%global collection_namespace community
%global collection_name libvirt
%global forgeurl https://github.com/ansible-collections/%{collection_namespace}.%{collection_name}

# Tests are excluded, for now.
%bcond_with     tests

Name:           ansible-collection-%{collection_namespace}-%{collection_name}
Version:        1.0.2
%global tag     %{version}
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        Ansible modules and plugins for managing libvirt

License:        GPLv3+
URL:            %{ansible_collection_url}
Source0:        %{forgesource}
Source1:        %{name}.rpmlintrc

# Prefer ansible-core
# BuildRequires:  (ansible-core >= 2.11.0 or ansible >= 2.9.10)
BuildRequires:  ansible-core >= 2.11.0

BuildArch:      noarch

%{name} provides the %{collection_namespace}.%{collection_name}
Ansible collection. The collection includes Ansible modules and plugins for
managing libvirt.


find -type f -name '.gitignore' -print -delete
rm -vr .azure-pipelines %{!?with_tests:tests}




%license COPYING

* Sun Dec 05 2021 Maxwell G <gotmax@e.email> - 1.0.2-1
- Initial package