Name:             pki

%global           product_name Dogtag PKI
%global           product_id dogtag-pki
%global           theme dogtag

# Upstream version number:
%global           major_version 11
%global           minor_version 5
%global           update_version 4

# Downstream release number:
# - development/stabilization (unsupported): 0.<n> where n >= 1
# - GA/update (supported): <n> where n >= 1
%global           release_number 1

# Development phase:
# - development (unsupported): alpha<n> where n >= 1
# - stabilization (unsupported): beta<n> where n >= 1
# - GA/update (supported): <none>
#global           phase

%global timestamp 20240828200105UTC
%global commit_id 8ab01082

Summary:          %{product_name} Package
URL:              https://www.dogtagpki.org
# The entire source code is GPLv2 except for 'pki-tps' which is LGPLv2
License:          GPL-2.0-only AND LGPL-2.0-only
Version:          %{major_version}.%{minor_version}.%{update_version}
Release:          %{release_number}%{?phase:.}%{?phase}%{?timestamp:.}%{?timestamp}%{?commit_id:.}%{?commit_id}%{?dist}

# To create a tarball from a version tag:
# $ git archive \
#     --format=tar.gz \
#     --prefix pki-<version>/ \
#     -o pki-<version>.tar.gz \
#     <version tag>
Source: https://github.com/dogtagpki/pki/archive/v%{version}%{?phase:-}%{?phase}/pki-%{version}%{?phase:-}%{?phase}.tar.gz

# To create a patch for all changes since a version tag:
# $ git format-patch \
#     --stdout \
#     <version tag> \
#     > pki-VERSION-RELEASE.patch
# Patch: pki-VERSION-RELEASE.patch

%if 0%{?java_arches:1}
ExclusiveArch: %{java_arches}
ExcludeArch: i686

# PKCS #11 Kit Trust

%global p11_kit_trust /usr/lib64/pkcs11/p11-kit-trust.so

# Java

%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 9

%define java_devel java-17-openjdk-devel
%define java_headless java-17-openjdk-headless
%define java_home %{_jvmdir}/jre-17-openjdk


# Use Java 21 on Fedora 40+ and RHEL 10, otherwise use Java 17.
%global java_devel java-devel >= 1:17
%global java_headless java-headless >= 1:17

# Don't use find since it might not work well with local builds.
#   find {_jvmdir} -maxdepth 1 | grep "jre-[0-9]\+$"
%global java_home %(
   source /usr/share/java-utils/java-functions;
   echo $JAVA_HOME)


# Application Server

%global app_server tomcat-9.0


# Use external build dependencies unless --without build_deps is specified.
%bcond_without build_deps

# Use bundled runtime dependencies unless --with runtime_deps is specified.
%bcond_with runtime_deps

# Build with Maven unless --without maven is specified.
%bcond_without maven

# Execute unit tests unless --without test is specified.
%bcond_without test

# Build the package unless --without <package> is specified.

%bcond_without base
%bcond_without server
%bcond_without acme
%bcond_without ca
%bcond_without esc
%bcond_without est
%bcond_without kra
%bcond_without ocsp
%bcond_without tks
%bcond_without tps
%bcond_without javadoc
%bcond_without theme
%bcond_without meta
%bcond_without tests
%bcond_without debug

# Don't build console unless --with console is specified.
%bcond_with console

%if ! %{with debug}
%define debug_package %{nil}

# ignore unpackaged files from native 'tpsclient'
# REMINDER:  Remove this '%%define' once 'tpsclient' is rewritten as a Java app
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0

# The PKI UID and GID are preallocated, see:
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=476316
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=476782
# https://pagure.io/setup/blob/master/f/uidgid
# /usr/share/doc/setup/uidgid
%define pki_username pkiuser
%define pki_uid 17
%define pki_groupname pkiuser
%define pki_gid 17
%define pki_homedir /usr/share/pki

%global saveFileContext() \
if [ -s /etc/selinux/config ]; then \
     . %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
     FILE_CONTEXT=%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts; \
     if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" == %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT} ]; then \
          cp -f ${FILE_CONTEXT} ${FILE_CONTEXT}.%{name}; \
     fi \

%global relabel() \
. %{_sysconfdir}/selinux/config; \
FILE_CONTEXT=%{_sysconfdir}/selinux/%1/contexts/files/file_contexts; \
selinuxenabled; \
if [ $? == 0  -a "${SELINUXTYPE}" == %1 -a -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.%{name} ]; then \
     fixfiles -C ${FILE_CONTEXT}.%{name} restore; \
     rm -f ${FILE_CONTEXT}.%name; \

# Build Dependencies

BuildRequires:    make
BuildRequires:    cmake >= 3.0.2
BuildRequires:    gcc-c++
BuildRequires:    zip

