%global forgeurl https://gitlab.com/flipstarter/flipstarter-electron-cash %global tag v%{version} Name: electron-cash-flipstarter Version: 1.2.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Flipstarter Electron Cash Plugin License: MIT %forgemeta URL: %{forgeurl} Source0: %{forgesource} BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: unzip BuildRequires: electron-cash Requires: electron-cash %description A plugin for Electron Cash that allows you to join crowdsourced funding of projects. This plugin is licensed under the MIT open source license. EXPERMIMENTAL: Use at own risk. %prep %forgesetup %build %{python3} ./contrib/deterministic_zip.py %install install -Dd %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/electroncash_plugins/ ls unzip flipstarter-1.2.zip -x manifest.json -d %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/electroncash_plugins/ %check %{python3} -m unittest discover %files %{python3_sitelib}/electroncash_plugins/flipstarter %changelog * Tue Apr 28 2020 Jonny Heggheim -