%{ // Copyright 2017 The CC Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Based on [0], 6.5-6.10. Substantial portions of expression AST size // optimizations are from [1], license of which follows. // // [0]: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf // [1]: https://github.com/rsc/c2go/blob/fc8cbfad5a47373828c81c7a56cccab8b221d310/cc/cc.y // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This grammar is derived from the C grammar in the 'ansitize' // program, which carried this notice: // // Copyright (c) 2006 Russ Cox, // Massachusetts Institute of Technology // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the // Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, // sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, // subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall // be included in all copies or substantial portions of the // Software. // // The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any // kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the // warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular // purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors // or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or // other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or // otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the // software or the use or other dealings in the software. package cc import ( "modernc.org/xc" ) %} %union { Token xc.Token // Must be exported node Node } %token /*yy:token "'%c'" */ CHARCONST "character constant" /*yy:token "1.%d" */ FLOATCONST "floating-point constant" /*yy:token "%c" */ IDENTIFIER "identifier" /*yy:token "%d" */ INTCONST "integer constant" /*yy:token "L'%c'" */ LONGCHARCONST "long character constant" /*yy:token "L\"%c\"" */ LONGSTRINGLITERAL "long string constant" /*yy:token "%d" */ PPNUMBER "preprocessing number" /*yy:token "\"%c\"" */ STRINGLITERAL "string literal" /*yy:token "\U00100000" */ CONSTANT_EXPRESSION 1048576 "constant expression prefix" // 0x100000 = 1048576 /*yy:token "\U00100001" */ TRANSLATION_UNIT 1048577 "translation unit prefix" ADDASSIGN "+=" ANDAND "&&" ANDASSIGN "&=" ARROW "->" ALIGNAS "_Alignas" ALIGNOF "_Alignof" ATOMIC "_Atomic" ATOMIC_LPAREN "(" AUTO "auto" BOOL "_Bool" BREAK "break" CASE "case" CHAR "char" COMPLEX "_Complex" CONST "const" CONTINUE "continue" DDD "..." DEC "--" DEFAULT "default" DIRECTIVE // # when it's the first non white token on a line. DIVASSIGN "/=" DO "do" DOUBLE "double" ELSE "else" ENUM "enum" EQ "==" EXTERN "extern" FLOAT "float" FOR "for" GENERIC "_Generic" GEQ ">=" GOTO "goto" IF "if" IMAGINARY "_Imaginary" INC "++" INLINE "inline" INT "int" LEQ "<=" LONG "long" LSH "<<" LSHASSIGN "<<=" MODASSIGN "%=" MULASSIGN "*=" NEQ "!