Summary: A python module for system storage configuration Name: python-blivet Url: Version: 3.12.0 #%%global prerelease .b2 # prerelease, if defined, should be something like .a1, .b1, .b2.dev1, or .c2 Release: 1.20250310090845077645.pr1348.7.g9f47c459%{?dist} Epoch: 1 License: LGPL-2.1-or-later %global realname blivet %global realversion %{version}%{?prerelease} Source0: blivet-3.12.0.tar.gz Source1: blivet-3.12.0-tests.tar.gz %if 0%{?rhel} >= 9 Patch0: 0001-remove-btrfs-plugin.patch %endif # Versions of required components (done so we make sure the buildrequires # match the requires versions of things). %global partedver 1.8.1 %global pypartedver 3.10.4 %global utillinuxver 2.15.1 %global libblockdevver 3.3.0 %global libbytesizever 0.3 %global pyudevver 0.18 %global s390utilscorever 2.31.0 BuildArch: noarch %description The python-blivet package is a python module for examining and modifying storage configuration. %package -n %{realname}-data Summary: Data for the %{realname} python module. BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: systemd Conflicts: python-blivet < 1:2.0.0 Conflicts: python3-blivet < 1:2.0.0 %description -n %{realname}-data The %{realname}-data package provides data files required by the %{realname} python module. %package -n python3-%{realname} Summary: A python3 package for examining and modifying storage configuration. %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{realname}} BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: python3-setuptools Requires: python3 Requires: python3-pyudev >= %{pyudevver} Requires: parted >= %{partedver} Requires: python3-pyparted >= %{pypartedver} Requires: libselinux-python3 Requires: python3-libmount Requires: python3-blockdev >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-btrfs >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-crypto >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-dm >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-fs >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-loop >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-lvm >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-mdraid >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-mpath >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-nvme >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-part >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-swap >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: libblockdev-s390 >= %{libblockdevver} Recommends: s390utils-core >= %{s390utilscorever} Requires: python3-bytesize >= %{libbytesizever} Requires: util-linux >= %{utillinuxver} Requires: lsof Requires: python3-gobject-base Requires: systemd-udev Requires: %{realname}-data = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} Obsoletes: blivet-data < 1:2.0.0 %description -n python3-%{realname} The python3-%{realname} is a python3 package for examining and modifying storage configuration. %prep %autosetup -n %{realname}-%{realversion} -N %autosetup -n %{realname}-%{realversion} -b1 -p1 %build make %install make DESTDIR=%{buildroot} install %find_lang %{realname} %files -n %{realname}-data -f %{realname}.lang %{_sysconfdir}/dbus-1/system.d/* %{_datadir}/dbus-1/system-services/* %{_libexecdir}/* %{_unitdir}/* %files -n python3-%{realname} %license COPYING %doc ChangeLog examples %{python3_sitelib}/* %changelog * Fri Feb 14 2025 Vojtech Trefny - 3.12.0-1 - spec: Remove old changelog entries from SPEC file (vtrefny) - spec: Bump required version of libblockdev to 3.3.0 (vtrefny) - fstab: Add a simple test to read fstab using our code (vtrefny) - fstab: Rename "mntops" to "mntopts" (vtrefny) - tests: Add some more tests for fstab management (vtrefny) - fstab: Remove the special FSTabOption attribute (vtrefny) - Do not mark non-existing btrfs subvolumes format as immutable (vtrefny) - misc: Update Vagrantfile (vtrefny) - misc: Add python3-yaml to test dependencies (vtrefny) - fstab: Fix appending options to an existing fstab entry (vtrefny) - fstab: Fix setting freq and passno for devices (vtrefny) - fstab: Fix defaults for fs_freq and fs_passno (vtrefny) - fstab: Fix setting default mount options for entry (vtrefny) - fstab: Fix setting mount