%global debug_package %{nil} Name: trans-proteomic-pipeline Version: 6.0.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: The Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) includes all of the steps of the ISB MS/MS analysis pipeline. License: GPLv2.1 URL: http://tools.proteomecenter.org/software.php #Source0: TPP_6.0.0-src.tgz Source0: https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/sashimi/Trans-Proteomic%20Pipeline%20%28TPP%29/TPP%20v6.0%20%28OmegaBlock%29%20rev%200/TPP_6.0.0-src.tgz BuildRequires: g++ libstdc++-static glibc-static findutils patch subversion swig expat gnuplot bzip2 bzip2-devel unzip BuildRequires: zlib-devel perl-XML-Parser perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker BuildRequires: boost-devel boost-system boost-program-options boost-filesystem boost-iostreams boost-regex boost-thread boost-chrono boost-serialization # Fedora gsl is 2.6, however tpp expects 1.14 %description PROTEOMICS TOOLS The Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) includes all of the steps of the ISB MS/MS analysis pipeline, after the database search. %prep ls echo "==========" %setup -n release_6-0-0 ls %build # installer_linux wants me to `cd $(SRC_DIR)/src`, however, libcommon failed due to # make: *** No rule to make target '/dev/shm/src/release_6-0-0/build/linux-x86_64-rc28/artifacts/TPPVersionInfo.o', needed by '/dev/shm/src/release_6-0-0/build/linux-x86_64-rc28/lib/libtpp.a'. Stop. #It even succeeded without sed. Then why not compile all dependencies? sed -i 's/boost comet d3 expat fann gsl gzstream/boost comet expat fann gsl gzstream/' extern/Makefile make all # make: *** No rule to make target '/src/release_6-0-0/build/linux-x86_64-rc28/html/', needed by 'd3'. Stop. # EXTERN_ALL ?= boost comet d3 expat fann gsl gzstream # EXTERN_ALL ?= comet expat fann gzstream # Also avoid remaking boost # -j8 seems causing errors #%make_build # make install # install the files to /usr/local/tpp so it's easier to locate them # no permission on copr %install echo "============= install bin ==========" # Binary mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -m 755 build/linux-x86_64-rc28/bin/spectrast %{buildroot}%{_bindir} #install -m 444 installer_win32/license.txt # in /usr/local/tpp/bin we hve # [root@defe2c215412 bin]# ls # ASAPRatioPeptideParser RefreshParser fileDownloader.pl # ASAPRatioProteinRatioParser RespectParser fixPepXMLScan # ASAPRatioPvalueParser SPACEPro get_prots.pl # CombineOut SSRCalc3.par hardklor # CompactParser SSRCalc3.pl idconvert # DIALib-QC_RPlot.pl Sequest2XML indexmzXML # DatabaseParser Sqt2XML mergeCharges.pl # DidIScanThat StPeter msconvert # DiscoFilter StPeter2Matrix novor2xml.pl # EnzymeDigestionParser Tandem2XML out2summary # InterProphetParser XPressPeptideParser pepExtract # InteractParser XPressProteinRatioParser pep_dbcount # Kojak add_mz plotspectrast # Lib2HTML assess_swathlib.pl promast.pl # LibraPeptideParser batchcoverage ptm2plot.pl # LibraProteinRatioParser calculate_pi qtofpeakpicker # Mascot2XML checkdb quiddist.pl # Mayu.pl clips.pl readmzXML # MikesMagicalMzMLShrinker clustalo renamedat.pl # MzXML2Search clustalo-README.txt replaceall.pl # Out2XML comet runMzIndex.pl # PTMProphetParser comparePeps_Categories.pl spectrast # PeptideMapper compareProts.pl subsetdb # PeptideProphetParser compareProts_ClusterHM.pl tandem # ProphetModels.pl compute_p test_tpi.pl # ProtProphModels.pl createChargeFile.pl tpp2mzid # ProteinProphet crypt tpp_hostname # Q3ProteinRatioParser decoyFASTA tpp_models.pl # QuanticParser decoyFastaGenerator.pl tpptray.bat # QuanticProteinParser digestdb translateDNA2AA-FASTA # RTCalc dta2mzxml updatepaths.pl # RTCatalogParser exporTPP.pl xinteract # rpmbuild -bs ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/trans-proteomic-pipeline.spec && mock --enable-plugin=tmpfs --enable-plugin=yum_cache ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/trans-proteomic-pipeline-6.0.0-1.fc35.src.rpm %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files %{_bindir}/spectrast %license installer_win32/license.txt %changelog * Wed Sep 01 2021 Zhenbo Li - 6.0.0-1 - Initial version of the package