# note, parametrised macros are order-senisitve (unlike not-parametrized) even with normal macros # also necessary when passing it as parameter other macros. If not macro, then it is considered as switch %global debug_suffix_unquoted -debug # quoted one for shell operations %global debug_suffix "%{debug_suffix_unquoted}" %global normal_suffix "" #if you wont only debug build, but providing java, build only normal build, but set normalbuild_parameter %global debugbuild_parameter slowdebug %global normalbuild_parameter release %global debug_warning This package have full debug on. Install only in need, and remove asap. %global debug_on with full debug on %global for_debug for packages with debug on # by default we build normal build always. %global include_normal_build 1 %if %{include_normal_build} %global build_loop1 %{normal_suffix} %else %global build_loop1 %{nil} %endif %global aarch64 aarch64 arm64 armv8 # sometimes we need to distinguish big and little endian PPC64 %global ppc64le ppc64le %global ppc64be ppc64 ppc64p7 %global multilib_arches %{power64} sparc64 x86_64 %global jit_arches %{ix86} x86_64 sparcv9 sparc64 %{aarch64} %{power64} %global jfr_arches x86_64 sparcv9 sparc64 %{aarch64} %{power64} %global shipped_jits %{ix86} x86_64 # By default, we build a debug build during main build on shipped JIT architectures %ifarch %{shipped_jits} %global include_debug_build 1 %else %global include_debug_build 0 %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %global build_loop2 %{debug_suffix} %else %global build_loop2 %{nil} %endif # if you disable both builds, then the build fails # Note that the debug build requires the normal build for docs %global build_loop %{build_loop1} %{build_loop2} # note, that order normal_suffix debug_suffix, in case of both enabled, # is expected in one single case at the end of build %global rev_build_loop %{build_loop2} %{build_loop1} %ifarch %{jit_arches} %global bootstrap_build 1 %else %global bootstrap_build 0 %endif %if %{bootstrap_build} %global release_targets bootcycle-images docs %else %global release_targets images docs %endif # No docs nor bootcycle for debug builds %global debug_targets images # Filter out flags from the optflags macro that cause problems with the OpenJDK build # We filter out -O flags so that the optimisation of HotSpot is not lowered from O3 to O2 # We filter out -Wall which will otherwise cause HotSpot to produce hundreds of thousands of warnings (100+mb logs) # We replace it with -Wformat (required by -Werror=format-security) # We filter out -fexceptions as the HotSpot build explicitly does -fno-exceptions and it's otherwise the default for C++ %global ourflags %(echo %optflags | sed -e 's|-Wall|-Wformat|' | sed -r -e 's|-O[0-9]*||') %global ourcppflags %(echo %ourflags | sed -e 's|-fexceptions||' | sed -e 's|-fasynchronous-unwind-tables||') # no __global_ldflags in RHEL 6 %global ourldflags %{nil} # Fix for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1111349. # See also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1590796 # as to why some libraries *cannot* be excluded. In particular, # these are: # libjsig.so, libjava.so, libjawt.so, libjvm.so and libverify.so %global _privatelibs libatk-wrapper[.]so.*|libattach[.]so.*|libawt_headless[.]so.*|libawt[.]so.*|libawt_xawt[.]so.*|libdt_socket[.]so.*|libfontmanager[.]so.*|libhprof[.]so.*|libinstrument[.]so.*|libj2gss[.]so.*|libj2pcsc[.]so.*|libj2pkcs11[.]so.*|libjaas_unix[.]so.*|libjava_crw_demo[.]so.*|libjavajpeg[.]so.*|libjdwp[.]so.*|libjli[.]so.*|libjsdt[.]so.*|libjsoundalsa[.]so.*|libjsound[.]so.*|liblcms[.]so.*|libmanagement[.]so.*|libmlib_image[.]so.*|libnet[.]so.*|libnio[.]so.*|libnpt[.]so.*|libsaproc[.]so.*|libsctp[.]so.*|libsplashscreen[.]so.*|libsunec[.]so.*|libunpack[.]so.*|libzip[.]so.*|lib[.]so\\(SUNWprivate_.* %global __provides_exclude ^(%{_privatelibs})$ %global __requires_exclude ^(%{_privatelibs})$ %ifarch x86_64 %global archinstall amd64 %endif %ifarch ppc %global archinstall ppc %endif %ifarch %{ppc64be} %global archinstall ppc64 %endif %ifarch %{ppc64le} %global archinstall ppc64le %endif %ifarch %{ix86} %global archinstall i386 %endif %ifarch ia64 %global archinstall ia64 %endif %ifarch s390 %global archinstall s390 %endif %ifarch s390x %global archinstall s390x %endif %ifarch %{arm} %global archinstall arm %endif %ifarch %{aarch64} %global archinstall aarch64 %endif # 32 bit sparc, optimized for v9 %ifarch sparcv9 %global archinstall sparc %endif # 64 bit sparc %ifarch sparc64 %global archinstall sparcv9 %endif %ifnarch %{jit_arches} %global archinstall %{_arch} %endif %ifarch %{jit_arches} %global with_systemtap 1 %else %global with_systemtap 0 %endif # Convert an absolute path to a relative path. Each symbolic link is # specified relative to the directory in which it is installed so that # it will resolve properly within chrooted installations. %global script 'use File::Spec; print File::Spec->abs2rel($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1])' %global abs2rel %{__perl} -e %{script} # Standard JPackage naming and versioning defines. %global origin openjdk %global top_level_dir_name %{origin} # note, following three variables are sedded from update_sources if used correctly. Hardcode them rather there. %global shenandoah_project aarch64-port %global shenandoah_repo jdk8u-shenandoah %global shenandoah_revision aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u265-b01 # Define old aarch64/jdk8u tree variables for compatibility %global project %{shenandoah_project} %global repo %{shenandoah_repo} %global revision %{shenandoah_revision} # e.g. aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u212-b04-shenandoah-merge-2019-04-30 -> aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u212-b04 %global version_tag %(VERSION=%{revision}; echo ${VERSION%%-shenandoah-merge*}) # eg # jdk8u60-b27 -> jdk8u60 or # aarch64-jdk8u60-b27 -> aarch64-jdk8u60 (dont forget spec escape % by %%) %global whole_update %(VERSION=%{version_tag}; echo ${VERSION%%-*}) # eg jdk8u60 -> 60 or aarch64-jdk8u60 -> 60 %global updatever %(VERSION=%{whole_update}; echo ${VERSION##*u}) # eg jdk8u60-b27 -> b27 %global buildver %(VERSION=%{version_tag}; echo ${VERSION##*-}) %global rpmrelease 0 # Define milestone (EA for pre-releases, GA ("fcs") for releases) # Release will be (where N is usually a number starting at 1): # - 0.N%%{?extraver}%%{?dist} for EA releases, # - N%%{?extraver}{?dist} for GA releases %global is_ga 1 %if %{is_ga} %global milestone fcs %global milestone_version %{nil} %global extraver %{nil} %global eaprefix %{nil} %else %global milestone ea %global milestone_version "-ea" %global extraver .%{milestone} %global eaprefix 0. %endif # priority must be 7 digits in total. The expression is workarounding tip %global priority %(TIP=1800%{updatever}; echo ${TIP/tip/999}) %global javaver 1.8.0 # parametrized macros are order-sensitive %global fullversion %{name}-%{version}-%{release} #images stub %global j2sdkimage j2sdk-image # output dir stub %global buildoutputdir() %{expand:%{top_level_dir_name}/build/jdk8.build%1} #we can copy the javadoc to not arched dir, or made it not noarch %global uniquejavadocdir() %{expand:%{fullversion}%1} #main id and dir of this jdk %global uniquesuffix() %{expand:%{fullversion}.%{_arch}%1} # Standard JPackage directories and symbolic links. %global sdkdir() %{expand:%{uniquesuffix %%1}} %global jrelnk() %{expand:jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}-%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}%1} #rhel 6 only fix for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1217177 #this is breakng multipleinstalls %global sdk_versionless_lnk() %{expand:%{_jvmdir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin}.%{_arch}%1} %global jre_versionless_lnk() %{expand:%{_jvmdir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}.%{_arch}%1} #first is link to not-macroed sdkbindir (usage of macro makes alternatives inconsistent again) #second is link to not-macroed jrebindir #those are created somewhere during install and used in alternatives later #end of fix of rhbz#1217177 (but see creation and alternatives) %global jredir() %{expand:%{sdkdir %%1}/jre} %global sdkbindir() %{expand:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/bin} %global jrebindir() %{expand:%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/bin} %global jvmjardir() %{expand:%{_jvmjardir}/%{uniquesuffix %%1}} %global alt_java_name alt-java %global rpm_state_dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/ #another hunk needed by fix for 1217177 %global jardir_jre() %{expand: %{_jvmjardir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}.%{_arch}%1 } %global jardir_sdk() %{expand: %{_jvmjardir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin}.%{_arch}%1 } #end of naother hunk %if %{with_systemtap} # Where to install systemtap tapset (links) # We would like these to be in a package specific subdir, # but currently systemtap doesn't support that, so we have to # use the root tapset dir for now. To distinquish between 64 # and 32 bit architectures we place the tapsets under the arch # specific dir (note that systemtap will only pickup the tapset # for the primary arch for now). Systemtap uses the machine name # aka build_cpu as architecture specific directory name. %global tapsetroot /usr/share/systemtap %global tapsetdir %{tapsetroot}/tapset/%{_build_cpu} %endif # not-duplicated scriplets for normal/debug packages %global update_desktop_icons /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : %global post_script() %{expand: update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || : /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : exit 0 } %global post_headless() %{expand: # FIXME: identical binaries are copied, not linked. This needs to be # fixed upstream. %ifarch %{jit_arches} # MetaspaceShared::generate_vtable_methods not implemented for PPC JIT %ifnarch %{power64} #see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=513605 %{jrebindir %%1}/java -Xshare:dump >/dev/null 2>/dev/null %endif %endif PRIORITY=%{priority} if [ "%1" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then let PRIORITY=PRIORITY-1 fi ext=.gz alternatives \\ --install %{_bindir}/java java %{jre_versionless_lnk %%1}/bin/java $PRIORITY \\ --slave %{_jvmdir}/jre jre %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1} \\ --slave %{_jvmjardir}/jre jre_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{jrelnk %%1} \\ --slave %{_bindir}/%{alt_java_name} %{alt_java_name} %{jrebindir %%1}/%{alt_java_name} \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jjs jjs %{jrebindir %%1}/jjs \\ --slave %{_bindir}/keytool keytool %{jrebindir %%1}/keytool \\ --slave %{_bindir}/orbd orbd %{jrebindir %%1}/orbd \\ --slave %{_bindir}/pack200 pack200 %{jrebindir %%1}/pack200 \\ --slave %{_bindir}/rmid rmid %{jrebindir %%1}/rmid \\ --slave %{_bindir}/rmiregistry rmiregistry %{jrebindir %%1}/rmiregistry \\ --slave %{_bindir}/servertool servertool %{jrebindir %%1}/servertool \\ --slave %{_bindir}/tnameserv tnameserv %{jrebindir %%1}/tnameserv \\ --slave %{_bindir}/policytool policytool %{jrebindir %%1}/policytool \\ --slave %{_bindir}/unpack200 unpack200 %{jrebindir %%1}/unpack200 \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/java.1$ext java.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/java-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/%{alt_java_name}.1$ext %{alt_java_name}.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/%{alt_java_name}-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jjs.1$ext jjs.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jjs-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/keytool.1$ext keytool.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/keytool-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/orbd.1$ext orbd.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/orbd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/pack200.1$ext pack200.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/pack200-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/rmid.1$ext rmid.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/rmid-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/rmiregistry.1$ext rmiregistry.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/rmiregistry-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/servertool.1$ext servertool.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/servertool-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/tnameserv.1$ext tnameserv.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/tnameserv-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/policytool.1$ext policytool.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/policytool-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/unpack200.1$ext unpack200.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/unpack200-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext for X in %{origin} %{javaver} ; do alternatives \\ --install %{_jvmdir}/jre-"$X" \\ jre_"$X" %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1} $PRIORITY \\ --slave %{_jvmjardir}/jre-"$X" \\ jre_"$X"_exports %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1} done #update-alternatives --install %{_jvmdir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin} jre_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk %%1} $PRIORITY \\ #--slave %{_jvmjardir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin} jre_%{javaver}_%{origin}_exports %{jvmjardir %%1} #removed in favor of hardcoded link rhbnz#1217177 update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || : /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : # see pretrans where this file is declared # also see that pretrans is only for nondebug if [ ! "%1" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then if [ -f %{_libexecdir}/copy_jdk_configs_fixFiles.sh ] ; then sh %{_libexecdir}/copy_jdk_configs_fixFiles.sh %{rpm_state_dir}/%{name}.