%global rhnroot %{_prefix}/share/rhn %global rhnconfigdefaults %{rhnroot}/config-defaults %global rhnconf %{_sysconfdir}/rhn %global m2crypto m2crypto %if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 6 %{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} %endif %if 0%{?fedora} >= 23 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1320 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 %{!?python3_sitelib: %global python3_sitelib %(%{__python3} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")} %global python3rhnroot %{python3_sitelib}/spacewalk %global build_py3 1 %endif %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} >= 7 %{!?pylint_check: %global pylint_check 1} %endif %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} %global apacheconfd %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d %global apache_user apache %global apache_group apache %global apache_pkg httpd %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} %{!?pylint_check: %global pylint_check 0} %global apacheconfd %{_sysconfdir}/apache2/conf.d %global apache_user wwwrun %global apache_group www %global apache_pkg apache2 %global m2crypto python-m2crypto %endif %if 0%{?fedora} >= 28 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8 %global python_prefix python2 %else %global python_prefix python %endif %global pythonrhnroot %{python_sitelib}/spacewalk Name: spacewalk-backend Summary: Common programs needed to be installed on the Spacewalk servers/proxies License: GPLv2 Version: 2.9.6 Release: 1.git.13.92da574%{?dist} URL: https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk Source0: spacewalk-backend-git-13.92da574.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch Requires: python, rpm-python # /etc/rhn is provided by spacewalk-proxy-common or by spacewalk-config Requires: /etc/rhn Requires: rhnlib >= 2.5.74 # for Debian support Requires: %{python_prefix}-debian Requires: %{name}-libs >= 1.1.16-1 %if 0%{?rhel} > 5 Requires: pyliblzma %endif %if 0%{?pylint_check} BuildRequires: spacewalk-python2-pylint %endif BuildRequires: /usr/bin/msgfmt BuildRequires: /usr/bin/docbook2man BuildRequires: docbook-utils BuildRequires: python2-spacewalk-usix %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 5 || 0%{?suse_version} > 1310 BuildRequires: rhnlib >= 2.5.74 BuildRequires: python2-rhn-client-tools BuildRequires: rpm-python BuildRequires: %{python_prefix}-crypto BuildRequires: %{python_prefix}-debian BuildRequires: python2-gzipstream BuildRequires: yum BuildRequires: %{m2crypto} %endif Requires(pre): %{apache_pkg} Requires: %{apache_pkg} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix # we don't really want to require this redhat-release, so we protect # against installations on other releases using conflicts... Obsoletes: rhns-common < 5.3.0 Obsoletes: rhns < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns = 1:%{version}-%{release} Provides: rhns-common = 1:%{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: spacewalk-backend-upload-server < 1.2.28 Provides: spacewalk-backend-upload-server = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description Generic program files needed by the Spacewalk server machines. This package includes the common code required by all servers/proxies. %package sql Summary: Core functions providing SQL connectivity for the Spacewalk backend modules Requires(pre): %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: rhns-sql < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-sql = 1:%{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-sql-virtual = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix %description sql This package contains the basic code that provides SQL connectivity for the Spacewalk backend modules. %package sql-oracle Summary: Oracle backend for Spacewalk Requires: python(:DBAPI:oracle) Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Provides: %{name}-sql-virtual = %{version}-%{release} %description sql-oracle This package contains provides Oracle connectivity for the Spacewalk backend modules. %package sql-postgresql Summary: Postgresql backend for Spacewalk Requires: python-psycopg2 >= 2.0.14-2 Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Provides: %{name}-sql-virtual = %{version}-%{release} %description sql-postgresql This package contains provides PostgreSQL connectivity for the Spacewalk backend modules. %package server Summary: Basic code that provides Spacewalk Server functionality Requires(pre): %{name}-sql = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-sql = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Requires: PyPAM Obsoletes: rhns-server < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-server = 1:%{version}-%{release} #this exists only on rhel5 and rhel6 Conflicts: python-sgmlop # cobbler-web is known to break our configuration Conflicts: cobbler-web Requires: mod_wsgi %description server This package contains the basic code that provides server/backend functionality for a variety of XML-RPC receivers. The architecture is modular so that you can plug/install additional modules for XML-RPC receivers and get them enabled automatically. %package xmlrpc Summary: Handler for /XMLRPC Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Requires: rpm-python Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Obsoletes: rhns-server-xmlrpc < 5.3.0 Obsoletes: rhns-xmlrpc < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-server-xmlrpc = 1:%{version}-%{release} Provides: rhns-xmlrpc = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description xmlrpc These are the files required for running the /XMLRPC handler, which provide the basic support for the registration client (rhn_register) and the up2date clients. %package applet Summary: Handler for /APPLET Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Obsoletes: rhns-applet < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-applet = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description applet These are the files required for running the /APPLET handler, which provides the functions for the Spacewalk applet. %package app Summary: Handler for /APP Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Obsoletes: rhns-server-app < 5.3.0 Obsoletes: rhns-app < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-server-app = 1:%{version}-%{release} Provides: rhns-app = 1:%{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: spacewalk-backend-xp < 1.8.38 Provides: spacewalk-backend-xp = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: rhns-server-xp < 5.3.0 Obsoletes: rhns-xp < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-server-xp = 1:%{version}-%{release} Provides: rhns-xp = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description app These are the files required for running the /APP handler. Calls to /APP are used by internal maintenance tools (rhnpush). %package iss Summary: Handler for /SAT Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: rhns-sat < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-sat = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description iss %{name} contains the basic code that provides server/backend functionality for a variety of XML-RPC receivers. The architecture is modular so that you can plug/install additional modules for XML-RPC receivers and get them enabled automatically. This package contains /SAT handler, which provide Inter Spacewalk Sync capability. %package iss-export Summary: Listener for the Server XML dumper Requires: rpm-python Requires: %{name}-xml-export-libs = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix %description iss-export %{name} contains the basic code that provides server/backend functionality for a variety of XML-RPC receivers. The architecture is modular so that you can plug/install additional modules for XML-RPC receivers and get them enabled automatically. This package contains listener for the Server XML dumper. %package libs Summary: Spacewalk server and client tools libraries %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: python-devel %else Requires: python BuildRequires: python2-devel Conflicts: %{name} < 1.7.0 Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix %endif %description libs Libraries required by both Spacewalk server and Spacewalk client tools. %if 0%{?build_py3} %package -n python3-%{name}-libs Summary: Spacewalk client tools libraries for Fedora 23 BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: python3-devel Conflicts: %{name} < 1.7.0 %if 0%{?suse_version} Requires: python3-base %else Requires: python3-libs %endif Requires: python3-spacewalk-usix %description -n python3-%{name}-libs Libraries required by Spacewalk client tools on Fedora 23. %endif %package config-files-common Summary: Common files for the Configuration Management project Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Obsoletes: rhns-config-files-common < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-config-files-common = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description config-files-common Common files required by the Configuration Management project %package config-files Summary: Handler for /CONFIG-MANAGEMENT Requires: %{name}-config-files-common = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: rhns-config-files < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-config-files = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description config-files This package contains the server-side code for configuration management. %package config-files-tool Summary: Handler for /CONFIG-MANAGEMENT-TOOL Requires: %{name}-config-files-common = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Obsoletes: rhns-config-files-tool < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-config-files-tool = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description config-files-tool This package contains the server-side code for configuration management tool. %package package-push-server Summary: Listener for rhnpush (non-XMLRPC version) Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: rhns-package-push-server < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-package-push-server = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description package-push-server Listener for rhnpush (non-XMLRPC version) %package tools Summary: Spacewalk Services Tools Requires: %{name}-xmlrpc = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name}-app = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{name} Requires: spacewalk-certs-tools Requires: spacewalk-admin >= 0.1.1-0 Requires: python2-gzipstream Requires: python2-rhn-client-tools %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 6 Requires: pyliblzma %endif %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} Requires: python2-devel Requires: mod_ssl %endif Requires: %{name}-xml-export-libs Requires: cobbler20 Requires: rhnlib >= 2.5.57 Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Requires: python-requests Requires: %{m2crypto} %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 5 BuildRequires: python-requests %endif Obsoletes: rhns-satellite-tools < 5.3.0 Obsoletes: spacewalk-backend-satellite-tools <= 0.2.7 Provides: spacewalk-backend-satellite-tools = %{version}-%{release} Provides: rhns-satellite-tools = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description tools Various utilities for the Spacewalk Server. %package xml-export-libs Summary: Spacewalk XML data exporter Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Obsoletes: rhns-xml-export-libs < 5.3.0 Provides: rhns-xml-export-libs = 1:%{version}-%{release} %description xml-export-libs Libraries required by various exporting tools %package cdn Summary: CDN tools Requires: %{name}-server = %{version}-%{release} Requires: python2-spacewalk-usix Requires: subscription-manager Requires: %{m2crypto} Requires: python-argparse %description cdn Tools for syncing content from Red Hat CDN %prep %setup -q -n spacewalk-backend-git-13.92da574 %build make -f Makefile.backend all %install install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rhnroot} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot} make -f Makefile.backend install PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \ MANDIR=%{_mandir} APACHECONFDIR=%{apacheconfd} %if 0%{?build_py3} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3rhnroot}/common cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/__init__.py \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3rhnroot}/ cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/common/__init__.py \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3rhnroot}/common cp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/common/{checksum.py,cli.py,rhn_deb.py,rhn_mpm.py,rhn_pkg.py,rhn_rpm.py,stringutils.py,fileutils.py,rhnLib.py} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3rhnroot}/common %endif export PYTHON_MODULE_NAME=%{name} export PYTHON_MODULE_VERSION=%{version} %find_lang %{name}-server %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 6 sed -i 's/#LOGROTATE-3.8#//' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-* sed -i 's/#DOCUMENTROOT#/\/var\/www\/html/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn.conf %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} sed -i 's/#LOGROTATE-3.8#.*/ su root www/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-* sed -i 's/#DOCUMENTROOT#/\/srv\/www\/htdocs/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn.conf pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT find -name '*.py' -print0 | xargs -0 python %py_libdir/py_compile.py popd %if 0%{?build_py3} %py3_compile -O %{buildroot}/%{python3rhnroot} %endif %endif %clean %check cp %{pythonrhnroot}/common/usix.py $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/common make -f Makefile.backend PYTHONPATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python_sitelib} test || : %if 0%{?pylint_check} # check coding style export PYTHONPATH=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python_sitelib}:/usr/lib/rhn:/usr/share/rhn spacewalk-python2-pylint $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/common \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_exporter \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/cdn_tools \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/upload_server \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/wsgi %endif rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{pythonrhnroot}/common/usix.py* %pre server OLD_SECRET_FILE=%{_var}/www/rhns/server/secret/rhnSecret.py if [ -f $OLD_SECRET_FILE ]; then install -d -m 750 -o root -g %{apache_group} %{rhnconf} mv ${OLD_SECRET_FILE}* %{rhnconf} fi %post server if [ ! -e %{rhnconf}/rhn.conf ]; then exit 0 fi # Is secret key in our config file? regex="^[[:space:]]*(server\.|)secret_key[[:space:]]*=.*$" if grep -E -i $regex %{rhnconf}/rhn.