Name: dwm Version: 6.2 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Dynamic window manager for X %global _dwmsourcedir %{_usrsrc}/dwm-user-%{version}-%{release} Group: User Interface/Desktops License: MIT URL: # Source is a git checkout (git:// # Run "make dist" and rename the dwm-$version.tar.gz to dwm-$cohash.tar.gz Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # dwm-start script and its manpage Source1: dwm-start Source2: dwm-start.1 # Desktop files Source3: dwm.desktop Source4: dwm-user.desktop # Fedora notes referring to dwm-user in dwm(1) Patch1: dwm-5.8.2-user-notes.patch BuildRequires: binutils BuildRequires: coreutils BuildRequires: fontconfig-devel BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: libX11-devel BuildRequires: libxcb-devel BuildRequires: libXft-devel BuildRequires: libXinerama-devel BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: sed Requires: dmenu Requires: st %description dwm is a dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled, monocle and floating layouts. All of the layouts can be applied dynamically, optimizing the environment for the application in use and the task performed. %package user Summary: Dynamic window manager sources and tools for user configuration Group: User Interface/Desktops License: MIT Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: binutils Requires: coreutils Requires: findutils Requires: fontconfig-devel Requires: gcc Requires: libX11-devel Requires: libxcb-devel Requires: libXft-devel Requires: libXinerama-devel Requires: make Requires: patch %description user dwm sources and dwm-start script for individual user configuration. dwm-start reads user's header file and creates custom dwm build for user to use on the fly. %prep %autosetup # Insert optflags + ldflags sed -i -e 's|-Os|%{optflags}|' sed -i -e 's|${LIBS}|%{?__global_ldflags} ${LIBS}|' # X includedir path fix sed -i -e 's|X11INC = .*|X11INC = %{_includedir}|' # libdir path fix sed -i -e 's|X11LIB = .*|X11LIB = %{_libdir}|' %build make %{?_smp_mflags} %install %make_install PREFIX="%{_prefix}" install -m755 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dwm-start sed -i "s/version=VERSION/version=%{version}/" %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dwm-start sed -i "s/release=RELEASE/release=%{release}/" %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/dwm-start install -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/dwm-start.1 sed -i "s/VERSION/%{version}/" %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/dwm-start.1 sed -i "s/RELEASE/%{release}/" %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/dwm-start.1 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_dwmsourcedir} install -m644 -p -t %{buildroot}%{_dwmsourcedir} \ config.def.h \ \ drw.c \ drw.h \ dwm.1 \ dwm.c \ dwm.png \ Makefile \ transient.c \ util.c \ util.h mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/xsessions install -m644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/xsessions/dwm.desktop install -m644 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/xsessions/dwm-user.desktop %files %license LICENSE %doc README %{_bindir}/%{name} %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1* %{_datadir}/xsessions/dwm.desktop %files user %{_bindir}/%{name}-start %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-start.1* %{_datadir}/xsessions/dwm-user.desktop %{_dwmsourcedir} %changelog * Wed Feb 06 2019 Petr Šabata - 6.2-2 - Build with proper LDFLAGS again * Wed Feb 06 2019 Petr Šabata - 6.2-1 - Updating to the 6.2 release * Mon Aug 13 2018 Petr Šabata - 6.1-1.20180602gitb69c870 - Packaging the dwm tip for the dwm:latest module * Mon Nov 16 2015 Petr Šabata - 6.1-1 - 6.1 bump - This release uses Xft for font rendering - Drop the Mod4 patch, use the upstream default - The default terminal is now st - Alter build configuration with sed rather than patches * Thu Sep 17 2015 Petr Šabata - 6.0-14 - Fix the config patch to enable full RELRO * Thu Jun 25 2015 Petr Šabata - 6.0-13 - Correct the dep list - Modernize the spec * Wed Jun 17 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-12 - Rebuilt for * Sat Aug 16 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-11 - Rebuilt for * Thu Jun 26 2014 Petr Šabata - 6.0-10 - Minor enhancements for the dwm-start manpage * Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-9 - Rebuilt for * Wed Oct 23 2013 Petr Šabata - 6.0-8 - dwm-user should require patch explicitly (#1022154) * Fri Oct 11 2013 Petr Šabata - 6.0-7 - Sort the discovered patches before applying (#1017774) * Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-6 - Rebuilt for * Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-5 - Rebuilt for * Mon Jan 21 2013 Petr Šabata - 6.0-4 - dwm-start: Copy the config file before applying patches (#902239) - dwm-start: Don't overwrite the default dwm config file (#902239) - dwm-start: Don't require a user config file for rebuilding - dwm-start: Use $() instad of backticks * Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-3 - Rebuilt for * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 6.0-2 - Rebuilt for * Wed Dec 21 2011 Petr Šabata - 6.0-1 - 6.0 bump * Mon Jul 11 2011 Petr Sabata - 5.9-1 - 5.9 bump * Mon Jun 27 2011 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-9 - Remove now obsolete defattr - Move dwm-start(.1) substitutions to install section since we don't want to modify sources in place - Change the prefix patch to generic config patch; we now respect Fedora RPM_OPT_FLAGS * Mon Apr 04 2011 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-8 - Switch to Terminus (upstream default, anyway) * Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.8.2-7 - Rebuilt for * Fri Nov 26 2010 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-6 - dwm-start now supports user patches via ~/.dwm/patches directory - dwm-start now supports -f option * Thu Nov 18 2010 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-5 - dwm-start update, rhbz#654571 * Tue Oct 19 2010 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-4 - dwm(1) Fedora notes update * Tue Oct 19 2010 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-3 - dwm-start(1) fix * Mon Oct 18 2010 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-2 - Description spelling changed to US english - Changed /usr/src to _usrsrc macro, dwmsourcedir changed to _dwmsourcedir - Added BuildRequires for Xinerama and xcb - Added dwm and dwm-users desktop files * Fri Oct 15 2010 Petr Sabata - 5.8.2-1 - New package