BuildRequires:    nspr-devel
BuildRequires:    nss-devel >= 3.36.1

BuildRequires:    openldap-devel
BuildRequires:    pkgconfig
BuildRequires:    policycoreutils

# Java build dependencies
BuildRequires:    %{java_devel}
BuildRequires:    maven-local
%if 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires:    xmvn-tools
BuildRequires:    javapackages-tools

%if %{without runtime_deps}
BuildRequires:    xmlstarlet

BuildRequires:    mvn(commons-cli:commons-cli)
BuildRequires:    mvn(commons-codec:commons-codec)
BuildRequires:    mvn(commons-io:commons-io)
BuildRequires:    mvn(commons-logging:commons-logging)
BuildRequires:    mvn(commons-net:commons-net)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.apache.commons:commons-lang3)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api)
BuildRequires:    mvn(xml-apis:xml-apis)
BuildRequires:    mvn(xml-resolver:xml-resolver)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api)

%if %{with build_deps}
BuildRequires:    mvn(jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api)
BuildRequires:    mvn(jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api)
BuildRequires:    mvn(jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api)

BuildRequires:    mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations)
BuildRequires:    mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core)
BuildRequires:    mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind)
BuildRequires:    mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-jaxb-annotations)
BuildRequires:    mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-base)
BuildRequires:    mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider)

BuildRequires:    mvn(org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs:jboss-jaxrs-api_2.0_spec)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging)

BuildRequires:    mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jackson2-provider)
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-servlet-initializer)

BuildRequires:    mvn(org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-catalina) >= 9.0.62
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-servlet-api) >= 9.0.62
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-jaspic-api) >= 9.0.62
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-util-scan) >= 9.0.62

BuildRequires:    mvn(org.dogtagpki.jss:jss-base) >= 5.5.0
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.dogtagpki.jss:jss-tomcat) >= 5.5.0
BuildRequires:    mvn(org.dogtagpki.ldap-sdk:ldapjdk) >= 5.5.0

# Python build dependencies
BuildRequires:    python3 >= 3.6
BuildRequires:    python3-devel
BuildRequires:    python3-setuptools
BuildRequires:    python3-cryptography
BuildRequires:    python3-lxml
BuildRequires:    python3-ldap
BuildRequires:    python3-libselinux
BuildRequires:    python3-requests >= 2.6.0
BuildRequires:    python3-six
BuildRequires:    python3-sphinx

BuildRequires:    systemd-units

# additional build requirements needed to build native 'tpsclient'
# REMINDER:  Revisit these once 'tpsclient' is rewritten as a Java app
BuildRequires:    apr-devel
BuildRequires:    apr-util-devel
BuildRequires:    cyrus-sasl-devel
BuildRequires:    httpd-devel >= 2.4.2
BuildRequires:    systemd
BuildRequires:    zlib
BuildRequires:    zlib-devel

# build dependency to build man pages
BuildRequires:    golang-github-cpuguy83-md2man

# pki-healthcheck depends on the following library
%if 0%{?rhel}
BuildRequires:    ipa-healthcheck-core
BuildRequires:    freeipa-healthcheck-core

# PKICertImport depends on certutil and openssl
BuildRequires:    nss-tools
BuildRequires:    openssl

# description for top-level package (if there is a separate meta package)
%if "%{name}" != "%{product_id}"

%{product_name} is an enterprise software system designed
to manage enterprise Public Key Infrastructure deployments.

%{product_name} consists of the following components:

  * Certificate Authority (CA)
  * Key Recovery Authority (KRA)
  * Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Manager
  * Token Key Service (TKS)
  * Token Processing Service (TPS)
  * Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Responder
  * Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) Responder


%if %{with meta}
%if "%{name}" != "%{product_id}"
%package -n       %{product_id}

Summary:          %{product_name} Package

Obsoletes:        pki-symkey < %{version}
Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-symkey < %{version}
Obsoletes:        pki-console < %{version}
Obsoletes:        pki-console-theme < %{version}
Obsoletes:        idm-console-framework < 2.0

%if %{with base}
Requires:         %{product_id}-base = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         python3-%{product_id} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         %{product_id}-java = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         %{product_id}-tools = %{version}-%{release}

%if %{with server}
Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}

%if %{with acme}
Requires:         %{product_id}-acme = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-acme < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-acme < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-acme < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-acme < %{version}

%if %{with ca}
Requires:         %{product_id}-ca = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-ca < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-ca < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-ca < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-ca < %{version}

%if %{with est}
Requires:         %{product_id}-est = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-est < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-est < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-est < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-est < %{version}

%if %{with kra}
Requires:         %{product_id}-kra = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-kra < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-kra < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-kra < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-kra < %{version}

