// Copyright 2017 The CC Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package cc // import "modernc.org/cc/v2" import ( "encoding/binary" "go/token" "reflect" "strconv" "modernc.org/golex/lex" "modernc.org/ir" "modernc.org/strutil" "modernc.org/xc" ) var ( dict = xc.Dict printHooks = strutil.PrettyPrintHooks{} ) func init() { for k, v := range xc.PrintHooks { printHooks[k] = v } delete(printHooks, reflect.TypeOf(token.Pos(0))) lcRT := reflect.TypeOf(lex.Char{}) lcH := func(f strutil.Formatter, v interface{}, prefix, suffix string) { c := v.(lex.Char) r := c.Rune s := yySymName(int(r)) if x := s[0]; x >= '0' && x <= '9' { s = strconv.QuoteRune(r) } f.Format(prefix) f.Format("%s", s) f.Format(suffix) } printHooks[lcRT] = lcH printHooks[reflect.TypeOf(xc.Token{})] = func(f strutil.Formatter, v interface{}, prefix, suffix string) { t := v.(xc.Token) if (t == xc.Token{}) { return } lcH(f, t.Char, prefix, "") if s := t.S(); len(s) != 0 { f.Format(" %q", s) } f.Format(suffix) } for _, v := range []interface{}{ (*ir.Float32Value)(nil), (*ir.Float64Value)(nil), (*ir.Int32Value)(nil), (*ir.Int64Value)(nil), (*ir.StringValue)(nil), DirectDeclaratorCase(0), ExprCase(0), Linkage(0), StorageDuration(0), TypeKind(0), ir.Linkage(0), } { printHooks[reflect.TypeOf(v)] = func(f strutil.Formatter, v interface{}, prefix, suffix string) { f.Format(prefix) f.Format("%v", v) f.Format(suffix) } } } var ( nopos xc.Token // Null pointer, [0] Null = &ir.AddressValue{} idAsm = dict.SID("asm") idAttribute = dict.SID("__attribute__") idBuiltinAlloca = dict.SID("__builtin_alloca") idBuiltinClasifyType = dict.SID("__builtin_classify_type") idBuiltinTypesCompatible = dict.SID("__builtin_types_compatible__") // Implements __builtin_types_compatible_p idBuiltinVaList = dict.SID("__builtin_va_list") idChar = dict.SID("char") idConst = dict.SID("const") idDefine = dict.SID("define") idDefined = dict.SID("defined") idElif = dict.SID("elif") idElse = dict.SID("else") idEndif = dict.SID("endif") idError = dict.SID("error") idFile = dict.SID("__FILE__") idFuncName = dict.SID("__func__") idIf = dict.SID("if") idIfdef = dict.SID("ifdef") idIfndef = dict.SID("ifndef") idInclude = dict.SID("include") idIncludeNext = dict.SID("include_next") idLine = dict.SID("line") idLineMacro = dict.SID("__LINE__") idMain = dict.SID("main") idOne = dict.SID("1") idPopMacro = dict.SID("pop_macro") idPragma = dict.SID("pragma") idPtrdiffT = dict.SID("ptrdiff_t") idPushMacro = dict.SID("push_macro") idSizeT = dict.SID("size_t") idStatic = dict.SID("static") idUndef = dict.SID("undef") idVaArgs = dict.SID("__VA_ARGS__") idVaList = dict.SID("va_list") idWarning = dict.SID("warning") idWcharT = dict.SID("wchar_t") idZero = dict.SID("0") protectedMacro = map[int]bool{ idFile: true, idLineMacro: true, } keywords = map[int]rune{ dict.SID("_Alignas"): ALIGNAS, dict.SID("_Alignof"): ALIGNOF, dict.SID("_Atomic"): ATOMIC, dict.SID("("): ATOMIC_LPAREN, dict.SID("_Bool"): BOOL, dict.SID("_Complex"): COMPLEX, dict.SID("_Generic"): GENERIC, dict.SID("_Imaginary"): IMAGINARY, dict.SID("_Noreturn"): NORETURN, dict.SID("_Static_assert"): STATIC_ASSERT, dict.SID("_Thread_local"): THREAD_LOCAL, dict.SID("auto"): AUTO, dict.SID("break"): BREAK, dict.SID("case"): CASE, dict.SID("char"): CHAR, dict.SID("const"): CONST, dict.SID("continue"): CONTINUE, dict.SID("default"): DEFAULT, dict.SID("do"): DO, dict.SID("double"): DOUBLE, dict.SID("else"): ELSE, dict.SID("enum"): ENUM, dict.SID("extern"): EXTERN, dict.SID("float"): FLOAT, dict.SID("for"): FOR, dict.SID("goto"): GOTO, dict.SID("if"): IF, dict.SID("inline"): INLINE, dict.SID("int"): INT, dict.SID("long"): LONG, dict.SID("register"): REGISTER, dict.SID("restrict"): RESTRICT, dict.SID("return"): RETURN, dict.SID("short"): SHORT, dict.SID("signed"): SIGNED, dict.SID("sizeof"): SIZEOF, dict.SID("static"): STATIC, dict.SID("struct"): STRUCT, dict.SID("switch"): SWITCH, dict.SID("typedef"): TYPEDEF, dict.SID("typeof"): TYPEOF, dict.SID("union"): UNION, dict.SID("unsigned"): UNSIGNED, dict.SID("void"): VOID, dict.SID("volatile"): VOLATILE, dict.SID("while"): WHILE, } tokConstVals = map[rune]int{ ADDASSIGN: dict.SID("+="), ALIGNAS: dict.SID("_Alignas"), ALIGNOF: dict.SID("_Alignof"), ANDAND: dict.SID("&&"), ANDASSIGN: dict.SID("&="), ARROW: dict.SID("->"), ATOMIC: dict.SID("_Atomic"), ATOMIC_LPAREN: dict.SID("("), AUTO: dict.SID("auto"), BOOL: dict.SID("_Bool"), BREAK: dict.SID("break"), CASE: dict.SID("case"), CHAR: dict.SID("char"), COMPLEX: dict.SID("_Complex"), CONST: dict.SID("const"), CONTINUE: dict.SID("continue"), DDD: dict.SID("..."), DEC: dict.SID("--"), DEFAULT: dict.SID("default"), DIVASSIGN: dict.SID("/="), DO: dict.SID("do"), DOUBLE: dict.SID("double"), ELSE: dict.SID("else"), ENUM: dict.SID("enum"), EQ: dict.SID("=="), EXTERN: dict.SID("extern"), FLOAT: dict.SID("float"), FOR: dict.SID("for"), GENERIC: dict.SID("_Generic"), GEQ: dict.SID(">="), GOTO: dict.SID("goto"), IF: dict.SID("if"), IMAGINARY: dict.SID("_Imaginary"), INC: dict.SID("++"), INLINE: dict.SID("inline"), INT: dict.SID("int"), LEQ: dict.SID("<="), LONG: dict.SID("long"), LSH: dict.SID("<<"), LSHASSIGN: dict.SID("<<="), MODASSIGN: dict.SID("%="), MULASSIGN: dict.SID("*="), NEQ: dict.SID("!="), NORETURN: dict.SID("_Noreturn"), ORASSIGN: dict.SID("|="), OROR: dict.SID("||"), PPPASTE: dict.SID("##"), REGISTER: dict.SID("register"), RESTRICT: dict.SID("restrict"), RETURN: dict.SID("return"), RSH: dict.SID(">>"), RSHASSIGN: dict.SID(">>="), SHORT: dict.SID("short"), SIGNED: dict.SID("signed"), SIZEOF: dict.SID("sizeof"), STATIC: dict.SID("static"), STATIC_ASSERT: dict.SID("_Static_assert"), STRUCT: dict.SID("struct"), SUBASSIGN: dict.SID("-="), SWITCH: dict.SID("switch"), THREAD_LOCAL: