# spec file for package yq
# Copyright (c) 2024 SUSE LLC
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/

%global provider_prefix github.com/mikefarah/yq
%global import_path     %{provider_prefix}
%global min_go_version 1.19

%if 0%{!?mkrel:1}
%define mkrel(c) %{1}%{?dist}

Name:           yq
Version:        4.45.1
Release:        %mkrel 1
Summary:        A portable command-line YAML processor
Group:          System/Base
License:        MIT
URL:            https://github.com/mikefarah/yq
Source0:        https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/archive/refs/tags/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1:        %{name}-%{version}-vendor.tar.xz
# conflict with all python3X-yq packages since they install /usr/bin/yq
# we need to handle Leap 15.4 specially since the python3dist() is not
# generated there
%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} < 1550
Conflicts:      python3-yq
BuildRequires:  golang(API) >= %{min_go_version}
Conflicts:      python3dist(yq)
BuildRequires:  golang >= %{min_go_version}
BuildRequires:  elfutils

A lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor. yq uses jq like syntax
but works with yaml files as well as json. It doesn't yet support everything
jq does - but it does support the most common operations and functions, and more
is being added continuously.

%package bash-completion
Summary:        Bash Completion for %{name}
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
Supplements:    (%{name} and bash-completion)
BuildArch:      noarch

%description bash-completion
Bash command line completion support for %{name}.

%package zsh-completion
Summary:        Zsh Completion for %{name}
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
Supplements:    (%{name} and zsh)
BuildArch:      noarch

%description zsh-completion
Zsh command line completion support for %{name}.

%package fish-completion
Summary:        Fish Completion for %{name}
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
Supplements:    (%{name} and fish)
BuildArch:      noarch

%description fish-completion
Fish command line completion support for %{name}.

%setup -qa1

go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags "-linkmode=external" -mod vendor -o bin/%{name}
eu-elfcompress --type=none bin/%{name}

go test ./...

install -D -m 0755 ./bin/%{name} "%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name}"
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/bash-completion/completions
%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name} shell-completion bash > %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/bash-completion/completions/%{name}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/zsh_completion.d
%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name} shell-completion zsh > %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/zsh_completion.d/_%{name}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d
%{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/%{name} shell-completion fish > %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/fish/vendor_completions.d/%{name}.fish

%files bash-completion
%dir %{_datarootdir}/bash-completion/completions/

%files zsh-completion
%dir %{_datarootdir}/zsh_completion.d/

%files fish-completion
%dir %{_datarootdir}/fish
%dir %{_datarootdir}/fish/vendor_completions.d

