# # NOTE!! # # When updating this package, remember to push # kmod-vboxadditions and kmod-virtualbox too # %define ver 6.0.4 %define subrel 1 %define rel 97.r77930 %define kname vboxdrv %define oname VirtualBox %define srcname %{oname}-%{version} %define distname %{oname}-%{version} %define dirname vbox-ose %define pkgver %{ver}%{?svndate:-%{svndate}} %define vboxlibdir %{_libdir}/%{name} %define vboxdatadir %{_datadir}/%{name} %define vboxpydir %{py_puresitedir}/vboxapi # force rpm default compiler flags (some flags, such as -fstack-protector are overridden by internal # opposite disabling flags, such as -fno-stack-protector). It's for future uses: actually some of the # virtualbox code doesn't compile/link with -fstack-protector enabled. %define use_opt_distro_flags 0 %{?_with_opt_distro_flags: %global use_opt_distro_flags 1} %{?_without_opt_distro_flags: %global use_opt_distro_flags 0} # force rpm default compiler flags plus -O3 (some flags, such as -fstack-protector are overridden # by internal and opposite disabling flags, such as -fno-stack-protector). It's for future uses: actually some # of the virtualbox code doesn't compile/link with -fstack-protector enabled. %define use_opt_distro_O3 0 %{?_with_opt_distro_O3: %global use_opt_distro_O3 1} %{?_without_opt_distro_O3: %global use_opt_distro_O3 0} # force plain -O3 instead of default -O2 %define use_opt_plain_O3 0 %{?_with_opt_plain_O3: %global use_opt_plain_O3 1} %{?_without_opt_plain_O3: %global use_opt_plain_O3 0} # (doktor5000) add conditional for build of the webservice, takes quite long to build locally %define build_gsoap 0 # (tmb) add conditional flag to build vboxvideo user-space Xorg driver # (gg) in short words it produces /usr/{lib,lib64}/xorg/modules/drivers/vboxvideo_drv.so # from the internal virtualbox sources, to be used as alternative to the kernel # vboxvideo modesetting (e.g. for testing purpose); also to avoid interference with the kernel # vboxvideo driver it requires to be booted with cmdline option "nomodeset". %define build_vboxvideo 0 %define build_additions 1 # (tmb) disable dkms-vboxadditions for mga8, they are all in-kernel as of 4.17.2-4, # but not in kernel-linus yet %if %mgaversion <= 7 %define build_additions_dkms 1 %else %define build_additions_dkms 0 %endif %if %mgaversion <= 6 %define build_additions_dkms 1 # vboxvideo_drv.so fails to build from internal sources, needs to be fixed %define build_vboxvideo 1 %endif %define build_doc 1 %define build_sdk 1 %ifarch %{ix86} %define vbox_platform linux.x86 %endif %ifarch x86_64 %define vbox_platform linux.amd64 %endif # nuke vbox-specific dependencies, don't provide libGL.so.1, libEGL.so.1 %global __provides_exclude ^VBox|\^libGL\\.so\\.1|\^libEGL\\.so\\.1 %global __requires_exclude ^VBox # Missing build-id in /usr/lib64/virtualbox/iPxeBaseBin %undefine _missing_build_ids_terminate_build %global x11_server_majorver %(pkg-config --modversion xorg-server|awk -F. '{print $1$2}') # (tmb) define path to kernel-desktop-devel headers we build against %global kernver %(rpm -q --qf \\'\\%\\{VERSION\\}\\' kernel-desktop-devel-latest) %global kernrel %(rpm -q --qf \\'\\%\\{RELEASE\\}\\' kernel-desktop-devel-latest) %global kernel_devel_path /usr/src/kernel-%{kernver}-desktop-%{kernrel} Summary: A general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware Name: virtualbox Version: %{ver}%{?svndate:.%{svndate}} Release: %mkrel %{rel} Source0: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/%ver/%{srcname}.tar.bz2 # (cg) NB, this module loading "init" script should just be replaced with # /usr/lib/modules-load.d/ snippets to load it statically (assuming it's even # needed at all these days) Source2: virtualbox.init Source3: vboxadd.service Source4: virtualbox-tmpfiles.conf Source10: virtualbox.png Source11: virtualbox.16.png Source12: virtualbox.48.png # (tmb: mga icons submitted upstream 2011-10-22) Source20: os_mageia.png Source21: os_mageia_64.png # todo: this needs to be reworked from higher resolution logos, as they are blurry Source22: os_mageia_x2.png Source23: os_mageia_64_x2.png Source24: os_mageia_x3.png Source25: os_mageia_64_x3.png Source26: os_mageia_x4.png Source27: os_mageia_64_x4.png Source30: VBoxOGLRun.sh Source31: VirtualBox-6.0.3-added-icons.tar.bz2 #Patch2: VirtualBox-5.1.0-kernelrelease.patch Patch3: VirtualBox-5.1.0-futex.patch Patch4: VirtualBox-5.2.2-fix-vboxadd-req.patch # don't check for: # - makeself: we're not going to create the stanalone .run installers Patch9: VirtualBox-5.2.16-dont-check-for-makeself.patch # add Mageia support (tmb: submitted upstream 2011-10-22) #Patch13: VirtualBox-6.0.0-add-Mageia-support.patch # Patch13: VirtualBox-6.0.0-add-Mageia-support-AC97.patch # use the patch below to switch default audio for Mageia guests to HDA instead of AC97. Source13: VirtualBox-6.0.0-add-Mageia-support-HDA.patch # (tmb) Default to Mageia Patch14: VirtualBox-6.0.0-default-to-Mageia.patch # (tmb) default to no update checks as we provide rpms Patch15: VirtualBox-6.0.0-noupdate-check.patch # (tmb) fix build with gsoap >= 2.8.13 Patch16: VirtualBox-5.1.4-fix-build-with-gsoap-2.8.13-and-up.patch # (tmb) revert to working Vbox.sh reading config file Patch18: VirtualBox-5.1.0-revert-VBox.sh.patch # fix problems with compiling xpcom18a4/python/src/PyIID.cpp under i586 arch Patch19: VirtualBox-5.1.6-python.patch # (tmb) QT 5.9.4 requires c++11 Patch20: VirtualBox-5.2.12-enforce-cxx11.patch # fix python shebang Patch21: VirtualBox-6.0.97-vboxshell-python2-shebang.patch # Avoid conflicts between -Wformat and -Wno-format Patch22: VirtualBox-6.0.0-no-no-format.patch # Patch23: VirtualBox-6.0.0-fix-dri-path.patch # Add python 3.7 to list Patch24: VirtualBox-6.0.0-supp-python-list-python3.7.patch # Attempt to fix Passthrough problem, see https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/18204 Patch25: VirtualBox-6.0.0-passthrough-bug18204.patch # -std=c99 requires this to build internal vboxvideo_drv.so with external xorg includes Patch27: VirtualBox-6.0.0-fix-internal-vboxvideo_drv-c99.patch # fix linking of vboxvideo_drv.so Patch28: VirtualBox-6.0.0-fix-internal-vboxvideo_drv-linking.patch # Fake 6.0.97.r77930 as 6.0.4 for being compatible with older extension pack Patch29: VirtualBox-6.0.97-fake-as-6.0.4.patch # # Backports from SVN. # # The public SVN repository for the latest release is here: # # http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk # # Note that the official VirtualBox source tarball (e.g. this one: # https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.0.0/VirtualBox-6.0.0.tar.bz2) is # extracted from a private SVN server not publically accessible. This archive has a # different revision numbering than trunk. E.g. the Virtualbox 6.0.0 from # the official tarball has revision r127566, while 6.0.0 from the public trunk # has a revision number like r76288. # ### ### RPMfusion patches ### https://pkgs.rpmfusion.org/cgit/free/VirtualBox.git ### %if ! %{build_vboxvideo} # don't build vboxvideo_drv.so Patch51: VirtualBox-6.0.0-xserver_guest_xorg19.patch %endif # build against system libs Patch52: VirtualBox-6.0.1-no-bundles.patch # # # from opensuse # Patch60: VirtualBox-6.0.0-gcc5-real-support.patch Patch61: VirtualBox-6.0.0-fix-for-gcc7.patch # https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=743143 Patch62: VirtualBox-6.0.0-force-pie-on-setuid-binaries.patch Patch63: VirtualBox-6.0.0-snprintf-buffer-overflow.patch Patch64: VirtualBox-6.0.0-fix-xorg-1.19.patch # Even with the flag VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_XORG_HEADERS, requires some fix to # build vboxvideo_drv.so. Patch65: VirtualBox-6.0.0-fix-internal-vboxvideo_drv-building.patch # use python3 everywhere, reworked, do not use yet (requires fixing BuildRequires) Source66: VirtualBox-6.0.0-switch-to-python3.7.patch # # # from gentoo # # https://bugs.gentoo.org/660808 Patch70: VirtualBox-6.0.0-xpcom_const.patch # # from debian # License: GPLv2 Group: Emulators Url: http://www.virtualbox.org/ ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 Requires(post): systemd >= %{systemd_required_version} Requires(post): rpm-helper Requires(preun): rpm-helper Requires(postun): rpm-helper Requires: kmod(vboxdrv.ko) = %{version} Conflicts: dkms-%{name} <= 1.5.0-5 Recommends: %{name}-doc BuildRequires: gsoap BuildRequires: dev86 BuildRequires: iasl BuildRequires: nasm BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcursor) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xmu) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sdl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(opus) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Core) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Gui) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5PrintSupport) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5OpenGL) BuildRequires: qttools5 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libIDL-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ext2fs) BuildRequires: libxslt-proc BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxslt) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(egl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xt) BuildRequires: libstdc++-static-devel %if %mgaversion <= 7 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python) %else BuildRequires: pkgconfig(python2) %endif BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcap) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrandr) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xinerama) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xcomposite) BuildRequires: pulseaudio-devel BuildRequires: kernel-desktop-devel-latest BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glu) BuildRequires: mesagl-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xmu) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcurl) BuildRequires: dkms-minimal BuildRequires: libpam-devel BuildRequires: gawk BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xorg-server) BuildRequires: javapackages-tools BuildRequires: java-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(devmapper) BuildRequires: boost-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libvpx) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libIDL-2.0) # (tmb) we want libEGL.so.1 from mesa, not vboxvideo BuildConflicts: x11-driver-video-vboxvideo %if %{build_doc} # for building the user manual pdf file BuildRequires: texlive BuildRequires: texlive-fontsextra BuildRequires: docbook-dtds BuildRequires: mozilla-nss %endif BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxslt) %description VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. %package -n dkms-%{name} Summary: VirtualBox kernel module Group: System/Kernel and hardware Provides: kmod(vboxdrv.ko) = %{version} BuildArch: noarch Requires: dkms >= 2.0.19-37 Requires(post): dkms >= 2.0.19-37 Requires(preun): dkms >= 2.0.19-37 Conflicts: dkms-vboxadditions < 4.0.6 %description -n dkms-%{name} Kernel support for VirtualBox. %if %{build_additions} %package guest-additions Summary: Additions for VirtualBox guest systems Group: Emulators Requires: kmod(vboxguest.ko) Requires: kmod(vboxsf.ko) Requires: kmod(vboxvideo.ko) Requires: x11-driver-video-vboxvideo # guest-additions should require xrandr for auto-resizing of guest display to # work without having to restart the X server in the guest VM Requires: xrandr Requires(post): rpm-helper Requires(preun): rpm-helper %description guest-additions This package contains additions for VirtualBox guest systems. It allows to share files with the host system and sync time with host. %endif %if %{build_additions_dkms} %package -n dkms-vboxadditions Summary: Kernel module for VirtualBox additions Group: System/Kernel and hardware Provides: kmod(vboxguest.ko) = %{version} Provides: kmod(vboxsf.ko) = %{version} Provides: kmod(vboxvideo.ko) = %{version} BuildArch: noarch Requires: dkms >= 2.0.19-37 Requires(post): dkms >= 2.0.19-37 Requires(preun): dkms >= 2.0.19-37 Obsoletes: dkms-vboxadd < %{version}-%{release} Provides: dkms-vboxvfs = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: dkms-vboxvfs < %{version}-%{release} Provides: dkms-vboxsf = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: dkms-vboxsf < %{version}-%{release} Provides: dkms-vboxvideo = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: dkms-vboxvideo < %{version}-%{release} Conflicts: dkms-%{name} < 4.0.6 %description -n dkms-vboxadditions Kernel module for VirtualBox additions (ideally only needs to be installed on the guest OS not on the host OS). # In Mageia7 and beyond there is an external package called "x11-driver-video-vboxvideo", coming # from another source, i.e. http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/driver, which # doesn't seem to be upgraded since November 2017. # Anyway the latest git version is tracked at: https://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/git/xorg/driver/xf86-video-vbox.git, # ready to be migrated at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-vbox. # %if %{build_vboxvideo} %package -n x11-driver-video-vboxvideo Summary: The X.org driver for video in VirtualBox guests Group: System/X11 Recommends: virtualbox-guest-additions Requires: x11-server-common %(xserver-sdk-abi-requires videodrv) %description -n x11-driver-video-vboxvideo The X.org driver for video in VirtualBox guests. %endif %endif %if %{build_doc} %package doc Summary: The user manual PDF file for %{name} Group: Documentation BuildArch: noarch %description doc This package contains the user manual PDF file for %{name}. %endif %if %{build_sdk} %package devel Summary: %{name} SDK Group: Development/Other Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python-%{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel This package contains the SDK for %{name}. %package -n python-%{name} Summary: %{name} SDK Group: Development/Python Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description -n python-%{name} Python XPCOM bindings to %{name}. %endif %prep %setup -q -n %{distname} -a 31 %autopatch -p1 # add Mageia images cp -a %{SOURCE20} %{SOURCE21} src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/images/ cp -a %{SOURCE22} %{SOURCE23} src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/images/x2/ cp -a %{SOURCE24} %{SOURCE25} src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/images/x3/ cp -a %{SOURCE26} %{SOURCE27} src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/images/x4/ # Remove some bundled sources before patching. rm -rf src/VBox/Additions/x11/x11include rm -rf src/VBox/Additions/x11/x11stubs rm include/VBox/HostServices/glext.h rm include/VBox/HostServices/glxext.h # remove unwanted bundled libs rm -rf src/libs/libpng-1.2.54/ rm -rf src/libs/libpng-1.6.36/ rm -rf src/libs/libxml2-2.9.4/ rm -rf src/libs/zlib-1.2.8/ rm -rf src/libs/zlib-1.2.11/ cat << EOF > LocalConfig.kmk VBOX_PATH_APP_PRIVATE_ARCH:=%{vboxlibdir} VBOX_WITH_ORIGIN:= VBOX_WITH_RUNPATH:=%{vboxlibdir} VBOX_PATH_APP_PRIVATE:=%{vboxlibdir} VBOX_WITH_VBOX_IMG := 1 VBOX_WITH_TESTCASES = VBOX_WITH_TESTSUITE:= VBOX_JAVA_HOME := %{java_home} VBOX_WITHOUT_ADDITIONS_ISO := 1 VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_XORG_HEADERS := 1 %if !