## START: Set by rpmautospec ## (rpmautospec version 0.7.3) ## RPMAUTOSPEC: autorelease, autochangelog %define autorelease(e:s:pb:n) %{?-p:0.}%{lua: release_number = 4; base_release_number = tonumber(rpm.expand("%{?-b*}%{!?-b:1}")); print(release_number + base_release_number - 1); }%{?-e:.%{-e*}}%{?-s:.%{-s*}}%{!?-n:%{?dist}} ## END: Set by rpmautospec # This package is rather exotic. The compiled library is a typical shared # library with a C API. However, it has only a tiny bit of C source code. Most # of the library is written in TypeScript, which is transpiled to C, via LLVM # IR, using llparse (https://github.com/nodejs/llparse)—all of which happens # within the NodeJS ecosystem. # # The package therefore “builds like” a NodeJS package, and to the extent they # are relevant we apply the NodeJS packaging guidelines. However, the result of # the build “installs like” a traditional C library package and has no NodeJS # dependencies, including bundled ones. # # Furthermore, the package is registered with npm as “llhttp”, but current # releases are not published there, so we use the GitHub archive as the # canonical source and use a custom bundler script based on # nodejs-packaging-bundler to fetch NodeJS build dependencies. # # Overall, we cherry-pick from the standard and NodeJS packaging guidelines as # each seems to best apply, understanding that this package does not fit well # into any of the usual patterns or templates. # # Note that there is now a “release” tarball, e.g. # https://github.com/nodejs/llhttp/archive/refs/tags/release/v%%{version}tar.gz, # that allows this package to be built without the NodeJS/TypeScript machinery. # However, the release archive lacks the original TypeScript source code for # the generated C code, which we would need to include in the source RPM as an # additional source even if we do not do the re-generation ourselves. Name: llhttp Version: 9.2.1 %global so_version 9.2 Release: %autorelease Summary: Port of http_parser to llparse # License of llhttp is (SPDX) MIT; nothing from the NodeJS dependency bundle is # installed, so its contents do not contribute to the license of the binary # RPMs, and we do not need a file llhttp-%%{version}-bundled-licenses.txt. License: MIT # See Source3, llhttp-%%{version}-bundled-source-licenses.txt. # # There is a lot in the dev-dependency bundle, so this audit is likely # imperfect. # # "Apache-2.0" # "BSD-2-Clause" # "BSD-3-Clause" # "CC0-1.0" # - node_modules_dev/binary-search/: # # The CC0-1.0 license is *not allowed* in Fedora for code, but # binary_search falls under the following blanket exception: # # Existing uses of CC0-1.0 on code files in Fedora packages prior to # 2022-08-01, and subsequent upstream versions of those files in those # packages, continue to be allowed. We encourage Fedora package # maintainers to ask upstreams to relicense such files. # # https://gitlab.com/fedora/legal/fedora-license-data/-/issues/91#note_1151947383 # # Furthermore, its README says, # # To the extent possible by law, The Dark Sky Company, LLC has [waived # all copyright and related or neighboring rights][cc0] to this library. # # [cc0]: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ # # which should arguably be considered a public-domain dedication. # "ISC" # "MIT" # "(MIT OR CC0-1.0)" # Since this applies to code, and CC0-1.0 is not-allowed for code in Fedora, # we treat this as simply "MIT". # "Python-2.0" SourceLicense: %{shrink: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause AND BSD-3-Clause AND CC0-1.0 AND ISC AND MIT AND Python-2.0 } URL: https://github.com/nodejs/llhttp Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version}/llhttp-%{version}.tar.gz # Based closely on nodejs-packaging-bundler, except: # # - The GitHub source tarball specified in this spec file is used since the # current version is not typically published on npm Source1: llhttp-packaging-bundler # Created with llhttp-packaging-bundler (Source1): Source2: llhttp-%{version}-nm-dev.tar.zst # No production dependency bundle is inlcluded, since none is needed—and # therefore, no bundled licenses text file is included either. However, we do # track the licenses in the dev-depenencies bundle: Source3: llhttp-%{version}-bundled-source-licenses.txt # While nothing in the dev bundle is installed, we still choose to audit for # null licenses at build time and to keep manually-approved exceptions in a # file. Source4: check-null-licenses Source5: audited-null-licenses.toml # The compiled RPM does not depend on NodeJS at all, but we cannot *build* it # on architectures without NodeJS. ExclusiveArch: %{nodejs_arches} # For generating the C source “release” from TypeScript: BuildRequires: nodejs-devel BuildRequires: make # For compiling the C library BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: gcc # For tests BuildRequires: gcc-c++ # For check-null-licenses BuildRequires: python3-devel %ifnarch %{ix86} %if !0%{?rhel} # For additional license auditing: BuildRequires: askalono-cli BuildRequires: licensecheck %endif %endif %description This project is a port of http_parser to TypeScript. llparse is used to generate the output C source file, which could be compiled and linked with the embedder's program (like Node.js). %package devel Summary: Development files for llhttp Requires: llhttp%{?