%license LICENSE
%doc README.md

* Mon Jun 17 2024 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.44.2:
  * Handle numbers with underscores #2039
  * Unique now works on maps and arrays #2068
  * Added support for short hand splat with env[] expression
    [#2071], as well as many other operators
  * Bumped dependencies
- update to 4.44.1:
  * Added min/max operators (#1992) Thanks @mbenson
  * Added pivot oeprator (#1993) Thanks @mbenson
  * Fix: shell-completion (#2006) Thanks @codekow
  * Handle escaped backslashes (#1997) Thanks @mbenson
  * Fix npe when given filename ending with "."
  * Fix: linux (w/ selinux) build (#2004) Thanks @codekow
  * Bumped dependencies
- update to 4.43.1:
  * Added omit operator #1989 thanks @mbenson!
  * Can now multiply strings by numbers #1988  thanks @mbenson!
  * Added tostring #72
  * Added string interpolation #1149
  * Can specify parent(n) levels #1970
  * Fixed CSV line break issue #1974
  * Adding a EvaluateAll function to StringEvaluator #1966
  * yqlib, default to colors off when using yaml library #1964
  * Removed JSON output warning
  * Bumped dependencies
- update to 4.42.1:
  * Can execute yq expression files directly with shebang #1851
  * Added --csv-separator flag #1950
  * Added --properties-separator option - thanks  @learnitall
  * Added --properties-array-brackets flag for properties encoder
  * Shell completion improvements - thanks @scop #1911
  * Bumped dependencies
- update to 4.41.1:
  * Can now comment in yq expressions! #1919
  * Added new CSV option to turn off auto-parsing #1947
  * Can now retrieve the alias names of merge anchors #1942
  * Fixed Toml decoding when table array defined before parent
  * Fixing with_entries context #1925
* Thu Feb  8 2024 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.40.6:
  * Fixed to_entries[]
  * Added sample yq script
* Mon Dec 18 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.40.5:
  * Fixing seg fault on bad XML #1888
  * Fixed handling of --- #1890, #1896
- update to 4.40.4:
  * Fixed bug with creating maps with values based off keys
* Fri Nov 24 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.40.3:
  * Fixed JSON output issue with empty arrays #1880
- update to 4.40.2:
  * Do not panic when StdIn is closed (#1867) Thanks @aleskandro!
  * Fixed issue when update against self #1869
  * Fixed multi doc anchor bug #1861
  * Fixes doc line separator issue when reading expression file
  * Bumped dependencies
* Wed Oct 11 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- trim paths in the binary
- run tests
* Tue Sep 26 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.35.2 (bsc#1215808):
  * Fix various typos #1798
  * Fixed number parsing as float bug in JSON #1756
  * Fixed string, null concatenation consistency #1712
  * Fixed expression parsing issue #1711
  * Bumped dependencies
- update to 4.35.1:
  * Added Lua output support
  * Added BSD checksum format
  * Bumped dependencies
* Tue Jul 18 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.34.2:
  * Bumped depedencies
- update to 4.34.1:
  * Added shell output format
  * Fixed nil pointer dereference
  * Bumped dependency versions
* Fri Apr 14 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.33.3:
  * Fixed bug when splatting empty array #1613
  * Added scalar output for TOML (#1617)
  * Fixed passing of read-only context in pipe (partial fix for
  * Bumped dependency versions
* Fri Mar 31 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.33.2:
  * Add ``--nul-output|-0`` flag to separate element with NUL
    character (#1550) Thanks @vaab!
  * Add removable-media interface plug declaration to the snap
    packaging(#1618) Thanks @brlin-tw!
  * Scalar output now handled in csv, tsv and property files
  * Bumped dependency versions
* Mon Mar 27 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.33.1:
  * Added read-only TOML support! #1364. Thanks @pelletier for
    making your API available in your toml lib :)
  * Added warning when auto detect by file type is outputs JSON
* Mon Mar 20 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.32.2:
  * Fixes parsing terraform tfstate files results in "unknown"
  * Added divide and modulo operators (#1593)
  * Add support for decoding base64 strings without padding
