# the original SPEC file was created by Brandon Nielsen in his COPR repo and this comment # is to honor his great contribution - thank you for all you work, Brandon! %global serverbin /usr/lib/ %if 0%{?fedora} %bcond_without mdns %else %bcond_with mdns %endif Name: pappl-retrofit Version: 1.0b2 Release: 7%{?dist} # the CUPS exception text is the same as LLVM exception, so using that name with # agreement from legal team # https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/legal@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/A7GFSD6M3GYGSI32L2FC5KB22DUAEQI3/ License: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception Summary: Library for common functions used in retrofitting printer applications URL: https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/ Source0: %{URL}/releases/download/%{version}/pappl-retrofit-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: legacy-printer-app.conf # Patches # FTBFS # https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/commit/0317fae79ce Patch001: 0001-pappl-retrofit-private.h-Add-include-cups-sidechanne.patch # add man page # https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/commit/33be36f28 Patch002: 0001-Added-man-page-for-the-Legacy-Printer-Application.patch # fix use after free # part of https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/commit/eebb36724a62 Patch003: pappl-retrofit-use-after-free.patch # https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/pull/27 Patch004: 0001-Use-PAPPL-configuration-options-from-file.patch # RHEL-71659 Fix several issues reported by OpenScanHub # https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/pull/28 # https://github.com/OpenPrinting/pappl-retrofit/pull/31 # 0001-Fix-possible-unterminated-string.patch # 0001-cups-backends.c-Ensure-read-string-is-NULL-terminate.patch # 0001-Protect-_prASCII-from-negative-lengths.patch # 0001-Fix-potential-memory-leaks.patch # 0001-Fix-memory-leaks-from-compiled_re_list.patch Patch005: 0001-Fix-possible-unterminated-string.patch Patch006: 0001-cups-backends.c-Ensure-read-string-is-NULL-terminate.patch Patch007: 0001-Protect-_prASCII-from-negative-lengths.patch Patch008: 0001-Fix-potential-memory-leaks.patch Patch009: 0001-Fix-memory-leaks-from-compiled_re_list.patch # for autogen.sh - generating configure scripts BuildRequires: autoconf # for autogen.sh - generating Makefiles BuildRequires: automake # for autopoint BuildRequires: gettext-devel # compiled by gcc BuildRequires: gcc # for autosetup BuildRequires: git-core # uses make BuildRequires: make # uses libtool during build BuildRequires: libtool # supports PAM authentication BuildRequires: pam-devel # for pkg-config in configure and in SPEC file BuildRequires: pkgconf-pkg-config # CUPS API for arrays, IPP etc. BuildRequires: pkgconfig(cups) >= 2.2.0 # API for filter functions BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcupsfilters) >= 2.0b2 # API for loading PPDs and its conversion to IPP BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libppd) >= 2.0b2 # printer application library for common objects BuildRequires: pkgconfig(pappl) >= 1.1b2 # used to fix unused shlib dependency error from rpmlint BuildRequires: sed # uses systemd macros in %%files BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros %description This library together with PAPPL and cups-filters 2.x allows to convert classic CUPS printer drivers into Printer Applications. This way the printer appears as an emulated IPP printer and one can print on it from practically any operating system, especially also mobile operating systems and IoT platforms, without need any client-side driver. %package devel Summary: Development environment for pappl-retrofit Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} %description devel This package provides the pappl-retrofit headers and development environment. %package -n legacy-printer-app Summary: Legacy printer application # virtual provide for /usr/sbin -> /usr/bin link # the original daemon is installed in /usr/sbin Provides: /usr/bin/legacy-printer-app %if %{with mdns} # Avahi has to run for mDNS support Recommends: avahi # if we go for mDNS, we need a resolver Recommends: nss-mdns %endif # recommend CUPS, the daemon which usually picks up IPP services Recommends: cups Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} # for password-auth PAM module Requires: authselect-libs # it is needed for providing /usr/lib/cups as well Requires: cups-filesystem Requires(post): systemd Requires(preun): systemd Requires(postun): systemd %description -n legacy-printer-app Legacy printer application provides support for classic printer drivers which are not part of official Linux repositories - it enables possibility to set your printer with proprietary printer drivers from manufacturers, so such printer will be seen by CUPS. %prep %autosetup -S git %build %configure --enable-legacy-printer-app-as-daemon\ --enable-shared\ --disable-static\ --disable-silent-rules sed -i -e 's! -shared ! -Wl,--as-needed\0!g' libtool %make_build %install %make_install # Remove license files from doc rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_docdir}/%{name}/{LICENSE,NOTICE,COPYING} # remove symlink, we need it in /usr/lib rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/legacy-printer-app ln -sf /usr/lib/cups %{buildroot}/%{serverbin}/legacy-printer-app install -p -D -m 0644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/legacy-printer-app.conf %check make check %post -n legacy-printer-app %systemd_post legacy-printer-app.service %preun -n legacy-printer-app %systemd_preun legacy-printer-app.service %postun -n legacy-printer-app %systemd_postun_with_restart legacy-printer-app.service %files %license LICENSE NOTICE COPYING %doc AUTHORS README.md %{_libdir}/libpappl-retrofit.so.1 %{_libdir}/libpappl-retrofit.so.1.0.0 %files devel %{_docdir}/%{name}/CONTRIBUTING.md %{_docdir}/%{name}/DEVELOPING.md %{_includedir}/pappl-retrofit.h %{_libdir}/libpappl-retrofit.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libpappl-retrofit.pc %files -n legacy-printer-app %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/legacy-printer-app.conf %{_sbindir}/legacy-printer-app %{_unitdir}/legacy-printer-app.service %dir %{_datadir}/legacy-printer-app %{_datadir}/legacy-printer-app/testpage.ps %{_datadir}/legacy-printer-app/testpage.pdf # this symlink is required if the app should use CUPS backends/filters # in /usr/lib/cups %{serverbin}/legacy-printer-app %{_mandir}/man1/legacy-printer-app.1.gz %changelog * Tue Feb 04 2025 Zdenek Dohnal - 1.0b2-7 - Resolves: RHEL-71659 Fix additional memory leak - not detected by OSH * Tue Jan 28 2025 Zdenek Dohnal - 1.0b2-6 - Fix Openscanhub issues (Resolves: RHEL-71659) * Wed Dec 04 2024 Zdenek Dohnal - 1.0b2-5 - Initial commit on c10s Resolves: RHEL-25298