%{build_vboxvideo} VBOX_NO_LEGACY_XORG_X11 := 1 %endif VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_GL_HEADERS := 1 XSERVER_VERSION := %{x11_server_majorver} VBOX_PATH_APP_DOCS :=%{_defaultdocdir}/virtualbox SVN := %ifarch %{ix86} VBOX_WITH_MULTIVERSION_PYTHON := 0 %else VBOX_WITH_MULTIVERSION_PYTHON := 1 %endif VBOX_PATH_DOCBOOK_DTD:=/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.5 EOF %build #make -C fake-linux prepare export LIBPATH_LIB="%{_lib}" %if %{use_opt_distro_flags} export CFLAGS="%{optflags}" export CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}" %endif %if %{use_opt_distro_O3} export CFLAGS="$(echo %{optflags} | sed -e 's@-O2@-O3@g')" export CXXFLAGS="$(echo %{optflags} | sed -e 's@-O2@-O3@g')" %endif %if %{use_opt_plain_O3} export CFLAGS="-O3" export CXXFLAGS="-O3" %endif ./configure \ %if %build_gsoap --enable-webservice \ %endif --with-linux=%{kernel_devel_path} \ %if ! %{build_doc} --disable-docs %endif %if !%{build_additions} sed -rie 's/(VBOX_WITH_LINUX_ADDITIONS\s+:=\s+).*/\1/' AutoConfig.kmk echo VBOX_WITHOUT_ADDITIONS=1 >> LocalConfig.kmk %endif . ./env.sh kmk \ %if %{use_opt_distro_O3} || %{use_opt_distro_flags} || %{use_opt_plain_O3} VBOX_GCC_OPT="$CFLAGS" \ VBOX_GCC_GC_OPT="$CFLAGS" \ TOOL_GCC3_CFLAGS.release="$CFLAGS" \ TOOL_GCC3_CXXFLAGS.release="$CXXFLAGS" \ TOOL_GXX3_CFLAGS.release="$CFLAGS" \ TOOL_GXX3_CXXFLAGS.release="$CXXFLAGS" \ TOOL_GCC32_CFLAGS.release="$CFLAGS" \ TOOL_GCC32_CXXFLAGS.release="$CXXFLAGS" \ TEMPLATE_XPCOM_CFLAGS.release="$CFLAGS" \ TEMPLATE_XPCOM_CXXFLAGS.release="$CXXFLAGS" \ TEMPLATE_VBoxBldProg_CFLAGS.release="$CFLAGS -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing" \ TEMPLATE_VBoxBldProg_CXXFLAGS.release="$CXXFLAGS -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing" \ TEMPLATE_VBoxNoCrtGccLib_CFLAGS.release="$CFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" \ TEMPLATE_VBoxNoCrtGccLib_CXXFLAGS.release="$CXXFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" \ VirtualBox_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" \ %endif KBUILD_VERBOSE=2 all %install # install vbox components mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir} %{buildroot}%{vboxdatadir} (cd out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin && tar cf - --exclude=additions .) | \ (cd %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir} && tar xf -) # move noarch files to vboxdatadir mv %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/{VBox*.sh,*.desktop,*.png} %{buildroot}%{vboxdatadir} # install service mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_initrddir} install -m755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/%{name} # install wrappers mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/vbox cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/vbox/vbox.cfg << EOF # VirtualBox installation directory INSTALL_DIR="%{vboxlibdir}" EOF mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir} ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{oname} ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxAutoStart ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxBalloonCtrl ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxBugReport ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxDTrace ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxHeadless ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxManage ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxSDL ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VirtualBoxVM ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VboxVRDP ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxwebsrv # provide network control tools in bindir ln -s %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxNetAdpCtl %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxNetAdpCtl ln -s %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxNetDHCP %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxNetDHCP ln -s %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxNetNAT %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxNetNAT ln -s %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxTunctl %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxTunctl # lowercase commands exposed as in upstream package # (useful for compatibility with online tutorials, docs, etc.) ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxautostart ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxballonctrl ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxbugreport ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxdtrace ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxheadless ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxmanage ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxsdl ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/virtualbox ln -s %{vboxdatadir}/VBox.sh %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/virtualboxvm ln -s %{vboxlibdir}/vbox-img %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vbox-img # add tmpfs dir in /run install -m644 -D %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf # install dkms sources mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/%{name}-%{version}-%{release} cat > vboxbuild << EOF #!/bin/sh set -e make -C %{kname} KERN_DIR=\$1 cp -f %{kname}/Module.symvers vboxnetflt cp -f %{kname}/Module.symvers vboxnetadp cp -f %{kname}/Module.symvers vboxpci make -C vboxnetflt KERN_DIR=\$1 make -C vboxnetadp KERN_DIR=\$1 make -C vboxpci KERN_DIR=\$1 EOF install -m 0755 vboxbuild %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/%{name}-%{version}-%{release} mv %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/src/* %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}/ cat > %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}/dkms.conf << EOF MAKE[0]="./vboxbuild \$kernel_source_dir" PACKAGE_NAME=%{name} PACKAGE_VERSION=%{version}-%{release} DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[0]=/kernel/3rdparty/vbox BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[0]=%{kname}/ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[0]=%{kname} DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[1]=/kernel/3rdparty/vbox BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[1]=vboxnetflt/ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[1]=vboxnetflt DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[2]=/kernel/3rdparty/vbox BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[2]=vboxnetadp/ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[2]=vboxnetadp DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[3]=/kernel/3rdparty/vbox BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[3]=vboxpci/ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[3]=vboxpci AUTOINSTALL=yes EOF # install udev rules mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir} cat > %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}/%{name}.rules << EOF KERNEL=="%{kname}", NAME="vboxdrv", OWNER="root", GROUP="root", MODE="0600" SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="add", RUN+="%{_datadir}/%{name}/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh \$major \$minor \$attr{bDeviceClass} vboxusers" SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", RUN+="%{_datadir}/%{name}/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh \$major \$minor \$attr{bDeviceClass} vboxusers" SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="%{_datadir}/%{name}/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh --remove \$major \$minor" SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", RUN+="%{_datadir}/%{name}/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh --remove \$major \$minor" EOF cat > %{buildroot}%{_udevrulesdir}/vbox-additions.rules << EOF KERNEL=="vboxguest", NAME="vboxguest", OWNER="root", MODE="0660" KERNEL=="vboxuser", NAME="vboxuser", OWNER="root", MODE="0666" EOF # install vboxweb install -m755 src/VBox/Installer/linux/vboxweb-service.sh %{buildroot}%{_initrddir}/vboxweb-service # install additions %if %{build_additions} # vboxadd-timesync should probably be renamed vboxadd now, but renaming initscripts # cleanly is hacky business install -D -m644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/vboxadd-timesync.service install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit.d install -m755 src/VBox/Additions/x11/Installer/98vboxadd-xclient %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit.d pushd out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin/additions install -d %{buildroot}/sbin %{buildroot}%{_sbindir} install -m755 mount.vboxsf %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/mount.vboxsf install -m755 VBoxService %{buildroot}%{_sbindir} install -m755 VBoxClient %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -m755 VBoxControl %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -m755 VBox*.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir} install -d %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/VBoxGuestAdditions install -m755 %{SOURCE30} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/VBoxOGLRun install -m755 %{SOURCE30} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/vboxoglrun # VBoxOGL.so and VBoxEGL.so passthrough optionally accessible trough VBoxOGLRun ln -sf %{_libdir}/VBoxOGL.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/VBoxGuestAdditions/libGL.so.1 ln -sf %{_libdir}/VBoxEGL.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/VBoxGuestAdditions/libEGL.so.1 install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.preload.d cat > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.preload.d/vbox-guest-additions << EOF vboxguest vboxsf EOF install -d %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/xorg/modules/{input,drivers} %if %{build_vboxvideo} install vboxvideo_drv_system.so %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/xorg/modules/drivers/vboxvideo_drv.so %endif %if %{build_additions_dkms} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release} cat > %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release}/dkms.conf << EOF PACKAGE_NAME=vboxadditions PACKAGE_VERSION=%{version}-%{release} MAKE[0]="'make' -j\${parallel_jobs} -C \$kernel_source_dir M=\$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxguest && cp \$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxguest/Module.symvers \$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxsf && 'make' -j\${parallel_jobs} -C \$kernel_source_dir M=\$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxsf && cp \$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxsf/Module.symvers \$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxvideo && 'make' -j\${parallel_jobs} -C \$kernel_source_dir M=\$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxvideo" EOF i=0 for kmod in vboxguest vboxsf vboxvideo; do mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release}/$kmod cp -a src/$kmod/* %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release}/$kmod/ cat >> %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release}/dkms.conf << EOF DEST_MODULE_LOCATION[$i]=/kernel/3rdparty/vbox BUILT_MODULE_LOCATION[$i]=$kmod/ BUILT_MODULE_NAME[$i]=$kmod EOF i=$((i+1)) done cat >> %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release}/dkms.conf << EOF CLEAN="'make' -j\${parallel_jobs} -C \$kernel_source_dir M=\$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxguest clean && 'make' -j\${parallel_jobs} -C \$kernel_source_dir M=\$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxsf clean && 'make' -j\${parallel_jobs} -C \$kernel_source_dir M=\$dkms_tree/\$module/\$module_version/build/vboxvideo clean " AUTOINSTALL=yes EOF %endif popd %if %{build_additions_dkms} sed 's/^\(.package.*-kernel-\)\(.*-latest\)\(.*\)\\$/\1\2\3Obsoletes: vboxsf-kernel-\2 vboxvideo-kernel-\2\\n\\/' /etc/dkms/template-dkms-mkrpm.spec > %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/vboxadditions-%{version}-%{release}/vboxadditions-dkms-mkrpm.spec %endif %endif # desktop integration # # install icons mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/{16x16,32x32,48x48,64x64,128x128,scalable}/{apps,mimetypes} pushd out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin/icons/ for i in 16 32 48 64 128; do cp -a "$i"x"$i"/virtualbox.png %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/"$i"x"$i"/apps/ cp -a "$i"x"$i"/virtualbox-*.png %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/"$i"x"$i"/mimetypes/ done popd install -m 0644 ./src/VBox/Artwork/OSE/virtualbox.svg %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/hicolor/scalable/apps/ # install menu entries mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications cat > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/mageia-%{name}.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry] Name=VirtualBox GenericName=Virtual Machine GenericName[de]=Virtuelle Maschine GenericName[ru]=Виртуальная машина Comment=Run several virtual systems on a single host computer Comment[de]=Verschiedene virtuelle Systeme auf einem Hostrechner laufen lassen Comment[it]=Esegue diversi sistemi virtuali su un singolo computer Comment[pl]=Uruchamianie wielu systemów wirtualnych na jednym komputerze gospodarza Comment[sv]=Kör flera virtuella system på en enda värddator Comment[ko]=단일 호스트 컴퓨터에 여러 개의 가상 시스템 실행 Comment[ru]=Управление несколькими виртуальными системами на одном главном компьютере Comment[af]=Loop verskeie virtuele stelsels op 'n enkele gasheerrekenaar Comment[sq]=Nis dis sisteme në një kompjuter të vetëm mbartës Comment[ast]=Execute varios sistemes virtuales nun sólu equipu anfitrión Comment[bn]=একটি একক হোস্ট কম্পিউটারে একাধিক ভার্চুয়াল সিস্টেম চালান Comment[bg]=Изпълнение на няколко виртуални системи на един компютър Comment[bs]=Pokrenite više virtuelnih sistema na jednom domaćinskom računaru Comment[pt_BR]=Execute vários sistemas virtuais em um único computador hospedeiro Comment[ca]=Executeu diversos sistemes virtuals en un únic ordinador hoste Comment[ca@valencia]=Executeu diversos sistemes virtuals en un únic ordinador hoste Comment[zh_HK]=於單一主機電腦執行多個虛擬機器 Comment[zh_CN]=在一个主机上运行多个虚拟系统 Comment[zh_TW]=於單一主機電腦執行多個虛擬機器 Comment[crh]=Tek bir bilgisayar üzerinde birden fazla sanal işletim sistemi çalıştırın Comment[cs]=Spouštění různých virtuálních systémů na hostitelském počítači Comment[da]=Kør flere virtuelle maskiner på en enkelt computer Comment[fi]=Suorita useita virtuaalisia järjestelmiä yhdellä isäntäkoneella Comment[et]=Käivita mitmeid virtuaalseid süsteeme ühel peaarvutil Comment[nl]=Draai verschillende virtuele systemen op één enkele hostcomputer Comment[gl]=Execute varios sistemas virtuais nun único computador Comment[fr]=Exécuter plusieurs systèmes virtuels sur le même ordinateur hôte Comment[el]=Χρήση πολλαπλών εικονικών συστημάτων από έναν υπολογιστή Comment[hu]=Több virtuális rendszer futtatása egy számítógépen Comment[ky]=Бир негизги компьютерде бир нече виртуалдык тутумдарды жүргүзүү Comment[ja]=一つのホストコンピューター上で複数の仮想システムを走らせます Comment[lt]=Leiskite kelias virtualias sistemas viename kompiuteryje Comment[ms]=Jalankan beberapa sistem maya dalam satu komputer hos Comment[oc]=Executar mantun sistèma virtuals sul meteis ordenador òste Comment[nb]=Kjør opptil flere virtuelle systemer på én vertsmaskin Comment[pt]=Corra diversos sistemas