options for devices (vtrefny) - fstab: Accept mount options passed as string (vtrefny) - fstab: Set target/mountpoint for swaps to "none" (vtrefny) - lvm: Add a function to disable and enable LVM auto-activation (vtrefny) - lvm: Check lvm.conf for auto-activation support (vtrefny) - Revert "Remove support for the MD linear RAID level" (vtrefny) - ci: Manually download blivet-gui playbooks for revdeps tests (vtrefny) - misc: Separate Ansible tasks into a different file (vtrefny) - Include additional information in PartitioningError (vtrefny) - Fix BitLocker format status and allow closing active BITLK devices (vtrefny) - Add a separate test case for LVMPV smaller than the block device (vtrefny) - Add more tests for PV and VG size and free space (vtrefny) - Use LVMPV format size when calculating VG size and free space (vtrefny) - Update PV format size after adding/removing the PV to/from the VG (vtrefny) - Get the actual PV format size for LVMPV format (vtrefny) - Use pvs info from static data to get PV size in PVSize (vtrefny) - Do not remove PVs from devices file if disabled or doesn't exists (vtrefny) - Protect against exceptions when getting properties from udev (vtrefny) - Use name as device ID for BIOS RAID arrays (#2335009) (vtrefny) - ci: Bump Ubuntu version for Anaconda tests to 24.04 (vtrefny) - ci: Use rpm instead of dnf to remove blivet in Anaconda tests (vtrefny) - ci: Change branch for Anaconda tests from 'master' to 'main' (vtrefny) - Use just name as device ID for multipath devices (#2327619) (vtrefny) - Ignore errors when setting multipath friendly names (vtrefny) - Do not crash when we fail to get discoverable GPT type UUID (vtrefny) - Fix ppc64le name in devicelibs/ (vtrefny) - Make GPT default label type on all architectures (vtrefny) - Get filesystem size from udev database (vtrefny) - Fix running unit tests without root privileges (vtrefny) - Do not crash when libblockdev LVM plugin is not available (vtrefny) - tests: Fix writing key file for LUKS tests (vtrefny) - Fix "Modified passphrase in stratis test" (vtrefny) - Translate vendor id 0x1af4 to Virtio Block Device (#1242117) (bcl) - Allow setting parted partition flags using ActionConfigureDevice (vtrefny) - tests: Allow specifying number of disks needed for StorageTestCase (vtrefny) - Fix error message in StorageDevice._set_size (vtrefny) - Add some more verbose logs around LUKS size changes (vtrefny) - Align sizes up for growable LVs (vtrefny) - Fix looking for the latests tag in makeupdates script (vtrefny) - misc: Add libblockdev-tools to test dependencies (vtrefny) - fs: Add support for resizing FAT filesystem (vtrefny) - fs: Add suport for getting VFAT filesystem info and size (vtrefny) - Don't crash in populate when blockdev plugins are missing (dlehman) - Add blockdev dependency guards for populator (dlehman) - Modified passphrase in stratis test (japokorn) - ci: Store blivet logs from the test run (vtrefny) - tests: Allow enabling logging when running tests (vtrefny) - tests: Do not set logging when loading gpt_test (vtrefny) - General protection against tracebacks during populate. (dlehman) - Base UnusableConfigurationError on DeviceTreeError. (dlehman) - Allow duplicate UUIDs until/unless a by-uuid query occurs. (dlehman) - DASDDevice: dracut_setup_args() without deprecated dasd.conf (#1802482,#1937049) (maier) - respect explicit user choice for full path in zfcp dracut_setup_args (maier) - blivet/zfcp: remove no longer used read_config functionality (#1802482,#1937049) (maier) - blivet/zfcp: change to consolidated persistent device config by zdev (#1802482,#1937049) (maier) - blivet/zfcp: drop old zfcp port handling gone from the kernel long ago (maier) - blivet/zfcp: remove code broken since zfcp automatic LUN scan (maier) - blivet/zfcp: drop modprobe alias, which is superfluous since udev in RHEL6 (maier) - spec: Fix dependency on libblockdev-s390 (vtrefny) - free_space_estimate: adjust for compression on btrfs (awilliam) - Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny) - Do not raise libblockdev errors in FSMinSize tasks (#2314637) (vtrefny) - ci: Remove amazon-ec2-utils when running tests in AWS (vtrefny) - ci: Install 'python3-libdnf5' for TMT test