# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT %global project_name %{lua:t=string.gsub(rpm.expand("%{fonts_family}"), " SIL$", ""); t=string.gsub(t, "[%p%s]+", ""); print(string.lower(t))} %global archive_name %{lua:t=string.gsub(rpm.expand("%{fonts_family}"), "[%p%s]+", ""); print(t)}-%{version} %global source_version 1.004 %global source_release 8 %global source_url https://software.sil.org/%{project_name}/ %global default_fonts_foundry SIL %global default_fonts_license OFL %global default_fonts_licenses OFL.txt %global default_fonts_docs *.txt %global default_fonts_docs_exclude %{default_fonts_licenses} %global fonts_family Namdhinggo SIL %global fonts_summary Namdhinggo SIL, a font family for the Limbu writing system of Nepal %global fonts_fonts *.ttf %global fonts_experimental_confs 66-%{fonts_name}.xml %global fonts_description %{expand: Namdhinggo provides glyphs for all Limbu characters and some Latin. The Limbu, or Kirat Sirijonga, script is used by around 400 000 people in Nepal and India. This Unicode-encoded font has been designed to support literacy and materials development in the Limbu language. According to traditional histories the Limbu script was developed by King Sirijonga in the 9th Century. It then fell out of use before being reintroduced in the 18th century by Teongsi Sirijonga (1704-1741) whom many felt to be the reincarnation of the first Sirijonga. The modern Sirijonga was apparently martyred in 1741 for the sake of this script by lamas in Sikkim. The script was named ‘Sirijonga’ in his honor by the Limbu scholar Iman Singh Chemjong.} %auto_init %auto_pkg %sourcelist https://software.sil.org/downloads/r/%{project_name}/%{archive_name}.zip 66-%{fonts_name}.xml %prep %auto_prep %setup -q -n NamdhinggoSIL install -m 644 %{_sourcedir}/*xml . %linuxtext *.txt %build %auto_build %install %auto_install %check %auto_check %auto_files %changelog * Thu Apr 02 2020 Nicolas Mailhot - 1.004-5 👻 Rebuild with fonts-rpm-macros 2.0.4 to make sure fontconfig files are valid * Sat Feb 22 2020 Nicolas Mailhot - 1.004-3 ✅ Rebuild with fonts-rpm-macros 2.0.2 * Sat Feb 15 2020 Nicolas Mailhot - 1.004-1 ✅ Initial packaging