4:1: (47B):ERROR: parse error: incorrect indentation? 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:520:4:1: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (size=49) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 1-50) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:529:4:1: (47B):ERROR: parse error: incorrect indentation? 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:529:4:1: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " (size=49) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 1-50) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:538:4:15: (61B):ERROR: ': ' is not a valid token in plain flow (unquoted) scalars 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:538:4:15: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (size=52) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 15-53) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:547:4:15: (61B):ERROR: ': ' is not a valid token in plain flow (unquoted) scalars 46: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/test_github_issues.cpp:547:4:15: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " (size=52) 46: ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (cols 15-53) 46: 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: # *segfault* // not anymore! 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 " 46: --------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 46: anchor does not exist: 'invalid' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: a: *invalid--------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: *--------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (0 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece70be0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: resolved tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece70be0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: reordered tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece70be0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: --------------- 46: 46: ref: &ref ref_val 46: a: *ref # resolve the reference 46: b: '*ref' # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: c: "*ref" # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: d: > # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: e: >- # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: f: >+ # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: g: | # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: h: |- # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: i: |+ # don't resolve, it's just a string 46: *ref 46: --------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee928 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde9ec0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9f58 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9ff0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea088 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea120 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea1b8 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea250 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea2e8 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea380 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea418 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: PARSED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece714f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece71580 KEYVAL***: 'ref' 'ref_val' valanchor='&ref' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece71610 KEYVAL***: 'a' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece716a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece71730 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece717c0 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece71850 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece718e0 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece71970 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece71a00 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece71a90 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: resolved tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece714f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece71580 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece71610 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece716a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece71730 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece717c0 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece71850 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece718e0 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece71970 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece71a00 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece71a90 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: reordered tree!!! 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece714f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece71580 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece71610 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece716a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece71730 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece717c0 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece71850 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece718e0 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece71970 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece71a00 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece71a90 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.parse_windows/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: '*' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stdout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: '*' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stdout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: audio resource: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: '*' 46: '*' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_cout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: audio resource: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: '*' 46: '*' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_cout/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_stringstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_ofstream/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: '*' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_unix_string/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: translation: 46: - -2 46: - -2 46: - 5 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: audio resource: 46: more: 46: example: y 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: component: 46: type: perspective camera component 46: some_data: {} 46: data: {} 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: videos: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY: 46: - 0.mp4 46: - 1.mp4 46: - 2.mp4 46: - 3.mp4 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' 46: - key1: true1 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' 46: - key2: true2 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: '*' 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ref: ref_val 46: a: ref_val 46: b: '*ref' 46: c: '*ref' 46: d: | 46: *ref 46: 46: e: '*ref' 46: f: | 46: *ref 46: 46: g: | 46: *ref 46: 46: h: '*ref' 46: i: | 46: *ref 46: 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_yml_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.emit_json_windows_string/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_cfile/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_emitrs_json_cfile/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: translation: [-2, -2, 5]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece44ac0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece44b50 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece44be0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece44c70 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece44d00 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: translation:\n 46: - -2\n 46: - -2\n 46: - 5\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece73b50 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece73be0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece73c70 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece73d00 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece73d90 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: audio resource:\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece423d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece42460 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: audio resource: \n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece74d40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece74dd0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: audio resource:\n 46: more:\n 46: example: y\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece48240 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece482d0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece48360 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece483f0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: audio resource: \n 46: more:\n 46: example: y\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece75650 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece756e0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece75770 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece75800 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: component:\n 46: type: perspective camera component\n 46: some_data: {} # this was working\n 46: data:\n 46: {} # but this was not working\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece49f70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece4a000 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece4a090 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece4a120 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece4a1b0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: component:\n 46: type: perspective camera component\n 46: some_data: {}\n 46: data: {}\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece75f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece75ff0 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece76080 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece76110 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece761a0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece4c5b0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece4c640 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece4c6d0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece4c760 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece4c7f0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece4c880 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece4c910 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece4c9a0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece4ca30 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece4cac0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece4cb50 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece4cbe0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece4cc70 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece4cd00 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece4cd90 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece4ce20 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece4ceb0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece4cf40 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece4cfd0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece77180 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece77210 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece772a0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece77330 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece773c0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece77450 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece774e0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece77570 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece77600 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece77690 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece77720 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece777b0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece77840 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece778d0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece77960 