  * Add filter operation (#1588) - thanks @rbren!
  * Detect input format based on file name extension (#1582)
  * Auto output format when input format is automatically
  * Fixed npe in log #1596
  * Improved binary file size!
  * Bumped dependency versions
* Thu Mar  2 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.31.2:
  * Fixed merged anchor reference problem #1482
  * Fixed xml encoding of ProcInst #1563, improved XML
    comment handling
  * Allow build without json and xml support (#1556) Thanks
  * Bumped dependencies
* Tue Feb 28 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to 4.31.1:
  * Added shuffle command #1503
  * Added ability to sort by multiple fields #1541
  * Added @sh encoder #1526
  * Added @uri/@urid encoder/decoder #1529
  * Fixed date comparison with string date #1537
  * Added from_unix/to_unix Operators
  * Bumped dependency versions
* Mon Jan 16 2023 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to v4.30.8:
  * Log info message instead of erroring when unable to chown file in linux
    (e.g. snap confinement) #1521
  * Fixed bug in splice operator #1511
  * Fixed value operator bug  #1515
  * Fixed handling of merging null #1501
  * Ownership of file now maintained in linux (thanks @vaguecoder) #1473
  * Bumped dependency versions
* Sun Dec 18 2022 dmueller@suse.com
- Update to version 4.30.6:
  * Bumping version
  * release notes
  * Fixed xml comment in array of scalars #1465
  * Bump github.com/magiconair/properties from 1.8.6 to 1.8.7 (#1476)
  * Bump github.com/goccy/go-yaml from 1.9.6 to 1.9.7 (#1466)
  * Bump golang from 1.19.3 to 1.19.4 (#1465)
  * Include blank new lines in leading header preprocessing #1462
  * Upgraded golang/x/text and golang/x/net to fix trivy scan vulnerabilities (#1461)
  * Bump github.com/goccy/go-json from 0.9.11 to 0.10.0 (#1455)
  * updating release notes
* Sat Dec  3 2022 Dirk Müller <dmueller@suse.com>
- update to v4.30.5:
  * XML Decoder: Comment parsing tweak
  * XML Decoder: Fixed processing comments in empty XML #1446
  * XML Decoder: Checking for invalid content outside of a root node #1448
  * XML Decoder: Fixed issue where content surrounding tags are lost #1447
  * XML Decoder: Fixed xml decode bug when there is content after a comment
  * Fixed loading yaml with header issue #1445
  * guessTagFromCustomType warning log is now a debug.
  * Special thanks to @Kopfbremse for reporting XML issues!
  * Fixing missing version in brew/snap due to bug in automated versioning
  * Updated release process (automated versioning)
  * Fixed handling of yaml directives (#1424)
  * Fixed parsing of newline character in string expression #1430
  * Fixed length compares to null instead of 0 issue #1427
  * Actually updated the default xml prefix 🤦
  * XML users note: the default attribute prefix has change to +@ to avoid naming conflicts!
  * Can use expressions in slice #1419
  * Fixed unhandled exception when decoding CSV thanks @washanhanzi
  * Added array_to_map operator for #1415
  * Fixed sorting by date #1412
  * Added check to ensure only maps can be encoded to XML #1408
  * Check merge alias is a map #1425
  * Explicity setting unwrap flag works for json output #437, #1409
  * Fixed null pointer exception when parsing CSV with empty field #1404
- update to v4.29.1:
  * Fixed Square brackets removing update #1342
  * Added slice array operator (.[10:15]) #44
  * XML decoder/encoder now parses directives and proc instructions (#1344).
  * Please use the new skip flags documented here to ignore them.
  * XML users note that the default attribute prefix will change to +@ in the 4.30 release to avoid naming conflicts!
  * Improved comment handling of decoders (breaking change for yqlib users sorry)
  * Fixed load operator bug when loading yaml file with multiple documents
  * Bumped Go compiler version #1394
  * Bumped dependencies
  * Fixed Github Actions issues (thanks @mattphelps-8451)
  * yq Github action docker image is now built as part of the release
  * Fixed bug - can now delete documents #1377
  * Fixed handling of UTF8 encoded CSVs #1373
  * Detect and fail on missing closing brackets #1366
  * Bumped dependencies
  * Added setpath and delpaths operators, like jq (#1374)
