// Code generated by "stringer -output stringer.go -linecomment -type=tokCh,Kind,Linkage,StorageDuration"; DO NOT EDIT. package cc import "strconv" func _() { // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. var x [1]struct{} _ = x[ADDASSIGN-57345] _ = x[ALIGNAS-57346] _ = x[ALIGNOF-57347] _ = x[ANDAND-57348] _ = x[ANDASSIGN-57349] _ = x[ARROW-57350] _ = x[ASM-57351] _ = x[ATOMIC-57352] _ = x[ATTRIBUTE-57353] _ = x[AUTO-57354] _ = x[AUTOTYPE-57355] _ = x[BOOL-57356] _ = x[BREAK-57357] _ = x[CASE-57358] _ = x[CHAR-57359] _ = x[CHARCONST-57360] _ = x[COMPLEX-57361] _ = x[CONST-57362] _ = x[CONTINUE-57363] _ = x[DDD-57364] _ = x[DEC-57365] _ = x[DECIMAL128-57366] _ = x[DECIMAL32-57367] _ = x[DECIMAL64-57368] _ = x[DECLSPEC-57369] _ = x[DEFAULT-57370] _ = x[DIVASSIGN-57371] _ = x[DO-57372] _ = x[DOUBLE-57373] _ = x[ELSE-57374] _ = x[ENUM-57375] _ = x[EQ-57376] _ = x[EXTERN-57377] _ = x[FLOAT-57378] _ = x[FLOAT128-57379] _ = x[FLOAT128X-57380] _ = x[FLOAT16-57381] _ = x[FLOAT32-57382] _ = x[FLOAT32X-57383] _ = x[FLOAT64-57384] _ = x[FLOAT64X-57385] _ = x[FLOATCONST-57386] _ = x[FOR-57387] _ = x[GENERIC-57388] _ = x[GEQ-57389] _ = x[GOTO-57390] _ = x[HEADER_NAME-57391] _ = x[IDENTIFIER-57392] _ = x[IF-57393] _ = x[IMAG-57394] _ = x[IMAGINARY-57395] _ = x[INC-57396] _ = x[INLINE-57397] _ = x[INT-57398] _ = x[INT128-57399] _ = x[INTCONST-57400] _ = x[LABEL-57401] _ = x[LEQ-57402] _ = x[LONG-57403] _ = x[LONGCHARCONST-57404] _ = x[LONGSTRINGLITERAL-57405] _ = x[LSH-57406] _ = x[LSHASSIGN-57407] _ = x[MODASSIGN-57408] _ = x[MULASSIGN-57409] _ = x[NEQ-57410] _ = x[NONNULL-57411] _ = x[NORETURN-57412] _ = x[ORASSIGN-57413] _ = x[OROR-57414] _ = x[PPNUMBER-57415] _ = x[PPPASTE-57416] _ = x[REAL-57417] _ = x[REGISTER-57418] _ = x[RESTRICT-57419] _ = x[RETURN-57420] _ = x[RSH-57421] _ = x[RSHASSIGN-57422] _ = x[SHORT-57423] _ = x[SIGNED-57424] _ = x[SIZEOF-57425] _ = x[STATIC-57426] _ = x[STATICASSERT-57427] _ = x[STRINGLITERAL-57428] _ = x[STRUCT-57429] _ = x[SUBASSIGN-57430] _ = x[SWITCH-57431] _ = x[THREADLOCAL-57432] _ = x[TYPEDEF-57433] _ = x[TYPENAME-57434] _ = x[TYPEOF-57435] _ = x[UINT128-57436] _ = x[UNION-57437] _ = x[UNSIGNED-57438] _ = x[VOID-57439] _ = x[VOLATILE-57440] _ = x[WHILE-57441] _ = x[XORASSIGN-57442] } const _tokCh_name = "'+=''_Alignas''_Alignof''&&''&=''->''__asm__''_Atomic''__attribute__''auto''__auto_type''_Bool''break''case''char'character constant'_Complex''const''continue''...''--''_Decimal128''_Decimal32''_Decimal64''__declspec''default''/=''do''double''else''enum''==''extern''float''_Float128''_Float128x''_Float16''_Float32''_Float32x''_Float64''_Float64x'floating point constant'for''_Generic''>=''goto'identifier'if''__imag__''_Imaginary''++''inline''int''__int128'integer constant'__label__''<=''long'long character constantlong string literal'<<''<<=''%=''*=''!=''_Nonnull''_Noreturn''|=''||'preprocessing number'##''__real__''register''restrict''return''>>''>>=''short''signed''sizeof''static'_Static_assertstring literal'struct''-=''switch''_Thread_local''typedef'type name'typeof''__uint128_t''union''unsigned''void''volatile''while''^='" var _tokCh_index = [...]uint16{0, 4, 14, 24, 28, 32, 36, 45, 54, 69, 75, 88, 95, 102, 108, 114, 132, 142, 149, 159, 164, 168, 181, 193, 205, 217, 226, 230, 234, 242, 248, 254, 258, 266, 273, 284, 296, 306, 316, 327, 337, 348, 371, 376, 386, 390, 396, 409, 419, 423, 433, 445, 449, 457, 