_isa} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release} %description devel The llhttp-devel package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use llhttp. %prep %autosetup # Remove build flags specifying ISA extensions not in the architectural # baseline from the test fixture setup. sed -r -i 's@([[:blank:]]*)(.*-m(sse4))@\1// \2@' test/fixtures/index.ts # We build the library that we install via release/CMakeLists.txt, but the # tests are built via Makefile targets. Don’t apply non-default optimization or # debug flags to the test executables. sed -r -i 's@ -[Og].\b@@g' Makefile # Set up bundled (dev) node modules required to generate the C sources from the # TypeScript sources. tar --zstd --extract --file='%{SOURCE2}' mkdir -p node_modules pushd node_modules ln -s ../node_modules_dev/* . ln -s ../node_modules_dev/.bin . popd # We run ts-node out of node_modules/.bin rather than using npx (which we will # not have available). sed -r -i 's@\bnpx[[:blank:]](ts-node)\b@node_modules/.bin/\1@' Makefile %build # Generate the C source “release” from TypeScript using the “node_modules_dev” # bundle. %make_build release RELEASE='%{version}' # To help prove that nothing from the bundled NodeJS dev dependencies is # included in the binary packages, remove the “node_modules” symlinks. rm -rvf node_modules cd release %cmake %cmake_build %install cd release %cmake_install %check # Symlink the NodeJS bundle again so that we can test with Mocha mkdir -p node_modules pushd node_modules ln -s ../node_modules_dev/* . ln -s ../node_modules_dev/.bin . popd # Verify that no bundled dev dependency has a null license field, unless we # already audited it by hand. This reduces the chance of accidentally including # code with license problems in the source RPM. %{python3} '%{SOURCE4}' --exceptions '%{SOURCE5}' --with dev node_modules_dev %ifnarch %{ix86} %if !0%{?rhel} # Ensure we have checked all of the licenses in the dev dependency bundle for # allowability. pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}UNKNOWN|(Apache|Python) License 2\\.0" pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}(MIT|ISC|BSD [023]-Clause) License" pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}BSD 2-Clause with views sentence" pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}MIT License and/or X11 License" pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}GNU General Public License" # The CC0-1.0 license is *not allowed* in Fedora for code, but the # binary-search dev dependency falls under the following blanket exception: # # Existing uses of CC0-1.0 on code files in Fedora packages prior to # 2022-08-01, and subsequent upstream versions of those files in those # packages, continue to be allowed. We encourage Fedora package maintainers # to ask upstreams to relicense such files. # # https://gitlab.com/fedora/legal/fedora-license-data/-/issues/91#note_1151947383 # # This can be verified by checking out commit # f460573ec4dc41968e600a96aaaf03a167b236bf (2021-12-16) from dist-git for this # package, obtaining the source llhttp-6.0.6-nm-dev.tgz, and observing that # llhttp-6.0.6/node_modules_dev/binary-search/package.json shows the CC0-1.0 # license. pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}binary-search/package.json: (\*No copyright\* )?Creative Commons CC0 1\.0" # The license BSD-3-Clause-Clear appears in sprintf-js/bower.json. This license # is on the not-allowed list, but it is not real: sprintf-js/package.json and # sprintf-js/LICENSE have the correct (and allowed) BSD-3-Clause license, and # upstream confirmed in “Licensing Question” # https://github.com/alexei/sprintf.js/issues/211 that the appearance of # BSD-3-Clause-Clear in this file was a mere typo. pattern="${pattern-}${pattern+|}sprintf-js/bower.json: (\*No copyright\* )?BSD 3-Clause Clear License" if licensecheck -r node_modules_dev | grep -vE "(${pattern})( \\[generated file\\])?\$" || ! askalono crawl node_modules_dev | awk ' $1 == "License:" { license = $0; next } $1 == "Score:" { if ( \ license ~ /: (MIT|ISC) \(/ || \ license ~ /: (0BSD|BSD-2-Clause(-Views)?|BSD-3-Clause) \(/ || \ license ~ /: (Apache-2\.0|Python-2\.0\.1) \(/ \ ) { next # license is OK } # license needs auditing problem = 1 print file; print license; print $0 next } { file = $0 } END { exit problem }' then cat 1>&2 <<'EOF' ================================================================= Possible new license(s) found in dev dependency bundle! While these do not contribute to License, they must appear in: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/legal/allowed-licenses/ Please audit them and modify the patterns representing expected licenses in the spec file! ================================================================= EOF exit 1 fi %endif %endif # http-loose-request.c:7205:20: error: invalid conversion from 'void*' to # 'const unsigned char*' [-fpermissive] # 7205 | start = state->_span_pos0; # | ~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~ # | | # | void* export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS-} -fpermissive" export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS-} -fpermissive" export CLANG=gcc # See scripts.test in package.json: NODE_ENV=test node -r ts-node/register/type-check ./test/md-test.ts %files %license release/LICENSE-MIT %{_libdir}/libllhttp.so.