dict.SID("_Thread_local"), TYPEDEF: dict.SID("typedef"), TYPEOF: dict.SID("typeof"), UNION: dict.SID("union"), UNSIGNED: dict.SID("unsigned"), VOID: dict.SID("void"), VOLATILE: dict.SID("volatile"), WHILE: dict.SID("while"), XORASSIGN: dict.SID("^="), } tokHasVal = map[rune]struct{}{ CHARCONST: {}, FLOATCONST: {}, IDENTIFIER: {}, INTCONST: {}, LONGCHARCONST: {}, LONGSTRINGLITERAL: {}, NON_REPL: {}, PPNUMBER: {}, STRINGLITERAL: {}, TYPEDEF_NAME: {}, } followSetHasTypedefName = [len(yyParseTab)]bool{} classifyType = map[TypeKind]int{ 0: noTypeClass, Void: voidTypeClass, Ptr: pointerTypeClass, Char: charTypeClass, SChar: charTypeClass, UChar: charTypeClass, Short: integerTypeClass, UShort: integerTypeClass, Int: integerTypeClass, UInt: integerTypeClass, Long: integerTypeClass, ULong: integerTypeClass, LongLong: integerTypeClass, ULongLong: integerTypeClass, Float: realTypeClass, Double: realTypeClass, LongDouble: realTypeClass, Bool: booleanTypeClass, FloatComplex: complexTypeClass, DoubleComplex: complexTypeClass, LongDoubleComplex: complexTypeClass, Struct: recordTypeClass, Union: unionTypeClass, Enum: enumeralTypeClass, TypedefName: noTypeClass, Function: functionTypeClass, Array: arrayTypeClass, } ) func init() { for i, v := range yyFollow { for _, v := range v { if v == TYPEDEF_NAME { followSetHasTypedefName[i] = true } } } } func isUCNDigit(r rune) bool { return int(r) < len(ucnDigits)<>bitShift]&(1<>bitShift]&(1<= '0' && r <= '9', r >= 'a' && r <= 'f', r >= 'A' && r <= 'F': v = v<<4 | decodeHex(r) n++ default: break loop2 } } return -rune(v & 0xff), n case 'u', 'U': return decodeUCN(runes) } if r < '0' || r > '7' { panic("internal error") } v, n := 0, 1 loop: for _, r := range runes[1:] { switch { case r >= '0' && r <= '7': v = v<<3 | (int(r) - '0') n++ default: break loop } } return -rune(v), n } func decodeHex(r rune) int { switch { case r >= '0' && r <= '9': return int(r) - '0' default: x := int(r) &^ 0x20 return x - 'A' + 10 } } // universal-character-name \\u{hex-quad}|\\U{hex-quad}{hex-quad} func decodeUCN(runes []rune) (rune, int) { if runes[0] != '\\' { panic("internal error") } runes = runes[1:] switch runes[0] { case 'u': return rune(decodeHexQuad(runes[1:])), 6 case 'U': return rune(decodeHexQuad(runes[1:])<<16 | decodeHexQuad(runes[5:])), 10 default: panic("internal error") } } // hex-quad {hexadecimal-digit}{hexadecimal-digit}{hexadecimal-digit}{hexadecimal-digit} func decodeHexQuad(runes []rune) int { n := 0 for _, r := range runes[:4] { n = n<<4 | decodeHex(r) } return n } // Values from GCC's typeclass.h const ( noTypeClass = iota - 1 voidTypeClass integerTypeClass charTypeClass enumeralTypeClass booleanTypeClass pointerTypeClass referenceTypeClass offsetTypeClass realTypeClass complexTypeClass functionTypeClass methodTypeClass recordTypeClass unionTypeClass arrayTypeClass stringTypeClass langTypeClass )