  * Added is_key operator, to check if a match was a key when recursing
  * Added validation when attempting to add sequences to maps (#1341)
  * Fixed relative merge bug #1333
  * Fixed bug in alternative (//) operator, RHS being evaluated when it didn't need to be
  * Fixed footer comment issue #1231
  * Github action now runs as root (as recommended by Github Actions doc)
* Thu Apr 14 2022 Robert Munteanu <rombert@apache.org>
- Add conflicts for Leap 15.4
* Fri Feb  4 2022 Robert Munteanu <rombert@apache.org>
- Add conflict with python3x-yq packages
* Wed Feb  2 2022 Robert Munteanu <rombert@apache.org>
- Correct source URL
* Tue Feb  1 2022 rombert@apache.org
- Update to version 4.18.1:
  * Bumbing version
  * Updating docs
  * Bump github.com/a8m/envsubst from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 (#1089)
  * Preparing release notes
  * Fixing github build
  * Debug github build
  * Debug github build
  * Working around github strangeness
  * Debug github build
  * Debug github build
  * No longer have to specify eval!
  * Smarter behaviour when piping data in with one argument
  * Auto style when adding to empty maps/arrays
  * Fix Seg Fault on bad split expression input #1086
  * Merged envsubst into env operators
  * Add a new `envsubst` operator to replace environment variables in strings (#1082)
  * Added support for adding objects
  * Include zip file checksums in release
  * Added support for `*=`
  * Multiply, substract with custom types
  * Auto cast for add
  * Updated README, better xml docs
  * Bumping release
  * Fixing manpage path issue
  * fixes path in scripts/generate-man-page-md.sh (#1075)
  * Bumping version
  * Added JSON conversion tests and doc generation
  * refactor: move from io/ioutil to io and os packages (#1068)
  * Bump github.com/jinzhu/copier from 0.3.4 to 0.3.5 (#1071)
  * Tweaking select docs
  * Improving select docs (#839)
  * Updated readme as per #1051 recommendations
  * Preparing release notes
  * New merge flag (n) to only merge in new fields (#1038)
  * Added XML encoding/decoding (#1067)
  * Better fix #1062 (return error instead of panic)
  * Fixed #1062
  * Fixed #1048
  * Bump github.com/goccy/go-yaml from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 (#1065)
  * Arch Linux install instructions (#1059)
  * Update changelog for version v4.16.2 (#1046)
  * chore: script to build the deb sources (#1045)
  * Updating cli docs
  * Added xml acceptance tests
  * Can encode in XML!
  * Added global xml prefs for simplicity
  * wip
  * wip
  * wip
  * Added XML decoder (#1044)
  * Bumping version
  * Bump golang compiler #1037
  * enable more linters (#1043)
  * Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#1039)
  * Improved extract-checksum.sh
  * Added script for extracting checksums
  * Report while filename failed to parse #1030
  * Improving docs
  * Improved tips and tricks
  * Improved error message
  * Bumping version
  * Updated release notes
  * Added sort_by operator
  * wip
  * Updated release notes
  * Assignment op no longer clobbers anchor (#1029)
  * Recording release notes for next release
  * Fixed docker permission issue #1014
  * Cleanup test
  * Added encoder tests
  * Added encoder tests
  * Added csv, tsv output formats
  * Bump github.com/jinzhu/copier from 0.3.2 to 0.3.4 (#1027)
  * Add support for Podman as well as Docker (#1026)
  * Added map, map_values
  * Added another test
  * Added another test
  * Fixed collect op when working with multiple nodes
  * Add accessor for the yq logger instance (#1013)
  * Better merge example
  * Better formatting of merge arrays example
  * Added credit for merge by array example
  * Better merge array by key example
  * Better merge array by key example
  * gci linter
  * update Golangci version to v1.43.0
  * updated readme
  * enable misspell linter
  * Clean up errored file?
  * Include version query for tools
  * Attempt to fix golint problem
  * Bumping version
  * Fixing comments
  * Update release notes
  * Added more tests
  * Added key operator
  * Added errorlint to devtools
  * enable errorlint linter
  * add labels, quote some values
  * simplify prod stage, move version label to action
  * Update install-man-page.sh
  * feature: detect MANPATh and install there
  * Improved load doc