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then # secret key already there rm -f %{rhnconf}/rhnSecret.py* exit 0 fi # Generate a secret key if old one is not present if [ -f %{rhnconf}/rhnSecret.py ]; then secret_key=$(PYTHONPATH=%{rhnconf} %{__python} -c \ "from rhnSecret import SECRET_KEY; print SECRET_KEY") else secret_key=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024 count=1 2>/dev/null | sha1sum - | awk '{print $1}') fi echo "server.secret_key = $secret_key" >> %{rhnconf}/rhn.conf rm -f %{rhnconf}/rhnSecret.py* %files %doc LICENSE %dir %{pythonrhnroot} %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/common %{pythonrhnroot}/common/apache.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/byterange.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnApache.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnCache.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnConfig.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnException.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnFlags.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnLog.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnMail.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnTB.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnRepository.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnTranslate.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/RPC_Base.py* %attr(770,root,%{apache_group}) %dir %{_var}/log/rhn # Workaround for strict-whitespace-enforcement in httpd %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %config %{apacheconfd}/aa-spacewalk-server.conf # config files %attr(755,root,%{apache_group}) %dir %{rhnconfigdefaults} %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn.conf %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-cfg-get %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-cfg-get.8.gz # wsgi stuff %dir %{rhnroot}/wsgi %{rhnroot}/wsgi/__init__.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/wsgiHandler.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/wsgiRequest.py* %files sql %doc LICENSE # Need __init__ = share it with rhns-server %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server %{pythonrhnroot}/server/__init__.py* %{rhnroot}/server/__init__.py* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL/const.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL/dbi.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL/sql_*.py* %files sql-oracle %doc LICENSE %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.py* %files sql-postgresql %doc LICENSE %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSQL/driver_postgresql.py* %files server -f %{name}-server.lang %doc LICENSE # modules %{pythonrhnroot}/server/apacheAuth.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/apacheHandler.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/apacheRequest.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/apacheServer.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/apacheUploadServer.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnAction.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnAuthPAM.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnCapability.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnChannel.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnDependency.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnPackage.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnPackageUpload.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/basePackageUpload.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnHandler.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnMapping.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnRepository.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnSession.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnUser.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnVirtualization.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/taskomatic.py* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnServer %{pythonrhnroot}/server/rhnServer/* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/archImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/backend.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/backendLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/backendOracle.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/backend_checker.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/channelImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/debPackage.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/errataCache.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/errataImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/headerSource.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/importLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/kickstartImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/mpmSource.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/packageImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/packageUpload.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/productNamesImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/userAuth.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/orgImport.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/importlib/contentSourcesImport.py* %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/__init__.py* # Repomd stuff %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/repomd %{pythonrhnroot}/server/repomd/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/repomd/domain.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/repomd/mapper.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/repomd/repository.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/server/repomd/view.py* # the cache %attr(755,%{apache_user},%{apache_group}) %dir %{_var}/cache/rhn %attr(755,root,root) %dir %{_var}/cache/rhn/satsync # config files %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server.conf # main httpd config %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %config %{apacheconfd}/zz-spacewalk-server.conf # wsgi stuff %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %config %{apacheconfd}/zz-spacewalk-server-wsgi.conf %{rhnroot}/wsgi/app.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/applet.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/config.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/config_tool.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/package_push.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/sat.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/sat_dump.py* %{rhnroot}/wsgi/xmlrpc.py* # logs and other stuff %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-server %if 0%{?suse_version} %dir %{rhnroot}/server %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers %endif %files xmlrpc %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/xmlrpc %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/xmlrpc/* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/action %{pythonrhnroot}/server/action/* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/action_extra_data %{pythonrhnroot}/server/action_extra_data/* # config files %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_xmlrpc.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-xmlrpc %files applet %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/applet %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/applet/* # config files %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_applet.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-applet %files app %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/app %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/app/* # config files %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_app.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-app %files iss %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/sat %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/sat/* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-iss %files iss-export %doc LICENSE %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_exporter %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_exporter/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_exporter/satexport.py* %dir %{rhnroot}/satellite_exporter %dir %{rhnroot}/satellite_exporter/handlers %{rhnroot}/satellite_exporter/__init__.py* %{rhnroot}/satellite_exporter/handlers/__init__.py* %{rhnroot}/satellite_exporter/handlers/non_auth_dumper.py* # config files %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-iss-export %files libs %doc LICENSE %{pythonrhnroot}/common/checksum.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/cli.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/fileutils.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhn_deb.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhn_mpm.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhn_pkg.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhn_rpm.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/stringutils.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/rhnLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/timezone_utils.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/common/__init__.py* %if 0%{?build_py3} %files -n python3-%{name}-libs %doc LICENSE %{python3rhnroot}/common/checksum.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/cli.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/fileutils.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/rhn_deb.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/rhn_mpm.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/rhn_pkg.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/rhn_rpm.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/stringutils.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/rhnLib.py* %{python3rhnroot}/__init__.py %{python3rhnroot}/common/__init__.py %{python3rhnroot}/__pycache__/__init__.* %{python3rhnroot}/common/__pycache__ %if 0%{?suse_version} %dir %{python3rhnroot} %dir %{python3rhnroot}/common %dir %{python3rhnroot}/__pycache__ %endif %endif %files config-files-common %doc LICENSE %{pythonrhnroot}/server/configFilesHandler.py* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/server/config_common %{pythonrhnroot}/server/config_common/* %files config-files %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/config %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/config/* %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_config-management.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-config-files %files config-files-tool %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/config_mgmt %{rhnroot}/server/handlers/config_mgmt/* %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_config-management-tool.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-config-files-tool %files package-push-server %doc LICENSE %dir %{rhnroot}/upload_server %{rhnroot}/upload_server/__init__.py* %dir %{rhnroot}/upload_server/handlers %{rhnroot}/upload_server/handlers/__init__.py* %{rhnroot}/upload_server/handlers/package_push %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_upload.conf %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_upload_package-push.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-package-push-server %files tools %doc LICENSE %doc README.ULN %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_satellite.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-tools %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-charsets %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-satellite-activate %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-schema-version %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-ssl-dbstore %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/satellite-sync %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-debug %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-satellite-exporter %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/update-packages %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-repo-sync %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-db-stats %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rhn-schema-stats %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/satpasswd %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/satwho %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-remove-channel* %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-update-signatures %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-data-fsck %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/spacewalk-fips-tool %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/contentRemove.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/SequenceServer.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/messages.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/progress_bar.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/req_channels.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/satsync.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/satCerts.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/satComputePkgHeaders.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/syncCache.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/sync_handlers.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/rhn_satellite_activate.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/rhn_ssl_dbstore.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/xmlWireSource.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/updatePackages.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/reposync.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/constants.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/download.py* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/iss.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/iss_ui.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/iss_isos.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/iss_actions.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/dumper.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/disk_dumper/string_buffer.py* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/repo_plugins %attr(755,root,%{apache_group}) %dir %{_var}/log/rhn/reposync %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/repo_plugins/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/repo_plugins/yum_src.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/repo_plugins/uln_src.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/repo_plugins/deb_src.py* %config %attr(644,root,%{apache_group}) %{rhnconfigdefaults}/rhn_server_iss.conf %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-satellite-exporter.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-charsets.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-satellite-activate.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-schema-version.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-ssl-dbstore.