%if %{with ocsp}
Requires:         %{product_id}-ocsp = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-ocsp < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-ocsp < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-ocsp < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-ocsp < %{version}

%if %{with tks}
Requires:         %{product_id}-tks = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-tks < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-tks < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-tks < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-tks < %{version}

%if %{with tps}
Requires:         %{product_id}-tps = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-tps < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-tps < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-tps < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-tps < %{version}

%if %{with javadoc}
Requires:         %{product_id}-javadoc = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-javadoc < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-javadoc < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-javadoc < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-javadoc < %{version}

%if %{with console}
Requires:         %{product_id}-console = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-console < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-console < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-console < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-console < %{version}

%if %{with theme}
Requires:         %{product_id}-theme = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{with console}
Requires:         %{product_id}-console-theme = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:        pki-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-theme < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-theme < %{version}

Obsoletes:        pki-console-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-console-theme < %{version}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-console-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-console-theme < %{version}

%if %{with tests}
Requires:         %{product_id}-tests = %{version}-%{release}

%if %{with esc}
# Make certain that this 'meta' package requires the latest version(s)
# of ALL PKI clients -- except for s390/s390x where 'esc' is not built
%ifnarch s390 s390x
Requires:         esc >= 1.1.2
Obsoletes:        esc <= 1.1.2
Conflicts:        esc <= 1.1.2

# description for top-level package (unless there is a separate meta package)
%if "%{name}" == "%{product_id}"
%description -n   %{product_id}

%{product_name} is an enterprise software system designed
to manage enterprise Public Key Infrastructure deployments.

%{product_name} consists of the following components:

  * Certificate Authority (CA)
  * Key Recovery Authority (KRA)
  * Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Manager
  * Token Key Service (TKS)
  * Token Processing Service (TPS)
  * Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Responder
  * Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) Responder

# with meta

%if %{with base}
%package -n       %{product_id}-base

Summary:          %{product_name} Base Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-base < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-base = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         nss >= 3.36.1

Requires:         python3-pki = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post):   python3-pki = %{version}-%{release}

# Ensure we end up with a useful installation
Conflicts:        pki-javadoc < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-server-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-theme < %{version}

%description -n   %{product_id}-base
This package provides default configuration files for %{product_name} client.

%package -n       python3-%{product_id}

Summary:          %{product_name} Python 3 Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        python3-pki < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         python3-pki = %{version}-%{release}

Obsoletes:        pki-base-python3 < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-base-python3 = %{version}-%{release}

%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-pki}

Requires:         %{product_id}-base = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         python3 >= 3.6
Requires:         python3-cryptography
Requires:         python3-ldap
Requires:         python3-lxml
Requires:         python3-requests >= 2.6.0
Requires:         python3-six

%description -n   python3-%{product_id}
This package provides common and client library for Python 3.

%package -n       %{product_id}-java

Summary:          %{product_name} Base Java Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-base-java < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-base-java = %{version}-%{release}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-base-java < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         %{product_id}-base-java = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{java_headless}
Requires:         mvn(commons-cli:commons-cli)
Requires:         mvn(commons-codec:commons-codec)
Requires:         mvn(commons-io:commons-io)
Requires:         mvn(commons-logging:commons-logging)
Requires:         mvn(commons-net:commons-net)
Requires:         mvn(org.apache.commons:commons-lang3)
Requires:         mvn(org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient)
Requires:         mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api)
Requires:         mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14)

%if %{with runtime_deps}
Requires:         mvn(jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api)
Requires:         mvn(jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api)
Requires:         mvn(jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api)

Requires:         mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations)
Requires:         mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core)
Requires:         mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind)
Requires:         mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-base)
Requires:         mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider)

Requires:         mvn(org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs:jboss-jaxrs-api_2.0_spec)
Requires:         mvn(org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging)

Requires:         mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jaxrs)
Requires:         mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-client)
Requires:         mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-jackson2-provider)
Provides:         bundled(jakarta-activation)
Provides:         bundled(jakarta-annotations)
Provides:         bundled(jaxb-api)

Provides:         bundled(jackson-annotations)
Provides:         bundled(jackson-core)
Provides:         bundled(jackson-databind)
Provides:         bundled(jackson-jaxrs-providers)
Provides:         bundled(jackson-jaxrs-json-provider)

Provides:         bundled(jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api)
Provides:         bundled(jboss-logging)

Provides:         bundled(resteasy-jaxrs)
Provides:         bundled(resteasy-client)
Provides:         bundled(resteasy-jackson2-provider)

Requires:         mvn(org.dogtagpki.jss:jss-base) >= 5.5.0
Requires:         mvn(org.dogtagpki.ldap-sdk:ldapjdk) >= 5.5.0
Requires:         %{product_id}-base = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n   %{product_id}-java
This package provides common and client libraries for Java.