virtuais num único computador Comment[ro]=Rulați mai multe sisteme virtuale pe calculatorul gazdă Comment[sl]=Zagon več navideznih sistemov na enem gostiteljskem računalniku Comment[es]=Ejecute varios sistemas virtuales en un sólo equipo anfitrión Comment[vi]=Chạy nhiều hệ thống ảo trên một máy chủ đơn Comment[uk]=Запуск декількох віртуальних систем на одному базовому комп'ютері Comment[tr]=Tek bir bilgisayar üzerinde birden fazla sanal işletim sistemi çalıştırın Exec=%{oname} %U Icon=%{name} Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=Emulator; MimeType=application/x-virtualbox-vbox;application/x-virtualbox-vbox-extpack;application/x-virtualbox-ovf;application/x-virtualbox-ova; EOF # install mime types install -D -m644 out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin/virtualbox.xml %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/mime/packages/virtualbox.xml # add missing makefile for kernel module install -m644 src/VBox/HostDrivers/Support/linux/Makefile %{buildroot}%{_usr}/src/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}/ %if %{build_sdk} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{vboxpydir} pushd out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin/sdk/installer VBOX_INSTALL_PATH=%{vboxlibdir} \ python vboxapisetup.py install --prefix %{_prefix} --root %{buildroot} popd rm -rf %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/sdk/installer %else rm -rf %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/sdk %endif # remove unpackaged files rm -rf %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/{src,testcase} rm -f %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/tst* rm -f %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/vboxkeyboard.tar.gz rm -f %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/SUP* rm -f %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/xpidl # install PAM module: install -D -m755 out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin/additions/pam_vbox.so %{buildroot}/%{_lib}/security/pam_vbox.so # install the user manual %if %{build_doc} install -D -m644 out/%{vbox_platform}/release/bin/UserManual.pdf %{buildroot}/%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/UserManual.pdf rm -f %{buildroot}%{vboxlibdir}/UserManual.pdf %endif %post %_tmpfilescreate %{name} %_post_service %{name} %_add_group_helper %{name} 1 vboxusers # (Debian) Build usb device tree for i in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*; do if test -r "$i/dev"; then dev="`cat "$i/dev" 2> /dev/null || true`" major="`expr "$dev" : '\(.*\):' 2> /dev/null || true`" minor="`expr "$dev" : '.*:\(.*\)' 2> /dev/null || true`" class="`cat $i/bDeviceClass 2> /dev/null || true`" /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxCreateUSBNode.sh "$major" "$minor" "$class" vboxusers 2>/dev/null || true fi done %postun if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then /sbin/service %{name} condrestart > /dev/null 2>&1 || : fi %_del_group_helper %{name} 1 vboxusers %preun %_preun_service %{name} %post -n dkms-%{name} set -x /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade add -m %{name} -v %{version}-%{release} if [ -z "$DURING_INSTALL" ] ; then /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade build -m %{name} -v %{version}-%{release} && /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade install -m %{name} -v %{version}-%{release} && /sbin/rmmod vboxpci &>/dev/null /sbin/rmmod vboxnetflt &>/dev/null /sbin/rmmod vboxnetadp &>/dev/null /sbin/rmmod %{kname} &>/dev/null /sbin/modprobe %{kname} &>/dev/null /sbin/modprobe vboxnetflt &>/dev/null /sbin/modprobe vboxnetadp &>/dev/null /sbin/modprobe vboxpci &>/dev/null : fi %preun -n dkms-%{name} if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then /sbin/rmmod vboxpci >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/rmmod vboxnetadp >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/rmmod vboxnetflt >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/rmmod %{kname} >/dev/null 2>&1 fi set -x /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade remove -m %{name} -v %{version}-%{release} --all || : %if %{build_additions} %post guest-additions %_post_service vboxadd-timesync %_add_group_helper %{name} 1 vboxsf %preun guest-additions %_preun_service vboxadd-timesync %postun guest-additions %_del_group_helper %{name} 1 vboxsf %if %{build_additions_dkms} %post -n dkms-vboxadditions set -x /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade add -m vboxadditions -v %{version}-%{release} if [ -z "$DURING_INSTALL" ] ; then /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade build -m vboxadditions -v %{version}-%{release} && /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade install -m vboxadditions -v %{version}-%{release} : fi %preun -n dkms-vboxadditions set -x /usr/sbin/dkms --rpm_safe_upgrade remove -m vboxadditions -v %{version}-%{release} --all : %endif %endif %files %config %{_sysconfdir}/vbox/vbox.cfg %{_bindir}/%{oname} %{_bindir}/VBoxAutoStart %{_bindir}/VBoxBalloonCtrl %{_bindir}/VBoxBugReport %{_bindir}/VBoxDTrace %{_bindir}/VBoxHeadless %{_bindir}/VBoxManage %{_bindir}/VBoxSDL %{_bindir}/VBoxTunctl %{_bindir}/VBoxNetAdpCtl %{_bindir}/VBoxNetDHCP %{_bindir}/VBoxNetNAT %{_bindir}/VboxVRDP %{_bindir}/VirtualBoxVM %{_bindir}/vbox-img %{_bindir}/vboxautostart %{_bindir}/vboxballonctrl %{_bindir}/vboxbugreport %{_bindir}/vboxdtrace %{_bindir}/vboxheadless %{_bindir}/vboxmanage %{_bindir}/vboxsdl %{_bindir}/virtualbox %{_bindir}/virtualboxvm %{_bindir}/vboxwebsrv %exclude %{vboxlibdir}/sdk %dir %{vboxlibdir} %{vboxlibdir}/* %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxHeadless %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxNetAdpCtl %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxNetDHCP %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxNetNAT %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxSDL %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VBoxVolInfo %attr(4511,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VirtualBoxVM %attr(0755,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/VirtualBox %attr(0644,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/*.rc %attr(0644,root,root) %{vboxlibdir}/*.r0 %dir %{vboxdatadir} %{vboxdatadir}/* # initscripts integration %{_initrddir}/%{name} %{_initrddir}/vboxweb-service %{_udevrulesdir}/%{name}.rules %{_tmpfilesdir}/%{name}.conf # desktop integration %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/*/*.png %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/virtualbox.svg %{_datadir}/applications/mageia-%{name}.desktop %{_datadir}/mime/packages/virtualbox.xml %files -n dkms-%{name} %{_usr}/src/%{name}-%{version}-%{release} %if %{build_additions} %files guest-additions /%{_lib}/security/pam_vbox.so %{_sbindir}/mount.vboxsf %{_unitdir}/vboxadd-timesync.service %{_sbindir}/VBoxService %{_bindir}/VBoxClient %{_bindir}/VBoxControl %{_bindir}/VBoxOGLRun %{_bindir}/vboxoglrun %{_udevrulesdir}/vbox-additions.rules %{_sysconfdir}/X11/xinit.d/98vboxadd-xclient %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.preload.d/vbox-guest-additions %{_libdir}/VBoxEGL* %{_libdir}/VBoxOGL* %{_libdir}/VBoxGuestAdditions/libGL.so.1 %{_libdir}/VBoxGuestAdditions/libEGL.so.1 %if %{build_additions_dkms} %if %{build_vboxvideo} %files -n x11-driver-video-vboxvideo %{_libdir}/xorg/modules/drivers/vboxvideo_drv.so %endif %files -n dkms-vboxadditions %{_usr}/src/vbox*-%{version}-%{release} %endif %endif %if %{build_doc} %files doc %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/UserManual.pdf %endif %if %{build_sdk} %files devel %dir %{vboxlibdir}/sdk %{vboxlibdir}/sdk/* %files -n python-%{name} %{vboxpydir} %{py_puresitedir}/vboxapi*.egg-info %endif %changelog * Sat Apr 13 2019 ghibo 6.0.4-99.r77930.1.mga7 - Update to release from SVN 6.0.97.r77930. - Switch to AC97 as default audio driver for Mageia Linux guests. * Wed Jan 30 2019 ghibo 6.0.4-1.1.mga7 - Update to release 6.0.4. * Thu Jan 24 2019 ghibo 6.0.2-3.1.mga7 - Update trunk patchset as of 2019-01-24. * Wed Jan 16 2019 ghibo 6.0.2-2.1.mga7 - Update trunk patchset as of 2019-01-16. * Tue Jan 15 2019 ghibo 6.0.2-1.1.mga7 - Update to release 6.0.2. - Removed patches merged upstream. - Merge trunk patches as of 2019-01-15. * Fri Jan 11 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-2.1.mga7 - Expose VirtualBoxVM and virtualboxvm (see r76758 in vbox svn). - Include audio fixes from svn (but doesn't resolve audio choppyness on Linux for HDA and AC97). - More fixes from svn (svga3d, usb, etc.). * Wed Jan 09 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-1.1.mga7 - Fix building of internal vboxvideo_drv.so (honour build_vboxvideo flag). - Sync the patch "add-Mageia-support" with Mageia stock patch (were missed x2, x3, x4 icons), but don't set default audio to AC97, but rather to Intel HDA, as in previous Mageia VirtualBox 5.2.22. - Add x2, x3, x4 icons. * Wed Jan 09 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-0.16.mga7 - disable %%build_vboxvideo for mga6 too. Get x11-driver-video-vboxvideo from external source. * Tue Jan 08 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-0.15.mga7 - Don't create vboxvideo_dri.so as link to GL library VBoxOGL.so. - Adjust %%build_vboxvideo conditional flag for mga6 and 7 to match the presence of new x11-driver-video-vboxvideo external package. * Tue Jan 08 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-0.14.mga7 - Merge VBoxOGLRun from rpmfusion and slightly modify it. * Mon Jan 07 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-0.13.mga7 - Added Patch23 to fix dri and drv path. - Added Patch25 in attempt to fix problems with passtrough (upstream #18204). - Moved VBoxOGL*.so and VBoxEGL*.so libraries to guest-additions subpackage. * Wed Jan 02 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-0.12.mga7 - Added Patch70 (xpcom const). - Added Patch24 (python3.7 to SUPPPYTHONLIBS). * Tue Jan 01 2019 ghibo 6.0.0-0.11.mga7 - Added some opensuse patches. * Sun Dec 23 2018 ghibo 6.0.0-0.10.mga7 - Update to release 6.0.0 and fix file list and permissions. - Added conditional building flag for compiling with -O3. - Compilation more verbose. - Rework Patches for 6.0, add Patch22. - Don't remove VBoxOGL*.so and VBoxEGL*.so libraries from guest x11-driver-video-vboxvideo package. * Sun Nov 25 2018 tmb 5.2.22-1.1.mga6 + Revision: 1333989 - update 'add Mageia support' * default to kvm-clock for Mageia too (mga#21553) * drop obsolete CIMOS references - simplify 'default to Mageia' - update to 5.2.22 - update to 5.2.20 - re-instate P20 that got dropped by mistake - BR: pkgconfig(opus) - update to 5.2.18 - update to 5.2.14 - enforce c++11 as new QT 5.9 stack requires it - update to 5.2.12 - update to 5.2.10 - update to 5.2.8 - update to 5.2.6 - disable doc build for now - re-enable full parallell builds - set new VBOX_NO_LEGACY_XORG_X11 and VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_GL_HEADERS flags - always use kernel-desktop-devel-latest to build against latest headers - disable P2, rebase P4, P13, P50, P51 - update to 5.2.2 + ghibo - Add missed and newer VBoxEGL.so library from x11-driver-video-vboxvideo. - Add .svg icon to scalable icons - update to 5.1.30 (maintenance, security fixes) - update to 5.1.26 - update to 5.1.24 * Sun Apr 30 2017 tmb 5.1.22-1.mga6 + Revision: 1098087 - update to 5.1.22 * Mon Apr 24 2017 neoclust 5.1.20-1.mga6 + Revision: 1097233 - New version 5.1.20 - Fixes CVE-2017-3513 CVE-2017-3558 CVE-2017-3559 CVE-2017-3561 CVE-2017-3563 CVE-2017-3575 CVE-2017-3576 CVE-2017-3587 (mga#20729) * Thu Mar 30 2017 tmb 5.1.18-6.mga6 + Revision: 1095419 - fix dkms post script * Thu Mar 30 2017 tmb 5.1.18-5.mga6 + Revision: 1095391 - really fix both virtualbox & vboxadditions dkms packages * Thu Mar 30 2017 tmb 5.1.18-4.mga6 + Revision: 1095389 - do trigger dkms build on dkms package update - classic install: do add the driver to dkms list or it wont be built on boot * Thu Mar 30 2017 tmb 5.1.18-2.mga6 + Revision: 1095306 - dont trigger dkms build during classical install * Thu Mar 16 2017 tmb 5.1.18-1.mga6 + Revision: 1093211 - update to 5.1.18 * Thu Mar 09 2017 tmb 5.1.16-1.mga6 + Revision: 1090913 - update to 5.1.16 * Tue Feb 28 2017 tmb 5.1.14-1.mga6 + Revision: 1088176 - configure: don't compile the host/guest kernel modules as part of the normal build process if we detect Linux 4.9 or later (upstream) - BR: nasm - update to 5.1.14 * Tue Dec 27 2016 tmb 5.1.12-1.mga6 + Revision: 1078288 - update to 5.1.12 * Fri Nov 25 2016 tv 5.1.10-3.mga6 + Revision: 1070167 - drop xserver ABI requires if vboxvideo if not built * Fri Nov 25 2016 tv 5.1.10-2.mga6 + Revision: 1070166 - rebuild for xserver-1.19 (but really we should move x11-driver-video-vboxvideo files into main packages) * Tue Nov 22 2016 tmb 5.1.10-1.mga6 + Revision: 1068644 - update to 5.1.10 - stop building vboxvideo ddx (obsolete since switch to 5.1 series) - group rpmfusion patches - drop obsolete mesa fake_drv patch - vboxadditions: add vboxpci for pci passthrough support + tv - fix build with xserver 1.19 - rebuild for xserver 1.19 * Tue Nov 15 2016 tmb 5.1.8-2.mga6 + Revision: 1067500 - rebuild for new mesa * Wed Oct 19 2016 tmb 5.1.8-1.mga6 + Revision: 1062211 - update to 5.1.8 + daviddavid - fix desktop file Categories (mga#2449) * Tue Sep 27 2016 ghibo 5.1.6-3.mga6 + Revision: 1057111 - Added patch to fix compiling of PyIID.cpp under i586 (from pld) - Fix building configuration. + luigiwalser - 5.1.6 - do not package manual in libdir (mga#19120) * Wed Aug 17 2016 luigiwalser 5.1.4-1.mga6 + Revision: 1046652 - 5.1.4 - rediff patch 16 - remove upstream patches 17 and 19 * Thu Jul 21 2016 tmb 5.1.2-1.mga6 + Revision: 1043013 - update to 5.1.2 (maintenance release) * Fri Jul 15 2016 tmb 5.1.0-2.mga6 + Revision: 1042126 - vboxvideo: implement LRU add callbacks (fix kernel 4.7 oops, mga#18946) * Thu Jul 14 2016 tmb 5.1.0-1.mga6 + Revision: 1041989 - update to virtualbox 5.1.0 * Gui now uses QT5 * rebase all patches * build doc again * Wed Jul 06 2016 tmb 5.0.24-2.mga6 + Revision: 1039098 - vboxvideo: dont provide libGL.so.1 (mga#18877) * Tue Jul 05 2016 tmb 5.0.24-1.mga6 + Revision: 1038797 - update to 5.0.24 - fix build with kernel 4.7 series * Tue Jun 21 2016 tmb 5.0.22-2.mga6 + Revision: 1037129 - restore old way of building mesa support for now * Fri Jun 17 2016 tmb 5.0.22-1.mga6 + Revision: 1022011 - update to 5.0.22 * Wed Jun 15 2016 tmb 5.0.20-3.mga6 + Revision: 1021604 - hook into dkms parallel build support * Thu Jun 02 2016 tmb 5.0.20-2.mga6 + Revision: 1020047 - rebuild with gcc 5.4 * Sat Apr 30 2016 tmb 5.0.20-1.mga6 + Revision: 1008267 - update to 5.0.20 * Wed Apr 20 2016 tmb 5.0.18-1.mga6 + Revision: 1003734 - BR pkgconfig(egl) - update to 5.0.18 - rebase P13, P18 - drop bogus subversion conflict * Sat Mar 05 2016 tv 5.0.16-1.mga6 + Revision: 985940 - 5.0.16 * Thu Mar 03 2016 umeabot 5.0.14-2.mga6 + Revision: 984693 - Rebuild for openssl * Thu Jan 21 2016 tmb 5.0.14-1.mga6 + Revision: 926273 - update to 5.0.14 * Tue Jan 19 2016 tv 5.0.12-3.mga6 + Revision: 925895 - rebuild hoping to fix qt runtime issues + doktor5000 - added BuildConflicts on subversion - if installed, this breaks the build - fixed command to create copy of kernel headers, use rpm-owned folder - added