# Generated by go2rpm %bcond_without check # https://github.com/russross/blackfriday %global goipath gopkg.in/russross/blackfriday.v2 %global forgeurl https://github.com/russross/blackfriday Version: 2.1.0 %gometa %global goaltipaths github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2 %global common_description %{expand: Blackfriday is a Markdown processor implemented in Go. It is paranoid about its input (so you can safely feed it user-supplied data), it is fast, it supports common extensions (tables, smart punctuation substitutions, etc.), and it is safe for all utf-8 (unicode) input. HTML output is currently supported, along with Smartypants extensions.} %global golicenses LICENSE.txt %global godocs README.md %global gosupfiles glide.lock glide.yaml Name: %{goname} Release: %autorelease Summary: Markdown processor for Go # Upstream license specification: BSD-2-Clause License: BSD URL: %{gourl} Source0: %{gosource} Source1: glide.yaml Source2: glide.lock # Remove in F43 Provides: golang-gopkg-russross-blackfriday-2 = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: golang-gopkg-russross-blackfriday-2 < 2.1.0-8 %global godevelheader %{expand: Provides: golang-gopkg-russross-blackfriday-2-devel = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: golang-gopkg-russross-blackfriday-2-devel < 2.1.0-8} %description %{common_description} %gopkg %prep %goprep cp %{S:1} %{S:2} . %install %gopkginstall %if %{with check} %check %gocheck %endif %gopkgfiles %changelog %autochangelog