  * Minor improvement on handling front matter
  * Load file acceptance test
  * wip
  * Update check.sh
  * lint : define golangci configuration file
  * Bumping version
  * Fixed header preprocessing!
  * remove leading content indicator
  * fixed printer test
  * wip
  * wip
  * Fixing bad label in github action
  * Include secure as part of build process
  * Include secure as part of build process
  * add build check to PRs
  * Update go.yml
  * Update dependabot.yml
  * Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1
  * Bump github.com/fatih/color from 1.10.0 to 1.13.0
  * Bump github.com/jinzhu/copier from 0.2.8 to 0.3.2
  * Bump github.com/goccy/go-yaml from 1.8.9 to 1.9.4
  * Bump actions/setup-go from 1 to 2.1.4
  * Bump actions/create-release from 1.0.0 to 1.1.4
  * Create dependabot.yml
  * github action no longer uses data1.yml
  * Updating release instructions
  * Tweaking docs
  * Updating README
  * Update document generation script
  * gitbook wip
  * Bumping version
  * Fixed acceptance tests
  * Fix JSON encoding removing null #985
  * Refactored command logic
  * Split printer
  * Improving docs
  * Fixed flatten error message
  * Added flatten operator
  * Added group_by operator
  * better docs
  * Can specify indent in encode ops
  * Fixed newline handling in encoder/decoder
  * better docs
  * Fixed newline handling when decoding/encoding
  * Added decoder op
  * Added encoder op
  * Removing no longer needed github action
  * Bumping version
  * Updated github action release to generate man page
  * Man page release workflow wip
  * Man page release workflow wip
  * Man page release workflow wip
  * Added test release flow
  * Bumping go-lang, docker versions
  * Fixed expression parsing bug #970
  * Man page
  * Updated Readme
  * Keep flag, it is needed in corner cases
  * Revert "Removed leadingContentPreProcessing flag - header preprocessing is stable"
  * Man page wip
  * Man page wip
  * Man page wip
  * Removed leadingContentPreProcessing flag - header preprocessing is stable
  * Make deepMatch report in linear time
  * Update README with recently added / changed options
  * Bump version
  * Speed up multiply
  * Slight performance improvement to context.ChildContext
  * Sped up explode operator
  * Fixed select bug (#958)
  * Skip the tests if the nocheck Debian build option is specified
  * Fix a typo in root.go
  * Bump version
  * Updating to go 1.17 to fix CVE #944
  * New release with docker build fixes
  * Fixed docker timeout - simplify docker builds
  * Bumping version
  * Help text tweak
  * minor readme cleanup
  * Bump deb to version 4.13.0
  * Added STDIN example to the top
  * Added STDIN example to the top
  * Updating with documentation
  * Fixed with semicolon space issue
  * Bumping version
  * Added contains operator
  * Update release notes
  * Update release notes
  * Added with operator
  * Draft release notes
  * Updated var to work like jq #934
  * Added missing closing bracket error check
  * supports multiline output
  * Adding subtraction support for arrays
  * Bumping version
  * Fixed union infinite loop #930
  * Fixing alternative op bug #930
  * Can process hex numbers
  * Clarifying readme
  * Bumping version
  * Fixed merge comment issue #919
  * Fixing pipeline
  * Bumping version
  * Added shorthand output formats
  * Updated to use -o for output format
  * Pretty Print tests
  * wip - pretty print 1.1 compat mode
  * Fixed document header/footer comment handling when merging
  * Updated README to include instructions on docker
  * Adding string readme
  * Added properties encoder test
  * Properties encoder wip
  * Properties encoder wip
  * Add github action docs to readme
  * updating readme
  * Version bump
  * bad github action now fails properly
  * testing bad github action fails
  * testing bad github action fails
  * Fixed merging arrays with merge anchors #899
  * Added more tests
  * Added more tests
  * Version bump
  * Handle leading comment with no new-line
  * More efficient front matter processor
  * Better way of processing leading content
  * Fixed for most cases, except strip comments
  * Added more tests
  * Added printer tests
  * wip
  * wip
  * shellcheck
  * Now using shunit2 for acceptance tests
