%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} Name: rho Version: 0.0.34 Release: 1.git.169.ed9ac1f%{?dist} Summary: An SSH system profiler Group: Applications/Internet License: GPLv2 URL: http://github.com/quipucords/rho Source0: rho-git-169.ed9ac1f.tar.gz %if 0%{?rhel} %global py2_prefix python %else %global py2_prefix python2 %endif BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: %{py2_prefix}-devel BuildRequires: %{py2_prefix}-setuptools BuildRequires: pandoc BuildRequires: %{py2_prefix}-crypto Requires: %{py2_prefix}-netaddr Requires: ansible %{?fedora:Requires: python2-pexpect} %{?rhel:Requires: pexpect} Requires: %{py2_prefix}-six Requires: %{py2_prefix}-enum34 %{?fedora:Requires: python2-pyyaml} %{?rhel:Requires: PyYAML} %{?rhel:Requires: epel-release} Requires: python2-future Requires: python2-sh %{?fedora:Requires: python2-pyxdg} %{?rhel:Requires: pyxdg} %description Rho is a tool for scanning your network, logging into systems via SSH, and retrieving information about them. %prep %setup -q -n rho-git-169.ed9ac1f %build %{__python} setup.py build make manpage %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__python} setup.py install --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -D -p -m 644 doc/rho.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/rho.1 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ansible/%{name} cp rho_playbook.yml %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ansible/%{name} cp -rp roles %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/ansible/%{name}/ %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README.rst AUTHORS.rst COPYING %{_bindir}/rho %{python_sitelib}/* %{_mandir}/man1/rho.1.gz %dir %{_datadir}/ansible/%{name} %{_datadir}/ansible/%{name}/rho_playbook.yml %{_datadir}/ansible/%{name}/roles/* %changelog * Mon May 28 2018 Christopher Hambridge 0.0.34-1 - Update Python 2 dependency for EPEL support - Bug fix for unicode processing (mdvickst@redhat.com) - Bug fix for rpm output to /dev/null (mdvickst@redhat.com) * Thu Apr 19 2018 Iryna Shcherbina - 0.0.33-2 - Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards (See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FinalizingFedoraSwitchtoPython3) * Wed Mar 21 2018 Noah Lavine 0.0.33-1 - Bug fix to Ansible task bash globbing (nlavine@redhat.com) - Bug fix for unicode truncation (chambrid@redhat.com) * Thu Feb 15 2018 Christopher Hambridge 0.0.32-6 - Bug fix to resolve missing release Engineering clean up * Wed Feb 14 2018 Christopher Hambridge 0.0.32-1 - Bug fix to resolve unreachable processing when using sshkeyfile for connection - Bug fix for cpu core count on vmware * Fri Feb 09 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.0.31-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Jan 9 2018 Christopher Hambridge 0.0.31-2 - Enhancements to handle target system timeouts (chambrid@redhat.com) - Enhancements to capture JBoss products installation state (nlavine@redhat.com) - Bug fix to resolve RHEL6 install support (chambrid@redhat.com) * Wed Nov 29 2017 Noah Lavine 0.0.31-1 - Enhancements to capture presence of JBoss Fuse from init subscriptions - Enhancements to find common JBoss Fuse files using locate command - Enhancements to find common JBoss BRMS files using locate command * Wed Nov 8 2017 Noah Lavine 0.0.30-1 - Enhancements to capture presence of EAP from init subscriptions - Enhancements to find common EAP files using locate command * Thu Nov 2 2017 Noah Lavine 0.0.29-1 - Split JBoss scanning into full and lightweight scans; lightweight scan is active by default. (nlavine@redhat.com) - Enhancements of JBoss lightweight scanning for EAP common files and directories and capturing the JBoss user. (nlavine@redhat.com) - Bug fix for handling systems that do not report rpm data.(chambrid@redhat.com) - Bug fix for systems that report etc_release differently.(chambrid@redhat.com) - Bug fix for non-sudo user task handling.(chambrid@redhat.com) - Bug fix for invalid host range input.