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece779f0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece77a80 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece77b10 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece77ba0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: videos:\n 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece4f4f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece4f580 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece4f610 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece4f6a0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece4f730 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece4f7c0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece4f850 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece4f8e0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece4f970 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece4fa00 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece4fa90 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece4fb20 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece4fbb0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece4fc40 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece4fcd0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece4fd60 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece4fdf0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece4fe80 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece4ff10 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece4ffa0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: videos:\n 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece78390 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece78420 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece784b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece78540 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece785d0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece78660 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece786f0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece78780 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece78810 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece788a0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece78930 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece789c0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece78a50 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece78ae0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece78b70 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece78c00 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece78c90 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece78d20 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece78db0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece78e40 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: # correct:\n 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\n 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece51b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece51bb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece51c40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece51cd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece51d60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece51df0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece51e80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece51f10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece51fa0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece52030 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece520c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece76870 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece76900 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece76990 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece76a20 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece76ab0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece76b40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece76bd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece76c60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece76cf0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece76d80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece76e10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: # correct:\n 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece54550 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece545e0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece54670 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece54700 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece54790 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece54820 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece548b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece54940 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece549d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece54a60 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece54af0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece54b80 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece54c10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece54ca0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece54d30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece54dc0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece54e50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece54ee0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece54f70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece55000 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece55090 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece79eb0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece79f40 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece79fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7a060 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7a0f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece7a180 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece7a210 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece7a2a0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece7a330 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece7a3c0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece7a450 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece7a4e0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece7a570 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece7a600 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece7a690 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece7a720 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece7a7b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece7a840 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece7a8d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece7a960 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece7a9f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\n 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: \n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\n 46: \n 46: # incorrect: for some reason the ' is included in the string\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID7: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\n 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\n 46: \n 46: # incorrect: same issue\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID10: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\n 46: \n 46: # incorrect: still has the trailing quote\n 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID12: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\n 46: \n 46: # the string is parsed correctly in this case\n 46: - key1: true1\n 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 '\n 46: - key2: true2\n 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 "\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece58370 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece58400 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece58490 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece58520 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece585b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece58640 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece586d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece58760 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece587f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece58880 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece58910 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece589a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece58a30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece58ac0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece58b50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece58be0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece58c70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece58d00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece58d90 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece58e20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece58eb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece58f40 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece58fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece59060 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece590f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece59180 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece59210 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece592a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece59330 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece593c0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece59450 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - key1: true1\n 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 '\n 46: - key2: true2\n 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 '\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7b0c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7b150 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7b1e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7b270 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7b300 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece7b390 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece7b420 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece7b4b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece7b540 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece7b5d0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece7b660 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece7b6f0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece7b780 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece7b810 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece7b8a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece7b930 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece7b9c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece7ba50 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece7bae0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece7bb70 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece7bc00 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece7bc90 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece7bd20 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece7bdb0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece7be40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece7bed0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece7bf60 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece7bff0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece7c080 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece7c110 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece7c1a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece638a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: '*'\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece795a0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \n 46: ref: &ref ref_val\n 46: a: *ref # resolve the reference\n 46: b: '*ref' # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: c: "*ref" # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: d: > # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: *ref\n 46: f\n 46: e: >- # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: *refef\n 46: f: >+ # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: *ref\n 46: f\n 46: g: | # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: *ref\n 46: h: |- # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: *refef\n 46: i: |+ # don't resolve, it's just a string\n 46: *ref\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece65f60 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece65ff0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece66080 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece66110 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece661a0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece66230 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece662c0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece66350 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece663e0 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece66470 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece66500 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: ref: ref_val\n 46: a: ref_val\n 46: b: '*ref'\n 46: c: '*ref'\n 46: d: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: e: '*ref'\n 46: f: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: g: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: h: '*ref'\n 46: i: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7c2d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7c360 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7c3f0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7c480 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7c510 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece7c5a0 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece7c630 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece7c6c0 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece7c750 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece7c7e0 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece7c870 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_unix_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: translation: [-2, -2, 5]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece66900 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece66990 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece66a20 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece66ab0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece66b40 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: translation:\n 46: - -2\n 46: - -2\n 46: - 5\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7cbe0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7cc70 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7cd00 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7cd90 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7ce20 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: audio resource:\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece67210 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece672a0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: audio resource: \n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7d4f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7d580 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: audio resource:\r\n 46: more:\r\n 46: example: y\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece67b20 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece67bb0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece67c40 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece67cd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: audio resource: \n 46: more:\n 46: example: y\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7de00 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7de90 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7df20 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7dfb0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: component:\r\n 46: type: perspective camera component\r\n 46: some_data: {} # this was working\r\n 46: data:\r\n 46: {} # but this was not working\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece68430 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece684c0 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece68550 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece685e0 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece68670 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: component:\n 46: type: perspective camera component\n 46: some_data: {}\n 46: data: {}\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7e710 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7e7a0 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7e830 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7e8c0 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7e950 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\r\n 46: - 0.mp4\r\n 46: - 1.mp4\r\n 46: - 2.mp4\r\n 46: - 3.mp4\r\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\r\n 46: - 0.mp4\r\n 46: - 1.mp4\r\n 46: - 2.mp4\r\n 46: - 3.mp4\r\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\r\n 46: - 0.mp4\r\n 46: - 1.mp4\r\n 46: - 2.mp4\r\n 46: - 3.mp4\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece69650 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece696e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece69770 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece69800 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece69890 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece69920 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece699b0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece69a40 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece69ad0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece69b60 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece69bf0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece69c80 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece69d10 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece69da0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece69e30 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece69ec0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece69f50 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece69fe0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6a070 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7f930 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7f9c0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7fa50 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7fae0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7fb70 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece7fc00 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece7fc90 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece7fd20 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece7fdb0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece7fe40 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece7fed0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece7ff60 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece7fff0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece80080 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece80110 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece801a0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece80230 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece802c0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece80350 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: videos:\r\n 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\r\n 46: - 0.mp4\r\n 46: - 1.mp4\r\n 46: - 2.mp4\r\n 46: - 3.mp4\r\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\r\n 46: - 0.mp4\r\n 46: - 1.mp4\r\n 46: - 2.mp4\r\n 46: - 3.mp4\r\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\r\n 46: - 0.mp4\r\n 46: - 1.mp4\r\n 46: - 2.mp4\r\n 46: - 3.mp4\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece6a860 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece6a8f0 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece6a980 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece6aa10 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece6aaa0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece6ab30 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece6abc0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece6ac50 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece6ace0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece6ad70 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece6ae00 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece6ae90 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece6af20 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece6afb0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece6b040 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece6b0d0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece6b160 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece6b1f0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6b280 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece6b310 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: videos:\n 46: - UQxRibHKEDI:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - DcYsg8VFdC0:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: - Yt3ymqZXzLY:\n 46: - 0.mp4\n 46: - 1.mp4\n 46: - 2.mp4\n 46: - 3.mp4\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece80b40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece80bd0 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece80c60 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece80cf0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece80d80 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece80e10 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece80ea0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece80f30 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece80fc0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece81050 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece810e0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece81170 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece81200 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece81290 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece81320 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece813b0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece81440 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece814d0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece81560 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece815f0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: # correct:\r\n 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\r\n 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece68d40 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece68dd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece68e60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece68ef0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece68f80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece69010 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece690a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece69130 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece691c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece69250 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece692e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece7f020 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece7f0b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece7f140 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece7f1d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece7f260 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece7f2f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece7f380 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece7f410 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece7f4a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece7f530 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece7f5c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: # correct:\r\n 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\r\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID6: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID0: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece6c380 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece6c410 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece6c4a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece6c530 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece6c5c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece6c650 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece6c6e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece6c770 