%global package_speccommit c672227925c767154adf134e288d8c0eef4d4550 %global usver 6.86.0 %global xsver 1 %global xsrel %{xsver}%{?xscount}%{?xshash} ## This has to match the declaration in xs-opam-src, which ## creates the directory and makes it WORLD WRITABLE %global _opamroot %{_libdir}/opamroot # The following has no effect on XS 8, only on XS 9. # However, something needs to be fixed on XS 9 to not need it anymore. %global _debugsource_template %{nil} %global _version 6.86.0 # When building an untagged version, add the number of commits and hash after # the variable _version. e.g. -34-gab48a58c for 6.77.0-34-gab48a58c %global _version_full %{_version} Name: xs-opam-repo Version: %{_version} Release: %{?xsrel}.1%{?dist} Summary: Build and install OCaml libraries from Opam repository # The license field is produced by running print-license.sh # Please update licenses.txt on every new version and then run the script to # keep these in sync. License: Apache-1.0 and BSD-2-Clause and BSD-3-Clause and curl and GPL-1.0-or-later and GPL-2.0-only and GPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-3.0-only and ISC and LGPL-2.0-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception and LGPL-2.0-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception and LGPL-2.1-only and LGPL-2.1-only WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception and LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OCaml-LGPL-linking-exception and LGPL-2.1-or-later WITH OpenSSL-linking-exception and LGPL-3.0-only and MIT and PSF-2.0 URL: https://github.com/xapi-project/xs-opam Source0: xs-opam-repo-6.86.0.tar.gz # To "pin" a package during development, see below the example # where ezxenstore is pinned to an internal master branch. # You need the Source1 line, and the below 'tar' and 'opam pin' lines, and comment-out the OPAMFETCH # Replace YOURUSER below with your CITRITE userid where you put the repo # (make sure you gave 'stash-users' read permissions on it) # Note that Jenkins will likely not pick up commits on this repo, and you have to hit 'Build Now' # when you want a new build. # Source1: https://code.citrite.net/rest/archive/latest/projects/~YOURUSER/repos/ezxenstore/archive?at=master&format=tar.gz&prefix=ezxenstore#/ezxenstore.tar.gz BuildRequires: xs-opam-src >= 5.1.0 Requires: opam >= 2.0.0 Requires: ocaml4.14 Requires: gmp Requires: libev-devel BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: curl-devel # XCP-ng: remove dlm, which is only required by proprietary xapi-clusterd #BuildRequires: dlm-devel BuildRequires: git BuildRequires: gmp BuildRequires: gmp-devel BuildRequires: hwdata BuildRequires: libffi-devel BuildRequires: libnl3-devel BuildRequires: ocaml4.14 BuildRequires: ocaml4.14-ocamldoc BuildRequires: opam > 2.1.4-1 BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: pam-devel BuildRequires: pciutils-devel BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: python3 BuildRequires: rsync BuildRequires: systemd-devel BuildRequires: which BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: libev-devel %description Opam repository that contains all libraries necessary to compile the Toolstack components of the Citrix Hypervisor. %prep %autosetup -p1 -n xs-opam-repo-%{_version_full} # XCP-ng: remove dlm, which is only required by proprietary xapi-clusterd rm -r packages/dlm/dlm.* %build %install # install into the real opam root to avoid problems with # embedded paths. export OPAMROOT=%{_opamroot} opam init --bare --no-setup -k local xs-opam . -y opam switch create ocaml-system PKG=$(opam exec -- opam list --available --short) export OPAMFETCH=/bin/false opam exec -- opam install %{?_smp_mflags} -y $PKG mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/profile.d mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_opamroot} echo 'export OPAMROOT=%{_opamroot}' > %{buildroot}/etc/profile.d/opam.sh echo 'eval `opam config env`' >> %{buildroot}/etc/profile.d/opam.sh rm -rf %{_opamroot}/ocaml-system/.opam-switch/sources rm -rf %{_opamroot}/download-cache/* rm -rf %{_opamroot}/repo/local/cache/* # remove log as it contains $RPM_BUILD_ROOT env value rm -rf %{_opamroot}/log find %{_opamroot}/ocaml-system/lib -type f -name '*.cmt*' -delete rsync -aW %{_opamroot}/ %{buildroot}%{_opamroot}/ strip %{buildroot}%{_opamroot}/ocaml-system/bin/* || true mkdir -p "%{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d" echo '%%_opamroot %%{_libdir}/opamroot' >> "%{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d/macros.opam" %files %attr(644, root, root) /etc/profile.d/opam.sh %defattr(-, root, wheel, 775) %exclude %{_opamroot}/download-cache %exclude %{_opamroot}/repo/local/cache %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d/macros.opam %{_opamroot} %changelog * Tue Jan 21 2025 Yann Dirson - 6.86.0-1.1 - Update to 6.86.0-1 - Refresh removal of dlm package (location changed in source tree) - Don't pass "-f" to "rm" while removing packages, to better catch upstream changes - Fix typo generating /etc/profile.d/opam.sh - Reformat changelog to allow