%{_arch} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} fi fi exit 0 } %global postun_script() %{expand: update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null %{update_desktop_icons} fi exit 0 } %global postun_headless() %{expand: # now using versionless symlink here, part of rhbnz#1217177 if [ $1 -eq 0 ] then alternatives --remove java %{jre_versionless_lnk %%1}/bin/java fi alternatives --remove jre_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1} alternatives --remove jre_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1} # removed in favour of rhbnz#1217177 # alternatives --remove jre_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk %%1} } %global posttrans_script() %{expand: %{update_desktop_icons} } %global post_devel() %{expand: PRIORITY=%{priority} if [ "%1" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then let PRIORITY=PRIORITY-1 fi ext=.gz alternatives \\ --install %{_bindir}/javac javac %{sdk_versionless_lnk %%1}/bin/javac $PRIORITY \\ --slave %{_jvmdir}/java java_sdk %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} \\ --slave %{_jvmjardir}/java java_sdk_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdkdir %%1} \\ --slave %{_bindir}/appletviewer appletviewer %{sdkbindir %%1}/appletviewer \\ --slave %{_bindir}/clhsdb clhsdb %{sdkbindir %%1}/clhsdb \\ --slave %{_bindir}/extcheck extcheck %{sdkbindir %%1}/extcheck \\ --slave %{_bindir}/hsdb hsdb %{sdkbindir %%1}/hsdb \\ --slave %{_bindir}/idlj idlj %{sdkbindir %%1}/idlj \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jar jar %{sdkbindir %%1}/jar \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jarsigner jarsigner %{sdkbindir %%1}/jarsigner \\ --slave %{_bindir}/javadoc javadoc %{sdkbindir %%1}/javadoc \\ --slave %{_bindir}/javah javah %{sdkbindir %%1}/javah \\ --slave %{_bindir}/javap javap %{sdkbindir %%1}/javap \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jcmd jcmd %{sdkbindir %%1}/jcmd \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jconsole jconsole %{sdkbindir %%1}/jconsole \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jdb jdb %{sdkbindir %%1}/jdb \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jdeps jdeps %{sdkbindir %%1}/jdeps \\ %ifarch %{jfr_arches} --slave %{_bindir}/jfr jfr %{sdkbindir %%1}/jfr \\ %endif --slave %{_bindir}/jhat jhat %{sdkbindir %%1}/jhat \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jinfo jinfo %{sdkbindir %%1}/jinfo \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jmap jmap %{sdkbindir %%1}/jmap \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jps jps %{sdkbindir %%1}/jps \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jrunscript jrunscript %{sdkbindir %%1}/jrunscript \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jsadebugd jsadebugd %{sdkbindir %%1}/jsadebugd \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jstack jstack %{sdkbindir %%1}/jstack \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jstat jstat %{sdkbindir %%1}/jstat \\ --slave %{_bindir}/jstatd jstatd %{sdkbindir %%1}/jstatd \\ --slave %{_bindir}/native2ascii native2ascii %{sdkbindir %%1}/native2ascii \\ --slave %{_bindir}/rmic rmic %{sdkbindir %%1}/rmic \\ --slave %{_bindir}/schemagen schemagen %{sdkbindir %%1}/schemagen \\ --slave %{_bindir}/serialver serialver %{sdkbindir %%1}/serialver \\ --slave %{_bindir}/wsgen wsgen %{sdkbindir %%1}/wsgen \\ --slave %{_bindir}/wsimport wsimport %{sdkbindir %%1}/wsimport \\ --slave %{_bindir}/xjc xjc %{sdkbindir %%1}/xjc \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/appletviewer.1$ext appletviewer.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/appletviewer-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/extcheck.1$ext extcheck.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/extcheck-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/idlj.1$ext idlj.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/idlj-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jar.1$ext jar.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jar-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jarsigner.1$ext jarsigner.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jarsigner-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/javac.1$ext javac.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/javac-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/javadoc.1$ext javadoc.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/javadoc-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/javah.1$ext javah.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/javah-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/javap.1$ext javap.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/javap-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jcmd.1$ext jcmd.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jcmd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jconsole.1$ext jconsole.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jconsole-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jdb.1$ext jdb.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jdb-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jdeps.1$ext jdeps.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jdeps-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jhat.1$ext jhat.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jhat-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jinfo.1$ext jinfo.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jinfo-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jmap.1$ext jmap.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jmap-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jps.1$ext jps.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jps-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jrunscript.1$ext jrunscript.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jrunscript-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jsadebugd.1$ext jsadebugd.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jsadebugd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jstack.1$ext jstack.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jstack-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jstat.1$ext jstat.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jstat-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/jstatd.1$ext jstatd.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/jstatd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/native2ascii.1$ext native2ascii.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/native2ascii-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/rmic.1$ext rmic.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/rmic-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/schemagen.1$ext schemagen.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/schemagen-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/serialver.1$ext serialver.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/serialver-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/wsgen.1$ext wsgen.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/wsgen-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/wsimport.1$ext wsimport.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/wsimport-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext \\ --slave %{_mandir}/man1/xjc.1$ext xjc.1$ext \\ %{_mandir}/man1/xjc-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1$ext for X in %{origin} %{javaver} ; do alternatives \\ --install %{_jvmdir}/java-"$X" \\ java_sdk_"$X" %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} $PRIORITY \\ --slave %{_jvmjardir}/java-"$X" \\ java_sdk_"$X"_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdkdir %%1} done #update-alternatives --install %{_jvmdir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin} java_sdk_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} $PRIORITY \\ #--slave %{_jvmjardir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin} java_sdk_%{javaver}_%{origin}_exports %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdkdir %%1} #removed in favor of hardcoded link rhbnz#1217177 update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || : /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : exit 0 } %global postun_devel() %{expand: # now using versionless symlink here, part of rhbnz#1217177 if [ $1 -eq 0 ] then alternatives --remove javac %{sdk_versionless_lnk %%1}/bin/javac fi alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{javaver} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} # removed in favour of rhbnz#1217177 # alternatives --remove java_sdk_%{javaver}_%{origin} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications &> /dev/null || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null %{update_desktop_icons} fi exit 0 } %global posttrans_devel() %{expand: %{update_desktop_icons} } %global post_javadoc() %{expand: PRIORITY=%{priority} if [ "%1" == %{debug_suffix} ]; then let PRIORITY=PRIORITY-1 fi alternatives \\ --install %{_javadocdir}/java javadocdir %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir %%1}/api \\ $PRIORITY exit 0 } %global postun_javadoc() %{expand: alternatives --remove javadocdir %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir %%1}/api exit 0 } %global files_jre() %{expand: %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*x*/apps/java-%{javaver}.png %{_datadir}/applications/*policytool%1.desktop } %global files_jre_headless() %{expand: %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/jre/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/jre/LICENSE %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/jre/THIRD_PARTY_README %doc %{_defaultdocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir %%1}/NEWS %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1} #two rhel 6 only dir rhbz#1217177 %dir %{jre_versionless_lnk %%1} %dir %{jardir_jre %%1} %{_jvmdir}/%{jrelnk %%1} %{_jvmjardir}/%{jrelnk %%1} %{_jvmprivdir}/* %{jvmjardir %%1} %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/cacerts %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/unlimited/ %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/limited/ %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/ %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/unlimited/US_export_policy.jar %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/unlimited/local_policy.jar %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/limited/US_export_policy.jar %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/policy/limited/local_policy.jar %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/java.policy %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/java.security %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/blacklisted.certs %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/logging.properties %{_mandir}/man1/java-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/%{alt_java_name}-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jjs-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/keytool-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/orbd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/pack200-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/rmid-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/rmiregistry-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/servertool-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/tnameserv-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/unpack200-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/policytool-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %config(noreplace) %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/security/nss.cfg %ifarch %{jit_arches} %ifnarch %{power64} %attr(444, root, root) %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/%{archinstall}/server/classes.jsa %attr(444, root, root) %ghost %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/%{archinstall}/client/classes.jsa %endif %endif %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/%{archinstall}/server/ %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir %%1}/lib/%{archinstall}/client/ } %global files_devel() %{expand: %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/LICENSE %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/THIRD_PARTY_README %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/bin %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/include %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/lib #two rhel 6 only dir rhbz#1217177 %dir %{sdk_versionless_lnk %%1} %dir %{jardir_sdk %%1} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/bin/* %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/include/* %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/lib/* %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdkdir %%1} %{_datadir}/applications/*jconsole%1.desktop %{_mandir}/man1/appletviewer-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/extcheck-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/idlj-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jar-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jarsigner-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/javac-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/javadoc-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/javah-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/javap-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jconsole-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jcmd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jdb-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jdeps-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jhat-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jinfo-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jmap-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jps-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jrunscript-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jsadebugd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jstack-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jstat-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/jstatd-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/native2ascii-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/rmic-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/schemagen-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/serialver-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/wsgen-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/wsimport-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %{_mandir}/man1/xjc-%{uniquesuffix %%1}.1* %if %{with_systemtap} %dir %{tapsetroot} %dir %{tapsetdir} %{tapsetdir}/*%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}%1.stp %dir %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/tapset %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/tapset/*.stp %endif } %global files_demo() %{expand: %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/jre/LICENSE } %global files_src() %{expand: %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc README.src %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir %%1}/src.zip } %global files_javadoc() %{expand: %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc %{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir %%1} %doc %{buildoutputdir %%1}/images/%{j2sdkimage}/jre/LICENSE } # not-duplicated requires/provides/obsolate for normal/debug packages %global java_rpo() %{expand: Requires: fontconfig Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 # RHEL 6 only builds on x86, x86_64 and ppc64be (unshipped) ExclusiveArch: x86_64 i686 %{ppc64be} # Requires rest of java Requires: %{name}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} # for java-X-openjdk package's desktop binding Requires: gtk2%{?