%package -n       %{product_id}-tools

Summary:          %{product_name} Tools Package

Obsoletes:        pki-tools < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-tools = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         openldap-clients
Requires:         nss-tools >= 3.36.1
Requires:         %{product_id}-java = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         p11-kit-trust

# PKICertImport depends on certutil and openssl
Requires:         nss-tools
Requires:         openssl

%description -n   %{product_id}-tools
This package provides tools that can be used to help make
%{product_name} into a more complete and robust PKI solution.

The utility "tpsclient" is a test tool that interacts with TPS.
This tool is useful to test TPS server without risking an actual smart card.

# with base

%if %{with server}
%package -n       %{product_id}-server

Summary:          %{product_name} Server Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-server < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-server = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         hostname

Requires:         policycoreutils
Requires:         procps-ng
Requires:         openldap-clients
Requires:         openssl
Requires:         %{product_id}-tools = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{java_devel}

Requires:         keyutils

Requires:         policycoreutils-python-utils

Requires:         python3-lxml
Requires:         python3-libselinux
Requires:         python3-policycoreutils

Requires:         selinux-policy-targeted >= 3.13.1-159

%if %{with runtime_deps}
Requires:         mvn(org.jboss.resteasy:resteasy-servlet-initializer)
Provides:         bundled(resteasy-servlet-initializer)

Requires:         tomcat >= 1:9.0.62
Requires:         mvn(org.dogtagpki.jss:jss-tomcat) >= 5.5.0

Requires:         systemd
Requires(post):   systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units
Requires(pre):    shadow-utils

# pki-healthcheck depends on the following library
%if 0%{?rhel}
Requires:         ipa-healthcheck-core
Requires:         freeipa-healthcheck-core

# https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7742
%if 0%{?rhel}
Conflicts:        ipa-server < 4.7.1
Conflicts:        freeipa-server < 4.7.1

Provides:         bundled(js-backbone) = 1.4.0
Provides:         bundled(js-bootstrap) = 3.4.1
Provides:         bundled(js-jquery) = 3.5.1
Provides:         bundled(js-jquery-i18n-properties) = 1.2.7
Provides:         bundled(js-patternfly) = 3.59.2
Provides:         bundled(js-underscore) = 1.9.2

%description -n   %{product_id}-server
This package provides libraries and utilities needed by %{product_name} services.

# with server

%if %{with acme}
%package -n       %{product_id}-acme

Summary:          %{product_name} ACME Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-acme < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-acme = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n   %{product_id}-acme
%{product_name} ACME responder is a service that provides an automatic certificate
management via ACME v2 protocol defined in RFC 8555.

# with acme

%if %{with ca}
%package -n       %{product_id}-ca

Summary:          %{product_name} CA Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-ca < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-ca = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post):   systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units

%description -n   %{product_id}-ca
%{product_name} Certificate Authority (CA) is a required subsystem which issues,
renews, revokes, and publishes certificates as well as compiling and
publishing Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).

The Certificate Authority can be configured as a self-signing Certificate
Authority, where it is the root CA, or it can act as a subordinate CA,
where it obtains its own signing certificate from a public CA.

# with ca

%if %{with est}
%package -n       %{product_id}-est

Summary:          %{product_name} EST Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-est < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-est = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n   %{product_id}-est
%{product_name} EST subsystem provides an Enrollment over
Secure Transport (RFC 7030) service.

# with est

%if %{with kra}
%package -n       %{product_id}-kra

Summary:          %{product_name} KRA Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-kra < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-kra = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post):   systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units

%description -n   %{product_id}-kra
%{product_name} Key Recovery Authority (KRA) is an optional subsystem that can act
as a key archival facility.  When configured in conjunction with the
Certificate Authority (CA), the KRA stores private encryption keys as part of
the certificate enrollment process.  The key archival mechanism is triggered
when a user enrolls in the PKI and creates the certificate request.  Using the
Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF) request format, a request is
generated for the user's private encryption key.  This key is then stored in
the KRA which is configured to store keys in an encrypted format that can only
be decrypted by several agents requesting the key at one time, providing for
protection of the public encryption keys for the users in the PKI deployment.

Note that the KRA archives encryption keys; it does NOT archive signing keys,
since such archival would undermine non-repudiation properties of signing keys.

# with kra

%if %{with ocsp}
%package -n       %{product_id}-ocsp

Summary:          %{product_name} OCSP Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-ocsp < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-ocsp = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post):   systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units

%description -n   %{product_id}-ocsp
%{product_name} Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Manager is an optional
subsystem that can act as a stand-alone OCSP service.  The OCSP Manager
performs the task of an online certificate validation authority by enabling
OCSP-compliant clients to do real-time verification of certificates.  Note
that an online certificate-validation authority is often referred to as an
OCSP Responder.