diffing with upstream - Upstream changelog: * Wed Oct 09 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.86.0-1 - Include crowbar library * Tue Oct 08 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.85.0-1 - Update Uuidm to 0.9.9 - Use upstream folder structure, use opam-directed tools for managing it * Mon Sep 23 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.84.0-1 - CA-399172: fix potential crash in Uri.of_string * Fri Jul 26 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.83.0-1 - Patch Uri packages to add path_unencoded - jst-config: fix build on Fedora40 - Metadata refresh, breaking update of upstream libraries - Remove systemd library * Tue Jul 02 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.81.0-1 - Update crc to 2.2.0 - Add qcheck and qcheck-alcotest * Wed May 22 2024 Rob Hoes - 6.80.0-1 - Add psq 0.2.1 * Fri Aug 09 2024 Samuel Verschelde - 6.80.0-1.1 - Rebase on 6.80.0-1 - *** Upstream changelog *** * Wed May 22 2024 Rob Hoes - 6.80.0-1 - Add psq 0.2.1 * Mon May 13 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.79.0-1 - ocaml: add 4.14.2 packages - upstream: update non-breaking packages * Tue Jun 18 2024 Samuel Verschelde - 6.78.0-1.1 - Rebase on 6.78.0-1 - *** Upstream changelog *** * Thu Mar 07 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.78.0-1 - Add patch for rpclib to accept empty variants - Non-breaking update of upstream dependencies * Wed Apr 10 2024 Benjamin Reis - 6.77.0-1.1 - Rebase on 6.77.0-1 - Drop xs-opam-repo-6.74.0-metajson.XCP-ng.patch - *** Upstream changelog *** * Wed Jan 31 2024 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.77.0-1 - Remove xapi-rd, xapi-inventory and xapi-stext-* packages * Wed Dec 20 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.76.0-2 - Bump release * Tue Dec 19 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.76.0-1 - upstream: update ocamlformat to the latest version - update inotify to 2.5.0 and uri to 4.4.0 * Fri Nov 17 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.75.0-1 - xs: update xapi-rrd to 1.11.0 * Wed Feb 14 2024 Yann Dirson - 6.74.0-1.2 - backport xapi-project/xen-api#5456 * Mon Jan 22 2024 Samuel Verschelde - 6.74.0-1.1 - Update to 6.74.0-1 - Drop xs-opam-repo-6.72.0-fix-ipv6-uri.XCP-ng.patch, applied by XS - *** Upstream changelog *** * Thu Nov 02 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.74.0-1 - xs: update xapi-stext packages to 4.23.0 - licenses: update package licenses * Fri Oct 27 2023 Lin Liu - 6.73.0-2 - Build with gcc for xs9 * Wed Sep 27 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.73.0-1 - xs: update polly and qmp - upstream: update many packages, there are no breaking changes * Fri Sep 22 2023 Samuel Verschelde - 6.72.0-1.1 - Update to 6.72.0-1 - Rediff xs-opam-repo-6.72.0-fix-ipv6-uri.XCP-ng.patch - *** Upstream changelog *** * Fri Jul 28 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.72.0-1 - upstream: patch rpclib to support python3, and start using it - upstream: patch uri packages to parse ipv6 addresses correctly - maintenance: Fix issues spotted by the opam linter * Mon Jul 17 2023 Edwin Török - 6.71.0-2 - Bump release and rebuild * Tue Jul 11 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.71.0-1 - xs: update xapi-rrd to 1.9.2 (memory leak fix) - xs: add goblint for static analysis of C stubs * Mon Jul 10 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.70.0-2 - Remove build dependencies, they are opam's normal dependencies * Wed Jun 07 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.70.0-1 - xs: update xapi-stdext packages - upstream: remove unused dependencies, do not depend on xen - xs-extra: update metadata from upstream - vhd-format: move from upstream to xs-extra * Tue Jun 06 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.69.0-2 - Bump release and rebuild * Fri May 05 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.69.0-1 - ocaml: Use correct file contents in ocaml-system.4.14.1 - upstream: Remove old ocamlformat and odoc-parser * Mon Apr 24 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.68.0-1 - xs: do not package ezxenstore, it's a part of xen-api - ocaml: add 4.14 * Wed Mar 22 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.67.0-1 - xs: xenctrl.dummy: do not rsync Xen packages we do not use - Make xs-opam self-consistent and able to run unit tests - upstream: enforce only known licenses - upstream: update dune packages to 3.7.0 * Fri Jul 07 2023 Benjamin Reis - 6.66.0-1.2 - Patch `ocaml-uri` for IPv6 URI parsing * Thu Mar 16 2023 Samuel Verschelde - 6.66.0-1.1 - Remove dlm, which is only required by proprietary xapi-clusterd - Drop the dlm-devel BuildRequires * Thu Feb 02 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.66.0-1 - upstream: Add opentelemetry libraries for testing, includes ocurl and ezcurl * Fri Jan 27 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.65.0-1 - CP-40716, General update of dependencies: - upstream: update conduit packages to 6.1.0 - upstream: update bisect_ppx to 2.8.1 - upstream: update io-page packages to 3.0.0 - upstream: update conduit packages to 5.1.1 - upstream: update x509 to 0.16.0 - upstream: update mirage-crypto packages to 0.10.7 - upstream: update tar packages to 2.0.1 - upstream: update mirage-clock packages to 4.2.0 - upstream: update ctypes to 0.20.1 - upstream: update mirage-time packages to 3.0.0 - upstream: update xenstore to 2.2.0 - upstream: update lwt packages to 5.6.1 - upstream: update vhd-format packages to 0.12.3 - upstream: update ezjsonm to 1.3.0 - upstream: update eqaf to 0.9 - upstream: update hex to 1.5.0 - upstream: update ounit packages to 2.2.6 - upstream-extra: update react to 1.2.2 - upstream: update ipaddr packages to 5.3.1 - upstream: update bigarray-compat to 1.1.0 - upstream: update integers to 0.7.0 - upstream: update ocaml-version to 3.5.0 - upstream: update domain-name to 0.4.0 - upstream-extra: update odoc to 2.1.1 - upstream: update qcheck packages to 0.19.1 - upstream: update ocamlbuild to 0.14.1 - upstream: update bigstringaf to 0.9.0 - upstream: update inotify to 2.4 - upstream: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 2.4.0 - upstream: update cppo to 1.6.9 - upstream: update re to 1.10.4 - upstream: update sha to 1.15.2 - upstream: update Janestreet libraries to v0.15.x - upstream: update cohttp packages to 2.5.6 - upstream: update fix to 20220121 - upstream: update menhir libraries to 20220210 - upstream: update alcotest packages to 1.6.0 - upstream: update uutf to 1.0.3 - upstream: update xmlm to 1.4.0 - upstream: update uuidm to 0.9.8 - upstream: update topkg to 1.0.5 - upstream: update ptime to 1.0.0 - upstream: update conf packages - upstream: update ssl to 0.5.13 - upstream: update yojson to 2.0.0 and dependencies - upstream-extra: update utop to 2.10.0 - upstream-extra: update merlin to 4.5 - upstream: update to ppx_tools to 6.5 - upstream: update dune to 3.4.1 - upstream: update metadata from opam-repository * Thu Jan 26 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.64.0-2 - Bump release and rebuild * Tue Jan 10 2023 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.64.0-1 - xs: update polly to 0.3.0 * Tue Dec 06 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.63.0-1 - xs: update ezxenstore to 0.4.2 * Thu Dec 01 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.62.0-1 - xs: update xapi-stdext to 4.21.0 * Fri Nov 11 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.61.0-1 - upstream: add crowbar to use it for testing in xapi * Fri Oct 28 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.60.0-1 - CA-371780: update xapi-rrd to 1.9.1 - xs-extra: update xapi package metadata - xs-extra: add dependencies to new packages - xs-extra: update with the upstream metadata - tools: add xapi-log and xapi-open-uri to metadata generator - gitignore: ignore cache.log - xs-extra: xen-api packages don't need to set XAPI_VERSION anymore - CA-367236: update xapi-rrd to 1.9.0 - CI: deactivate stockholm / 8.2.0 builds - xs-extra: xapi-xenopsd now uses zstd for compression * Mon Aug 08 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.59.0-2 - Bump release and rebuild * Mon Jul 04 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.59.0-1 - xs-extra: add merge-fmt 0.2 - CP-39805: update utop to 2.9.2 - CP-39805: update xapi-stdext packages to 4.19.0 - CP-39805: update xapi-inventory to 1.2.3 - CP-39805: update qmp to 0.19.0 - CP-39805: update dlm to 0.3.3 - CP-39805: update cmdliner to 1.1.1 and rpclib to 9.0.0 - CP-39805: update odoc to 2.1.0 - CP-39805: update ocaml-lsp-server to 1.10.3 - xs-extra: sync metadata with xen-api - upstream-extra: update depext to latest version - CP-34028: refresh xs-extra metadata for uuid changes * Mon Mar 07 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.58.0-1 - xs: add ounit as dependency to dlm - update ocamlfind to 1.9.3 - upstream: add memtrace - update logs-syslog to 0.2.2 - upstream: update metadata for existing packages - update rresult to 0.7.0 - update rpclib packages to 8.1.1 - update re to 1.10.3 - update ipaddr packages to 5.2.0 - update buenzli's unicode packages to 14.0.0 - update mtime to 1.3.0 - update conf-libev to 4-12 - update ocplib-endian to 1.2 - update topkg to 1.0.4 - update fmt to 0.9.0 - update asn1-combinators to 0.2.6 - update lwt-dllist to 1.0.1 - update sha to 1.15.1 - update domain-name to 0.3.1 - update duration to 0.2.0 - update uri packages to 4.2.0 - update tyxml to 4.5.0 - update lwt packages to 5.5.0 - update ocaml-compiler-libs to v.0.12.4 - update ocaml-version to 3.1.0 - update magic-mime to 1.2.0 - update cppo to 1.6.8 - update eqaf to 0.8 - update bigstringaf to 0.8.0 - update integers to 0.5.1 - update cstruct packages to 6.0.1 - update menhir libraries to 20211128 - Update qcheck packages to 0.18 - update janestreet packages to their latest 0.14.x version - upstream: update alcotest to 1.5.0 - CP-38617: expose xentoollog as a package and use it - CA-359981: Replace 'typeof OCaml system' with a recognized SPDX - ci: package and publish tarball to github on tag - maintenance: drop previous ocaml versions - CA-359981: Tweak licenses to avoid