# spec file for package epoptes # used most code from SUSE spec (2016) and other from Wei-Lun Chao (2022) %global __python /usr/bin/python3 Name: epoptes Version: 23.01 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPLv3+ Summary: Computer lab management tool Url: http://www.epoptes.org Source0: https://github.com/epoptes/epoptes/archive/refs/tags/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: epoptes-rpmlintrc Source2: epoptes-server.service Source3: epoptes-client.service BuildRequires: intltool BuildRequires: openssl BuildRequires: openssl-libs BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: python-twisted BuildRequires: python-devel BuildRequires: python-distutils-extra BuildRequires: python3-setuptools BuildRequires: systemd Requires: iperf Requires: openssl Requires: python-twisted Requires: pygtk2 # WARNING: Must find python-pycha for F37+ or package it too (https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/pychart) Requires: python3-notify2 Requires: python-netifaces # WARNING: This is much more a python-Twisted dependency than a Epoptes one. Requires: python3-service-identity Requires: socat Requires: x11vnc Requires: xset Requires: xwininfo BuildArch: noarch %description Epoptes (Επόπτης - a Greek word for overseer) is an open source computer lab management and monitoring tool. It allows for screen broadcasting and monitoring, remote command execution, message sending, imposing restrictions like screen locking or sound muting the clients and much more! Visit http://epoptes.org for more information. %package client Summary: Epoptes client Requires: librsvg2 Requires: iperf Requires: pygtk2 Requires: socat Requires: x11vnc Requires: xset Requires: xwininfo Requires: gtk3 Requires: xdg-desktop-portal-gtk Requires: python3-gobject %description client This is a client part of Epoptes Computer lab management tool %prep %setup -q for file in $(find . -type f -name "*.py" ); do sed -i "s|/usr/bin/env python|%{_bindir}/python3|g" $file done %build %py3_build %install python3 setup.py install --root=%{buildroot} --prefix=%{_prefix} find %{buildroot} \( -name \*.a -o -name \*.la -o -name \*.orig \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/default %__install -m 644 ./debian/epoptes.default %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/default/epoptes %__install -m 644 ./debian/epoptes-client.default %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/default/epoptes-client mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %__install -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %__install -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} %__ln_s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcepoptes-server %__ln_s service %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/rcepoptes-client %find_lang epoptes %clean %__rm -rf %{buildroot} %post if ! getent group epoptes >/dev/null; then groupadd --system epoptes fi if ! [ -f /etc/epoptes/server.key ] || ! [ -f /etc/epoptes/server.crt ] || ! [ -s /etc/epoptes/server.crt ]; then if ! [ -d /etc/epoptes ]; then mkdir /etc/epoptes fi openssl req -x509 -batch \ -sha256 -days 3650 \ -nodes \ -newkey rsa:2048 \ -keyout '/etc/epoptes/server.key' -out '/etc/epoptes/server.crt' chmod 600 /etc/epoptes/server.key fi systemctl enable epoptes-server.service systemctl start epoptes-server.service %preun %systemd_preun epoptes-server.service %preun client %systemd_preun epoptes-client.service %postun %systemd_postun epoptes-server.service %postun client %systemd_postun epoptes-client.service %files -f epoptes.lang %defattr(-, root, root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/default/epoptes %{_unitdir}/epoptes-server.service %{_sbindir}/rcepoptes-server %{_bindir}/epoptes %{python3_sitelib}/ %{_datadir}/applications/* %{_datadir}/icons/* %{_datadir}/ltsp/ %{_datadir}/epoptes/ %dir %{_datadir}/doc/epoptes %{_datadir}/doc/epoptes/README.md %{_mandir}/man1/epoptes.1.gz %files client %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/default/epoptes-client %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/autostart/epoptes-client.desktop %{_unitdir}/epoptes-client.service %{_sbindir}/rcepoptes-client %{_sbindir}/epoptes-client %{_datadir}/epoptes-client/ %{_mandir}/man8/epoptes-client.8.