  * Removed blank file disclaimer
  * Version bump
  * Front matter processor seems to be working!
  * Added front-matter handler
  * Remember comments in empty files
  * Handle empty files
  * Fixed EOF bug when processing empty files
  * Improving reg ex doc
  * Increment version
  * added more readme disclaimers
  * fixing github flow
  * set github default user
  * testing github action
  * Adding magic to detect leading seperators
  * Added capture regex operator
  * Added test for #878
  * Added test operator
  * Added match operator
  * (wip) regex match op
  * (wip) regex match op
  * Clean up cli help doc, add github and doc links
  * Bump version
  * Revert usage of filepath.Clean (azure compatability issues)
  * Revert "Fix for gosec rule G304 - sanitize filepaths"
  * Updated docker instructions
  * Fixed secure script to run against all files
  * Bump version
  * Extract out compound assign logic, use it add and subtract ops
  * Added another |= example
  * Fixes #870
  * Update append array docs
  * Fixed append array issue https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/874
  * Fixed merge bug https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/880
  * Update debian pkg files to version 4.9.6
  * Fix for gosec rule G304 - sanitize filepaths
  * Fix for gosec rule G104 - handle errors
  * powershell issues
  * Checksum archives as well as binaries
  * Update Dockerfile
  * Updating release instructions
  * Increment version
  * Add darwin/arm64 builds
  * Fixed newline issue https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/855
  * Fixed issue on creating objects using []
  * Update Dockerfile
  * Added more tests
  * Bumping version
  * Fixed alternative operator
  * Updating docs
  * Added nested traversal examples
  * Increment version
  * Moved GithubAction docs to gitbook
  * outputs support in the action
  * Fixing entries test
  * Add `with_entries` example using filtering
  * Added gofmt to format command
  * Fixing doc
  * Fixed nil RHS bug in alternative operator #838
  * Increment version
  * Fixes update-assign with collect object issue #830
  * Increment version
  * Fixes nested array indexing #824
  * Fixing readonly ops not to modify context when paths dont exist
  * Fixing readonly ops not to modify context when paths dont exist
  * Added blank alias example
  * Fixing readonly ops not to modify context when paths dont exist
  * Fixing readonly ops not to modify context when paths dont exist
  * Increment version
  * Added ability to escape double quotes in double quotes
  * Fixed handling of null expressions in equals op
  * Increment version
  * Added any_c and all_c operators
  * Added any and all operators
  * Added unique operator
  * Update operator docs
  * Fixed null issue with entry operators
  * Increment version
  * Added optional traverse flag
  * Added with_entries
  * Added from_entries op
  * Added to_entries op
  * Fixed merge anchor bug #800
  * Fixed boolean op with empty context issue
  * updating operator docs
  * Updating comment docs
  * Moved multiply doc example lower
  * Added complex merge example
  * Added another style example for doc
  * Increment version
  * Fixes delete issue #793
  * Updating operator doc
  * Added command help about using stdin
  * Better string sub documentation
  * Incrementing version
  * Added string substitute command
  * Added "expand" to explode docs for searchability
  * Fixed alternative operator when LHS has empty matches
  * 4.6.3 release
  * Added subtract operator (numbers only)
  * Added chocolate badges thanks @adriens
  * updated release notes to run gosec manually
  * cannot run gosec on all docker platforms, removing from devtools
  * cannot run gosec on all docker platforms, removing for now
  * Bump version
  * Bump dependencies
  * Fixed merge comments
  * Dont print doc separators for JSON (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/735)
  * Fixed += operator (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/750)
  * Fixed precedence of CREATE_MAP (https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/issues/753)
  * Fixing doc links
  * Added gosec
  * Improving docs
  * Update readme
  * Bump version
  * Improved lexer performance!
  * Increment version