=" NON_REPL // [0] NORETURN "_Noreturn" ORASSIGN "|=" OROR "||" PPPASTE "##" REGISTER "register" RESTRICT "restrict" RETURN "return" RSH ">>" RSHASSIGN ">>=" SHORT "short" SIGNED "signed" SIZEOF "sizeof" STATIC "static" STATIC_ASSERT "_Static_assert" STRUCT "struct" SUBASSIGN "-=" SWITCH "switch" THREAD_LOCAL "_Thread_local" TYPEDEF "typedef" TYPEDEF_NAME "typedef name" TYPEOF "typeof" UNION "union" UNSIGNED "unsigned" VOID "void" VOLATILE "volatile" WHILE "while" XORASSIGN "^=" %type AbstractDeclarator "abstract declarator" AbstractDeclaratorOpt "optional abstract declarator" ArgumentExprList "argument expression list" ArgumentExprListOpt "optional argument expression list" BlockItem "block item" BlockItemList "block item list" BlockItemListOpt "optional block item list" CommaOpt "optional comma" CompoundStmt "compound statement" ConstExpr "constant expression" Declaration "declaration" DeclarationList "declaration list" DeclarationListOpt "optional declaration list" DeclarationSpecifiers "declaration specifiers" DeclarationSpecifiersOpt "optional declaration specifiers" Declarator "declarator" DeclaratorOpt "optional declarator" Designation "designation" Designator "designator" DesignatorList "designator list" DirectAbstractDeclarator "direct abstract declarator" DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt "optional direct abstract declarator" DirectDeclarator "direct declarator" EnumSpecifier "enum specifier" EnumerationConstant "enumearation constant" Enumerator "enumerator" EnumeratorList "enumerator list" Expr "expression" ExprList "expression list" ExprListOpt "optional expression list" ExprOpt "optional expression" ExprStmt "expression statement" ExternalDeclaration "external declaration" ExternalDeclarationList "external declaration list" FunctionBody "function body" FunctionDefinition "function definition" FunctionSpecifier "function specifier" IdentifierList "identifier list" IdentifierListOpt "optional identifier list" IdentifierOpt "optional identifier" InitDeclarator "init declarator" InitDeclaratorList "init declarator list" InitDeclaratorListOpt "optional init declarator list" Initializer "initializer" InitializerList "initializer list" IterationStmt "iteration statement" JumpStmt "jump statement" LabeledStmt "labeled statement" ParameterDeclaration "parameter declaration" ParameterList "parameter list" ParameterTypeList "parameter type list" ParameterTypeListOpt "optional parameter type list" Pointer "pointer" PointerOpt "optional pointer" SelectionStmt "selection statement" SpecifierQualifierList "specifier qualifier list" SpecifierQualifierListOpt "optional specifier qualifier list" Stmt "statement" StorageClassSpecifier "storage class specifier" StructDeclaration "struct declaration" StructDeclarationList "struct declaration list" StructDeclarator "struct declarator" StructDeclaratorList "struct declarator list" StructOrUnion "struct-or-union" StructOrUnionSpecifier "struct-or-union specifier" TypeName "type name" TypeQualifier "type qualifier" TypeQualifierList "type qualifier list" TypeQualifierListOpt "optional type qualifier list" TypeSpecifier "type specifier" VolatileOpt "optional volatile" %precedence NOSEMI %precedence ';' %precedence NOELSE %precedence ELSE %right '=' ADDASSIGN ANDASSIGN DIVASSIGN LSHASSIGN MODASSIGN MULASSIGN ORASSIGN RSHASSIGN SUBASSIGN XORASSIGN %right ':' '?' %left OROR %left ANDAND %left '|' %left '^' %left '&' %left EQ NEQ %left '<' '>' GEQ LEQ %left LSH RSH %left '+' '-' %left '%' '*' '/' %precedence CAST %left '!' '~' ALIGNOF SIZEOF UNARY %right '(' '.' '[' ARROW DEC INC %% /*yy:ignore */ Start: CONSTANT_EXPRESSION ConstExpr { lx.ast = $2 } | TRANSLATION_UNIT ExternalDeclarationList { lx.ast = &TranslationUnit{ ExternalDeclarationList: $2.