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece6c800 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece6c890 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece6c920 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece6c9b0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece6ca40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece6cad0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece6cb60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece6cbf0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece6cc80 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece6cd10 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6cda0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece6ce30 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece6cec0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID0: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece82660 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece826f0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece82780 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece82810 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece828a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece82930 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece829c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece82a50 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece82ae0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece82b70 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece82c00 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece82c90 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece82d20 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece82db0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece82e40 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece82ed0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece82f60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece82ff0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece83080 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece83110 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece831a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\r\n 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: \r\n 46: # incorrect: uninitialised memory?\r\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\r\n 46: - MessageID4: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\r\n 46: \r\n 46: # incorrect: for some reason the ' is included in the string\r\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\r\n 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\r\n 46: - MessageID7: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\r\n 46: - MessageID8: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\r\n 46: \r\n 46: # incorrect: same issue\r\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\r\n 46: - MessageID10: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie "\r\n 46: \r\n 46: # incorrect: still has the trailing quote\r\n 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\r\n 46: - MessageID12: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie"\r\n 46: \r\n 46: # the string is parsed correctly in this case\r\n 46: - key1: true1\r\n 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 '\r\n 46: - key2: true2\r\n 46: MessageID2: "MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 "\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece6d590 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece6d620 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece6d6b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece6d740 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece6d7d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece6d860 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece6d8f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece6d980 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece6da10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece6daa0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece6db30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece6dbc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece6dc50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece6dce0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece6dd70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece6de00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece6de90 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece6df20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece6dfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece6e040 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece6e0d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece6e160 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece6e1f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece6e280 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece6e310 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece6e3a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece6e430 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece6e4c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece6e550 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece6e5e0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece6e670 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: - MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID3: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID4: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID5: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID6: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID7: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID8: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID9: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID10: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie '\n 46: - MessageID11: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - MessageID12: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie'\n 46: - key1: true1\n 46: MessageID1: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 '\n 46: - key2: true2\n 46: MessageID2: 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 '\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece83870 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece83900 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece83990 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece83a20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece83ab0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece83b40 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece83bd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece83c60 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece83cf0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece83d80 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece83e10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece83ea0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece83f30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece83fc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece84050 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece840e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece84170 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece84200 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece84290 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece84320 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece843b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece84440 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece844d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece84560 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece845f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece84680 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece84710 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece847a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece84830 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece848c0 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece84950 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece70be0 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: '*'\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece81d50 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ src yml: 46: \r\n 46: ref: &ref ref_val\r\n 46: a: *ref # resolve the reference\r\n 46: b: '*ref' # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: c: "*ref" # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: d: > # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: *ref\n 46: f\r\n 46: e: >- # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: *refef\r\n 46: f: >+ # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: *ref\n 46: f\r\n 46: g: | # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: *ref\n 46: f\r\n 46: h: |- # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: *refef\r\n 46: i: |+ # don't resolve, it's just a string\r\n 46: *ref\n 46: f\r\n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parsed tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece714f0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece71580 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece71610 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece716a0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece71730 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece717c0 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece71850 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece718e0 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece71970 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece71a00 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece71a90 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted yml: 46: ref: ref_val\n 46: a: ref_val\n 46: b: '*ref'\n 46: c: '*ref'\n 46: d: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: e: '*ref'\n 46: f: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: g: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: h: '*ref'\n 46: i: |\n 46: *ref\n 46: \n 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emitted tree: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece84a80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece84b10 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece84ba0 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece84c30 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece84cc0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece84d50 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece84de0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece84e70 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece84f00 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece84f90 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece85020 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.complete_windows_round_trip_json/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8030 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde80d0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8168 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8200 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece74520 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece745b0 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece74640 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece746d0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece74760 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded9d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde84e0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece74800 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece74890 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedaf0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8a90 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8b28 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8bd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece85390 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece85420 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece854b0 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece85540 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedc08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8580 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8c70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8d08 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8da0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece855e0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece85670 