_isa} # Standard JPackage base provides. Provides: jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: jre-%{origin}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: jre-%{javaver}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: java-%{javaver}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: jre = %{javaver}%1 Provides: java-%{origin}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: java%1 = %{epoch}:%{javaver} # Standard JPackage extensions provides. Provides: java-fonts%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Obsoletes: java-1.7.0-openjdk%1 #Obsoletes: java-1.5.0-gcj%1 #Obsoletes: sinjdoc } %global java_headless_rpo() %{expand: # Require /etc/pki/java/cacerts. Requires: ca-certificates # Require jpackage-utils for ownership of /usr/lib/jvm/ Requires: jpackage-utils # Require zoneinfo data provided by tzdata-java subpackage. # 2020a required as of JDK-8243541 Requires: tzdata-java >= 2020a # Post requires alternatives to install tool alternatives. Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/alternatives # Postun requires alternatives to uninstall tool alternatives. Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/alternatives # for optional support of kernel stream control, card reader and printing bindings Requires: lksctp-tools%{?_isa}, pcsc-lite-libs%{?_isa}, cups-libs%{?_isa} # Standard JPackage base provides. Provides: jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: jre-%{origin}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: jre-%{javaver}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: java-%{javaver}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: jre-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{javaver} Provides: java-%{origin}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: java-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{javaver} # Standard JPackage extensions provides. Provides: jndi%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jndi-ldap%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jndi-cos%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jndi-rmi%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jndi-dns%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jaas%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jsse%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jce%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} Provides: jdbc-stdext%1 = 4.1 Provides: java-sasl%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Obsoletes: java-1.7.0-openjdk-headless%1 } %global java_devel_rpo() %{expand: # Require base package. Requires: %{name}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} # Post requires alternatives to install tool alternatives. Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/alternatives # Postun requires alternatives to uninstall tool alternatives. Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/alternatives # Standard JPackage devel provides. #Provides: java-sdk-%{javaver}-%{origin}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Provides: java-sdk-%{javaver}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Provides: java-sdk-%{origin}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Provides: java-sdk%1 = %{epoch}:%{javaver} #Provides: java-%{javaver}-devel%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Provides: java-devel-%{origin}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version} #Provides: java-devel%1 = %{epoch}:%{javaver} #Obsoletes: java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel%1 #Obsoletes: java-1.5.0-gcj-devel%1 } %global java_demo_rpo() %{expand: Requires: %{name}%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} #Obsoletes: java-1.7.0-openjdk-demo%1 } %global java_javadoc_rpo() %{expand: # Post requires alternatives to install javadoc alternative. Requires(post): %{_sbindir}/alternatives # Postun requires alternatives to uninstall javadoc alternative. Requires(postun): %{_sbindir}/alternatives # Standard JPackage javadoc provides. Provides: java-javadoc%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Provides: java-%{javaver}-javadoc%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} #Obsoletes: java-1.7.0-openjdk-javadoc%1 } %global java_src_rpo() %{expand: Requires: %{name}-headless%1 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} #Obsoletes: java-1.7.0-openjdk-src%1 } # Prevent brp-java-repack-jars from being run. %global __jar_repack 0 Name: java-%{javaver}-%{origin} Version: %{javaver}.%{updatever}.%{buildver} Release: %{?eaprefix}%{rpmrelease}%{?extraver}%{?dist} # java-1.5.0-ibm from jpackage.org set Epoch to 1 for unknown reasons # and this change was brought into RHEL-4. java-1.5.0-ibm packages # also included the epoch in their virtual provides. This created a # situation where in-the-wild java-1.5.0-ibm packages provided "java = # 1:1.5.0". In RPM terms, "1.6.0 < 1:1.5.0" since 1.6.0 is # interpreted as 0:1.6.0. So the "java >= 1.6.0" requirement would be # satisfied by the 1:1.5.0 packages. Thus we need to set the epoch in # JDK package >= 1.6.0 to 1, and packages referring to JDK virtual # provides >= 1.6.0 must specify the epoch, "java >= 1:1.6.0". Epoch: 1 Summary: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Group: Development/Languages # HotSpot code is licensed under GPLv2 # JDK library code is licensed under GPLv2 with the Classpath exception # The Apache license is used in code taken from Apache projects (primarily JAXP & JAXWS) # DOM levels 2 & 3 and the XML digital signature schemas are licensed under the W3C Software License # The JSR166 concurrency code is in the public domain # The BSD and MIT licenses are used for a number of third-party libraries (see THIRD_PARTY_README) # The OpenJDK source tree includes the JPEG library (IJG), zlib & libpng (zlib), giflib and LCMS (MIT) # The test code includes copies of NSS under the Mozilla Public License v2.0 # The PCSClite headers are under a BSD with advertising license # The elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) source code is licensed under the LGPLv2.1 or any later version License: ASL 1.1 and ASL 2.0 and BSD and BSD with advertising and GPL+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2 with exceptions and IJG and LGPLv2+ and MIT and MPLv2.0 and Public Domain and W3C and zlib URL: http://openjdk.java.net/ # Shenandoah HotSpot # aarch64-port/jdk8u-shenandoah contains an integration forest of # OpenJDK 8u, the aarch64 port and Shenandoah # To regenerate, use: # VERSION=%%{shenandoah_revision} # FILE_NAME_ROOT=%%{shenandoah_project}-%%{shenandoah_repo}-${VERSION} # REPO_ROOT= generate_source_tarball.sh # where the source is obtained from http://hg.openjdk.java.net/%%{project}/%%{repo} Source0: %{shenandoah_project}-%{shenandoah_repo}-%{shenandoah_revision}.tar.xz # Custom README for -src subpackage Source2: README.src # Release notes Source7: NEWS # Use 'generate_tarballs.sh' to generate the following tarballs # They are based on code contained in the IcedTea project (3.x). # Systemtap tapsets. Zipped up to keep it small. Source8: systemtap-tapset-3.6.0pre02.tar.xz # Desktop files. Adapated from IcedTea. Source9: jconsole.desktop.in Source10: policytool.desktop.in # nss configuration file Source11: nss.cfg # Removed libraries that we link instead Source12: %{name}-remove-intree-libraries.sh # Ensure we aren't using the limited crypto policy Source13: TestCryptoLevel.java # Missing headers not provided by nss-softokn Source15: lowkeyti.h Source16: softoknt.h # Ensure ECDSA is working Source17: TestECDSA.java Source20: repackReproduciblePolycies.sh # New versions of config files with aarch64 support. This is not upstream yet. Source100: config.guess Source101: config.sub ############################################# # # RPM/distribution specific patches # # This section includes patches specific to # Fedora/RHEL which can not be upstreamed # either in their current form or at all. ############################################ # Accessibility patches # Ignore AWTError when assistive technologies are loaded Patch1: rh1648242-accessible_toolkit_crash_do_not_break_jvm.patch # Turn on AssumeMP by default on RHEL systems Patch534: rh1648246-always_instruct_vm_to_assume_multiple_processors_are_available.patch # Reduce autoconf version requirement to allow use on RHEL 6 Patch998: rh1649731-allow_to_build_on_rhel6_with_stdcpplib_autotools_2_63.patch ############################################# # # Upstreamable patches # # This section includes patches which need to # be reviewed & pushed to the current development # tree of OpenJDK. ############################################# # PR2737: Allow multiple initialization of PKCS11 libraries Patch5: pr2737-allow_multiple_pkcs11_library_initialisation_to_be_a_non_critical_error.patch # PR2095, RH1163501: 2048-bit DH upper bound too small for Fedora infrastructure (sync with IcedTea 2.x) Patch504: rh1163501-increase_2048_bit_dh_upper_bound_fedora_infrastructure_in_dhparametergenerator.patch # S4890063, PR2304, RH1214835: HPROF: default text truncated when using doe=n option Patch511: jdk4890063-pr2304-rh1214835-jvmti_hprof_default_text_truncated_when_using_doe_equals_n_option.patch # Turn off strict overflow on IndicRearrangementProcessor{,2}.cpp following 8140543: Arrange font actions Patch512: rh1649664-awt2dlibraries_compiled_with_no_strict_overflow.patch # RH1566890: CVE-2018-3639 Patch529: rh1566890-CVE_2018_3639-speculative_store_bypass.patch Patch531: rh1566890-CVE_2018_3639-speculative_store_bypass_toggle.patch # JDK-8009550, RH910107: PlatformPCSC should load versioned so Patch541: rh1684077-openjdk_should_depend_on_pcsc-lite-libs_instead_of_pcsc-lite-devel.patch ############################################# # # Arch-specific upstreamable patches # # This section includes patches which need to # be reviewed & pushed upstream and are specific # to certain architectures. This usually means the # current OpenJDK development branch, but may also # include other trees e.g. for the AArch64 port for # OpenJDK 8u. ############################################# # s390: Type fixing for s390 Patch102: jdk8203030-zero_s390_31_bit_size_t_type_conflicts_in_shared_code.patch # s390: PR3593: Use "%z" for size_t on s390 as size_t != intptr_t Patch103: pr3593-s390_use_z_format_specifier_for_size_t_arguments_as_size_t_not_equals_to_int.patch # x86: S8199936, PR3533: HotSpot generates code with unaligned stack, crashes on SSE operations (-mstackrealign workaround) Patch105: jdk8199936-pr3533-enable_mstackrealign_on_x86_linux_as_well_as_x86_mac_os_x.patch # S390 ambiguous log2_intptr calls Patch107: s390-8214206_fix.patch ############################################# # # Patches which need backporting to 8u # # This section includes patches which have # been pushed upstream to the latest OpenJDK # development tree, but need to be backported # to OpenJDK 8u. ############################################# # 8035341: Allow using a system installed libpng Patch202: jdk8035341-allow_using_system_installed_libpng.patch # 8042159: Allow using a system-installed lcms2 Patch203: jdk8042159-allow_using_system_installed_lcms2-root.patch Patch204: jdk8042159-allow_using_system_installed_lcms2-jdk.patch # PR2462: Backport "8074839: Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack and the unpack200 binary" # S8074839, PR2462: Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack and the unpack200 binary # This fixes printf warnings that lead to build failure with -Werror=format-security from optflags Patch502: pr2462-resolve_disabled_warnings_for_libunpack_and_the_unpack200_binary.patch # PR3591: Fix for bug 3533 doesn't add -mstackrealign to JDK code Patch571: jdk8199936-pr3591-enable_mstackrealign_on_x86_linux_as_well_as_x86_mac_os_x_jdk.patch ############################################# # # Patches appearing in 8u222 # # This section includes patches which are present # in the listed OpenJDK 8u release and should be # able to be removed once that release is out # and used by this RPM. ############################################# ############################################# # # Patches ineligible for 8u # # This section includes patches which are present # upstream, but ineligible for upstream 8u backport. ############################################# # 8043805: Allow using a system-installed libjpeg Patch201: jdk8043805-allow_using_system_installed_libjpeg.patch ############################################# # # Shenandoah fixes # # This section includes patches which are # specific to the Shenandoah garbage collector # and should be upstreamed to the appropriate # trees. ############################################# ############################################# # # Non-OpenJDK fixes # # This section includes patches to code other # that from OpenJDK. ############################################# # Section