Name: randomutils Version: 53.10.19 Release: 1 Epoch: 1 Summary: Utilities for generating 64-bit cryptographic random numbers URL: License: GPLv3 BuildRequires: zig asciidoc Recommends: words %global vname r%{epoch}-%{version} %global bname %{name}-%{vname} %global ext tar.gz %global fname %{bname}.%{ext} %undefine _disable_source_fetch %undefine _missing_build_ids_terminate_build Source0:{name}/-/archive/%{vname}/%{fname} %global SHA256_0 8036cd3a6f06ddd68ddde2b33abb0dfd218cdf559b0313e3ea2c90bf54ac1235 %description randomutils is a set of tools for generating 64-bit random numbers and is focused on allowing easy, fast and secure random number generation in shell scripts. Utilities provided: random, lottery, roll, mempassword. %prep echo "%{SHA256_0} %{SOURCE0}" | sha256sum -c - %setup -q -n %{bname} %build zig build zig build manpages %check zig build test %install zig build -p %{buildroot}/usr zig build -p %{buildroot}/usr manpages %files %{_bindir}/random %{_bindir}/roll %{_bindir}/lottery %{_bindir}/mempassword %{_mandir}/man1/random.1* %{_mandir}/man1/roll.1* %{_mandir}/man1/lottery.1* %{_mandir}/man1/mempassword.1* %doc %doc examples %license COPYING