plans (vtrefny) - packit: Switch tests to the latest branched Fedor (now Fedora 41) (vtrefny) - makeupdates: Ignore that getopt is deprecated (vtrefny) - release_notes: Fix links (vtrefny) - Add some project URLs (vtrefny) - spec: Update sources URL (vtrefny) - Ignore partitions on disks without parted disk (vtrefny) * Fri Sep 20 2024 Vojtech Trefny - 3.11.0-1 - Fix checking for NVMe plugin availability (vtrefny) - packit: Add upstream_tag_template (vtrefny) - packit: Bump release only for daily builds not for regular builds (vtrefny) - Makefile: Create just one tag for the release (vtrefny) - CONTRIBUTING: Add a short note about RHEL branches and development (vtrefny) - Fix spelling issues found by codespell and spellintian (vtrefny) - ci: Fix some copy-paste errors in CI job descriptions (vtrefny) - packit: Add tmt tests for rhel10-branch running on C10S (vtrefny) - packit: Add RPM build for pull requests against the rhel10-branch (vtrefny) - ci: Limit running Anaconda tests to 'main' branch only (vtrefny) - packit: Limit Fedora builds and tests to the 'main' branch (vtrefny) - ci: Add a GH action to run static analysis on CentOS 10 Stream (vtrefny) - dm: Remove unused code (vtrefny) - misc: Add support for installing dependencies on CentOS 1O Stream (vtrefny) - tests: Change expected Stratis metadata size for stratisd 3.7.0 (vtrefny) - Disable the "testdata" logging (vtrefny) - Log reason for ignoring disks in devicefactory (vtrefny) - Add partition type human-readable string to PartitionDevice (vtrefny) - spec: Bump required version of libblockdev to 3.2.0 (vtrefny) - ci: Bump Ubuntu in GitHub actions to 24.04 (vtrefny) - ci: Update branches in GitHub actions (vtrefny) - Remove TODO list from the repository (vtrefny) - Update CONTRIBUTING with the new branching and release model (vtrefny) - ci: Add Packit configuration for downstream builds on release (vtrefny) - packit: Set branch for Copr builds to "main" (vtrefny) - Fix intel biosraid can't get device name causing crashed (yurii.huang) - Fix getting LUKS subsystem for existing LUKS formats (vtrefny) - ci: Remove priority from Testing farm repositories (vtrefny) - Rename "opal_passphrase" to "opal_admin_passphrase" (vtrefny) - Add support for creating LUKS HW-OPAL devices (vtrefny) - Mark existing LUKS HW-OPAL formats as protected (vtrefny) - devices: catch exceptions where invalid access happens first (kkoukiou) - Allow marking formats as protected (vtrefny) - Add support for recognizing LUKS HW-OPAL devices (vtrefny) - README: Remove mentions about supported Ubuntu and Debian versions (vtrefny) - Use correct LUKS metadata size for LUKS 2 (vtrefny) - part_type_uuid: guard against pyparted type_uuid being None (awilliam) - Fix checking for FS min size application availability (vtrefny) - blivet fstab method change (japokorn) - tests: Add a test case for BTRFS device factory (vtrefny) - Preserve mount options when renaming btrfs factory device (vtrefny) - Fix device factory example (vtrefny) - Fix passing extra mkfs options for btrfs volumes (#2036976) (vtrefny) - tests: Remove logging from LVMTestCase (vtrefny) - devicetree: resolve devices also with the PARTUUID=.. naming (kkoukiou) - spec: Bump required version of libblockdev to 3.1.0 (vtrefny) - tasks: Use libblockdev for the fsminsize task (vtrefny) - Make sure ignored and exclusive disks work with device IDs too (vtrefny) - tests: Make sure selinux_test doesn't try to create mountpoints (vtrefny) - infra: bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 4 (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - infra: Add dependabot to automatically update GH actions (vtrefny) - Fix skipping MD tests on CentOS 9 (vtrefny) - ci: Remove GH action to run blivet-gui tests (vtrefny) - tests: Try waiting after partition creation for XFS resize test (vtrefny) - Set log level to INFO for libblockdev (vtrefny) - Run mkfs.xfs with the force (-f) option by default (vtrefny) - ci: Disable the Blivet-GUI test case by default (vtrefny) - ci: Add a simple tmt test and run it via packit (vtrefny) - ci: Run Blivet-GUI reverse dependency tests on pull requests (vtrefny) - TFT is still broken so let's avoid failures by just doing a build (jkonecny)