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-db-stats.8* %{_mandir}/man8/rhn-schema-stats.8* %{_mandir}/man8/satellite-sync.8* %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-debug.8* %{_mandir}/man8/satpasswd.8* %{_mandir}/man8/satwho.8* %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-fips-tool.8* %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-remove-channel.8* %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-repo-sync.8* %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-data-fsck.8* %{_mandir}/man8/spacewalk-update-signatures.8* %{_mandir}/man8/update-packages.8* %files xml-export-libs %doc LICENSE %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/geniso.py* # A bunch of modules shared with satellite-tools %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/connection.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/diskImportLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/syncLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/xmlDiskSource.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/xmlSource.py* %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/exporter %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/exporter/__init__.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/exporter/exportLib.py* %{pythonrhnroot}/satellite_tools/exporter/xmlWriter.py* %files cdn %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/cdn-sync %{pythonrhnroot}/cdn_tools/*.py* %attr(755,root,%{apache_group}) %dir %{_var}/log/rhn/cdnsync %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/spacewalk-backend-cdn %{_mandir}/man8/cdn-sync.8* %if 0%{?suse_version} %dir %{pythonrhnroot}/cdn_tools %endif %changelog * Mon Apr 30 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.9.6-1 - remove traniling newlien at EOF * Mon Apr 30 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.9.5-1 - fix pylint - remove unsused import * Fri Apr 27 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.9.4-1 - Fix KeyError: 'authtoken' when running spacewalk-repo-sync with --type deb * Fri Apr 13 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.9.3-1 - 1567157 - remove 'www' part from cve.mitre.org domain name * Thu Apr 12 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.9.2-1 - Sat export evauated severity 0 as None * Fri Apr 06 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.9.1-1 - 1198723 - rhnRepository.py: add support for Debian / Ubuntu Release files - Bumping package versions for 2.9. * Mon Mar 26 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.57-1 - 1549546 - Allow spacewalk-channel to add parent channel. * Fri Mar 23 2018 Jan Dobes 2.8.56-1 - fixing incorrect syntax of format string - fixing incorrect syntax of format string - pylint: Unused variable 'frag' (unused-variable) * Fri Mar 23 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.55-1 - refactoring ljust methods in print - Hack: Try to build an URL that works for SUSE SCC downloads, based on PR #617 * Wed Mar 21 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.54-1 - Make spec file follow guidelines for fedora28+ * Tue Mar 20 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.53-1 - Fixing newline error in translation - Updating copyright years for 2018 - Regenerating .po and .pot files for spacewalk-backend. - Updating .po translations from Zanata * Thu Mar 01 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.52-1 - require python2 version of spacewalk-usix for backend server * Thu Mar 01 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.51-1 - 1550001 - KeyError: 'severity' caught when exporting channel with rhn- satellite-exporter * Wed Feb 28 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.50-1 - build python3-spacewalk-backend on rhel8 * Fri Feb 23 2018 Grant Gainey 2.8.49-1 - 1534417 - sanitize pwds in backup files and http-proxy-pwds as well * Tue Feb 13 2018 Eric Herget 2.8.48-1 - Update to use newly separated spacewalk-python[2|3]-pylint packages * Tue Feb 13 2018 Grant Gainey 2.8.47-1 - 1540981 - Clarify error-reporting when checksum_cache is bad * Fri Feb 09 2018 Michael Mraka 2.8.46-1 - clean up specfile * Thu Feb 08 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.45-1 - fix pylint 2.0 * Thu Feb 08 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.44-1 - fix pylint warnings * Thu Feb 08 2018 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.43-1 - support syncing of modules during ISS - export modules in rhn-satellite-exporter - support downloading modules.yaml from backend - retrieve module metadata when syncing yum type repository - provide a way how to retrieve module files for yum type repositories * Mon Feb 05 2018 Grant Gainey 2.8.42-1 - 1537098 - Teach packageImport to ignore flags RPM doesn't know * Thu Jan 25 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.41-1 - Fix syncing severity * Wed Jan 24 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.40-1 - 1538096 - Security erratum severity is not being synced using synchronization tools * Wed Jan 17 2018 Jan Dobes 2.8.39-1 - 1534417 - hide plaintext password in spacewalk-debug archive * Wed Jan 17 2018 Jiri Dostal 2.8.38-1 - Keep the authtoken appended to the URL when downloading repo content * Mon Jan 08 2018 Jan Dobes 2.8.37-1 - 1507553 - include unmapped channels in channel list and EOL channel list - 1507553 - change message to warning and don't display with default verbose setting * Fri Jan 05 2018 Jan Dobes 2.8.36-1 - still can print custom channels with CDN repos without mappings - 1525858 - add --list-eol option to show more info about channel's end-of-life dates * Fri Jan 05 2018 Jan Dobes 2.8.35-1 - 1525858 - print note that channel reached EOL already - 1525858 - improve wording * Tue Jan 02 2018 Jan Dobes 2.8.34-1 - 1525858 - display expired EOL status if available * Mon Dec 11 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.33-1 - 1509955 - pass http headers to downloader * Fri Dec 01 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.32-1 - localhost is not local - port versus socket * Fri Dec 01 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.31-1 - Update manpage for satelite-sync. - Add --ignore-proxy option to satelite-sync. - try to find whole dependency tree, not only direct dependencies * Tue Nov 14 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.30-1 - 1494575 - use only version in channel release * Mon Nov 13 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.29-1 - copy usix before tests are executed * Mon Nov 13 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.28-1 - disable unsupported-assignment-operation in this block, this seems to be false-positive error - rename variables to match method headers of parent classes (pylint arguments- differ) - compare value instead of identity - move to setup_repo method and execute only when no_mirrors is False - these arguments differ intentionally - fixing len-as-condition pylint rule - re-enable pylint on Fedora * Wed Nov 08 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.27-1 - Change the virtualization backend not to duplicate data in case host and guests are in different organizations * Mon Nov 06 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.26-1 - fix joining strings * Fri Nov 03 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.25-1 - yum ContentSource() should set number of packages during raw listing. * Fri Nov 03 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.24-1 - convert release to long while checking which is older or newer - Do not import ignored errata * Tue Oct 31 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.23-1 - process comps file before package import - yum on RHEL6 has no idea about environments * Fri Oct 27 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.22-1 - convert only bytes * Wed Oct 25 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.21-1 - pylint fixes * Wed Oct 25 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.20-1 - make rhn_rpm python3 compatible - open checksummed files in binary mode * Wed Oct 25 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.19-1 - mention package groups in help - detect and parse package groups in filters - split only using comma then strip * Tue Oct 24 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.18-1 - add new spacewalk-repo-sync command line option to synopsis of man-page * Tue Oct 24 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.17-1 - add new parameter '--show-packages' for spacewalk-repo-sync. * Mon Oct 23 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.16-1 - spacewalk-backend: fix package name on SUSE and build py3 on Tumbleweed - fixing previous commit - improve comment - join two ifs * Mon Oct 16 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.15-1 - fix the inconsistency in spacewalk-repo-sync documentation. * Thu Oct 12 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.14-1 - 1455139 - fix processing '--parent' option. * Wed Oct 04 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.13-1 - 1456719 - don't move NULL org packages to the current org * Mon Oct 02 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.12-1 - require python2 version of rhn-client-tools on all platforms - fix syntax error 'release..split' * Wed Sep 27 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.8.11-1 - 1494575 - 2 parts of version are enough to dermine minor release - 1494575 - RHEL7 sends also release - drop it as it's not needed * Tue Sep 26 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.10-1 - fix pylint issues: Unused argument 'url' (unused-argument) * Mon Sep 25 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.9-1 - 1402418 - add output formatting for reposync * Fri Sep 15 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.8-1 - bz1490801 - [RFE] skip child channels with no repo during sync * Thu Sep 14 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.7-1 - 1486285 - write manifest to default location after activation succeeded * Wed Sep 06 2017 Michael Mraka 2.8.6-1 - purged changelog entries for Spacewalk 2.0 and older * Tue Sep 05 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.5-1 - 1456719 - fixing mixed-indentation and bad-continuation pylint issues * Mon Sep 04 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.4-1 - 1456719 - save the package to the same org as erratum * Tue Aug 29 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.3-1 - it's now python2-gzipstream * Mon Aug 21 2017 Jan Dobes 2.8.2-1 - 1464540 - get relative path better * Fri Aug 18 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.8.1-1 - 1482981 - stop synchronization if no space left on device - Bumping package versions for 2.8. * Mon Aug 14 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.137-1 - 1477344 - select all null-org channels and then fiter them * Wed Aug 09 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.136-1 - 1477753 - precompile py3 stuff - 1477753 - use standard brp-python-bytecompile * Mon Aug 07 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.135-1 - 1459878 - cdn-sync of custom channel should unlink errata from channel if repository is removed * Mon Aug 07 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.134-1 - 1450445 - check url of repository contains protocol name * Wed Aug 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.133-1 - 1477667 - don't unlink packages if --no-packages is used * Wed Aug 02 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.132-1 - 1476924 - log to stderr - 1449124 - run db-control report only on postgresql * Tue Aug 01 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.131-1 - 1476924 - set SSL certificates during ContentSource initialization, not later * Tue Aug 01 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.130-1 - update copyright year * Mon Jul 31 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.129-1 - update copyright year * Fri Jul 28 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.128-1 - 1446271 - support dumping of product names * Thu Jul 27 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.127-1 - 1466229 - sync as many errata as possible by default, skip faulty errata * Thu Jul 27 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.126-1 - 1451771 - catch IncorrectEntitlementsFileFormatError exception and improve messages * Tue Jul 25 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.125-1 - 1461339 - don't sync errata with empty package list if these packages were filtered * Thu Jul 20 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.124-1 - 1472970 - parse both providedProducts and derivedProvidedProducts * Tue Jul 18 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.123-1 - fixed msgfmt/translation error * Tue Jul 18 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.122-1 - 1450374 - fixing typos in man page * Mon Jul 17 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.121-1 - fixing pylint - Unused variable 'index' (unused-variable) * Mon Jul 17 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.120-1 - Regenerating .po and .pot files for backend - Updating .po translations from Zanata * Fri Jun 30 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.119-1 - PR 500 - correcting email address in change log. Not able/willing to change email addresses in individual commits, however. * Tue Jun 27 2017 Valérian Beaudoin - PR 502 - fix model objects do not support item assignment errors and tuple indices must be integers, not str errors - PR 502 - Correcting unused variable 'index' following the use of enumerates - PR 502 - Correcting C0200 and refactoring - PR 502 - Indentation & using IOError instead of UpdateNoticeException - PR 502 - Moving "import re" & adding "import fnmatch" - PR 502 - Adding filters feature to deb_src.py * Tue Jun 27 2017 Marc Dahlhaus - PR 500 - Another try to fix the test suite - PR 500 - Fix version string for test-suite - PR 500 - Fix typo - PR 500 - Add epoch information for deb packages * Fri Jun 23 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.116-1 - 1449172 - make documentation in man page and --help consistent * Thu Jun 22 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.115-1 - Fix bug introduced in 46f1320 preventing RPM removal. - 1434043 - Fix spacewalk-data-fsck removing SRPMs associated with RPM * Tue Jun 20 2017 Jiri Dostal 2.7.114-1 - remove not implemented option * Thu Jun 08 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.113-1 - 1425137 - fix remaining backend/manpage.sgml issues * Thu Jun 08 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.112-1 - 1438854 - improve message - 1438854 - unlink all packages when there isn't any repository attached in strict mode - 1406178 - two typos in cdn-sync --help output * Mon Jun 05 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.111-1 - 1439758 - close Curl handle - 1439758 - workaround - make sure first item from queue is performed alone to prevent multi-threading NSS error - 1439758 - split single download queue into multiple download queues based on SSL certificates * Fri May 26 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.110-1 - 1455795 - move to different file to not conflict with web.default_mail_from in Java code * Thu May 25 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.109-1 - 1455433 - don't trim