Although the Certificate Authority (CA) is already configured with an
internal OCSP service.  An external OCSP Responder is offered as a separate
subsystem in case the user wants the OCSP service provided outside of a
firewall while the CA resides inside of a firewall, or to take the load of
requests off of the CA.

The OCSP Manager can receive Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) from
multiple CA servers, and clients can query the OCSP Manager for the
revocation status of certificates issued by all of these CA servers.

When an instance of OCSP Manager is set up with an instance of CA, and
publishing is set up to this OCSP Manager, CRLs are published to it
whenever they are issued or updated.

# with ocsp

%if %{with tks}
%package -n       %{product_id}-tks

Summary:          %{product_name} TKS Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-tks < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-tks = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post):   systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units

%description -n   %{product_id}-tks
%{product_name} Token Key Service (TKS) is an optional subsystem that manages the
master key(s) and the transport key(s) required to generate and distribute
keys for hardware tokens.  TKS provides the security between tokens and an
instance of Token Processing System (TPS), where the security relies upon the
relationship between the master key and the token keys.  A TPS communicates
with a TKS over SSL using client authentication.

TKS helps establish a secure channel (signed and encrypted) between the token
and the TPS, provides proof of presence of the security token during
enrollment, and supports key changeover when the master key changes on the
TKS.  Tokens with older keys will get new token keys.

Because of the sensitivity of the data that TKS manages, TKS should be set up
behind the firewall with restricted access.

# with tks

%if %{with tps}
%package -n       %{product_id}-tps

Summary:          %{product_name} TPS Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-tps < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-tps = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         %{product_id}-server = %{version}-%{release}
Requires(post):   systemd-units
Requires(postun): systemd-units

# additional runtime requirements needed to run native 'tpsclient'
# REMINDER:  Revisit these once 'tpsclient' is rewritten as a Java app

Requires:         nss-tools >= 3.36.1
Requires:         openldap-clients

%description -n   %{product_id}-tps
%{product_name} Token Processing System (TPS) is an optional subsystem that acts
as a Registration Authority (RA) for authenticating and processing
enrollment requests, PIN reset requests, and formatting requests from
the Enterprise Security Client (ESC).

TPS is designed to communicate with tokens that conform to
Global Platform's Open Platform Specification.

TPS communicates over SSL with various PKI backend subsystems (including
the Certificate Authority (CA), the Key Recovery Authority (KRA), and the
Token Key Service (TKS)) to fulfill the user's requests.

TPS also interacts with the token database, an LDAP server that stores
information about individual tokens.

# with tps

%if %{with javadoc}
%package -n       %{product_id}-javadoc

Summary:          %{product_name} Javadoc Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-javadoc < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-javadoc = %{version}-%{release}

# Ensure we end up with a useful installation
Conflicts:        pki-base < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-server-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-theme < %{version}

%description -n   %{product_id}-javadoc
This package provides %{product_name} API documentation.

# with javadoc

%if %{with console}
%package -n       %{product_id}-console

Summary:          %{product_name} Console Package
BuildArch:        noarch

BuildRequires:    mvn(org.dogtagpki.console-framework:console-framework) >= 2.1.0

Obsoletes:        pki-console < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-console = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         mvn(org.dogtagpki.console-framework:console-framework) >= 2.1.0
Requires:         %{product_id}-java = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         %{product_id}-console-theme = %{version}-%{release}

%description -n   %{product_id}-console
%{product_name} Console is a Java application used to administer %{product_name} Server.

# with console

%if %{with theme}
%package -n       %{product_id}-theme

Summary:          %{product_name} Server Theme Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-server-theme < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-server-theme = %{version}-%{release}

Obsoletes:        %{product_id}-server-theme < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         %{product_id}-server-theme = %{version}-%{release}

%if 0%{?fedora} > 38 || 0%{?rhel} > 9
BuildRequires:    fontawesome4-fonts-web
Requires:         fontawesome4-fonts-web
BuildRequires:    fontawesome-fonts-web
Requires:         fontawesome-fonts-web

# Ensure we end up with a useful installation
Conflicts:        pki-base < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-javadoc < %{version}

%description -n   %{product_id}-theme
This package provides theme files for %{product_name}.

%if %{with console}
%package -n       %{product_id}-console-theme

Summary:          %{product_name} Console Theme Package
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-console-theme < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-console-theme = %{version}-%{release}

# Ensure we end up with a useful installation
Conflicts:        pki-base < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-server-theme < %{version}
Conflicts:        pki-javadoc < %{version}
Conflicts:        %{product_id}-theme < %{version}

%description -n   %{product_id}-console-theme
This package provides theme files for %{product_name} Console.

