# spec file for package trigger-rally for Fedora (based on the OpenSUSE spec) # # Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany. # Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Kofler # # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed # upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the # file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the # license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which # case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9) # published by the Open Source Initiative. Name: trigger-rally Version: Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Fast-paced single-player rally racing game License: GPLv2 Url: http://trigger-rally.sourceforge.net/ Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/trigger-rally/trigger-%{version}/trigger-rally-%{version}.tar.gz # PATCH-FEATURE-UPSTREAM https://sourceforge.net/p/trigger-rally/patches/14/ Source1: %{name}.desktop # PATCH-FEATURE-UPSTREAM https://sourceforge.net/p/trigger-rally/patches/15/ Source2: %{name}.appdata.xml BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: dos2unix BuildRequires: gcc-c++ >= 5.0 BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme BuildRequires: pkgconfig(SDL2_image) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(freealut) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glew) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glu) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openal) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(physfs) >= 2.1 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sdl2) # libSDL2main.a BuildRequires: SDL2-static BuildRequires: pkgconfig(tinyxml2) >= 6 Requires: %{name}-data == %{version} %description A 3D rally simulation with a physics engine for drifting, over 100 maps, different terrain materials like dirt, asphalt, sand, ice etc. and various weather, light and fog conditions. Most maps are equipped with spoken co-driver notes and co-driver icons. %package data Summary: Data files for trigger-rally Group: Amusements/Games/Action/Race Requires: trigger-rally == %{version} BuildArch: noarch %description data This package provides the data files for trigger-rally, a 3D rally simulation with a physics engine for drifting, over 100 maps, different terrain materials like dirt, asphalt, sand, ice etc. and various weather, light and fog conditions. Most maps are equipped with spoken co-driver notes and co-driver icons. %prep %setup -q dos2unix doc/*.txt bin/*.defs sed -i "s/__DATE__/\"2019-03-10\"/g;s/__TIME__/\"00:00:00\"/g" src/PEngine/app.cpp src/Trigger/menu.cpp sed -i "/strip/d" src/GNUmakefile* %build make --directory=src OPTIMS="%{optflags}" prefix=%{_prefix} exec_prefix=%{_prefix} bindir=%{_bindir} # NOTE: don't use datadir=...: program currently (v0.6.6.1) uses hardcoded search paths %install %make_install --directory=src OPTIMS="%{optflags}" prefix=%{_prefix} exec_prefix=%{_prefix} bindir=%{_bindir} # NOTE: don't use datadir=...: program currently (v0.6.6.1) uses hardcoded search paths desktop-file-install %{SOURCE1} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ ln -sf %{_datadir}/games/trigger-rally/icon/trigger-rally-icons.svg %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/trigger-rally.svg mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/appdata install -Dm0644 %{S:2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/appdata/%{name}.appdata.xml %files %{_bindir}/* %{_datadir}/games/trigger-rally/icon %{_datadir}/applications/trigger-rally.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/trigger-rally.svg %{_datadir}/doc/trigger-rally/ %dir %{_datadir}/appdata/ %{_datadir}/appdata/%{name}.appdata.xml %files data %dir %{_datadir}/games/trigger-rally/ %{_datadir}/games/trigger-rally/data.* %changelog * Sat May 04 2019 Kevin Kofler - - Adapt the specfile to Fedora * Sat Mar 16 2019 fschaefer.oss@googlemail.com - Update to v0.6.6.1: * Optimized data for release * Removed internal TinyXML-2 source from Trigger code tree * Documented and reorganized physic engine code * Different tuning: Fox offroad, Evo circuit, Cordo in between * Wheel sinking on the different types of terrain * New freely licensed font * Wheel-ground contact is now computed along wheel plane, not just straight down * Vehicle selection screen shows real values of the car * Vehicles can have different friction of wheels defined in the .vehicle file * Optimized .obj mesh loader * Updated libPhysfs code * Other fixes * Added 2 new events and 20 new single races (36 new maps) * Added many new vegetation sprites - Drop patch reproducible.patch (merged upstream) - Add dependency for tinyXML2 - Refactor data package creation - Add dependency for data package - Use pkgconfig(physfs) * Tue Jul 10 2018 bwiedemann@suse.com - make compilation independent of build system CPU (boo#1100677) * Mon May 22 2017 bwiedemann@suse.com - Add reproducible.patch to sort input files to make build fully reproducible * Fri Feb 17 2017 rpm@fthiessen.de - Update to version 0.6.5 * Fixed compilation error of "hiscore1.h" by C++11 compilers * Added 2 new events and 13 new single races (total 25 new races) * Added "road sign" option for map creators * Updated code to use TinyXML-2, SDL2 and SDL2_image * Improved code friendliness to Linux when searching for the default configuration file "trigger-rally.config.defs" - Dropped upstream merged hiscore1.h.patch - Upstream switched from SDL to SDL2, corrected BuildRequires. - Fixed file-contains-date-and-time warning * Sun Aug 28 2016 mailaender@opensuse.org - Update to v0.6.4 - Added recording of best times - Added unlocking of vehicles and events - Optimized game data for smaller size and faster loading - Added "Pause" key (default `P`) - Added "Recover At Checkpoint" key (default `Q`) - Added multiple laps option for map creators - Added time penalty for offroad driving - Improved the "AB" codriver voice - Fixed sound bug in the Windows version - Changed default resolution to native fullscreen - Add an AppData file - Fix line endings on text files * Fri Mar 25 2016 mailaender@opensuse.org - Update to v0.6.3 - Improve menu and in-race OSD - Add codriver for 75%% of maps - Tweak terrain physics - Add many new maps - Change vehicle skins and presets - Made various minor code improvements - Fix compilation warnings - Add support for .obj textures - Include new .obj textures (disabled by default) - Add 6 new events and 23 new single races courtesy of Onsemeliot - Add several new textures - Replace most media content (textures, audio, fonts, etc.) with FOSS equivalents - New FOSS Trigger Rally icon - Many other changes (check SVN logs from about r48) * Sat Jan 5 2013 joop.boonen@opensuse.org - openal*-devel isn't a build requirement as it's a requirement of freealut-devel * Mon May 7 2012 prusnak@opensuse.org - use datadir for game data * Sun May 6 2012 schaeferf.obs@googlemail.com - Update to v0.6.0: * New (and old) contributed tracks and events * New Practice Mode * Paging on the Single Races screen to show all the available tracks * Option to show speedometer in KPH or MPH * Option to show digital speed on the speed dial ('hybrid' style) * Fading track comment and GO at race start * Freezing course time when passing through a checkpoint * Tweak menu colours for more contrast 4/07/2010 * Removed splash screen delay * Updated contact email address * Fri Mar 6 2009 schaeferf.obs@googlemail.com - update to SVN-version (revision 5) * Tue Mar 3 2009 prusnak@opensuse.org - use system glew library (glew.patch) * Sun Mar 1 2009 schaeferf.obs@googlemail.com - Initial openSUSE package release (