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece85700 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece85790 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece85820 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedd20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde7d40 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea790 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea830 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea8c8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea960 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea9f8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7dd8 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeaaa0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeab40 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeabd8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeac70 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdead08 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7e70 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeadb0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeae50 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaee8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaf80 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb018 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece858c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece85950 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece859e0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece85a70 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece85b00 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece85b90 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece85c20 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece85cb0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece85d40 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece85dd0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece85e60 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece85ef0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece85f80 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece86010 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece860a0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece86130 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece861c0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece86250 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece862e0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdede38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb810 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb8b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeba80 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebb20 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebbb8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebc50 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebce8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb948 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebd90 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebe30 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebec8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebf60 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebff8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb9e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec0a0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec140 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec1d8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec270 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec308 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece86380 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece86410 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece864a0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece86530 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece865c0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece86650 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece866e0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece86770 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece86800 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece86890 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece86920 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece869b0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece86a40 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece86ad0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece86b60 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece86bf0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece86c80 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece86d10 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece86da0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece86e30 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedf50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec3b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec448 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec578 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec610 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec6a8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec740 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec7d8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec870 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec908 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece86ed0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece86f60 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece86ff0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece87080 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece87110 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece871a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece87230 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece872c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece87350 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece873e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece87470 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee068 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec9b0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8f30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeca48 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecae0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdecfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecb78 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded050 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecc10 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded0f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecca8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded190 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecd40 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded230 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecdd8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded2d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdece70 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded370 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecf08 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded410 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece87510 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece875a0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece87630 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece876c0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece87750 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece877e0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece87870 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece87900 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece87990 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece87a20 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece87ab0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece87b40 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece87bd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece87c60 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece87cf0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece87d80 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece87e10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece87ea0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece87f30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece87fc0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece88050 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeea00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef260 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeea98 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef300 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeb30 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef3a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeebc8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef440 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeec60 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeecf8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef580 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeed90 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef620 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeee28 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef6c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeec0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef760 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeef58 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef800 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeff0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef8a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef088 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef940 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef120 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef9e0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefa78 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef1b8 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdefb20 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefbb8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece880f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece88180 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece88210 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece882a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece88330 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece883c0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece88450 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece884e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece88570 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece88600 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece88690 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece88720 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece887b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece88840 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece888d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece88960 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece889f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece88a80 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece88b10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece88ba0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece88c30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece88cc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece88d50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece88de0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece88e70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece88f00 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece88f90 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece89020 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece890b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece89140 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece891d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (0 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaecde9a80 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee928 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde9ec0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9f58 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9ff0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea088 