%global git_date 20250227 %global git_hash 231ba2cb %global git_ver 4.4.3 %global rel 1 %global src_name %{name}-%{git_date}-%{git_hash}.tar.xz %global debug_package %{nil} Name: glaze Version: %{git_ver}^%{git_date}g%{git_hash} Release: %{rel}%{?dist} Summary: Extremely fast, in memory, JSON and interface library for modern C++ License: MIT URL: https://github.com/stephenberry/glaze Source: %{url}/%{src_name} BuildRequires: cmake make gcc-c++ BuildRequires: libasan BuildRequires: libubsan %description One of the fastest JSON libraries in the world. Glaze reads and writes from object memory, simplifying interfaces and offering incredible performance. %package devel Summary: %summary %description devel One of the fastest JSON libraries in the world. Glaze reads and writes from object memory, simplifying interfaces and offering incredible performance. Provides: %{name}-static = %{version}-%{release} %prep %autosetup -n %{name} %build %cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF %cmake_build %install %cmake_install %files devel %doc README.md %license LICENSE %{_includedir}/* %{_datadir}/%{name}/* %changelog %autochangelog