channel content if there is major sync error in any repository * Wed May 24 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.108-1 - disable pylint on Fedora 26 because it's python3 - 1348575 - rhn-charsets is meant to be run only under root user * Wed May 24 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.107-1 - more pylint warning fixes * Wed May 24 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.106-1 - fixed pylint warnings - hashlib is included in python since RHEL6 * Tue May 23 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.105-1 - 1434786 - Unable to run cdn-sync if older channels do not exist anymore * Fri May 19 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.104-1 - 1439622 - return no row if user has no privs for the server - 1439622 - don't let disabled user log in * Thu May 18 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.103-1 - 1434913 - fix exit code to indicate error in other commands when not activated with CDN * Wed May 17 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.102-1 - 1427238 - normalize repository path to detect if it's part of any channels or not - 1427238 - handle . and .. in path - 1427238 - fixing leaf detection * Mon May 15 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.101-1 - 1450496 - Revert "1357480 - get_possible_orgs function never called? -> removed" * Fri May 12 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.100-1 - fixing deb plug-in - updating help and man page - use repository type value from DB if it's possible * Thu May 11 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.99-1 - 1447296 - fix examples in man page of satellite-sync - 1449914 - fixing 'NoneType' object is not iterable if no rows are selected * Wed May 10 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.98-1 - satellite-sync (iss) - enhancements to channel selection * Wed May 10 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.97-1 - 1444894 - normalize path to an RHSM manifest * Wed May 10 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.96-1 - 1447296 - update man pages about batch size parameter - 1447296 - make batch size configurable * Wed May 10 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.95-1 - 1446118 - wildcard support for channel names * Wed May 10 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.94-1 - 1437835, 1441096 - updating help - 1447296 - can't rely on index in to_process, if last item has to_link only, last chunk of packages is not imported - 1437835, 1441096 - optimize linking packages to channel - 1437835, 1441096 - disassociate packages later or keep them in channel if they are same but missing package path - 1449374 - there may be multiple packages with given checksum in different orgs - 1437835, 1441096 - upload with force to update missing package file paths on existing packages - 1437835, 1441096 - change metadata_only to just not keep packages after download * Tue May 09 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.93-1 - 1444519 - org_id column can hold NULL - 1444894 - normalize path to an RHSM manifest - 1447296 - add package_import_skip_changelog option to speed reposync up - 1446198 - finish work in threads when KeyboardInterrupt occurs during download - 1446198 - fixing semantic error * Wed May 03 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.92-1 - 1444047 - fix errata lookup for NULL org * Wed May 03 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.91-1 - 1415193 - fix line with a mention about ISS synchronization * Wed May 03 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.90-1 - 1415193 - remove mention about a live synchronization from satellite-sync man page * Tue May 02 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.89-1 - 1447296 - optimize package importing during syncing a software channel - 1446198 - fixing pylint * Tue May 02 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.88-1 - 1444519 - allow sync of the same erratum to more orgs - 1444047 - look only for errata from the same org * Fri Apr 28 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.87-1 - 1342977 - Repository sync can causes ORA-01878 on insertion of timestamp that doesn't exist in timezone - fix python 2.4 build * Fri Apr 28 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.86-1 - 1446198 - do not store SSL certificates per repository on disk cache - 1446198 - define CACHE_DIR once * Fri Apr 28 2017 Laurence Rochfort - 1342977 - Prevent ORA-01878 on repository sync. - Add timezone_utils.py to libs files for BZ 1342977 * Fri Apr 28 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.84-1 - 1445957 - default_mail_from key exists but may be empty - Remove unused imports. * Thu Apr 27 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.83-1 - 1434913 - cdn-sync could provide information that the satellite is not activated - lock release fix * Thu Apr 27 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.82-1 - 1446198 - fixing number of thread input - 1446198 - update imports - 1446198 - update build configuration - 1446198 - move downloading to module and don't block reusing connections * Wed Apr 26 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.81-1 - revert 200924587a237b57d70d780a637c867c04393438 we don't need to remove interrupted downloads, because we don't use yum to download packages anymore. * Tue Apr 25 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.80-1 - 1445220 - make sure each channel family label is selected only once * Fri Apr 21 2017 Michael Mraka 2.7.79-1 - replace dots in method names with underscore - do not fail with a traceback when media.1 is requested * Thu Apr 20 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.78-1 - 1441135 1434471 - be more specific about catched exception * Wed Apr 19 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.77-1 - 1434787 - adding logrotate - 1434787 - adding logging to candlepin_api - 1434787 - adding logging to manifest - 1434787 - adding logging to activation - 1434787 - adding logging to rhn_satellite_activate * Tue Apr 18 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.76-1 - 1439721 - subset of log2disk messages is good to include in email too - 1439721 - adding to spacewalk-repo-sync - 1439721 - making traceback_mail overridable - 1439721 - send email report * Mon Apr 17 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.75-1 - 1434913 - cdn-sync could provide information that the satellite is not activated * Tue Apr 11 2017 Eric Herget 2.7.74-1 - 1434913 - cdn-sync could provide information that the satellite is not activated * Fri Apr 07 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.73-1 - 1397762 - adding examples section - 1397762 - add option to display info about currently used manifest - 1397762 - use candlepin API server from manifest - 1397762 - rename --cdn-deactivate to just --deactivate - 1397762 - rotate manifest on deactivation - 1397762 - parse meta json file - 1397762 - get name and API URL from manifest - 1397762 - be more descriptive - 1397762 - provide option for immediate activation and rename parameters - 1439949 - Set a maximum limit to include the PostgreSQL logs into the spacewalk-debug tarball. - Enhances performance by copying just the pertinent files under /var/rhn/log. A lot of the times, external files are mistakenly saved there by sysadmins such as database dumps, etc. * Thu Apr 06 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.72-1 - 1434786 - add indentation for missing channels in an error message * Wed Apr 05 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.71-1 - 1418025 - fixing behavior to work with --force-kickstarts parameter * Wed Apr 05 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.70-1 - 1438807 - fixing long line - 1434769 - removing old return codes from comment * Tue Apr 04 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.69-1 - 1397762 - fixing long lines * Tue Apr 04 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.68-1 - 1438854 - adding example for deleting custom repo * Tue Apr 04 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.67-1 - 1438807 - display channel sync error causes on default verbosity and improve them - 1438807 - label may not be in db_channel if channel doesn't exist - 1434471 - raise Database exception up to stack and stop syncing. - 1434471 - raise unified exception from database drivers if it's not possible to execute SQL statement * Mon Apr 03 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.66-1 - 1397762 - fix build on RHEL 5 * Fri Mar 31 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.65-1 - 1397762 - update man page - 1397762 - use at least some verbosity levels in cdn_tools modules * Fri Mar 31 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.64-1 - 1397762 - fixing pylint - 1397762 - adding Candlepin API to call manifest refresh - 1397762 - call Candlepin API to download manifests and implement missing pieces of code - 1397762 - adding handler for calling Candlepin API requests with export manifest support * Fri Mar 24 2017 Jiri Dostal 2.7.63-1 - Make spacewalk-remove-channel python3 compatible * Fri Mar 24 2017 Jiri Dostal 2.7.62-1 - filter channels to removed by patern with '*' - e.g. 'fedora19*' - Fix suboptimal wording * Thu Mar 23 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.61-1 - 1427231 - set interrupt callback to not retry - 1427231 - it's not necessarily interrupted by user and the return code should not be zero - 1427231 - propagate first detected fatal exception from child threads and interrupt downloading * Thu Mar 23 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.60-1 - 1434786 - show list of non-available channels at the beginning of syncing * Thu Mar 23 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.59-1 - 1434786 - ignore channels which are not exist or not available * Mon Mar 20 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.58-1 - 1433365 - show error message if we cannot download repomd.xml during counting packages - 1433365 - fix http proxy configuration for yum_src * Mon Mar 20 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.57-1 - 1418025 - fix package downloading for Kickstart addons. Add parsing repodata for addons repository and download all packages according to its location. - 1427231 - if package was not downloaded and message-less Exception catched, don't print empty line and don't print to stream on default verbose setting * Thu Mar 16 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.56-1 - 1430236 - fixing 'WARNING: there is already a transaction in progress' in postgresql logs * Wed Mar 15 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.55-1 - 1428749 - fixing redundant tag - 1428749 - adding note about threads * Tue Mar 14 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.54-1 - 1427238 - update man page - 1427238 - cleanup orphaned repositories not attached to any channel - 1427238 - there should not be custom repositories assigned, delete them if they are - 1427238 - handle sync after first repo was added, last repo was removed - 1427238 - splitting into two functions and mark as synced after repos are assigned - 1427238 - ContentSourceImport can't unlink last associated repository, do it differently - 1427238 - move to repository file - 1427238 - support counting packages in custom channels - 1427238 - removing unreachable code, channels without content sources are filtered out earlier - 1427238 - put common code into separate method - 1427238 - work without channel mappings - break mappings dependency on spacewalk - 1427238 - list all provided repositories separately, not associated with channels because it's in channel list output already anyway - 1427238 - list custom CDN channels and sorting repositories - 1427238 - load org_id of synced channels - 1427238 - rename --cdn-certificates to shorter --cdn-certs - 1427238 - change --list-repositories option to be used only together with --list-channels and --cdn-certificates - 1427238 - shuffle verbosity levels a bit and fix messages - 1427238 - adding --add-repo and --delete-repo parameter to sync specific repos to custom channel - 1427238 - make sure content is in null org, not in custom org - 1427238 - check if it's really leaf, fixing error when incomplete path is searched - 1427238 - support linking ContentSource to existing channels during their import - 1427238 - update function creating ContentSource to work with specified repos - 1427238 - split checking function - 1427238 - list channels syncing from given repository - 1427238 - filter channels with lost entitlement and include custom repos with null content source assigned * Mon Mar 13 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.53-1 - 1427625 - Move aa-spacewalk-server.conf to backend from server - remove old code used for testing * Tue Mar 07 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.52-1 - 1427625 - Fix garbage-char in file (??) - 1419867 - fixing 'NoneType object is not iterable' error * Mon Mar 06 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.51-1 - 1427851 - fixing spaces * Fri Mar 03 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.50-1 - 1419867 - provide option for forcibly syncing all errata, similarly as in satsync - 1419867 - do not import always all errata by default for performance reasons - 1419867 - don't re-insert existing files again * Fri Mar 03 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.49-1 - fix pylint warning - Updated links to github in spec files - 1428834 - show sys.path as string if anything goes wrong - Migrating Fedorahosted to GitHub * Fri Mar 03 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.48-1 - 1418025 - sync RPM packages for addons in Kickstart Tree - Fix: selection of primary interface * Thu Mar 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.47-1 - 1427220 - trigger repodata generation after and only if channel packages are updated - 1419867 - do not re-subscribe packages to channel if nothing was added * Thu Mar 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.46-1 - 1419867 - simplyfying nested blocks - wrong-import-position is not present in pylint on Fedora 23 * Wed Mar 01 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.45-1 - 1419867 - cache correct path of uploaded package - don't use keys() to iterate over a dictionary * Tue Feb 28 2017 Grant Gainey 2.7.44-1 - 1427625 - Add strict-httpd-workaround *FIRST* in httpd conf files (bz is a SW-clone of BZ#1422518) * Mon Feb 27 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.43-1 - 1419867 - adding checksum cache for reposync to speed up syncing already synced channel * Fri Feb 24 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.42-1 - Postgresql 9.6 support * Fri Feb 24 2017 Ondrej Gajdusek 2.7.41-1 - Fixing wrong-import-position (C0413) for backend. - Fixing ungrouped-imports for backend - Fixing trailing-newlines for backend - Fixing consider-iterating-dictionary for backend * Fri Feb 24 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.40-1 - align number to right in output * Thu Feb 23 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.39-1 - 1401497 - fixing case when there isn't any valid SSL cert - 1401497 - fixing 'ERROR: expected a readable buffer object' on Oracle * Thu Feb 23 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.38-1 - temporarily copy usix into buildroot for pylint check * Tue Feb 21 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.37-1 - 1425137 - fixing element CODE undefined - 1425137 - close term tags * Mon Feb 20 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.36-1 - 1390241 - catch exception InvalidArchError and send back an error message * Fri Feb 17 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.35-1 - 1401497 - fixing empty select * Thu Feb 16 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.34-1 - require spacewalk-usix in buildtime for pylint * Wed Feb 15 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.33-1 - __init__.py should be owned by backend-libs package - delete usix source * Wed Feb 15 2017 Tomas Kasparek 2.7.32-1 - fix specfile - require spacewalk-usix indead of spacewalk-backend-usix - remove spacewalk-backend-usix package * Tue Feb 14 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.31-1 - 1420288 - support importing KS files with other checksum type than md5 * Tue Feb 14 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.30-1 - 1418044 - check ISS case in cdn-sync * Thu Feb 09 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.29-1 - 1401497 - complain about certificates during activation - 1401497 - adding more details of current SSL certificates in DB - 1401497 - support creating repository tree with only repos provided by single client certificate - 1401497 - catch on higher level to not mark missing repositories as found repositories with no SSL certificates - 1401497 - check SSL dates in reposync - 1401497 - check if there is any not-expired ssl set - 1401497 - adding function for checking certificate dates - 1401497 - fixing repository tree population functions to support multiple ssl - 1401497 - fixing import of SSL certificates to import them all - require python-argparse for spacewalk-backend-cdn - Fix typo * Wed Feb 01 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.28-1 - 1414454 - setting channel_access to private as a default * Tue Jan 31 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.27-1 - 1413788 - change error messages in satellite-sync and rhn-satellite-activate * Wed Jan 25 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.26-1 - fix failed packages counting if we cannot download some package * Wed Jan 25 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.25-1 - 1415193 - fix man page for satellite-sync - 1413788 - improve error messages for obsolete options in satellite-sync and rhn-satellite-activate * Mon Jan 23 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.24-1 - 1414697 - fixing pylint - 1316708 - fixing case when postgresql is installed but spacewalk is using Oracle - bz#1316708 - added the capability for spacewalk-debug to capture the pg_catalog information from PostgreSQL * Thu Jan 19 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.23-1 - 1414697 - proxy can't be specified in multiple parameters on all versions of urlgrabber * Thu Jan 19 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.22-1 - 1395815 - change permissions for /var/satellite/rhn* after syncing of a channel * Wed Jan 18 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.21-1 - bz1412600 - error during syncing duplicated channel's labels * Mon Jan 16 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.20-1 - 1406462 - add possibility to use previous manifest * Thu Jan 12 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.19-1 - 1412617 - Oracle backend returns LOB object not a string, convert to string * Fri Jan 06 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.18-1 - 1406462 - print help if no options were provided for rhn-satellite-activate * Wed Jan 04 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.17-1 - 1409434 - fixing mirror expansion * Wed Jan 04 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.16-1 - 1410149 - fixing activation on s390x - 1410146 - fixing entitlements without provided products * Tue Jan 03 2017 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.15-1 - fix usability bug in reposync - 1406038 - show number of packages which are failed during a channel syncing * Tue Jan 03 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.14-1 - 1409434 - this option works differently on different yum versions, reverting for now - 1409434 - make baseurls in good format when not expanding mirrors - 1409434 - don't have to be in try block * Mon Jan 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.13-1 - 1401488 - Fixes the following error on errata-sync: ERROR: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects * Mon Jan 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.12-1 - 1409434 - fixing parameters - 1409434 - fixing pylint * Mon Jan 02 2017 Jan Dobes 2.7.11-1 - 1409434 - make updating repodata default - 1409434 - log2stderr will not get it into log files - 1409434 - remove downloaded packages as well - 1409434 - returning ret_code is expected - 1409434 - adding option for overwriting kickstart data - 1409434 - do not try to link not imported package to channel - 1409434 - add multithreaded download to reposync - 1409434 - fixing broken pipe on long output and release locks - 1409434 - consistent time - 1409434 - improve list format - 1409434 - suppress "Unknown channel family" messages - 1409434 - support counting single channel - 1409434 - fixing argument format - 1409434 - download all repomd first and skip repositories with up to date repomd - 1409434 - configurable threads - 1409434 - work with mirrors - 1409434 - work with proxy - 1409434 - changing parameter format, add function for setting parameters, add text log class - 1409434 - retry download, checksum etc. - 1409434 - adding multi-threaded downloader - 1409434 - repodata can contain only sha word - 1409434 - we can skip mirror expansion in cdnsync - 1409434 - adding function to check if there is newer repomd in repository than in cache - 1409434 - support keeping repomd in cache * Mon Dec 19 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.10-1 - 1395815 - fix permissions for Kickstart Tree paths * Fri Dec 16 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.9-1 - 1405039 - continue syncing if we cannot download some packages - close log file handler for yum plugin to avoid file descriptors leak * Thu Dec 15 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.8-1 - 1404033 - return non-zero return code if channel has no URL associated * Thu Dec 15 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.7-1 - 1397417 - fix memory leaks in cdn-sync and spacewalk-repo-sync. * remove a circular dependency between YumRepository and ContentSource * optimize memory consumption * Mon Dec 12 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.6-1 - 1403898 - spacewalk-repo-sync returns non-zero return code if some problems occured * Mon Dec 12 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.7.5-1 - 1397427 - add non-zero return code and error message if some problems occurred during syncing * Wed Nov 30 2016 Jan Dobes 2.7.4-1 - 1387173 - only user repositories should be allowed to configure, accessing self.yumbase.repos.repos can take long, do it once * Mon Nov 28 2016 Jan Dobes 2.7.3-1 - 1387173 - make possible to configure by channel - 1387173 - make sure org_id is string - 1387173 - make possible to setup repository configuration with guessable name and keep org_id information * Mon Nov 21 2016 Jan Dobes 2.7.2-1 - 1395207 - recognize downloaded headers by yum * Tue Nov 15 2016 Jan Dobes 2.7.1-1 - 1395214 - download treeinfo to cache directory to not create folder in kickstart directory if there isn't any treeinfo - 1395214 - evaluate kickstart trees properly - Bumping package versions for 2.7. * Wed Nov 09 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.74-1 - Revert Project-Id-Version for translations * Wed Nov 09 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.73-1 - properly extract path - add missing newline in string * Tue Nov 08 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.72-1 - fixing case when local repository has packages in subdirectories - Regenerating .po and .pot files for backend - Updating .po translations from Zanata * Mon Nov 07 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.71-1 - kickstart repositories are not required when syncing with --no-kickstarts * Fri Nov 04 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.70-1 - adding support for incremental imports from mount point - disabling RHN satsync in code - do cast to None earlier to prevent crash if --no-packages is used - adding missed disconnected option * Thu Nov 03 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.69-1 - update man page - import channel families after signature is checked and fix return code if manifest validation fails - always check mappings - use disconnected option to not subscribe to sat repo - removing remote activation functions - save manifest to default location - read certificate from manifest only - making cdn activation mandatory in this script - removing unsupported options - fixing list of channels when there are only child channels available - adding mount point parameter * Wed Oct 26 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.68-1 - rename and remove untrue comments * Tue Oct 25 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.6.67-1 - fix: NameError: global name 'get' is not defined. - always save certificate - refactoring in activation * Mon Oct 24 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.66-1 - fixing number of values * Fri Oct 21 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.65-1 - check if relevant repository is enabled - filter source repositories by default - fixing the result dictionary - fixing channel family not found in mapping * Thu Oct 20 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.64-1 - fixing pylint - this directory needs to be created after cleanup - set repository location in runtime, not hardcoded in DB - cleanup and moving repository logic from cdnsync to repository module - package name is now known - adding classes to work with CDN repositories - do not print RHN messages if (de)activating CDN - refactor and add option to deactivate CDN - removing usage of product mapping and saving repositories from manifest instead - support populating SSL information - require mapping package - load repository urls from manifest - make sure all old certs/keys are gone - fixing occurences in code - check for presence of all headers - headers can sometimes arrive in lowercase * Fri Oct 14 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.63-1 - Update specfile to remove references to RHN * Thu Oct 13 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.62-1 - fix pylint wrong-import-order - reverting pylint change - method cannot be called, it's not instance * Mon Oct 10 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.61-1 - fixing pylint * Mon Oct 10 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.60-1 - detect already activated system - adding force parameter - cleaning, removing even older API references to not get confused - activate system registered to RHSM - adding new parameter to save current behavior * Fri Oct 07 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.59-1 - fix setting of default kickstart installation type - fix list of urls in yum_src repo plugin. - require m2crypto in -tools package - get uuid of system if registered in RHSM * Wed Oct 05 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.58-1 - adding m2crypto dependency * Wed Oct 05 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.57-1 - check signature in code * Tue Oct 04 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.56-1 - fix spacewalk-backend build * we still need to build spacewalk-backend on RHEL5 to use two subpackages spacewalk-backend-libs and spacewalk-backend- usix on cliend side. spacewalk-backend-tools uses python-requests module wich is absent in RHEL5 repos, so I removed it from BuildDependencies, but leave in Dependencies, maybe it can be installed manually. * Tue Oct 04 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.55-1 - fix dependencies for CDN-Sync - fix spec file to build CDN-Sync on RHEL5 reverted (7e629f0f5ead8aa4c8c6f2e5c0ee4a3cb85e0474) - fix python backend code to be compatible with Python 2.4 * Thu Sep 29 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.54-1 - 1372721 - Handle the case where a user has no timezone/locale setting * Thu Sep 15 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.53-1 - cdn-sync - fix man page * Thu Sep 15 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.52-1 - fix yum plugin naming, based on an url, because it can be a metalink - remove hardcoded METADATA_EXPIRE, use value from config file - cdn-sync - clear repodata before syncing repository * Thu Sep 15 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.51-1 - cdn-sync - add fixes in packages counting: - if we have the same package in different repositories of channel, we count it only one time - count packages for base channel * Tue Sep 13 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.50-1 - fixing pylint: too-many-nested-blocks - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: unsubscriptable-object * Mon Sep 12 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.49-1 - fixing pylint * Fri Sep 09 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.48-1 - adding logrotate files - adding logging of spacewalk-repo-sync script * Wed Sep 07 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.47-1 - a bit more magic is needed for gpg check satellite certificate - changing log format - log cdnsync module * Wed Sep 07 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.46-1 - fixup man page for cdn-sync * Tue Sep 06 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.45-1 - add man page for cdn-sync * Tue Sep 06 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.44-1 - try to speed up RHEL kickstart syncing by not downloading release-notes * Mon Sep 05 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.43-1 - dropping quiet flag, it's not much useful now - try to recover from incorrect updateinfo.xml - change log level handling in reposync - adding some basic info into man page - unused variable - split reposync and cdnsync log directories - fixing TypeError when filename is None - kickstarts from external repositories have full path in DB * Fri Sep 02 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.42-1 - fixing rhnpush * Fri Sep 02 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.41-1 - reposync - rewrite HTML parser for Kickstart repositories - Added the capability for spacewalk-debug to grab the user's preferences for timezone and language locale - fixing path * Tue Aug 30 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.40-1 - add possibility to use certificate from manifest * Fri Aug 