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea120 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea1b8 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea250 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea2e8 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea380 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea418 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece89270 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece89300 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece89390 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece89420 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece894b0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece89540 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece895d0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece89660 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece896f0 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece89780 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece89810 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.unix_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded8c0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8030 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde80d0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8168 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8200 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece898b0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece89940 KEYSEQ: 'translation' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece899d0 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece89a60 VAL: '-2' (3 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece89af0 VAL: '5' (3 sibs) 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/0 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecded9d8 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde84e0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece74930 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece749c0 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=2 vs #printed=2 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/1 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem2-ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedaf0 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8a90 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8b28 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8bd0 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece89b90 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 2 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece89c20 KEYVAL: 'audio resource' '' (2 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece89cb0 KEYMAP: 'more' (2 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece89d40 KEYVAL: 'example' 'y' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=4 vs #printed=4 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/2 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github3-problem3' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedc08 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8580 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8c70 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde8d08 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8da0 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece89de0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece89e70 KEYMAP: 'component' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece89f00 KEYVAL: 'type' 'perspective camera component' (3 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece89f90 KEYMAP: 'some_data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8a020 KEYMAP: 'data' (3 sibs) 0 children: 46: #nodes=5 vs #printed=5 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/3 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6-problem1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedd20 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde7d40 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea790 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdea830 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea8c8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea960 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea9f8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7dd8 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeaaa0 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeab40 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeabd8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeac70 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdead08 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde7e70 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeadb0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeae50 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaee8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeaf80 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb018 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece8a0c0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece8a150 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece8a1e0 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece8a270 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8a300 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece8a390 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece8a420 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece8a4b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece8a540 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece8a5d0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece8a660 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece8a6f0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece8a780 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece8a810 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece8a8a0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece8a930 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece8a9c0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece8aa50 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece8aae0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=19 vs #printed=19 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/4 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github6' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdede38 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb810 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeb8b0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeba80 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebb20 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebbb8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebc50 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebce8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb948 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebd90 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdebe30 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebec8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebf60 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdebff8 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeb9e0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec0a0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec140 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec1d8 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec270 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec308 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece8ab80 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 1 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece8ac10 KEYSEQ: 'videos' (1 sibs) 3 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece8aca0 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece8ad30 KEYSEQ: 'UQxRibHKEDI' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8adc0 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece8ae50 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece8aee0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece8af70 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece8b000 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece8b090 KEYSEQ: 'DcYsg8VFdC0' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece8b120 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece8b1b0 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece8b240 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece8b2d0 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece8b360 MAP: (3 sibs) 1 children: 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece8b3f0 KEYSEQ: 'Yt3ymqZXzLY' (1 sibs) 4 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece8b480 VAL: '0.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece8b510 VAL: '1.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece8b5a0 VAL: '2.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece8b630 VAL: '3.mp4' (4 sibs) 46: #nodes=20 vs #printed=20 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/5 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdedf50 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec3b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec448 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec578 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec610 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec6a8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec740 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec7d8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec870 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdec908 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece8b6d0 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece8b760 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece8b7f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece8b880 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8b910 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece8b9a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece8ba30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece8bac0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece8bb50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece8bbe0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece8bc70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/6 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34/ex2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee068 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdec9b0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8f30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeca48 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde8fd0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecae0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdecfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecb78 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded050 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecc10 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded0f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecca8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded190 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecd40 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded230 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecdd8 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded2d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdece70 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded370 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdecf08 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecded410 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece8bd10 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece8bda0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece8be30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece8bec0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8bf50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece8bfe0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece8c070 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece8c100 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece8c190 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece8c220 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece8c2b0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece8c340 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece8c3d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece8c460 