# Project: update-ipasam-rpm %define upstream ipa-server-trust-ad %define samso %( rpm -ql %{upstream} 2>/dev/null | grep ipasam ) # For the srpm generation on a local machine, ipasam.so is absent # but that is OK because we will build the real ipasam package # in copr. %if "%{samso}" == "" %define samso /usr/lib64/samba/pdb/ipasam.so %define error1 1 %endif %define samsodir %( dirname %{samso} ) %define samver 4.9.10 %define samrel 6 Name: ipasam Version: %{samver} Release: %{samrel} Summary: Just the ipasam.so file Provides: %{upstream} Conflicts: %{upstream} License: GPL 3.0 URL: https://gitlab.com/bgstack15/ipasam/ #Source0: ipasam.spec BuildRequires: %{upstream} #Requires: %description To use samba with ipa user resolution, you need ipasam.so which normally comes from %{upstream} but that has many extraneous dependencies. Samba needs only the ipasam.so file, so this package has just that file. %prep %if 0%{?error1} echo "Info: ipasam.so is absent. This is normal only for the local system srpm preparation." 1>&2 echo "The file needs to exist for copr builds." 1>&2 %endif : %build : %install %{__install} --directory -m0755 %{buildroot}%{samsodir} %{__install} -m0755 %{samso} %{buildroot}%{samso} %files %{samso} %doc %changelog * Thu May 05 2022 B. Stack - %{samver} - Initial release