duplicates * Fri Feb 18 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.57.0-3 - CA-359981: Include licenses.txt with all the libraries' licenses - CA-359981: Populate license field with all the pertinent licenses * Tue Feb 15 2022 Rob Hoes - 6.57.0-2 - Bump release and rebuild with OCaml 4.13.1 compiler. * Fri Feb 04 2022 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.57.0-1 - update libraries to be compatible with OCaml 4.13: - upstream: update ocamlformat to 0.19.0 - upstream: update vhd-format to 0.12.2 - upstream: update JST libraries for ocaml 4.13.1 - upstream: update ppx_tools to 6.4 - upstream: update ppxlib to 0.22.2 - upstream: upgrade ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 2.3.0 * Tue Jan 25 2022 Christian Lindig - 6.56.0-1 - CA-359981: Use correct SPDX identifiers - CI: add stockholm LCM badge - ci: detect unused packages - CI: update status badge - ci: use updated container images - conduit: allow turning TLS hostname verification off by setting.. - CP-34942: Update dune to 2.9.0 - CP-34942: Update dune to 2.9.1 - CP-34942: Update ocamlfind to 1.9.1 - CP-34942: update unix-errno - CP-37034: add tyre: library for typed regular expressions - CP-37368: merge xapi-idl into message-switch - CP-37369: merge squeezed into xenopsd - CP-37931: merge forkexecd into message-switch - CP-38206: transitional libs are in the xapi's main repo - maintenance: fix depexts - maintenance: remove mentions of docker in the readme - maintenance: remove unused conf-m4 - maintenance: remove unused upstream packages - maintenance: schedule builds for the yangtze branch - remove xapi-libs-transitional metapackage - specsavers: merge xapi-storage(-script) into message-switch - specsavers: merge xcp-networkd into xen-api - specsavers: merge xen-api-client into xen-api - specsavers: merge xenopsd into xen-api - specsavers move message-switch code to xen-api - specsavers: move remaining independent daemons to xen-api - specsavers move xen-api-sdk code to xen-api - specsavers: relocate vhd-tool - specsavers: remove tapctl - specsavers: rrdd-plugins -> xcp-rrdd - specsavers: xcp-rrdd -> xapi - upstream: update ctypes to 0.19.1 - upstream: update python2-7 to 1.2 - upstream: update unix-errno to 0.6.0 - xs-extra: stop using archive/master/master.tar.gz - xs-extra: update metadata from xen-api repo - xs-extra: use -j parameter to run tests - xs: update dlm to 0.3.2 - xs: update xapi-inventory to 1.2.2 - Use the official cache as a mirror - repo: use local folder as well for cache * Tue Jan 11 2022 Rob Hoes - 6.54.0-5 - Bump release and rebuild * Mon Dec 06 2021 Rob Hoes - 6.54.0-4 - Bump release and rebuild * Thu Sep 16 2021 Rob Hoes - 6.54.0-3 - Bump release and rebuild * Thu Jun 24 2021 Edwin Török - 6.54.0-2 - CP-37034: rebuild with new xenctrl * Wed Jun 23 2021 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.54.0-1 - CP-34942: update lwt to 5.4.1 - CP-34942: update pci to 1.0.4 - CP-34643: Update xapi-stdext packages to 4.18.0 - CP-34942: Update ppxlib to 0.22.1 - xs-extra: add lwt to xapi-idl's dependencies - CP-36097 REQ-403 patch ocaml-conduit - maintenance: point to correct versions of conduit * Thu May 20 2021 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.53.0-1 - Update toolstack packages to use nbd-unix - CP-34942: Update ppxlib and mirage ecosystem - fix: broken links from inria's gitlab - Upgrade upstream-extra packages - upstream-extra: add charInfo_width, required by zed - CP-34942: Update alcotest packages to 1.3.0 - CP-34942: update asn1-combinators to 0.2.5 - CP-34942: update ocaml-lsp-server to 1.4.1 - CP-34942: update fix to 20201120 - CP-34942: update menhir packages to 20210310 - CP-34942: update csexp to 1.5.1 - CP-34942: Update odoc to 1.5.2 - CP-34942: update sha to 1.14 - CP-34942: update zarith to 1.12 - CP-34942: update conf-libssl and conf-pkg-config packages - CP-34942: update polly to 0.2.2 - CP-34942: update dune packages to 2.8.5 - CP-34942: update base64 to 3.5.0 - CP-34675: Update default OCaml to 4.10.1 - CP-34942: update dune packages to 2.8.4 - xs-extra: update xapi.master to use external pci library - xs: update xapi-stdext packages to v4.17.0 * Fri Feb 26 2021 Rob Hoes - 6.52.0-2 - Bump release to rebuild * Mon Feb 15 2021 Christian Lindig - 6.52.0-1 - fix: downgrade ocaml-ssl to 0.5.9 - fix: update cstruct-sexp to 5.2.0 * Mon Feb 15 2021 Christian Lindig - 6.50.0-1 - CP-34942: update dune packages to 2.8.2 - CP-34942: update ocaml-compiler-libs to v0.12.3 - CP-34942: update stdlib-shims to 0.3.0 - CP-34942: update integers to 0.4.0 - CP-34942: update ctypes to 0.17.1 - CP-34942: update num to 1.4 - CP-34942: update zarith to 1.11 - CP-34942: update bigstringaf to 0.7.0 - CP-34942: update magic-mime to 1.1.3 - CP-34942: update cppo to 1.6.7 - CP-34942: update ppx_tools to 6.3 - CP-34942: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.8.0 - CP-34942: update ssl to 0.5.10 - CP-34942: update lwt to 5.4.0 - CP-34942: update ezjsonm to 1.2.0 - CP-34942: update menhir packages to 20201216 - CP-34942: update ounit packages - CP-34942: update uri packages to 4.1.0 - CP-34942: update conf packages - CP-34942: update base and core to v0.14.1 - CP-34942: update cstruct packages - CP-34942: refresh ctypes-foreign - xs-extra-dummy: add ocaml-lsp-server - xs-extra-dummy: alcotest-lwt is a build-dep - upstream-extra: update ocaml-lsp-server to 1.4.0 - upstream-extra: update merlin packages to 3.4.2 * Mon Jan 25 2021 Christian Lindig - 6.49.0-1 - tools: include script used for syncing metadata - maintenance: sync packages from default repo - CA-350872: update mirage-crypto packages - fixup! Update xenstore_transport to 1.3.0 - Update xenstore_transport to 1.3.0 - Update xenstore_transport to 1.2.0 - detect failed downloads - detect failed downloads * Tue Jan 5 2021 Ben Anson - 6.48.0-1 - maintenance: bump stdext * Thu Dec 17 2020 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.47.0-2 - Added BuildRequires for the conf-* packages added in 6.47 - Remove special case to ignore outdated ppx_tools packages, it's not used anymore. * Wed Dec 16 2020 Christian Lindig - - maintenance: use profile release for http-svr - maintenance: bump stdext - xs: update xapi-rrd to 1.8.2 - xs: update nbd packages to 4.0.3 - CP-34942: update opam-depext to 1.1.5 - maintenance: cleanup depexts - xs-extra: update opam metadata - ci: detect if there are packages with multiple versions - upstream: add conf-libnl3 and conf-xen * Tue Dec 01 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.46.0-1 - fix: remove ppxlib 0.13.0, since a newer version is available * Tue Dec 01 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.45.0-1 - ci: drop Travis - ci: enable caching for versioned packages - ci: fix failure to download apt packages - ci: refresh opam metadata before trying to upgrade packages - ci: stop using container-based workflow - CP-33121: remove stdext package metadata - CP-34942: update angstrom to 0.15.0 (breaking change) - CP-34942: Update bisect_ppx to 2.5.0 - CP-34942: update dbuenzli packages - CP-34942: update dune packages to 2.7.1 - CP-34942: update jst packages - CP-34942: update lwt to 5.3.0 - CP-34942: update mirage crypto libraries and libssl - CP-34942: update mirage's addresses library - CP-34942: update testing frameworks - maintenance: sync toolstack package metadata - maintenance: update github actions dependency - readme: replace ci instructions to use github actions - tools: change distro variable for travis CI - upstream-extras: add ocaml-lsp-server package * Tue Nov 17 2020 Edwin Török - 6.44.0-2 - Re-enabled automatic ocaml dependency generator * Thu Nov 05 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.44.0-1 - travis: create switch for 4.10.1 - CP-34675: use ocaml 4.10.1 instead of 4.10.0 - CP-32673: replace ocaml-rrdd-plugin with xcp-rrdd * Tue Oct 06 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.43.0-1 - fix: update cstruct-sexp to 5.1.1 * Mon Oct 05 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.42.0-1 - Update rpclib to 8.0.0 - xs-extra: use jobs for compiling and testing when using dune - Revert "xs-extra: pin fixes for rpclib 7" - xs-extra: pin fixes for rpclib 7 - Use ocaml 4.10 instead of 4.09 in CI builds - maintenance: bump ocaml-pci - Add xs/polly.0.2.0 * Thu Aug 13 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.41.0-1 - Update ezxenstore to 0.4.1 for CA-342986 * Tue Aug 11 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.40.0-1 - Update stdext to 4.14.0 - Update xapi-stdext to 4.13.0 for time handling - CP-32672 add dune-build-info lib to xapi-rrdd - CP-32672 merge rrd-transport into xcp-rrdd - add dune-build-info * Tue Jul 28 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.39.0-1 - Move uucp to upstream as required by uuseg - maintenance: drop opasswd * Mon Jul 27 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.38.0-1 - maintenance: remove unused packages - maintenance: refresh packages to run cleanup tool - ocamlformat: move dependencies to upstream - CP-34356: update xs-extra packages - CP-33121: Update stdext modules - Update README for Docker use case (#497) - Add nolicense target to report pkgs w/o license - Add licenses target to report them - CP-34439: merge rrd2csv into xen-api - maintenance: replace xenops-cli with xapi-xenopsd-cli - xs: update xapi-test-utils to 1.4.0 - ci: do not limit builds to master branch - xs-extra: sync metadata with repositories - Move ocamlformat to upstream/ so we build it by default - maintenance: remove packages hosted in the xenops repository - xs-extra: update opam metadata from repositories - ci: schedule jobs for stockholm lcm branch * Mon Jul 13 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.37.0-1 - xs: update nbd packages to 4.0.2 - xs: do not specify version in file for crc - ci: get notified when 4.09 breaks - upstream: update base metadata ocaml bounds - maintenance: remove ocaml 4.07.1 from repo - maintenance: use 4.09.1 instead of 4.09.0 - ci: choose container depending on ocaml version - updated alcotest to 1.1.0 - maintenance: remove unmaintained xenctrlext library - ci: enable github action for