conditional for build of the gsoap webservice for local rebuild - added conditional for build of upstream vboxvideo / dri driver - use pkgconfig to find correct include path for installed libpng headers - add comment on mesa/system include patch from RPMFusion o added comment on patch origin (RPMFusion is not FC) * Tue Dec 22 2015 tmb 5.0.12-1.mga6 + Revision: 913599 - update to 5.0.12 * Sat Dec 05 2015 tmb 5.0.10-5.mga6 + Revision: 908323 - allow building with gcc 5.3 - rebuild with gcc 5.3 final * Thu Nov 19 2015 tv 5.0.10-3.mga6 + Revision: 904278 - rebuild for new libvpx * Wed Nov 11 2015 tv 5.0.10-2.mga6 + Revision: 902291 - typo fix - rebuild for new xserver * Tue Nov 10 2015 tmb 5.0.10-1.mga6 + Revision: 901451 - update to 5.0.10 * Sat Oct 24 2015 tmb 5.0.8-1.mga6 + Revision: 894803 - update to 5.0.8 * Fri Oct 02 2015 tmb 5.0.6-1.mga6 + Revision: 885800 - update to 5.0.6 * Wed Sep 09 2015 tv 5.0.4-1.mga6 + Revision: 875258 - rediff mga patcg - new release + alexl - add GenericName for desktop file * Fri Aug 21 2015 tmb 5.0.2-6.mga6 + Revision: 867335 - use HDA audio by default * Fri Aug 21 2015 tmb 5.0.2-4.mga6 + Revision: 867080 - rebuild for new gcc * Thu Aug 20 2015 tmb 5.0.2-3.mga6 + Revision: 866780 - allow gcc 5.2 - rebuild with gcc 5.2.1 * Tue Aug 18 2015 tmb 5.0.2-2.mga6 + Revision: 865491 - rebuild for new glibc * Sat Aug 15 2015 tmb 5.0.2-1.mga6 + Revision: 864884 - update to 5.0.2 * Sat Jul 11 2015 tmb 5.0.0-1.mga6 + Revision: 853262 - rebase patches P9, P13, P20, P21 - drop obsolete patch P17 - fix filelists - update to 5.0.0 * Sat Jun 27 2015 cjw 4.3.28-3.mga6 + Revision: 846409 - rebuild for libvpx 1.4 * Sat Jun 20 2015 tv 4.3.28-2.mga6 + Revision: 836205 - rebuild for xserver 1.17 * Thu May 14 2015 tmb 4.3.28-1.mga5 + Revision: 822054 - update to 4.3.28 (CVE-2015-3456) * Wed Mar 18 2015 tmb 4.3.26-1.mga5 + Revision: 818784 - suggest 20GB virtual disk by default - be specific about Mageia 32bit selection - 4.3.26 (regression fixes) * Fri Mar 06 2015 tmb 4.3.24-1.mga5 + Revision: 817913 - 4.3.24 * more kernel-3.19 fixes * fixes xorg detection * vboxvideo fixes * 4.3.22 regression fixes * Wed Feb 25 2015 colin 4.3.22-2.mga5 + Revision: 816968 - Replace vboxadd init script with systemd unit (mga#14401) * Wed Feb 18 2015 tmb 4.3.22-1.mga5 + Revision: 815663 - update to 4.3.22 (bugfixes, full kernel 3.19 upport) * Sun Jan 25 2015 tmb 4.3.20-2.mga5 + Revision: 812191 - fix build with kernel 3.19 + alexl - Update translations for desktop file * Sat Nov 22 2014 tmb 4.3.20-1.mga5 + Revision: 798238 - update to 4.3.20 (bugfixes, kernel-3.18 support) * Wed Oct 15 2014 tmb 4.3.18-1.mga5 + Revision: 756262 - 4.3.18 (maintenance release) + umeabot - Second Mageia 5 Mass Rebuild + tv - rebuild for missing pythoneggs deps * Wed Sep 24 2014 tmb 4.3.16-2.mga5 + Revision: 723681 - adapt to new kmod provides + tv - use %%global for req/prov exclude - autoconvert to new prov/req excludes - s/uggests:/Recommends:/ * Fri Sep 12 2014 tmb 4.3.16-1.mga5 + Revision: 674841 - 4.3.16 (full x11-server 1.16 and kernel 3.17 support) + fwang - revert to r674485 for freeze - 4.3.16 * Tue Sep 09 2014 tmb 4.3.14-3.mga5 + Revision: 674157 - fix VERR_NO_EXEC_MEMORY error (mga#14074) * Wed Sep 03 2014 tmb 4.3.14-2.mga5 + Revision: 671169 - fix build with kernel-3.17 * Wed Jul 23 2014 tmb 4.3.14-1.mga5 + Revision: 656120 - update to 4.3.14 - drop obsolete patches * Mon Jun 09 2014 tmb 4.3.12-4.mga5 + Revision: 635195 - rebuild with -j4 + tv - rebuild for xorg-1.16 + pterjan - Rebuild for new Python * Sun May 18 2014 tmb 4.3.12-1.mga5 + Revision: 623678 - update to 4.3.12 * Tue May 13 2014 tmb 4.3.10-3.mga5 + Revision: 622602 - allow build with gcc 4.9 (P19) - rebuild with gcc 4.9 * Fri Apr 18 2014 tmb 4.3.10-2.mga5 + Revision: 616893 - dont move nls dir as it breaks translations (#12578) * Fri Apr 18 2014 tmb 4.3.10-1.mga5 + Revision: 616862 - update to 4.3.10 * Sun Mar 23 2014 tmb 4.3.8-1.mga5 + Revision: 607366 - fix vboxvideo build (P18, gentoo) + tv - revert BR change && use /usr/src/kernel-* instead of /usr/src/linux-* - BR kernel-source-latest instead of kernel-devel-latest + fwang - 4.3.8 * Mon Feb 10 2014 tv 4.3.6-3.mga5 + Revision: 589118 - build w/o x11-server-source * Mon Feb 10 2014 tv 4.3.6-2.mga5 + Revision: 589101 - sync mesa patch with FC - do not include dead glx/glprocs.h + fwang - rebuild for new x11-server * Fri Dec 20 2013 tmb 4.3.6-1.mga4 + Revision: 559323 - autoload vboxsf too (mga#11529) - update to 4.3.6 * Fri Dec 06 2013 tmb 4.3.4-3.mga4 + Revision: 555556 - rebuild for new mesa * Wed Dec 04 2013 tmb 4.3.4-2.mga4 + Revision: 555150 - try build with mesa 10 * Sat Nov 30 2013 tmb 4.3.4-1.mga4 + Revision: 554330 - update tp 4.3.4 (maintenance release) * Sat Nov 02 2013 tmb 4.3.2-1.mga4 + Revision: 549144 - update to 4.3.2 (maintenance release) * Tue Oct 22 2013 umeabot 4.3.0-3.mga4 + Revision: 545749 - Mageia 4 Mass Rebuild * Wed Oct 16 2013 tmb 4.3.0-2.mga4 + Revision: 501700 - fix location of libs (mga #11480) * Wed Oct 16 2013 tmb 4.3.0-1.mga4 + Revision: 501298 - update to 4.3.0 - rediff patches * Tue Oct 15 2013 pterjan 4.2.18-4.mga4 + Revision: 499981 - Rebuild to add different pythonegg provides for python 2 and 3 * Mon Oct 14 2013 tmb 4.2.18-3.mga4 + Revision: 496935 - fix vboxadditions build with kernel-3.12 * Thu Oct 10 2013 luigiwalser 4.2.18-2.mga4 + Revision: 494398 - update java BRs * Sat Sep 07 2013 fwang 4.2.18-1.mga4 + Revision: 475598 - new version 4.2.18 * Fri Aug 30 2013 tmb 4.2.16-5.mga4 + Revision: 473470 - fix dkms post scripts * Sun Aug 11 2013 tmb 4.2.16-4.mga4 + Revision: 465459 - rebuild with new gcc * Thu Aug 01 2013 tmb 4.2.16-3.mga4 + Revision: 462259 - force gcc 4.8.2 build * Thu Aug 01 2013 tmb 4.2.16-2.mga4 + Revision: 462231 - test build with gcc-4.8.2 * Mon Jul 08 2013 tmb 4.2.16-1.mga4 + Revision: 451309 - fix build with gsoap >= 2.8.13 (P16) + tv - new release * Wed Jun 26 2013 fwang 4.2.14-1.mga4 + Revision: 446716 - new version 4.2.14 * Mon Jun 03 2013 fwang 4.2.12-5.mga4 + Revision: 436078 - rebuild for new libpng * Fri May 31 2013 tv 4.2.12-4.mga4 + Revision: 433846 - submit to core/release * Fri May 24 2013 tv 4.2.12-3.mga4 + Revision: 426104 - rebuild with xserver-1.14 * Sun Apr 21 2013 tmb 4.2.12-2.mga3 + Revision: 410749 - default to Linux and Mageia for VMs (P14) - fix installing of vboxvideo_drv after setting VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_XORG_HEADERS - disable default update checks as we ship prepackaged rpms (P15) - build against system libxml2, libpng15, zlib (fedora, P22) - build against system x11-server-source and boost-devel and remove bundled source/libs before build (fedora, P21) - add missing check for VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_XORG_HEADERS (fedora, P20) - build with VBOX_USE_SYSTEM_XORG_HEADERS and drop P10 as obsolete * Sat Apr 13 2013 tmb 4.2.12-1.mga3 + Revision: 409891 - 4.2.12 (should fix #9716) * Sun Apr 07 2013 tmb 4.2.10-3.mga3 + Revision: 408759 - add vboxweb service (mga #7021) * Sun Mar 24 2013 colin 4.2.10-2.mga3 + Revision: 404859 - Add systemd requires and general post/pre fixes (mga#9302) * Tue Mar 19 2013 zezinho 4.2.10-1.mga3 + Revision: 404113 - new version * Sat Mar 02 2013 tmb 4.2.8-1.mga3 + Revision: 401110 - update to 4.2.8 - drop P15 (obsolete) * Wed Jan 16 2013 tmb 4.2.6-4.mga3 + Revision: 388924 - vboxguest: drop __devinitdata (P15) * Tue Jan 15 2013 fwang 4.2.6-3.mga3 + Revision: 388298 - move to correct rules dir * Sun Jan 06 2013 tmb 4.2.6-2.mga3 + Revision: 339921 - rebuild for new device-mapper * Thu Dec 20 2012 tv 4.2.6-1.mga3 + Revision: 333270 - BR device-mapper-devel - new release * Sun Nov 25 