%global debug_package %{nil} Name: flutter Version: 3.0.5 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. License: ASL 2.0 or MIT URL: https://github.com/flutter/flutter Source: https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/releases/stable/linux/flutter_linux_%{version}-stable.tar.xz BuildRequires: gcc-c++ pkg-config BuildRequires: git unzip mesa-libGLU %description Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond %prep %autosetup -n flutter %build %install rm -r bin/cache/ .pub-cache/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/flutter mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/profile.d/ # add path echo 'export FLUTTER_HOME=/opt/flutter export PATH=${PATH}:${FLUTTER_HOME}/bin ' > %{buildroot}/etc/profile.d/flutter.sh cp -r * %{buildroot}/opt/flutter %check %files %dir /opt/flutter /opt/flutter/* /etc/profile.d/flutter.sh %changelog