%define scl llvm-toolset-7 %{?scl:%scl_package libomp} %{!?scl:%global pkg_name %{name}} Name: %{?scl_prefix}libomp Version: 5.0.1 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: OpenMP runtime for clang License: NCSA URL: http://openmp.llvm.org Source0: http://llvm.org/releases/%{version}/openmp-%{version}.src.tar.xz Patch0: 0001-CMake-Make-LIBOMP_HEADERS_INSTALL_PATH-a-cache-varia.patch BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix}cmake BuildRequires: elfutils-libelf-devel BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: perl-Data-Dumper BuildRequires: perl-Encode Requires: elfutils-libelf # libomp does not support s390x. ExcludeArch: s390x %description OpenMP runtime for clang. %package devel Summary: OpenMP header files %description devel OpenMP header files. %prep %autosetup -n openmp-%{version}.src -p1 %build mkdir -p _build cd _build # Use the scl-provided cmake instead of /usr/bin/cmake %global __cmake %{_bindir}/cmake %cmake .. \ -DLIBOMP_INSTALL_ALIASES=OFF \ -DLIBOMP_HEADERS_INSTALL_PATH:PATH=%{_libdir}/clang/%{version}/include \ %if 0%{?__isa_bits} == 64 -DLIBOMP_LIBDIR_SUFFIX=64 \ %else -DLIBOMP_LIBDIR_SUFFIX= \ %endif %make_build %install cd _build %make_install %files %{_libdir}/libomp.so %files devel %{_libdir}/clang/%{version}/include/omp.h %changelog * Mon Jan 15 2018 Tom Stellard - 5.0.1-2 - Rebuild to include i686 * Thu Dec 21 2017 Tom Stellard - 5.0.1-1 - 5.0.1 Release. * Wed Jun 21 2017 Tom Stellard - 4.0.1-1 - 4.0.1 Release. * Wed Jun 07 2017 Tom Stellard - 4.0.0-3 - Rename libopenmp->libomp * Fri May 26 2017 Tom Stellard - 4.0.0-2 - Disable build on s390x * Mon May 15 2017 Tom Stellard - 4.0.0-1 - Initial version.