stockholm branch - ci: run daily to detect breaking changes in xs-extra - CI: run only jobs with tests - ci: remove job for testing all upstream packages - Travis: use debian-10-ocaml-4.08 - github actions: enable builds on pull requests - CI: use valid names whe nexporting env vars - ci: enable github actions on PRs and tags - CI: ensure env vars are picked correctly on github actions * Wed Jun 24 2020 Edwin Török - 6.36.0-1 - CA-341597: add conf-libev - maintenance: remove obsolete packages - upstream opam file and CI changes * Tue May 12 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.35.0-1 - CA-338596: Update xe to use fpath - CA-338596: Move fpath to upstream - CP-33121: remove unused stdext-bigbuffer - Sync opam dependencies for xs-extra/ from source repos - upstream-extras: add ocamlformat * Fri Apr 24 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.34.0-1 - CA-338243 bump stdext to fix date/time parsing and unparsing * Mon Apr 20 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.32.0-1 - CA-333908 bump stdext with datetime changes - CP-32669: add randomconv to be able to test mirage-crypto-pk - CP-32669: update ppx_tools to 6.0 - CP-32669: update mirage-types packages to 3.6.0 - CP-3266: update mirage-protocols packages to 3.1.0 - CP-32669: synchronize ssl package with upstream - CP-32669: update x509 to 0.11.0 - CP-32669: update menhir to 20200211 - CP-32669: update upstream-extra packages - CP-32669: update ppx_tools_versioned to 5.3.0 - CP-32669: update base64 to 3.4.0 - CP-21669: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.7.1 - CP-32669: update bigstringaf to 0.6.1 - CP-32669: update ocplib-endian to 1.1 - CP-32669: update dune packages to 2.5.0 - CP-32669: update sha to use 1.13 - CP-32669: Add pci v1.0.2 - Don't use COPY --chown in Dockerfile * Fri Apr 03 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.31.0-1 - Fix name of dependency * Fri Apr 03 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.30.0-1 - CP-33380: Replace nocypto with mirage-crypto - CP-32669: update xs-extra opam files * Thu Apr 02 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.29.0-1 - fixup! REQ-811 pin nbd, and all opam files to xs - REQ-811 pin nbd, and all opam files to xs * Mon Mar 30 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.27.0-1 - CP-33380: Fix installation of dlm with dune 2 - CP-33354 bump xcp-rrd * Fri Mar 27 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.26.0-1 - CP-33380: Update dune to 2.4.0 - travis: follow validator's suggestions - CP-33380: update message-switch tests for dune 2 - CP-32669: remove craml package - CP-32669: update travis-opam to 1.5.0 - CP-32669: update qtest to 2.10.1 - CP-32669: Update ppx_deriving_rpc to 6.1.0 - mainteance: update stdext's opam files - merge rrddump with xcp-rrdd - Print more log lines on build failures - maintenance: rrddump pointing at incorrect repo - maintenance: remove vncproxy - maintenance: remove lindig from generate-opam-sources.sh - maintenance: move xenctrl repo to xapi-project - maintenance: remove rrd.transition * Tue Mar 10 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.25.0-1 - CP-32663: Update x509 to 0.9.0 - CP-27904: nuke sha1 out of orbit - maintenance: upgrade Dockerfile to ocaml 4.08 * Wed Feb 12 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.24.0-1 - maintenance: update metadata for xs-extra packages - maintenance: update travis build instructions - CP-29837: use odig so docs can be built - CP-32669: update ctypes to 0.16.0 - CP-32669: update ounit packages - CP-32669: update asn1-combinators * Mon Jan 06 2020 Christian Lindig - 6.23.0-1 - CP-32669: update shared-block-ring to 2.5.0 - CP-32669: update ounit to 2.2.1 - CP-32669: update dune 1.11.4 - CP-32669: update xenstore to 2.1.1 - CP-32669: update uri packages to 3.1.0 - CP-32669: update rpclib packages to 6.1.0 - CP-32669: update lwt to 4.5.0 - CP-32669: update duration to 0.1.3 - CP-32669: update cstruct packages to 5.1.1 - CP-32669: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.5.0 - CP-32669: update num to 1.3 - CP-32669: update octavius to 1.2.2 - CP-32055: update x509 to 0.8.1 - maintenance: update merlin for ocaml 4.08.1 - Use OCaml 4.08 by default, 4.09 speculatively - wsproxy: fix dependencies, add lwt_log - Add fmt >= 0.8.8 to xapi-xenopsd * Wed Dec 04 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.22.0-2 - Don't install ppx_tools.5.1 for OCaml 4.08 compatibility * Mon Nov 04 2019 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.22.0-1 - xs: bump xcp-rrd * Tue Oct 29 2019 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.21.0-1 - xs-extra: sync metadata with repos - xs: update xapi-rrd to v1.7.0 * Tue Oct 29 2019 Pau Ruiz Safont - 6.20.0-1 - Add xenops-cli - CP-32138: Add logs-syslog and dependencies - upstream-extra: update ocp-indent checksum - upstream-extra: add crowbar for testing - xs-extra: sync metadata with repo * Mon Sep 30 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.19.0-1 - CP-32055: Update angstrom to 0.12.1 - CP-32055: remove unused packages - CP-32055: update diet to 0.4 - CP-32055: update opam-ed - CP-32055: keep toolstack packages up-to-date - CP-32055: update ssl to 0.5.9 - CP-32055: update lwt to 4.3.1 - CP-32055: update menhir to 20190924 - CP-32055: update ppxlib to 0.8.1 - CP-32055: update bigstringaf to 0.6.0 - CP-32055: update utop and ocp-indent - CP-32055: update janestreet packages - CP-32055: update utop to 2.4.1 - CP-32055: update camomile to 1.0.2 - CP-32055: update lwt_react to 1.1.3 * Fri Sep 06 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.18.0-1 - CP-32055: update x509 to 0.7.1 - CP-32055: update zarith to 1.9.1 - CP-32055: update ctypes to 0.15.1 * Tue Sep 03 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.16.0-2 - Avoid installing ppx_tools.5.3+4.08.0 * Tue Sep 03 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.16.0-1 - add ppx_tools 5.3+4.08.0 for OCaml 4.08 - Add 4.08 for testing - CP-32055: move core_kernel to correct folder - CP-32055: update bigstringaf to 0.5.3 - CP-32055: update magic-mime to 1.1.2 - CP-32055: update lwt_ssl to 1.1.3 - CP-32055: update lwt_log to 1.1.1 - CP-32055: update lwt to 4.3.0 - CP-32055: update menhir to 20190626 - CP-32055: update logs to 0.7.0 - CP-32055: update dune to 1.11.3 - CP-32055: update fmt to 0.8.8 - CP-32055: update mirage-protocol packages to 3.0.0 - CP-32055: update mirage-profile to 0.9.1 - CP-32055: update mirage-console packages to 2.4.3 - CP-32055: update cohttp packages to 2.3.0 - CP-32055: update mirage-types packages to 3.5.2 - CP-32055: update mirage-time packages to 1.3.0* * Fri Aug 23 2019 Edwin Török - 6.15.0 - CP-32055: update Jane Street ecosystem to v0.12 - CP-32055: update ppx_deriving to 4.4 - CP-32055: update ppx_tools_versioned to 5.2.3 - CP-32055: update mtime to 1.2.0 - CP-32055: update io-page packages to 2.3.0 - CP-32055: update ocam-migrate-parsetree to 1.4.0 - CP-32055: update ocamlfind to 1.8.1 - CP-32055: update biniou to 1.2.1 - CP-32055: update num to 1.2 - CP-32055: update topkg to 1.0.1 - CP-32055: update bigstringaf to 0.5.2 - CP-32055: update easy-format to 1.3.2 - CP-32055: update cmdliner to 1.0.4 - CP-32055: update dune to 1.11.1 * Wed Aug 07 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.14.0-1 - xcp-rrd update to 1.6.0 for CA-322008 - xs-toolstack: remove unused xapi-netdev dependency - Remove unused xapi-netdev package - xapi: remove unused netdev dependency - Add a build that also runs the tests * Fri Jul 26 2019 Rob Hoes - 6.13.0-1 - Fix xapi-test-utils opam dependencies * Fri Jul 26 2019 Rob Hoes - 6.12.0-1 - Update xapi-test-utils to 1.3.0 - Update ezxenstore to 0.4.0 - Drop rpc completely from opam files, do not keep it as optional - Update http-svr opam file from repo - update dummy xapi-clusterd to latest - Do depext after switching to 4.07 - use rpclib instead of rpc when available * Mon Jul 01 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.11.0-1 - Update xenstore_transport to 1.1.0, fixes CA-289145 * Mon Jun 10 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.10.0-1 - Remove obsolete packages: cow, omd, caml2html - CP-30756: update cstruct packages to 5.0.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-block-unix to 2.11.2 - CP-30756: update dune to 1.10.0 - CP-30756: update ppx_tools_versioned to 5.2.2 - CP-30756: update ppxlib to 0.8.0 - CP-30756: update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.3.1 - CP-30756: update result to 1.4 - CP-30756: update uri to 2.2.1 - CP-30756: update ocaml-compiler-libs to v0.12.0 - CP-39756: update stringext to 1.6.0 - CP-30756: update cppo packages to 1.6.6 - CP-30756: update sapwn to v0.13.0 - CP-30756: update xen-gnt packages to 4.0.0 * Wed Jun 05 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.9.0-1 - Update stdext to 4.7.0 - CP-30756: Update base64 - maintenance: ignore files created for archiving * Tue May 28 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.8.0-2 - explicitly require xs-opem-src > 5.1.0 which defines _opamroot * Wed May 22 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.8.0-1 - CA-318579 update qmp to 0.18.0 for "query-chardev" - CP-30756: update tar packages to 1.1.0 - CP-30756: update cstruct packages to 4.0.0 - CP-30756: update nocrypto to follow opam-repository - xapi-rrd: update to 1.5.0 for CA-315952 XSI-335 * Thu May 16 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.7.0-1 - CP-30756: update hex to 1.4.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-console packages to 2.4.2 - CP-30756: upgrade mustache to 3.1.0 - CP-30756: upgrade ppxlib to 0.6.0 - CP-30756: update logs to 0.6.3 - CP-30756: update mirage-flow packages to 1.6.0 - CP-30756: update ezjsonm to 1.1.0 - CP-30756: update ppxfind to 1.3 - CP-30756: update fmt to 0.8.6 - CP-30756: update ptime to 0.8.5 - CP-30756: update io-page packages to 2.2.0 - CP-30756: update octavius to 1.2.1 - CP-30756: update lwt to 4.2.1 - CP-30756: update cpuid to 0.1.2 - CP-30756: update ppx_derivers to 1.2.1 - CP-30756: Update opam-depext to 1.1.3 - CP-30756: Update mmap to 1.1.0 - CP-30756: Update dune to 1.9.3 - CP-30756: Update re to 1.9.0 - rrd-transport: add ezjsonm dependency - CP-30136: qmp.0.17.0 - Travis: use "opam switch 4.07" - Travis: use debian-unstable - xapi.master: add libxxhash-dev external deps - xapi-test-utils: update to 1.2.0 * Tue Apr 02 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.6.0-1 - CA-314001: xapi-stdext 4.6.