%global base_name systemsettings Name: plasma-%{base_name} Summary: KDE System Settings application Version: 5.12.7 Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPLv2+ URL: https://cgit.kde.org/%{base_name}.git %global revision %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f3) %if %{revision} >= 50 %global majmin_ver %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1,2).50 %global stable unstable %else %global majmin_ver %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1,2) %global stable stable %endif Source0: https://releases.pagure.org/el7-backports/%{base_name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: extra-cmake-modules BuildRequires: kf5-rpm-macros BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Crash) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5ItemViews) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5KCMUtils) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5I18n) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5KIO) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Service) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5IconThemes) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5WidgetsAddons) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5WindowSystem) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5XmlGui) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5DBusAddons) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Config) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5DocTools) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Package) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Declarative) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Activities) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5ActivitiesStats) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5KHtml) #BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Qml) #BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Quick) #BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5QuickWidgets) #BuildRequires: cmake(Qt5Widgets) BuildRequires: cmake(KF5Kirigami2) BuildRequires: kf5-kirigami2-devel >= 2.1 BuildRequires: plasma-workspace-devel >= %{majmin_ver} Requires: libkworkspace5%{?_isa} >= %{majmin_ver} Requires: kf5-kirigami2%{?_isa} >= 2.1 # kde-cli-tools provides kcmshell5, which is not directly needed by # systemsettings, but is an addition expected by users Requires: kde-cli-tools # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1268493 # doc/HTML/en/systemsettings conflicts Conflicts: kde-workspace < 5.0 %description %{summary}. %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use %{name}. %prep %autosetup -n %{base_name}-%{version} -p1 %build mkdir %{_target_platform} pushd %{_target_platform} %{cmake_kf5} .. popd make %{?_smp_mflags} -C %{_target_platform} %install make install/fast DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C %{_target_platform} %find_lang systemsettings5 --with-qt --all-name %check desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/kdesystemsettings.desktop desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/systemsettings.desktop %ldconfig_scriptlets %files -f systemsettings5.lang %license COPYING* %{_bindir}/systemsettings5 %{_libdir}/libsystemsettingsview.so.* %{_kf5_qtplugindir}/*.so %{_datadir}/systemsettings/ %{_datadir}/applications/kdesystemsettings.desktop %{_datadir}/applications/systemsettings.desktop %{_kf5_datadir}/kservices5/*.desktop %{_kf5_datadir}/kservicetypes5/*.desktop %{_kf5_datadir}/kxmlgui5/systemsettings %dir %{_kf5_datadir}/kpackage/genericqml/ %{_kf5_datadir}/kpackage/genericqml/org.kde.systemsettings.*/ %{_kf5_datadir}/doc/HTML/*/* %files devel %{_includedir}/systemsettingsview/ %{_libdir}/libsystemsettingsview.so %changelog * Wed Apr 03 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.15.4-1 - 5.15.4 * Wed Mar 13 2019 Martin Kyral - - - tarball respun to remove docs causing build issues with KDocTools < 5.57 * Tue Mar 12 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.15.3-1 - 5.15.3 * Tue Feb 26 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.15.2-1 - 5.15.2 * Tue Feb 19 2019 Rex Dieter - 5.15.1-1 - 5.15.1 * Wed Feb 13 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.15.0-1 - 5.15.0 * Sat Feb 02 2019 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.14.90-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jan 20 2019 Martin Kyral - 5.14.90-1 - 5.14.90 * Tue Nov 27 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.4-1 - 5.14.4 * Fri Nov 09 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.3-1 - 5.14.3 * Wed Oct 24 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.2-1 - 5.14.2 * Tue Oct 16 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.1-1 - 5.14.1 * Sat Oct 06 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.14.0-1 - 5.14.0 * Fri Sep 14 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.90-1 - 5.13.90 * Tue Sep 04 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.5-1 - 5.13.5 * Thu Aug 02 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.4-1 - 5.13.4 * Fri Jul 13 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.13.3-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 11 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.3-1 - 5.13.3 * Mon Jul 09 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.2-1 - 5.13.2 * Tue Jun 19 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.13.1-1 - 5.13.1 * Sat Jun 09 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.13.0-1 - 5.13.0 * Fri May 18 2018 Martin Kyral - 5.12.90-1 - 5.12.90 * Tue May 01 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.5-1 - 5.12.5 * Tue Mar 27 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.4-1 - 5.12.4 * Tue Mar 06 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.12.3-1 - 5.12.3 * Wed Feb 21 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.12.2-1 - 5.12.2 * Tue Feb 13 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.12.1-1 - 5.12.1 * Fri Feb 09 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.12.