(*ExternalDeclarationList).reverse(), FileScope: lx.scope, FileSet: fset, Model: lx.model, } } // [0] //yy:field Operand Operand EnumerationConstant: IDENTIFIER /*yy:case TypeName */ AlignmentSpecifier: "_Alignas" '(' TypeName ')' /*yy:case ConstExpr */ | "_Alignas" '(' ConstExpr ')' // [0]6.5.2 ArgumentExprList: Expr | ArgumentExprList ',' Expr ArgumentExprListOpt: /* empty */ {} | ArgumentExprList // [0]6.5.16 //yy:field CallArgs []Operand // Promoted arguments of Call. //yy:field Declarator *Declarator // Case Ident. //yy:field Operand Operand //yy:field Scope *Scope // Case Ident, CompLit. //yy:field enum *EnumType //yy:field AssignedTo bool // Expression appears at the left side of assignment. //yy:field UseGotos bool /*yy:case PreInc */ Expr: "++" Expr /*yy:case PreDec */ | "--" Expr /*yy:case AlignofType*/ | "_Alignof" '(' TypeName ')' %prec ALIGNOF /*yy:case AlignofExpr*/ | "_Alignof" Expr /*yy:case SizeofType */ | "sizeof" '(' TypeName ')' %prec SIZEOF /*yy:case SizeofExpr */ | "sizeof" Expr /*yy:case Not */ | '!' Expr /*yy:case Addrof */ | '&' Expr %prec UNARY /*yy:case Statement */ | '(' CompoundStmt ')' /*yy:case PExprList */ | '(' ExprList ')' /*yy:case CompLit */ | '(' TypeName ')' '{' InitializerList CommaOpt '}' { lhs.Scope = lx.scope } /*yy:case Cast */ | '(' TypeName ')' Expr %prec CAST /*yy:case Deref */ | '*' Expr %prec UNARY /*yy:case UnaryPlus */ | '+' Expr %prec UNARY /*yy:case UnaryMinus */ | '-' Expr %prec UNARY /*yy:case Cpl */ | '~' Expr /*yy:case Char */ | CHARCONST /*yy:case Ne */ | Expr "!=" Expr /*yy:case ModAssign */ | Expr "%=" Expr /*yy:case LAnd */ | Expr "&&" Expr /*yy:case AndAssign */ | Expr "&=" Expr /*yy:case MulAssign */ | Expr "*=" Expr /*yy:case PostInc */ | Expr "++" /*yy:case AddAssign */ | Expr "+=" Expr /*yy:case PostDec */ | Expr "--" /*yy:case SubAssign */ | Expr "-=" Expr /*yy:case PSelect */ | Expr "->" IDENTIFIER /*yy:case DivAssign */ | Expr "/=" Expr /*yy:case Lsh */ | Expr "<<" Expr /*yy:case LshAssign */ | Expr "<<=" Expr /*yy:case Le */ | Expr "<=" Expr /*yy:case Eq */ | Expr "==" Expr /*yy:case Ge */ | Expr ">=" Expr /*yy:case Rsh */ | Expr ">>" Expr /*yy:case RshAssign */ | Expr ">>=" Expr /*yy:case XorAssign */ | Expr "^=" Expr /*yy:case OrAssign */ | Expr "|=" Expr /*yy:case LOr */ | Expr "||" Expr /*yy:case Mod */ | Expr '%' Expr /*yy:case And */ | Expr '&' Expr /*yy:case Call */ | Expr '(' ArgumentExprListOpt ')' /*yy:case Mul */ | Expr '*' Expr /*yy:case Add */ | Expr '+' Expr /*yy:case Sub */ | Expr '-' Expr /*yy:case Select */ | Expr '.' IDENTIFIER /*yy:case Div */ | Expr '/' Expr /*yy:case Lt */ | Expr '<' Expr /*yy:case Assign */ | Expr '=' Expr /*yy:case Gt */ | Expr '>' Expr /*yy:case Cond */ | Expr '?' ExprList ':' Expr /*yy:case Index */ | Expr '[' ExprList ']' /*yy:case Xor */ | Expr '^' Expr /*yy:case Or */ | Expr '|' Expr /*yy:case Float */ | FLOATCONST /*yy:case Ident */ | IDENTIFIER %prec NOSEMI { lhs.Scope = lx.scope } /*yy:case Int */ | INTCONST /*yy:case LChar */ | LONGCHARCONST /*yy:case LString */ | LONGSTRINGLITERAL /*yy:case String */ | STRINGLITERAL ExprOpt: /* empty */ {} | Expr // [0]6.5.17 //yy:list //yy:field Operand Operand ExprList: Expr | ExprList ',' Expr ExprListOpt: /* empty */ {} | ExprList // [0]6.6 //yy:field Operand Operand ConstExpr: Expr // [0]6.7 //yy:field Attributes [][]xc.Token //yy:field Scope *Scope Declaration: DeclarationSpecifiers InitDeclaratorListOpt { lx.attr2 = lx.attr } ';' { lhs.Scope = lx.scope if len(lx.attr2) != 0 { lhs.Attributes = lx.attrs() } lx.scope.typedef = false } // [0]6.7 /*yy:case Func */ DeclarationSpecifiers: FunctionSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiersOpt /*yy:case Storage */ | StorageClassSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiersOpt /*yy:case Qualifier */ | TypeQualifier DeclarationSpecifiersOpt /*yy:case Specifier */ | TypeSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiersOpt /*yy:case Alignment */ | AlignmentSpecifier DeclarationSpecifiersOpt DeclarationSpecifiersOpt: /* empty */ {} | DeclarationSpecifiers // [0]6.7 InitDeclaratorList: InitDeclarator | InitDeclaratorList ',' InitDeclarator InitDeclaratorListOpt: /* empty */ {} | InitDeclaratorList // [0]6.7 /*yy:case Base */ InitDeclarator: Declarator /*yy:case Init */ | Declarator '=' Initializer // [0]6.7.1 /*yy:case Auto */ StorageClassSpecifier: "auto" /*yy:case Extern */ | "extern" /*yy:case Register */ | "register" /*yy:case Static */ | "static" /*yy:case Typedef */ | "typedef" { lx.scope.typedef = true } // [0]6.7.2 //yy:field scope *Scope //yy:field typ Type // typeof /*yy:case Bool */ TypeSpecifier: "_Bool" /*yy:case Complex */ | "_Complex" /*yy:case Imaginary */ | "_Imaginary" /*yy:case Char */ | "char" /*yy:case Double */ | "double" /*yy:case Float */ | "float" /*yy:case Int */ | "int" /*yy:case Long */ | "long" /*yy:case Short */ | "short" /*yy:case Signed */ | "signed" /*yy:case Unsigned */ | "unsigned" /*yy:case Void */ | "void" /*yy:case Enum */ | EnumSpecifier /*yy:case Struct */ | StructOrUnionSpecifier /*yy:example "\U00100001 typedef int foo; foo bar;" */ /*yy:case Name */ | TYPEDEF_NAME { lhs.scope = lx.scope } /*yy:case TypeofExpr */ | "typeof" '(' Expr ')' /*yy:case Typeof */ | "typeof" '(' TypeName ')' /*yy:case Atomic */ | "_Atomic" ATOMIC_LPAREN TypeName ')' // [0] //yy:field scope *Scope // Declare the struct tag in scope.parent. //yy:field typ Type /*yy:case Tag */ StructOrUnionSpecifier: StructOrUnion IDENTIFIER { lhs.scope = lx.scope } /*yy:case Empty */ | StructOrUnion IdentifierOpt '{' { lx.noTypedefName = true // https://gitlab.com/cznic/sqlite2go/issues/9 } '}' { if !lx.tweaks.EnableEmptyStructs { lx.err($1, "empty structs/unions not allowed") } } /*yy:case Define */ | StructOrUnion IdentifierOpt '{' { lx.newStructScope() } StructDeclarationList { lx.noTypedefName = true // https://gitlab.com/cznic/sqlite2go/issues/9 } '}' { lhs.scope, _ = lx.popScope() } // [0] /*yy:case Struct */ StructOrUnion: "struct" /*yy:case Union */ | "union" // [0] StructDeclarationList: StructDeclaration | StructDeclarationList StructDeclaration // [0] /*yy:case Base */ StructDeclaration: SpecifierQualifierList StructDeclaratorList ';' /*yy:case Anon */ | SpecifierQualifierList ';' { if !lx.tweaks.EnableAnonymousStructFields { lx.err($1, "anonymous structs/unions members not allowed") } } // [0] /*yy:case Qualifier */ SpecifierQualifierList: TypeQualifier