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-types packages to 3.5.0 - CP-30756: Update ipaddr to 3.1.0 and dependents - CP-30756: Update mirage-clock packages to 2.0.0 - CP-30756: Update angstrom to 0.11.2 - CP-30756: Update lwt to 4.2.0 - CP-30756: Update bisect_ppx to 1.4.1 - Don't package upstream-extra packages * Tue Mar 19 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.5.0-1 - CP-30756: update mirage-device to 1.2.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-block-unix to 2.11.1 - CP-30756: update xen-gnt packages to 3.1.0 - CP-30756: update mirage-stack packages to 1.4.0 - CP-30756: update vhd-format packages to 0.12.0 - CP-30756: update uuidm to 0.9.7 - CP-30756: update mirage-block packages to 2.4.1 - CP-30756: update mirage-console packages to 2.4.1 - CP-30756: update angstrong to 0.11.1 - CP-30756: Update mirage-channel packages to 3.2.0 - CP-30756: update bigstringaf to 0.5.0 - CP-30756: update xenstore to 2.1.0 - CP-30756: update uutf to 1.0.2 - CP-30756: update uri to 2.2.0 - CP-30756: update tar libraries to 1.0.1 - CP-30756: update ppxlib to 0.5.0 - CP-30756: update cstruct packages to 3.3.0 - CP-30756: Update ocaml-migrate-parsetree to 1.2.0 - CP-30756: update ocamlbuild to 0.14.0 - CP-30756: update magic-mime to 1.1.1 - CP-30756: update ipaddr to 2.9.0 - CP-30756: update io-page to 2.1.0 - CP-30756: update hex to 1.3.0 - CP-30756: update ezjsonm to 1.0.0 - CP-30756: update duration to 0.1.2 - CP-30756: updater alcotest to 0.8.5 - CP-30756: update dune to 1.8.2 - CP-30756: update yojson to 1.7.0 - fix: copy files as user opam instead of root * Fri Mar 15 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.4.0-1 - stdext 4.5.0 - updated opam files in upstream/ - add back patch for CA-297060 * Tue Jan 22 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.3.0-1 - Update Dune to 1.6.3 - Use new xenctrl.master for Travis builds * Tue Jan 15 2019 Christian Lindig - 6.2.0-1 - Update nbd to 4.0.0+beta3 for CA-307773 * Thu Jan 10 2019 Konstantina Chremmou - 6.1.0-1 - Catch up with upstream, Lwt 4.1 - xenctrl: add missing dependency - ezxenstore.0.3.0 -> ezxenstore.0.3.1 - fd-send-recv.2.0.0 -> fd-send-recv.2.0.1 - opasswd.1.3.0 -> opasswd.1.3.1 - netlink 0.3.3 -> netlink.0.3.4 - qmp.0.15.0 -> qmp.0.15.1 - rrd.1.4.0 -> rrd.transition and xapi-rrd.1.4.0 -> xapi-rrd.1.4.1 - Some packages ported to Dune * Fri Dec 14 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.7.0-1 - vhd-format.0.10.0 => vhd-format.0.11.0 - cdrom.0.9.3 => cdrom.0.9.4 - dlm.0.3.0 => dlm.0.3.1 - nbd.4.0.0+beta1 => nbd.4.0.0 - rrd.1.3.0 => rrd.1.4.0 - xapi-rrd.1.3.0 => xapi-rrd.1.4.0 - Many packages ported to Dune * Fri Dec 07 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.6.1-2 - Block Opam from downloading packages; only use cache * Thu Dec 06 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.6.1-1 - fix missing cache entries in 5.6.0 * Mon Dec 03 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.6.0-1 - Update xapi-inventory to 1.2.1' - Fix Dockerfile - Deprecate xcp and xcp-inventory * Fri Nov 30 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.5.0-1 - menhir.20181026 => menhir.20181113 - crc.2.0.0 => crc.2.1.0 - ezxenstore.0.2.0 => ezxenstore.0.3.0 - netlink.0.3.1 => netlink.0.3.2 - mirage-random.1.1.0 => mirage-random.1.2.0 - various small changes * Thu Nov 15 2018 Jon Ludlam - 5.4.0-1 - bigstringaf 0.3.0 -> 0.4.0 - menhir 20181006 -> 20181026 - ppx_bin_prot v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_compare v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_enumerate v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_hash v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_sexp_conv v0.11.1 -> v0.11.2 - ppx_typerep_conv v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppx_variants_conv v0.11.0 -> v0.11.1 - ppxlib 0.2.2 -> 0.3.1 - rpclib 5.9.0 -> 6.0.0 - qmp 0.14.0 -> 0.15.0 - added utop and its dependencies - removed ppx_type_conv and ppx_driver * Mon Nov 05 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.3.0-1 - xapi-backtrace: v0.6 -> v0.7 - Sync opam files from component repositories - Restored mustache in xapi-datamodel deps. - Ported xen-api-sdk to dune. - ssl.0.5.6 -> ssl.0.5.7 * Wed Oct 24 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.2.0-1 - catching up with upstream libraries: alcotest cohttp cohttp-async cohttp-lwt cohttp-lwt-unix conduit conduit-async conduit-lwt conduit-lwt-unix dune menhir rresult ssl topkg uri * Tue Oct 09 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.1.0-1 - CA-297060 speculative patch for time functions in Core lib - make opam depext work again in Travis - simplify files section * Tue Oct 02 2018 Christian Lindig - 5.0.0-1 - First xs-opam based on Opam 2 tooling