* %changelog * Mon Jun 12 2023 Geraldo Simiao 23.01-1 - first build for fedora 37 and 38 - removed tightvnc patch and requires and changed other dependencies names for correct ones - adjusted the services, macros and openssl key generation * Wed Feb 24 2016 cyberorg@opensuse.org - update to 0.5.9_bzr0.509 - add support for tightvncviewer as tigervnc lack needed feature https://github.com/TigerVNC/tigervnc/issues/227 - add _service thanks lbsousajr@gmail.com * Thu Oct 1 2015 cyberorg@opensuse.org - Regenerate certificates if it is still old style - Add python-netifaces dep * Wed Sep 30 2015 cyberorg@opensuse.org - Update to bzr revision 436 - Add openssl.cnf to add CommonName, new socat requires it * Thu Sep 24 2015 cyberorg@opensuse.org - use tightvncviewer as other vncviewers are brokenn bnc #939259 * Mon Mar 2 2015 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Fix VNC viewer related requirements from official repositories. Old requirement tightvncviewer is broken since openSUSE 13.2. + For openSUSE 13.2 and newer, now requires package tigervnc. + For openSUSE 13.1, now requires package tightvnc. * Mon Dec 15 2014 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Add new patch to fix epoptes-client's script get-display in openSUSE new contexts: + systemd-logind has replaced ConsoleKit. + XAUTHORITY file may not be found at ~/.Xauthority. GDM/GNOME and KDE store this file in different paths. * Thu Dec 11 2014 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Small changes in file epoptes-client.service: + Don't fail if file /etc/default/epoptes-client can't be read. + Run command "epoptes-client -c" also if certificate file exists, but is empty. * Thu Dec 11 2014 lbsousajr@gmail.com - More improvements on file epoptes-client-enable-wol@.service: + Simplify dependencies. + Don't fail if file /etc/default/epoptes-client can't be read. + Replace /bin/sh invocation with systemd directives. * Wed Dec 10 2014 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Drop epoptes-client if-up.d/if-down.d scripts for openSUSE 13.2+, since its new Wicked network management tool doesn't support starting these scripts. Fortunately, now both Wicked and NetworkManager services trigger network-online.target, so we can just add it as a dependency for epoptes-client.service. This one now must be enabled explicitly (systemctl enable epoptes-client). - For the same reason, we don't build package epoptes-client-nm-dispatcher for openSUSE 13.2+. - epoptes-client-fetch-certificate.service was merged into epoptes-client.service at ExecStartPre level. - epoptes-client-ethtool@.service was enhanced and renamed to epoptes-client-enable-wol@.service. It must be enabled explicitly for openSUSE 13.2+. * Mon Dec 8 2014 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Drop non-systemd init scripts, and fix latest rpmlint warnings. * Mon Jun 9 2014 cyberorg@opensuse.org - update to bzr snapshot, new feature: network benchmark * Thu Dec 19 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Add workaround patch to fix broadcasting problems in multiseat context (LP #978050). + Needed until epoptes-client system daemon can handle properly multiple seats/displays. * Thu Dec 19 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Add patch to keep standalone clients reconnecting to server when connection is lost. LTSP clients are not affected. * Wed Dec 18 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Include ifup scripts by default in package epoptes-client, since it's openSUSE's default network configuration method. - New package epoptes-client-nm-dispatcher includes the other dispatcher scripts for NetworkManager. * Sun Dec 15 2013 lars@linux-schulserver.de - add SuSEfirewall2 file to allow epoptes' port to be opened via YaST SuSEfirewall module * Thu Dec 12 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Add patch to enable shutdown/reboot dbus calls for systemd-logind * Thu Dec 12 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Big cleanup in epoptes.spec + Drop support for Fedora and older versions of [open]SUSE * Thu Dec 12 2013 cyberorg@opensuse.org - add rcepoptes-server for old-school control - add epoptes-debian-only-functions.patch * Tue Dec 10 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Introduce ifup/NetworkManager dispatcher scripts to start epoptes-client*.service when network is online Needed until we get a stable way to enable epoptes-client*.service at boot. It currently fails to wait for network to be online. * Mon Dec 9 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Restore package architecture for SLE_11_SP3 (see also: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.suse.opensuse.buildservice/9427) - Add "BuildRequires: systemd" when needed * Mon Dec 9 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - Package cleanup: + Change package architecture to noarch + Remove uneeded explicit library dependencies + Filter desktopfile-without-binary rpmlint warnings (see also: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=991278) * Wed Dec 4 2013 lbsousajr@gmail.com - New upstream version: 0.5.7 * Fri Jul 19 2013 lars@linux-schulserver.de - specfile cleanup - added rpmlintrc * Thu Dec 13 2012 cyberorg@opensuse.org - fix fedora reqs * Sat Aug 25 2012 cyberorg@opensuse.org - Test fedora package * Sat Aug 25 2012 cyberorg@opensuse.org - Initial package for openSUSE