Checking: python3-autotiling-1.9.3-1.fc43.noarch.rpm
============================ rpmlint session starts ============================
rpmlint: 2.5.0
rpmlintrc: [PosixPath('/tmp/tmpkrvb7jny')]
checks: 32, packages: 2

python-autotiling.src: E: summary-too-long Automatically switch the horizontal/vertical window split orientation in sway and i3
python3-autotiling.noarch: E: summary-too-long Automatically switch the horizontal/vertical window split orientation in sway and i3
python-autotiling.src: E: spelling-error ('splith', '%description -l en_US splith -> split, splits, split h')
python-autotiling.src: E: spelling-error ('splitv', '%description -l en_US splitv -> split, splits, split v')
python3-autotiling.noarch: E: spelling-error ('splith', '%description -l en_US splith -> split, splits, split h')
python3-autotiling.noarch: E: spelling-error ('splitv', '%description -l en_US splitv -> split, splits, split v')
python3-autotiling.noarch: E: non-executable-script /usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/autotiling/ 644 /usr/bin/env python3
python3-autotiling.noarch: W: no-manual-page-for-binary autotiling
 2 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 7 errors, 1 warnings, 8 filtered, 7 badness; has taken 0.2 s