462, 472, 488, 499, 503, 509, 532, 551, 555, 560, 564, 568, 572, 582, 593, 597, 601, 621, 625, 635, 645, 655, 663, 667, 672, 679, 687, 695, 703, 717, 731, 739, 743, 751, 766, 775, 784, 792, 805, 812, 822, 828, 838, 845, 849} func (i tokCh) String() string { i -= 57345 if i < 0 || i >= tokCh(len(_tokCh_index)-1) { return "tokCh(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i+57345), 10) + ")" } return _tokCh_name[_tokCh_index[i]:_tokCh_index[i+1]] } func _() { // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. var x [1]struct{} _ = x[InvalidKind-0] _ = x[Array-1] _ = x[Bool-2] _ = x[Char-3] _ = x[ComplexChar-4] _ = x[ComplexDouble-5] _ = x[ComplexFloat-6] _ = x[ComplexInt-7] _ = x[ComplexLong-8] _ = x[ComplexLongDouble-9] _ = x[ComplexLongLong-10] _ = x[ComplexShort-11] _ = x[ComplexUInt-12] _ = x[ComplexUShort-13] _ = x[Decimal128-14] _ = x[Decimal32-15] _ = x[Decimal64-16] _ = x[Double-17] _ = x[Enum-18] _ = x[Float-19] _ = x[Float128-20] _ = x[Float128x-21] _ = x[Float16-22] _ = x[Float32-23] _ = x[Float32x-24] _ = x[Float64-25] _ = x[Float64x-26] _ = x[Function-27] _ = x[Int-28] _ = x[Int128-29] _ = x[Long-30] _ = x[LongDouble-31] _ = x[LongLong-32] _ = x[Ptr-33] _ = x[SChar-34] _ = x[Short-35] _ = x[Struct-36] _ = x[UChar-37] _ = x[UInt-38] _ = x[UInt128-39] _ = x[ULong-40] _ = x[ULongLong-41] _ = x[UShort-42] _ = x[Union-43] _ = x[Void-44] _ = x[maxKind-45] } const _Kind_name = "InvalidKindarray_Boolchar_Complex char_Complex double_Complex float_Complex int_Complex long_Complex long double_Complex long long_Complex short_Complex unsigned_Complex unsigned short_Decimal128_Decimal32_Decimal64doubleenumfloat_Float128_Float128x_Float16_Float32_Float32x_Float64_Float64xfunctionint__int128longlong doublelong longpointersigned charshortstructunsigned charunsignedunsigned __int128unsigned longunsigned long longunsigned shortunionvoidmaxKind" var _Kind_index = [...]uint16{0, 11, 16, 21, 25, 38, 53, 67, 79, 92, 112, 130, 144, 161, 184, 195, 205, 215, 221, 225, 230, 239, 249, 257, 265, 274, 282, 291, 299, 302, 310, 314, 325, 334, 341, 352, 357, 363, 376, 384, 401, 414, 432, 446, 451, 455, 462} func (i Kind) String() string { if i < 0 || i >= Kind(len(_Kind_index)-1) { return "Kind(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" } return _Kind_name[_Kind_index[i]:_Kind_index[i+1]] } func _() { // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. var x [1]struct{} _ = x[External-0] _ = x[Internal-1] _ = x[None-2] } const _Linkage_name = "ExternalInternalNone" var _Linkage_index = [...]uint8{0, 8, 16, 20} func (i Linkage) String() string { if i < 0 || i >= Linkage(len(_Linkage_index)-1) { return "Linkage(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" } return _Linkage_name[_Linkage_index[i]:_Linkage_index[i+1]] } func _() { // An "invalid array index" compiler error signifies that the constant values have changed. // Re-run the stringer command to generate them again. var x [1]struct{} _ = x[Static-0] _ = x[Automatic-1] _ = x[Allocated-2] } const _StorageDuration_name = "StaticAutomaticAllocated" var _StorageDuration_index = [...]uint8{0, 6, 15, 24} func (i StorageDuration) String() string { if i < 0 || i >= StorageDuration(len(_StorageDuration_index)-1) { return "StorageDuration(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")" } return _StorageDuration_name[_StorageDuration_index[i]:_StorageDuration_index[i+1]] }