currently empty ############################################# # # Dependencies # ############################################# BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel BuildRequires: binutils BuildRequires: cups-devel BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: fontconfig BuildRequires: freetype-devel BuildRequires: giflib-devel BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: gtk2-devel #BuildRequires: lcms2-devel # no lcms2 in rhel 6 BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel BuildRequires: libpng-devel BuildRequires: libxslt BuildRequires: libX11-devel BuildRequires: libXi-devel BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel BuildRequires: libXt-devel BuildRequires: libXtst-devel # Requirements for setting up the nss.cfg BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: xorg-x11-proto-devel BuildRequires: zip # Use OpenJDK 7 where available (on RHEL) to avoid # having to use the rhel-6.x-java-unsafe-candidate hack %if 0%{?rhel} BuildRequires: java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel %else BuildRequires: java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel %endif # Zero-assembler build requirement. %ifnarch %{jit_arches} BuildRequires: libffi-devel %endif # 2020a required as of JDK-8243541 BuildRequires: tzdata-java >= 2020a # cacerts build requirement. BuildRequires: openssl %if %{with_systemtap} BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel %endif # this is built always, also during debug-only build # when it is built in debug-only, then this package is just placeholder %{java_rpo %{nil}} %description The OpenJDK runtime environment. %if %{include_debug_build} %package debug Summary: OpenJDK Runtime Environment %{debug_on} Group: Development/Languages %{java_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %description debug The OpenJDK runtime environment. %{debug_warning} %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %package headless Summary: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Group: Development/Languages %{java_headless_rpo %{nil}} %description headless The OpenJDK runtime environment without audio and video support. %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %package headless-debug Summary: OpenJDK Runtime Environment %{debug_on} Group: Development/Languages %{java_headless_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %description headless-debug The OpenJDK runtime environment without audio and video support. %{debug_warning} %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %package devel Summary: OpenJDK Development Environment Group: Development/Tools %{java_devel_rpo %{nil}} %description devel The OpenJDK development tools. %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %package devel-debug Summary: OpenJDK Development Environment %{debug_on} Group: Development/Tools %{java_devel_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %description devel-debug The OpenJDK development tools. %{debug_warning} %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %package demo Summary: OpenJDK Demos Group: Development/Languages %{java_demo_rpo %{nil}} %description demo The OpenJDK demos. %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %package demo-debug Summary: OpenJDK Demos %{debug_on} Group: Development/Languages %{java_demo_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %description demo-debug The OpenJDK demos. %{debug_warning} %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %package src Summary: OpenJDK Source Bundle Group: Development/Languages %{java_src_rpo %{nil}} %description src The OpenJDK source bundle. %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %package src-debug Summary: OpenJDK Source Bundle %{for_debug} Group: Development/Languages %{java_src_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %description src-debug The OpenJDK source bundle %{for_debug}. %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %package javadoc Summary: OpenJDK API Documentation Group: Documentation Requires: jpackage-utils BuildArch: noarch %{java_javadoc_rpo %{nil}} %description javadoc The OpenJDK API documentation. %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %package javadoc-debug Summary: OpenJDK API Documentation %{for_debug} Group: Documentation Requires: jpackage-utils BuildArch: noarch %{java_javadoc_rpo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %description javadoc-debug The OpenJDK API documentation %{for_debug}. %endif %prep if [ %{include_normal_build} -eq 0 -o %{include_normal_build} -eq 1 ] ; then echo "include_normal_build is %{include_normal_build}" else echo "include_normal_build is %{include_normal_build}, thats invalid. Use 1 for yes or 0 for no" exit 11 fi if [ %{include_debug_build} -eq 0 -o %{include_debug_build} -eq 1 ] ; then echo "include_debug_build is %{include_debug_build}" else echo "include_debug_build is %{include_debug_build}, thats invalid. Use 1 for yes or 0 for no" exit 12 fi if [ %{include_debug_build} -eq 0 -a %{include_normal_build} -eq 0 ] ; then echo "you have disabled both include_debug_build and include_debug_build. no go." exit 13 fi if [ %{include_normal_build} -eq 0 ] ; then echo "You have disabled the normal build, but this is required to provide docs for the debug build." exit 14 fi echo "Update version: %{updatever}" echo "Build number: %{buildver}" echo "Milestone: %{milestone}" %setup -q -c -n %{uniquesuffix ""} -T -a 0 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1189084 prioritylength=`expr length %{priority}` if [ $prioritylength -ne 7 ] ; then echo "priority must be 7 digits in total, violated" exit 14 fi # For old patches ln -s %{top_level_dir_name} jdk8 cp %{SOURCE2} . # Add local copies of missing NSS headers cp -v %{SOURCE15} %{SOURCE16} openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/ec # replace outdated configure guess script # # the configure macro will do this too, but it also passes a few flags not # supported by openjdk configure script cp %{SOURCE100} %{top_level_dir_name}/common/autoconf/build-aux/ cp %{SOURCE101} %{top_level_dir_name}/common/autoconf/build-aux/ # OpenJDK patches # Remove libraries that are linked sh %{SOURCE12} # System library fixes %patch201 %patch202 %patch203 %patch204 %patch1 %patch5 # s390 build fixes %patch102 %patch103 %patch107 # x86 fixes %patch105 # RHEL 6 fix %patch998 # Upstreamable fixes %patch502 %patch504 %patch511 %patch512 %patch529 %patch531 %patch571 %patch541 # RPM-only fixes # RHEL-only patches %if 0%{?rhel} %patch534 %endif # Shenandoah patches # Extract systemtap tapsets %if %{with_systemtap} tar -x -I xz -f %{SOURCE8} %if %{include_debug_build} cp -r tapset tapset%{debug_suffix} %endif for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do for file in "tapset"$suffix/*.in; do OUTPUT_FILE=`echo $file | sed -e s:%{javaver}\.stp\.in$:%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}.stp:g` sed -e s:@ABS_SERVER_LIBJVM_SO@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/server/libjvm.so:g $file > $file.1 # TODO find out which architectures other than i686 have a client vm %ifarch %{ix86} sed -e s:@ABS_CLIENT_LIBJVM_SO@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/client/libjvm.so:g $file.1 > $OUTPUT_FILE %else sed -e '/@ABS_CLIENT_LIBJVM_SO@/d' $file.1 > $OUTPUT_FILE %endif sed -i -e s:@ABS_JAVA_HOME_DIR@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}:g $OUTPUT_FILE sed -i -e s:@INSTALL_ARCH_DIR@:%{archinstall}:g $OUTPUT_FILE sed -i -e s:@prefix@:%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/:g $OUTPUT_FILE done done # systemtap tapsets ends %endif # Prepare desktop files for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do for file in %{SOURCE9} %{SOURCE10} ; do FILE=`basename $file | sed -e s:\.in$::g` EXT="${FILE##*.}" NAME="${FILE%.*}" OUTPUT_FILE=$NAME$suffix.$EXT sed -e s:#JAVA_HOME#:%{sdkbindir $suffix}:g $file > $OUTPUT_FILE sed -i -e s:#JRE_HOME#:%{jrebindir $suffix}:g $OUTPUT_FILE sed -i -e s:#ARCH#:%{version}-%{release}.%{_arch}$suffix:g $OUTPUT_FILE done done %build # How many cpu's do we have? export NUM_PROC=%(/usr/bin/getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2> /dev/null || :) export NUM_PROC=${NUM_PROC:-1} %if 0%{?_smp_ncpus_max} # Honor %%_smp_ncpus_max [ ${NUM_PROC} -gt %{?_smp_ncpus_max} ] && export NUM_PROC=%{?_smp_ncpus_max} %endif # Build IcedTea and OpenJDK. %ifarch s390x sparc64 alpha %{power64} %{aarch64} export ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64 %endif %ifarch alpha export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -mieee" %endif # We use ourcppflags because the OpenJDK build seems to # pass these to the HotSpot C++ compiler... EXTRA_CFLAGS="%ourcppflags" # Disable various optimizations to fix miscompliation. See: # - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1120792 EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS="%ourcppflags -fno-tree-vrp" # PPC/PPC64 needs -fno-tree-vectorize since -O3 would # otherwise generate wrong code producing segfaults. %ifarch %{power64} ppc EXTRA_CFLAGS="$EXTRA_CFLAGS -fno-tree-vectorize" # fix rpmlint warnings EXTRA_CFLAGS="$EXTRA_CFLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" %endif EXTRA_ASFLAGS="${EXTRA_CFLAGS}" export EXTRA_CFLAGS EXTRA_ASFLAGS (cd %{top_level_dir_name}/common/autoconf bash ./autogen.sh ) for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do if [ "$suffix" = "%{debug_suffix}" ] ; then debugbuild=%{debugbuild_parameter} else debugbuild=%{normalbuild_parameter} fi # Variable used in hs_err hook on build failures top_dir_abs_path=$(pwd)/%{top_level_dir_name} mkdir -p %{buildoutputdir $suffix} pushd %{buildoutputdir $suffix} NSS_LIBS="%{NSS_LIBS} -lfreebl -lsoftokn" \ NSS_CFLAGS="%{NSS_CFLAGS} -DLEGACY_NSS" \ bash ../../configure \ %ifarch %{jfr_arches} --enable-jfr \ %endif %ifnarch %{jit_arches} --with-jvm-variants=zero \ %endif --with-native-debug-symbols=internal \ --with-milestone=%{milestone} \ --with-update-version=%{updatever} \ --with-build-number=%{buildver} \ --with-boot-jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk \ --with-debug-level=$debugbuild \ --enable-unlimited-crypto \ --with-zlib=system \ --with-libjpeg=system \ --with-giflib=system \ --with-libpng=system \ --with-lcms=bundled \ --with-stdcpplib=dynamic \ --with-extra-cxxflags="$EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS" \ --with-extra-cflags="$EXTRA_CFLAGS" \ --with-extra-asflags="$EXTRA_ASFLAGS" \ --with-extra-ldflags="%{ourldflags}" \ --with-num-cores="$NUM_PROC" cat spec.gmk cat hotspot-spec.gmk # Debug builds don't need same targets as release for # build speed-up maketargets="%{release_targets}" if echo $debugbuild | grep -q "debug" ; then maketargets="%{debug_targets}" fi make \ JAVAC_FLAGS=-g \ LOG=trace \ $maketargets || ( pwd; find $top_dir_abs_path -name "hs_err_pid*.log" | xargs cat && false ) # the build (erroneously) removes read permissions from some jars # this is a regression in OpenJDK 7 (our compiler): # http://icedtea.classpath.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1437 find images/%{j2sdkimage} -iname '*.jar' -exec chmod ugo+r {} \; chmod ugo+r images/%{j2sdkimage}/lib/ct.sym # remove redundant *diz and *debuginfo files find images/%{j2sdkimage} -iname '*.diz' -exec rm {} \; find images/%{j2sdkimage} -iname '*.debuginfo' -exec rm {} \; popd >& /dev/null # Install nss.cfg right away as we will be using the JRE above export JAVA_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/%{j2sdkimage} # Install nss.cfg right away as we will be using the JRE above install -m 644 %{SOURCE11} $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/ # Use system-wide tzdata rm $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/tzdb.dat ln -s %{_datadir}/javazi-1.8/tzdb.dat $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/tzdb.dat # Create fake alt-java as a placeholder for future alt-java pushd ${JAVA_HOME} cp -a jre/bin/java jre/bin/%{alt_java_name} cp -a bin/java bin/%{alt_java_name} # add alt-java man page echo "Hardened java binary recommended for launching untrusted code from the Web e.g. javaws" > man/man1/%{alt_java_name}.1 cat man/man1/java.1 >> man/man1/%{alt_java_name}.1 popd # build cycles done %check # We test debug first as it will give better diagnostics on a crash for suffix in %{rev_build_loop} ; do export JAVA_HOME=$(pwd)/%{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/%{j2sdkimage} # Check unlimited policy has been used $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -d . %{SOURCE13} $JAVA_HOME/bin/java TestCryptoLevel # Check ECC is working $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -d . %{SOURCE17} $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $(echo $(basename %{SOURCE17})|sed "s|\.java||") # Check debug symbols are present and can identify code SERVER_JVM="$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/server/libjvm.so" if [ -f "$SERVER_JVM" ] ; then nm -aCl "$SERVER_JVM" | grep javaCalls.cpp fi CLIENT_JVM="$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/client/libjvm.so" if [ -f "$CLIENT_JVM" ] ; then nm -aCl "$CLIENT_JVM" | grep javaCalls.cpp fi ZERO_JVM="$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/zero/libjvm.so" if [ -f "$ZERO_JVM" ] ; then nm -aCl "$ZERO_JVM" | grep javaCalls.cpp fi # Check src.zip has all sources. See RHBZ#1130490 jar -tf $JAVA_HOME/src.zip | grep 'sun.misc.Unsafe' # Check class files include useful debugging information $JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.lang.Object | grep "Compiled from" $JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.lang.Object | grep LineNumberTable $JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.lang.Object | grep LocalVariableTable # Check generated class files include useful debugging information $JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.nio.ByteBuffer | grep "Compiled from" $JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.nio.ByteBuffer | grep LineNumberTable $JAVA_HOME/bin/javap -l java.nio.ByteBuffer | grep LocalVariableTable #build cycles done %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB=libjvm* for suffix in %{build_loop} ; do pushd %{buildoutputdir $suffix}/images/%{j2sdkimage} #install jsa directories so we can owe them mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix}/lib/%{archinstall}/server/ mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix}/lib/%{archinstall}/client/ # Install main files. install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix} cp -a bin include lib src.zip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix} install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix} cp -a jre/bin jre/lib $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix} %if %{with_systemtap} # Install systemtap support files. install -dm 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/tapset # note, that uniquesuffix is in BUILD dir in this case cp -a $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{uniquesuffix ""}/tapset$suffix/*.stp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/tapset/ pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/tapset/ tapsetFiles=`ls *.stp` popd install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{tapsetdir} pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{tapsetdir} RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/tapset %{tapsetdir}) for name in $tapsetFiles ; do targetName=`echo $name | sed "s/.stp/$suffix.stp/"` ln -sf $RELATIVE/$name $targetName done popd %endif # Install cacerts symlink. rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix}/lib/security/cacerts pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix}/lib/security RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_sysconfdir}/pki/java \ %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix}/lib/security) ln -sf $RELATIVE/cacerts . popd # Install extension symlinks. install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{jvmjardir $suffix} pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{jvmjardir $suffix} RELATIVE=$(%{abs2rel} %{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix}/lib %{jvmjardir $suffix}) ln -sf $RELATIVE/jsse.jar jsse-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/jce.jar jce-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar jndi-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar jndi-ldap-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar jndi-cos-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar jndi-rmi-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar jaas-%{version}.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar jdbc-stdext-%{version}.jar ln -sf jdbc-stdext-%{version}.jar jdbc-stdext-3.0.jar ln -sf $RELATIVE/rt.jar sasl-%{version}.jar for jar in *-%{version}.jar do if [ x%{version} != x%{javaver} ] then ln -sf $jar $(echo $jar | sed "s|-%{version}.jar|-%{javaver}.jar|g") fi ln -sf $jar $(echo $jar | sed "s|-%{version}.jar|.jar|g") done popd # Install JCE policy symlinks. install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmprivdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jce/vanilla # Install versioned symlinks. pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir} ln -sf %{jredir $suffix} %{jrelnk $suffix} popd pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmjardir} ln -sf %{sdkdir $suffix} %{jrelnk $suffix} popd # Remove javaws man page rm -f man/man1/javaws* # Install man pages. install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 for manpage in man/man1/* do # Convert man pages to UTF8 encoding. iconv -f ISO_8859-1 -t UTF8 $manpage -o $manpage.tmp mv -f $manpage.tmp $manpage install -m 644 -p $manpage $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/$(basename \ $manpage .1)-%{uniquesuffix $suffix}.1 done # Install demos and samples. cp -a demo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix} mkdir -p sample/rmi if [ ! -e sample/rmi/java-rmi.cgi ] ; then # hack to allow --short-circuit on install mv bin/java-rmi.cgi sample/rmi fi cp -a sample $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix} popd # Install Javadoc documentation. # Always take docs from normal build to avoid building them twice install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir} cp -a %{buildoutputdir $normal_suffix}/docs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir $suffix} # Install release notes commondocdir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_defaultdocdir}/%{uniquejavadocdir $suffix} install -d -m 755 ${commondocdir} cp -a %{SOURCE7} ${commondocdir} # Install icons and menu entries. for s in 16 24 32 48 ; do install -D -p -m 644 \ %{top_level_dir_name}/jdk/src/solaris/classes/sun/awt/X11/java-icon${s}.png \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/${s}x${s}/apps/java-%{javaver}.png done # Install desktop files. install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/{applications,pixmaps} for e in jconsole$suffix policytool$suffix ; do desktop-file-install --vendor=%{uniquesuffix $suffix} --mode=644 \ --dir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications $e.desktop done # Install /etc/.java/.systemPrefs/ directory # See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=741821 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/.java/.systemPrefs # Find JRE directories. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix} -type d \ | grep -v jre/lib/security \ | sed 's|'$RPM_BUILD_ROOT'|%dir |' \ > %{name}.files-headless"$suffix" # Find JRE files. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix} -type f -o -type l \ | grep -v jre/lib/security \ | sed 's|'$RPM_BUILD_ROOT'||' \ > %{name}.files.all"$suffix" #split %%{name}.files to %%{name}.files-headless and %%{name}.files #see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=875408 NOT_HEADLESS=\ "%{_jvmdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/libjsoundalsa.so %{_jvmdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/libpulse-java.so %{_jvmdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/libsplashscreen.so %{_jvmdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/libawt_xawt.so %{_jvmdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jre/lib/%{archinstall}/libjawt.so %{_jvmdir}/%{uniquesuffix $suffix}/jre/bin/policytool" #filter %%{name}.files from %%{name}.files.all to %%{name}.files-headless ALL=`cat %{name}.files.all"$suffix"` for file in $ALL ; do INLCUDE="NO" ; for blacklist in $NOT_HEADLESS ; do #we can not match normally, because rpmbuild will evaluate !0 result as script failure q=`expr match "$file" "$blacklist"` || : l=`expr length "$blacklist"` || : if [ $q -eq $l ]; then INLCUDE="YES" ; fi; done if [ "x$INLCUDE" = "xNO" ]; then echo "$file" >> %{name}.files-headless"$suffix" else echo "$file" >> %{name}.files"$suffix" fi done # Find demo directories. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/demo \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/sample -type d \ | sed 's|'$RPM_BUILD_ROOT'|%dir |' \ > %{name}-demo.files"$suffix" # FIXME: remove SONAME entries from demo DSOs. See # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=436497 # Find non-documentation demo files. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/demo \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/sample \ -type f -o -type l | sort \ | grep -v README \ | sed 's|'$RPM_BUILD_ROOT'||' \ >> %{name}-demo.files"$suffix" # Find documentation demo files. find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/demo \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_jvmdir}/%{sdkdir $suffix}/sample \ -type f -o -type l | sort \ | grep README \ | sed 's|'$RPM_BUILD_ROOT'||' \ | sed 's|^|%doc |' \ >> %{name}-demo.files"$suffix" bash %{SOURCE20} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmdir}/%{jredir $suffix} %{javaver} #rhel 6 only fix for https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1217177 ln -sf %{sdkdir $suffix} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{sdk_versionless_lnk $suffix} ln -sf %{sdkdir $suffix}/jre $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{jre_versionless_lnk $suffix} ln -sf %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdkdir $suffix} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmjardir}/java-%{javaver}-%{origin}.%{_arch}"$suffix" ln -sf %{_jvmjardir}/%{sdkdir $suffix} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_jvmjardir}/jre-%{javaver}-%{origin}.%{_arch}"$suffix" #end of fix of rhbz#1217177 # end, dual install done %if %{include_normal_build} # intentioanlly only for non-debug %pretrans headless -p -- see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1038092 for whole issue -- see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1290388 for pretrans over pre -- if copy-jdk-configs is in transaction, it installs in pretrans to temp -- if copy_jdk_configs is in temp, then it means that copy-jdk-configs is in tranasction and so is -- preferred over one in %%{_libexecdir}. If it is not in transaction, then depends -- whether copy-jdk-configs is installed or not. If so, then configs are copied -- (copy_jdk_configs from %%{_libexecdir} used) or not copied at all local posix = require "posix" local debug = false SOURCE1 = "%{rpm_state_dir}/copy_jdk_configs.lua" SOURCE2 = "%{_libexecdir}/copy_jdk_configs.lua" local stat1 = posix.stat(SOURCE1, "type"); local stat2 = posix.stat(SOURCE2, "type"); if (stat1 ~= nil) then if (debug) then print(SOURCE1 .." exists - copy-jdk-configs in transaction, using this one.") end; package.path = package.path .. ";" .. SOURCE1 else if (stat2 ~= nil) then if (debug) then print(SOURCE2 .." exists - copy-jdk-configs alrady installed and NOT in transation. Using.") end; package.path = package.path .. ";" .. SOURCE2 else if (debug) then print(SOURCE1 .." does NOT exists") print(SOURCE2 .." does NOT exists") print("No config files will be copied") end return end end -- run contetn of included file with fake args arg = {"--currentjvm", "%{uniquesuffix %{nil}}", "--jvmdir", "%{_jvmdir %{nil}}", "--origname", "%{name}", "--origjavaver", "%{javaver}", "--arch", "%{_arch}", "--temp", "%{rpm_state_dir}/%{name}.%{_arch}"} require "copy_jdk_configs.lua" %post %{post_script %{nil}} %post headless %{post_headless %{nil}} %postun %{postun_script %{nil}} %postun headless %{postun_headless %{nil}} %posttrans %{posttrans_script %{nil}} %post devel %{post_devel %{nil}} %postun devel %{postun_devel %{nil}} %posttrans devel %{posttrans_devel %{nil}} %post javadoc %{post_javadoc %{nil}} %postun javadoc %{postun_javadoc %{nil}} %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %post debug %{post_script -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %post headless-debug %{post_headless -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %postun debug %{postun_script -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %postun headless-debug %{postun_headless -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %posttrans debug %{posttrans_script -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %post devel-debug %{post_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %postun devel-debug %{postun_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %posttrans devel-debug %{posttrans_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %post javadoc-debug %{post_javadoc -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %postun javadoc-debug %{postun_javadoc -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %files -f %{name}.files # main package builds always %{files_jre %{nil}} %else %files # placeholder %endif %if %{include_normal_build} %files headless -f %{name}.files-headless # important note, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1038092 for whole issue # all config/norepalce files (and more) have to be declared in pretrans. See pretrans %{files_jre_headless %{nil}} %files devel %{files_devel %{nil}} %files demo -f %{name}-demo.files %{files_demo %{nil}} %files src %{files_src %{nil}} %files javadoc %{files_javadoc %{nil}} %endif %if %{include_debug_build} %files debug -f %{name}.files-debug %{files_jre -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %files headless-debug -f %{name}.files-headless-debug %{files_jre_headless -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %files devel-debug %{files_devel -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %files demo-debug -f %{name}-demo.files-debug %{files_demo -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %files src-debug %{files_src -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %files javadoc-debug %{files_javadoc -- %{debug_suffix_unquoted}} %endif %changelog * Mon Jul 27 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u265-b01. - Update release notes for 8u265 release. - Resolves: rhbz#1860462 * Thu Jul 16 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Remove issues in NEWS file duplicated between 8u252 & 8u262 releases. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sun Jul 12 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b10. - Switch to GA mode for final release. - Update release notes for 8u262 release. - Fix typo in jfr_arches which leads to ppc64 being wrongly excluded. - Split JDK-8042159 patch into per-repo patches as upstream. - Update JDK-8042159 JDK patch to apply after JDK-8238002 changes to Awt2dLibraries.gmk - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sun Jul 12 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b09-shenandoah-merge-2020-07-03 - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sat Jul 11 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b09. - With JDK-8248399 fixed, a broken jfr binary is no longer installed on architectures without JFR. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sat Jul 11 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b08. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sat Jul 11 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b07-shenandoah-merge-2020-06-18. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sat Jul 11 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Sync alt-java support with java-11-openjdk version. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sat Jul 11 2020 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Created copy of java as alt-java and adapted alternatives and man pages - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Fri Jul 10 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b07. - Require tzdata 2020a so system tzdata matches resource updates in b07 - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Wed Jul 08 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b06. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Fri Jul 03 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b05-shenandoah-merge-2020-06-04. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Thu Jul 02 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b05. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Tue Jun 30 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b04. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Mon Jun 29 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b03-shenandoah-merge-2020-05-20. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sat Jun 27 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b03. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Mon Jun 22 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Enable JFR in our builds, ahead of upstream default. - Only enable JFR for JIT builds, as it is not supported with Zero. - Turn off JFR on x86 for now due to assert(SerializePageShiftCount == count) crash. - Introduce jfr_arches for architectures which support JFR. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Wed Jun 03 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b02. - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Sun May 24 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u262-b01. - Switch to EA mode. - Add recently added binaries to alternatives set (clhsdb, hsdb, jfr) - Resolves: rhbz#1838811 * Tue Apr 14 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add release notes. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Sun Apr 12 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Make use of --with-extra-asflags introduced in jdk8u252-b01. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Mon Apr 06 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u242-b09. - Switch to GA mode for final release. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Fri Mar 27 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b08. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Tue Mar 24 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b07. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Mon Mar 16 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b06. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Fri Feb 28 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b05. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Mon Feb 24 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b04. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Wed Feb 19 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b03. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Tue Feb 04 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b02. - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Mon Jan 27 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u252-b01. - Switch to EA mode. - Adjust JDK-8199936/PR3533 patch following JDK-8227397 configure change - Resolves: rhbz#1810557 * Wed Jan 15 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u242-b08. - Remove local copies of JDK-8031111 & JDK-8132111 as replaced by upstream versions. - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Wed Jan 15 2020 Andrew John Hughes - 1: - Add backports of JDK-8031111 & JDK-8132111 to fix TCK issue. - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Mon Jan 13 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u242-b07. - Switch to GA mode for final release. - Remove Shenandoah S390 patch which is now included upstream as JDK-8236829. - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Sun Jan 05 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u242-b05. - Attempt to fix Shenandoah formatting failures on S390, introduced by JDK-8232102. - Revise b05 snapshot to include JDK-8236178. - Add additional Shenandoah formatting fixes revealed by successful -Wno-error=format run - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Thu Jan 02 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u242-b01. - Switch to EA mode. - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Thu Jan 02 2020 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Revert SSBD removal for now, until appropriate messaging has been decided. - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Tue Dec 24 2019 Andrew John Hughes - 1: - Remove CVE-2018-3639 mitigation due to performance regression and OpenJDK position on speculative execution vulnerabilities. https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/vuln-announce/2019-July/000002.html - Resolves: rhbz#1785753 * Tue Oct 15 2019 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Bump release for rebuild with correct NSS in buildroot. - Resolves: rhbz#1753423 * Fri Oct 11 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u232-b09. - Switch to GA mode for final release. - Remove PR1834/RH1022017 which is now handled by JDK-8228825 upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1753423 * Tue Oct 01 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u232-b08. - Resolves: rhbz#1753423 * Tue Sep 17 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u232-b05-shenandoah-merge-2019-09-09. - Update version logic to handle -shenandoah* tag suffix. - Resolves: rhbz#1753423 * Thu Sep 05 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u232-b05. - Resolves: rhbz#1753423 * Fri Jul 26 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u232-b01. - Switch to EA mode. - Resolves: rhbz#1753423 * Thu Jul 11 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b10. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Tue Jul 09 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b09. - Switch to GA mode for final release. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Tue Jul 09 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b08. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b07 and Shenandoah merge 2019-06-13. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b06. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b05. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b04. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Restore docs make target so docs are built again. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Remove zip-docs make target as RHEL 6.10 RPM does not have that patch. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Provide Javadoc debug subpackage for now, but populate it from the normal build. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon Jul 08 2019 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Don't produce javadoc sub package for the debug variant build. - Don't perform a bootcycle build for the debug variant build. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Tue Jul 02 2019 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Include 'ea' designator in Release when appropriate. - Use --with-native-debug-symbols=internal which JDK-8036003 adds. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Wed May 22 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b03. - Handle milestone as variables so we can alter it easily and set the docs zip filename appropriately. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Mon May 13 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b02. - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Thu May 02 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u222-b01. - Drop 8171000, 8197546 & PR3634 as applied upstream. - Adjust 8214206 fix for S390 as BinaryMagnitudeSeq moved to shenandoahNumberSeq.cpp - Resolves: rhbz#1724452 * Thu Apr 11 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u212-b04. - Resolves: rhbz#1693468 * Thu Apr 11 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u212-b03. - Resolves: rhbz#1693468 * Tue Apr 09 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u212-b02. - Remove patches included upstream - JDK-8197429/PR3546/RH153662{2,3} - JDK-8184309/PR3596 - Re-generate patches - JDK-8203030 - Add casts to resolve s390 ambiguity in calls to log2_intptr - Resolves: rhbz#1693468 * Sun Apr 07 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u202-b08. - Remove patches included upstream - JDK-8211387/PR3559 - JDK-8073139/PR1758/RH1191652 - JDK-8044235 - JDK-8131048/PR3574/RH1498936 - JDK-8164920/PR3574/RH1498936 - Resolves: rhbz#1693468 * Thu Apr 04 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u201-b13. - Drop JDK-8160748 & JDK-8189170 AArch64 patches now applied upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1693468 * Tue Apr 02 2019 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Update patch for RH1566890. - Renamed rh1566890_speculative_store_bypass_so_added_more_per_task_speculation_control_CVE_2018_3639 to rh1566890-CVE_2018_3639-speculative_store_bypass.patch - Added dependent patch, rh1566890-CVE_2018_3639-speculative_store_bypass_toggle.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1693468 * Thu Feb 28 2019 Jiri Vanek jvanek@redhat.com - 1: - Replaced pcsc-lite-devel (which is in optional channel) with pcsc-lite-libs. - added rh1684077-openjdk_should_depend_on_pcsc-lite-libs_instead_of_pcsc-lite-devel.patch to make jdk work with pcsc * Wed Jan 16 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u201-b09. - Resolves: rhbz#1661577 * Wed Jan 16 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add 8160748 for AArch64 which is missing from upstream 8u version. - Add port of 8189170 to AArch64 which is missing from upstream 8u version. - Resolves: rhbz#1661577 * Wed Jan 16 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u192-b12. - Remove patches included upstream - PR3548/RH1540242 - JDK-6260348/PR3066 - JDK-8185723/PR3553 - JDK-8186461/PR3557 - JDK-8201509/PR3579 - JDK-8205104/PR3539/RH1548475 - JDK-8206406/PR3610/RH1597825 - JDK-8201495/PR2415 - Re-generate patches (mostly due to upstream build changes) - JDK-8073139/PR1758/RH1191652 - JDK-8197429/PR3546/RH1536622 (due to JDK-8189170) - JDK-8199936/PR3533 - JDK-8199936/PR3591 - PR3559 (due to JDK-8185723/JDK-8186461/JDK-8201509) - PR3593 (due to JDK-8081202) - RH1566890/CVE-2018-3639 (due to JDK-8189170) - RH1649664 (due to JDK-8196516) - RH1649731 - Resolves: rhbz#1661577 * Mon Jan 14 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add 8131048 & 8164920 (PR3574/RH1498936) to provide a CRC32 intrinsic for PPC64. - Resolves: rhbz#1661577 * Thu Jan 10 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u191-b14. - Adjust JDK-8073139/PR1758/RH1191652 to apply following 8155627 backport. - Resolves: rhbz#1661577 * Wed Jan 09 2019 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u191-b13. - Update tarball generation script in preparation for PR3667/RH1656676 SunEC changes. - Use remove-intree-libraries.sh to remove the remaining SunEC code for now. - Resolves: rhbz#1661577 * Wed Dec 19 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix jdk8073139-pr1758-rh1191652-ppc64_le_says_its_arch_is_ppc64_not_ppc64le_jdk.patch paths to pass git apply - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Tue Nov 13 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Revise Shenandoah PR3634 patch following upstream discussion. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Wed Nov 07 2018 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Add missing runtime requirements for dlopened dependencies - Add headful runtime requirement on Gtk+2 for Desktop API & look-and-feel - Add headless runtime requirements on lksctp-tools, pcsc-ltie-devel & cups-libs - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Wed Nov 07 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Note why PR1834/RH1022017 is not suitable to go upstream in its current form. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Mon Nov 05 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Document patch sections. - Move JDK-8201495 to 8u192 section. - Move JDK-8073139/PR1758/RH1191652 & JDK-8073139/PR2236/RH1191652 to 8u202 section. - Move JDK-8044235 to 8u202 section. - Rename patches to match other RHEL branches. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Mon Nov 05 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix patch organisation in the spec file: * Merge "Local fixes" and "RPM fixes" which amount to the same thing * Make it clearer that "Non-OpenJDK fixes" is currently empty - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Tue Oct 09 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u191-b12. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Tue Oct 02 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u191-b10. - Drop 8146115/PR3508/RH1463098 applied upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Mon Oct 01 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add new Shenandoah patch PR3634 as upstream still fails on s390. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Mon Oct 01 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b16. - Drop PR3619 & PR3620 Shenandoah patches which should now be fixed upstream. - Drop Shenandoah signedness fix as it appears in the new upstream tarball. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Thu Aug 23 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Move to single OpenJDK tarball build, based on aarch64/shenandoah-jdk8u. - Update to aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b15. - Drop 8165489-pr3589.patch which was only applied to aarch64/jdk8u builds. - Move buildver to where it should be in the OpenJDK version. - Split ppc64 Shenandoah fix into separate patch file with its own bug ID (PR3620). - Update pr3539-rh1548475-pass_extra_ldflags_to_hotspot_build.patch to apply after 8187045. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Sat Aug 11 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix signedness build failure in shenandoahHeapRegion.cpp (upstream patch from mvala) - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Sat Aug 11 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Remove unneeded functions from ppc shenandoahBarrierSet. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Wed Aug 08 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add missing shenandoahBarrierSet implementation for ppc64{be,le}. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Tue Aug 07 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix wrong format specifiers in Shenandoah code. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Tue Aug 07 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Avoid changing variable types to fix size_t, at least for now. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Tue Aug 07 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - More size_t fixes for Shenandoah. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Fri Aug 03 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add additional s390 size_t case for Shenandoah. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Fri Aug 03 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Actually add the patch... - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Fri Aug 03 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Attempt to fix Shenandoah build issues on s390. - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Mon Jul 23 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Use the Shenandoah HotSpot on all architectures (aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b13). - Resolves: rhbz#1633817 * Mon Jul 16 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u181-b13. - Remove 8187577/PR3578 now applied upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jul 16 2018 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Fix hook to show hs_err*.log files on failures. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jul 16 2018 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Fix requires/provides filters for internal libs. See RHBZ#1590796 - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Wed Jul 11 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add "8206406, PR3610, RH1597825: StubCodeDesc constructor publishes partially-constructed objects on StubCodeDesc::_list" - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Wed Jun 27 2018 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Add hook to show hs_err*.log files on failures. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Wed Jun 27 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Mark bugs that have been pushed to 8u upstream and are scheduled for a release. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Wed Jun 27 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u181-b04 and aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b04. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Tue Jun 26 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u181-b03 and aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u181-b03. - Remove AArch64 patch for PR3458/RH1540242 as applied upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Remove build flags exemption for aarch64 now the platform is more mature and can bootstrap OpenJDK with these flags. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix a number of bad bug identifiers (PR3546 should be PR3578, PR3456 should be PR3546) - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Split PR3458/RH1540242 fix into AArch64 & Zero sections, as their upstream trajectories differ. - Enable patch570 missed in last changeset. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Sync with IcedTea 3.8.0. - Label architecture-specific fixes with architecture concerned - x86: S8199936, PR3533: HotSpot generates code with unaligned stack, crashes on SSE operations (-mstackrealign workaround) - PR3539, RH1548475: Pass EXTRA_LDFLAGS to HotSpot build - 8171000, PR3542, RH1402819: Robot.createScreenCapture() crashes in wayland mode - 8197546, PR3542, RH1402819: Fix for 8171000 breaks Solaris + Linux builds - 8185723, PR3553: Zero: segfaults on Power PC 32-bit - 8186461, PR3557: Zero's atomic_copy64() should use SPE instructions on linux-powerpcspe - PR3559: Use ldrexd for atomic reads on ARMv7. - 8187577, PR3578: JVM crash during gc doing concurrent marking - 8201509, PR3579: Zero: S390 31bit atomic_copy64 inline assembler is wrong - 8165489, PR3589: Missing G1 barrier in Unsafe_GetObjectVolatile - PR3591: Fix for bug 3533 doesn't add -mstackrealign to JDK code - 8184309, PR3596: Build warnings from GCC 7.1 on Fedora 26 - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u172-b11 and aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u172-b11. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u171-b12 and aarch64-shenandoah-jdk8u171-b12. - Remove patch for 8200556/PR3566 as applied upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix jconsole.desktop.in subcategory, replacing "Monitor" with "Profiling" (PR3550) - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix invalid license 'LGPL+' (should be LGPLv2+ for ECC code) and add missing ones - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Mon Jun 25 2018 Jiri Vanek - 1: - added missing hooks for c-j-c - Resolves: rhbz#1594249 * Wed May 16 2018 Jiri Vanek - 1: - added and applied 1566890_embargoed20180521.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1578548 * Mon Apr 02 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Cleanup from previous commit. - Resolves: rhbz#1559766 * Thu Mar 29 2018 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Backported from fedora: aarch64BuildFailure.patch, rhbz_1536622-JDK8197429-jdk8.patch, rhbz_1540242.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1559766 * Sat Mar 24 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u171-b10. - Resolves: rhbz#1559766 * Wed Mar 21 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u162-b12. - Resolves: rhbz#1559766 * Wed Jan 10 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to b14 with updated Zero fix for 8174962 (S8194828) - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Tue Jan 09 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to b13 including Zero fix for 8174962 (S8194739) and restoring tzdata2017c update - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Mon Jan 08 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Bump release due to successful build of previous version. - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Mon Jan 08 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add new file cmsalpha.c to %%{name}-remove-intree-libraries.sh - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Mon Jan 08 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Replace tarballs with version including AArch64 fix for 8174962 (S8194686) - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Mon Jan 08 2018 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Drop pr3286-no_fp_contract.patch as flag no longer used on ppc64. - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Tue Jan 02 2018 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u161-b12 (mbalao) - Drop upstreamed patches of: patch561 8075484-pr3473-rh1490713.patch patch532 8162384-pr3122-rh1358661.patch patch547 8173941-pr3326.patch patch554 8175887-pr3415.patch patch550 8180048-pr3411-rh1449870.patch - adapted pr3286-no_fp_contract.patch, CFLAGS_linux_ppc64 no longer have -ffp-contract=off so was dropped from hunk - Resolves: rhbz#1528233 * Wed Oct 18 2017 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Repack policies script adapted to new counts and paths - Note that also c-j-c is needed to make this apply in next update - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Wed Oct 18 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Correct fix to RH1191652 root patch so existing COMMON_CCXXFLAGS_JDK is not lost. - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Wed Oct 18 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update location of policy JAR files following 8157561. - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Tue Oct 17 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update SystemTap tapsets to version in IcedTea 3.6.0pre02 to fix RH1492139. - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Tue Oct 17 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Fix premature shutdown of NSS in SunEC provider. - Move -ffp-no-contract fix to local fixes section. - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Tue Oct 17 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add 8075484/PR3473/RH1490713 which is listed as being in 8u151 but not supplied by Oracle. - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Tue Oct 17 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u151-b12. - Update location of OpenJDK zlib system library source code in remove-intree-libraries.sh - Drop upstreamed patches for 8179084 and RH1367357 (part of 8183028). - Update RH1191652 (root) to accomodate 8151841 (GCC 6 support). - Update RH1163501 to accomodate 8181048 (crypto refactoring) - Resolves: rhbz#1499207 * Tue Aug 15 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u144-b01. - Resolves: rhbz#1477858 * Fri Jul 14 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u141-b16. - Revert change to remove-intree-libraries.sh following backout of 8173207 - Resolves: rhbz#1466509 * Wed Jul 05 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u141-b15. - Update location of OpenJDK system library source code in remove-intree-libraries.sh - Drop upstreamed patches for 6515172, 8144566, 8155049, 8165231, 8174164, 8174729 and 8175097. - Update PR1983, PR2899 and PR2934 (SunEC + system NSS) to accomodate 8175110. - Resolves: rhbz#1466509 * Wed Jul 05 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add backports from 8u152 (8179084/RH1455694, 8175887) ahead of July CPU. - Resolves: rhbz#1466509 * Tue Jul 04 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Backport "8180048: Interned string and symbol table leak memory during parallel unlinking" - Resolves: rhbz#1449870 * Thu Apr 13 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u131-b11. - Drop upstreamed patches for 8147910, 8161993, 8170888 and 8173783. - Update generate_source_tarball.sh to remove patch remnants. - Cleanup tarball creation documentation to avoid duplication. - Resolves: rhbz#1438751 * Fri Apr 07 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add backports from 8u131 and 8u152 ahead of April CPU. - Apply backports before local RPM fixes so they will be the same as when applied upstream - Adjust RH1022017 following application of 8173783 - Bump release by 2 for y-stream branch. - Resolves: rhbz#1438751 * Mon Jan 16 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u121-b13. - Add MD5 checksum for the new java.security file (EC < 224, DSA < 1024 restricted) - Resolves: rhbz#1410612 * Mon Jan 16 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u112-b16. - Drop upstreamed patches for 8044762, 8049226, 8154210, 8158260 and 8160122. - Re-generate size_t and key size (RH1163501) patches against u112. - Resolves: rhbz#1410612 * Mon Jan 16 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Enable a full bootstrap on JIT archs to ensure stability. - Resolves: rhbz#1410612 * Mon Jan 16 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Disable -ffp-no-contract option introduced by 8170873 as not available on RHEL 6 GCC. - Resolves: rhbz#1410612 * Thu Jan 12 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Use java-1.7.0-openjdk to bootstrap on RHEL to allow us to use main build target - Resolves: rhbz#1410612 * Mon Jan 09 2017 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u111-b18, synced with upstream u111, S8170873 and new AArch64 fixes - Replace our correct version of 8159244 with the amendment to the 8u version from 8160122. - Resolves: rhbz#1410612 * Mon Nov 07 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add fix for PR2934 / RH1329342 - Resolves: rhbz#1391682 * Mon Oct 10 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Restrict debug builds to shipped JIT architectures, excluding unshipped ppc64 - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Mon Oct 10 2016 Jiri Vanek - 1: - added nss restricting requires - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Mon Oct 10 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Turn debug builds on for all JIT architectures. Always AssumeMP on RHEL. - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Fri Oct 07 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u111-b15, with AArch64 fix for S8160591. - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Fri Oct 07 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u111-b14. - Drop the CORBA typo fix, which appears upstream in u111. - Add LCMS 2 patch to fix Red Hat security issue RH1367357 in the local OpenJDK copy. - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Tue Aug 30 2016 Jiri Vanek - 1: - New variable, @prefix@, needs to be substituted in tapsets (rhbz1371005) - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Tue Aug 23 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u102-b14. - Drop 8140620, 8148752 and 6961123, all of which appear upstream in u102. - Move 8159244 to 8u111 section as it only appears to be in unpublished u102 b31. - Move 8158260 to 8u112 section following its backport to 8u. - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Tue Aug 23 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to aarch64-jdk8u101-b15. - Rebase SystemTap tarball on IcedTea 3.1.0 versions so as to avoid patching. - Drop additional hunk for 8147771 which is now applied upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1381990 * Mon Aug 15 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Make all architectures depend on java-1.8.0-openjdk again for building. - Resolves: rhbz#1163378 * Mon Aug 15 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Enable an unshipped ppc64 RPM, initially depending on java-1.7.0-openjdk to build. - Resolves: rhbz#1163378 * Mon Jul 11 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Replace bad 8159244 patch from upstream 8u with fresh backport from OpenJDK 9. - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Sun Jul 10 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add missing hunk from 8147771, missed due to inclusion of unneeded 8138811 - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Mon