# Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat, Inc.
# Cockpit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Cockpit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Cockpit; If not, see .
Name: cockpit-machines
Version: 327
Release: 1.20250225182006862421.pr2042.30.g27a5e20%{?dist}
Summary: Cockpit user interface for virtual machines
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT
URL: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit-machines
Source0: cockpit-machines-327.30.g27a5e20.tar.xz
BuildArch: noarch
%if 0%{?suse_version}
BuildRequires: appstream-glib
BuildRequires: libappstream-glib
BuildRequires: make
BuildRequires: gettext
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 8
BuildRequires: libappstream-glib-devel
Requires: cockpit-bridge >= 215
%if 0%{?suse_version}
Requires: libvirt-daemon-qemu
Requires: libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu
Requires: libvirt-daemon-driver-network
Requires: libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev
Requires: libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core
Requires: libvirt-daemon-config-network
Recommends: libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk
%if 0%{?rhel}
Requires: qemu-kvm
# smaller footprint on Fedora, as qemu-kvm is really expensive on a server
Requires: qemu-kvm-core
Recommends: qemu-block-curl
Recommends: qemu-char-spice
Recommends: qemu-device-usb-host
Recommends: qemu-device-usb-redirect
# HACK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2170110
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 38
Requires: (qemu-audio-spice if qemu-char-spice)
Requires: libvirt-client
Requires: libvirt-dbus >= 1.2.0
Requires: virt-install >= 3.0.0
# Optional components
Recommends: libosinfo
Recommends: python3-gobject-base
Suggests: (qemu-virtiofsd or virtiofsd)
Provides: bundled(npm(@novnc/novnc)) = 1.4.0
Provides: bundled(npm(@novnc/novnc)) = 1.5.0
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/patternfly)) = 5.4.2
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-console)) = 5.1.0
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-core)) = 5.4.13
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-icons)) = 5.4.2
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-styles)) = 5.4.1
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-table)) = 5.4.15
Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-tokens)) = 5.4.1
Provides: bundled(npm(@spice-project/spice-html5)) = 0.2.1
Provides: bundled(npm(@xterm/addon-canvas)) = 0.7.0
Provides: bundled(npm(@xterm/xterm)) = 5.5.0
Provides: bundled(npm(attr-accept)) = 2.2.5
Provides: bundled(npm(dequal)) = 2.0.3
Provides: bundled(npm(file-saver)) = 1.3.8
Provides: bundled(npm(file-selector)) = 2.1.2
Provides: bundled(npm(focus-trap)) = 7.6.2
Provides: bundled(npm(ipaddr.js)) = 2.2.0
Provides: bundled(npm(js-tokens)) = 4.0.0
Provides: bundled(npm(lodash)) = 4.17.21
Provides: bundled(npm(loose-envify)) = 1.4.0
Provides: bundled(npm(object-assign)) = 4.1.1
Provides: bundled(npm(prop-types)) = 15.8.1
Provides: bundled(npm(react-dom)) = 18.3.1
Provides: bundled(npm(react-dropzone)) = 14.3.6
Provides: bundled(npm(react-is)) = 16.13.1
Provides: bundled(npm(react)) = 18.3.1
Provides: bundled(npm(redux-thunk)) = 3.1.0
Provides: bundled(npm(redux)) = 5.0.1
Provides: bundled(npm(scheduler)) = 0.23.2
Provides: bundled(npm(tabbable)) = 6.2.0
Provides: bundled(npm(throttle-debounce)) = 5.0.2
Provides: bundled(npm(tslib)) = 2.8.1
Provides: bundled(npm(xterm-addon-fit)) = 0.2.1
Provides: bundled(npm(xterm)) = 4.19.0
Cockpit component for managing libvirt virtual machines.
%setup -q -n cockpit-machines
# Nothing to build
%make_install PREFIX=/usr
appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/metainfo/*
%doc README.md
%license LICENSE dist/index.js.LEGAL.txt dist/index.css.LEGAL.txt
# The changelog is automatically generated and merged
* Tue Feb 25 2025 Packit - 327-1.20250225182006862421.pr2042.30.g27a5e20
- po: Update from Fedora Weblate (GitHub Workflow)
- cockpit-ci: Update container to 2025-02-22 (Cockpit Project)
- Bump the patternfly group with 2 updates (dependabot[bot])
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to 9ef2e8ba1d6b4b3db9b8baa45621ca07 (Cockpit Project)
- cockpit-ci: Update container to 2025-02-15 (Cockpit Project)
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to 66625eea530a996367ea977113c427fd (Cockpit Project)
- Bump the esbuild group with 2 updates (dependabot[bot])
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to 875edaa64043df8568a49b6f91fde999 (Cockpit Project)
- workflows: Move dependabot and reposchutz from Ubuntu 20.04 to 24.04 (Martin Pitt)
- po: Update from Fedora Weblate (GitHub Workflow)
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to 64e7b9c4cdf7aa6b76a2bf24f574758a (Cockpit Project)
- consoles: Pass onSecurityFailure handler to VncConsole (Marius Vollmer)
- cockpit-ci: Update container to 2025-02-08 (Cockpit Project)
- test: Bring back TestMultiMachineVNC tests (Marius Vollmer)
- test: Robustify file download checks (Marius Vollmer)
- tmt: Don't fail if /dev/nvme* does not exist (Martin Pitt)
- test: Skip NFS related tests on Fedora 42/43 (Martin Pitt)
- packit: Re-enable Fedora 42 (Martin Pitt)
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to 54f87df7b7b5428c66bae8c1b91f3096 (Cockpit Project)
- packit: Re-disable Fedora 42 (Martin Pitt)
- packit: Drop copr_build job redundancy (Martin Pitt)
- packit: Drop propose-upstream into CentOS 9 stream (Martin Pitt)
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to 1cc67cefe33c58b33016655f329a1b3f (Cockpit Project)
- consoles: Fix constant VNC reconnections when there is a password (Marius Vollmer)
- po: Update from Fedora Weblate (GitHub Workflow)
- packit: Add Fedora 42, drop 40 (Martin Pitt)
- cockpit-ci: Update container to 2025-02-01 (Cockpit Project)
- Bump stylelint from 16.13.2 to 16.14.1 in the stylelint group (dependabot[bot])
- Adjust DynamicListForm.itemcomponent (Martin Pitt)
- Makefile: Update Cockpit lib to f05981311645107ac622bd16e702f843 (Cockpit Project)