26 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.39-1 - make sure images from treeinfo are included regardless on directory listing - do not show internal DB id - detect treeinfo file - split listing files and downloading - there can be missing mappings for kickstart trees currently - do cdn activation in rhn-satellite-activate - add manifest parameter for rhn-satellite-activate - dropping cdn-activate script * Mon Aug 22 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.38-1 - update kickstart syncing code - fixing pylint: too-many-nested-blocks, little refactoring * Thu Aug 18 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.37-1 - fixing import - apply formatting changes on file in original location and drop it from cdn dir - fixing pylint: too-many-nested-blocks, no need for else - adding support for release channel mapping * Wed Aug 17 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.36-1 - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position, wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order,ungrouped-imports - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position - fixing pylint: consider-using-enumerate - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: No value for argument 'tb' in constructor call (no-value-for- parameter) - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixed SyntaxError " b'' " for RHEL5 * Tue Aug 16 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.35-1 - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: simplifiable-if-statement - fixing pylint: unneeded-not - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-order - fixing pylint: wrong-import-position - sys.exitfunc is deprecated since Python 2.4 - more pylint and pep8 fixes * Tue Aug 16 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.34-1 - fixing pylint issues - drop disconnected activation on spacewalk, there is not much to insert and not possible to update counts - call signature check directly instead of calling external (also dropped) perl script - include files in packages - bringing back tool for activation * Mon Aug 15 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.33-1 - do not change package_from_filename header * Fri Aug 12 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.32-1 - set header_end to value where we stop reading - split maximally once or we lost part of the release sometimes - get package format from filename - check downloaded file - add basic plug-in for syncing deb repo - there are errata with intentionally empty package list, cannot skip them * Thu Aug 11 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.31-1 - share repodata between yum_src and cdnsync * Tue Aug 09 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.30-1 - cdn-sync - check proxy port number * Tue Aug 09 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.29-1 - initialize before _load_entitlements is called - check if there are any available channels first - filter channel families with ssl credentials - they are 'activated' - fixing listing of channels for some empty channel families * Mon Aug 08 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.28-1 - handle missing cdn mappings - W0201: attribute defined outside init - string.join is deprecated * Mon Aug 08 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.27-1 - do not download comps if not downloading packages - pass less parameters inside class - fixing --no-packages * Fri Aug 05 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.26-1 - Impove error message about missing parent channels - cdn-sync - add debug-level verification - cdn-sync - add proxy url convertor from ascii to puny - cdn-sync - remove temporary certificates * Fri Aug 05 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.25-1 - fix pep8 'Line too long' - bugfix - typo in variable name - cdn-sync - add to syncing kickstartable trees: - parameterized values for rhnKSTreeType and rhnKSInstallType - possibility to select kickstartable trees with NULL organisation id - bugfix - remove temporary file if there is an error during downloading by yum-wrapper - cdn-sync - exclude kickstart repositories only if we have them in config file * Thu Aug 04 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.24-1 - handle not existing channels - we don't support RHEL 5 already * Wed Aug 03 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.23-1 - better look for existing erratum by advisory name now - always set advisory with version number and be different than advisory_name - do not crash for now * Wed Aug 03 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.22-1 - support strict package subscription to channel - fixing pep8 - unused import - unused variable * Fri Jul 29 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.21-1 - simplify and allow to use other parameters without channel parameter - rename to plural to have same parameter as in satsync - show more info like in satsync - Revert "check if DB is running" * Fri Jul 29 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.20-1 - check if DB is running * Thu Jul 28 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.19-1 - cdn-sync - add handling of database connection error - bugfix - Check connection to a DB is open before make commit() - Make reraising of exception compatible with Python 2 and 3. Additional changes to commit 20ba5c63b13b2afe0a4c0340cc5538dae8f5c018 - simplify condition * Wed Jul 27 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.18-1 - build cdn-sync only for RHEL > 5 and Fedora - cdn-sync - add syncing of kickstart repositories - reposync now doesn't terminate a program if one of channels doesn't exist - add posibility to exclude some repos from syncing * Wed Jul 27 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.17-1 - fixing typo - count total time of sync * Tue Jul 26 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.16-1 - distinct by checksum to connect multiple packages with same nevrao to erratum, not only one of them - fixing multiple packages in null org without channel - pick the last one - support syncing only RPMs metadata * Tue Jul 26 2016 Eric Herget 2.6.15-1 - 1345843 - sane output when diff of binary config files * Wed Jul 20 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.6.14-1 - cdn-sync - fix pylint warnings and errors - bug fix in cache of reposync when several repos assigned on channel - cdn-sync - change path for cache repodata, do not save primary.xml and repomd.xml on disk - cdn-sync - show progress bar during updating repodata - cdn-sync - add number of packages to channel listing output - cdn-sync - Implement cdn-sync parameter for repodata updating - cdn-sync - Implement cdn-sync parameter for just listing assigned repositories for channels - cdn-sync - bugfix in listing child channels. Show only those of child channels which belong to channel families from manifest. - cdn-sync - add workaroud for missing RHN to CDN source matching * checking that we have mapping in config json * if channel doesn't have at least one source, skip it during syncing - cdn-sync - add exceptions to handling during channel import - cdn-sync - add parameter to print current configuration file - cdn-sync - add support of different debug levels for cdn-sync and reposync - cdn-sync - use the same config (CFG object) for cdn-sync, reposync and yum- repo-plugin - cdn-sync - add parameters for http proxy and blocking of concurrent runs of cdn-sync * Tue Jul 19 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.13-1 - change default checksum type to sha256 for debían packages. Usage of SHA256 is recommended in https://wiki.debian.org/RepositoryFormat#Size.2C_MD5sum.2C_ SHA1.2C_SHA256.2C_SHA512 This should also fix RH BZ 1348321 - Fixes unnecessary removal of whitespaces in package dependencies. Needed for correct creation of Packages.gz - 1226329 - sense support for debian packages * Mon Jul 18 2016 Jiri Dostal 2.6.12-1 - 1357480 - get_possible_orgs function never called? -> removed * Tue Jul 12 2016 Grant Gainey 2.6.11-1 - 1355884 - teach xmlWireSource to be able to write to tempfile * Fri Jul 01 2016 Jiri Dostal 2.6.10-1 - spacewalk-repo-sync fix for missing -c parameter * Wed Jun 22 2016 Jiri Dostal 2.6.9-1 - 1348575 - Many tools from spacewalk-backend-tools package returning Python tracebacks when run under non-root user - list only custom channels * Mon Jun 20 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.8-1 - pep8 - fixing pylint * Mon Jun 20 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.7-1 - Revert "sync content strictly - only packages from batch will be in channel" * Wed Jun 15 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.6-1 - make CDN root configurable * Wed Jun 15 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.5-1 - do not delete and insert everything on every call - Revert "old families should not be visible after reactivation" * Tue Jun 14 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.4-1 - fix satellite-sync and do not delete and insert on every cdn-sync - simlify content sources import and do not delete and insert on every cdn-sync - fixing incorrect name of variable * Mon Jun 13 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.3-1 - fixing pylint in cdnsync module and little refactoring - fixing pylint in activation module - fixing pylint in contentRemove module - missing import * Fri Jun 10 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.2-1 - make possible to clear packages in null-org outside channels (partially synced channels) - add functions to remove content outside channels - move spacewalk-remove-channel code into new module - sync content strictly - only packages from batch will be in channel - allow reposync to subscribe packages to channel strictly - show which channel is processed - support --no-errata - support --no-packages - fixing synced channel indicator - list skipped errata - it's not an error - channel families may not be in filtered list - find ssl keys for families - unlock null org channels - run sync - import content sources for channels - teach backend to insert content sources - dist channel mapping - insert channel metadata - adding available channel listing - add linking channel families with certificates - refactor to class - insert families matching product data only - old families should not be visible after reactivation - lookup in separate function - fix rhnContentSourceSsl -> rhnContentSsl in code - import channel families - reusing previously dropped satellite certificate class - insert SSL credentials from file and manifest into DB - start to build -cdn package - refactoring satCerts to make possible insert into single org/null org * Tue Jun 07 2016 Jan Dobes 2.6.1-1 - print() prints '()' in python 2 instead of expected empty line - fix chgrp call on openSUSE - Bumping package versions for 2.6. * Wed May 25 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.43-1 - fix missing new line in translation - updating copyright years - Regenerating .po and .pot files for spacewalk-backend. - Updating .po translations from Zanata * Fri May 20 2016 Grant Gainey 2.5.42-1 - fix isSUSE check * Wed May 18 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.41-1 - Only trigger virtualization notification on server save when the virtualization data is not falsy * Fri May 13 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.40-1 - moving rhnLib.py into spacewalk-backend-libs package, - Fix check for local URI * Thu May 12 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.39-1 - change build dependency on python-devel, because we don't use Python3 during package building * Wed May 11 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.38-1 - fix imports of usix * Tue May 10 2016 Grant Gainey 2.5.37-1 - spacewalk-backend: build on openSUSE - specfile fixes - spacewalk-backend: build on openSUSE - 1331271 - fix string concatenation * Mon Apr 25 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.36-1 - Add missing sys imports * Fri Apr 22 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.35-1 - Add mode to open packages as 'binary' - Fix relative imports for python backend-common libs - Automatic commit of package [spacewalk-backend] release [2.5.34-1]. - fix building of spacewalk-backend * Fri Apr 22 2016 Tomas Lestach 2.5.34-1 - fix building of spacewalk-backend * Thu Apr 21 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.33-1 - * Thu Apr 21 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.32-1.git.1.151aa47 - Add missing import 'sys' * Wed Apr 20 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.31-1.git.1.151aa47 - Add new packages for spacewalk-backend-libs and usix - Fix usix module to run under Python 3 * Tue Apr 19 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.30-1 - Resolve conflicts between usix and backend-libs - Fix pylint warnings/fails - fix usix next() import and usage * Mon Apr 18 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.29-1 - Fix 'iteritems' in backend Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix '.next()' in backend Python 2/3 compatibility - Add import of 'reduce' function in backend for Python 3 compatibility - Fix 'exc_type' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'unicode' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'apply' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'maxint' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'exitfunc' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'raw_input' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix imports in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix data types in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'dict' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Add __bool__ in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'filter' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'map' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'xrange' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'octal' format of number in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'raise' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'except' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'has_key' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Fix 'print' in backend code for Python 2/3 compatibility - Add micro-six python module to write code that runs on Python 2 and 3 * Wed Mar 23 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.28-1 - qemu-kvm guests created on my Fedora 22 have following signature, mark them as virtual * Tue Mar 22 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.27-1 - 1320025 - call notify guest before subscribing to channels too and refactor code * Fri Mar 18 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.26-1 - Fix for bz1309337 'rhnreg_ks doesn't work with activation key' * Wed Mar 09 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.25-1 - 1276569 - we need to import either cx_Oracle or psycopg2 * Thu Mar 03 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.24-1 - 1308486 - better never import foreign private channel families, custom