Jul 04 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add workaround for a typo in the CORBA security fix, 8079718 - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Fri Jul 01 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to u101b13. - Backport REPOS option in generate_source_tarball.sh - Drop a leading zero from the priority as the update version is now three digits - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Fri Jul 01 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add additional fixes (S6260348, S8159244) for u92 update. - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Fri Jul 01 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update ppc64le fix with upstream version, S8158260. - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Fri Jul 01 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add fix for ppc64le crash due to illegal instruction. - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Fri Jul 01 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add backport for S8148752. - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Fri Jul 01 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to u92b14. - Remove upstreamed patches for Zero build failures 8087120 & 8143855. - Add 8132051 Zero fix upstreamed as 8154210 in 8u112. - Add upstreamed patch 6961123 from u102 to fix application name in GNOME Shell. - Add upstreamed patches 8044762 & 8049226 from u112 to fix JDI issues. - Regenerate pr1758-rh1191652-ppc64_le_says_its_arch_is_ppc64_not_ppc64le_root.patch against u92 - Resolves: rhbz#1350035 * Tue Jun 21 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Bump release to 4 so it remains greater than 6.8.z. - Resolves: rhbz#1022017 * Thu Jun 02 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Forwardport SSL fix to only report curves supported by NSS. - Resolves: rhbz#1022017 * Sun Apr 10 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Use basename of test file to avoid misinterpretation of full path as a package - Resolves: rhbz#1325421 * Sun Apr 10 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to u91b14. - Resolves: rhbz#1325421 * Thu Mar 31 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add ECDSA test to ensure ECC is working. - Resolves: rhbz#1325421 * Wed Mar 30 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Avoid WithSeed versions of NSS functions as they do not fully process the seed - Resolves: rhbz#1320662 * Fri Mar 25 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Revert previous change to CFLAGS/LDFLAGS as issue is not us, but rhbz#1320961 - Resolves: rhbz#1320662 * Wed Mar 23 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Disable RPM CFLAGS/LDFLAGS for now due to build issues. - Resolves: rhbz#1320662 * Wed Mar 23 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - RHEL 6 adds -fasynchronous-unwind-tables which leads to libjvm.so being too big on x86 - Resolves: rhbz#1320662 * Wed Mar 23 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Remove patches to generated configure script, which we re-generate anyway. - Resolves: rhbz#1320662 * Wed Mar 23 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Update to u77b03. - Drop 8146566 which is applied upstream. - Replace s390 Java options patch with general version from IcedTea. - Apply s390 patches unconditionally to avoid arch-specific patch failures. - Remove fragment of s390 size_t patch that unnecessarily removes a cast, breaking ppc64le. - Remove aarch64-specific suffix as update/build version are now the same as for other archs. - Only use z format specifier on s390, not s390x. - Adjust tarball generation script to allow ecc_impl.h to be included. - Correct spelling mistakes in tarball generation script. - Synchronise minor changes from Fedora. - Use a simple backport for PR2462/8074839. - Don't backport the crc check for pack.gz. It's not tested well upstream. - Resolves: rhbz#1320662 * Thu Feb 04 2016 Jiri Vanek - 1: - returned jre_versionless_lnk/bin instead of jrebindir and - and sdk_versionless_lnk/bin isntead of sdkbindir - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Wed Jan 27 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add patches to allow the SunEC provider to be built with the system NSS install. - Re-generate source tarball so it includes ecc_impl.h. - Adjust tarball generation script to allow ecc_impl.h to be included. - Bring over NSS changes from java-1.7.0-openjdk spec file (NSS_CFLAGS/NSS_LIBS/headers) - Remove patch which disables the SunEC provider as it is now usable. - Resolves: rhbz#1208307 * Thu Jan 14 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add patch to turn off strict overflow on IndicRearrangementProcessor{,2}.cpp - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Wed Jan 13 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - RHEL 6 does not have __global_ldflags so set to %%{nil} instead. - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Wed Jan 13 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Remove -Wno-cpp which is not supported on RHEL 6 gcc. - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Wed Jan 13 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Try enabling the RPM CFLAGS and LDFLAGS. - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Wed Jan 13 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - January 2016 security update to u71b15. - Improve verbosity and helpfulness of tarball generation script. - Update patch documentation using version originally written for Fedora. - Drop prelink requirement as we no longer use execstack. - Drop ifdefbugfix patch as this is fixed upstream. - Provide optional boostrap build and turn it off by default. - Add patch for size_t formatting on s390 as size_t != intptr_t there. - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Wed Jan 13 2016 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add flag logic back to spec file but disable for now. - Restore jdk8042159-allow_using_system_installed_lcms2.patch as used in October CPU. - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Tue Jan 12 2016 Jiri Vanek - 1: - moved to integration forest - sync with rhel7 - Resolves: rhbz#1295752 * Thu Dec 10 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add patch to honour %%{_smp_ncpus_max} from Tuomo Soini - Resolves: rhbz#1152896 * Tue Dec 08 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Bump to distinguish this from the z-stream release. - Resolves: rhbz#1257655 * Thu Oct 15 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - October 2015 security update to u65b17. - Add script for generating OpenJDK tarballs from a local Mercurial tree. - Update RH1191652 patch to build against current AArch64 tree. - Use appropriate source ID to avoid unpacking both tarballs on AArch64. - Fix library removal script so jpeg, giflib and png sources are removed. - Update jdk8042159-allow_using_system_installed_lcms2.patch to regenerated upstream (8042159) version. - Drop LCMS update from rh1649731-allow_to_build_on_rhel6_with_stdcpplib_autotools_2_63.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1257655 * Fri Sep 04 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - updated to u60 (1255352) - Resolves: rhbz#1257655 * Fri Sep 04 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - direcotries aligned to rhel6, jdk7 like style ifarch 64 name.arch else naem - moved to rhel7, jdk8 like style of name.arch. Fixes 1259241 - Resolves: rhbz#1251560 * Fri Aug 21 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Backport S8017773: OpenJDK7 returns incorrect TrueType font metrics - Resolves: rhbz#1239063 * Thu Aug 13 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - priority aligned with other openjdks to 7 - another touching attempt to polycies... - Resolves: rhbz#1251560 * Thu Aug 13 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - main links in alternatives moved to versionless format - Resolves: rhbz#1217177 * Thu Jul 02 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Bump release number so 6.7 version is greater than 6.6 - Resolves: rhbz#1235161 * Thu Jul 02 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - July 2015 security update to u51b16. - Add script for generating OpenJDK tarballs from a local Mercurial tree. - Add %%{name} prefix to patches to avoid conflicts with OpenJDK 7 versions. - Add patches for RH issues fixed in IcedTea 2.x and/or the upcoming u60. - Use 'openjdk' as directory prefix to allow patch interchange with IcedTea. - Re-generate EC disablement patch following CPU DH changes. - Resolves: rhbz#1235161 * Wed Apr 29 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Omit jsa files from power64 file list as well, as they are never generated - Use the template interpreter on ppc64le - priority set gcj < lengthOffFour < otherJdks (RH1175457) - misusing already fixed bug - Resolves: rhbz#1189853 * Fri Apr 17 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Make use of system timezone data for OpenJDK 8. - Resolves: rhbz#1212592 * Fri Apr 10 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - repacked sources - Resolves: RHBZ#1209075 * Thu Apr 09 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - do not obsolete openjdk7 - Resolves: rhbz#1209075 * Tue Apr 07 2015 Andrew Hughes - 1: - Add back ExclusiveArch declaration lost in merge. - Fix names of PStack patch and removal script to not clash with 7 versions. - Remove unneeded test case from RHEL 7 ppc64le bug. - Resolves: rhbz#1209075 * Tue Apr 07 2015 Jiri Vanek - 1: - updated to security u45 - minor sync with 6.7 - generate_source_tarball.sh - adapted jdk8201495-zero_reduce_limits_of_max_heap_size_for_boot_JDK_on_s390.patch and jdk8203030-zero_s390_31_bit_size_t_type_conflicts_in_shared_code.patch - reworked (synced) zero patches (removed 103,11 added 204, 400-403) - added upstreamed patch 501 and 505 - included removeSunEcProvider-RH1154143.patch - returned java (jre only) provides - repacked policies (source20) - removed duplicated NVR provides - added automated test for priority (length7) - Resolves: RHBZ#1209075 Fri Jan 09 2015 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Update to January CPU patch update. - Resolves: RHBZ#1180300 * Fri Oct 24 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - updated aarch64 sources - epoch synced to 1 - all ppcs excluded from classes dump(1156151) - removed duplicated provides - Resolves: rhbz#1146622 * Fri Oct 24 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - added patch12,removeSunEcProvider-RH1154143 - xdump excluded from ppc64le (rh1156151) - Add check for src.zip completeness. See RH1130490 (by sgehwolf@redhat.com) - Resolves: rhbz#1154143 * Wed Oct 22 2014 Omair Majid - 1: - Do not provide any JPackage-style java* provides. - Resolves: RHBZ#1155783 * Mon Oct 20 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - ec/impl removed from source tarball - Resolves: RHBZ#1154143 * Mon Oct 06 2014 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Update to October CPU patch update. - Resolves: RHBZ#1148896 * Fri Sep 12 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - fixed headless (policytool moved to normal) - jre/bin/policytool added to not headless exclude list - updated aarch694 source - ppc64le synced from fedora - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Mon Sep 08 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - forcing build by itself (jdk8 by jdk8) - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Wed Aug 27 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - updated to u20-b26 - adapted patch9999 enableArm64.patch - adapted patch100 s390-java-opts.patch - adapted patch102 size_t.patch - removed upstreamed patch 0001-PPC64LE-arch-support-in-openjdk-1.8.patch - adapted jdk8042159-allow_using_system_installed_lcms2.patch - removed patch8 set-active-window.patch - removed patch9 javadoc-error-jdk-8029145.patch - removed patch10 javadoc-error-jdk-8037484.patch - removed patch99 applet-hole.patch - itw 1.5.1 is able to ive without it - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Tue Aug 19 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - fixed desktop icons - Icon set to java-1.8.0 - Development removed from policy tool - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Thu Aug 14 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - fixed jstack - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Thu Aug 14 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - fixed provides/obsolates - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Thu Aug 14 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - mayor rework of specfile - sync with f21 - accessibility kept removed - lua script kept unsync - priority and epoch kept on 0 - not included disable-doclint patch - kept bundled lcms - unused OrderWithRequires - used with-stdcpplib instead of with-stdc++lib - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Wed Jul 09 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Added security patches - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Wed Jul 02 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Removed accessibility package - removed patch3 java-atk-wrapper-security.patch - removed its files and declaration - removed creation of libatk-wrapper.so and java-atk-wrapper.jar symlinks - removed generation of accessibility.properties - Resolves: rhbz#1113078 * Fri May 16 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - priority lowered to 00000 - Resolves: rhbz#1081073 * Mon Apr 28 2014 Jiri Vanek - 1: - Initial import from fedora - Used bundled lcms2 - added java-1.8.0-openjdk-disable-jdk8042159-allow_using_system_installed_lcms2.patch - --with-lcms changed to bundled - removed build requirement - excluded removal of lcms from remove-intree-libraries.sh - removed --with-extra-cflags="-fno-devirtualize" and --with-extra-cxxflags="-fno-devirtualize"--- - added patch998, rh1649731-allow_to_build_on_rhel6_with_stdcpplib_autotools_2_63.patch to - fool autotools - replace all ++ chars in autoconfig files by pp - --with-stdc++lib=dynamic replaced by --with-stdcpplib=dynamic - Bumped release - Set epoch to 0 - removed patch6, disable-doclint-by-default.patch - Resolves: rhbz#1081073