# with console

# with theme

%if %{with tests}
%package -n       %{product_id}-tests

Summary:          %{product_name} Tests
BuildArch:        noarch

Obsoletes:        pki-tests < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:         pki-tests = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:         python3-pylint
Requires:         python3-flake8

%description -n   %{product_id}-tests
This package provides test suite for %{product_name}.

# with tests


%autosetup -n pki-%{version}%{?phase:-}%{?phase} -p 1

%if %{without runtime_deps}

if [ ! -d base/common/lib ]
    # import common libraries from RPMs

    mkdir -p base/common/lib
    pushd base/common/lib

    JAKARTA_ACTIVATION_API_VERSION=$(rpm -q jakarta-activation | sed -n 's/^jakarta-activation-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/jakarta-activation/jakarta.activation-api.jar \

    JAKARTA_ANNOTATION_API_VERSION=$(rpm -q jakarta-annotations | sed -n 's/^jakarta-annotations-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/jakarta-annotations/jakarta.annotation-api.jar \

    JAXB_API_VERSION=$(rpm -q jaxb-api | sed -n 's/^jaxb-api-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1/p')

    if [ -f /usr/share/java/jaxb-api.jar ]
        cp /usr/share/java/jaxb-api.jar \
    elif [ -f /usr/share/java/jaxb-api/jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar ]
        cp /usr/share/java/jaxb-api/jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar \

    JACKSON_VERSION=$(rpm -q jackson-annotations | sed -n 's/^jackson-annotations-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/jackson-annotations.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/jackson-core.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/jackson-databind.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/jackson-jaxrs-providers/jackson-jaxrs-base.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/jackson-jaxrs-providers/jackson-jaxrs-json-provider.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/jackson-modules/jackson-module-jaxb-annotations.jar \

    JAXRS_VERSION=$(rpm -q jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api | sed -n 's/^jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1.Final/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/jboss-jaxrs-2.0-api.jar \

    JBOSS_LOGGING_VERSION=$(rpm -q jboss-logging | sed -n 's/^jboss-logging-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1.Final/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/jboss-logging/jboss-logging.jar \

    RESTEASY_VERSION=$(rpm -q pki-resteasy-core | sed -n 's/^pki-resteasy-core-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1.Final/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-jaxrs.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-client.jar \
    cp /usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-jackson2-provider.jar \

    ls -l

if [ ! -d base/server/lib ]
    # import server libraries from RPMs

    mkdir -p base/server/lib
    pushd base/server/lib

    RESTEASY_VERSION=$(rpm -q pki-resteasy-servlet-initializer | sed -n 's/^pki-resteasy-servlet-initializer-\([^-]*\)-.*$/\1.Final/p')

    cp /usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-servlet-initializer.jar \

    ls -l

%if ! %{with base}
%pom_disable_module common base
%pom_disable_module tools base

%if ! %{with server}
%pom_disable_module tomcat base
%pom_disable_module tomcat-9.0 base
%pom_disable_module server base
%pom_disable_module server-webapp base

%if ! %{with ca}
%pom_disable_module ca base

%if ! %{with kra}
%pom_disable_module kra base

%if ! %{with ocsp}
%pom_disable_module ocsp base

%if ! %{with tks}
%pom_disable_module tks base

%if ! %{with tps}
%pom_disable_module tps base

%if ! %{with acme}
%pom_disable_module acme base

%if ! %{with est}
%pom_disable_module est base

%if ! %{with console}
%pom_disable_module console base

# remove plugins not needed to build RPM
%pom_remove_plugin org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin
%pom_remove_plugin com.github.github:site-maven-plugin

# specify Maven artifact locations
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-common            pki/pki-common
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tools             pki/pki-tools
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-server            pki/pki-server
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-server-webapp     pki/pki-server-webapp
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tomcat            pki/pki-tomcat
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tomcat-9.0        pki/pki-tomcat-9.0
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-ca                pki/pki-ca
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-kra               pki/pki-kra
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-ocsp              pki/pki-ocsp
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tks               pki/pki-tks
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tps               pki/pki-tps
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-acme              pki/pki-acme
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-est               pki/pki-est

%if %{with console}
%mvn_file org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-console           pki/pki-console

# specify Maven artifact packages
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-common         pki-java
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tools          pki-tools
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-server         pki-server
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-server-webapp  pki-server
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tomcat         pki-server
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tomcat-9.0     pki-server
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-ca             pki-ca
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-kra            pki-kra
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-ocsp           pki-ocsp
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tks            pki-tks
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-tps            pki-tps
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-acme           pki-acme
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-est            pki-est

%if %{with console}
%mvn_package org.dogtagpki.pki:pki-console        pki-console


# Set build flags for CMake
# (see /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.cmake)

export JAVA_HOME=%{java_home}

%if %{with maven}
# build Java binaries and run unit tests with Maven
%mvn_build %{!?with_test:-f} -j