  * Arrays no longer deeply merge by defauly, like jq
  * nicer reduce example
  * nicer reduce example
  * Added context variable for reduce
  * Added reduce examples and doc
  * infix reduce
  * infix reduce
  * wip - reduce!
  * Force re-release
  * Fixed write-inplace with no expression
  * Fix pretty-printing
  * Version increment
  * Preserve comments on map keys
  * Added space example to docs
  * update deps
  * Fixed merge dropping anchors
  * improving docs
  * Fixing special character example
  * Added not equals operator
  * Equals now only compares scalars
  * Fixed delete bug
  * fixed instructions
  * v4.5.0
  * Fixed delete bug
  * Added variable doc
  * Fixed variable precedence
  * Fixing op precedences
  * Fixing op precedences
  * Added variables
  * Dont create entries when selecting
  * Pass context through operators
  * Added funding button
  * change version from master to latest(v4)
  * fix: go install fails
  * Fixed length of null to be zero
  * fixing docker pipeline for nextime
  * attempt to fix dockre
  * Fixed bad docker version
  * Bump version
  * Can add and merge append to null
  * Don't escape HTML chars when converting to json
  * Fixed cross-function combinatorial bug
  * wip
  * thoughts
  * cross function fix wip
  * Fixed doker instructions
  * Fixing multiply doc
  * Incrementing version
  * Added keys operator
  * Added split string operator
  * Added join strings operator
  * Split doc operator
  * Fixing add,multiply,alternative operator precendences
  * Fixed remove comments example
  * Dont use pointer for env prefs (avoid nil)
  * Dont use pointer for recursive prefs (avoid nil)
  * Dont use pointer for multiply prefs (avoid nil)
  * Dont use pointer for commment prefs (avoid nil)
  * Added merge if empty
  * Added operator level doc
  * Incrementing version
  * Renaming pathtree to expression
  * Removed global vars
  * UnwrapDoc now private
  * Moved eval function to eval interface
  * added lib_test.go
  * added EvaluateNodes and EvaluateCandidateNodes to yqlib
  * Merge now copies anchor names
  * Fixed creation of candidateNode in operators to include file metadata
  * Cleaning up exposed public api
  * Fixed tag operator for top level node
  * Fixed equals operator for top level node
  * Fixed has operator for top level node
  * fixing exposed functions and interfaces
  * fixing exposed functions and interfaces
  * Better add documentation
  * Added scalar addition
  * Fixed collect at document level
  * Better error handling will empty env
  * Better recursive decent docs
  * Better docIndex docs
  * Better env docs
  * Merged env commands in :eye-roll:
  * Env Ops!
  * strenv
  * wip
  * wip
  * Bump version
  * Error when passing files and using null-input flag
  * Bumped go yaml for comment hanlding fixes
  * Added webi
  * Added recurse examples
  * Added another delete example
  * Can assign-update tag
  * Can assign-update style
  * Can assign-update aliases and anchors
  * Can assign-update comments
  * updating readme
  * brew v3!
  * Updated collect objcet doc
  * Added shorthand document index selection
  * Unwrap node in get tag to return proper tag at root level
  * Added v3 snap instructions
  * Refactored doc generation, add fi fileIndex alias
  * Fixed updating yaml from other files
  * update issue template, instruct questions to be raised in disussion
  * fixed heading
  * added tar.gz instructions
  * updating readme
  * updating readme
  * wget version var missing a 'v' prefix.
  * scripts/check works for local and docker build
  * find golangci_lint through PATH
  * Updated docs
  * updated release instructions
  * Cleaning up release process, fixed github action version
  * Updated docs
  * Added prettyPrint flag
  * Added recurse keys operator
  * Removed TraversePrefs
  * More scenarios
  * Cleaning code
  * Traverse Array Operator
  * Refactoring traverse
  * Refactoring traverse
  * Fixed nested array splat path
  * Fixed doc links
  * Cleaning up docs
  * v4.1.0
  * Updated release instructions, remove gate for release
  * fixing xcompile for git action
  * fixing xcompile for git action
  * only tar executable files
  * Fixed rhash call
  * Fixed xcompile.sh
  * trialing github release actions
  * trialing github release actions
