Name: qogir-theme Version: 20230227 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: Theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments BuildArch: noarch License: GPLv3+ %define dname Qogir-theme %define dversion 2023-02-27 URL:{dname} Source0:{dname}/archive/refs/tags/%{dversion}.tar.gz Requires: gtk2-engines Requires: gtk-murrine-engine BuildRequires: gnome-shell BuildRequires: sassc %description Qogir is a flat Design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell which supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Unity, Budgie, Cinnamon Pantheon, XFCE, Mate, etc %prep %setup -n %{dname}-%{dversion} %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/themes ./ --theme default --icon fedora --tweaks round --libadwaita --dest %{buildroot}%{_datarootdir}/themes %files %{_datarootdir}/themes %changelog * Mon Mar 06 2023 Hector Diaz - 20230227-2 - Set options * Mon Mar 06 2023 Hector Diaz - 20230227-1 - Bump version * Sun Feb 27 2022 Hector Diaz - 20211225-2 - add gnome-shell * Sun Feb 27 2022 Hector Diaz - 20211225-1 - Initial version of the package