2012 colin 4.2.4-2.mga3 + Revision: 321753 - Do not package tmpfiles conf in /etc - Run systemd-tmpfiles --create on post install + fwang - set dkms package as noarch * Wed Oct 31 2012 tmb 4.2.4-1.mga3 + Revision: 311824 - rediff P10 - update to 4.2.4 + fwang - new version 4.2.2 * Fri Sep 14 2012 tmb 4.2.0-1.mga3 + Revision: 293743 - rewrite P13 to add Mageia support - adapt to /run being tmpfs - disable P1 (libdir fix, seems obsolete) - disable P7 for now (disable update check, needs to be rewritten) - disable P13, P14 for now (Mageia branding, needs to be rewritten) - rediff and update P12 (build for system xorg only) - drop P12 and P15 (merged) - drop BR on hal-devel - update to 4.2.0 + fwang - rebuild for new xserver + tv - rebuild for new xserver * Sat Sep 08 2012 tmb 4.1.22-1.mga3 + Revision: 290441 - update to 4.1.22 maintenance release + tv - rebuild for new xserver * Sun Jul 01 2012 tmb 4.1.18-1.mga3 + Revision: 266254 - update to 4.1.18 * Wed Jun 06 2012 tmb 4.1.16-4.mga3 + Revision: 256537 - rebuild for core/release * Tue Jun 05 2012 tmb 4.1.16-3.mga3 + Revision: 255971 - fix build with x11-server 1.12 (P15, debian) + tv - rebuild for new X.org server * Sun May 27 2012 tmb 4.1.16-1.mga3 + Revision: 247583 - update to 4.1.16 - update system-xorg patch * Tue Apr 03 2012 tmb 4.1.12-1.mga2 + Revision: 228191 - update to 4.1.12 (bugfix release) * Thu Mar 15 2012 tmb 4.1.10-1.mga2 + Revision: 223427 - fix groups - fix filelists - package sdk, add virtualbox-devel and python-virtualbox (mga #4396) - drop merged P15-P18 (buildfixes for kernel-3.3) - rediff P10 (system xorg) and P13 (mga support) - update to 4.1.10 * Mon Mar 12 2012 tmb 4.1.8-4.mga2 + Revision: 223124 - fix Config.kmk, iprt/types.h, and Runtime/r0drv so it works with 3.3 series kernels - fix vboxadditions build with 3.3 series kernels * Sat Jan 14 2012 tmb 4.1.8-3.mga2 + Revision: 196091 - disable update notification again (patch from OpenSuSE) + luigiwalser - fix guest-additions description (from mdv) * Sat Dec 24 2011 tmb 4.1.8-2.mga2 + Revision: 187229 - remove x11-driver-input-vboxmouse again for now - restopre x11-driver-input-vboxmouse, as it's still useful - re-enable doc build - drop buildroot and defattr - rediff patches to apply cleanly - disable P7 (disable update check) as it needs to be rewritten - update to 4.1.8 * Tue Dec 06 2011 tmb 4.1.6-2.mga2 + Revision: 177807 - rebuild for new x11-server-1.11.2 and gcc-4.6.2 * Sat Nov 05 2011 fwang 4.1.6-1.mga2 + Revision: 163136 - rediff patches - new version 4.1.6 * Sat Oct 22 2011 tmb 4.1.4-3.mga2 + Revision: 157305 - add Mageia info to the install manuals too - fix so the Mageia icons actually are used - remove duplicated text from French installation manual - use better mageia icons * Fri Oct 21 2011 tmb 4.1.4-2.mga2 + Revision: 157155 - temporarily disable docs due to texlive problem - add Mageia support in GUI and default to it * Tue Oct 04 2011 fwang 4.1.4-1.mga2 + Revision: 151463 - vboxmouse driver is not used in recent xorg server - vboxmouse rules does not exists - new version 4.1.4 * Mon Sep 12 2011 fwang 4.1.2-2.mga2 + Revision: 142645 - rebuild for new libpng - fix vbox-service.sh - add short-desc - new version 4.1.2 - rediff some patches * Wed Jul 20 2011 fwang 4.1.0-1.mga2 + Revision: 126896 - new version 4.1.0 * Sat Jul 16 2011 fwang 4.0.12-1.mga2 + Revision: 124665 - new version 4.0.12 * Wed Jul 06 2011 ahmad 4.0.10-3.mga2 + Revision: 119186 - guest-additions should require xrandr for auto-resizing of guest display to work without having to restart the X server in the guest VM * Wed Jun 29 2011 ahmad 4.0.10-2.mga2 + Revision: 115662 - Add a patch to only display warnings about broken USB support when it's actually used (i.e. the machine has USB device filters), from Debian - Use %%apply_patches * Tue Jun 28 2011 ahmad 4.0.10-1.mga2 + Revision: 115507 - Update to 4.0.10 - Drop the OSE references, our and upstream's rpms don't have USB support without the extension pack (hint from Debian) - Add BR docbook-dtds * Mon Jun 27 2011 colin 4.0.8-2.mga2 + Revision: 114444 - Build PulseAudio backend again (accidentally dropped in r1496 during spec cleaning) * Thu Jun 09 2011 tmb 4.0.8-1.mga2 + Revision: 102422 - update to 4.0.8 * Sat May 28 2011 ahmad 4.0.6-4.mga1 + Revision: 100624 - Install UserManual.pdf in /usr/share/doc/virtualbox/ so that the -doc package is truly noarch (mga#1456) * Tue May 03 2011 ahmad 4.0.6-3.mga1 + Revision: 94324 - Fix the build by correcting a typo in the spec - Create a vboxsf group in virtualbox-guest-additions sub-package, this should make the auto-mount feature of shared folders work (Debian) - Desktop integration improvements: o install icons in hicolor icon theme, this should add default icons and mime types for .ova, .ovf and vbox-extpack files. Also it sets VirtualBox as the default app to open them (Debian) o add Mimetype key to the .desktop file; nick the Comment and its translations key(s) from the upstream .desktop file * Sat Apr 30 2011 tmb 4.0.6-2.mga1 + Revision: 93736 + rebuild (emptylog) * Mon Apr 25 2011 ahmad 4.0.6-1.mga1 + Revision: 90286 - Update to 4.0.6 - Rediff the kernelrelease patch - Make dkms-vboxadditions and dkms-%%{name} only conflict with each other in versions older than 4.0.6; they used to export the same symbols breaking each other but the upstream bug has been fixed. c.f. http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/5686 * Thu Mar 17 2011 tv 4.0.4-6.mga1 + Revision: 73401 - rebuild again for x11-server-1.10 * Thu Mar 17 2011 blino 4.0.4-5.mga1 + Revision: 73284 - fix virtualbox udev rules not to break other udev rules for USB devices: RUN= overwrites previous RUN affectations, RUN+= should be used instead (this should be fixed in upstream src/VBox/Installer/linux/install.sh as well) * Wed Mar 09 2011 ahmad 4.0.4-4.mga1 + Revision: 66715 - bump rel to submit to core/testing (hopefully X server 1.10 will be in core/release soon) * Wed Mar 09 2011 ahmad 4.0.4-3.mga1 + Revision: 66714 - Remove the gsoap BR due to licensing issues. Due to this we'll have to disable webservice building (users who use this feature can use the upstream vbox packages...) * Sun Mar 06 2011 ahmad 4.0.4-2.mga1 + Revision: 65562 - add missing BR texlive-fontsextra, as it includes beramono.sty + tmb - rebuild for x11-server 1.10 * Wed Feb 23 2011 ahmad 4.0.4-1.mga1 + Revision: 57449 - update to 4.0.4 - update 18-system-xorg.patch from Debian * Mon Feb 07 2011 ahmad 4.0.2-4.mga1 + Revision: 48743 - improve dkms-vboxadditions description - make the -doc sub-package noarch * Wed Feb 02 2011 ahmad 4.0.2-2.mga1 + Revision: 46397 - don't delete /dev/vboxusb * Wed Jan 26 2011 ahmad 4.0.2-1.mga1 + Revision: 39861 - add BR libxcomposite-devel - improve the comment about 18-system-xorg.patch - update to 4.0.2 - drop patch6, fixed upstream long ago - add 18-system-xorg.patch from Debian, this makes the package build only the drivers for the system X server version; in accordance with this add "XSERVER_VERSION := %%{x11_server_majorver}" to LocalConfig.kmk (XSERVER_VERSION is added by the patch) - try to make USB paththrough work: o modify udev virtualbox.rules file to make usb paththrough work, this syncs the udev rule with the upstream one o add/remove a vboxusers group in %%post/%%postun (Debian) o add a post scriplet to build the usb device tree (Debian) o add a postun scriptlet to remove the usb device tree * Sat Jan 22 2011 ahmad 4.0.0-2.mga1 + Revision: 33306 - really disable patch16 - drop patches 7 and 17 not needed anymore - delete 60-vboxadd.perms, not needed any more - clean spec - disable virtualbox-default-to-mandriva patch for now - imported package virtualbox