  * trialing github release actions
  * trialing github release actions
  * trialing github release actions
  * trialing github release actions
  * automated docker releases!
  * playing with release action
  * playing with release action
  * playing with release action
  * playing with release action
  * Added alias operator;
  * Added anchor operator
  * fixed test name
  * Fixed delete full path
  * Added missing flag
  * moved string space test to op values test cases
  * #607 Fix string value with spaces error
  * tar files to keep permissions of exectuable
  * Added compressed binaries for download managers and better file size
  * Added trivy to docker build, bumped alpine image
  * Add now uses crossFunction
  * Boolean operators now use the crossFunction util func
  * Added Alternative op
  * Better readme
  * Increment version
  * Updating readme for imminent v4 release
  * Updating readme for imminent v4 release
  * Added better error reporting
  * Added better error reporting
  * handle multiple document streams
  * Can now properly handle .a[] expressions
  * Update README.md
  * added another test
  * clarified pipe parsing tests
  * Added pipe and length docs, fix pipe precedence
  * Update README.md
  * updated cobra package
  * incrementing version
  * Added sort keys operator
  * fixed create doc for eval-all
  * improved acceptance tests
  * Fixed create yaml
  * added exit status
  * Added write-inlplace flag
  * wip - write in place
  * Updated lib todo list
  * Added append equals, merge append. Fixed creating numeric arrays
  * wip
  * wip
  * Added get key examples
  * updated issue templates
  * updated issue templates
  * updated issue templates
  * updated issue templates
  * Fixed recursive decent on empty objects/arrays
  * 4 alpha2
  * attempt to fix pipeline
  * go mod tidy
  * Add operator!
  * Added has operator
  * Fixed empty array op
  * Fixing docs
  * path operator singular
  * added path operator!
  * Extracted out evaluators
  * Added File operators
  * Added File operators
  * get file wip
  * fixed boolean example
  * Fixed typo
  * Fixed boolean ops
  * wip
  * Attempt to fix git pipeline
  * Updated readme
  * Set entrypoint to yq
  * Adding github action on release to publish multi-arch image
  * Updated readme re v4
  * Fixed docker file, fixed doco
  * Updated todo
  * Minor fixes
  * Added plain assignment
  * Added tag operator
  * updated todo
  * wip style docs and test
  * docs
  * select doc
  * Added printer test
  * include docs for tracking
  * added test to ensure json keys remain in order
  * Fixed printer
  * updating release
  * more docs
  * more docs
  * more docs
  * Better documentation generation
  * Better documentation generation
  * Better documentation generation
  * Fixed linting
  * Alpha1 of v4!
  * Fixed collect object for multi doc
  * refining
  * document index
  * more tests
  * comment ops!
  * refactored
  * explode when outputting to json
  * explode!
  * got style
  * multiply merge anchors
  * merge anchors!
  * simple anchors
  * create object fixes
  * create object fixes
  * first cli
  * collect object operator!
  * wip
  * more
  * Added null
  * simplified, refactored
  * Moved macports to community, announced v4
  * wip
  * README: add instructions for installing with MacPorts
  * wip
  * merge
  * autovivification, merge!
  * updating release instructions
  * Multiply wip
  * removed docs, added recursive decent
  * more refinement
  * value parse test
  * refactoring, fixing
  * can assign children!
  * can assign values
  * JQ like syntax wip
  * adding pipe
  * collect
  * read tests
  * read command
  * added single count operator
  * ops first class
  * wip
  * cool, both work
  * dont splat scalars
  * Refactoring
  * wip
  * can delete
  * assign operator
  * extracted out operators
  * fixed equals number issue
  * array equals!
  * arrays
  * equal!
  * equal!
  * added AND op
  * use orderermap
  * wip
  * ops work in theory!
  * wip
  * binary tree ftw
  * wip
  * postfix with traverse op
  * include traverse as a operator token
  * postfix wip!
  * postfix wip!
  * to postfix wip
  * tree wip
  * fixed wrapping!
  * wip
* Tue Oct 19 2021 Robert Munteanu <rombert@apache.org>
- Initial package