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Feb 02 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.12.0-1 - 5.12.0 * Mon Jan 15 2018 Jan Grulich - 5.11.95-1 - 5.11.95 * Tue Jan 02 2018 Rex Dieter - 5.11.5-1 - 5.11.5 * Thu Nov 30 2017 Martin Kyral - 5.11.4-1 - 5.11.4 * Wed Nov 08 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.11.3-1 - 5.11.3 * Thu Oct 26 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.11.2-1 - 5.11.2 * Tue Oct 17 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.11.1-1 - 5.11.1 * Mon Oct 16 2017 Rex Dieter 5.11.0-2 - Requires: kf5-kirigami2 (#1502568) * Sun Oct 15 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.11.0-1 - 5.11.0, cmake-style deps * Thu Aug 24 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.5-1 - 5.10.5 * Thu Aug 03 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.10.4-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.10.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jul 21 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.4-1 - 5.10.4 * Tue Jun 27 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.3-1 - 5.10.3 * Thu Jun 15 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.2-1 - 5.10.2 * Tue Jun 06 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.10.1-1 - 5.10.1 * Wed May 31 2017 Jan Grulich - 5.10.0-1 - 5.10.0 * Wed Apr 26 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.5-2 - use %%find_lang --with-html * Wed Apr 26 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.5-1 - 5.9.5 * Thu Mar 23 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.4-1 - 5.9.4 * Sat Mar 04 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.9.3-2 - rebuild * Wed Mar 01 2017 Jan Grulich - 5.9.3-1 - 5.9.3 * Tue Feb 21 2017 Rex Dieter - 5.8.6-1 - 5.8.6 * Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.8.5-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Dec 28 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.5-1 - 5.8.5 * Tue Nov 22 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.4-1 - 5.8.4 * Tue Nov 01 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.3-1 - 5.8.3 * Tue Oct 18 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.2-1 - 5.8.2 * Tue Oct 11 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.1-1 - 5.8.1 * Thu Sep 29 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.8.0-1 - 5.8.0 * Thu Sep 22 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.95-1 - 5.7.95 * Tue Sep 13 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.5-1 - 5.7.5 * Tue Aug 23 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.4-1 - 5.7.4 * Tue Aug 02 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.3-1 - 5.7.3 * Tue Jul 19 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.2-1 - 5.7.2 * Tue Jul 12 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-1 - 5.7.1 * Thu Jun 30 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.7.0-1 - 5.7.0 * Sat Jun 25 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.95-1 - 5.6.95 * Tue Jun 14 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.5-1 - 5.6.5 * Sat May 14 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.4-1 - 5.6.4 * Tue Apr 19 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.3-1 - 5.6.3 * Sat Apr 09 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.2-1 - 5.6.2 * Fri Apr 08 2016 Rex Dieter - 5.6.1-1 - 5.6.1 * Wed Mar 23 2016 Rex Dieter 5.5.5-2 - Conflicts: kde-workspace < 5.0 (#1268493) * Tue Mar 01 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.5-1 - Plasma 5.5.5 * Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.5.4-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jan 27 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.4-1 - Plasma 5.5.4 * Thu Jan 07 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.3-1 - Plasma 5.5.3 * Thu Jan 07 2016 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.3-1 - Plasma 5.5.3 * Thu Dec 31 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.5.2-1 - 5.5.2 * Fri Dec 18 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.1-1 - Plasma 5.5.1 * Thu Dec 03 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.5.0-1 - Plasma 5.5.0 * Wed Nov 25 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.95-1 - Plasma 5.4.95 * Thu Nov 05 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.3-1 - Plasma 5.4.3 * Fri Oct 02 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.4.2-1 - 5.4.2 * Fri Oct 02 2015 Rex Dieter 5.4.1-2 - .spec cosmetics, use %%license * Wed Sep 09 2015 Rex Dieter - 5.4.1-1 - 5.4.1 * Fri Aug 21 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.0-1 - Plasma 5.4.0 * Thu Aug 13 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.3.95-1 - Plasma 5.3.95 * Thu Jun 25 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.3.2-1 - Plasma 5.3.2 * Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.1-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Tue May 26 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.3.1-1 - Plasma 5.3.1 * Mon Apr 27 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.3.0-1 - Plasma 5.3.0 * Wed Apr 22 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.2.95-1 - Plasma 5.2.95 * Fri Mar 20 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.2.2-1 - Plasma 5.2.2 * Fri Feb 27 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.2.1-2 - Rebuild (GCC 5) * Tue Feb 24 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.2.1-1 - Plasma 5.2.1 * Tue Jan 27 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.2.0-2 - Requires: kde-cli-tools (for kcmshell5) * Mon Jan 26 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.2.0-1 - Plasma 5.2.0 * Tue Jan 13 2015 Daniel Vrátil - 5.1.95-1.beta - Plasma 5.1.95 Beta * Mon Jan 05 2015 Jan Grulich - 5.1.1-2 - Better URL Used make install instead of make_install macro Added desktop file validation Fixed search for localization * Wed Dec 17 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 5.1.2-2 - Plasma 5.1.2 * Fri Nov 07 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 5.1.1-1 - Plasma 5.1.1 * Tue Oct 14 2014 Daniel Vrátil - - Plasma * Thu Oct 09 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 5.1.0-1 - Plasma 5.1.0 * Tue Sep 16 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 5.0.2-1 - Plasma 5.0.2 * Sun Aug 10 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 5.0.1-1 - Plasma 5.0.1 * Thu Jul 17 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 5.0.0-1 - Plasma 5.0.0 * Thu May 15 2014 Daniel Vrátil - 4.90.1-1.20140515git0cab60e - Intial snapshot