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece8c4f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece8c580 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece8c610 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece8c6a0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece8c730 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece8c7c0 MAP: (10 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece8c850 KEYVAL: 'MessageID0' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=21 vs #printed=21 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/7 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github34' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee180 [ROOT] SEQ: (0 sibs) 14 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdeea00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef260 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeea98 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef300 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeb30 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef3a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeebc8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef440 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeec60 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef4e0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeecf8 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef580 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeed90 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef620 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeee28 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef6c0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeec0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef760 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeef58 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef800 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdeeff0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef8a0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef088 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef940 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef120 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdef9e0 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefa78 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdef1b8 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: 0xaaaaecdefb20 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdefbb8 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece8c8f0 [ROOT] SEQ: (1 sibs) 14 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece8c980 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece8ca10 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece8caa0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8cb30 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece8cbc0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece8cc50 KEYVAL: 'MessageID3' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece8cce0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece8cd70 KEYVAL: 'MessageID4' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece8ce00 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece8ce90 KEYVAL: 'MessageID5' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [11] [11] 0xaaaaece8cf20 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [12] [12] 0xaaaaece8cfb0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID6' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [13] [13] 0xaaaaece8d040 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [14] [14] 0xaaaaece8d0d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID7' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [15] [15] 0xaaaaece8d160 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [16] [16] 0xaaaaece8d1f0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID8' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [17] [17] 0xaaaaece8d280 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [18] [18] 0xaaaaece8d310 KEYVAL: 'MessageID9' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [19] [19] 0xaaaaece8d3a0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [20] [20] 0xaaaaece8d430 KEYVAL: 'MessageID10' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie ' (1 sibs) 46: [21] [21] 0xaaaaece8d4c0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [22] [22] 0xaaaaece8d550 KEYVAL: 'MessageID11' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [23] [23] 0xaaaaece8d5e0 MAP: (14 sibs) 1 children: 46: [24] [24] 0xaaaaece8d670 KEYVAL: 'MessageID12' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie' (1 sibs) 46: [25] [25] 0xaaaaece8d700 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [26] [26] 0xaaaaece8d790 KEYVAL: 'key1' 'true1' (2 sibs) 46: [27] [27] 0xaaaaece8d820 KEYVAL: 'MessageID1' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie1 ' (2 sibs) 46: [28] [28] 0xaaaaece8d8b0 MAP: (14 sibs) 2 children: 46: [29] [29] 0xaaaaece8d940 KEYVAL: 'key2' 'true2' (2 sibs) 46: [30] [30] 0xaaaaece8d9d0 KEYVAL: 'MessageID2' 'MapRegion_HyrulePrairie2 ' (2 sibs) 46: #nodes=31 vs #printed=31 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/8 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error11' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/9 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error12' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/10 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error21' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/11 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github35/expected_error22' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/12 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/1' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/13 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github128/2' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee810 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (0 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaecde9630 [ROOT] DOCVAL: '*' (1 sibs) 46: #nodes=1 vs #printed=1 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/14 (0 ms) 46: [ RUN ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: running test case 'github129' 46: ------------------------------------------- 46: REF TREE: 46: 0xaaaaecdee928 [ROOT] MAP: (0 sibs) 10 children: 46: 0xaaaaecde9ec0 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9f58 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecde9ff0 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea088 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea120 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea1b8 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea250 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea2e8 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea380 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: 0xaaaaecdea418 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: RECREATED TREE: 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [0][0] 0xaaaaece8da70 [ROOT] MAP: (1 sibs) 10 children: 46: [1] [1] 0xaaaaece8db00 KEYVAL: 'ref' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [2] [2] 0xaaaaece8db90 KEYVAL: 'a' 'ref_val' (10 sibs) 46: [3] [3] 0xaaaaece8dc20 KEYVAL: 'b' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [4] [4] 0xaaaaece8dcb0 KEYVAL: 'c' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [5] [5] 0xaaaaece8dd40 KEYVAL: 'd' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [6] [6] 0xaaaaece8ddd0 KEYVAL: 'e' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [7] [7] 0xaaaaece8de60 KEYVAL: 'f' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [8] [8] 0xaaaaece8def0 KEYVAL: 'g' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: [9] [9] 0xaaaaece8df80 KEYVAL: 'h' '*ref' (10 sibs) 46: [10] [10] 0xaaaaece8e010 KEYVAL: 'i' '*ref 46: ' (10 sibs) 46: #nodes=11 vs #printed=11 46: -------------------------------------- 46: [ OK ] GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase.windows_recreate_from_ref/15 (0 ms) 46: [----------] 576 tests from GITHUB_ISSUES/YmlTestCase (7 ms total) 46: 46: [----------] Global test environment tear-down 46: [==========] 582 tests from 3 test suites ran. (7 ms total) 46: [ PASSED ] 582 tests. 46/52 Test #46: ryml-test-github_issues ........... Passed 0.01 sec test 47 Start 47: ryml-test-tool-parse_emit 47: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/tools/ryml-parse-emit-0.6.0 "/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/test/../bm/cases/appveyor.yml" 47: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 47: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 47: 0.030322ms: read_file 47: 0.001741ms: count_lines 47: reserving #lines=90 47: 0.012907ms: tree_reserve 47: 0.031537ms: parse_yml 47: 0.019884ms: emit_to_buffer 47: 0.002495ms: print_stdout 47: 0.125787ms: objects 47: 0.134844ms: TOTAL 47: version: '{build}' 47: image: Visual Studio 2017 47: environment: 47: matrix: 47: - compiler: 'msvc-15-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 15 2017' 47: configuration: Debug 47: - compiler: 'msvc-15-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64' 47: configuration: Debug 47: - compiler: 'msvc-15-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 15 2017' 47: configuration: Release 47: - compiler: 'msvc-15-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64' 47: configuration: Release 47: - compiler: 'msvc-14-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 14 2015' 47: configuration: Debug 47: - compiler: 'msvc-14-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64' 47: configuration: Debug 47: - compiler: 'msvc-14-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 14 2015' 47: configuration: Release 47: - compiler: 'msvc-14-seh' 47: generator: 'Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64' 47: configuration: Release 47: matrix: 47: fast_finish: true 47: install: 47: - 'git submodule update --init --recursive' 47: - 'if "%generator%"=="MinGW Makefiles" (set "PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=%")' 47: - 'if not "%cxx_path%"=="" (set "PATH=%PATH%;%cxx_path%")' 47: build_script: 47: - 'md _build -Force' 47: - cd _build 47: test_script: 47: - echo %configuration% 47: - 'cmake -G "%generator%" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration%" -DRYML_DEV=ON ..' 47: - dir 47: - dir test 47: - 'cmake --build . --config %configuration% --target ryml-test' 47: artifacts: 47: - path: '_build/CMakeFiles/*.log' 47: name: logs 47: - path: '_build/Testing/**/*.xml' 47: name: test_results 47: skip_commits: 47: files: 47: - .gitignore 47: - .travis* 47: - .ci/travis* 47: - .ci/dev_* 47: - .ci/show_* 47: - .ci/vagrant* 47: - .ci/Vagrant* 47: - bm/html/* 47: - doc/* 47: - LICENSE.txt 47: - README.