channels will be synced into your org anyway - 1308486 - org_id of channel family is probably never filled, just not make private channel families public * Wed Mar 02 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.23-1 - all strings should be truncated, not only unicode instances * Fri Feb 26 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.22-1 - make sure truncated value does not contain incomplete characters * Fri Feb 19 2016 Grant Gainey 2.5.21-1 - 1303422 - allow sat-sync-error-email to be configurable * Thu Feb 18 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.20-1 - pulling *.po translations from Zanata - fixing current *.po translations * Thu Feb 18 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.19-1 - Remove self from staticmethod - Fix Python errors from CI build and rename sort function for consistency. - Remove custom latest RPM handling in spacewalk-repo-sync and use the same logic as reposync from yum-utils instead. * Fri Feb 05 2016 Grant Gainey 2.5.18-1 - 1305051 - fix broken 'raise' on error * Tue Feb 02 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.17-1 - 1303524 - do not import errata to all synced channels because some may not have all packages synced - 1276569 - improve message * Mon Feb 01 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.16-1 - 1276569 - fix pylint * Fri Jan 29 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.15-1 - 1276569 - advise users to purge satsync cache on IntegrityError * Thu Jan 28 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.14-1 - 1302817 - making sure packages without errata are included - 1302817 - fixing invalid query * Fri Jan 22 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.13-1 - 1301137 - update guest also on re-registration - 1301137 - allow to change uuid of already registered guests - 1301137 - there can be guests without hypervisor registered - fixing exception when reactivating system without base channel and without any available * Thu Jan 21 2016 Gennadii Altukhov 2.5.12-1 - 1051018 - Added filename in the error message of satellite-sync, in case file has wrong size - 1281775 - Added processing of ValueError exception, during spacewalk-data- fsck * Tue Jan 19 2016 Michael Mraka 2.5.11-1 - local variable 'primif' referenced before assignment * Thu Jan 14 2016 Jan Dobes 2.5.10-1 - cleaning few old translations - removing old duplicate template file * Tue Jan 12 2016 Tomas Kasparek 2.5.9-1 - 1297752 1297753 - allow client responses to be in Unicode * Thu Dec 10 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.8-1 - making synced channels in null org visible to all orgs * Mon Dec 07 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.7-1 - fixing append to None when no org is found * Fri Dec 04 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.6-1 - when installing insert default SSL crypto key with null org * Mon Nov 30 2015 Tomas Lestach 2.5.5-1 - fix typo: lastest -> latest * Tue Nov 24 2015 Jan Dobes 2.5.4-1 - ignore all not any longer supported entitlements - backend: remove repoll parameter from rhn_entitlements.remove_server_entitlement() - backend: do not use rhn_entitlements.repoll_virt_guest_entitlements() anymore - backend: errno 20220 (Server Group Membership exceeded) is not thrown anymore - backend: remove use of rhn_entitlements.activate_system_entitlement() - satCert, satsync: checkstyle fixes - satsync.py: fix merge error - backend: remove max_members from unit tests - remove max_member update from rhnServerGroup - drop rhnFault 91 - ISS: export 10 system entitlements and import none - drop rhn-entitlement-report - remove comments - remove unused function entitlement_grants_service() - It should always work to add with enterprise_entitled - Removed unused exception - backend: dead code removal - rhn-satellite-activate: manual references removed - rhn-satellite-activate: dropped - satellite-sync: don't sync the certificate - server_class.py: remove dead code - rhnHandler: don't check for certificate expiry - satCerts.py: remove comment reference to dropped file - rhn_satellite_activate: remove unused validateSatCert function - rhn_satellite_activate: don't check certificate validity - rhn_satellite_activate: outdated comment removed - import: don't import rhnVirtSubLevel - import: don't import from rhnSGTypeVirtSubLevel - import: don't import table rhnChannelFamilyVirtSubLevel - export refactoring: remove unused parameters/fields - export refactoring: remove unused query - export: don't export rhnChannelFamilyVirtSubLevel - export refactoring: unused attributes removed - import refactoring: unused attribute removed - backend: remove virtualization host platform entitlement references - backend: remove references to nonlinux entitlements - backend: remove comments that are not relevant anymore - backend: remove references to the update entitlement - rhn-entitlement-report: don't filter update entitlements - python backend unit tests: remove references to provisioning_entitled - registration.py: remove references to provisioning_entitled in documentation - backend: remove references to provisioning_entitled - backend: commented code removed - backend: unused reg_num parameter removed from documentation - Change error message for NoBaseChannel Exception - Remove monitoring from cert tools - Remove traces of monitoring from registration.py doc - backend: do not set max_members of rhnChannelFamily - backend: do not set values for max_members and current_members - backend: remove unused ChannelFamilyPermissions class - backend: remove special handling for SubscriptionCountExceeded - backend: remove unused imports - entitlement-report: remove channel entitlement views - backend: remove unused ChannelFamilyPermissionsImport() and processChannelFamilyPermissions - backend: remove populate_channel_family_permissions and purge_extra_channel_families from sync_handler - backend: remove local handling of channel family members from satsync - backend: remove channel subscription checks from rhn-satellite-activate - backend: update rhn_channel.subscribe_server signature - backend: remove usage of update_family_counts - backend: remove available_subscriptions from channel object - backend: remove family count handling from server_kickstart - backend: remove family count handling from server_token * Sun Oct 18 2015 Aron Parsons 2.5.3-1 - don't print python object details in reposync.py * Mon Oct 12 2015 Jiri Dostal 2.5.2-1 - [RFE] spacewalk-repo-sync: support multiple '-c channel' as in satellite-sync * Wed Oct 07 2015 Aron Parsons 2.5.1-1 - recognize RDO OpenStack instances as virtual systems - Bumping package versions for 2.5. * Wed Sep 23 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.23-1 - Pulling updated *.po translations from Zanata. * Mon Sep 21 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.22-1 - 1250351 - make sure ks tree label is valid * Fri Sep 18 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.21-1 - Realigning arguments to process_batch to conform to indentation standards - see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#indentation - Fixed spelling of _proces_batch -> _process_batch. * Thu Sep 10 2015 Tomas Lestach 2.4.20-1 - call xz to decompress comps file directly, if pyliblzma not available * Tue Sep 08 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.19-1 - 1201007 - handle existing file - optimize experssion * Mon Sep 07 2015 Tomas Lestach 2.4.18-1 - 1260735 - set domain name for sender address in rhn-satellite-exporter * Fri Aug 28 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.17-1 - Fixes orabug 20623622 spacewalk-repo-sync error: maximum recursion depth exceeded error when syncing to ULN via a proxy server * Tue Aug 25 2015 Grant Gainey 2.4.16-1 - 1256918 - Handle package_group == None on push * Tue Aug 18 2015 Jiri Dostal 2.4.15-1 - 1097634 - reposync fixed pylint warnings * Fri Aug 14 2015 Jiri Dostal 2.4.14-1 - RFE 1097634 - fixed package sorting - removed package disassociation * Fri Aug 07 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.13-1 - use hostname instead of localhost for https connections * Tue Aug 04 2015 Jiri Dostal 2.4.12-1 - - patch for reposync (pylint) * Thu Jul 30 2015 Jiri Dostal 2.4.11-1 - [RFE] - --latest feature for spacewalk-repo-sync * Fri Jul 24 2015 Tomas Kasparek 2.4.10-1 - require cobbler20 - Spacewalk is not working with upstream cobbler anyway - remove un-intentional changes - 1181152 - XSS when altering user details and going somewhere where you are choosing user - Escaped tags in real names * Tue Jul 14 2015 Tomas Kasparek 2.4.9-1 - remove Except KeyboardInterrupt from imports - remove Except KeyboardInterrupt from imports - remove un-necessary try-except construct * Fri Jun 26 2015 Jan Dobes 2.4.8-1 - 1235827 - there is no such restriction for user names * Thu Jun 11 2015 Tomas Kasparek 2.4.7-1 - Recommends is not ignored on older systems * Wed Jun 10 2015 Tomas Kasparek 2.4.6-1 - add weak dependency on cobbler20 * Wed May 27 2015 Tomas Kasparek 2.4.5-1 - fix pylint warnings on Fedora 22 * Thu May 21 2015 Matej Kollar 2.4.4-1 - 1175516 - Typos in rhn-entitlement-report output * Thu May 14 2015 Stephen Herr 2.4.3-1 - do not reset primary network interface at hardware refresh (bnc#895071) - set primary interface during registration (bnc#929058) * Tue May 12 2015 Stephen Herr 2.4.2-1 - Implement the new rpm weak dependency tags. * Fri Apr 24 2015 Matej Kollar 2.4.1-1 - remove whitespace from .sgml files - Copyright texts updated to SUSE LLC - Bumping package versions for 2.4. * Fri Mar 27 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.52-1 - 1206350 - Add API to Satellite for Proxy to check client token validity - 1206350 - send error headers even on 404 response * Mon Mar 23 2015 Grant Gainey 2.3.51-1 - Standardize pylint-check to only happen on Fedora - Import topic, summary and collected references from updateinfo.xml on reposync * Thu Mar 19 2015 Grant Gainey 2.3.50-1 - Updating copyright info for 2015 * Wed Mar 18 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.49-1 - 1203406 - make Satellite able to respond to if-modified-since requests * Tue Mar 10 2015 Tomas Lestach 2.3.48-1 - removing unused backend perl tests * Mon Mar 09 2015 Jan Dobes 2.3.47-1 - 1197765 - support postgresql92 from software collections * Thu Mar 05 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.46-1 - backend: check for reboot type only * Wed Feb 25 2015 Tomas Lestach 2.3.45-1 - removing system details edit.pxt as it was ported to java * Mon Feb 16 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.44-1 - convert empty string to null for DMI values - init the second DB connection only when needed - Fix the primary key definition for rhnPackageFile - Do not include obsolete rhn_monitoring.conf - spacewalk-debug should not collect monitoring logs - remove nocpulse user and group from spacewalk-debug * Fri Feb 13 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.43-1 - 1192608 - disable pylint warning * Fri Feb 13 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.42-1 - 1192608 - moving import to be more local to make builders happy * Fri Feb 13 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.41-1 - 1192608 - add support for lzma compressed yum metadata files * Fri Feb 13 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.40-1 - Bump also also BuildRequires for consistency * Fri Feb 13 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.39-1 - Bumping required version of rhnlib * Tue Feb 03 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.38-1 - Updating function names * Fri Jan 30 2015 Stephen Herr 2.3.37-1 - 1187358 - don't crash re-registrations if the original owner has been deleted * Fri Jan 30 2015 Grant Gainey 2.3.36-1 - 1104087 - Some cleanup and tweaks - 1104087 - Adding option [-g|--config] * Fri Jan 30 2015 Tomas Lestach 2.3.35-1 - Adding on the spacewalk-data-fsck man page the option --remove-mismatch - add funcionality on spacewalk-data-fsck to remove the RPM which does not match checksum * Fri Jan 30 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.34-1 - 1070866 - sw-repo-sync fails to sync kickstart. * Wed Jan 28 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.33-1 - 1005772 - Add appropriate(?) censorship * Thu Jan 22 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.32-1 - More pep8 - Some more pep8 while we are at it * Wed Jan 21 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.31-1 - Old Pylint workaround - Fix Pylint on Fedora 21: manual fixes - Fix Pylint on Fedora 21: autopep8 * Mon Jan 12 2015 Matej Kollar 2.3.30-1 - Getting rid of Tabs and trailing spaces in Python - Getting rid of trailing spaces in Perl - Getting rid of Tabs and trailing spaces in LICENSE, COPYING, and README files * Thu Dec 18 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.29-1 - teach sat-sync to ignore monitoring entitlements for backwards compatibility * Wed Dec 17 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.28-1 - Remove solaris support from backend - drop monitoring code and monitoring schema * Mon Dec 08 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.27-1 - 1170616 - create (and label) /var/cache/rhn/satsync * Tue Dec 02 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.25-1 - 1021057 - fixed double-counting of systems subscribed to more than one channel * Tue Nov 18 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.24-1 - 1122626 - different registration paths should lock tables in the same order This could potentially cause deadlocks * Thu Nov 13 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.23-1 - 1150010 - deny read-only user from accessing XMLRPC API * Mon Nov 10 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.22-1 - 1162107 - sanitize db_* config values * Thu Oct 30 2014 Tomas Lestach 2.3.21-1 - start enforcing minimum password length for satpasswd * Fri Oct 24 2014 Matej Kollar 2.3.20-1 - 1151386 - Fix cleanup when DB init goes wrong * Thu Oct 16 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.19-1 - 1152271 - sanitize db_name config value * Wed Oct 08 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.18-1 - 1148163 - fixed variable name * Tue Sep 30 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.17-1 - remove deprecated allowed_iss_slaves config option * Fri Sep 26 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.16-1 - 1144008 - support for xz compressed repos * Tue Sep 16 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.15-1 - 1142412 - backend should correctly checksum config files with macros in them * Fri Sep 12 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.14-1 - Add /usr/share/rhn/config-defaults in spacewalk-debug - 1138275 - spacewalk-debug is not fully postgreSQL aware. * Thu Sep 11 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.13-1 - 959567 - use sha256 checksums for config files instead of md5 * Wed Sep 10 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.12-1 - 1022484 - ask for new password twice * Fri Sep 05 2014 Jan Dobes 2.3.11-1 - 1115007 - correct UTF8 config files from being marked as binary * Fri Sep 05 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.10-1 - 1021057 - do not double-count systems subscribed to more than one channel from the same channel family * Fri Aug 29 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.9-1 - fix traceback when pushing rpms with archive size > 4GB * Tue Aug 19 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.8-1 - 1119459 - queue server for errata cache update when package list changes * Tue Aug 19 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.7-1 - recognize oVirt node as virtual system * Fri Aug 15 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.6-1 - 1128893 - sw-repo-sync does not work for chann that are children of non- custom parents * Mon Aug 11 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.5-1 - 1128893 - repo-sync should work even if parent is not custom channel - 1122438 - SQL syntax fix (extraneous comma) * Thu Jul 31 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.4-1 - Update spacewalk-backend.spec * Mon Jul 21 2014 Stephen Herr 2.3.3-1 - 1023557 - Speed up satellite-sync by avoiding commonly-called dblink_exec * Thu Jul 17 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.2-1 - pylint fixes for 2a3787142af8185d3b7a95d31b681b3cabba852a * Thu Jul 17 2014 Michael Mraka 2.3.1-1 - 1120261 - added code to update-packages to fix changelog encoding * Fri Jul 11 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.43-1 - 1005729 - man rhn-satellite-exporter org - fix copyright years - 1009961 - rhn-satellite-exporter man page update - 1009430 - rhn-satellite-exporter/spacewalk-remove-channel as non-root * Tue Jul 01 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.42-1 - fixed name collision - old python needs maketrans() * Tue Jul 01 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.41-1 - moved ContentPackage to repo_plugins to avoid relative imports - selecting password once shall be enough * Mon Jun 30 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.40-1 - max_bytes is unused - fixed ProductNamesContainer instance has no attribute 'tagStack' * Fri Jun 27 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.39-1 - pylint fixes * Fri Jun 27 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.38-1 - fixed pylint errors in satellite_tools * Thu Jun 26 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.37-1 - 1043005 - fixed rhnLog namespace * Fri Jun 20 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.36-1 - 1108370 - enable proxy to serve files from its cache for kickstarts * Fri Jun 13 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.35-1 - disable read-only users access of the backend api * Fri Jun 06 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.34-1 - 1105282 - additional spacewalk backend methods and capability needed * Thu Jun 05 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.33-1 - 1105282 - Spacewalk changes needed to support collisionless proxy lookaside * Mon Jun 02 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.32-1 - rpm initialization bug has been resloved * Fri May 30 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.31-1 - 517468 - Adding option [-p|--parent] * Fri May 23 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.30-1 - 517468 - make format backwards compatible for python 2.4 - 517468 - Correct the unindents to fix the logic. - 517468 - Adding option [-d|--dry-run] * Fri May 23 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.29-1 - spec file polish - fixed 'empty separator' error * Fri May 16 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.28-1 - rewrite uln_src plugin as yum_src plugin subclass - Added Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network integration to spacewalk-repo-sync - 1094526 - remove trailing semi-colon from SQL query as this breaks Oracle - Raise error if channel cannot be subscribed - python tests: made easier to toggle db backend * Tue May 13 2014 Tomas Lestach 2.2.27-1 - let reposync ContentPackage return regular nevra * Mon May 12 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.26-1 - query channels only in --list mode * Tue Apr 29 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.25-1 - spacewalk-fips-tool: add manual page * Mon Apr 28 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.24-1 - spacewalk-fips-tool: tool to help with client certificate conversion * Fri Apr 25 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.23-1 - fix variable name * Thu Apr 24 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.22-1 - 1089678 - Format oldRoute to match newRoute, so that rhnServerPath isn't updated every time - 517468 - Adding option [-l|--list] * Wed Apr 23 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.21-1 - 578835 - [RFE] Add --justks to sw-remove-channel - 1088813 - sw-remove-channel --justdb has no impact on ks trees. - 1086348 - rename channel-with-childs to channel-with-children - 1086348 - [RFE] Add option to spacewalk-remove-channel parent * Tue Apr 15 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.20-1 - updated (conflicting) rpm package has been pushed to Fedora 19 updates * Mon Apr 14 2014 Jan Dobes 2.2.19-1 - fixing syntax error * Thu Apr 10 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.18-1 - add server side code for handling clientcert.update_client_cert - update_systemid: routine to update server secret and client certificate - Added spacewalk-data-fsck man page(8) * Tue Apr 08 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.17-1 - fixed client registration * Fri Apr 04 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.16-1 - 903068 - fixed debian repo generation - make spacewalk-repo-sync work with null org channels * Tue Apr 01 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.15-1 - 1083226 - uniquify repo-sync packages in case of bad metadata * Tue Apr 01 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.14-1 - 1025781 - allow MD5 config file checksums in fips mode * Tue Apr 01 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.13-1 - use getHashlibInstance() wrapper to access hashlib object instance - 1020895 - allow to compute md5 package checksum in fips mode * Mon Mar 31 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.12-1 - set reboot action status to sucess after the reboot - 1025750 - getFileChecksum: add used_for_security boolean parameter * Fri Mar 28 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.11-1 - server certificates to use a sha256 hash by default * Tue Mar 25 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.10-1 - we need to be catching one more error message from gpg - delete non-existing directory on interrupted downloads * Mon Mar 17 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.9-1 - satpasswd man page: mention -s / --stdin options - satpasswd supports SHA-256 encrypted user passwords * Mon Mar 17 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.8-1 - RPC session hash: md5 -> sha256 - Support SHA-256 encrypted user passwords * Fri Mar 14 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.7-1 - reposync: remove interrupted downloads - More appropriate data structure * Fri Mar 07 2014 Stephen Herr 2.2.6-1 - 1045083 - not all machines provide manufacturer, was not None safe * Thu Mar 06 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.2.5-1 - remove usage of web_contact.old_password from code * Wed Mar 05 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.4-1 - 1072872 - fixed loop variable name * Tue Mar 04 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.3-1 - 1041346 - spacewalk-remove-channel man page update * Fri Feb 28 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.2-1 - python: consolidate backen/server tests - python tests: fixed rhnsql-tests * Tue Feb 25 2014 Michael Mraka 2.2.1-1 - 1067443 - specify package only with version * Mon Feb 24 2014 Michael Mraka 2.1.54-1 - 1067443 - workaround for rpm-python bug * Fri Feb 21 2014 Stephen Herr 2.1.53-1 - 1045083 - update openstack guest requirements * Thu Feb 20 2014 Stephen Herr 2.1.52-1 - 1045083 - Detect OpenStack guests as virtual so they can consume flex guest * Tue Feb 18 2014 Michael Mraka 2.1.51-1 - 1064296 - rename variable so it doesn't colide with reserved word * Fri Feb 14 2014 Matej Kollar 2.1.50-1 - query should not end with semicolon in oracle * Thu Feb 06 2014 Jan Dobes 2.1.49-1 - 1056515 - adapting to different logrotate version in fedora and rhel - 870990 - sw-rm-ch -l when satellite-sync runs. * Wed Feb 05 2014 Aron Parsons 2.1.48-1 - apply exclude filters to dependencies in repo-sync * Fri Jan 31 2014 Michael Mraka 2.1.47-1 - 1058431 - don't remove files referenced from other distributions/trees - 1058431 - propagate --skip-kickstart-trees to delete_channels() * Wed Jan 29 2014 Michael Mraka 2.1.46-1 - fixed man page for spacewalk-remove-channel - added option to skip kickstart trees removal - 1058431 - sw-remove-channel does not rm ks trees. * Fri Jan 24 2014 Stephen Herr 2.1.45-1 - 1051658 - Fixing InvalidPackageError when importing from channel dump * Thu Jan 23 2014 Milan Zazrivec 2.1.44-1 - 1056659 - commit after updating server's package profile - Add extra log folder /var/log/rhn/tasko/sat/ in spacewalk-debug. * Mon Jan 20 2014 Michael Mraka 2.1.43-1 - python rhnSQL: proper cleanup after connection error - fixed python tests * Fri Jan 17 2014 Michael Mraka 2.1.42-1 - increase length of rhnCVE name column * Tue Jan 14 2014 Matej Kollar 2.1.41-1 - Updating the copyright years info * Fri Jan 10 2014 Stephen Herr 2.1.40-1 - 1051658 - fixing sat-sync daylight-savings-related 'NoneType is unsubscriptable' error * Fri Jan 03 2014 Tomas Lestach 2.1.39-1 - 1043657 - allow 1 character system profile names * Thu Dec 05 2013 Aron Parsons 2.1.38-1 - detect RDO instances as QEMU guests * Fri Nov 29 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.37-1 - convert empty uuid to None * Thu Nov 28 2013 Tomas Lestach 2.1.36-1 - 1010205 - fix displaying of reposync log on WebUI - python server: better logging of exceptions * Fri Nov 15 2013 Milan Zazrivec 2.1.35-1 - 991044 - change python module permissions to rw-r--r-- * Thu Oct 31 2013 Matej Kollar 2.1.34-1 - 1020952 - Single db root cert + option name change * Tue Oct 29 2013 Matej Kollar 2.1.33-1 - 1020952 - SSL for Postgresql: Backend (Python) - Simplification - Simplification: use isinstance - Various small coding convetions (PEP8) - Test for None with `is` - Older Class to newer Instance exceptions - Small coding conventions - Change deprecated 'has_key' to 'in' - Tab vs. Space War * Tue Oct 22 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.32-1 - fixed table alias - add support for enhances rpm weak dependencies (backend) (bnc#846436) * Mon Oct 21 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.31-1 - fixed pylint warnings and errors * Mon Oct 21 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.30-1 - python oracle tests: better integration with nosetest - python pgsql driver: behave like the oracle one - python oracle tests: moved connection settings to configuration file - python oracle tests: fixed import statements - removed dead test * Fri Oct 18 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.29-1 - include stringutils into package - replace encode/decode with to_string/to_unicode - 891880 - reuse stringutils functions - 891880 - make sure we put strings to fd.write() - 1020910 - use sha1 to compare checksums * Tue Oct 15 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.28-1 - python pgsql tests: made easier Jenkins integration * Wed Oct 09 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.27-1 - cleaning up old svn Ids * Fri Oct 04 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.26-1 - Python pgsql db tests: fix broken test - Fixed errors inside of the python pgsql test suite. - Python pgsql driver: handled ProgrammingError exceptions - Python db tests: moved connection settings to dedicated file - Fixed script which runs python PostgreSQL tests * Wed Oct 02 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.25-1 - 923338 - replace application code with database lookup to prevent conflicting inserts * Mon Sep 30 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.24-1 - make pylint 1.0 happy about map/filter on lambda * Mon Sep 23 2013 Tomas Lestach 2.1.23-1 - Fixing spelling mistakes * Tue Sep 17 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.22-1 - recognize signature used by Oracle - Fix field length of erratum-advisory-name to match real DB field length * Wed Sep 11 2013 Stephen Herr 2.1.21-1 - 1006867 - null-org channels should be visible over ISS * Mon Sep 09 2013 Stephen Herr 2.1.20-1 - 1005760 - if orgs data does not exist in sat-sync import from disk, just skip * Mon Sep 09 2013 Tomas Kasparek 2.1.19-1 - 1005817 - create snapshot when changing base channel via rhn-channel * Fri Sep 06 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.18-1 - 1001979 - fixed typo in --master description * Fri Sep 06 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.17-1 - Consolidated rhnLib tests into a single place - 1004804 - bool(0) == False, but is valid file mode - Changing deprecated "has_key" to "in" * Thu Sep 05 2013 Jan Dobes 2.1.16-1 - 883242 - check for empty result before printing software entitlement * Tue Sep 03 2013 Milan Zazrivec 2.1.15-1 - 1002041 - don't upload crash file if over the size limit or the upload is disabled - removing trailing whitespaces in python in backend directory * Fri Aug 30 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.14-1 - don't install / build mod_python stuff - removed unused mod_python stuff * Fri Aug 30 2013 Tomas Lestach 2.1.13-1 - 1002193 - remove spacewalk-backend-libs dependency from rhncfg * Wed Aug 28 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.12-1 - 1001979 - fixed man page - 1001978 - fixed typo * Wed Aug 21 2013 Stephen Herr 2.1.11-1 - 960550 - completed checkbox was not checked on kickstarts that had no activation keys * Tue Aug 20 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.10-1 - fixed satellite-sync man page * Mon Aug 19 2013 Stephen Herr 2.1.9-1 - 997571 - channel visibility settings broke backwards compatibility - https://engineering.redhat.com/trac/satellite/wiki/TooCleverForPython - whitespace cleanup * Mon Aug 12 2013 Grant Gainey 2.1.8-1 - 996155 - Fix messaging when ISS failures happen * Wed Aug 07 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.7-1 - Backend: fix broken gettext test * Tue Aug 06 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.6-1 - set default value for disconnected - 959923 - change (hopefully improve) usage guide. * Tue Aug 06 2013 Tomas Kasparek 2.1.5-1 - Branding clean-up of proxy stuff in backend dir * Fri Aug 02 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.4-1 - fixed variable name * Fri Aug 02 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.3-1 - handle unicode tracebacks * Mon Jul 29 2013 Stephen Herr 2.1.2-1 - 960550 - the "Deploy confguration files" box is never checked for kickstarts * Thu Jul 25 2013 Michael Mraka 2.1.1-1 - 803837 - process includepkgs and exclude from yum.conf