%global repository v4l-utils %global commit 8fb667bc4ec202529799cca28fff5b69d34cee19 %global shortcommit %(echo -n %{commit} | head -c 8) Name: v4l-utils-edids Version: 0.0.2 Release: %{shortcommit}%{?dist} License: GPLv2+ and GPLv2 and MIT Summary: RPM package to install the decoded edids from https://git.linuxtv.org/v4l-utils.git on immutable filesystems. Url: https://git.linuxtv.org/v4l-utils.git/tree/utils/edid-decode/data BuildRequires: git %description RPM package to install the decoded edids from https://git.linuxtv.org/v4l-utils.git %define installdir %{_libdir}/firmware/edid %define workdir %{_builddir}/%{name} %prep # Get chromebook-linux-audio script git clone https://git.linuxtv.org/%{repository}.git %{workdir} cd %{workdir} git reset --hard %{commit} %build %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{installdir} install %{workdir}/utils/edid-decode/data/* %{buildroot}/%{installdir} %files %{installdir}/*