* 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47: 47/52 Test #47: ryml-test-tool-parse_emit ......... Passed 0.00 sec test 48 Start 48: ryml-test-tool-events-success 48: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/tools/ryml-yaml-events-0.6.0 "/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/success.yml" 48: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 48: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 48: +STR 48: +DOC 48: +MAP 48: =VAL :foo 48: =VAL :bar 48: =VAL :baz 48: +SEQ 48: =VAL :exactly 48: -SEQ 48: -MAP 48: -DOC 48: -STR 48/52 Test #48: ryml-test-tool-events-success ..... Passed 0.00 sec test 49 Start 49: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_squo 49: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/tools/ryml-yaml-events-0.6.0 "/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_squo.yml" 49: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 49: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 49: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_squo.yml:2:1: (10B): ERROR: reached end of file while looking for closing quote 49: 49: 49/52 Test #49: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_squo ... Passed 0.00 sec test 50 Start 50: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_dquo 50: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/tools/ryml-yaml-events-0.6.0 "/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_dquo.yml" 50: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 50: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 50: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_dquo.yml:2:1: (10B): ERROR: reached end of file looking for closing quote 50: 50: 50/52 Test #50: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_dquo ... Passed 0.00 sec test 51 Start 51: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_seq1 51: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/tools/ryml-yaml-events-0.6.0 "/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_seq1.yml" 51: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 51: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 51: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_seq1.yml:1:13: (12B): ERROR: parse error 51: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_seq1.yml:1:13: [ a, b, c ] ] (size=13) 51: ^ (cols 13-14) 51: 51/52 Test #51: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_seq1 ... Passed 0.00 sec test 52 Start 52: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_seq2 52: Test command: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/tools/ryml-yaml-events-0.6.0 "/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_seq2.yml" 52: Working Directory: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test 52: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000 52: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_seq2.yml:2:1: (13B): ERROR: closing ] not found 52: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/redhat-linux-build/test/fail_seq2.yml:2:1: [ [a, b, c ] (size=12) 52: ^ (cols 13-13) 52: 52/52 Test #52: ryml-test-tool-events-fail_seq2 ... Passed 0.00 sec 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 52 Total Test time (real) = 0.54 sec ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-7.4.3, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /usr/bin/python3 cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0 collecting ... + CFLAGS='-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer ' + LDFLAGS='-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld-errors -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-package-notes ' + PATH=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin + PYTHONPATH=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/lib64/python3.12/site-packages:/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages + PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 + PYTEST_ADDOPTS=' --ignore=/builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/.pyproject-builddir' + PYTEST_XDIST_AUTO_NUM_WORKERS=4 + /usr/bin/pytest -v collected 26 items api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestSubstrInterop::test11_str2csubstr PASSED [ 3%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestSubstrInterop::test12_str2substr PASSED [ 7%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestSubstrInterop::test21_bytes2csubstr PASSED [ 11%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestSubstrInterop::test22_bytes2substr PASSED [ 15%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestSubstrInterop::test31_bytes2csubstr PASSED [ 19%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestSubstrInterop::test32_bytes2substr PASSED [ 23%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test11_str__arena PASSED [ 26%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test12_str__arena__reuse_tree PASSED [ 30%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test13_str__inplace PASSED [ 34%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test21_bytes__arena PASSED [ 38%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test22_bytes__arena__reuse_tree PASSED [ 42%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test23_bytes__inplace PASSED [ 46%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test31_bytearray__arena PASSED [ 50%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test32_bytearray__arena__reuse_tree PASSED [ 53%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test33_bytearray__inplace PASSED [ 57%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test34_bytearray__inplace__reuse_tree PASSED [ 61%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test41_emit_json PASSED [ 65%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test41_emit_yaml PASSED [ 69%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test42_compute_emit_json_length PASSED [ 73%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test42_compute_emit_yaml_length PASSED [ 76%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test43_emit_json_inplace PASSED [ 80%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test43_emit_yaml_inplace PASSED [ 84%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test44_emit_json_short_buf PASSED [ 88%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestRunner::test44_emit_yaml_short_buf PASSED [ 92%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestParseFailure::test_in_arena PASSED [ 96%] api/python/tests/test_parse.py::TestParseFailure::test_in_place PASSED [100%] ============================== 26 passed in 1.67s ============================== + RPM_EC=0 ++ jobs -p + exit 0 Processing files: rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.QpFhUO + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd rapidyaml-0.6.0 + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/doc/rapidyaml + export LC_ALL= + LC_ALL= + export DOCDIR + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/doc/rapidyaml + cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/README.md /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/doc/rapidyaml + RPM_EC=0 ++ jobs -p + exit 0 Executing(%license): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.dkGcNn + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd rapidyaml-0.6.0 + LICENSEDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/licenses/rapidyaml + export LC_ALL= + LC_ALL= + export LICENSEDIR + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/licenses/rapidyaml + cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/LICENSE.txt /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/licenses/rapidyaml + RPM_EC=0 ++ jobs -p + exit 0 Provides: libryml.so.0.6.0()(64bit) rapidyaml = 0.6.0-2.fc40 rapidyaml(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires: ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit) ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc.so.6()(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc4core.so.0.2.0()(64bit) libgcc_s.so.1()(64bit) libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0)(64bit) libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1)(64bit) libstdc++.so.6()(64bit) libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3)(64bit) rtld(GNU_HASH) Processing files: rapidyaml-devel-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Provides: cmake(ryml) = 0.6.0 rapidyaml-devel = 0.6.0-2.fc40 rapidyaml-devel(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires: cmake-filesystem(aarch-64) libryml.so.0.6.0()(64bit) Processing files: python3-rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Executing(%doc): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.jNOIka + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd rapidyaml-0.6.0 + DOCDIR=/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/doc/python3-rapidyaml + export LC_ALL= + LC_ALL= + export DOCDIR + /usr/bin/mkdir -p /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/doc/python3-rapidyaml + cp -pr /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0/README.md /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64/usr/share/doc/python3-rapidyaml + RPM_EC=0 ++ jobs -p + exit 0 Provides: python-rapidyaml = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3-rapidyaml = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3-rapidyaml(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3.12-rapidyaml = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3.12dist(rapidyaml) = 0.6 python3dist(rapidyaml) = 0.6 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) <= 4.0.4-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Requires: ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit) ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc.so.6()(64bit) libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit) libc4core.so.0.2.0()(64bit) libgcc_s.so.1()(64bit) libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0)(64bit) libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3.1)(64bit) libstdc++.so.6()(64bit) libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3)(64bit) libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3.9)(64bit) libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4)(64bit) libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.21)(64bit) python(abi) = 3.12 python3.12dist(deprecation) rtld(GNU_HASH) Processing files: rapidyaml-debugsource-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Provides: rapidyaml-debugsource = 0.6.0-2.fc40 rapidyaml-debugsource(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Processing files: rapidyaml-debuginfo-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Provides: debuginfo(build-id) = 863e034fdc553dddeb404cd7c6fe9588603663ea libryml.so.0.6.0-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.debug()(64bit) rapidyaml-debuginfo = 0.6.0-2.fc40 rapidyaml-debuginfo(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Recommends: rapidyaml-debugsource(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Processing files: python3-rapidyaml-debuginfo-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Provides: debuginfo(build-id) = 101a89bd059275a141a1f5a5fa91f36712151a76 python-rapidyaml-debuginfo = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3-rapidyaml-debuginfo = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3-rapidyaml-debuginfo(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 python3.12-rapidyaml-debuginfo = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Requires(rpmlib): rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1 rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1 Recommends: rapidyaml-debugsource(aarch-64) = 0.6.0-2.fc40 Checking for unpackaged file(s): /usr/lib/rpm/check-files /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 Wrote: /builddir/build/SRPMS/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.src.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/python3-rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/rapidyaml-debuginfo-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/rapidyaml-debugsource-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/rapidyaml-devel-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.rpm Wrote: /builddir/build/RPMS/python3-rapidyaml-debuginfo-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64.rpm Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.IxR0HV + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + cd rapidyaml-0.6.0 + /usr/bin/rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.aarch64 + RPM_EC=0 ++ jobs -p + exit 0 Executing(rmbuild): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.cTfOM5 + umask 022 + cd /builddir/build/BUILD + rm -rf /builddir/build/BUILD/rapidyaml-0.6.0-SPECPARTS + rm -rf rapidyaml-0.6.0 rapidyaml-0.6.0.gemspec + RPM_EC=0 ++ jobs -p + exit 0 Finish: rpmbuild rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.src.rpm Finish: build phase for rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.src.rpm INFO: chroot_scan: 1 files copied to /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/chroot_scan INFO: /var/lib/mock/fedora-40-aarch64-1719935657.147925/root/var/log/dnf5.log INFO: Done(/var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results/rapidyaml-0.6.0-2.fc40.src.rpm) Config(child) 10 minutes 1 seconds INFO: Results and/or logs in: /var/lib/copr-rpmbuild/results INFO: Cleaning up build root ('cleanup_on_success=True') Start: clean chroot INFO: unmounting tmpfs. Finish: clean chroot Finish: run Running RPMResults tool Package info: { "packages": [ { "name": "rapidyaml-debugsource", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "aarch64" }, { "name": "rapidyaml-devel", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "aarch64" }, { "name": "python3-rapidyaml-debuginfo", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "aarch64" }, { "name": "rapidyaml", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "aarch64" }, { "name": "python3-rapidyaml", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "aarch64" }, { "name": "rapidyaml-debuginfo", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "aarch64" }, { "name": "rapidyaml", "epoch": null, "version": "0.6.0", "release": "2.fc40", "arch": "src" } ] } RPMResults finished"Three is always greater than two, 27: even for large values of two"
27:--Author Unknown