Version: 1.005
Release: 1%{?dist}

%global foundry           xconsau
%global fontlicense       OFL
%global fontlicenses      KumbhSans-master/OFL.txt

%global fontfamily        KumbhSans
%global fontsummary       Geometric Sans Serif font envisioned to serve as a multi-purpose font in modern web and mobile applications.
%global fonts             KumbhSans-master/fonts/ttf/*.ttf KumbhSans-master/fonts/variable/*.ttf
%global fontdocs          KumbhSans-master/FONTLOG.txt
%global fontconfs         %{SOURCE10}
%global fontdescription   %{expand:
Font designed by Saurabh Sharma

Kumbh Sans is a Geometric Sans Serif font envisioned to serve as a multi-purpose font in modern web and mobile applications. The anatomy is geometric with slight contrast. The font's cap-height vs x-height ratio is kept as 3:2 for optimum legibility at any point size. Kumbh Sans is designed to be used freely across the internet by web browsers on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices.

Source10:       64-%{fontpkgname}.conf


%setup -c





* Mon Mar 25 2024 Olivier Samyn <> - 1.005-1
- Initial package