Version: 2.116
Release: 1%{?dist}

%global foundry           vernnobile
%global fontlicense       OFL
%global fontlicenses      OFL.txt

%global fontfamily        anton
%global fontsummary       Reworking of a traditional advertising sans serif typeface
%global fonts             *.ttf
%global fontconfs         %{SOURCE10}
%global fontdescription   %{expand:
Anton is a reworking of a traditional advertising sans serif typeface. The
letter forms have been digitised and then reshaped for use as a webfont, the
counters have been opened up a little and the stems optimised for use as bold
display font in modern web browsers.

Source10:       64-%{fontpkgname}.conf


%setup -c





* Fri Nov 11 2022 Olivier Samyn <> - 2.116-1
- Initial package