Name: osbuildtest-ostree-compliance-mode Version: 0.1 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Populates the ostree-compliance-mode.conf file with the checksum for the current booted deployment. License: GPLv2 Source0: org.osbuildtest.ostree-compliance-mode.config BuildArch: noarch %description Populates the ostree-compliance-mode.conf file with the checksum for the current booted deployment. This is required by the ostree-compliance-mode rpm which allows the system to move to a modifiable state, in compliance with GPLv3 %prep rm -rf %{name}-{%version} mkdir %{name}-{%version} %build cd %{name}-{%version} %install install -Dm755 %{SOURCE0} %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/osbuild/stages/org.osbuildtest.ostree-compliance-mode.config %files %{_prefix}/lib/osbuild/stages/org.osbuildtest.ostree-compliance-mode.config %changelog * Thu Feb 9 2023 Ian Mullins <> - Initial version