%{so_version}{,.*} %files devel %doc release/README.md %{_includedir}/llhttp.h %{_libdir}/libllhttp.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libllhttp.pc %{_libdir}/cmake/llhttp/ %changelog ## START: Generated by rpmautospec * Mon Dec 16 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.2.1-4 - Omit build-time license auditing on i686 - This keeps llhttp from blocking licensecheck’s dependencies or askalono- cli from dropping i686 support. * Fri Dec 13 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.2.1-3 - Add a SourceLicense field - Re-generate the dev-dependencies bundle * Thu Jul 18 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 9.2.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Apr 04 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.2.1-1 - Update to 9.2.1 (close RHBZ#2273352, fix CVE-2024-27982) - Switch from xz to zstd compression for the “dev” bundle archive * Thu Mar 21 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.2.0-4 - Format check-null-licenses with “ruff format” * Wed Feb 14 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.2.0-1 - Update to 9.2.0 (close RHBZ#2263250) * Wed Feb 14 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.1.3-6 - Compress the dev dependency bundle with xz instead of gzip * Sun Feb 11 2024 Yaakov Selkowitz - 9.1.3-5 - Avoid licensecheck dependency in RHEL builds * Thu Feb 08 2024 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.1.3-4 - Better audit (and document auditing of) dev dependency licenses * Thu Jan 25 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 9.1.3-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jan 21 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 9.1.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_40_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Oct 05 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.1.3-1 - Update to 9.1.3 (close RHBZ#2242220) * Tue Oct 03 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.1.2-1 - Update to 9.1.2 * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.1.1-1 - Update to 9.1.1 * Thu Sep 14 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.1.0-1 - Update to 9.1.0 * Mon Aug 21 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.0.1-1 - Update to 9.0.1 (close RHBZ#2228290) * Tue Aug 01 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 9.0.0-1 - Update to 9.0.0 * Sat Jul 29 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 8.1.1-1 - Update to 8.1.1 (close RHBZ#2216591) * Thu Jul 20 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.1.0-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild * Sat Jun 03 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 8.1.0-5 - Remove explicit %%set_build_flags, not needed since F36 * Wed Feb 15 2023 Benjamin A. Beasley - 8.1.0-4 - Fix test compiling/execution * Thu Jan 19 2023 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.1.0-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild * Tue Dec 20 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 8.1.0-2 - Indicate dirs. in files list with trailing slashes * Sat Oct 15 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 8.1.0-1 - Update to 8.1.0 (close RHBZ#2131175) * Sat Oct 15 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 8.0.0-1 - Update to 8.0.0 (close RHBZ#2131175) * Sat Oct 15 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.10-2 - Drop workarounds for Python 3.10 and older * Thu Sep 29 2022 Stephen Gallagher - 6.0.10-1 - Update to v6.0.10 * Thu Aug 25 2022 Miro Hrončok - 6.0.9-2 - Use tomllib/python-tomli instead of dead upstream python-toml * Thu Aug 11 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.9-1 - Update to 6.0.9 (close RHBZ#2116231) - Bumped .so version from downstream 0.1 to upstream 6.0 - Better upstream support for building and installing a shared library - The -devel package now contains a .pc file - Tests are now built with gcc and fully respect distro flags * Thu Jul 21 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0.6-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Apr 20 2022 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.6-7 - Drop “forge” macros, which aren’t really doing much here * Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0.6-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Dec 24 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.6-5 - Add a note about LLHTTP_STRICT_MODE to the package description * Fri Dec 24 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.6-4 - Revert "Build with LLHTTP_STRICT_MODE enabled" * Wed Dec 22 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.6-3 - Build with LLHTTP_STRICT_MODE enabled * Tue Dec 14 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.6-2 - Dep. on cmake-filesystem is now auto-generated * Mon Dec 06 2021 Benjamin A. Beasley - 6.0.6-1 - Initial package (close RHBZ#2029461) ## END: Generated by rpmautospec