%global debug_package %{nil} Summary: Free mathematics software for learning and teaching Name: geogebra5 Version: 5.2.873.2 Release: 7090 License: See http://www.geogebra.org/download/license.txt Group: Amusements/Teaching/Mathematics %define pkg GeoGebra-Linux-Portable-%{lua: print((string.gsub(rpm.expand("%{version}"), "%.", "-")))} Source0: https://download.geogebra.org/installers/5.2/%{pkg}.tar.bz2 Source1: geogebra.tar.xz %description GeoGebra is free dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that joins geometry, algebra, graphing, and calculus in one easy-to-use package. Quick Facts: Graphics, algebra and spreadsheet are connected and fully dynamic. Easy-to-use interface, yet many powerful features. Authoring tool to create and share interactive online learning materials. Available in many languages for our millions of users around the world. Free and open source math/maths software. %prep %setup -qn %{pkg} %setup -qTDn %{pkg} -a 1 %build rm geogebra-portable LICENSE.txt readme.txt %install mv ./geogebra .%{_datadir} mkdir .%{_exec_prefix}/lib mkdir .%{_exec_prefix}/lib/jvm mkdir .%{_exec_prefix}/lib/jvm/java-geogebra/ mv ./zulu*-linux_x64/* .%{_exec_prefix}/lib/jvm/java-geogebra/ rm -rf ./zulu*-linux_x64 mv * %{buildroot} %files %dir /etc/geogebra %config /etc/geogebra/geogebra.conf /usr/bin/geogebra %dir /usr/lib/jvm/java-geogebra /usr/lib/jvm/java-geogebra/* /usr/share/applications/geogebra.desktop %dir /usr/share/geogebra /usr/share/geogebra/* /usr/share/icons/hicolor/* %doc /usr/share/man/man1/geogebra.1.gz /usr/share/mime/packages/geogebra.xml /usr/share/pixmaps/geogebra.png %changelog %autochangelog