(chambrid@redhat.com) - Enhancements to gather cpu core count, cpu hyperthreading, Red Hat certificates, consumed subscriptions, rpm data filtered by GPG keys. (chambrid@redhat.com) - Enhancement to provide user with more knowledge during the discovery process. (chambrid@redhat.com) * Thu Sep 21 2017 Christopher Hambridge 0.0.28-5 - Updated to utilize Ansible and an Ansible playbook and associate roles. - Encryption of auth credential entries and network profile entries using a password and Ansible vault. - Added additional error checking with associated messages and more user feedback on success. - Added ability to create a network profile with a specified ssh port value. - Added support for scans with sudo user both with and without password. - Extracted fact information that can be obtaind during a scan into a new subcommand. - Provided updated scan options to utilize Ansible. Capturing data in console and within a log file, additionally tying into the Ansible verbosity levels. Tune the number of concurrent ssh connections. - Added the capability to hash values from within a generated report. * Mon Oct 17 2016 Alex Wood 0.0.27-1 - Added 4 date commands to help determine when a server was built. (mvickstr@redhat.com) * Tue Sep 13 2016 Christopher Snyder 0.0.26-1 - Added additional columns to the pack-scan report generated by the initconfig command. The current pack-scan format does not include error, auth.name, and auth.username fields that are helpful when troubleshooting. The other fields are added to get additional visibility into all fields Rho can collect. - replaced some key dmidecode commands that used switches not available on older versions of RHEL with commands that work on all versions of RHEL. (mvickstr@redhat.com) - fix srpm_disttag (jesusr@redhat.com) - update srpm_disttag, and fedora release targets (jesusr@redhat.com) * Thu Feb 11 2016 jesus m. rodriguez 0.0.25-1 - added error checking for missing Red Hat packages scan (mvickstr@redhat.com) - add disttag (jesusr@redhat.com) * Tue Nov 25 2014 jesus m. rodriguez 0.0.24-1 - fix auth (add|edit) man page entries. (jesusr@redhat.com) * Mon Nov 24 2014 jesus m. rodriguez 0.0.23-1 - update doc to reference actual variable used in code (jesusr@redhat.com) - add an example of using --report (jesusr@redhat.com) * Thu Aug 07 2014 cnsnyder 0.0.22-1 - update releasers (jesusr@redhat.com) - add f21 (jesusr@redhat.com) - add releasers.conf for tito (jesusr@redhat.com) - Updates docs to describe use of the new report command. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Updates URL to current git repo url. (csnyder@redhat.com) - removes the now uncessary pack-scan.sh script (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds initconfig command to generate a default config with some preset data. (plus tests) (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds report module (and tests) with commands largely matching profile. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Updates README to include a brief section on the pack-scan.sh script. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Updates man page with info on option --hosts where appropriate. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Changes field names to match the changes to the rho_cmds classes. Moves pack-scan.sh to /bin. (csnyder@redhat.com) * Tue Jul 22 2014 jesus m. rodriguez 0.0.21-1 - Adds a RhoCmd and smoke test for subman facts --list (csnyder@redhat.com) - Fixes VirtWhatRhoCmd.parse_data() exit code checking. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Changes test_scan_show_fields() to use assertRaises(). (csnyder@redhat.com) - Fixes date test. Adds redhat-packages tests for new fields. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Uses open() instead of file(). (csnyder@redhat.com) - Fixes indexes of command results. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds tests for RedhatPackagesRhoCmd. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds tests for fields date.date and cpu.socket_count (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds smoke test for VirtWhatRhoCmd. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds new field virt.num_running_guests. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Pulls virt-what out of VirtRhoCmd and into VirtWhatRhoCmd. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Changes PkgInfo separator to required arg. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Removes unused imports. General code clean up. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Splits redhat-packages.ratio into two fields. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds install_date and build_date to rpm query. Updates PkgInfo to use these dates. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Renames MiscRhoCmd to DateRhoCmd and updates fields accordingly. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Scanner now defaults to explicit list of default commands in rho_cmds. (csnyder@redhat.com) - remove trailing whitespace (jesusr@redhat.com) - Adds virt.num_guests field to pack-scan report script. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds virt.num_guests field to VirtRhoCmd class. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds default of '' to scan --hosts option (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds pack-scan.sh [USERNAME] [/path/to/file_of_hosts] (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds --hosts option to the scan command. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds test for profile add --hosts and fixes up other tests (csnyder@redhat.com) - chmod -x clicommands-tests.py to enable testing with nosetests (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds new option --hosts [path/to/file_of_hosts] to add a file of comma seperated hostnames to a profile. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds new cpu report field cpu.socket_count. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds RedHatPackagesRhoCmd that provides fields pertaining to Red Hat packages installed on a system. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds MiscRhoCmd class for all miscellaneous commands. (csnyder@redhat.com) - Adds virt-what command to help determine virt.virt and virt.type fields (csnyder@redhat.com) - Scanner loads all cmds defined in rho_cmds and not in NONDEFAULT_CMDS. (csnyder@redhat.com) - stylish cleanups for setup.py (alikins@redhat.com) - Include gettext if we use it. (alikins@redhat.com) - Remove unused 'string' import. (alikins@redhat.com) - stylish cleanups (alikins@redhat.com) - import gettext (alikins@redhat.com) - autopep8'ify PBKDF2.py (alikins@redhat.com) - autopep8'ify the code because it needs it. (alikins@redhat.com) - added rhel 5 dep for python: python-simplejson (whayutin@thinkdoe.localdomain) * Wed Nov 18 2009 Adrian Likins 0.0.20-1 - RHEL5 is using an even older version of python-netaddr that requires most API transmogrifying. Namely, lack of netaddr.IP class. (alikins@redhat.com) * Fri Nov 13 2009 Adrian Likins 0.0.19-1 - Merge Fedora Package review spec changes from Mark McLoughlin (markmc@redhat.com) - Add the config file version to the begining of the encrypted config file as well (alikins@redhat.com) - Change the AES ciper mode of CFB and store/retrive a 16bit initialization vector for use with CFB. (alikins@redhat.com) - Use a different salt each time we say the file. (alikins@redhat.com) * Fri Nov 13 2009 Mark McLoughlin - 0.0.16-2 - Include egg info - Drop the -O1 arg from 'setup.py install' - Don't chdir for manpage install - Kill some whitespace * Wed Nov 11 2009 Adrian Likins 0.0.16-1 - Add a RhoCmd class for detecting if we are a virt guest or host (alikins@redhat.com) * Wed Nov 04 2009 Adrian Likins 0.0.15-1 - add bits generated to .gitignore (shut up git) (alikins@redhat.com) - Don't use weird style of classes on 2.4, use Class(object) (alikins@redhat.com) - A few more tweaks to make Queue24 work the same way as the Queue.Queue in 2.6. (alikins@redhat.com) - On python2.4 (aka, rhel5) Queue.Queue doesn't have the .join or .task_done methods, which we use and like. So check for them and if they aren't there, use our own implementation (pretty much c&p from the 2.6 version of Queue.Queue). A little ugly, but alas. (alikins@redhat.com) - use new style classes, python2.4 doesn't like class FOO() (alikins@redhat.com) * Tue Nov 03 2009 Adrian Likins 0.0.13-1 - Fix a bug where we weren't actually consuming the Queue if there weren't as many or more threads than hosts. (alikins@redhat.com) - remove --debug option, it doesn't do anything (alikins@redhat.com) * Sat Oct 31 2009 Devan Goodwin 0.0.11-1 - Support Netaddr > 0.7 (jbowes@repl.ca) - add a DmiRhoCmd. Grab some basic DMI info. (alikins@redhat.com) - fix wrong help in "rho profile show" (profile, not auth) (alikins@redhat.com) * Thu Oct 29 2009 Adrian Likins 0.0.10-1 - add SourceURL - remove ssh_queue.py - fix man page install * Wed Oct 28 2009 Devan Goodwin 0.0.6-1 - Fix "rho scan nosuchprofile". (dgoodwin@redhat.com) - Update README. (dlackey@redhat.com) * Tue Oct 27 2009 Devan Goodwin 0.0.5-1 - Too many features/bugfixes to list. Approaching first release. * Wed Oct 21 2009 Devan Goodwin 0.0.2-1 - Beginning to get usable. * Thu Oct 15 2009 Devan Goodwin 0.0.1-1 - Initial packaging.