SpecifierQualifierListOpt /*yy:case Specifier */ | TypeSpecifier SpecifierQualifierListOpt SpecifierQualifierListOpt: /* empty */ {} | SpecifierQualifierList // [0] StructDeclaratorList: StructDeclarator | StructDeclaratorList ',' StructDeclarator // [0] //yy:field Bits int /*yy:case Base */ StructDeclarator: Declarator /*yy:case Bits */ | DeclaratorOpt ':' ConstExpr CommaOpt: /* empty */ {} | ',' // [0] //yy:field Tag int //yy:field scope *Scope // Where to declare enumeration constants. //yy:field typ Type /*yy:case Tag */ EnumSpecifier: "enum" IDENTIFIER { lhs.scope = lx.scope } /*yy:case Define */ | "enum" IdentifierOpt '{' EnumeratorList CommaOpt '}' { lhs.scope = lx.scope } // [0] EnumeratorList: Enumerator | EnumeratorList ',' Enumerator // [0] /*yy:case Base */ Enumerator: EnumerationConstant /*yy:case Init */ | EnumerationConstant '=' ConstExpr // [0]6.7.3 /*yy:case Const */ TypeQualifier: "const" /*yy:case Restrict */ | "restrict" /*yy:case Volatile */ | "volatile" /*yy:case Atomic */ | "_Atomic" // [0]6.7.4 /*yy:case Inline */ FunctionSpecifier: "inline" /*yy:case Noreturn */ | "_Noreturn" // [0]6.7.5 //yy:field AssignedTo int // Declarator appears at the left side of assignment. //yy:field Attributes [][]xc.Token //yy:field Bits int // StructDeclarator: bit width when a bit field. //yy:field DeclarationSpecifier *DeclarationSpecifier // Nil for embedded declarators. //yy:field Definition *Declarator // Declaration -> definition. //yy:field Field int // Declaration order# if struct field declarator. //yy:field FunctionDefinition *FunctionDefinition // When the declarator defines a function. //yy:field Initializer *Initializer // Only when part of an InitDeclarator. //yy:field Linkage Linkage // Linkage of the declared name, [0]6.2.2. //yy:field Parameters []*Declarator // Of the function declarator. //yy:field Referenced int //yy:field Scope *Scope // Declaration scope. //yy:field ScopeNum int // Sequential scope number within function body. //yy:field StorageDuration StorageDuration // Storage duration of the declared name, [0]6.2.4. //yy:field Type Type // Declared type. //yy:field TypeQualifiers []*TypeQualifier // From the PointerOpt production, if any. //yy:field unnamed int //yy:field vars []*Declarator // Function declarator only. //yy:field AddressTaken bool //yy:field Alloca bool // Function declarator: Body calls __builtin_alloca //yy:field Embedded bool // [0]6.7.5-3: Not a full declarator. //yy:field IsField bool //yy:field IsFunctionParameter bool //yy:field IsBuiltin bool Declarator: PointerOpt DirectDeclarator { lhs.Attributes = lx.attrs() lhs.Scope = lx.scope lx.scope.insertTypedef(lx.context, lhs.Name(), lx.scope.typedef) } /*yy:case IdentList */ Parameters: IdentifierListOpt /*yy:case ParamTypes */ | ParameterTypeList DeclaratorOpt: /* empty */ {} | Declarator // [0]6.7.5 //yy:field paramScope *Scope /*yy:case Paren */ DirectDeclarator: '(' Declarator ')' { lhs.Declarator.Embedded = true } /*yy:case Parameters */ | DirectDeclarator { lx.newScope() lx.fixDeclarator($1) } '(' Parameters { lx.postFixDeclarator(lx.context) } ')' { lhs.paramScope, _ = lx.popScope() } /*yy:case ArraySize */ | DirectDeclarator '[' "static" TypeQualifierListOpt Expr ']' /*yy:case