# Disable debug information package creation %define debug_package %{nil} # Define the Go Import Path %global goipath github.com/flightctl/flightctl Name: flightctl Version: 0.4.0~rc3~21~gc004362 Release: 1.20250204130626579891.pr853.21.gc004362%{?dist} Summary: Flightctl is a manager of the edge device fleets. %gometa License: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause AND BSD-3-Clause AND ISC AND MIT URL: %{gourl} Source0: flightctl-0.4.0~rc3~21~gc004362.tar.gz BuildRequires: golang BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: git BuildRequires: openssl-devel Requires: openssl # Skip description for the main package since it won't be created %description # Main package is empty and not created. # cli sub-package %package cli Summary: Flightctl CLI %description cli Flightctl is a command line interface for managing edge device fleets. # agent sub-package %package agent Summary: Flightctl Agent Requires: bootc %description agent Flightctl Agent is a component of the flightctl tool. %prep %goprep -A %setup -q %{forgesetupargs} -n flightctl-0.4.0~rc3~21~gc004362 %build # if this is a buggy version of go we need to set GOPROXY as workaround # see https://github.com/golang/go/issues/61928 GOENVFILE=$(go env GOROOT)/go.env if [[ ! -f "${GOENVFILE}" ]]; then export GOPROXY='https://proxy.golang.org,direct' fi SOURCE_GIT_TAG=%{version} \ SOURCE_GIT_TREE_STATE=clean \ SOURCE_GIT_COMMIT=$(echo %{version} | awk -F'~g' '{print $2}') \ SOURCE_GIT_TAG_NO_V=%{version} \ make build-cli build-agent %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/bin cp bin/flightctl %{buildroot}/usr/bin mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/system mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sharedstatedir}/flightctl mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/lib/flightctl/hooks.d/{afterupdating,beforeupdating,afterrebooting,beforerebooting} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/lib/greenboot/check/required.d install -m 0755 packaging/greenboot/flightctl-agent-running-check.sh %{buildroot}/usr/lib/greenboot/check/required.d/20_check_flightctl_agent.sh cp bin/flightctl-agent %{buildroot}/usr/bin cp packaging/must-gather/flightctl-must-gather %{buildroot}/usr/bin cp packaging/hooks.d/afterupdating/00-default.yaml %{buildroot}/usr/lib/flightctl/hooks.d/afterupdating cp packaging/systemd/flightctl-agent.service %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/system bin/flightctl completion bash > flightctl-completion.bash install -Dpm 0644 flightctl-completion.bash -t %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions bin/flightctl completion fish > flightctl-completion.fish install -Dpm 0644 flightctl-completion.fish -t %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d/ bin/flightctl completion zsh > _flightctl-completion install -Dpm 0644 _flightctl-completion -t %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/ rm -f licenses.list find . -type f -name LICENSE -or -name License | while read LICENSE_FILE; do echo "%{_datadir}/licenses/%{NAME}/${LICENSE_FILE}" >> licenses.list done mkdir -vp "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/%{NAME}" cp LICENSE "%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/licenses/%{NAME}" mkdir -vp "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{NAME}" for DOC in docs examples .markdownlint-cli2.yaml README.md; do cp -vr "${DOC}" "%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{NAME}/${DOC}" done %check %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/flightctl-agent version # File listings # No %files section for the main package, so it won't be built %files cli -f licenses.list %{_bindir}/flightctl %license LICENSE %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/flightctl-completion.bash %{_datadir}/fish/vendor_completions.d/flightctl-completion.fish %{_datadir}/zsh/site-functions/_flightctl-completion %files agent -f licenses.list %license LICENSE %{_bindir}/flightctl-agent %{_bindir}/flightctl-must-gather /usr/lib/flightctl/hooks.d/afterupdating/00-default.yaml /usr/lib/systemd/system/flightctl-agent.service %{_sharedstatedir}/flightctl /usr/lib/greenboot/check/required.d/20_check_flightctl_agent.sh %{_docdir}/%{NAME}/* %{_docdir}/%{NAME}/.markdownlint-cli2.yaml %changelog * Tue Feb 4 2025 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 0.4.0~rc3~21~gc004362-1.20250204130626579891.pr853.21.gc004362 - EDM-1071: Add condition displaying the rollout status (Ori Amizur) - EDM-1014: Report versions of all software components p1 - cli+service (#854) (Gregory Shilin) - EDM-960: Inline config E2E tests (amalykhi) - EDM-1074: The doc to install flightctl-cli got a typo in information … (#847) (Gregory Shilin) - EDM-1065: Return device status summary in fleet list (Avishay Traeger) - NO-ISSUE: do not create our own versions of lo.ToPtr (Gregory Shilin) - NO-ISSUE: cmd/flightctl-agent: fix config dir validation (#844) (Antonio Murdaca) - EDM-811: Enable status.lifecycle.status field selector for devices (Lily Sturmann) - EDM-1068: Allow insecure comm with Keycloak for external connections too (#838) (Rastislav Wagner) - EDM-1070: It's not possible to update a fleet setting only disruption budget without device selection (Ori Amizur) - EDM-1075: api/properties: fix bugs in IsManagedBy (Sam Batschelet) - NO-ISSUE: test/sctipts: fix trap typo (Sam Batschelet) * Mon Nov 4 2024 Miguel Angel Ajo <majopela@redhat.com> - 0.3.0-1 - Move the Release field to -1 so we avoid auto generating packages with -5 all the time. * Wed Aug 21 2024 Sam Batschelet <sbatsche@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-5 - Add must-gather script to provide a simple mechanism to collect agent debug * Wed Aug 7 2024 Sam Batschelet <sbatsche@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-4 - Add basic greenboot support for failed flightctl-agent service * Wed Mar 13 2024 Ricardo Noriega <rnoriega@redhat.com> - 0.0.1-3 - New specfile for both CLI and agent packages