%global pkgvers 0
%global scdate0 20250224
%global schash0 b4050d5d8406de8c6216b08ed627f108b8fd63e7
%global branch0 master
%global source0 https://github.com/cocotb/cocotb.git

%global sshort0 %{expand:%%{lua:print(('%{schash0}'):sub(1,8))}}

Name:           cocotb
Version:        1.9.2
Release:        %{scdate0}.%{pkgvers}.git%{sshort0}%{?dist}
Summary:        Coroutine based cosimulation library for writing VHDL and Verilog
License:        BSD
URL:            https://cocotb.org

BuildRequires:  git gcc-c++ make python3-devel python3-setuptools

Cocotb is a coroutine based cosimulation library
for writing VHDL and Verilog testbenches in Python.

%package        python3
Summary:        %{summary}
Provides:       cocotb

%description    python3
Cocotb is a coroutine based cosimulation library
for writing VHDL and Verilog testbenches in Python.

%setup -T -c -n %{name}
git clone --depth 1 -n -b %{branch0} %{source0} .
git fetch --depth 1 origin %{schash0}
git reset --hard %{schash0}
git --no-pager log --format=fuller

sed -i '/-rpath/d' cocotb_build_libs.py
sed -i 's|"-static-libstdc++"||g' cocotb_build_libs.py


%files python3
%license LICENSE
%doc README.md

* Thu Dec 23 2021 Cristian Balint <cristian.balint@gmail.com>
- initial release