%global author WeirdTreeThing %global repository chromebook-linux-audio %global maincommit ae2f8cf30a26806376cc8591af4a66d33a763ef4 %global deprepository alsa-ucm-conf-cros %global depcommit 5b4253786ac0594a6ae9fe06336b54d8bc66efb0 %global mainversioncommit %(echo -n %{maincommit} | head -c 8) %global depversioncommit %(echo -n %{depcommit} | head -c 8) Name: chromebook-linux-audio Version: 0.0.4 Release: %{mainversioncommit}.%{depversioncommit}%{?dist} License: BSD 3-Clause License Summary: RPM package to enable audio support on Chrome devices. Url: https://github.com/%{author}/%{repository} %package debug Summary: Enable debug for %{name} BuildRequires: git Requires: alsa-sof-firmware Requires: alsa-ucm Requires: python3 Requires: wireplumber Patch1: disable_git_clone.patch Patch2: disable_max98357a.patch Patch3: disable_avs_dsp_firmware.patch Patch4: use_sof_for_apl.patch Patch5: disable_install_package.patch Patch6: fail_platform_stoney.patch %define workdir %{_builddir}/%{repository} %define datadir %{_datadir}/%{name} %define builddatadir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{datadir} %description RPM package to install chromebook-linux-audio to enable audio support on Chrome devices. All credits go to https://github.com/%{author}. This packages runs the script on install so it will work on immutable devices. If a device is NOT supported it will fail to install. The original script comes from https://github.com/mikaelvz/chromebook-linux-audio. %description debug Enable debug for %{name} %prep # Get chromebook-linux-audio script git clone https://github.com/%{author}/%{repository} %{workdir} cd %{workdir} git reset --hard %{maincommit} %autopatch 1 %autopatch 2 %autopatch 3 %autopatch 4 %autopatch 5 %autopatch 6 rm -rf .git # Get chromebook-linux-audio script dependency git clone https://github.com/%{author}/%{deprepository} %{workdir}/%{deprepository} cd %{workdir}/%{deprepository} git reset --hard %{depcommit} rm -rf .git %build %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir} mv %{workdir} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir} %files %{datadir} %files debug %{datadir} %post # Patch1 has disabled the dependency git clone in the script and # this is now provided in this binary. Copy it to correct location # where the script expect it. cp -r %{datadir}/%{deprepository} /tmp # Run the script cd %{datadir} ./setup-audio # Cleanup rm -rf /tmp/%{deprepository} %post debug # Patch1 has disabled the dependency git clone in the script and # this is now provided in this binary. Copy it to correct location # where the script expect it. cp -r %{datadir}/%{deprepository} /tmp # Run the script cd %{datadir} ./setup-audio --enable-debug # Cleanup rm -rf /tmp/%{deprepository} %preun debug # Run the script to disable debug cd %{datadir} ./setup-audio --disable-debug