ArraySize2 */ | DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierList "static" Expr ']' /*yy:case ArrayVar */ | DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierListOpt '*' ']' /*yy:case Array */ | DirectDeclarator '[' TypeQualifierListOpt ExprOpt ']' /*yy:case Ident */ | IDENTIFIER // [0]6.7.5 /*yy:case Base */ Pointer: '*' TypeQualifierListOpt /*yy:case Ptr */ | '*' TypeQualifierListOpt Pointer PointerOpt: /* empty */ {} | Pointer // [0]6.7.5 TypeQualifierList: TypeQualifier | TypeQualifierList TypeQualifier TypeQualifierListOpt: /* empty */ {} | TypeQualifierList // [0]6.7.5 /*yy:case Base */ ParameterTypeList: ParameterList /*yy:case Dots */ | ParameterList ',' "..." ParameterTypeListOpt: /* empty */ {} | ParameterTypeList // [0]6.7.5 ParameterList: ParameterDeclaration | ParameterList ',' ParameterDeclaration // [0]6.7.5 /*yy:case Abstract */ ParameterDeclaration: DeclarationSpecifiers AbstractDeclaratorOpt { lx.scope.typedef = false } /*yy:case Declarator */ | DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator { lx.scope.typedef = false } // [0]6.7.5 IdentifierList: IDENTIFIER | IdentifierList ',' IDENTIFIER IdentifierListOpt: /* empty */ {} | IdentifierList IdentifierOpt: /* empty */ {} | IDENTIFIER // [0]6.7.6 //yy:field Type Type TypeName: SpecifierQualifierList AbstractDeclaratorOpt // [0]6.7.6 //yy:field DeclarationSpecifier *DeclarationSpecifier //yy:field Type Type //yy:field TypeQualifiers []*TypeQualifier // From the PointerOpt production, if any. /*yy:case Pointer */ AbstractDeclarator: Pointer /*yy:case Abstract */ | PointerOpt DirectAbstractDeclarator AbstractDeclaratorOpt: /* empty */ {} | AbstractDeclarator // [0]6.7.6 /*yy:case Abstract */ DirectAbstractDeclarator: '(' AbstractDeclarator ')' /*yy:case ParamList */ | '(' ParameterTypeListOpt ')' /*yy:case DFn */ | DirectAbstractDeclarator '(' ParameterTypeListOpt ')' /*yy:case DArrSize */ | DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt '[' "static" TypeQualifierListOpt Expr ']' /*yy:case DArrVL */ | DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt '[' '*' ']' /*yy:case DArr */ | DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt '[' ExprOpt ']' /*yy:case DArrSize2 */ | DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt '[' TypeQualifierList "static" Expr ']' /*yy:case DArr2 */ | DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt '[' TypeQualifierList ExprOpt ']' DirectAbstractDeclaratorOpt: /* empty */ {} | DirectAbstractDeclarator // [0]6.7.8 /*yy:case CompLit */ Initializer: '{' InitializerList CommaOpt '}' /*yy:case Expr */ | Expr // [0]6.7.8 //yy:field Operand Operand //TODO- //yy:field Len int InitializerList: /* empty */ {} | Initializer | Designation Initializer | InitializerList ',' Initializer | InitializerList ',' Designation Initializer // [0]6.7.8 //yy:field List []int64 //yy:field Type Type Designation: DesignatorList '=' // [0]6.7.8 DesignatorList: Designator | DesignatorList Designator // [0]6.7.8 /*yy:case Field */ Designator: '.' IDENTIFIER /*yy:case Index */ | '[' ConstExpr ']' // [0]6.8 //yy:field UseGotos bool /*yy:case Block */ Stmt: CompoundStmt /*yy:case Expr */ | ExprStmt /*yy:case Iter */ | IterationStmt /*yy:case Jump */ | JumpStmt /*yy:case Labeled */ | LabeledStmt /*yy:case Select */ | SelectionStmt // [0]6.8.1 //yy:field UseGotos bool /*yy:case SwitchCase */ LabeledStmt: "case" ConstExpr ':' Stmt /*yy:case Default */ | "default" ':' Stmt /*yy:case Label */ | IDENTIFIER ':' Stmt { lx.scope.insertLabel(lx.context, lhs) } /*yy:case Label2 */ | TYPEDEF_NAME ':' Stmt { lx.scope.insertLabel(lx.context, lhs) } statementEnd: { if s := lx.scope; s.forStmtEndScope != nil { switch yychar { case '}': var lval yySymType lx.lex(&lval) lval.Token.Rune = lx.toC(lval.Token.Rune, lval.Token.Val) lx.unget(cppToken{Token: lval.Token}) switch lval.Token.Rune { case ELSE: // nop default: lx.scope = s.forStmtEndScope } case ELSE: // nop default: lx.scope = s.forStmtEndScope } } } // [0]6.8.2 //yy:field scope *Scope //yy:field UseGotos bool CompoundStmt: '{' { lx.newScope() lx.insertParamNames() } BlockItemListOpt { lx.ssave, _ = lx.popScope() } statementEnd '}' { lhs.scope = lx.ssave } // [0]6.8.2 BlockItemList: BlockItem | BlockItemList BlockItem BlockItemListOpt: /* empty */ {} | BlockItemList // [0]6.8.2 /*yy:case Decl */ BlockItem: Declaration /*yy:case Stmt */ | Stmt // [0]6.8.3 //yy:field UseGotos bool ExprStmt: ExprListOpt statementEnd ';' // [0]6.8.4 //yy:field Cases []*LabeledStmt //yy:field SwitchOp Operand // Promoted switch operand //yy:field UseGotos bool /*yy:case IfElse */ SelectionStmt: "if" '(' ExprList ')' Stmt "else" Stmt /*yy:case If */ | "if" '(' ExprList ')' Stmt %prec NOELSE /*yy:case Switch */ | "switch" '(' ExprList ')' Stmt // [0]6.8.5 //yy:field UseGotos bool /*yy:case Do */ IterationStmt: "do" Stmt "while" '(' ExprList ')' statementEnd ';' /*yy:case ForDecl */ | "for" '(' Declaration ExprListOpt ';' ExprListOpt ')' Stmt /*yy:case For */ | "for" '(' ExprListOpt ';' ExprListOpt ';' ExprListOpt ')' Stmt /*yy:case While */ | "while" '(' ExprList ')' Stmt // [0]6.8.6 //yy:field ReturnOperand Operand //yy:field scope *Scope //yy:field UseGotos bool /*yy:case Break */ JumpStmt: "break" statementEnd ';' /*yy:case Continue */ | "continue" statementEnd ';' /*yy:case Goto */ | "goto" IDENTIFIER statementEnd ';' { lhs.scope = lx.scope } /*yy:case Return */ | "return" ExprListOpt statementEnd ';' // [0]6.9 //yy:list ExternalDeclarationList: ExternalDeclaration | ExternalDeclarationList ExternalDeclaration // [0]6.9 /*yy:case Decl */ ExternalDeclaration: Declaration /*yy:case Func */ | FunctionDefinition // [0]6.9.1 /*yy:case Spec */ FunctionDefinition: DeclarationSpecifiers Declarator { lx.scope.typedef = false lx.currFn = $2.(*Declarator) } DeclarationListOpt FunctionBody { lhs.Declarator.FunctionDefinition = lhs if lx.scope.Parent != nil { panic("internal error") } } /*yy:case Int */ | Declarator { if !lx.tweaks.EnableOmitFuncDeclSpec { lx.err($1, "omitting function declaration specifiers not allowed") } lx.scope.typedef = false lx.currFn = $1.(*Declarator) } DeclarationListOpt FunctionBody { lhs.Declarator.FunctionDefinition = lhs if lx.scope.Parent != nil { panic("internal error") } } FunctionBody: { lx.declareFuncName() // [0], } CompoundStmt // [0]6.9.1 DeclarationList: Declaration | DeclarationList Declaration DeclarationListOpt: /* empty */ {} | DeclarationList VolatileOpt: /* empty */ {} | "volatile"