%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")} %global vimdir %{_datadir}/vim/vimfiles Summary: Text based document generation Name: asciidoc Version: 8.6.8 Release: 1%{?dist} # The python code does not specify a version. # The javascript example code is GPLv2+. License: GPL+ and GPLv2+ Group: Applications/System URL: http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/ Source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/asciidoc/files/%{name}/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: graphviz BuildRequires: libxslt BuildRequires: source-highlight BuildRequires: vim-filesystem Requires: python >= 2.4 Requires: docbook-style-xsl Requires: graphviz Requires: libxslt Requires: libxslt Requires: source-highlight Requires: vim-filesystem BuildArch: noarch %description AsciiDoc is a text document format for writing short documents, articles, books and UNIX man pages. AsciiDoc files can be translated to HTML and DocBook markups using the asciidoc(1) command. %package doc Summary: Additional documentation and examples for asciidoc Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description doc %{summary}. %package latex Summary: Support for asciidoc latex output Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: dblatex Requires: texlive-dvipng-bin %description latex %{summary}. %package music Summary: Support for asciidoc music output Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: lilypond %description music %{summary}. %prep %setup -q # Fix line endings on COPYRIGHT file sed -i "s/\r//g" COPYRIGHT # Convert CHANGELOG and README to utf-8 for file in CHANGELOG README; do iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 -o $file.new $file && \ touch -r $file $file.new && \ mv $file.new $file done %build %configure %install make install docs DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install -dm 755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/asciidoc/ # real conf data goes to sysconfdir, rest to datadir; symlinks so asciidoc works for d in dblatex docbook-xsl images javascripts stylesheets; do mv -v %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/$d \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/asciidoc/ ln -s %{_datadir}/%{name}/$d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/ # let's symlink stuff for documentation as well so we don't duplicate things rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/$d ln -s %{_datadir}/%{name}/$d %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}/ done # Python API install -Dpm 644 asciidocapi.py %{buildroot}%{python_sitelib}/asciidocapi.py # Make it easier to %exclude these with both rpm < and >= 4.7 for file in %{buildroot}{%{_bindir},%{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/*}/*.py ; do touch ${file}{c,o} done mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{vimdir}/{ftdetect,syntax} for file in $(cd vim; find * -type f); do install -m 0644 vim/$file %{buildroot}%{vimdir}/$file done %check export PATH="../:$PATH" cd tests python testasciidoc.py update python testasciidoc.py run %files %doc COPYING COPYRIGHT BUGS CHANGELOG README %doc %{_mandir}/man1/a2x.1* %doc %{_mandir}/man1/asciidoc.1* %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/ %{_bindir}/a2x %{_bindir}/a2x.py %{_bindir}/asciidoc %{_bindir}/asciidoc.py %{_datadir}/asciidoc/ %{python_sitelib}/asciidocapi.py* %{vimdir}/ftdetect/asciidoc_filetype.vim %{vimdir}/syntax/asciidoc.vim %exclude %{_bindir}/*.py[co] %exclude %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/*/*.py[co] %exclude %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/latex %exclude %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/music %files doc %{_docdir}/%{name} %files latex %dir %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/latex %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/latex/*.py %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/latex/*.conf %files music %dir %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/music %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/music/*.conf %{_sysconfdir}/asciidoc/filters/music/*.py %changelog * Thu Mar 7 2013 Stanislav Ochotnicky - 8.6.8-1 - Update to latest upstream version - Move things around make docs dir actually working - Add proper requires on vim-filesystem - Run testsuite - Split music and latex support to subpackages * Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.4.5-9 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.4.5-8 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jan 12 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.4.5-7 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.4.5-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Jul 21 2010 David Malcolm - 8.4.5-5 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild * Tue Sep 8 2009 Ville Skyttä - 8.4.5-4 - Remaining improvements from #480288: - Add dependencies on libxslt and docbook-style-xsl. - Install dblatex style sheets. - Exclude unneeded *.py[co]. - Install python API. - Specfile cleanups. * Thu Aug 13 2009 Todd Zullinger - 8.4.5-3 - Use 'unsafe' mode by default (bug 506953) - Install filter scripts in %%{_datadir}/asciidoc - Convert spec file, CHANGELOG, and README to utf-8 - Preserve timestamps on installed files, where feasible - s/$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%%{buildroot} and drop duplicated /'s - Fix rpmlint mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs and end-of-line-encoding warnings * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.4.5-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Jun 19 2009 Dave Airlie 8.4.5-1 - new upstream version 8.4.5 - required by X.org libXi to build * Mon Feb 23 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 8.2.5-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Thu May 22 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway - 8.2.5-3 - fix license tag * Wed Dec 05 2007 Florian La Roche - 8.2.5-2 - remove doc/examples from filelist due to dangling symlinks * Tue Nov 20 2007 Florian La Roche - 8.2.5-1 - new upstream version 8.2.5 * Mon Oct 22 2007 Florian La Roche - 8.2.3-1 - new upstream version 8.2.3 * Sat Sep 01 2007 Florian La Roche - 8.2.2-1 - new upstream version 8.2.2 * Mon Mar 19 2007 Chris Wright - 8.1.0-1 - update to asciidoc 8.1.0 * Thu Sep 14 2006 Chris Wright - 7.0.2-3 - rebuild for Fedora Extras 6 * Tue Feb 28 2006 Chris Wright - 7.0.2-2 - rebuild for Fedora Extras 5 * Mon Aug 29 2005 Chris Wright - 7.0.2-1 - convert spec file to UTF-8 - Source should be URL - update to 7.0.2 * Fri Aug 19 2005 Chris Wright - 7.0.1-3 - consistent use of RPM_BUILD_ROOT * Thu Aug 18 2005 Chris Wright - 7.0.1-2 - Update BuildRoot - use _datadir - use config and _sysconfdir * Wed Jun 29 2005 Terje Røsten - 7.0.1-1 - 7.0.1 - Drop patch now upstream - Build as noarch (Petr Klíma) * Sat Jun 11 2005 Terje Røsten - 7.0.0-0.3 - Add include patch * Fri Jun 10 2005 Terje Røsten - 7.0.0-0.2 - Fix stylesheets according to Stuart * Fri Jun 10 2005 Terje Røsten - 7.0.0-0.1 - Initial package - Based on Debian package, thx!