# *********************************************************************** # * * # * Star Traders: A Game of Interstellar Trading * # * Copyright (C) 1990-2024, John Zaitseff * # * * # *********************************************************************** # Author: John Zaitseff # $Id: 60b7467370a91b8d874bd0a0bff37b4ac2a267b1 $ # This file is distributed under the same licence as Star Traders itself: # the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. Name: trader Version: 7.20 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Star Traders, a simple game of interstellar trading License: GPL-3.0-or-later Url: https://www.zap.org.au/projects/trader/ Source0: https://ftp.zap.org.au/pub/trader/unix/trader-%{version}.tar.xz Source1: https://ftp.zap.org.au/pub/trader/unix/trader-%{version}.tar.xz.sig Source2: https://www.zap.org.au/~john/pubkey.gpg BuildRequires: gcc make gettext pkgconfig(ncurses) desktop-file-utils libappstream-glib gperf gnupg2 Provides: bundled(gnulib) %description Star Traders is a simple game of interstellar trading, where the objective is to create companies, buy and sell shares, borrow and repay money, in order to become the wealthiest player (the winner). %global _hardened_build 1 %prep %{gpgverify} --keyring='%{SOURCE2}' --signature='%{SOURCE1}' --data='%{SOURCE0}' %setup -q %build %configure %make_build %install %make_install %find_lang %{name} desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}%{_metainfodir}/*.metainfo.xml %files -f %{name}.lang %doc README NEWS %license COPYING %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_mandir}/man6/%{name}.6* %{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/apps/%{name}.* %{_metainfodir}/*.metainfo.xml %changelog * Sat Jul 20 2024 Fedora Release Engineering - 7.20-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 31 2024 John Zaitseff - 7.20-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.20. * Sun Jan 07 2024 John Zaitseff - 7.19-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.19. - Update rules for AppStream metainfo and desktop files. * Fri Aug 05 2022 John Zaitseff - 7.18-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.18. - Added verification of upstream signature. * Wed Jan 20 2021 John Zaitseff - 7.16-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.16. - Added an AppStream-conforming metadata file. * Tue Jan 12 2021 John Zaitseff - 7.15-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.15. - Added a dependency on make, as per current packaging guidelines. * Thu Jan 09 2020 John Zaitseff - 7.14-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.14. * Thu Nov 14 2019 John Zaitseff - 7.13-2 - Removed obsolete gtk-update-icon-cache scriplets. * Thu Nov 14 2019 John Zaitseff - 7.13-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.13. * Wed Aug 30 2017 John Zaitseff - 7.12-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.12. * Sun Jun 18 2017 John Zaitseff - 7.11-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.11. * Sun Jun 04 2017 John Zaitseff - 7.10-2 - Removed superfluous slash in desktop-file-validate command line. * Fri Jun 02 2017 John Zaitseff - 7.10-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.10. - Changed a dependency from ncurses-devel to pkgconfig(ncurses), now that the Autoconf macro uses pkg-config. - Added a dependency on gcc, as per the Fedora Packaging Guidelines for C programs. - Added a dependency on desktop-file-utils for the desktop file. - Install the desktop file and icons now shipped with Star Traders. - Install the COPYING file to /usr/share/licenses/trader. - Use generic make_build and make_install macros. * Tue Jan 05 2016 John Zaitseff - 7.9-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.9. * Thu Sep 10 2015 John Zaitseff - 7.8-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.8. * Tue Aug 18 2015 John Zaitseff - 7.7-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.7. * Wed Aug 13 2014 John Zaitseff - 7.6-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.6. * Sat May 24 2014 John Zaitseff - 7.5-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.5. * Wed Oct 03 2012 John Zaitseff - 7.4-3 - Added a dependency on gperf: it may be required for gnulib. * Thu Sep 20 2012 John Zaitseff - 7.4-2 - Simplified the RPM spec file to suit Fedora guidelines. * Wed May 09 2012 John Zaitseff - 7.4-1 - Updated the RPM package for a new release of Star Traders: version 7.4. * Mon Apr 30 2012 John Zaitseff - - Changed the RPM spec file to remove OpenSUSE-specific sections * Mon Apr 16 2012 John Zaitseff - - Initial RPM package of Star Traders.