# create links to Maven-built JAR files for CMake
mkdir -p %{_vpath_builddir}/dist
pushd %{_vpath_builddir}/dist

%if %{with base}
ln -sf ../../base/common/target/pki-common.jar
ln -sf ../../base/tools/target/pki-tools.jar

%if %{with server}
ln -sf ../../base/tomcat/target/pki-tomcat.jar
ln -sf ../../base/tomcat-9.0/target/pki-tomcat-9.0.jar
ln -sf ../../base/server/target/pki-server.jar
ln -sf ../../base/server-webapp/target/pki-server-webapp.jar

%if %{with ca}
ln -sf ../../base/ca/target/pki-ca.jar

%if %{with kra}
ln -sf ../../base/kra/target/pki-kra.jar

%if %{with ocsp}
ln -sf ../../base/ocsp/target/pki-ocsp.jar

%if %{with tks}
ln -sf ../../base/tks/target/pki-tks.jar

%if %{with tps}
ln -sf ../../base/tps/target/pki-tps.jar

%if %{with acme}
ln -sf ../../base/acme/target/pki-acme.jar

%if %{with est}
ln -sf ../../base/est/target/pki-est.jar

%if %{with console}
ln -sf ../../base/console/target/pki-console.jar


# with maven

# Remove all symbol table and relocation information from the executable.

%if 0%{?fedora}
# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-gaps.html
C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -fplugin=annobin"

# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-cf-protection.html
C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -fcf-protection=full"

# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-optimization.html

# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-glibcxx-assertions.html

# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-lto.html
C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -fno-lto"

# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-fortify.html

# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-stack-clash.html
C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -fstack-clash-protection"
CXX_FLAGS="$CXX_FLAGS -fstack-clash-protection"

%ifarch aarch64
# https://sourceware.org/annobin/annobin.html/Test-dynamic-tags.html
C_FLAGS="$C_FLAGS -mbranch-protection=standard"
CXX_FLAGS="$CXX_FLAGS -mbranch-protection=standard"



# build PKI console, Javadoc, and native binaries with CMake
./build.sh \
    %{?_verbose:-v} \
    --product-name="%{product_name}" \
    --product-id=%{product_id} \
%if %{with theme}
    --theme=%{theme} \
    --work-dir=%{_vpath_builddir} \
    --prefix-dir=%{_prefix} \
    --include-dir=%{_includedir} \
    --lib-dir=%{_libdir} \
    --sysconf-dir=%{_sysconfdir} \
    --share-dir=%{_datadir} \
    --cmake=%{__cmake} \
    --c-flags="$C_FLAGS" \
    --cxx-flags="$CXX_FLAGS" \
    --java-home=%{java_home} \
    --jni-dir=%{_jnidir} \
    --unit-dir=%{_unitdir} \
    --python=%{python3} \
    --python-dir=%{python3_sitelib} \
    %{?with_maven:--without-java} \
    --with-pkgs=$pkgs \
    %{?with_console:--with-console} \
    --without-test \


%if %{with maven}
# install Java binaries

# install PKI console, Javadoc, and native binaries
./build.sh \
    %{?_verbose:-v} \
    --work-dir=%{_vpath_builddir} \
    --install-dir=%{buildroot} \

%if %{without runtime_deps}

%if %{with maven}

%if %{with meta}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with base}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-java.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-tools.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with server}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-server.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with ca}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-ca.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with kra}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-kra.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with ocsp}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-ocsp.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with tks}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-tks.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with tps}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-tps.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with acme}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-acme.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

%if %{with est}
echo "Removing RPM deps from %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/maven-metadata/pki-pki-est.xml"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.activation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.annotation']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='jakarta.xml.bind']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.core']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.module']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.spec.javax.ws.rs']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.logging']" \
    -d "//_:dependency[_:groupId='org.jboss.resteasy']" \

# with maven

# without runtime_deps

%if %{with server}

%pre -n %{product_id}-server
getent group %{pki_groupname} >/dev/null || groupadd -f -g %{pki_gid} -r %{pki_groupname}
if ! getent passwd %{pki_username} >/dev/null ; then
    useradd -r -u %{pki_uid} -g %{pki_groupname} -d %{pki_homedir} -s /sbin/nologin -c "Certificate System" %{pki_username}
exit 0

# with server

%if %{with base}

%post -n %{product_id}-base

if [ $1 -eq 1 ]
    # On RPM installation create system upgrade tracker
    echo "Configuration-Version: %{version}" > %{_sysconfdir}/pki/pki.version

    # On RPM upgrade run system upgrade
    echo "Upgrading PKI system configuration at `/bin/date`." >> /var/log/pki/pki-upgrade-%{version}.log
    /sbin/pki-upgrade 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/pki/pki-upgrade-%{version}.log
    echo >> /var/log/pki/pki-upgrade-%{version}.log

