%global alsa_ucm_commit a23b5ff2b32eca9542b4efb5d2522844076173a1 Name: alsa-ucm-pine64 Version: 0.18.3 Release: 2.biktorgj%{?dist} Summary: Pine64 ALSA UCM configuration License: BSD-3-Clause URL: https://github.com/Biktorgj/pine64-alsa-ucm Source0: https://github.com/Biktorgj/pine64-alsa-ucm/archive/%{alsa_ucm_commit}.tar.gz BuildArch: noarch %description Experimental Pine64 ALSA UCM configuration from Biktorgj that aims to Bluetooth calls. Fur full functionality you will also need Biktorg's branches of libcall-ui (in calls) and callaudiod. %package pinephone Summary: PinePhone ALSA UCM configuration %description pinephone Experimental PinePhone ALSA UCM configuration from Biktorgj that (will in the future) support Bluetooth calls. Fur full functionality you will also need Biktorg's branches of libcall-ui (in calls) and callaudiod. %package pinephone-pro Summary: PinePhone Pro ALSA UCM configuration Provides: alsa-ucm-pinephone-pro Obsoletes: alsa-ucm-pinephone-pro <= 0.18.2-0.biktorgj %description pinephone-pro Experimental PinePhone Pro ALSA UCM configuration from Biktorgj that is rewritten from scratch and supports Bluetooth calls. Fur full functionality you will also need Biktorg's branches of libcall-ui (in calls) and callaudiod. %global debug_package %{nil} %prep %setup -q -n pine64-alsa-ucm-%{alsa_ucm_commit} sed -i 's|"EnableSeq.conf"|"/Pine64/PinePhonePro/EnableSeq.conf"|' ucm2/PinePhonePro/{HiFi,VoiceCall}.conf sed -i 's|"DisableSeq.conf"|"/Pine64/PinePhonePro/DisableSeq.conf"|' ucm2/PinePhonePro/{HiFi,VoiceCall}.conf sed -i 's|"HiFi.conf"|"/Pine64/PinePhone/HiFi.conf"|' ucm2/PinePhone/PinePhone.conf sed -i 's|"VoiceCall.conf"|"/Pine64/PinePhone/VoiceCall.conf"|' ucm2/PinePhone/PinePhone.conf %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/alsa/ cp -a ucm2 %{buildroot}/usr/share/alsa/ pushd %{buildroot}/usr/share/alsa/ucm2/ mkdir Pine64 mv PinePhone PinePhonePro Pine64 ln -s Pine64/PinePhonePro PinePhonePro ln -s Pine64/PinePhone PinePhone mkdir -p conf.d/simple-card/ ln -s ../../Pine64/PinePhonePro/PinePhonePro.conf conf.d/simple-card/PinePhonePro.conf ln -s ../../Pine64/PinePhonePro/PinePhonePro.conf conf.d/simple-card/PINE64-PinePhonePro-.conf ln -s ../../Pine64/PinePhonePro/PinePhonePro.conf conf.d/simple-card/pine64-Pine64PinePhonePro-.conf ln -s ../../Pine64/PinePhone/PinePhone.conf conf.d/simple-card/PinePhone.conf ln -s ../../Pine64/PinePhone/PinePhone.conf conf.d/simple-card/PINE64-PinePhone-.conf ln -s ../../Pine64/PinePhone/PinePhone.conf conf.d/simple-card/pine64-Pine64PinePhone-.conf popd %files %doc LICENSES/BSD-3-Clause.txt %files pinephone %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/Pine64/PinePhone %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/PinePhone %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/PinePhone.conf %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/PINE64-PinePhone-.conf %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/pine64-Pine64PinePhone-.conf %files pinephone-pro %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/Pine64/PinePhonePro %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/PinePhonePro %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/PinePhonePro.conf %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/PINE64-PinePhonePro-.conf %{_datadir}/alsa/ucm2/conf.d/simple-card/pine64-Pine64PinePhonePro-.conf %changelog * Tue May 14 2024 marcin - 0.18.2-2.biktorgj - Add new names for some change in DTBs or something * Fri Nov 25 2022 marcin - 0.18.2-1.biktorgj - Refactor again, to also build a similar package for PP * Fri Nov 25 2022 marcin - 0.18.2-0.biktorgj - Refactor this in terms of Biktorg's git repo * Wed Nov 23 2022 marcin - - Update UCMs to the latest provided by Biktor * Tue Nov 22 2022 marcin - 0.16-0.biktorgj - Update UCMs to the latest provided by Biktor * Fri Nov 18 2022 marcin - 0.0.2022.11.21-0.biktorgj - Update UCMs to the latest provided by Biktor * Fri Nov 18 2022 marcin - - Add a PINE64-PinePhonePro-.conf symlink for UEFI systems booted with the latest Tow-Boot to catch the config instantaneously * Fri Nov 18 2022 marcin - - Initial version