Version: 20221013
Release: 1%{?dist}

%global foundry           carolinashort
%global fontlicense       OFL
%global fontlicenses      mansalva-master/OFL.txt

%global fontfamily        mansalva
%global fontsummary       Informal handwritten font to be used for making comments on lecture slides.
%global fonts             mansalva-master/fonts/otf/*.otf
%global fontdocs          mansalva-master/
%global fontconfs         %{SOURCE10}
%global fontdescription   %{expand:
This project involves the creation of an informal handwritten font to be used
for making comments on lecture slides. It is a handwritten font with good
legibility and can be used for short notes or other purposes, as it has a
complete set of characters, including some language support. In addition,
Mansalva features two alternates for each letter to create a more natural
handwritten look.

Source10:       64-%{fontpkgname}.conf


%setup -c





* Sun Dec 25 2022 Olivier Samyn <> - 20221013-1
- Initial package