%postun -n %{product_id}-base

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]
    # On RPM uninstallation remove system upgrade tracker
    rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/pki/pki.version

# with base

%if %{with server}

%post -n %{product_id}-server
# CVE-2021-3551
# Remove world access from existing installation logs
find /var/log/pki -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec chmod o-rwx {} \;

# Reload systemd daemons on upgrade only
if [ "$1" == "2" ]
    systemctl daemon-reload

# Update the fapolicy rules for each PKI server instance
for instance in $(ls /var/lib/pki)

    sed -e "s/\[WORK_DIR\]/\/var\/lib\/pki\/$instance\/work/g" \
        /usr/share/pki/server/etc/fapolicy.rules \
        > $target

    chown root:fapolicyd $target
    chmod 644 $target

# Restart fapolicy daemon if it's active
status=$(systemctl is-active fapolicyd)
if [ "$status" = "active" ]
    systemctl restart fapolicyd

# with server

%if %{with meta}
%if "%{name}" != "%{product_id}"
%files -n %{product_id} %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles}
%files %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles}

%doc %{_datadir}/doc/pki/README

# with meta

%if %{with base}
%files -n %{product_id}-base

%license base/common/LICENSE
%license base/common/LICENSE.LESSER
%doc %{_datadir}/doc/pki-base/html
%dir %{_datadir}/pki
%dir %{_datadir}/pki/etc
%dir %{_datadir}/pki/lib
%dir %{_datadir}/pki/scripts
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/pki
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/pki.conf
%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/pki

%files -n %{product_id}-java %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-java}

%license base/common/LICENSE
%license base/common/LICENSE.LESSER

%if %{without maven}

%files -n python3-%{product_id}

%license base/common/LICENSE
%license base/common/LICENSE.LESSER
%if %{with server}
%exclude %{python3_sitelib}/pki/server

%files -n %{product_id}-tools %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-tools}

%license base/tools/LICENSE
%doc base/tools/doc/README

%if %{without maven}

# with base

%if %{with server}
%files -n %{product_id}-server %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-server}

%license base/common/THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES
%license base/server/LICENSE
%doc base/server/README
%attr(755,-,-) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pki
%attr(755,-,-) %dir %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/pki/tomcat
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pki/healthcheck.conf

%dir %{_datadir}/pki/deployment
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/pki-tomcatd.target.wants
%attr(644,-,-) %{_unitdir}/pki-tomcatd@.service
%attr(644,-,-) %{_unitdir}/pki-tomcatd.target
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/pki-tomcatd-nuxwdog.target.wants
%attr(644,-,-) %{_unitdir}/pki-tomcatd-nuxwdog@.service
%attr(644,-,-) %{_unitdir}/pki-tomcatd-nuxwdog.target
%dir %{_sharedstatedir}/pki

%if %{without maven}

# with server

%if %{with acme}
%files -n %{product_id}-acme %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-acme}


%if %{without maven}

# with acme

%if %{with ca}
%files -n %{product_id}-ca %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-ca}

%license base/ca/LICENSE

%if %{without maven}

# with ca

%if %{with est}
%files -n %{product_id}-est %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-est}


%if %{without maven}

# with est

%if %{with kra}
%files -n %{product_id}-kra %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-kra}

%license base/kra/LICENSE

%if %{without maven}

# with kra

%if %{with ocsp}
%files -n %{product_id}-ocsp %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-ocsp}

%license base/ocsp/LICENSE

%if %{without maven}

# with ocsp

%if %{with tks}
%files -n %{product_id}-tks %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-tks}

%license base/tks/LICENSE

%if %{without maven}

# with tks

%if %{with tps}
%files -n %{product_id}-tps %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-tps}

%license base/tps/LICENSE

%if %{without maven}

# with tps

%if %{with javadoc}
%files -n %{product_id}-javadoc


# with javadoc

%if %{with console}
%files -n %{product_id}-console %{?with_maven:-f .mfiles-pki-console}

%license base/console/LICENSE

%if %{without maven}

# with console

%if %{with theme}
%files -n %{product_id}-theme

%license themes/%{theme}/common-ui/LICENSE
%dir %{_datadir}/pki

%if %{with server}

# with server

%if %{with console}
%files -n %{product_id}-console-theme

%license themes/%{theme}/console-ui/LICENSE

# with console

# with theme

%if %{with tests}
%files -n %{product_id}-tests


# with tests

* Tue Mar 6 2018 Dogtag PKI Team <devel@lists.dogtagpki.org> 10.6.0-0
- To list changes in <branch> since <tag>:
  $ git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --no-decorate <tag>..<branch>